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Pierre-Simon Fournier: Bibliography

This bibliography is on the basis of the study of Jacques André (Rennes, France), who placed a facsimile of Pierre-Simon Fournier's Manuel typographique (1764 and 1766) on his web page.

  • P. Beaujon, Pierre Simon Fournier 1712-1768, and XVIIIth Century French Typography. London 1926
  • Allen Hutt, Fournier the Compleat Typographer, London 1972 (published in the USA by Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NJ).
  • Bertram Schmidt-Friderichs, Pierre-Simon FOURNIER (Jacques Damase éiteur, Paris, 1991).
  • Fernand Baudin, Pierre-Simon Fournier: la typographie absolue, in L'effet Gutenberg, éditions du cercle de la librairie, 1994, pp. 213-240.
  • Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer, Simon-Pierre Fournier, successeur de Fournier-le-jeune, in La Lettre & le Texte – Trente annés de recherches sur l'histoire du livre, Collection de l'Éole Normale Supéieure de Jeunes Filles, No34, Paris, 1987.
  • The Manuel Typographique of Pierre-Simon Fournier le jeune, together with Fournier on Typefounding, an English Translation of the Text by Harry Carter, in facsimile, with an Introduction and Notes by James Mosley. Three volumes. Volume 1 is Manuel typographique (1764). Volume 2 is Manuel Typographique (1766). Volume 3 is Fournier on Typefounding (1930). Printed in Germany by the Lehrdruckerei Technishe Hochschule Darmstadt
  • Fred Smeijers, Counterpunch---making type in the sixteenth century, designing typefaces now, Hyphen Press, London, 1996.

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Type design in France ⦿ History of type ⦿ Books on type design ⦿ Fournier ⦿

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Manuel Typographiqiue 1764 Tome I I

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Le Jeune Rococo Capitals 1760

file name: Pierre Simon Fournier Modeles Des Caracteres De L Imprimerie Paris 1742

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html