TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:14:01 EST 2025






Neue (or: Neue Foundry) [Alexander Alexandrowitsch Roth]

Alexander Alexandrowitsch Roth, or just Alexander Roth, was born in the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic and immigrated from Dushanbe to Germany in 1993. He is a Berlin-based graphic designer who holds a bachelor degree in Media Production from the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences. Alexander is one of the founders of Ghostarmy---a conglomerate of several designers who are working among others for Erik Spiekermann, FSI FontShop International, FontShop Germany and the city of Wardenburg. In 2012, he graduated from TypeMedia at KABK in Den Haag. His graduation project was the high-contrast Uoma typeface which comes to life in large display sizes.

He held positions as a graphic designer for FontFont, as a lead graphic designer for FontShop and as a marketing manager for Monotype's digital commerce businesses, before joining Monotype's type team.

Roth set up Neue. Alexandra Schwarzwald is a type designer & typographer and joined Neue as business partner in October 2020.

In 2020, he designed the 72-style typeface family Neue Radial, which is a compendium of sans genres: Neue Radial A follows the model of the original London underground typeface; Neue Radial B exemplifies the roots of a rational grotesque of the late twentieth century; Neue Radial C is a contemporary representative of the geometric sans, mechanically constructed to optically appeal to the appearance of a true compass and ruler typeface; avant-garde-esque elements ensure a smooth transition into Neue Radial D that reflects the tradition of neo-grotesques. The Soft versions (done with Alexandra Schwarzwald) were added in 2021: Neue Radial Soft A, Neue Radial Soft B (18 styles), Neue Radial Soft C, Neue Radial Soft D.

Late in 2020, Neue released Neue Vektor (by Alexander Roth; 27 styles, describable as cold-hearted, utilitarian, DIN-like, and for engineers only), Neue Vektor CNC (a monolinear rounded sans in 14 styles), Neue OS Icons (by Alexandra Schwarzwald) and Neue UXUI Icons (by Alexandra Schwarzwald).

Typefaces from 2021: Neue Rasant (a cold 15-style brutalist sans), Neue Singular (60 styles: a contemporary neo-grotesque sans-serif designed in three variants, H, D, and V according to stroke endings---H for horizontal, D for diagonal, and V for vertical).

Neue (or: Neue Foundry)
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Type design in Russia ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Icon fonts ⦿ Brutalist typefaces ⦿

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file name: Neue Neue Rasant 2021

file name: Neue Neue Singular 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Singular D 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Singular H 2021

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file name: Alexander Roth Neue Singular V 2021

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file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor C N C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor C N C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor C N C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor C N C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor C N C 2021

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file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor 404506

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file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor A 2020

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Vektor B 2020

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file name: Neue Neue Vektor 2020

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft A 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft A 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft A 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft B 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft B 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft B 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft B 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft C 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft D 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft D 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft D 2021

file name: Alexander Roth Alexandra Schwarzwald Neue Radial Soft D 2021

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file name: Alexander Roth Neue Radial A 2020

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Radial B 2020

file name: Alexander Roth Neue Radial C 2020

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma 2012

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma 2012d

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma 2012dd

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma 2012e

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma 2012ee

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma Black 2012

file name: Alexander Roth Uoma Thin 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html