TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:33:03 EDT 2025






Sergio Ramirez Flores

So as not to be confused with the Colombian type designer Sergio Ramirez (Llamas), this Chilean Sergio Ramirez uses his full name, Sergio Ramirez Flores. At Latinotype, a foundry in Santiago, he published the 369-strong infographics icon font Tepu (2014). In 2016, his typeface Notro won an award at Tipos Latinos 2016.

In 2017, Sergio Ramirez, Cesar Araya and the Latinotype Team developed the information design super-large typeface family Informative (+pictograms as a tribute to Gerd Arntz: Informative Alimentation, Informative City, Informative Energy, Informative People, Informative Politics, Informative Sports, Informative Work).

Sergio Ramirez Flores
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file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017 249125

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file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017b

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017c

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017d

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017e

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017f

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017g

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017h

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017i

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017j

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017k

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017l

file name: Cesar Araya Sergio Ramirez Informative 2017m

file name: Sergio Ramirez Flores Tepu 2014

file name: Sergio Ramirez Flores Tepu Black 2014

file name: Sergio Ramirez Flores Tepu Black 2014c

file name: Sergio Ramirez Flores Tepu Black 2014d

file name: Sergio Ramirez Flores Tepu Black 2014e

file name: Sergio Ramirez Flores Tepu Black 2014f

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html