TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 07:59:56 EDT 2025
Kannada fonts | ||
At Type Cooper 2021, she developed Pea Pro and wrote: Pea Pro is display sans serif typeface inspired by the sports nutrition industry. Big ink traps and heavy weight features give it a strong character, ideal for large headings and branding applications. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Free truetype fonts (ISFOG family) for Hindi, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
During her graphic design studies, Mumbai-based Anupama Rao created the Kannada font Hongushkie (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Clear explanation by Arun Sharma of the font issues for users of Kannada. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Elk Grove Village, IL-based company established in 2004, which specializes in font development, licensing and IP protection. It rose from the ashes of a major fire at Agfa/Monotype at the end of 2003. Its founders are Steve Matteson (type designer, formerly with Agfa/Monotype), Thomas Rickner (of Microsoft fame, where he hinted many Microsoft families), Ira Mirochnick (founder and President of Monotype Typography Inc in 1989 (where he was until 2000) and a Senior Vice President and director of Agfa Monotype Corporation (2000-2003), a self-proclaimed expert in font licensing issues and IP protection), and Bill Davis (most recently the Vice President of Marketing for Agfa Monotype). Also included in this group are Josh Hadley, Brian Kraimer, Jim Ford (since 2005), and Jeff Finger (as Chief Research Scientist, since 2006). On December 8, 2010, Ascender was acquired by Monotype for 10.2 million dollars. Their typefaces include Endurance (2004, Steve Matteson, an "industrial strength" Grotesk designed to compete with Helvetica and Arial; it supports Greek, Cyrillic and East European languages). In April 2005, Ascender announced that it would start selling the Microsoft font collection, which is possibly their most popular collection to date. They also started selling and licensing IBM's Heisei family of Japanese fonts in April 2005: Heisei Kaku Gothic, Heisei Maru Gothic and Heisei Mincho. Ascender's version of the CJK font Heiti is called ASC Heiti. Also in 2005, they started distributing Y&Y's Lucida family. In October 2005, Ascender announced the development of Convection, a font used for Xbox 360 video games. Their South Asian fonts cover Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu, and include Ascender Uni, Ascender UniDuo and Arial Unicode for general use across all Indic languages, and, in particular, the Microsoft fonts Vrinda (Bengali), Mangal (Devanagari), Shruti (Gujarati), Raavi (Gurmukhi), Tunga (Kannada), Kartika (Malayalam), Latha (Tamil) and Gautami (Telugu). Khmer SBBIC (2011) is a Khmer font at Open Font Library. It does more type trading and licensing than type creation, although Steve Matteson has contributed fairly well to their new typefaces. Their brand value took a hit when they started selling scrapbook, handwriting and wedding fonts under the name FontMarketplace.com. Recent contributions: Crestwood (2006, a house face, possibly by Steve Matteson) is an updated version of an elegant semi-formal script typeface originally released by the Ludlow Type Foundry in 1937. In 2009, they started a subpage called GoudyFonts.Com to sell their Goudy revivals. In 2010, they announced a new collection of OpenType fonts created specifically for use in Microsoft Office 2010: Comic Sans 2010 (including new italic and bold italic fonts), Trebuchet 2010 (including new black&black italic fonts), Impact 2010, Pokerface 2010, Rebekah 2010 and Rebus Script 2010. Ligatures in Comic Sans? View Ascender's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Avinash Chopde
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| Baloo is a free display font available in nine Indian scripts along with Latin. Included are Baloo-Devanagari, BalooBhai-Gujarati, BalooTammudu-Telugu, BalooBhaina-Odia (Oriya), BalooChettan-Malayalam, BalooDa-Bangla, BalooPaaji-Gurmukhi, BalooTamma-Kannada, and BalooThambi-Tamil. The project's leader is Girish Dalvi, and the project is in the hands of Ek Type. Type design help came from Ek Type, and in particular from Ek Type's Sarang Kulkarni (for Devanagari) and Noopur Datye (for Baloo Da-Bangla). Maithili Singre helped with Malayalam. Baloo Bhai was designed by Supriya Tembe and Noopur Datye. Baloo Thambi is designed by Aadarsh Rajan. Google Fonts link. Baloo 2 (2021) consists of ten font families with unique local names for each of the nine Indic scripts plus Arabic (Baloo Bhaijaan 2, by Sanskriti Dholi and Noopur Datye). Each family supports one Indic/Arabic script plus Latin, Latin Extended, and Vietnamese. The Gurmukhi is designed by Shuchita Grover; Bangla by Noopur Datye and Sulekha Rajkumar; Odia by Yesha Goshar, Manish Minz, and Shuchita Grover; Gujarati by Noopur Datye and Supriya Tembe; Kannada by Divya Kowshik and Shuchita Grover; Telugu by Maithili Shingre and Omkar Shende; Malayalam by Maithili Shingre and Unnati Kotecha; and Tamil by Aadarsh Rajan. Baloo Devanagari and Latin are collaboratively designed by Ek Type. Font engineering and type design assistance by Girish Dalvi. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
| Baraha is a transliteration software which converts "Kannada written in English" to Kannada script. It includes these free truetype fonts: BarahaKanNew, BarahaKanMusic, BarahaKanVedic, KaiBaraha, BarahaKanNew-Bold, BarahaVijay, BarahaDevanagari-Bold, BarahaDevanagariExtra-Bold, BarahaDevanagariExtra, BarahaDevanagari, BarahaDevanagariSimple-Bold, BarahaDevanagariSimple, BRH Kannada RN. All by Sheshadrivasu Chandrasekharan (Bangalore). That same set can also be downloaded here. Baraha Kan New (1998) is a free Kannada font by Seshadri Vasu from Bangalore. See also here. However, U.B. Pavanaja reports that Vasu took one of Cyberscape's Akruti fonts without permission for its Kannada font, only changing the name and the glyph numbering. A big web battle is raging. The following fonts were made by him from 2001 until 2004: BRHAmerikannada, BRHBengaluru, BRHDevanagari, BRHDevanagariExtra, BRHDevanagariRN, BRHKailasam, BRHKalidasa, BRHKannada-Bold, BRHKannada, BRHKannadaExtra, BRHKannadaRN, BRHKasturi, BRHMalayalam, BRHMalayalamExtra, BRHMalayalamRN, BRHSirigannada, BRHTamil, BRHTamilRN, BRHTelugu, BRHTeluguExtra, BRHTeluguRN, BRHVijay. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
For his graduation work in the Masters of Type Design program of the University of Reading, Juan Luis Blanco (Spain) created the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Tifinagh, Arabic typeface family Amaikha (2014). Amaikha is characterized by Latin warmth and roundness. A list of his typefaces:
Speaker at ATypI 2016 in Warsaw on A Typographic Maghribi Trialogue. In this talk, he explains, together with Laura Meseguer and Krystian Sarkis, the Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib project of the Khatt Foundation, which tries to facilitate a cultural trialogue as well as shed a typographic spotlight on the largely ignored region of the Maghreb in terms of writing and design traditions. The specific goal of the collaboration is the research and development of tri-script font families (for Latin, Arabic and Tifinagh) that can communicate harmoniously. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Site with fonts representing all Indic scripts (all made by C-DAC, Pune): AS-TTDurga-Normal, BN-TTDurga-Normal, DV1-TTYogesh-Normal, DV-TTYogesh-Normal, GJ-TTAvantika-Normal, KN-TTUma-Normal, ML-TTKarthika-Normal, OR-TTSarala-Normal, PN-TTAmar-Normal, TL-TTHemalatha-Normal, TM-TTValluvar-Normal. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
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Free Kannada fonts made in 2005: GIST-KNOTAnand-Bold, GIST-KNOTAnand-BoldItalic, GIST-KNOTAnand-Italic, GIST-KNOTAnand-Normal, GIST-KNOTHema-Bold, GIST-KNOTHema-BoldItalic, GIST-KNOTMona-Italic, GIST-KNOTMona-Normal, GIST-KNOTPadminiItalic, GIST-KNOTRama-Bold, GIST-KNOTRama-BoldItalic, GIST-KNTTJairajNormal, GIST-KNTTKamalaNormal, GIST-KNTTPadminiNormal, GIST-KNTTSeetaNormal, GIST-KNTTShrutiNormal, GISTKNOTBalramBold, GISTKNOTBalramBoldItalic, GISTKNOTChinmayaBold, GISTKNOTChinmayaBoldItalic, GISTKNOTGodavariBold, GISTKNOTGodavariBoldItalic, GISTKNOTHampiBold, GISTKNOTHampiBoldItalic, GISTKNOTJairajBold, GISTKNOTJairajBoldItalic, GISTKNOTJairajItalic, GISTKNOTJairajNormal, GISTKNOTKamalaBold, GISTKNOTKamalaBoldItalic, GISTKNOTKamalaItalic, GISTKNOTKamalaNormal, GISTKNOTKamannaBold, GISTKNOTKamannaBoldItalic, GISTKNOTKasturiBold, GISTKNOTKasturiBoldItalic, GISTKNOTKasturiItalic, GISTKNOTKasturiNormal, GISTKNOTLakshmiBold, GISTKNOTLakshmiBoldItalic, GISTKNOTPadminiBold, GISTKNOTPadminiBoldItalic, GISTKNOTPadminiItalic, GISTKNOTPadminiNormal, GISTKNOTPankajBold, GISTKNOTPankajBoldItalic, GISTKNOTSeetaBold, GISTKNOTSeetaBoldItalic, GISTKNOTSeetaItalic, GISTKNOTSeetaNormal, GISTKNOTShankarBold, GISTKNOTShankarBoldItalic, GISTKNOTShrutiBold, GISTKNOTShrutiBoldItalic, GISTKNOTShrutiItalic, GISTKNOTShrutiNormal. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Company in Mumbai (with offices in Bangalore) that made these Malayalam fonts: AkrutiMal1, AkrutiMal2 (2002). They also created the Kannada font LangscapeKndPadma. Here, you can download their Devanagari family Gargi, and their Gujarati font family Padmaa. They also made the well-known Akruti font family which can be downloaded here: AkrutiBng2Bold, AkrutiBng2Normal, AkrutiDev2Normal, AkrutiGuj1Normal, AkrutiGujL1Bold, AkrutiKnd1Bold, AkrutiKnd1Normal, AkrutiMal2Bold, AkrutiMal2Normal, AkrutiOri1Bold, AkrutiOri1Normal, AkrutiPnj2Bold, AkrutiPnj2Normal, AkrutiTlg2Bold, AkrutiTlg2Normal, AkrutiTml1Bold, AkrutiTml1Normal. These fonts cover Devanagari, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, and Gurumukhi. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Free Indic fonts that come with Debian:
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As a student at Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore, Mumbai-born Dev Ethan Valladares created the outline typeface Personal Identity (2015). He also made made a set of Kannada drop caps. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Divya Kowshik (Mumbai) designed the elliptical typeface Prototype (2012). In 2015, Divya designed the Kannada typeface Baloo Tamma as part of the Baloo free font project at Ek Type and Google Fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dunwich Type Founders
Creative Market link. https://fonts.ilovetypography.com/fonts/dunwich-type-founders">I Love Typography link. Github link. Fontsquirrel link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Elmar Kniprath
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Elmar Kniprath
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Elmar's Indic
| A free package by Elmar Kniprath (2001) for writing Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Panjabi, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu and Latin transliteration. Fonts included are e-Asamiya, e-Bengali, e-Gujarati, e-IndicSerif-Bold, e-IndicSerif, e-Kannada, e-Latin, e-Malayalam, e-Nagari, e-Panjabi, e-Sinhala, e-Tamil, e-Telugu. Download page. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Erin McLaughlin
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Fontwala (was: Hindi Rinny)
She designed Katari for her thesis. Originally from Milwaukee, she received a BFA in Graphic Design from the Minneapolis College of Art & Design before her MA at Reading. Erin created an angular typeface---à la Oldrich Menhart---, and added a matching Devanagari style---the harmonious ensemble is called Katari. This typeface earned her the 2011 SoTA Catalyst award. In 2015, she published the free Google Web Font typeface Khula for Latin and Devanagari. The Latin is based on Steve Matteson's Open Sans. GitHub link. Still in 2015, she published the useful free Devanagari typeface family Yantramanav at Google Web Fonts, to accompany Christian Robertson's Roboto. Adobe Kannada was also designed in 2015---the Latin part of that font was by Robert Slimbach. Typefaces from 2016 include Hubballi (a free monolinear typeface for Kannada; Google Fonts link). In 2019, she aided with the Devanagari part of the free Google Fonts typeface IBM Plex Sans Devanagari (by Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, Erin McLaughlin). In 2021, Erin McLaughlin and Wei Huang developed the traditional workhorse sans serif typeface Tenorite for Microsoft for use as one of the default fonts in Office apps and Microsoft 365 products. Elements such as large dots, accents, and punctuation make Tenorite comfortable to read at small sizes on screen. In 2020, she published BhuTuka Expanded One at Google Fonts. BhuTuka Expanded One, originally designed in 2017, is a Gurmukhi companion to Aoife Mooney's BioRhyme Expanded Light typeface. Home page. Github link. Personal home page. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
The free software foundation of India, in conjunction with Cyberscape Multimedia Limited, Bangalore (developers of Akruti Software for Indian Languages) have released a set of TTF fonts for nine Indian scripts (Devanagari, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, and Gurumukhi) under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Direct download page. Font names: AkrutiBng1Normal, AkrutiBng2Bold, AkrutiBng2Bold, AkrutiBng2Normal, AkrutiDev1Bold, AkrutiDev1Normal, AkrutiDev2Normal, AkrutiGuj1Bold, AkrutiGuj1Normal, AkrutiGuj2Bold, AkrutiGuj2Normal, AkrutiKnd1Bold, AkrutiKnd1Normal, AkrutiKnd2Bold, AkrutiKnd2Normal, AkrutiMal1Bold, AkrutiMal1Normal, AkrutiMal2Bold, AkrutiMal2Normal, AkrutiMal2Normal, AkrutiOri1Bold, AkrutiOri1Normal, AkrutiOri2Bold, AkrutiOri2Normal, AkrutiPnj1Bold, AkrutiPnj1Normal, AkrutiPnj2Bold, AkrutiPnj2Normal, AkrutiTlg1Bold, AkrutiTlg1Normal, AkrutiTlg2Bold, AkrutiTlg2Normal, AkrutiTml1Bold, AkrutiTml1Bold, AkrutiTml1Normal, AkrutiTml1Normal, AkrutiTml2Bold, AkrutiTml2Bold, AkrutiTml2Normal, AkrutiTml2Normal. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Gandhiji Font
Girish Dalvi
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This was a sub-site of C-DAC, India's main commercial font and language software maker. It used to have free Tibetan and Gujarati fonts. For a while, it offered commercial products for all Indic languages, including Tibetan and Nepali. Then, finally, it went the way of all big companies--unreadable pages with hard-to-find stuff, often hidden in PDF files. For good old times' sake, here are the font names (published as a courtesy to them--wish they would do this themselves): AS-Abhijit, AS-Amrut, AS-Arbindo, AS-Bidisha, AS-Bipin, AS-Debashish, AS-Durga, AS-Kaali, AS-Kailash, AS-Maya, AS-Mrinal, AS-Parshuram, AS-SantoshItalic, AS-Satyajit, AS-Savita, AS-Shyamal, AS-Sushmita, AS-Tagore, BN-Abhijit, BN-Amrut, BN-Arbindo, BN-Bidisha (see also here), BN-Bipin, BN-Debashish, BN-Durga, BN-Kaali, BN-Kailash, BN-Maya, BN-Mrinal, BN-Parshuram, BN-Santosh, BN-Satyajit, BN-Savita, BN-Shyamal, BN-Sushmita, BN-Tagore, DR-Kunzang, DV-Aakash, DV-Aishwarya, DV-Ajay, DV-Akshar, DV-Alankar, DV-Amruta, DV-Aniket, DV-Anjali, DV-Basant, DV-Bhargav, DV-Bhima, DV-Brinda, DV-Chhaya, DV-Devendra, DV-Dhruv, DV-Diwakar, DV-Gandhar, DV-Ganesh, DV-Hemant, DV-Jamuna, DV-Jayesh, DV-Jivan, DV-Kartik, DV-Kishor, DV-Latika, DV-Madhu, DV-Makarand, DV-Manisha, DV-Manohar, DV-Mayur, DV-Megha, DV-Meghadoot) def, DV-Mohini, DV-Nandan, DV-Natraj, DV-Ninad, DV-Nisha, DV-Prakash, DV-Pramod, DV-Preetam, DV-Purva, DV-Radhika, DV-Raghav, DV-Rahul, DV-Rajashri, DV-Rakesh, DV-Raman, DV-Ranjita, DV-Rohini, DV-Sachin, DV-Sagar, DV-Sajan, DV-Samata, DV-Samir, DV-Sanket, DV-Shalaka, DV-Sharad, DV-Shefali, DV-Shishir, DV-Shital, DV-Shridhar, DV-Shrikant, DV-Subodh, DV-Sumeet, DV-Surekh, DV-Surkhiyan, DV-Sushil, DV-Swapnil, DV-Swaraj, DV-Vallabh, DV-Varun, DV-Vasuki, DV-Vasundhara, DV-Vijay, DV-Vimal, DV-Vinit, DV-Vishakha, DV-Yamini, DV-Yogesh, DV-Yogesh, GJ-Anamika, GJ-Anand, GJ-Avantika, GJ-Balram, GJ-Bela, GJ-Chitra, GJ-Damodar, GJ-Devaki, GJ-Dinakar, GJ-Dwarika, GJ-Dynamic, GJ-Gagan, GJ-Gopika, GJ-Kalpana, GJ-Kamini, GJ-Kanoj, GJ-Kapila, GJ-Kaumudi, GJ-Keshav, GJ-Kirit, GJ-Kishan, GJ-Krishna, GJ-Krishna, GJ-Kusum, GJ-Madan, GJ-Manasi, GJ-Mangal, GJ-Mira, GJ-Mohan, GJ-Mukul, GJ-Nayan, GJ-Nirmal, GJ-Piyush, GJ-Prabha, GJ-Pratik, GJ-Purnima, GJ-Radhey, GJ-Ritesh, GJ-Rohini, GJ-Rohit, GJ-Sabarmati, GJ-Sandeep, GJ-Shila, GJ-Shreedeep, GJ-Shrinath, GJ-Snigdha, GJ-Sucheta, GJ-Sujit, GJ-Swati, GJ-Taapi, GJ-Tara, GJ-Vidya, GJ-Yashoda, ISFOC-BR1, ISFOC-BR2, ISFOC-BR3, ISFOC-BR7, ISFOC-BR8, KN-Basava, KN-Bharat, KN-Brindavan, KN-Chinmaya, KN-Kamala, KN-Kamanna, KN-Kasturi, KN-Kaveri, KN-Nandi, KN-Padmini, KN-Pampa, KN-Pankaj, KN-Radhey, KN-Ragini, KN-Rajani, KN-Rajeshwari, KN-Ranna, KN-Seema, KN-Seema-Light, KN-Seema, KN-Seeta, KN-Shankar, KN-Shravan, KN-Smita, KN-Sumitra, KN-Uma, KN-Vatapi, ML-Aathira, ML-Ambili, ML-Anakha, ML-Anjali, ML-Aparna, ML-Ashtamudi, ML-Aswathi, ML-Atchu, ML-AyilyamBold, ML-BeckalBold, ML-Bhavana, ML-Chandrika, ML-Chithira, ML-Devika, ML-Gauri, ML-Geethika, ML-Gopika, ML-Guruvayur, ML-Indulekha, ML-Jaya, ML-Jyothy, ML-Jyotsna, ML-Kala, ML-Kamini, ML-Kanika, ML-Karthika, ML-Kaumudi, ML-Keerthi, ML-Leela, ML-Malavika, ML-Mammiyoor, ML-Mayoori, ML-Nalini, ML-Nandini, ML-Nanditha, ML-Nila, ML-Onam, ML-Periyar, ML-Pooram, ML-Poornima, ML-Ravivarma, ML-Revathi, ML-Rohini, ML-Sabari, ML-Sankara, ML-Sarada, ML-Sruthy, ML-Sugatha, ML-Suparna, ML-Surya, ML-SwathyBold, ML-Thakazhi, ML-Theyyam, ML-Thiruvathira, ML-Thunchan, ML-Vaisali, ML-Varsha, ML-Vinay, ML-Visakham, ML-Vishu, ML-Yashasri, PN-Amar, PN-Baisakhi, PN-Baljit, PN-Bishan, PN-Chandra, PN-Chetan, PN-Deeler, PN-Dipak, PN-Gurudev, PN-Hira, PN-Jasbir, PN-Jasjit, PN-Jaspal, PN-Jeevan, PN-Joginder, PN-Kanvaljit, PN-Kapil, PN-Karan, PN-Karishma, PN-Kavita, PN-Komal, PN-Manjit, PN-Nanak, PN-Nitu, PN-Pratap, PN-Randhir, PN-Satabir, PN-Sonam, PN-Sukhabir, PN-Sushil, SD-Natraj, SD-Surekh, SH-Harmony, SH-Namal, SY25-Election, SY30-Jain, SY31-Mudras, SY32-Music, TB-Youtso (for Tibetan), TB1-Youtso, TL-Amma, TL-Anuradha, TL-Atreya, TL-Charminar, TL-Godavari, TL-Gurazada-BoIdItalic, TL-Harshapriya, TL-Hemalatha, TL-Krishna, TL-Nannaya, TL-Pratima, TL-Rayancha, TL-Tanmayi, TL-Tikkana, TL-Vennela, TL-Vishaka, TM-Abhirami, TM-Amala, TM-Appar, TM-Archana, TM-Aruna, TM-Arunagiri, TM-Avvai, TM-Bharathi, TM-Chanakya, TM-Chandra, TM-Chetan, TM-Chitra, TM-Gopur, TM-Heena, TM-Hema, TM-Ilango, TM-Kalyani, TM-Kamal, TM-Kamban, TM-Kannadasan, TM-Kapilan, TM-Komala, TM-Krishna, TM-Lalitha, TM-Lathika, TM-Madhu, TM-Madhuram, TM-Nakkeran, TM-Nambi, TM-Neha, TM-Padma, TM-Pattinathar, TM-Poornima, TM-Poovai, TM-Radhika, TM-Rajarajan, TM-Rama, TM-Ramiya, TM-Ratna, TM-Ravindra, TM-Rekha, TM-Seema, TM-Shiva, TM-Sudhir, TM-Swetha, TM-Umesh, TM-Valluvar, TM-Vaman, TM-Venu, TM-Virendra, Tarpobane-Black. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Free Indic fonts: AS-TTDurga-Normal, BN-TTDurga-Normal, DV-TTYogesh-Normal, DV1-TTYogesh-Normal, KN-TTUma-Normal (for Kannada), ML-TTKarthika-Normal, OR-TTSarala-Normal, PN-TTAmar-Normal, TL-TTHemalatha-Normal, TM-TTValluvar-Normal. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts)
Fontspace link. Crosswire link for Free Monospaced, Free Serif and Free Sans. Download link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Free Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Sanskrit truetype fonts by C-CAD (Pune): KN-TTUma-Normal, SD-TTSurekh-Normal, TL-TTHemalatha-Normal, TM-TTValluvar-Normal. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lively South Asian type blog covering Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Perso-Arabic, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Bombay-basedd publishers of the free Kannada truetype font KD Rajiv. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Indian Type Foundry (ITF)
In 2010, Satya N. Rajpurohit published the Kohinoor family for Latin, Devanagari and Tamil. Kohinoor Gurmukhi followed in 2011. The long term plan is to make Kohinoor support all official writing scripts of India. Kohinoor Gujarati is at the last stage of development and will be published soon. Kohinoor Bengali, Kohinoor Malayalam, and Kohinoor Kannada are scheduled for 2012. ITF Devanagari was published in 2011. In 2013, Satya Rajpurohit created the Latin typefaces Pilcrow and Pilcrow Soft. Also in 2013, Peter Bilak left ITF to pursue other interests. In 2014, Sanchit Sawaria and Jyotish Sonowal finished the free Google Web Font Khand, an 8-style family of compact mono-linear fonts with very open counter forms. Developed for display typography, the family is primarily intended for headline usage. Its Latin is from Satya Rajpurohit, and Khand carries the Indian Type Foundry label. In 2015, Satya published Brahmos (a modular Latin typeface). In 2017, Fontstore / Fontshare published their high-contrast serif typeface Stardom. At Indian Type Foundry, Satya N. Rajpurohit designed Belur Kannada (2017, calligraphic) and Sandur Kannada (2017, a text typeface family). In 2018, he published the pixel family Ray and the humanist sans typeface family Litmus. Typefaces from 2019 by Rajpurohit: Author (humanist sans). Anonymous typefaces at ITF that year include Prachar (an all caps marker pen font). In 2021, ITF published the reverse stress neo-grotesk typeface families Clash Display and Clash Grotesk. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Jump page for most Indian languages: Telugu, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Oriya, Malayalam, Gujurati, Tamil, Kannada, Sanskrit, Marathi and Hindi. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Indian language software for Mac and PC by Summit india. Contains fonts (not free) for Hindi, Gurumukhi, Gujarati, Bengali/Assamese, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Kannada and Oriya. PDF file with a catalogue of their fonts. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| All the fonts below were converted from Metafont into type 1 by Karel Piska in 2005-2006 using his own tools, METAPOST, FontForge and t1utils. Karel Piska is with the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague.
Free software. The IndiX library contains the IndiX shaping engine that converts Indic text in Unicode to Glyphs from OpenType fonts. It does conversions (UTF-8 to UCS-2), tagging of the text with script and syllable, reordering of logical syllables to visual syllables, and conversion of the visual syllable of characters to a renderable syllable of glyphs. IndiX supports nine Indic scripts and comes with the required Saral series of OpenType fonts. Vedic Sanskrit is added. The IndiX library is used in enabling X11 for Indic text and in the IndiX applications, oprint, netprint. 'oprint' is a tool which converts Indic text to PostScript using OpenType font. When you download the package, you can find these free truetype fonts by R.K. Joshi and his team at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Mumbai, all dated 2005:
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InProS (Intellectual Property Solutions)
| Indian language fonts for PC and Mac. There used to be a commercial web page based in Houston, TX, where one could purchase fonts for Hindi [ex: SheelRekha, RoopLekha, Kamal], Gujarati [ex: Shefali, Nita, Anarkali, Agni], Punjabi [ex: Pushpa, Suman, Badal, Arup], Bengali [Jayanti, BornaMala], Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Sanskrit [ex: Sansipro], Malayalam and Assamese. Fonts for transliteration include Diplomat and MonoPali. HTML editors for these languages as well. Free Om_SuniKanth font. Run by Sunny Kallara. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
As part of the University of Cologne (Germany), the IITS (Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies) published its own truetype font, IITS, which is used for the transliteration of Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu and Dravidian Languages. Other Indian and Tamil fonts can be downloaded too. These include Adhawin-Tamil (K. Srinivasan, 1995), BengaliAssamese Vijay (Vijay K. Patel, 1995), Gayathri (Ethno Multimedia, 1993), Gujarati (Vijay K. Patel, 1996), Janaranjani (EthnoMultimedia, 1993), Kannada Vijay (Vijay K. Patel, 1995), Mantra (Shrikrishna Patil, 1994), Malyalam Vijay (Vijay K. Patel, 1995), Nepali Vijay (Vijay K. Patel, 1994), Progoty (Chetona Software Cafe, 1997), Palladam (T. Govindaraj, 1989-1990), PunjabiSans (Atech, 1991), RK Sanskrit, Tamil Vijay (Vijay K. Patel, 1995), Telugu Vijay (beware: need to type 5 to 7 keys to get one character). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Russian bio. FontShop link. Klingspor link. View some of Isay Slutsker's digital typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Makers of the Kannada font Kan Ballal Int (1996), which can be found here. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| itrans is Avinash Chopde's freeware Indian Language Transliteration package. It includes a lot of free fonts: the Devnac PostScript Type III Font, the ItxGuj PostScript Type 1 and TrueType Gujarati (Donated by Shrikrishna Patil to ITRANS), the ItxBeng PostScript Type 1 and TrueType Bengali (Donated by Shrikrishna Patil to ITRANS), the Bengali - bwti metafont package, by Abhijit Das, Romanized Sanskrit (CSUtopia, type 1), the Washington Indic Roman TrueType fonts, the Washington Tamil metafont, the Kannada metafont, Xdvng (from the jtrans package, TrueType and type 1), Pun (a PostScript punjabi font), Frans Velthuis's Devnag Metafont, for Devanagari v1.6 (1998). Alternate site. At one point in the early 1990s, Chopde was assiociated with Avid Technology, Inc., Tewksbury, Mass. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
James Walker Puckett
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Famous Sikh photographer. Designer of the font BJanmeja5A. Free Punjabi font (Janmeja2920a (2002)). Ads for Elfring and Linotype. Other free fonts at the site: JanmejaGujratiNormal JanmejaKanadaNormal JanmejaMalyalamNormal JanmejaOriyaNormal JanmejaSinhalaNormal JanmejahindiThin JanmejaTeluguNormal, all made by him in 1997. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Juan Luis Blanco
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KALE: KAnnada Lipi Enthusiasists (sic). This group is interested in TEX implementations for Kannada. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Kannada Font Piracy
| A huge case of font piracy is documented here by U.B. Pavanaja. The victim here is Cyberscape Multimedia Limited, Bangalore (developers of Akruti Software for Indian Languages) which has released over the years many fonts for Indic scripts now known as the Akruti fonts. Their spokesperson is S.K. Anand. Pavanaja discovered that several fonts found in Indic font software use the glyphs from Akruti without permission. These include:
The KPNews Kannada font in truetype and type 1, all platforms. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
"KALE (KAnnada Lipi Enthusiasists) is a group of Kannada Font Enthusiasists, whose principal aim at this point of time is to realize a Kannada TeX so as to be able to typeset documents written in Kannada." KanTex was developed by G. S. Jagadeesh and Venkatesh P. Gopinath, an EECS professor at Berkeley. It comes with a Metafont family. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graduate of Rajasthan University. Indian type designer in New Delhi whose creations cover Devanagari, Gurumukhi, Gujarati, Bengali / Assamese, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Oriya. I could not locate the fonts on the web site. Futuristic Hindi face (2011). In 2013, he designed a Bengali typeface for small portable devices, called AR Hebe Sans. He also did an unnamed Oriya typeface in that year. In 2015, Rohilla created the phonetic typeface Unspell and the experimental Ink Save Font. Alternate site. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Karel Piska
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After graduation, she started work as a designer in Norwich, UK. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Linguist's Software expensive fonts for Kannada. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Québec City-based creator (b. 1952) of the octagonal font Vegesignes (2009-2017, FontStruct). This font also appeared in 2010 at Open Font Library. It consists of almost 7,615 glyphs. Designed for: Afrikaans, Aghem, Akan, Albanian, German, Amharic, English, Western Apache, Arabic, Armenian, Asou, Assamese, Asturian, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Bafia, Bambara, Low German, Lower Sorbian, Basque, Bassa, bemba, bena, Bengali, Belarusian, Burmese, Bodo, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Cape Verdean, Catalan, Cebuano, Chambala, Checha, Chicacha, Choctaw, Cisena, Cornish, Corsican, Mauritian Creole, Croatian, Danish, Diola-Fogny, Dogri, Douala, Dzongkha, Embou, Erzya, Spanish, Esperanto, Estonian, Ewe, Ewondo, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, French, Friulian, West Frisian, Ga, Scottish Gaelic, Galician, Welsh, Ganda, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Gusii, Hausa, Upper Sorbian, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Yakut, Ido, Igbo, Indonesian, Interlingua, Inuktitut, Irish, Icelandic, Italian, Javanese, jju, kabyle, kako, kalaallisut, kalendjin, kamba, kannada, kazakh, khmer, kiga, kikuyu, kinyarwanda, kyrgyz, kölsch, konkani, koyra chiini, koyraboro senni, kpellé, kurd, kurd sorani, kwasio, lakota, langi, Lao, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Lojban, Luba-katanga, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Maasai, Macedonian, Maïthili, makhuwa-meetto, makonde, malay, maldivian, malagasy, maltese, manipuri, manx, maori, mapuche, marathe, matchamé, mazanderani, meru, meta', mohawk, mongol, moundang, n'ko, nama, navajo, northern ndebele, Southern Ndebele, Dutch, Nepalese, Ngiemboon, Ngomba, Nkole, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Norwegian Nynorsk, Nuer, Occitan, Odia, Oromo, Ossetian, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek, Pashto, Punjabi, Persian, Fulani, Nigerian Pidgin, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Romansh, Rombo, Romanian, Roundi, Russian, Rwa, Samburu, Northern Sami, Inari Sami, Samoan, Sango, Sangu, Sanskrit, Sardinian, Serbian, Shona, Sicilian, Sindhi, Slovak, Slovenian, Soga, Somali, Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, Sundanese, Soureth, Swedish, Swiss German, Swahili, Swati, Tajik, Taita, Tamazight, Tamil, Taroko, Tasawaq, Tatar, Czech, Chechen, Chuvash, Telugu, Teso, Thai, Tibetan, Tigrigna, Tongan, Tsonga, Tswana, Turkish, Turkmen, Tyap, Ukrainian, Venda, Vietnamese, Vunjo, Walloon, Walser, Wolof, Xhosa, Yangben, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zarma, Zulu, Scripts: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Burmese, Korean, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Unknown script, Ethiopic, Gurmukhi, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Japanese, Kannada, Khmer, Lao, Latin, N'ko, Nastaliq, Odia, Canadian Aboriginal syllabary unified, syriac, tamil, telugu, thai, thana, tibetan. Dafont link. Fontspace link. Vegesignes download. Home page. Aka Leaurend-Lavie-Hyppere (Laval) Chabon and as Joseph Rosaire Laval Frandey Leaurend Lavie Hyper Chabom. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
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Designer of Baloo Chettan (for Latin and Malayalam) at Google Fonts, as part of Ek Type's Baloo project. Ek Type link. In 2016, Ek Type designed the free Latin / Devanagari / Gujarati font Mukta Vaani. More precisely, it was designed by Noopur Datye and Pallavi Karambelkar with support from Sarang Kulkarni and Maithili Shingre. In 2017, EK Type released Jaini and Jaini Purva designed by Girish Dalvi and Maithili Shingre: Jaini is a devaagari typeface based on the calligraphic style of the Jain Kalpasutra manuscripts. The design of this font is based on the 1503 Kalpasutra manuscript. Jaini won an award at Granshan 2017. Designer of Anek Malayalam and Anek Kannada (with Vaishnavi Murthy) as part of Ek Type's award-winning family Anek. Google Fonts link. Github link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Font called Malafont. Also two fonts called KannadaFont. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Commercial Indian font maker covering Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, and soon also Telugu and Kannada. The font names start with MCL. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
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Company in Pune, which made these freely available Tamil Opentype fonts in 2003: SUNDARAM_0806, SHREE_TAM_OTF_0807, SUNDARAM_0808, SUNDARAM_0810, SUNDARAM_0812, SUNDARAM_0819, SUNDARAM_0820, SUNDARAM_0821, SUNDARAM_0823, SUNDARAM_0824, SUNDARAM_0827, SUNDARAM_0830, SUNDARAM_0831, SUNDARAM_1341, SUNDARAM_1342, SUNDARAM_1351, SUNDARAM_1352, SUNDARAM_2852, SUNDARAM_2865, SUNDARAM_3811. Type catalog with over 2,700 fonts for Devanagari, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam. Modular Infotech specializes in Indian language fonts since 1982. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Modular Systems from Pune, India, offers about 20 free truetype fonts for most Indic languages. The fonts are all called Shree something and appear incomplete. Covered are Assamese, Bengali, Hindi (Devanagri), Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu. In 1992, they made the Malayalam fonts Shree-Mal-0501W, Shree-Mal-0502. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Monotype sells fonts for the following languages: Amharic, Aksara Kaganga, Arabic, Armenian, Balinese, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Coptic, Devanagari (Hindi/Marathi/Nepali), Farsi, Georgian, Glagolitic, Gujerathi, Gurmukhi (Punjabi), Hebrew, Japanese, Javanese, Jawi, Kannada, Korean, Laotian, Lontarak, Malayalam, Old Bulgarian, Oriya, Pushto, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Surat Pustaha, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Kannada fonts at Agfa Monotype: Monotype Kannada, ITR Deepa, ITR Mani, ITR Praja, ITR Sagar, ITR Sarita, ITR Usha Kannada, ITR Vishwas. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Computer scientist Nicholas Shanks (UK) is working on a free Unicode-compatible Kannada font, Kedage (2006), which was originally designed by the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. He is also working on a free Unicode-compatible Telugu font, Pothana (2006), which was originally designed by Dr Krishna Desikachary of Winnipeg, Canada. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Noto Sans and Noto Serif cover Afar, Abkhazian, Afrikaans, Asturian, Avaric, Aymara, Azerbaijani-AZERBAIJAN, Bashkir, Bambara, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bislama, Bini, Breton, Bosnian, Buriat, Catalan, Chechen, Chamorro, Mari (Russia), Corsican, Czech, Church Slavic, Chuvash, Welsh, Danish, German, Modern Greek (1453-), English, Esperanto, Spanish, Estonian, Basque, Finnish, Fijian, Faroese, French, Fulah, Friulian, Western Frisian, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Galician, Guarani, Manx, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hiri Motu, Croatian, Hungarian, Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association), Igbo, Indonesian, Interlingue, Inupiaq, Ido, Icelandic, Italian, Kara-Kalpak, Kikuyu, Kazakh, Kalaallisut, Kurdish-ARMENIA, Kumyk, Komi, Cornish, Kirghiz, Latin, Luxembourgish, Lezghian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Latvian, Malagasy, Marshallese, Maori, Macedonian, mo, Maltese, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Low German, Dutch, Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian, South Ndebele, Pedi, Nyanja, Occitan (post 1500), Oromo, Ossetian, Polish, Portuguese, Romansh, Romanian, Russian, Yakut, Scots, Northern Sami, Selkup, sh, Shuswap, Slovak, Slovenian, Samoan, Southern Sami, Lule Sami, Inari Sami, Skolt Sami, Somali, Albanian, Serbian, Swati, Southern Sotho, Swedish, Swahili (macrolanguage), Tajik, Turkmen, Tagalog, Tswana, Tonga (Tonga Islands), Turkish, Tsonga, Tatar, Twi, Tuvinian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Venda, Vietnamese, Volapük, Votic, Walloon, wen, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Yoruba, Zulu, Akan, Aragonese, ber-dz, Crimean Tatar, Kashubian, Ewe, Fanti, Filipino, Upper Sorbian, Haitian, Herero, Javanese, Kabyle, Kuanyama, Kanuri, Kurdish-TURKEY, Kwambi, Ganda, Limburgan, Mongolian-MONGOLIA, Malay (macrolanguage), Nauru, Ndonga, Navajo, pap-an, Papiamento-ARUBA, Quechua, Rundi, Kinyarwanda, Sardinian, Sango, Shona, Sundanese, Tahitian, Zhuang. Non-Latin scrips include Noto Armenian, Noto Georgian, Noto Carian, Noto Greek, Noto Devanagari, Noto Ethiopic, Noto Glagolitic, Noto Hebrew, Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Lycian, Noto Sans Lydian, Noto Sans Old South Arabian, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Phoenician, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Thai, Noto Serif Thai, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sana Telugu, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Orya (for Odia), Noto Sans Bengali. Other typefaces in the package include Arima, , and Tinos. At CTAN, one can find Noto with full TeX support. At Open Font Library, one can download Noto Nastaliq Urdu (2014), which covers Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and Urdu. The fonts, as of October 2016: Noto Sans, Noto Serif, Noto Color Emoji, Noto Emoji, Noto Kufi Arabic, Noto Mono, Noto Naskh Arabic, Noto Nastaliq Urdu, Noto Sans Armenian, Noto Sans Avestan, Noto Sans Balinese, Noto Sans Bamum, Noto Sans Batak, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Brahmi, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Buhid, Noto Sans CJK JP, Noto Sans CJK KR, Noto Sans CJK SC, Noto Sans CJK TC, Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal, Noto Sans Carian, Noto Sans Cham, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Coptic, Noto Sans Cuneiform, Noto Sans Cypriot, Noto Sans Deseret, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans Glagolitic, Noto Sans Gothic, Noto Sans Gujarati, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Noto Sans Hanunoo, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans HK, Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic, Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi, Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian, Noto Sans Javanese, Noto Sans Kaithi, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Kayah Li, Noto Sans Kharoshthi, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Lepcha, Noto Sans Limbu, Noto Sans Linear B, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Lycian, Noto Sans Lydian, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Mandaic, Noto Sans Meetei Mayek, Noto Sans Mongolian, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans NKo, Noto Sans New Tai Lue, Noto Sans Ogham, Noto Sans Ol Chiki, Noto Sans Old Italic, Noto Sans Old Persian, Noto Sans Old South Arabian, Noto Sans Old Turkic, Noto Sans Oriya, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Phags Pa, Noto Sans Phoenician, Noto Sans Rejang, Noto Sans Runic, Noto Sans Samaritan, Noto Sans Saurashtra, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Sinhala, Noto Sans Sundanese, Noto Sans Syloti Nagri, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Syriac Eastern, Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela, Noto Sans Syriac Western, Noto Sans Tagalog, Noto Sans Tagbanwa, Noto Sans Tai Le, Noto Sans Tai Tham, Noto Sans Tai Viet, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Thaana, Noto Sans Thai, Noto Sans Tibetan, Noto Sans Tifinagh, Noto Sans Ugaritic, Noto Sans Vai, Noto Sans Yi, Noto Serif Armenian, Noto Serif Bengali, Noto Serif Devanagari, Noto Serif Georgian, Noto Serif Gujarati, Noto Serif Kannada, Noto Serif Khmer, Noto Serif Lao, Noto Serif Malayalam, Noto Serif Tamil, Noto Serif Telugu, Noto Serif Thai. Late additions include Noto Sans and Serif for Chinese, Japanese and Korean, developed at Adobe. In 2015, Adam Twardoch placed the Noto fonts on Github under the name Toto Fonts. A question of licenses. Github repositories. Open Font Library link. CTAN link. [Google]
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The Nudi Fonts are a set of free fonts for Kannada that are owned and recommended by the Government of Karnataka, which writes: The Karnataka Government owned Kannada Script enabling software NUDI, developed by Kannada Ganaka Parishat, is a freeware. Most of the fonts with NUDI can be used for dynamic font embedding purposes. Since the fonts and the software are available free, these can be used in the no font-embedding situation as well. Regarding R&D, it is a continuing activity to move with the changing technological conditions, mainly so with NUDI. As per the requirements, new features will get implemented in NUDI, of course maintaining compatibility with earlier versions. Futher, it is to be noted that enthusiatic and innovative font developers can develop any number of fonts for NUDI engine using standard software like Fontographer, Fontlab, Font creator etc. Free download of the Baraha and Nudi fonts. The problem, as pointed out by U.B. Pavanaja is that the Nudi fonts are unauthorized exact but renamed copies of Akruthi fonts developed years earlier by S.K. Anand at Cyberscape in Bangalore. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Kannada alphabet and jump page. Kannada developed from the early Brahmi alphabet and is closely related to Telugu. This syllabic alphabet (also called Canarese) is the official language of the southern Indian state of Karnataka, and is spoken by about 27 million people. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Payal Juthani
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A Telugu and a Kannada font, ItcKan, ItcTel (2001), both by I3L. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Mumbai, Indiabased designer of the calligraphic Kannada font Indira (2019). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Pria Adireddi
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Pria Ravichandran
Her MA graduation typeface at reading was Tranquebar, which covers Latin and Tamil. In some places, this typeface is called The Herald. Pria also designed the free monolinear Latin / Devanagari typefaces Palanquin Dark and Palanquin in 2014 at Google Web Fonts that also covers Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Burmese, Khmer, Gujarati, Gurumukhi, Sinhalese & Oriya. In addition, she designed an 11-script Indic companion in four weights for URW++'s Nimbus Sans (and thus Helvetica), that includes the following scripts: Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Myanmar, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurumukhi, Sinhala & Oriya. Catamaran (2015) is a contemporay sans typeface family for Latin and Tamil. Github link for Catamaran. Neue Frutiger Tamil (2018) was created by Pria Ravichandran and a team of designers and font engineers from the Monotype Studio, under the direction of Monotype type director Akira Kobayashi. In 2019, at URW, she published the humanist sans typeface family Olivine. In 2021, Kostas Bartsokas, Mohamad Dakak and Pria Ravichandran set up Foundry 5 Limited where they released Peridot Latin (2022: a 121-strong sans superfamily by Kostas Bartsokas and Pria Ravichandran) and Peridot PE (2022: a 121-style sans superfamily by Kostas Bartsokas and Pria Ravichandran designed for branding, display, corporate use, editorial and advertising; it covers Latin, Greek and Cyrillic). Github link for Palanquin. In 2020, Eben Sorkin, Pria Ravichandran, Inga Ploennigs and Dan Reynolds co-designed the sans family Karow at URW. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Free truetype fonts by R. Neelameggham of South Jordan, Utah: Asanskrit, Abtelgu (Telugu), Abkanada (Kanada), Abengali (Bengali), Aatmzl (Tamil). Old UR. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
His contributions to the type world:
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Rahul A. Kumar
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Ramakrishna Saiteja (Bangalore, India) studied Graphic Design at DJ Academy of Design in Coimbatore, India. He did his final project with Indian Type Foundry (ITF). While at ITF, Ramakrishna designed a few Indic scripts, including Coorg Kannada, Coorg Kannada Sans, and a Latin type design. In collaboration with ITF colleagues Jonny Pinhorn and Nikhil Ranganathan, he worked on the Telugu and Kannada extensions for the ITF typeface Akhand. Presently, Ramakrishna is working independently on another Classic Kannada type design and plans to pursue an MA in Visual Arts (Graphic Design and Visual Communication) at Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague. During his studies in Bangalore City, India, Ramakrishna Saiteja (b. 1994) created the monoline techno sans typeface Nova Gothic (2013). In 2015, he published Deccan at Indian Type Foundry. Deccan is loosely based on didones. In 2016, Ramakrishna Saiteja and Shiva Nallaperumal published the free Kannada / Latin typeface family Kolar. Each font's character set includes 925 glyphs. This massive range supports hundreds of unique Kannada-script conjuncts. Kolar's Latin script characters are all modified from Pablo Impallari's Libre Baskerville series. His Coorg Kannada typeface (2017) is designed for newsprint. Winner of the SOTA Catalyst award in 2017. Indian Type Foundry link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Free Kannada font ISFOC-KANNADA-UMA (1993). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Palakkad, Kerala-based computer scientist. He is responsible for Autonym Font (2013). He explains: A font that can render all language autonyms. If we want to show a large number of languages written in their own scripts (autonyms), we cannot apply the usual webfonts to it. This is because when each script requires a webfont, we will end up using a large number of webfonts. This can cause large bandwidth usage. An example of this use case is a language selector on a website. Autonym font tries to solve this. The font contains glyphs and opentype rules for rendering the language autonyms. And it contains only those glyphs for a language. The glyphs for the font are taken from a large number of free licensed fonts. The sources for the glyphs, by language, are:
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Satya N. Rajpurohit
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Free fonts from SDL, IIT Madras covering most Indic scripts: iitmoriya, iitmbeng, iitmguj, iitmhind, iitmipa, iitmkann, iitmmal, iitmpunj, iitmsans, iitmtam, iitmtel, iitmuni. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sheshadrivasu Chandrasekharan
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Creator (?) of Nudi 05K (2013). Inside the font, the copyright goes to Kannada Ganaka Parishat, 2001, though. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
After graduating from DJ Academy of Design in Coimbatore, India, he started studying graphic design (MFA) at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). One of his school projects there was the angular fat stencil typeface Enemy (2014, available at Lost Type). Shiva has worked as an intern with J. Abbott Miller's team at Pentagram and Grandmother Design in Mumbai, India. At the Indian Type Foundry, Shiva helped with Rozha One (2014, free Google web font). This is a heavy didone typeface with large x-height, high contrast, and a harmonious balance between its Devanagari (designed by Tim Donaldson and Jyotish Sonowal) and Latin (designed by Shiva Nallaperumal). Github link. The Indian Type Foundry published several typefaces at Google Web Fonts in 2014, including Rajdhani. Rajdhani is an Open Source typeface supporting both the Devanagari and the Latin scripts. The font family was developed for use in headlines and other display-sized text on screen. Its initial release includes five fonts. Satya Rajpurohit and Jyotish Sonowal developed the Devanagari component in the Rajdhani fonts together, while the Latin was designed by Shiva Nallaperumal. Orwellian (2014) is a reversed-stress typeface designed for display use. It was inspired by the concepts explored by George Orwell in his monumental work Nineteen Eighty Four and follows Henry Caslon's Italian model. Buy it at Lost Type. Orwellian was hand hinted by Tom Grace of Virgo Type and mastered by Psy Ops in San Fransisco. In 2015, Shiva published the informal comic book typeface Pancho (Indian Type Foundry) and the six-weight modulated sans family Khang (Indian Type Foundry). In 2015, Namrata Goyal designed the Gurmukhi part of the free geometric sans font Roundo at Indian Type Foundry. Shiva Nallaperumal designed its Latin. In 2016, Shiva designed the Trench superfamily, which consists of the heavily ink-trapped typeface families Trench Sans, Trench Rounded, and Trench Slab. Trench Rounded was inspired by Wim Crouwel's exhibition poster for the sculptor Claes Oldenburg. Trench Slab also appears at Fontshare. Also in 2016, Ramakrishna Saiteja and Shiva Nallaperumal published the free Kannada / Latin typeface family Kolar. Each font's character set includes 925 glyphs. This massive range supports hundreds of unique Kannada-script conjuncts. Kolar's Latin script characters are all modified from Pablo Impallari's Libre Baskerville series. Github link. Calcula is a display typeface that uses smart OpenType features to explore the space between lettering and typeface design, creating maze-like spaces between letters. Inspired by the geometric Kufic style of traditional Arabic calligraphy, Calcula is a functional OpenType typeface, with design principles that are rooted in lettering, in that each letter reacts to neighbouring letters, adapting to its context. Calcula (2017, Typotheque) was designed by Shiva Nallaperumal, with the help of Tal Leming, who programmed the GSUB features and wrote scripts that generate the ligatures, and Frederik Berlaen who created the custom scripts that made the new decorative styles possible. Designer of Cabinet Grotesk (2017-2021) in eight styles, with two variable fonts. Originally called Cabinet Grotesque. Faction (2018). A very black typeface in which white space loses against black space. Oli Grotesk (2019, Typotheque). Shiva Nallaperumal plans to support all the writing scripts of India (Devanagari, Bangla, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Urdu, Oriya, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada) in the same wide range of weights as its Latin fonts. The Indic versions of Oli are designed by Arya Purohit. In 2019, Bild Monday released his heavy stencil typeface family Ma href="https://www.boldmonday.com/typefaces/rekall/">Rekall. In 2015, Shiva won the SOTA Catalyst Award. Home page. Behance link. Note: MyFonts writes the designer's name with an e instead of an a: Shiva Nalleperumal. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Based at the University of Chicago, links and suggestions for free fonts are given for these languages: Assamese, Baluchi, Bengali, Brahui, Dzongkha, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Kodagu, Lahnda, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Panjabi (Gurmukhi), Panjabi (Shahmukhi), Pashto, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Tulu, Urdu. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer in Sirigere of these free Kannada fonts: Taralabalu Kannada (by EssDee Softvarhouse), Times Shiva Roman (by Taralabalu Kendra, Bangalore, 1996), in truetype, type 1 and BDF formats, Mac and PC. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sridhar Murthy Srikantham is a graphic and type designer, b. 1963, Andhra Pradesh, India. He has a BFA from JNTU, Hyderabad. He created Telugu fonts for the following newspapers: Eenadu (Linotron 202), Vartha Andhara Jyothi, Andhra Bhoomi Sakshi, and Andhra Prabha Prajashakti. He also made Telugu fonts for Microsoft through Modular Infotech, Pune. He designed a typeface for the Naga Tribes called New Script. Speaker at ATypI 2010 in Dublin. Speaker at ATypI 2011 in Reykjavik. M/S Cyberscape Multimedia Limited, Mumbai, are the developers of Akruti Software for Indian Languages. They released a set of truetype fonts for nine Indian scripts (Devanagari, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, and Gurumukhi) under the GNU General Public License (GPL). One can download the fonts from the Free Software Foundation of India WWW site. Contributions to the GNU Freefont project:
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Steve White
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Sun has two free truetype fonts for download: Saraswati5Normal and Saraswati5Bold. These were developed in 2001 and 2002, respectively, by CDAC, Pune, in cooperation with Sun. The Unicode compliant fonts provide support for Hindi, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, and Kannada. Horribly complicated download procedure involving registration. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sunny Kallara
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Free truetype fonts Taralabalu Kannada (by EssDee Softvarhouse, Trichy) and Times Shiva Roman (by Taralabalu Kendra, Bangalore, 1996), in all formats. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
TrendGFX Design Studios
| Trend GFX Design Studios is the commercial type foundry in Karnataka, India, of type designer Rahul A. Kumar. Kumar's creations include Crescent (2012, a scratchy script face), Eclypse (2012, an ornamental caps typeface), Ravan (2012, an irregular hand), and Cuba (2012, an irregular typeface). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
A Kannada font developed by Microsoft and packaged with Windows XP. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
U.B. Pavanaja
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Free Indic fonts:
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TDIL stands for the Technology Development for Indian Languages. It has an archive with these downloadable Indic fonts: Raghu, Gargi-1.3, GISTYogeshN, GISTSurekhN, JanaHindi, JanaKannada, JanaMalayalam, JanaMarathi, JanaSanskrit, JanaTamil. These are all by C-DAC, Pune. Also included are CDAC-GISTYogeshN-OpenType font and CDAC-GISTSurekh-OpenType fonts. From the National Centre for Software Technology comes the Raghindi font. Other fonts are here. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vaishnavi is a typeface designer specializing in Indic scripts. She works on the conservation and restoration of books, manuscripts, documents, and ephemera. Graduate of the Masters of Type Design program of the University of Reading, UK. Vaishnavi's graduation typeface was Yaska (2014, Latin, Cyrillic and Malayalam). The Latin consists of an 8-weight serif family and a connected italic. Co-designer with Juan Luis Blanco of Akaya Telivigala/Kanadaka. Blanco writes: Akaya is a single weight experimental display typeface in Kannada, Telugu and Latin scripts designed in collaboration with Vaishnavi Murthy (Bangalore, India). Akaya Telivigala and Akaya Kanadaka are made as two separate font files which share a common Latin. Github link. Google Fonts link for Kanadaka. Google fonts link for Telivigala. Github link for Telivigala. Designer of Anek Kannada as part of Ek Type's award-winning family Anek (2022). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Fort Worth, TX-based creator of a commercial font collection that covers most Indian languages: Gujarati Radhika, Gujarati Priti, Gujarati Palana, Hindi Vijay, Assamese Vijay, Bengali Vijay, Tamil Vijay, Telugu Vijay, Sanskrit Vijay, Punjabi Vijay, Malayalam Vijay, Malayalam Radhika, Kannada Vijay, Marathi Vijay, Nepali Vijay, Oriya Vijay, Indian Artwork-Vijay. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
The Kannada truetype font AkrutiKndPadmini (1998, ACES CONSULTANTS, Bangalore). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Four free Indic truetype fonts: TM-TTValluvar (Tamil), TL-TTHemalatha (Telugu), SD-TTSurekh (Sanskrit), KN-TTUma (Kannada). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |