TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 9 12:31:15 EST 2025






Hubert and Fischer [Sebastian Fischer]

Founded by Philipp Hubert (based in New York) and Sebastian Fischer (based in Stuttgart), Hubert & Fischer is a design studio with offices in New York and Stuttgart, Germany with a global client base. The studio specializes in creating editorial design, type design, visual identity, print, application, websites and e-commerce design from concept to production.

Google Creative Lab approached them to design a typeface for the branding of the Rubik's Cube Exhibition "Beyond Rubik's Cube" the Liberty Science Center, Jersey City. They designed a slightly rounded heavyweight font (Rubik, 2015, Rubik One, 2014, and Rubik One Mono, 2014) in which the letters fit perfectly in a single cubelet of the Rubik's Cube. The font was expanded to include Cyrillic and Hebrew characters for the exhibition. Free downloads at Google Web Fonts (see also here), Github and Open Font Library. Rubik One was created by Elvire Volk Leonovitch under the art direction of Hubert and Fischer. Bickerton (2014) is a rhombic typeface.

Other commissioned typefaces: Dumpling Grotesk (based on a hand-painted sign of a Chinese restaurant in New York and characterized by a two-legged m), Bickerton (based on the work of artist Ashley Bickerton), Akzidenz Grotesk Mono, Unterwirt Regular, Cold Comfort (2010, a sharp-edged typeface for the exhibition catalogue Cold Comfort of artist Rudolf Reiber), Stripe (by Sebastian Fischer: A signage system typeface developed for the high school Quinta das Flores in Coimbra, Portugal), EDP (by Sebastian Fischer: a thick geometric sans for Latin, Chinese, Hindi and Cyrillic), Oberkofler (a pixel script for the publication Blut im Schuh for artist Gabriela Oberkofler), Tiptop (a sans designed as headline for the publication Jugend Forscht), Morus (a hipster typeface family), Swollen.

Behance link. Fontspace link.

Hubert and Fischer
Fontspace page
Behance page
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Hebrew font links ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ Akzidenz Grotesk ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ Indic language fonts ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Rhombic typefaces ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Hipster fonts ⦿

file name: Elvire Volk Leonovitch Rubik Mono One 2014

file name: Elvire Volk Leonovitch Rubik One 2014

file name: Elvire Volk Leonovitch Rubik One 2014b

file name: Elvire Volk Leonovitch Rubik One Mono 2014

file name: Hubert Fisher Rubik Bold 2015

file name: Hubert Fisher Rubik Black 2015

file name: Hubert Fischer Akzidenz Grotesk Mon Bold 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Akzidenz Grotesk Mono 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Akzidenz Grotesk Mono Bold 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Akzidenz Grotesk Mono Bold 2014b

file name: Hubert Fischer Bickerton 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Bickerton 2014b

file name: Hubert Fischer Bickerton 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Cold Comfort 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Dumpling Grotesk 2014

file name: Hubert Fischer Dumpling Grotesk 2014b

file name: Hubert Fischer Oberkofler 2010b

file name: Hubert Fischer Morus 2010

file name: Hubert Fischer Morus 2010b

file name: Hubert Fischer Morus 2010c

file name: Hubert Fischer Oberkofler 2010

file name: Hubert Fischer Swollen 2010

file name: Hubert Fischer Swollen 2010b

file name: Hubert Fischer Swollen 2010c

file name: Hubert Fischer Tiptop 2010

file name: Hubert Fischer Unterwirt Regular 2014

file name: Philipp Hubert Pic

file name: Sebastian Fischer E D P 2010

file name: Sebastian Fischer E D P 2010b

file name: Sebastian Fischer Stripe 2010

file name: Sebastian Fischer Stripe 2010b

file name: Sebastian Fischer Stripe 2010c

file name: Sebastian Fischer Stripe 2010d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html