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Charles Paxton Zaner

Famous American teacher of penmanship, b. 1864. Author of Lessons in Ornamental Penmanship (1920), Gems of Flourishing (1888), and The New Zanerian Alphabets (1900, Zaner & Bloser, Columbus, OH). This site describes his story: In 1888, Charles Paxton Zaner founded the Zanerian, College of Penmanship, in Columbus, Ohio. The schools curriculum included courses that prepared students for careers as penmen who, at that time, wrote by hand most of the documents used by business and industry. The school also trained students to become teachers of penmanship, illustrators, engravers, and engrossersspecialists in the kind of ornamental writing used for diplomas and certificates. In 1891, Zaner sold a share of the Zanerian to Elmer Ward Bloser, whom he met in 1883 while the two men were students at Michaels Pen Art Hall. Bloser, who had been working as an instructor at the Spencerian Business College in Cleveland, was a superb penman, and he had accumulated the capital necessary to sustain the college in its early days (when its three instructors had only three pupils). By 1895, the Zanerian College of Penmanship had become the Zaner-Bloser Company, an institution that offered courses in penmanship, published professional materials about handwriting and illustration, and sold handwriting supplies. In 1904, Zaner-Bloser published The Zaner Method of Arm Movement, a landmark text that taught the simplified style of writing learned by students at the Zanerian to children in elementary schools all over the United States. This book also applied the findings of psychologists who had discovered that young children completed manual tasks more easily if allowed to use the large arm movements that were natural to them at their early stage of motor skills development.

In 2006, Paul Hunt designed a set of connected calligraphic scripts, called P22 Zaner.

Link to some of his books.

Charles Paxton Zaner
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file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888b

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888c

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888d

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888e

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888f

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888g

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888h

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888i

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888j

file name: C P Zaner Gems Of Flourishing 1888l

file name: C P Zaner Portrait

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html