TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:33:40 EDT 2025






Al Imelli

Author of The Book of Alphabets and Layouts, Designs, Scrolls, Panel Ends, Descriptive Matter: The Art of Metal Etching for Ornamental and Sign Purposes, Written and Illustrated by Al. Imelli (1922, Signs of the Times Publishing Co, Cincinnati, OH) and Imelli's Alphabets and Layouts (1922). Alternate link. Hathi Trust link. For a list of the alphabets in the book, scroll down and check the current page.

Some of Imelli's alpabets inspired others to create digital typefaces. Examples:

Al Imelli
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Books on type design ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Advertisers Square

file name: Letterhead L H F Advertisers Square 2014 after Al Imelli 1922

file name: Letterhead L H F Advertisers Square 2014 after Al Imelli 1922b

file name: Letterhead L H F Advertisers Square 2014 after Al Imelli 1922c

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Ancient Gothic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Ancient Gothic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Ancient Gothic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Ancient Gothic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Antique Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Antique Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Book Cover Text

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Bradley Print

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Bradley Speed

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Bradley Speed

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Church Board Text

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Church Board Text

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Cover

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Draughtsmen Square

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Heavy

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Heavy

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Heavy

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Spur Modern

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Spur Modern

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Egyptian Thin

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Engrossing

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Engrossing

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Extra Heavy Title

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Fancy Full Round

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Fancy Full Round

file name: Chuck Davis L H F Fancy Full Round 2003 after Al Imelli 1922

file name: Chuck Davis L H F Fancy Full Round 2003 after Al Imelli 1922b

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Fancy Japanese Spur

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Fancy Script

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Fancy Sign Script

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Flat Top Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Flat Top Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Freak Title

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 French Script

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Full Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Full Round Heavy Bulletin

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Half Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Half Block Round Plain

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Half Round Heavy Bulletin

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Half Round Plain

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Half Round Plain

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Half Round Plain

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Heavy Face Title

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Heavy Speed Script

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Italic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Italic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Italics

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Italics

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Japanese Text

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Japanese Text

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Light Title

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Light Title

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Medium Weight Title

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modern Bulletin Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modern Bulletin Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modern Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modern Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modern Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized B Speed Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Blacked Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Blacked Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Block Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Block Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Blocked Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Rounded

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Rounded

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Speed Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Speed Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Modernized Speed Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Old English

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 One Stroke Card Writers Script

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Oriental Point

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Ornamental Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Plain Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Plain Full Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Plain Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Plain Spur

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Plain Spur

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Plain Square

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Poster Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Poster Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Poster Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Printers Gothic

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Pyramid Spur

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Pyramid Spur

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Round Rough Edge

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Round Rough Edge

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Rounded Blocked Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Rounded Blocked Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Rounded Blocked Egyptian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Show Card Block

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Show Card Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Show Card Script

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Speed Round Spur

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Spencerian

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Thin Book Cover Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Title Roman

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Title Round

file name: Al Imelli The Bookof Alphabetsand Layouts 1922 Title Script

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html