TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 07:47:04 EDT 2025






Icon fonts

[Drawing by Ralph Steadman]


10four design [Matt Heximer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

123creative [Google] [More]  ⦿

24 Ways [Jon Hicks] [Google] [More]  ⦿

45 Symbols [Google] [More]  ⦿

4px.me (was: CtrlAltF12) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adam Hadraba [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adam Katyi [Hungarumlaut (was: Cila Design)] [More]  ⦿

Adam Rogers [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adam Whitcroft [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adea Ademi [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adebowale Adegoke [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aditya Wirabakti [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adnen Kadri [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adriá Gómez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adrian Pelletier [Build Interactive] [More]  ⦿

Agaric Type [B. Agaric] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Agne Marija Stasinskaite [Google] [More]  ⦿

Agne Zvirblyte [Google] [More]  ⦿

Agnieszka Barczynska [Google] [More]  ⦿

Agung Syaifudin [Vuuuds] [More]  ⦿

Ainakely [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aiste Zalaite [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alan Cloiseau [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alan Museljich [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alan Parker [Parker Creative] [More]  ⦿

Albena Budinova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alberto Casagrande [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alberto Lucas Perez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alberto Martinez [Salsipuedes] [More]  ⦿

Aleksandra Gundorova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aleksandra Slowik [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aleksei Derin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alessandro Demchenko [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alessio Atzeni [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Aitken [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Artline [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Gart [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Hlivnyk [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Oakenman [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Schnaible [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Townsend [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Traian Munteanu [Zeppelin Graphics] [More]  ⦿

Alexander Alexandrowitsch Roth [Neue (or: Neue Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

Alexander Colby [xyz.ch] [More]  ⦿

Alexander Manfred Poellmann [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexander Selunin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexandra Savelkaeva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexandra Schwarzwald [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexandros Skouras [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexey Fetisov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alit Design (or: Gurita Hitam) [Alit Suarnegara] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alit Suarnegara [Alit Design (or: Gurita Hitam)] [More]  ⦿

ALS Design [Google] [More]  ⦿

Amanda Gault [Google] [More]  ⦿

Amarpreet Singh [Runikh Art] [More]  ⦿

Amber Kuivenhoven [Lovely Bird Digital] [More]  ⦿

Amit Jakhu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Amrit Pal Singh [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anas Ramadan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anastasia Belic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrea Alati [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrea Arques [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrea Sogn [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrew Buckle [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrew Carter [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anferov Artem [Google] [More]  ⦿

Angel Corral [Google] [More]  ⦿

Angel Suazon Acar [Angloletra] [More]  ⦿

Angelo Mangano [Google] [More]  ⦿

Angloletra [Angel Suazon Acar] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anicons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anish Sundaran [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anna Ivanir [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anna Kirisyuk [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anna Ozerina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anna Tyshchenko [Google] [More]  ⦿

Annie Konst [Google] [More]  ⦿

Annie Miller [Google] [More]  ⦿

Arie Hadianto [HevnGrafix] [More]  ⦿

Arnildo Junior Gehring [Google] [More]  ⦿

Artcoast Design (was: Mankoff) [Dmitry Mankoff] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Artill (or Artill Typs) [Lukas Bischoff] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ashley Gibson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Astrolux [Glenn Parsons] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Asyan Design [Ismail Abdurrasyid] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Atipo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Austin Andrews [Google] [More]  ⦿

Avana Vana [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ayman Hafez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aytekin Arikan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Azahara Teso [Google] [More]  ⦿

B. Agaric [Agaric Type] [More]  ⦿

Bala G [Google] [More]  ⦿

Banzai Tokyo [Sergey Epifanov] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Baobaby Studio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Barbara Cachan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Baron Chau [Google] [More]  ⦿

Basari Design [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bata Barata (or: Brandbusters) [Boris Borisogljepski] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Becris [Kanda Euatham] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Beiruo He [Google] [More]  ⦿

Belén La Rivera [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ben Buysse [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ben Grib [Black Bird Foundry] [More]  ⦿

Benedict Leung [Google] [More]  ⦿

Benjamin Humphrey [Jigsoar icons] [More]  ⦿

Beril Karabulut [Google] [More]  ⦿

Biliana Velikova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bill Cardona Carreras [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bill Kenney [Sidecar] [More]  ⦿

Black Bird Foundry [Ben Grib] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Blagoy Hristov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bloomicon [Google] [More]  ⦿

BluGraphic (or: Graphic Pear) [Wassim Awadallah] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bob Vranken [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bobby Voeten [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bojan Stefanovic [Logoholik] [More]  ⦿

Boris Borisogljepski [Bata Barata (or: Brandbusters)] [More]  ⦿

Brandico [Google] [More]  ⦿

Brandy S. Carney [Ion Icons] [More]  ⦿

Brankic 1979 [Google] [More]  ⦿

Brave Type (was: Brave Lion Fonts) [Leonhard Katschner] [Google] [More]  ⦿

BraveBros [Yaroslav Samoilov] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Breezi [Joe Jimenez] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Brian QC [Google] [More]  ⦿

Britt Edwards [Google] [More]  ⦿

Brittany Deighton [The Warehouse (or: Warehouse Design)] [More]  ⦿

Brumale [Stefano Giliberti] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bruno Aloy [Google] [More]  ⦿

Build Interactive [Adrian Pelletier] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bürocratik [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cagdas Ilke Unal [Föy Studio] [More]  ⦿

Cameron McEfee [Octicons] [More]  ⦿

Camila Leao [Google] [More]  ⦿

Camille Lucas [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carey-Anne Jayanandham [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carine de Wandeleer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carla Porciuncula [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carlos Santiago [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carolina Fernandez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carrois Type Design [Ralph du Carrois] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Casey Conroy [Google] [More]  ⦿

Casiopea (PUCV) [Gley Riquelme] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Catalin Fertu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Catherine Kosasih [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cecilia Negri [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cesar Araya [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chen Zhang [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chiharu Tanaka [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chloe Stokes [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chris Coyier [Flat icons and icon fonts] [More]  ⦿

Christelle Hayek [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christian Gamba Pardo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christian Gamba Pardo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christian Naths [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christo Bino [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christopher Jackson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chrystian Zaldana [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cindy Kinash [Cultivated Mind] [More]  ⦿

Claire Angeli Lua [Google] [More]  ⦿

Claire Larkins [Google] [More]  ⦿

Claudio Gomboli [Grafisticceria] [More]  ⦿

Clément Barbé [Studio B (or: La Station B)] [More]  ⦿

COG Graphics [Ivan Ginev] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cole Bemis [Google] [More]  ⦿

Collin Konetzke [Google] [More]  ⦿

Conor Muirhead [Icon Stacks] [More]  ⦿

CoType Foundry [Google] [More]  ⦿

Creative Media Lab [Kadek Adi Mahardika] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cristian Bogdan Rosu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cristiana Costin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cristina Pagnotta [Cristina Pi] [More]  ⦿

Cristina Pi [Cristina Pagnotta] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Crystian Cruz [Promodesign] [More]  ⦿

CSS Tricks: Icon fonts [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cultivated Mind [Cindy Kinash] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dan Cederholm [SimpleBits (or: Icon Shoppe)] [More]  ⦿

Dani Marti [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Bruce [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Peralta Casanova [Duo Type] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Utz [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniele Catalanotto [Google] [More]  ⦿

Danielle Huthart [Pixelyn] [More]  ⦿

Danielle Quast Tostes [Google] [More]  ⦿

Danielle Rouillard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dario Ferrando [Google] [More]  ⦿

Darius Dan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dave Gandy [FontAwesome] [More]  ⦿

David Alexander Slaager [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Ferreira [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Figueiras [Toon Planet Vector Assets] [More]  ⦿

David Masson Allaire [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Phillips [Komet & Flicker (was: StockBucket)] [More]  ⦿

DC Fonts (was: Aught Five) [Denise Chandler] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Denis A. Serikov [OT Lab] [More]  ⦿

Denise Chandler [DC Fonts (was: Aught Five)] [More]  ⦿

Design by Pascal [Pascal Barry] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Designconcepts [Simon Bassler] [Google] [More]  ⦿

DesZone [Google] [More]  ⦿

Deyan Sedlarski [Google] [More]  ⦿

Diego Cisneros [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dima Karlov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dina Makarita [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ding Bang [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dirk Uhlenbrock [TypeType] [More]  ⦿

Dmitrii Vlasov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dmitry Baranovsky [Raphaël] [More]  ⦿

Dmitry Goloub [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dmitry Mankoff [Artcoast Design (was: Mankoff)] [More]  ⦿

Doychin Doychev [Google] [More]  ⦿

Drew Wilson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Duo Type [Daniel Peralta Casanova] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dyya [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ed Merritt [tenbytwenty] [More]  ⦿

Edoardo Santamato [Invasione Creativa] [More]  ⦿

Eduard Felegeanu [Eduard's Pocket] [More]  ⦿

Eduardo Amorim Sousa [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eduardo Manso [Emtype] [More]  ⦿

Eduard's Pocket [Eduard Felegeanu] [Google] [More]  ⦿

El Younssi Wahib [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elegant Themes [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eleonora Petrova [Rabbit and Pencil] [More]  ⦿

Elharrak Fonts [Mohamed Elharrak] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elifnaz Basarir [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elisabetta Calabritto [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elodie Baunard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elvina Gafarova [Elvina Studio (was: Elvi Nova)] [More]  ⦿

Elvina Karimova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elvina Studio (was: Elvi Nova) [Elvina Gafarova] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emanuele Caira [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emil Kozole [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emilie Clairefond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emir Findikoglu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emtype [Eduardo Manso] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Enrique Ruiz Davila [Google] [More]  ⦿

Epic Coders (or: Epic Shop) [Google] [More]  ⦿

ErlerSkibbeTönsmann (and: Character Type) [Henning Hartmut Skibbe] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Esra Ati [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ester Nemcova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Esther de Boer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ethan Paul Dunham [Fonthead Design] [More]  ⦿

Evgeniya Klimova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Evil Icons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Evil Martians [Google] [More]  ⦿

Exclamations (or: The Boutons) [Gary David Bouton] [Google] [More]  ⦿

F37 (or: Face37) [Rick Banks] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fábio Duarte Martins [Scannerlicker (was: Loligo Vulgaris)] [More]  ⦿

Fabio Haag Type (was: ByType, and: Foco Design) [Fabio Luiz Haag] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fabio Luiz Haag [Fabio Haag Type (was: ByType, and: Foco Design)] [More]  ⦿

Facebook Symbols [Google] [More]  ⦿

Factor Design [Olaf Stein] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Faitotoro [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fateh Lab [Wisnu Cipto Wibowo] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fatema Buasallai [Google] [More]  ⦿

Felix Rufin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Filipa Diniz [Google] [More]  ⦿

Flag Icons [Panayiotis Lipiridis] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Flat Icons [Paul Jansen] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Flat icons and icon fonts [Chris Coyier] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Florian Klauer [Fonts With Love (was: Heimat Design)] [More]  ⦿

Floris Voorveld [Google] [More]  ⦿

FontAwesome [Dave Gandy] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontello [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontfabric [Svetoslav Simov] [Google] [More]  ⦿

FontFont [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fonthead Design [Ethan Paul Dunham] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontikon [Michela Graziani] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fonts With Love (was: Heimat Design) [Florian Klauer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ForFourCreative [Laszlo Nemes] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Föy Studio [Cagdas Ilke Unal] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Freeject [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gabriel de Souza [LeType] [More]  ⦿

Gabriela Benavides [Google] [More]  ⦿

Galina Kalougina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gallusness [Scott MacMichael] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ganesha Balunsat [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gary David Bouton [Exclamations (or: The Boutons)] [More]  ⦿

Gaslight (or: Valery Zaveryaev) [Valery Zaveryaev] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gavin Bird [Google] [More]  ⦿

Geomicons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Georgia Tech Research Corporation: 3270 [Google] [More]  ⦿

Geovanny Gavilanes [Google] [More]  ⦿

German Icons [Ralf Schmitzer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gianluca Boffito [Google] [More]  ⦿

Giedre Mikutenaite [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gilad Sotil [Google] [More]  ⦿

Github: Icon fonts [More]  ⦿

Giulia Gambino [Google] [More]  ⦿

Giuseppe De Luca [Google] [More]  ⦿

Glenn Parsons [Astrolux] [More]  ⦿

Gley Riquelme [Casiopea (PUCV)] [More]  ⦿

Glyphish [Joseph Wain] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Goda Petruskeviciute [Google] [More]  ⦿

Goncalo Fonseca [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gonçalo Ribeiro [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gözde Gözükirmizi [Google] [More]  ⦿

Grafisticceria [Claudio Gomboli] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Greg D. Mathews [Google] [More]  ⦿

Grundini [Peter Grundy] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Guido de Boer [Vormplatform] [More]  ⦿

Guillermo Borras [Google] [More]  ⦿

H. Lande [Google] [More]  ⦿

Habiba AleiElDeen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hale Vatansever [Google] [More]  ⦿

Harris Design [James M. Harris] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Harsh Vardhan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hatch Design Workshop [Google] [More]  ⦿

Haytham Galal [Google] [More]  ⦿

Heather Zhou [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hederae Creative (or: Hederae Type Foundry) [Valerio Dell'Edera] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Helena Prata [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hello Brio Studio [Jennifer Coyle] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Henning Hartmut Skibbe [ErlerSkibbeTönsmann (and: Character Type)] [More]  ⦿

Henta Zakharia [Google] [More]  ⦿

Herbanu Tri Sasongko [Herbanuts (or: LetterStuff Type Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

Herbanuts (or: LetterStuff Type Foundry) [Herbanu Tri Sasongko] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Herman Coetzee [Google] [More]  ⦿

HevnGrafix [Arie Hadianto] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Heydon Pickering [Google] [More]  ⦿

Highchair [Jason Hogue] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Himoki [Tania Dominguez] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hishand Studio [Putu Dody Permana] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Holmkvist Creative [Robert Holmkvist] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Howcolour [Ozalp Furkan Eroz] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hungarumlaut (was: Cila Design) [Adam Katyi] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Huynh Nguyen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Iain Budgen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Icofont [Google] [More]  ⦿

IcoMoon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Icon Dock [Google] [More]  ⦿

Icon Fonts [Google] [More]  ⦿

Icon Stacks [Conor Muirhead] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Iconscout [Google] [More]  ⦿

Igor Kiselev [Google] [More]  ⦿

Igor Labudovic [IL Fonts] [More]  ⦿

IL Fonts [Igor Labudovic] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ilaria Dell'Oro [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ina Kleemann [Google] [More]  ⦿

Infographiste [Google] [More]  ⦿

Inga Luft [Google] [More]  ⦿

Inna Kukushkina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Invasione Creativa [Edoardo Santamato] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ion Icons [Brandy S. Carney] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ionicons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Irina Suchkova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Isaac Claramunt [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ismail Abdurrasyid [Asyan Design] [More]  ⦿

Itsmaku [Max Tarkhov] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Ginev [COG Graphics] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Gulkov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Vlasov [Google] [More]  ⦿

J. Hogue [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jacek Janiczak [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jacket [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jacob Gube [Six Revisions] [More]  ⦿

Jahng Hyoung Joon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jakov Jakovljevic [Google] [More]  ⦿

James George [Google] [More]  ⦿

James M. Harris [Harris Design] [More]  ⦿

James Walsh [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jamila Hodges [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jamilla Grannetia [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jan Burchiellaro Falinski [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jan Kovarik [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jared Froeber [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jasmine Shields [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jason Hogue [Highchair] [More]  ⦿

Jelio Dimitrov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jennifer Coyle [Hello Brio Studio] [More]  ⦿

Jenny Lipets [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jens Uwe Meyer [Mutabor Design] [More]  ⦿

Jeremy Ross [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jericho Jayme [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jesse Snyder [Warehouse Design] [More]  ⦿

Jigsoar icons [Benjamin Humphrey] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jimmy Kalman [OX Lab] [More]  ⦿

Joe Jimenez [Breezi] [More]  ⦿

Joey Raphael [Symbolicons] [More]  ⦿

Johann Desobry [Google] [More]  ⦿

Johannes Erler [Google] [More]  ⦿

Johannes Hoffmann [Johannes Hoffmann] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Johannes Hoffmann [Johannes Hoffmann] [More]  ⦿

John Caserta [The Design Office] [More]  ⦿

Jon Hicks [24 Ways] [More]  ⦿

Jonathan Hull [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jonathan Macagba [Prototype-NY (was: Handcraftedfonts)] [More]  ⦿

Jonathan Martin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joost van Vredendaal [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jordan Humphreys [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jordi Manero Pascual [Woodcutter Manero] [More]  ⦿

Jorge Rico [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jory Raphael [Google] [More]  ⦿

Josep Pep Patau i Bellart [Tipo Pepel (was: Antaviana Typeface Division, or: Astramat)] [More]  ⦿

Joseph Wain [Glyphish] [More]  ⦿

Juergen Krausz [Google] [More]  ⦿

Julia Sysmäläinen [Juliasys] [More]  ⦿

Julian Ma [Google] [More]  ⦿

Juliasys [Julia Sysmäläinen] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Julie Prunaret [Google] [More]  ⦿

Julien Bailleux [North Park (or: Nrth Prk)] [More]  ⦿

Julja Petrushevska [Google] [More]  ⦿

Juraj Chrastina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Just One Dollar [Google] [More]  ⦿

K. Kris Yoo [Google] [More]  ⦿

K Projects [Simone Giorgio] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kadek Adi Mahardika [Creative Media Lab] [More]  ⦿

Kadu Supanik [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kaer [Roman Korolev] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kagan Kazakci [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kaiser Zhar Khan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kaligra.co (was: Newflix, Icarus Bro, and Artlantis) [Kurt Harahap] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kanda Euatham [Becris] [More]  ⦿

Karine Pujol [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kate Shash [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kathleen Rothschild [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kayla Smith [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kaysie Meeker [Google] [More]  ⦿

K.B. Sriram [Google] [More]  ⦿

KDN Media [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kenneth Dahlstrøm Nordahl [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kenny Williams [Uicons] [More]  ⦿

Kickstand Apps [Travis Zehren] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kim Uitslag [Google] [More]  ⦿

Komet & Flicker (was: StockBucket) [David Phillips] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kristin Matte [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kuhl Frenzel GmbH [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kursat Unsal [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kurt Harahap [Kaligra.co (was: Newflix, Icarus Bro, and Artlantis)] [More]  ⦿

Kwanchai Akkaratammagul [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kyle Steed [Google] [More]  ⦿

La An [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lance Wyman [Google] [More]  ⦿

Laszlo Nemes [ForFourCreative] [More]  ⦿

Laura Pajuelo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lauren Murphy [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lea Guerini [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lea Kostmann [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leo Rimensberger [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leonhard Katschner [Brave Type (was: Brave Lion Fonts)] [More]  ⦿

Leovm [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lera Efremova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leremy [Google] [More]  ⦿

LeType [Gabriel de Souza] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lhiamp Philip [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lilla My [Ringlet T] [More]  ⦿

Lina Martinez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Linda Caroll [Wild Hare Studio] [More]  ⦿

Lisa Bonnion [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lise G [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lody Gigliola Choque Gutierrez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Logoholik [Bojan Stefanovic] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Logoritma [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lorena Rodriguez Urdiales [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lorenzo Rigamonti [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lost at Sea Co [Petr Knoll] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lovely Bird Digital [Amber Kuivenhoven] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Luan Tran [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lucas Machado [Google] [More]  ⦿

Luciana Sottini [Google] [More]  ⦿

Luisa Napoli [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lukas Bischoff [Artill (or Artill Typs)] [More]  ⦿

Lukas Flekal [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lutfi Achmad [Lutfix Studio] [More]  ⦿

Lutfix Studio [Lutfi Achmad] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mac Rhino Fonts (MRF) [Stefan Hattenbach] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Made by Made [Google] [More]  ⦿

Magda Kalman [Google] [More]  ⦿

Maham Khan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mahira Modandal [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mahmoud Abd El-Ghany [Moody Type] [More]  ⦿

Malgorzata Sobocinska-Kiss [Google] [More]  ⦿

Manav Dhiman [ManVsType] [More]  ⦿

Manspreading icon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Manuel Radde [Google] [More]  ⦿

Manuel Viergutz [Typographic Design] [More]  ⦿

ManVsType [Manav Dhiman] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mara Codalli [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marc Weymann [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marco Galtarossa [Google] [More]  ⦿

Margarita Semenova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Maria Ruidiaz [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mariana Coutinho [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marianna Rossi [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marina Garcia dos Santos [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mario del Valle [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mario Mimoso [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marisa Ferreira [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mariya Dariy [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mark Foster [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marta Coppola [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martian Wabbit Productions [Sergio Diaz] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martin Sesto [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mary Komary [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mary Wong [Google] [More]  ⦿

Masyafi Studio (or: Letterayu, Sasqia Creative, Ayyu, Sri Rahayu) [Muhammad Yafinuha] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Material Design Icons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mateus Cavalcante [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mathias Pfefferle [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matt Cole Wilson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matt Grey [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matt Heximer [10four design] [More]  ⦿

Matt Yow [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matteo Di Iorio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Max Tarkhov [Itsmaku] [More]  ⦿

Maxime Roulleaux [Google] [More]  ⦿

McKenna Olson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Medialoot [Tony Thomas] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Megan Beyerlein [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mehdi HosseinZade [Google] [More]  ⦿

Melania Branca [Google] [More]  ⦿

Melannie Manrique [Google] [More]  ⦿

Meleana Giorgio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mezonali Creative [Google] [More]  ⦿

MFG Labs [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Amprimo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Brandon Myers [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Hansen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Nunes [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Nÿkamp [MKN Design] [More]  ⦿

Michael Parson [Typogama] [More]  ⦿

Michael Rayback [Michael Rayback Design] [More]  ⦿

Michael Rayback Design [Michael Rayback] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Ummels [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michel Lun [Peax Web Design] [More]  ⦿

Michela Graziani [Fontikon] [More]  ⦿

Micol Montesanti [Google] [More]  ⦿

Microvector [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mihkel Loomus [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mike Fortress [Symbolset] [More]  ⦿

Mila Veselinova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Miriam Horn [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mist Design [Stefan Milic] [Google] [More]  ⦿

MKN Design [Michael Nÿkamp] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Modesta Zemgulyte [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mohamed Elharrak [Elharrak Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Mohammed Shohail Bhuian [Seemly Fonts (or: Fancy Fonts, Instagram Fonts, Comely Designs, or: Seemly Designs)] [More]  ⦿

Moody Type [Mahmoud Abd El-Ghany] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Morgan Holcomb [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mouse Crafted [Google] [More]  ⦿

Muhammad Yafinuha [Masyafi Studio (or: Letterayu, Sasqia Creative, Ayyu, Sri Rahayu)] [More]  ⦿

Municipio Leiria [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mutabor Design [Jens Uwe Meyer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Icons [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Weather icons [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Web graphics [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nadee Neelarathna [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nadezda Gudeleva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nadzeya Vasilyeva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Natalia Gudina [Yudina Nata] [More]  ⦿

Nathaniel Smith [Google] [More]  ⦿

Natsuko Hayashida [Google] [More]  ⦿

Navaneeth Krishnan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Naz Kisnisci [Google] [More]  ⦿

Neha Nagvekar [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nerd Fonts (or: Ryanoasis) [Ryan L. McIntyre] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Neue (or: Neue Foundry) [Alexander Alexandrowitsch Roth] [Google] [More]  ⦿

New Tropical Design Studio [Tom Cunningham] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nicole Carn [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nina Helland Sortland [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nina Pykhtina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nitish Kumar [Google] [More]  ⦿

Noah Kinard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Norbert Mayer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Norse Owl [Google] [More]  ⦿

North Park [Google] [More]  ⦿

North Park (or: Nrth Prk) [Julien Bailleux] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nourhan Mohamed [Google] [More]  ⦿

NSM Worldwide (or: Greek House of Fonts) [Phelan Riessen] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Océane Juvin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Octicons [Cameron McEfee] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ODS (Our Design Space) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olaf Stein [Factor Design] [More]  ⦿

Oleg Stepanov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olesia Volkova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olga Bortiokova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olga Khomenko [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olga Papsheva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olga Rafalska [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olha Filipenko [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olha Kostiuk [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olivia Feathers [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olya Kiselova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Omar Shammah [Google] [More]  ⦿

Opalpal Wong [Google] [More]  ⦿

Open Iconic [P.J. Onori] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Orlando Mora [Google] [More]  ⦿

Orlando T.M. Merone [Google] [More]  ⦿

OT Lab [Denis A. Serikov] [Google] [More]  ⦿

OX Lab [Jimmy Kalman] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ozalp Furkan Eroz [Howcolour] [More]  ⦿

Pablo Red [Google] [More]  ⦿

Panayiotis Lipiridis [Flag Icons] [More]  ⦿

Parker Bennett [Google] [More]  ⦿

Parker Creative [Alan Parker] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pascal Barry [Design by Pascal] [More]  ⦿

Pascal Behning [Google] [More]  ⦿

Passant El-Koury [Google] [More]  ⦿

Patrick H [Google] [More]  ⦿

Paul Jansen [Flat Icons] [More]  ⦿

Paula A Design (was: Nursery Art, Eikon Design) [Porapak Apichodilok] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Peax Web Design [Michel Lun] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pedro Correia [Google] [More]  ⦿

Perdana Kurniawan [Perdana Kurniawan Arta (or: Noun Visual)] [More]  ⦿

Perdana Kurniawan Arta (or: Noun Visual) [Perdana Kurniawan] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Perxis [Google] [More]  ⦿

Peter Bilak [Typotheque] [More]  ⦿

Peter Grundy [Grundini] [More]  ⦿

Petr Knoll [Lost at Sea Co] [More]  ⦿

Phelan Riessen [NSM Worldwide (or: Greek House of Fonts)] [More]  ⦿

Phuong Ta [Google] [More]  ⦿

Picon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Picons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pictonic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pierfrancesco Annicchiarico [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pierre-Louis Anceau [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pixel Ambacht [Roel Nieskens] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pixel Bazaar [Zlatko Najdenovski] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pixel Sauce [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pixelyn [Danielle Huthart] [Google] [More]  ⦿

PixsHub [Sanjay Makasana] [Google] [More]  ⦿

P.J. Onori [Open Iconic] [More]  ⦿

P.J. Onori [Google] [More]  ⦿

Planning Unit [Google] [More]  ⦿

Polly Khvostova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Porapak Apichodilok [Paula A Design (was: Nursery Art, Eikon Design)] [More]  ⦿

Prangtip Fungtammasarn [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pratama Yudha [Google] [More]  ⦿

Promodesign [Crystian Cruz] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Prototype-NY (was: Handcraftedfonts) [Jonathan Macagba] [Google] [More]  ⦿

P.T. Ocheia [Google] [More]  ⦿

Putu Dody Permana [Hishand Studio] [More]  ⦿

Rabbit and Pencil [Eleonora Petrova] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rafa Goicoechea [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ralf Schmitzer [German Icons] [More]  ⦿

Ralph du Carrois [Carrois Type Design] [More]  ⦿

Raphaël [Dmitry Baranovsky] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rasul Hasanov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rayyan Frem [Google] [More]  ⦿

Razan Jilani [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rebecca [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rick Banks [F37 (or: Face37)] [More]  ⦿

Ringlet T [Lilla My] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rio Purba [Google] [More]  ⦿

RNS Fonts (was: Impacto Laser, or: SuperFlexia) [Yorlmar Campos] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robbi Azis [Strangertype Studio] [More]  ⦿

Robert Dingcong [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robert Holmkvist [Holmkvist Creative] [More]  ⦿

Robert Karpati [Google] [More]  ⦿

Roel Nieskens [Pixel Ambacht] [More]  ⦿

Rohan Kapoor [Google] [More]  ⦿

Roman Gornitsky [Temporary State (was: Abstrkt)] [More]  ⦿

Roman Korolev [Kaer] [More]  ⦿

Roulianne [Google] [More]  ⦿

Runikh Art [Amarpreet Singh] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ruth & Sira Garcia Trigueros [Side Project] [More]  ⦿

Ryan L. McIntyre [Nerd Fonts (or: Ryanoasis)] [More]  ⦿

Sadikh Seyidzade [Google] [More]  ⦿

Saeka Shoda [Google] [More]  ⦿

Salle de bain pas chère [Google] [More]  ⦿

Salma Hisham Aggour [Google] [More]  ⦿

Salsipuedes [Alberto Martinez] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sam Collins [Zocial] [More]  ⦿

Sam Lynch [Google] [More]  ⦿

Samir SR [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sanjay Makasana [PixsHub] [More]  ⦿

Sanjay Sharma [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sara Andrini [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sara Elsayaad [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sarah Mossallam [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sarah Stroup [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sariina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sasha Mitkalova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sasha Yakovlev [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sasha Zakrevska [Google] [More]  ⦿

Saurabh Mestry [Google] [More]  ⦿

Scannerlicker (was: Loligo Vulgaris) [Fábio Duarte Martins] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Scott de Jonge [Google] [More]  ⦿

Scott MacMichael [Gallusness] [More]  ⦿

Seamartini Graphics [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sean Coady [Vintage Type Co] [More]  ⦿

Seemly Fonts (or: Fancy Fonts, Instagram Fonts, Comely Designs, or: Seemly Designs) [Mohammed Shohail Bhuian] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Selis Corp [Serge Lallemant] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Serezha Zhigarev [Google] [More]  ⦿

Serge Lallemant [Selis Corp] [More]  ⦿

Sergei Kokota [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sergey Epifanov [Banzai Tokyo] [More]  ⦿

Sergey Schmidt [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sergio Diaz [Martian Wabbit Productions] [More]  ⦿

Sergio Ramirez Flores [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shahd Salem [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shannon E. Thomas [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shannon Gerdauskas [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shiloh Lenz [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shiree Williamson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Side Project [Ruth & Sira Garcia Trigueros] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sidecar [Bill Kenney] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simon Bassler [Designconcepts] [More]  ⦿

Simona Vaskovicova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simona Vaskovicova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simone Giorgio [K Projects] [More]  ⦿

SimpleBits (or: Icon Shoppe) [Dan Cederholm] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sinead Perry [Google] [More]  ⦿

S-INGS [Stephen Hutchings] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Siwat V [Google] [More]  ⦿

Six Revisions [Jacob Gube] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Siyi Wang [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sjoerd Kulsdom [Google] [More]  ⦿

SM Artists [Svilen Petrov] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sonal Gadre-Shintre [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sophie Delrot [Google] [More]  ⦿

StateFace [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stef Elmrabet [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stefan Hattenbach [Mac Rhino Fonts (MRF)] [More]  ⦿

Stefan Milic [Mist Design] [More]  ⦿

Stefano Giliberti [Brumale] [More]  ⦿

Stephen Hutchings [S-INGS] [More]  ⦿

Stephen James Hoefer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stephen Politte [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stephy So [Google] [More]  ⦿

Steve Cotroneo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Steve Schoger [Google] [More]  ⦿

Strangertype Studio [Robbi Azis] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Studio B (or: La Station B) [Clément Barbé] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Studio Tsafi [Google] [More]  ⦿

Subcutaneo Creative Studio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Susan Kare [Google] [More]  ⦿

Susana Passinhas [Google] [More]  ⦿

Svetoslav Simov [Fontfabric] [More]  ⦿

Svilen Petrov [SM Artists] [More]  ⦿

Swifticons [Google] [More]  ⦿

Symbolicons [Joey Raphael] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Symbolset [Mike Fortress] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Symbolset [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tania Dominguez [Himoki] [More]  ⦿

Tanya Emelyanova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tarek Samir Al-Sawwa [TS Fonts (or: Fonttat)] [More]  ⦿

Tay Kok Wei [Google] [More]  ⦿

Taylor Schmidt [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ted McFarland [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ted Slesinski [Google] [More]  ⦿

Temporary State (was: Abstrkt) [Roman Gornitsky] [Google] [More]  ⦿

tenbytwenty [Ed Merritt] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thalia Echevarria [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Design Office [John Caserta] [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Design Office [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Noun Project [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Warehouse (or: Warehouse Design) [Brittany Deighton] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thieme Verlag [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thomas Boucherie [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thomas Sen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ti Zi [Zita Tillai] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tiago Silva [Google] [More]  ⦿

TilburgsAns [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tina Chan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ting Yen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipo Pepel (was: Antaviana Typeface Division, or: Astramat) [Josep Pep Patau i Bellart] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipogram [Tom Creighton] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tolya Doodko [Zoloto Group] [More]  ⦿

Tom Creighton [Tipogram] [More]  ⦿

Tom Cunningham [New Tropical Design Studio] [More]  ⦿

Tomas Erlich [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tomasz Pienczak [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tomi Lahdesmaki [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tony Evreniadis [Visualize United] [More]  ⦿

Tony Thomas [Medialoot] [More]  ⦿

Toon Planet Vector Assets [David Figueiras] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Travis Zehren [Kickstand Apps] [More]  ⦿

TS Fonts (or: Fonttat) [Tarek Samir Al-Sawwa] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Type Studio (was: Vial Work) [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeType [Dirk Uhlenbrock] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typogama [Michael Parson] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographic Design [Manuel Viergutz] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typotheque [Peter Bilak] [Google] [More]  ⦿

UI Parade [Google] [More]  ⦿

Uicons [Kenny Williams] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Valentine Avondo-Bedone [Google] [More]  ⦿

Valeria Aceves [Google] [More]  ⦿

Valerio Dell'Edera [Hederae Creative (or: Hederae Type Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

Valery Moiseev [Google] [More]  ⦿

Valery Zaveryaev [Gaslight (or: Valery Zaveryaev)] [More]  ⦿

Vanessa Serka [Google] [More]  ⦿

Veronica Alamo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Victor Erixon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Victoria Croatto [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vinay Suresh Mule [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vincent Avila [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vintage Type Co [Sean Coady] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Viruta [Google] [More]  ⦿

Visualize United [Tony Evreniadis] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vivi Furlong [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vlad Cristea [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vormplatform [Guido de Boer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vuuuds [Agung Syaifudin] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Warehouse Design [Jesse Snyder] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wassim Awadallah [BluGraphic (or: Graphic Pear)] [More]  ⦿

WebHostingHub Glyphs [Google] [More]  ⦿

Webiconset [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wen Ping Huang [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wes Franklin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wild Hare Studio [Linda Caroll] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wisnu Cipto Wibowo [Fateh Lab] [More]  ⦿

Wojcieh Zasina [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wojtek Kasay [Google] [More]  ⦿

Woodcutter Manero [Jordi Manero Pascual] [Google] [More]  ⦿

xperiment.js [Google] [More]  ⦿

Xtoy Co [Google] [More]  ⦿

xyz.ch [Alexander Colby] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yana Dumcheva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yaroslav Samoilov [BraveBros] [More]  ⦿

Yasmin Osman [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yesmany Marrero [Google] [More]  ⦿

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Yorlmar Campos [RNS Fonts (was: Impacto Laser, or: SuperFlexia)] [More]  ⦿

Yudina Nata [Natalia Gudina] [Google] [More]  ⦿

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Zack Rueger [Google] [More]  ⦿

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Zocial [Sam Collins] [Google] [More]  ⦿

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