TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 07:46:33 EDT 2025






Typefaces related to Pablo Picasso

[Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and his influence on type design]


ABC Typo (was: Bonté Divine)
[Olivier Nineuil]

Olivier Nineuil (b. 1964) created Bonté Divine around 1998, and renamed it ABC typo in 2001. He teaches at the La Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris. Olivier does custom work and has published fonts in the Agfa Creative Alliance such as Comedia.

Other typefaces by Nineuil: P'tit François, Bolobolo, Cassecroute, Garatoi, Maboul, Fiston, Jeuve-upa, Faidodo, Badaboum, Bigoudi, Japapeur, Giboulette, Garamome.

Custom work: Club Med (1996), Hachette Multimédia (1998), Polaris (1995, Autoroutes). Bonté Divine fonts: Picasso (1997), Bonté Divine! 007 (1996), Bonté Divine! 015 (1996), Bonté Divine! 022 (1996), Bonté Divine! 031 (1996), Bonté Divine! 036 (1996), Bonté Divine! 044 (1996), Bonté Divine! 061 (1997), Bonté Divine! 066 (1997), Bonté Divine! 077 (1997), Bonté Divine! 092 (1997), Bonté Divine! 097 (1997), Bonté Divine! 105 (1998), Bonté Divine! 112 (1998), Bonté Divine! 117 (1998), Bonté Divine! 121 (1998). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Annie Konst

Icon designer. Some of her icon sets in her 2021 catalog: Woodland, Picasso, Matisse, Tropical Matisse, Rural Folk, Halloween, Boho Soul, Wild West, Western, Australian Animals, Plantlovers, Orange Chill, Halcon Libre, Antique, Zodiac, Face To Face, Totemica, Flora, Mermaids, Magic Stellar Insects. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bowie Shum

Toronto-based designer of Mondrian (2013), a geometric font inspired by the geometric shapes of the De Stijl art movement and of Piet Mondrian. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bright Ideas Fonts
[Rick Hutchinson]

A foundry which made over 500 fonts, mostly in 1998-1999, and was located in Carlsbad, CA, where Gail Conwell edited their Bright Ideas Magazine at that time, and Rick Hutchinson is listed as one of the directors / managers / owners. Dafont link. Another URL. Font Squirrel link.

Typefaces in alphabetical order with a few additional fonts mentioned separately later: Abraham, Accumulation, Adderley, Aerosol, Akimbo, Alexander, Amadeus-Regular, Amadeus, Amadeuz, Anderson, Arkitex, Arthur, Ashley, Asphalt, Asphalt'Wicker', Avante, Aztecan, Backlit, Balcony, Banshee, Barbarian, Barnaby, Barney, Beanbag, Bender, Bicycle, Billie, BlackRose, Blanchard, Blazed, Blossom, Bodkin, Bogsley, Boingo, Bonham, Botica, Bradley, Braxton, Brittany, Brownie, Bubbly, Bullwinkle, Bumper, Bunker, Butterscotch, Cajalco, Camelot, Candles, CandlesChrome, Candy, Canterbury, Cappuccino, Capsule, Carbiner, Carousel, Carrington, Carson, Casanova, Catfish, Cathedral, Catnip, Cecily, Ceremony, Challenge, Chamberlain, Chance, Chantilly, Cheetah, Chilled, Chocolate, Chopstick, Chump, Conniption, Corrigan, Corrosion, Crawford, Cyborg, Daffodil, Dakota, Danferno, DantesInferno, Darcie, Daytona, Delineator, Dementia, Diamondhead, Donika, Donnah, Dribble, Einstein, Elizabeth, Energy, Espresso, EspressoBI, FabreseDemi, Fairytale, Fallbrooke, Fiancee, Fido, Fionah, Fontana, Fonture, Fortress, Framed, Frankie, Frazier, Freddy, Frederick, Frizbee, Funhouse, Futana, Gapetto, Gatsby, Gemini, Gershaw, Gobbledygook, Godfrey, Goliath, Gonzales, Gonzo, Gothica, Graphitti, Grasshopper, Grendel, Griffin, Groovy, Habibe, Hannah, Hansel, Haskel, Havisham, Hawthorne, Henderson, Hendrix, Higgins, Highland, Holmes, Horton, Humphry, Hutchinson, Incense, Independence, IndependencefromBrightIdeas, Interpret, Invisible, Jacinda, Jacoby, Jaddarack, Jagger, Jamboe, Jangazoo, Jeremy, Jigsaw, Jokester, Joplin, Joseph, Joshua, Jubilee, Junior, Kaboom, Kamden, Karissa, Katherine, Kaufman, Kayleigh, Kendra, Kennedy, Khaki, KhakiBold, KhakiBoldOblique, KhakiOblique, Khakiripp, Khakiwrink, Kilcher, Killian, Kincade, Kingdom, Kinison, Klinker, Komodo, Kramer, Kromeon, Kryski, Kurrajong, Kyanna, Labrador, Leallie, Leland, Licorice, Limousine, Lindsy, Liquitek, Lockleer, Lockwood, Londonderry, Loyalty, Machine, Maddox, Madman, Magazine, Magellan, Maggie, Magician, Majesty, Malachite, Malone, Mandolin, Margarita, Marilyn, Marley, Marmalade, Marquardt, Martin, Mascara, Masters, McMahon, Mckinsey, Mechanizm, Meddler, Michelle, Milano, Millenium, Moccasin, Mongrel, Monolyth, Monster, Montey, Montoya, Moonstar, Morgan, Morrison, Morteza, Moteefe, Muskrat, Mustard, Napkin, Neolite, Newlywed, Nirvana, Noodles, Nouveau, OldWood, Oliver, Omicron, Pajama, Palooza, Panache, Paperclip, Papercut, Parbuckle, Parkinson, Paschico, Patches, Patriot, Patton, Payton, Pebbles, Pegasus, Perkins, Phantom, Picante, Picasso, Pickles, Pigeon, Pinhead, Pirouette, Platinum, Poodle, Pugsly, Quantum, Quentin, Radford, Ragetta, Ramirez, Rampart, Ramsey, Rapunzel, Rathskeller, Ravage, Ravish, Razor, Rebecca, Recess, Rediculous, Reefrash, Remeus, Revenge, Rhackoon, Rhodes, Ricksha, Riesling, Rockafella, Rockford, Rockola, Romance, Romulus, Rookie, Rutger, Ruxton, SMCChicago, SMCHollywood, SMCMiami, SMCMonteCarlo, SMCPhoenix, Sabien, Sampson, Samurai, Sangrial, Sapphire, Sapporo, Sawyer, Scarab, Scarlet, Scirocco, Scorpio, Scratch, Scrubblack, Scrubbold, Scrubcle, Scrublight, Sebastian, Seymour, Shakah, Shardee, Sheela, Skatty, Sketcher, Skyline, Skywalker, Snoozie, Snowboard, Squared, Stacker, Starsky, Stencil, Stencilla, Stiltskin, Sublime, Sundance, Surkle, Surrender, Swashed, Swingreg., Tagger, Tamarin, Tamborine, Tanner, Tantrum, Tarzana, Taylor, Teriyaki, Thompson, Thrash, Thrust, Tiddwell, Trapeze, Trident, Trinket, TrujillietXtra, Tuolumne, Twinkle, Tybette, Urbana, Vargas, Ventolin, Ventura, Vitrono, Vulmere, Waynne, Weiland, Whitney, Windsong, Winslow, Winton, Wonton, Wookie, Zargon, Ziggie.

Additional fonts not in the list above: Andrew, Boogie, Fracas, Mandrel, Sinclair, Tuxedo, Varsity.


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Carlos Aponte

New York-based Puerto Rican artist, who designed the sports dingbat font DF Energetics (1995). Versions at Elsner&Flake, ITC and Esselte (original). This font was inspired by Picasso.

FontShop link. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Charles S. Wilkin
[Prototype Experimental Foundry]

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From the wiki: Cubism was a 20th century avant-garde art movement, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music and literature. The first branch of cubism, known as Analytic Cubism, was both radical and influential as a short but highly significant art movement between 1907 and 1911 in France. In its second phase, Synthetic Cubism, the movement spread and remained vital until around 1919, when the Surrealist movement gained popularity. [...] In cubist artworks, objects are broken up, analyzed, and re-assembled in an abstracted instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints to represent the subject in a greater context. Often the surfaces intersect at seemingly random angles, removing a coherent sense of depth. The background and object planes interpenetrate one another to create the shallow ambiguous space, one of cubism's distinct characteristics. There is no specific typographic component in cubism, except that some, like Preissig, tried to create the angular types that evoke letters that were broken up and somehow put back together. In recent times, some have taken inspiration from cubist paintings in the selection of shapes of glyph outlines, and called their typefaces "cubist". [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dave Simpson
[Sign DNA]

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David Sagorski

Born in Kansas, David Sagorski moved to southern Florida to study at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. He then moved to New York City and created several display typefaces and picture fonts for ITC and Letraset. David worked on oil rigs and pipelines in the bayous of Louisiana. He was encouraged to peruse type design based on the suggestions of friends and associates who admired his handlettering and other works of art.

His typefaces: Dancin' (1995), the dingbat ITC Dave's Raves One (1994), Expressions (1995), Faithful Fly (1994), ITC Juice (1995), Bang (1993), Mo Funky Fresh (1993, now at Linotype), Moderns (1994, influenced by masters such as Picasso and Kandinsky), ITC Snap (1995), Tag (1994), Bluntz (1994), DF Wildlife LET Plain (1994), and Kool Beans (2008, Umbrella Type).

Linotype link. FontShop link. Klingspor link.

View david sagorski's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Donggu Kim

Industrial designer in Sydney, Australia, who created a handcrafted Picasso-inspired typeface in 2016. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elena Schaedel

Visual communications designer in Germany. At 26plus, we can find her Amsterdam (a series of five fonts with Grachten, Vel, Huis, Fiets and Bloemen as themes, all modularly constructed from a few basic forms).

In 2012, she published the Picassonian geometric experimental typeface MeM, done together with Jakob Runge, at 26plus.

Behance link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Estevao Lucas

Brazilian designer. The cubist painting Les demoiselles d'Avignon by Pablo Picasso (1907) inspired Estevao Lucas to create an award-winning broken-up cubist alphabet in 2009. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eugene Alefragi

Greek designer of Guernica (2015), a typeface that consists of pieces of Pablo Picasso's famous painting. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Euschemon Creative

Kalamata, Greece-based designer of Guernica (2017), a typeface in which each glyph is inspired by a detail of Picasso's Guernica. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Huge Georgian font archive: AALiteraturulibold, ACADEMIURYAV-Bold, ACADEMIURYAV, ACADEMIURYAV, ACADEMIURYP, AGogeb, AGorda, AGrigoliaH, AGrigoliaL, AGroteskN, AMerabgecadzeh, ANusxuri, AParisuli, ARTANUJI, ASakartvelo, AShesha, ATtbilH, AZacademiury, AZacademiuryBold, AZacademiuryBoldItalic, AZacademiuryItalic, AacadHN, AacadLN, AcadMtavr, AcadNusx, AcadNusxGeo, AcadNusxWd, AcademicNormal, Academiury-ITV, Academiury-ITVBold, Academiury-ITVItalic, Academiury, AchveulBold, AchveulH, AchveulL, AdamianiERI, AdumbadzeHN, Adumbadzel, Akademiuri-mtavruli, Akademiuri, Akademiuri, AkademiuriBJG, Aladini, AmartveNormal, AmicoGeo, Amiran, AmiranSP, ApakizH, ArachveulebriviThin, ArachveulebriviThinSP, ArialCyrMT, ArialCyrMT, ArialGEO, ArialMT, Ashemok, AsoMtavruly-ITV, AsoMtavruly, AtbilisiL, Avaza, AvazaMtavruli, AvazaMtavruliSP, BPGAlgeti, BPGAlgeti, BPGAlgetiCompact, BPGAlgetiCompact, BPGBoxo-Boxo, BPGBoxo, BPGClassicMedium, BPGDedaEna, BPGDedaEnaBlock, BPGDedaEnaNonblock, BPGGlaho-Bold, BPGGlaho, BPGGlaho2008, BPGGlaho2008, BPGGlahoArial, BPGGlahoArial2008, BPGGlahoArial2008, BPGGlahoArialV5, BPGGlahoMix, BPGGlahoSP, BPGGlahoTraditional, BPGGlahoTraditionalArial, BPGIngiri2008, BPGIngiriArial, BPGIngiriArial2008, BPGIngiriBArial, BPGIrubaqidze, BPGIrubaqidze, BPGMikheilStefane, BPGNinoElite, BPGNinoEliteCaps, BPGNinoEliteCond, BPGNinoEliteCondCaps, BPGNinoEliteExp, BPGNinoEliteExpCaps, BPGNinoEliteRound, BPGNinoEliteRoundCond, BPGNinoEliteUltra, BPGNinoEliteUltraCaps, BPGNinoMedium, BPGNinoMediumCaps, BPGNinoMediumCondenced, BPGNinoMkhedruli-Bold, BPGNinoMkhedruli-Bold, BPGNinoMkhedruli, BPGNinoMkhedruli, BPGNinoMkhedruliBook, BPGNinoMkhedruliBook, BPGNinoMtavruli-Bold, BPGNinoMtavruli-Bold, BPGNinoMtavruli, BPGNinoMtavruliBook, BPGNostalgia-Bold, BPGNostalgia-Bold, BPGNostalgia, BPGNostalgia, BPGNuskhaModern, BPGPaata, BPGPaataCaps, BPGPaataCond, BPGPaataCondCaps, BPGPaataExp, BPGPaataExpCaps, BPGPaataUltra, BPGPaataUltraCaps, BPGParaGraphChveulebrivi, BPGParaGraphChveulebrivi, BPGPhoneSansMini-Bold, BPGPhoneSansMini-BoldItalic, BPGPhoneSansMini-Italic, BPGPhoneSansMini, BPGRioni, BPGRioniArial, BPGRioniContrast, BPGRioniVera-CondensedLight, BPGRioniVera, BPGRioniVeraLight, BPGSans, BPGSerif, BPGTahomaGlaho, Babuka, BabukaMtavruli, BalavMtavr, Balaveri, Barnaba, Beka, Bolnisi, BolnisiMtavruli, Bondo, BordeauxGeorgian, BrushScriptGeorgian, Calligraphy, Chveul, ChveulebriviTT, ChveulebriviTTOki, Chveulebrivy-ITV, Chveulebrivy-ITV, Chveulebrivy-ITVBold, Chveulebrivy-ITVBoldItalic, Chveulebrivy-ITVItalic, Chweulebrivi-Book, Constitution, Daviti, DejaVuSans, DejaVuSans, DumbaMtavr, DumbaNusx, Dumbadze-ITV, Dumbadze-ITVBold, Dumbadze-ITVBoldItalic, Dumbadze-ITVItalic, DumbadzeCapsGGE, DumbadzeCondGGE, DumbadzeGGE, DumbadzeItalicGGE, DumbadzeNormal, DumbadzeSmallGGE, DumbadzeTD, DumbadzeTFNormal, Eka, EkaHor, Elguja, Fido, G&G_Ilia-Bold, G&G_Ilia-Normal, G&G_Ilia-Normal, G&G_IliaM, G&G_IliaMBold, G&G_IllliaM-Normal, G&G_Shirim-Normal, GEODumbaMtavr, GEOGrigolia, GEOKolkhetmtav, GEOKolkhetmtav, GEOKolkhetnusx, GEOKolkhetnusx, GEOKolkhety, GEOKolkhetyBold, GEOKolkhetyMtavBold, GEOLitMtavr, GEOLitNusx, GEOLortkipanidzeNormal, GEOLortkipanidzeNormal, GEOZaza, GEOZhorzholadze, GEO_AKADEMIURI, GEO_DUMBADZE_MT, GEO_KOLHETI, GEO_KOLHETI_MT, GF-Satellite-17-Mt-Bold-Italic, GF-Satellite-17-Mt-Bold, GF-Satellite-2-Mt-Italic, GF-Satellite-2-Mt, GF-Satellite-3-Mt-Bold, GF-Satellite-6-Mt-Bold-Italic, GF-Satellite-6-Mt-Bold, GF-Satellite-6-Mt, GFSatellite28Mt-Italic, GFSatellite28Mt, GFSatellite2MtBold, GFSatellite2MtBoldItalic, GFSatellite3Mt-BoldItalic, GGogebashviliNormal, GNMmamuk, Gancxadebebi, Gancxadebebi, Geo-Gza, Geo-TabidzeNusx-ASTER, GeoABC, GeoABC, GeoAcadMtavr, GeoAcadMtavrBold, GeoAcadNusxBold, GeoAcadNusxNormal, GeoAcademiuri, GeoAcademiuriItalic, GeoAladdin, GeoAlami, GeoAmiran, GeoArial, GeoArialBold, GeoArialBoldItalic, GeoArialItalic, GeoAvazaMtavr, GeoAvazaNusx, GeoBalaveri, GeoBauhausMtavr, GeoBauhausNusx, GeoBecker, GeoBernhardFashion, GeoBodoni, GeoBombay, GeoBordeauxMtavr, GeoBordeauxNusx, GeoBrushScript, GeoCalligraphy, GeoChveuMtavrBold, GeoChveuMtavrNormal, GeoChveuNusxBold, GeoChveuNusxNormal, GeoCourier, GeoCourier, GeoCourierBold, GeoCourierBold, GeoCourierBoldItalic, GeoCourierBoldItalic, GeoCourierItalic, GeoCourierItalic, GeoDabali, GeoDedaena, GeoDevi, GeoDochanashviliMtavr, GeoDochanashviliNusx, GeoDumba-Bold, GeoDumba-BoldItalic, GeoDumba-Italic, GeoDumba, GeoDumbadze-Regular, GeoDumbadze, GeoDumbadzeItalic, GeoDumbadzeMtavr, GeoDumbadzeMtavrBold, GeoDumbadzeMtavrBoldItalic, GeoDumbadzeMtavrItalic, GeoDumbadzeNusx, GeoDumbadzeNusxBold, GeoDumbadzeNusxBoldItalic, GeoDumbadzeNusxItalic, GeoEka, GeoEklesia, GeoElguja, GeoGediMze, GeoGeorge, GeoGogebashvili, GeoGorda, GeoGordeladze, GeoGothic, GeoGraniti, GeoGremi, GeoGrigoliaMtavr, GeoGrigoliaMtavrBold, GeoGrigoliaNusx, GeoGrigoliaNusxBold, GeoGrigoliaPolygraph, GeoGrigoliaPolygraphBold, GeoGrotesk, GeoIliaMtavrBold, GeoIliaMtavrNormal, GeoIliaNusxBold, GeoIliaNusxNormal, GeoInstitution, GeoKalamiMtavr, GeoKalamiNusx, GeoKaterina, GeoKiknadze, GeoKokhodze, GeoKolkheti, GeoKolkhetiBold, GeoKolkhetiBoldItalic, GeoKolkhetiItalic, GeoKolkhetiMtavrBold, GeoKolkhetiMtavrNormal, GeoKolkhetiNusxBold, GeoKolkhetiNusxNormal, GeoKvamli, GeoKvebliani, GeoLadoGrigolia, GeoLiterMtavrBold, GeoLiterMtavrNormal, GeoLiterNusxBold, GeoLiterNusxNormal, GeoLiterSmall, GeoLiteraturuli, GeoLiteraturuliBold, GeoLiteraturuliBoldItalic, GeoLiteraturuliItalic, GeoLiteraturulyN, GeoLiteraturulyNBold, GeoLiteraturulyNBoldItalic, GeoLiteraturulyNItalic, GeoLordkipanidzeTT, GeoLortkipanidzeBold, GeoLortkipanidzeMtavrBold, GeoLortkipanidzeMtavrNormal, GeoLortkipanidzeNormal, GeoMaghali, GeoMartve, GeoMdzimiseburiNormal, GeoMistral, GeoMrgvlovaniNormal, GeoMrudeNormal, GeoMziuriMtavr, GeoMziuriNusx, GeoNanaZhorzholadze, GeoNaniko, GeoNapraliani, GeoOrqidea, GeoPakizi, GeoParagraphic, GeoPhunjiMtavr, GeoPhunjiNusx, GeoPicasso, GeoPixel, GeoPreston, GeoRustaveli, GeoSabechdiMtavr, GeoSabechdiMtavrASTER, GeoSabechdiNusx, GeoSabechdiNusxASTER, GeoSakarMtavr, GeoSalkhino, GeoScript, GeoShemoqmedi, GeoShesha, GeoShirim, GeoSiradze, GeoSlim, GeoSoftLiter, GeoTabidze, GeoTbilisiMtavr, GeoTbilisiNusx, GeoTiko, GeoTimes, GeoTimesBold, GeoTimesBoldItalic, GeoTimesGeorgian, GeoTimesItalic, GeoTimesMtavr, GeoTimesNusx, GeoVenuri, GeoVenuriBold, GeoVenuriBoldItalic, GeoVenuriItalic, GeoVeziriMtavr, GeoVeziriNusx, GeoVicroASTER, GeoVictoriaNormal, GeoWWWTimes, GeoWWWTimesBold, GeoWWWTimesBoldItalic, GeoWWWTimesItalic, GeoXelnaceri, GeoXibli, GeoXucurNusx, GeoZaza, GeoZghapariMtavr, GeoZghapariMtavrASTER, GeoZghapariNusx, GeoZghapariNusxASTER, Geodum, GeorgiaNET, GeorgianTimesBold, GeorgianTimesNormal, GigaMsxviliMtav, GigaMsxviliNusx, GigaNewMtav, GigaPirveliMtav, GigaPirveliNusx, GigaTxeliMtav, GigaTxeliNusx, Gogebashvili-ITV, Gogebashvili-ITVBold, Gogebashvili-ITVBoldItalic, Gogebashvili-ITVItalic, GogebashviliNormal, GogebashviliTFNormal, GoturiGoturi, GremiMtavr, GremyCond, Grigolia, Grigolia, GrigoliaMta, GrigoliaMtavr, GrigoliaPolygraph, GrigoliaPolygraphBold, Grotesk, Grotesk, Ia, Imedi, Ioane, IoaneOqropiri, KA_KOLHETI, KA_LITERATURULI, KA_LORTKIPANIDZE, KGDCourierCyrPSzura, Kolkhety-ITV, Kolkhety-ITV, Kolkhety-ITVBold, KolkhetyTeleTypeNormal, KvadroMt, LadoGrigolia, Lali, LitMtavrPS, LitNusx, Literaturuli-Book, LiteraturuliITV, LiteraturuliTD, LiteraturuliTDBold-Italic, LiteraturuliTDBold, LiteraturuliTDItalic, Literaturuly-ITV, Literaturuly-ITVBold, Literaturuly-ITVBoldItalic, Literaturuly-ITVItalic, Literaturuly, Liziko, LortkipanidzeNormal, MTMchedlidze1, MTMchedlidzeHelnatceri1, MTMchedlidzeNushuri, MZIURI1Light, Margo, Migdebuli, MistGeorgian, Muqara, NTHarmonicaPS-Normal, Naniko, New_2, PakizyITV, PataraNino, Peikari, Phatima, Phunji, PhunjiMtavruli, SPAcademi, SPAcademiBold, SPAcademiMTBold, SPBalavari, SPChveulebriviBold, SPChveulebriviMTBold, SPChveulebriviMTMedium, SPChveulebriviMedium, SPDumbadzeBold, SPDumbadzeMTBold, SPFebos, SPGogebashvily, SPGorda, SPGremi, SPGrigolia, SPGrigoliaBold, SPGrigoliaMT, SPGrigoliaMTBold, SPGrotesk, SPKolhetiBold, SPKolhetiMTBold, SPKolhetiMTMedium, SPKolhetiMedium, SPLiteraturuly, SPLiteraturulyBold, SPLiteraturulyMT, SPMdzime, SPPakizi, SPParliamentBold, SPParliamentMTBold, SPParliamentMTMedium, SPParliamentMedium, SPRustavely, SPSakartvelo, SPShemokmedi, SPSiradze, SPSiradzeBold, SPVenaBold, SPVenaMedium, Saba, SakarMtavr, SanHelBold, Sanet, Sggg1, Shalva, ShemoMtavr, Sylfaen, Sylfaen, TalguriRS, Tamaz, Tamta, Targamos, TbilisiCaps, TeoHeavy, TimesNRCyrMT, TimesNewRomanPSMT, Tinano, UCNOBICOMThin, Zaza, ZazaDU, ZazaSP, Kolkhety-ITV, literaturuli_BJG_2000-Bold, misha.nd-cristal, misha.nd, sb_ge. 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Fontware Limited

Company located in Fareham, Hampshire, UK, and (possibly) run by David Gibbins. 150 truetype-font collection: go here, here, here, here, here, and here. The 150 fonts have no copyright information other than the date, 2001. Here are the names of this collection: Aston-Italic, Aston, AstonPoster, Barker, Bentine, Brancusi-Italic, Brancusi, Burns, ButlerCaps, Cambridge-Bold, Cambridge-BoldItalic, Cambridge-Italic, Cambridge, CambridgeOpen, Chaplin, Charterhouse-Bold, Charterhouse, Cleese, Constable, Cooke, Corbett, CorpusChristi-Bold, CorpusChristi-Italic, CorpusChristi, Crosby, DaVinci, Dali, Degas, Dodd, Donnatello, Durham-Bold, Durham-Italic, Durham, DurhamPoster-Bold, DurhamPoster-Italic, Edinburgh-Bold, Edinburgh-BoldItalic, Edinburgh-Italic, Edinburgh, Epstein, EpsteinFat, Eton-Italic, Eton, Exeter-Bold, Exeter-Italic, Exeter, Formby, Gainsborough, Gauguin, Gilbert, Gordonstoun-Bold, Gordonstoun-Italic, Gordonstoun, Hancock, Hardy, Harrow-Bold, Harrow-BoldItalic, Harrow-Italic, Harrow, Harvard-Bold, Harvard, Hepworth-Bold, Hepworth, Hope, Keaton, KebleBlack, KebleBoldOutline, KebleCondensed, KebleCondensedBlack, KebleCondensedLight, Keele-Bold, Keele, KingsCollege-Bold, KingsCollege-Italic, KingsCollege, Laurel, Leighton, LeightonCondensed, LeightonExtended, Lloyd, Manet, Marceau, Marlborough-Bold, Marlborough, Matisse, Michaelangelo, Miller, Millfield, Milligan-Bold, Milligan-BoldItalic, Milligan-Italic, Milligan, Miro, Monet, Moore, Morecambe, Peterhouse-Bold, Peterhouse-BoldItalic, Peterhouse-Italic, Peterhouse, Picasso, PicassoLite, Pollock, Pryor, QueensCollege-Bold, QueensCollege-BoldItalic, QueensCollege-Italic, QueensCollege, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rodin, Roedean-Bold, Roedean, Rubens, Secombe, Sellers, Seurat, Sorbonne-Bold, Sorbonne-BoldItalic, Sorbonne-Italic, Sorbonne, StAnnes-Italic, StAnnes, StPauls-Bold, StPauls, Stowe, Sykes, ToulouseLautrec, Turner, Upminster-Bold, Upminster, VanGogh, Verrochio, Warhol, WarholHeavy, WarholLight, Warwick-Bold, Warwick-BoldItalic, Warwick-Italic, Warwick, Wellington, WellingtonHeavy, Winchester-Bold, Winchester-Italic, Winchester, Wisdom, Wise, Yale-Bold, Yale-Italic, Yale. This free font collection may or may not be produced in agreement with Qualitype. Commercial font services, including barcode solutions (about 500 USD for Barcode2000, which includes 3 of 9, Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5, EAN/UPC, MSI/Plessey, Code 128, Codabar, MICR/E13B, CMC-7&USPS Barcode, and OCR A, OCR B, Letter Gothic, Line Draw&the Euro Currency Symbol) and TrueType logo and signature fonts (200 USD per font in 6 weights). Sells Barcode Assistant. Free barcode demo fonts. Free copy of Fontaware (Windows 3.1 font management). Free font recognition service. Font vendor for Bitstream. Barcodes sold:

  • 1-Dimensional (Linear) Barcodes: Code 128, EAN 128, UCC 128, GS1 128, Code 39, Code 39 Extended, Code 93, EAN-8, EAN-13, ISBN, ISSN, 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, Industrial 2 of 5, ITF14, Codabar, MSI, DUN14, Logmars, HIBC, Bookland, IATA.
  • Postal Barcodes: Royal Mail 4 State, PostNet, USZIP, KIX, French Postal, German Postal, Australian 4 State, Singapore 4 State.
  • 2-Dimensional Barcodes: PDF417, Datamatrix, Aztec, QR Code, Maxicode, GS1 Databar, RSS-14, Codablock-F.
  • OCR&MICR Fonts: OCR-A, OCR-B, CMC-7, MICR (E13B), OMR Marks.
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Jaroslav Andel

Czech art historian and author of Avant-Garde Page Design 1900-1950 (Delano Greenidge Editions, 2002). This book presents a comprehensive visual lexicon of early 20th-century page design. Illustrations include designs by Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Wassily Kandinsky, Marcel Duchamp, Aleksandr Rodchenko, Lázló Moholy-Nagy, El Lissitzky, and Jan Tschichold. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jessica Tapolcai

Jessica Tapolcai was born in America, grew up in Switzerland and moved to London to get a BA (hons) s typographic and graphic design at London College of Communication. She created the experimental typeface Picasso (2012). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joan Marti Mas
[TypePhases (was: vigital tipografia)]

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Joanne Taylor

Aka Jos Joy, as Joanne Ford Taylor, and as joiaco. South African illustrator from Knysna, b. 1953. She also paints as Qabbojo Art, and is presently located in Vancouver, Canada.

Designer in 2009 of Qarmic Sans, Qirkus Qaps (almost Tuscan), Qranklestein, Qlippitek, Qixstix, QutnTorn Caps, and the hand-printed fonts Qirlycues and Qokijo.

In 2011, she created Qokipops, Qik Edges (2011, dingbats and borders), Qut+Torn (papercut face), Qrypton (2011, sci-fi), Qumbazonki (2011, African look face), Qwagga (2011, another African face), Qixbox (2011, hand-printed 3d face), Qongasushi (2011, poster face), Qarkitech, and Qlinickle.

Typefaces from 2012 include Qarolina, Qreepy, Qrackerjax, Qubism, Qoncrete, Qrubby, Questoz, Quinky (brush face), Qumberland Slab, Qinkgo, Qrayola, Qudos, Qubism (inspired by Picasso), Qimiko, Qhorah, Qratchee (scratchy typeface).

In 2013, she designed Qrankenstein, Qaxton, Quota (a heavy titling face), Qlub Jozi (art deco), Qlarendon (a 7-style Clarendon family), Qarmic Sans Pro, Qanoodle (handwriting), Qorker (art deco, after The New Yorker?), Qlaire (clean sans), Qwinkwell, Quota (fat poster face), Qarross, Qontreaux, Qut+Paste (paper cut font), Qwacko, Qizulu (African-themed font), Qokeynote.

Typefaces from 2014: Qlunky Brush, Qarrotface, QikiconsRealEstate, QrackStreet, Quiglet (a very rounded sans), Quota-Bold, Qutntorn, Qwinkwell, Quikhand (chalk / blackboard typeface), Qirlycues.

Typefaces from 2015: African Elegance, Embroidery Running Stitch, Embroidery Chainstitch, Embroidery Backstitch, Leaderbord.

Typefaces from 2016: Scrabblish (scrabble font).

Typefaces from 2017: Qanterberry, Geeky Periodic Table Font.

Devian Tart link. Behance link. Graphic River link. Fontspace link. Dafont link. Creative Market link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

John Desrosiers
[Soft Horizons]

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Katja Wolf

Young designer at fontgrube who made a typeface called Picasso, ca. 2000. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Koeweiden Postma

Despite the modest agricultural name, they say this about themselves: Koeweiden Postma is one of the leading branding and design agencies in The Netherlands. I quite like the typographic work they did in the form of posters and ads for the Picasso in Paris 1900-1907 exhibition, held in 2011. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Krzysztof Stryjewski

Graphic designer in Gdansk, Poland. Creator of a structured blackletter typeface family called Circa (2012), Rincewind (2013, a school project typeface), Tablespoon Sans (2013), Obsidian (2012, blackletter), and Alfabet Picassa (2011, inspired by Picasso's work). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lomo Hiber
[Vladimir Tsagolov]

Type designer in Volgograd and Saint Petersburg, Russia, who created these display typefaces in 2018: Speedy Space Goat Oddity (a painter's font), Afrik (a hand-painted font inspired by African tribal body art, and drawn with one finger using self-made paint from crushed charcoal), Hubber (a retro signage script font), Stormy Youth (a rebellious marker pen font), Coal Soul, Alza (script), Blobber, Crem (a free futuristic slab serif), and Loscut.

Typefaces from 2019: Dancin Pixel, Blober, Crem Slab.

Typefaces from 2020: Petale (an elegant 18-style display family), Fracaso (an abstract or cubist painter's font named after Picasso). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Manfred Klein
[Manfred Klein: Painters]

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Manfred Klein: Painters
[Manfred Klein]

This group of Manfred Klein's typefaces draws its inspiration from paintings by Picasso, Miro and others: ArtDekoParts, ArtElements, ArtEtcetera, ArtFound, ArtGoesPixeled, ArtParticles, ArteFS, ArteFactsTwo, ArteFakte2007, ArteNero, ArteStuff, ArteVectoria, Artefakte, ArtesBats, ArtesCocktail, Artests, Artfacts, Artist-Medium, ArtistMedium, ArtistSketches, ArtistTracesTwo, ArtistTracesTwo, Artistiques-Bricks, ArtistsOne, ArtistsOr, ArtistsTraces, ArtistsTwo, ArtsBeforeComputer, BlackArt, BlackBeckMan, BulletsMK-Thin, CowBats, Drawings, DuererUnd, ForgottenArtOne, ForgottenArtTwo, FromOldArtists, GernKleinThree, Guernica38Remember, GuernicaMemories, KFirstBricksMirored, KleinKarpets, KleinsMouseTraps, KlitschKOtiqua, KlitschKOtiquaRound, KlitschKOtiquaShadow, MankBalloons, MankSans-Medium, MankSans-MediumOblique, MankSans-Oblique, MankSans, MankZieglers, MatisseThree, MatisseTraces, Mirobattz, Mirodish, MirosWitchesMedium, MontagesSurrealistiques, MouseAsPainter, MouseLearnMiro, OnKleesTraces, OpArtCarpets, OpticalArt, PabloInTownA, PabloSansCaps, Pabloesque2005, Pabloesques, PablosChildren, Pointilism-Toolbox, Pointilism, PopArtes, PopIcons, PopNonsens, PostConstructivism, PostConstructivismInvers, Precassos, Relative, RootsOfMatisse, Sammelsuriart, Sasurium, ScrapArt, Sculptures, SculpturesMKRL, Sculpturs, SketchesOfSpain, SurReal, Surrealbats, SurRealisM, SurrealisMK, SurrealsmKTwo, TracesOfKandinsky, VasarelyWasHere, VectorPaintingOne, VectorPaintings, WacObats, WhoWasTheArtist.

Download page. Download all these fonts in onze zip file. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Marcin Marciniak

Poznan-based designer of Spokko (2012), an artsy typeface inspired by Picasso. In 2015, he designed the angular text typeface Paradox. [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Picasso

Typefaces related to Picasso, as selected from the MyFonts library. View more typefaces inspired by Picasso. A partial listing:

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Natalie Scawthorn

Todmorden, United Kingdom-based designer of the sharp-edged typeface Picasso (2015). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nehal Lodha

Mumbai-based designer of Picasso (2012), a an ormanental caps typeface inspired by the life and work of Pablo Picasso. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nicky Laatz

Successful designer in Cape Town, South Africa, who started making fonts in 2014, In 2016, Creative Market wrote: South Africa-based designer Nicky Laatz just made one million dollars on Creative Market doing what she loves.. Creator of the commercial vintage spurred Western typeface Thistle Creek (2014), and the hand-drawn Butcher Block (2014), Vanilla Frosting (2014), Brave (2014, poster font), Stringfellows (2014, connected curly script, the most popular fonts at Creative Market in August 2014) and Cookies & Cream (2014).

In 2015, Nicki created more script typefaces: Hello Sunshine (hand brushed), Stone Harbour (dry brush typeface), Pleasures Script, Bonjour, Heart & Soul, Butterscotch. She also created a handcrafted system, called The Typographers Fonts, that includes these fonts: Bacon Sandwich, Fish And Chips, Fox And Bear, Gingerbuck, Habaneros, Handsome Hand Slanted, Handsome Hand, Heartstrings, Hunterswood, Lemon Squeeze, Mustache, Rembrandt, Shopaholics, Stalemates, Stringbeans, Sugarbush Slanted, Sugarbush, Zanjeros.

Typefaces from 2016: Just Lovely, Bloomishly Brush, Saturday Script (dry brush script), Tanglewoods, La Fiesta (calligraphic script with watercolour edges), Maraschino Script (calligraphic script with a bouncy baseline, Little Anchor (Wobbly hand-painted script), Blushing Bride (a flirty hand-lettered script), Lemonshino, Strawberry Frosting (plump and cheerful), Happy Days, Bear Hugs, Vanilla Sprinkles (messy calligraphy with watercolour edging), Mustard Mustache (an uppercase marker font), Island Style, Lucky Fellas (brush script), Indigo Blue, Miss Couture (pencil brush script), Forever Soulmates, Blooming Elegant (Sans, Hand and Monoline), Hello Lucky (a dry marker font), Biscuit Base Script, Boathouse Script, Deliciously Script, Gojiberries, Harelybuck Script, Jeronimo Typeface, Jolly Sailor, Loveluck Script, Lemonade Stand, Maraschino Typeface, Masquerade, Novascotia, Peaches & Pistachio, Shoestrings.

Typefaces from 2017: Just Heavenly (dry brush script), South Route, Pringle+Tweed, Poppit+Finch, Ernest + Emily, Gotcha (marker font), Indigo Summer, Serendipity, Styled Up, Hello Pretty (brushed typeface), Born Ready (brush script).

Typefaces from 2018: Electric Dreams (font duo), Instalove (SVG dry brush), InstaLove Smooth, Lovestory (watercolor SVG font), Summer Loving (SVG brush), Stay Classy Font Duo, Signature Collection, White Oleander, Belluga, Simply Sweet, Signature Collection, Chin Up Buttercup.

Typefaces from 2019: White Alchemy (a wild script), Supa Mega Fantastic, Pink Lemonade, Picasso in Paradise, California Dreams (+SVG, +Marker, +Watercolor), Bon Vivant Family (font duo), Gatsby Modern, Nicolette Script (by Nico Inosanto and Nicky Laatz), Serenity Font Duo, Joules et Jaques (script and serif), Kokomo Breeze.

Typefaces from 2020: Wicked Awesome, The Perfect Match, Fishfingers & Chips, Juniper and Sage, South Pacific, Marshmallow Hot Chocolate, Glamour Absolute (a fashion mag display typeface).

Typefaces from 2021: Isabella Grand, Nightingale Script (an antique watercolor script), Idealist Serif (a hipster serif), Magic Ramen, (a reverse contrast script).

Typefaces from 2022: Kilimanjaro (a heavy 18-style sans that recalls Lubalin in the late 70s). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Niklas Design
[Niklas Johnson]

Swedish graphic designer, b. 1991, who obrained a Masters degree at IED in Florence, Italy. He is currently based in Stockholm. His typefaces:

  • At Santa Barbara City College in California, Niklas Johnson designed the artsy display typeface Picasso (2015) and the vintage typeface Nick (2015).
  • In 2017, he created an untitled octagonal typeface and the serif typeface Niccolo.
  • In 2021, he released the free squarish industrial sans family Ampero.
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Niklas Johnson
[Niklas Design]

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Nolwenn Nasri

Student at l'Ecole de Communication Visuelle (ECV) in Paris. She created a typeface for the identity of the Picasso Museum in Paris in 2012. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Océane Juvin

Graduate of Ecole estienne in Paris, whi joined Velvetyne in 2019 annd is currently working as a type design researcher in ANRT, Nancy.

During her studies at Ecole Estienne in Paris, Océane Juvin created the sans typeface OK (2014), the revival text typeface Cicero (2014), and the experimental typeface Code Decode (2015). In 2015-2016, she developed the old style text typeface Dixit. In 2016, she created the paintbrush calligraphic typeface Blue Mood (2016), for which inspiration came from a portrait by Picasso in his blue period. In 2019, she released the physics icon font Physol.

Océane Juvin at Velvetyne, where she published Typefesse (2019). Typefesse is a playful butt-shaped typeface in which the letters are rendered in such a way that the reading is done through the folds of the body. Substyles include Claire, Pleine and Obscure. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olivier Nineuil
[ABC Typo (was: Bonté Divine)]

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Osmond Tshuma

Co-founder and creative director of Mamgobozi Design Factory. Johannesburg, South Africa-based designer (b. Zimbabwe) of The Accordeonist (2020, based on a Picasso painting from 1911 by the same name). In 2014, he designed Colonial Bastard Rhodes as a post-colonial critique of both Cecil John Rhodes and the impact of colonialism in South Africa. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Özgün Karatürk

Istanbul-based designer of the cubist typeface The Picasso (2014). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Prototype Experimental Foundry
[Charles S. Wilkin]

Commercial foundry, est. 1994 in Brooklyn by Charles Wilkin (b. Buffalo, NY). Designers selling their fonts through them include

  • Charles Wilkin: Sequence, Policy, Velvet (1995, also at Plazm), Superchunk (which includes funny Picasso-esque dingbats of typefaces), Spin (1994), Spaceboy, Hi-Light (2002, an upright script family), Poly Anna (2001), Phink, DeScripto (grunge calligraphy), Decline, Broken, Dink (1994), Euphoria, Fatboy, Interstate60, MagnetoHalfSerif, PJCT (2003, sans).
  • John Wiese: Halo, Petulia, Cat Woman, Caitanya.
  • Robert Beck: Table Manners.
  • Frank Ford: Ghetto Prince (calligraphic grunge script).
  • 52mm: Kaiju (Hebrew simulation font).
  • Keith Tatum: Gliche.

Free fonts by Charles Wilkin: Creep (1995), Cypher (1997), Nude (1995), Pixely (2002).

Alternate URL. At MyFonts. Dafont link. Personal web site.

View Charles Wilkin's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Q. Kim

San Francisco, CA-based designer of Genius-M (2018) and Genius-P (2018), two abstract art typefaces influenced by Piet Mondrian and Pablo Picasso, respectively. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rick Hutchinson
[Bright Ideas Fonts]

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Sign DNA
[Dave Simpson]

SignDNA is run by Dave Simpson (Winters, CA). Commercial sign and display fonts, including many scripts, often by Dave Simpson himself. Other designers:

  • Bob Behounek made ChicagoStyle, NewCity, SantaFe, KedzieLite, Heading Script, Pravda Casual, Pulaski Script, Archer. (This must be in error--there is a contradiction between the web page and the information in the fonts.) In the latest page, these fonts are credited to "Behounek". I can't follow this.
  • Paul Martin made Caz Fat, El Sid, Journeyman, WarBird (great signature-type font), RaceCarChisel, FastEddie, Squirt (upright, calligraphic).
  • Wm. J. Krupinski designed Bill's Holiday, Cube a Rama, Toon Copy, Med Ved, Toon Block.
  • Dan Antonelli created the 3-d fonts Banner Priz, Corinne, Lori Slant, Nicole, Tommy B, Rocinante, Zak, Prizmatic Numbers.
  • Mike Stevens made Magic, Stix, Happy Script, Master, ArRoyo, Tahoe, Staton, BigSur, DuVall, BigRed, BigMedicine, Tenor, Phoenix, Vasona.
  • Jack Wills made Nitro, Whoa, Brougham, Kreem, Buzz, Daffy Script, Hot Rod, Matilda, Jules Shado, Jules, Brave Heart, Monterey Script, Mr. Charles, Newmann.
  • Tramp Designs (Tramp Warner) made Eurolian (techno), Grafix (techno), Metal, Radical, Ripped, Salza, Sawblade, Starbound, Straight Laced, Tramp and Victory.
  • Kirby Stafford made Big Boy (2001), Lowered, Pencil Stroke and Whoop T Do.
  • Ray Larabie made Mecheria, Silentina, Soap, Tank, Zosma Bold, and Zosma Lite.
  • Gary Godby made Monika (script).
  • House fonts (by Dave Simpson, I guess): Amazing Grace, American Eagle, Amps, Ands, Andy, Auction Block, Autographic, Automat, Aztec, Banner Heavy, Banner Long n Lean, Big Cheese, Big Kiss, BuckShot, Bull Frog, Bulletin Black, Cadet, CopsRobbers, Crown Title, CrownTitle Priz Wide, Cut Out Script, Daytona Script, Dave the Wave, Deco Roman, Denny, Denny Bold, Dogwood, Downtown, Dragonfly, FiveCents, Golden Eagle, Half Dome Block, Half Dome Script, Heaven, Hell, Hex, Hillbilly Opteamaw, HogWort, Huckelberry, Jade, Kaylon, kaylon Heavy, Lone Wolf, Loose Spokes, los Pintores, Lumax, Lynewood Crakd, Mac, Marcel Dubo, Marcel Jones, Marker Magic, Marvels Navel, Medicine Hat, Miss Kitty, Monika, Nelson ShoCard, Nelson ShoCard Fat, Neon, Neon Script, Neon Tubes, O'Daly, Picasso, Playground, Race Car Casual, Race Way, Raceway Priz, Rosebud, Santa Cruz, Savage, Scriptboy, Shakey Jake, Shoefly, Slope, Smoothy, Snappy, Snappy Thin, Space Patrol, Spatz, Spatz HiLite, Speed Stroke, Street Rod, Stringline, Strout, Sundowner, Swing, Tank, Taylor Caz, Thin Man, Thin Man Bold, Tug Boat, Tys Optimus, Waldo, Woody.

Note: Nick Curtis: Dave Simpson purchased the rights to [Nick Curtis's] Creampuff for $167, and has been selling it for the past 11 years or so as Waldo. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sofia Prado

Ensenada, Mexico-based designer of the typeface Picasso (2019). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Soft Horizons
[John Desrosiers]

A font collection by this Los Angeles outfit of John Desrosiers has flooded many archives. All fonts have the SH letters in their names. There is a fair amount of cloning, but there are also many first-time revivals (such as Lainie Day, based on a 1943 script by Bluemlein). The list of fonts: AceBinghamS, AceBinghamSH, AddisonLibbySH, AlfonsoWhit, AlfonsoWhiteheadSH, AndyMacarthurSH, AnneBoleynSH, AntonioMountbattenS, AntonioMountbattenSH, ArrowsAPlentySH, AssadSadatS, AssadSadatSH, AutomationRimmed, OttoMasonSH, BIGCSHAD-Normal, BIGCSHAD-NormalEx, BIGCSHAD-NormalWide, BIGCSHADLefty, BeauTerrySH, BennieGoetheSH, BibiGodivaSH, BibiNehruSH, BlondieBurtonSH, BookwomanDemiItalicSH, BookwomanDemiItalicSH, BookwomanDemiSH, BookwomanDemiSH, BookwomanExpLightSH, BookwomanExptLightSH, BookwomanLightItalicSH, BookwomanLightItalicSH, BookwomanLightSH, BookwomanLightSH, BookwomanMonoLightSH, BookwomanMonoLightSH, BookwomanSwashDemiSH, BookwomanSwashDemiSH, BookwomanSwashDemiSH, BookwomanSwashLightSH, BookwomanSwashLightSH, BrailleS, BrailleSH, BuckyMerlinS, BuckyMerlinSH, CameronStendahlSH, CarlTellerSH, CarrieCattSH, CassTaylorSH, ChartreuseParsonsSH, ChasThirdSH, ChaseCallasSH, ChaseCallasSH, ChildBonaparteSH, ChuckWarrenChiselSH, ChuckWarrenDesignSH, ChuckWarrenDesignSH, ClaudeCaesarS, ClaudeCaesarSH, CluKennedySH, CoffeeCamusInitialsSH, ColetteColeridgeSH, CooperPlanck2LightSH, CooperPlanck4SH, CooperPlanck6BoldSH, CooperPlanck8HeavySH, CybilListzSH, DizzyDomingoSH, DizzyFeiningerSH, DocTermanBoldSH, DodoCasalsSH, DodoDiogenesSH, EdithDaySH, EmGravesSH, EngelEinsteinSH, ErnestBlochSH, ErnestBlochSH, ExxPresleySH, FarEast, FleurFordSH, ForefrontBookObliqueSH, ForefrontBookObliqueSH, ForefrontBookSH, ForefrontBookSH, ForefrontDemiObliqueSH, ForefrontDemiObliqueSH, ForefrontDemiSH, ForefrontDemiSH, FractionsAPlentySH, FredFlahertySH, GabbyGauguinSH, GarryMondrian3LightItalicSH, GarryMondrian3LightSH, GarryMondrian4BookItalicSH, GarryMondrian4BookSH, GarryMondrian5SBldItalicSH, GarryMondrian5SBldSH, GarryMondrian6BoldItalicSH, GarryMondrian6BoldSH, GarryMondrian7ExtraBoldSH, GarryMondrian8UltraSH, GarryMondrianCond3LightSH, GarryMondrianCond4BookSH, GarryMondrianCond5SBldSH, GarryMondrianCond6BoldSH, GarryMondrianCond7ExtraBoldSH, GarryMondrianCond8UltraSH, GarryMondrianExpt3LightSH, GarryMondrianExpt4BookSH, GarryMondrianExpt5SBldSH, GarryMondrianExpt6BoldSH, GarryMondrianSwashSH, GeorgeMelvilleSH, GraceAdonisSH, HankKhrushchevSH, Heavenetica2ULtOblSH, Heavenetica2ULtSH, Heavenetica3ThinOblSH, Heavenetica3ThinSH, Heavenetica4LtOblSH, Heavenetica4LtSH, Heavenetica5OblSH, Heavenetica5PSBldOblSH, Heavenetica5PSBldSH, Heavenetica5SH, Heavenetica6MedOblSH, Heavenetica6MedSH, Heavenetica7BoldOblSH, Heavenetica7BoldSH, Heavenetica8HvyOblSH, Heavenetica8HvySH, Heavenetica9BlkOblSH, Heavenetica9BlkSH, Heavenetica9PUBlkOblSH, Heavenetica9PUBlkSH, HeaveneticaBoxedBoldSH, HeaveneticaCond2ULtOblSH, HeaveneticaCond2ULtSH, HeaveneticaCond3ThinOblSH, HeaveneticaCond3ThinSH, HeaveneticaCond4LtOblSH, HeaveneticaCond4LtSH, HeaveneticaCond5OblSH, HeaveneticaCond5SH, HeaveneticaCond6MedOblSH, HeaveneticaCond6MedSH, HeaveneticaCond7BoldOblSH, HeaveneticaCond7BoldSH, HeaveneticaCond8HvyOblSH, HeaveneticaCond8HvySH, HeaveneticaCond9BlkOblSH, HeaveneticaCond9BlkSH, HeaveneticaCond9PUBlkOblSH, HeaveneticaCond9PUBlkSH, HeaveneticaExtd2ULtOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd2ULtSH, HeaveneticaExtd3ThinOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd3ThinSH, HeaveneticaExtd4LtOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd4LtSH, HeaveneticaExtd5OblSH, HeaveneticaExtd5SH, HeaveneticaExtd6MedOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd6MedSH, HeaveneticaExtd7BoldOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd7BoldSH, HeaveneticaExtd8HvyOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd8HvySH, HeaveneticaExtd9BlkOblSH, HeaveneticaExtd9BlkSH, HeaveneticaMonoBoldSH, Hebroid, HeleneHissBlackSH, HenryPatrickSH, KarlKhayyamSH (Arabic simulation face), KarlaJohnson5CursiveSH, KarlaJohnson5RegularSH, KarlaJohnson6BoldCursiveSH, KarlaJohnson6BoldSH, KarlaJohnson7ExtraBoldCursiveSH, KarlaJohnson7ExtraBoldSH, KarlaJohnson8HeavyCursiveSH, KarlaJohnson8HeavySH, LainieDaySH, LatinoPal3LightItalicSH, LatinoPal3LightSH, LatinoPal4ItalicSH, LatinoPal4RomanSH, LatinoPal5DemiItalicSH, LatinoPal5DemiSH, LatinoPal6BoldItalicSH, LatinoPal6BoldSH, LatinoPal7ExtraBoldSH, LatinoPalBlackSH, LatinoPalCond4RomanSH, LatinoPalCond5DemiSH, LatinoPalCond6BoldSH, LatinoPalExptRomanSH, LatinoPalSwashSH, LeeToscanini3LightSH, LeeToscanini5RegularSH, LeeToscanini7BoldSH, LeeToscanini9BlackSH, LeeToscaniniInlineSH, MarcusHobbesSH, MartinMaxxieSH, MaudeMeadSH, MikePicassoSH, NealCurieRuledSH, NealCurieSH, NewMilleniumSchlbkBoldItalicSH, NewMilleniumSchlbkBoldSH, NewMilleniumSchlbkExptSH, NewMilleniumSchlbkItalicSH, NewMilleniumSchlbkRomanSH, NewMilleniumSchlbkSHBold, NewMilleniumSchlbkSHBoldItalic, NewMilleniumSchlbkSHItalic, NewMilleniumSchlbkSHRoman, NigelSadeSH, OttoMasonSH, PaulPutnamSH, PcEncodingLowerSH, PcEncodingSH, PennSilvaSH, PhilSimmonsSH, Polonaise, RobWebsterExtraBoldSH, SalTintorettoSH, SamBarberInitialsSH, SamPlimsollSH, ShellyMarisSH, ShlomoAleichemSH, SissyRomeoSH, SlimStravinskySH, SpruceByingtonSH, SueVermeer4LightItalicSH, SueVermeer4LightSH, SueVermeer5MedItalicSH, SueVermeer5MediumSH, SueVermeer6DemiItalicSH, SueVermeer6DemiSH, SueVermeer7BoldItalicSH, SueVermeer7BoldSH, SunYatsenSH, SuzanneQuillSH, SymbolsAPlentySH, TamFlanahanSH, TempsExptBoldSH, TempsExptItalicSH, TempsExptRomanSH, TempsSwashSH, TessHoustonSH, TexCatlinObliqueSH, TexCatlinSH, TonyWhiteSH, WaltHarringtonSH, WesHollidaySH, WesHollidaySH, XavierPlatoSH, YuriKaySH, ZappedChancellorMedItalicSH, ZappedChancellorSHMedItalic, The Heavenetica family, for example, is a clone of Helvetica. 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Sophie Mili

Athens-based designer. She created Don Quixote by Picasso out of typographic elements in 2012. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tano Veron

Buenos Aires-based creator of the children's hand font Nicolina (2012) and of the techno typeface Hifix (2012).

Zephyr (2013) is a striped ornamental caps typeface. In the ornamental caps style, Tano also made Las Mejores Cosas De La Vida No Son Cosas (2013).

Boxing (2013) is a condensed sans headline face.

In 2014, he made the free multicolored vector format typeface Mondrian, which is named after De Stijl artist Piet Mondrian. In the same vane, he made the decorative caps typeface Kandinsky (2014). Keplerian (2014) is an alchemic typeface. In 2014, Tano Veron and Yai Salinas co-designed the free vector format colored display typeface Carioca.

In 2015, he published Natureza (alchemic / hipsterish), Theremin (great variable-width san; free download), Mapuche (a free native symbol font), Pettoruti Type (a colorful cubsy typeface influenced by the cubist Argentinian painter Emilio Pettoruti (1892-1971), Sandre (based on Cassandre's Bifur), Dionisia (a great free art deco poster typeface), Jekyll & Hyde (a free EPS format vintage display pair of typefaces), Binary Font (free), the free sci-fi typeface Houston, the free hipster typeface Belladona, the tweetware constructivist font Moscu, the decorative caps typeface Guernica (named after Picasso's famous civil war painting from 1937), the free vector format typeface Miro and the tweetware colored circus font Circo.

Typefaces from 2017: Hot Rod (free art deco style), Hangar (rounded sans), Belladona Stencil, Bardo (an all caps typeface described as classic, transgressive and badass as Shakespeare, it has a bit of the art deco charm of the The New Yorker typeface).

Behance link. Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Terry Wüdenbachs

Snowboarder from Liechtenstein, who designs typefaces at P22 and its descendant foundries such as HWT. The list:

  • His first font was the whacky P22 Catalan (2003), which was inspired by Antonio Gaudi, Joán Miro and Salvador Dali.
  • In 2004, he created BlancoNeg, Mexican Relics (100 dingbats from pre-Columbian Mexico), Sniplash (a 60s cartoon face) and Durer Caps (after Dü'rer's 1525 original).
  • In 2005, he added P22 Mystic (art nouveau).
  • The curly P22 Festiva and P22 Huffer Pro (comic book face) followed in 2009.
  • In 2010, he designed two revivals of Nebiolo work, P22 Nebiornaments, and P22 Slogan (after the 1957 brush font by the same name by Aldo Novarese).
  • In 2012, he created P22 CoDependent, a set of two art deco typefaces that revive of the Independant typeface from 1930 created by Dutch designer Johannes Nicolaas Coenraad Collette along with Jos Dufour from Belgium.
  • In 2012, Terry joined forces with Richard Kegler and published the multilayered Western circus font HWT American Chromatic at Hamilton Wood Type. American Chromatic was originally created by Wm. H. Page & Co. circa 1857-59.
  • In 2013, he designed HWT Arabesque for Hamilton Wood Type. This art nouveau / psychedelic typeface was originally produced by the Morgans & Wilcox Co. and the Wm. Page Co. as almost identical designs. Both manufacturers were acquired by Hamilton and offered briefly by Hamilton as design #618. William Page Arabesque was first shown in 1872 and after the Page purchase by Hamilton in 1891, it was renamed to No. 618. Similarly, the Morgans & Wilcox Arabesque was first shown in 1884, but after Morgan's purchase by Hamilton, it was renamed to No. 3189.
  • HWT Showcard Script (2020). Described as an extended script type that lends itself well to fine fashion, ready-to-wear and all quality merchandise in a marketing blurb that pitched Beaufont by the Morgan Sign Machine Company of Chicago for their Line-O-Scribe sign printing system. This advertising script font was originally manufactured exclusively for Morgan Sign under license by the Hamilton Wood Type Manufacturing Company.
  • In 2020, the Bixlers and P22 jointly published the ornamental typeface LTC Bixler Ornaments. The digital version is due to Terry Wudenbachs.
  • P22 Snowflakes (2020). By Richard Kegler and Terry Wüdenbachs.

Klingspor link. View Terry Wüdenbachs's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Trevor Pettit

British designer of Pablo (1995), a handwriting font at Letraset (ITC, Linotype) based on Picasso's hand. FontShop link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

TypePhases (was: vigital tipografia)
[Joan Marti Mas]

Joan Marti Mas' dingbats and fonts. Joan Mas is a Catalan type designer, illustrator and graphic designer in Palma, who offers free and commercial fonts. His free fonts include Cu-tbo-rough (2004, handwriting), Dalicanya (2004), Pero Jefe (2004), Corbatins (2004), Cartelia (2004), Carusses (heads), Ataques, Scroonge (grunge), Tooman (tribal dingbats), Kinky Boots (2004), Viatge Quimic (2004, psychedelic face), Kool Aid Acid Text (2004), CU-TBO (2004, comic book family), Psychopaths (2002), CapsBats (2002), Plantiya (1999), Illustries (2000), Illustrisms (2000 and 2012: vintage scanbats), Amano (handwriting, 2000), DeskSpace dingbats, Bruegheliana, Fazzes, Whimsies (2000), Defora (grunge), Antypepatics (great facial caricatures, some even Picasso-esque), Honcho, Ataques, Taques au gogo, Scroonge, Lletraparits, Collbats (named after the cartoon artist Josep Coll, 1924-1984), Homoningos (2002-2004, human figures), Viatge Quimic (2002, lettering based on ideas of Austrian designer Alfred Roller from the early 20th century), Mandicho (child's hand), Sinky (comic book), Tipejos (human figure outlines), Embrush.

Commercial fonts: Merry Mob (2020), Genteta I, II and III, Absurdies (mad men dingbats), The Joy of Reading (2001), Fontorio (handwriting), Simpa (handwriting), Entestats (2004, dingbats of heads), Incipials 1, Deaf Crab, Racana, Emplomada, Phalopha, Feedback, DaMarka, Bizarries, Brrrush, Threedee, Capsbats 1,2&3 (very original: human heads with things in them), Manualita (handwriting), Ombres 2&3. He (note: Joan is a man's name in Catalonia) also has a sub-page on font creation and typography. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Vladimir Nikolic

Belgrade, Serbia-based designer (b. 1981) of these typefaces:

  • The dingbat fonts Canavarlar (2020: funny men), Haircut (2020: women's hairdos), Ornament Borders (2020), Gourdy (2020: birds), Lizards (2020), Mantra (2020), All Star (2020), Speel (2020), Soavely (horses) (2020), Forma (2020), Hell Beasts (2020), Mistresses (2020), Paraiso (2020), Crow (2020), Traverser (2020: crosses), Cats (2020), Dogs (2020), Negative-Heads (2020), Otu (2020), Wakazi (2020), Risk (2020), Wurm (2020), Beard Man (2020), Hoder (2020), Damen (2018), Damen 2 (2020), Foliga (2020), Solo Drinker (2020), Congress (2020), Farmacy (2020), Elections (2020), Emergency (2020), VN Arrows (2020), Hexagonos (2020), Automobiles (2020), Cars (2020), Emoji Boom (2020), Bestia (2020), Aliens (2020), Insect (2020), Bytost (2020), Monstero (2020), Aveto (2020), Dancing Cat (2020), Atradimas (2020), Womanhood (2020), Figur (2020: an alien insect font), Halfwits (2020), Silly Donkey (2020), Crazy Monkey (2020), Round Masks (2020), The Quick Dog (2020), Flying Birds (2020), Maskid (2020), Monstra (2020), Bull Skulls (2020), War Items (2020), Public Transport (2020), Loomad (2020), Mokhabiso (2020: African patterns), Record (2020), Mulher (2020), Heroez (2020), Bulls (2020), Madarak (2020: birds), Bold People (2020), Munari (2019: a collection of drawings based on Bruno Munari's book "Artista e designer" from 1966), Screws (2019), White Mouse (2019), Schepselen (2019), Glatze (2019), Crosses (2019), Chefs (2019), Diamond Blocks (2019), Hexagons (2019), Maumbo (2019), Circles (2019), Enfeite (2019), Pigs (2019), Mythos (2019), Kreaturen (2019), Baby Alien (2019), Body Moving (2019), Various Boys (2019), Lines and Objects (2019), Mouvman (2019), Watch (2019), Credit Card (2019), Cycles (2019), Devil Emoji (2019), Fare (2019), Mund (2019), Labbra (2019), Circular Ornaments (2019), Cranium (2019), Ugok (2019), Ansigter (2019), Tsim (2019), Schmetterlinge (2019), Jungfrau Maria (2019: religious icons), Knights Helmets (2019), Kinderskizzen (2019), Wolves (2019), Various Cats (2019), Owls (2019), Spiral Object 3D (2019), Zodiac Signs (2019), Cyborg (2019), Duck (2019), Cat 3D (2019), Object 3D (2019), Circle and Line (2019), Various Girls (2019), Dulcet (2019), Erotic Symbols (2019), Frauen (2019), Pierre the Vampire (2019), Robotter (2019), Middle Finger (2019), Claudio The Cat (2019), Medusa (2019), Veggie (2019), Pablo (2019), Fishes (2019), Dream of Picasso (2019), Stam (2019), Animality (2019), Ink Drops (2019), Faces (2019), Bayan (2019), Froggy (2019), Senhoras (2019), Diamondo (2019), Skallen (2019: skulls), Swimmers (2019), Churches (2019), Easter Icons (2019), Lippen (2019), Gullar (2019), Bankwesen (2019), Creatures with Horns (2019), Vehicles (2019), Various Hands (2019), 3D Animals (2019), Abantu (2019), Herr (2019), Menge (2019), Funny Aliens (2019), Mustachos (2019), Kids Drawings (2019), Tierfarm (2019), Troep (2018), Women Heads (2018), Cats and Dogs (2018), Wanita (2018), Eyez (2018), Animales (2018), Peoples (2018), Mobile Icons (2018), Controllers (2018), Womano (2018), Lost in Space (2018), Blumen (2018: flowers), Tetriso (2018), Snowflake (2018), Meine (2018: masks), Horoscopicus (2018), Esoterica (2018), Astrologicus (2018, astrolical symbols), Abbild (2018: African masks), Being (2018: monsters), Gebell (2018), Headed (2018), Falter (2018), Filling (2018), Anichka (2018), Cyclopia (2018), Buggus (2018), Opa (2018), Messe (2017), Head of Idol (2018), Diavolo Nero (2017: funny silhouettes).
  • The boxed or encircled alphabets Audience Capitals (2020), Galileo (2020), Compare (2020), Compare-Light (2020), Hexagonas (2020), Select (2020), Before (2020), Before-Dark (2020), Boxes (2020), Boxes-Extravagant (2020), Boxes-Fancy (2020), Calf-Negative (2020), Capital-Relationship (2020), Pyxidas (2020), Capitalica (2020), Tundra (2020), Ordinary Capitals (2020), Broadway Capitals (2020), Browser Capitals (2020), Capitalismo (2019), Schwarzenberg Capitals (2019), Retrospective Capitals (2019), Official Capitals (2020), Impression (2020), Oriental (2020), and Letters in Circles (2018).
  • Shadowed caps: Cleopatra (2021), Farmers Market (2021), Erkekler (2021), Assignation (2021), Greek Tragedy (2021), Distorted (2021), Lightshow (2021), Credenza (2021), Ragusa (2021), Comunismo (2021), Scordia (2021), Gazelle (2021), Organ (2021), Strizhi (2021), Umoya (2021), Ninja Justice (2021), Unlimited (2021), Unicorns (2021), Labyrinth (2021), True Artisans (2021), Poker (2021), Donald (2021), Ferrari (2021), Booster (2021), Madness (2021), Favorita (2021), Vitamin (2021), Robot (2021), Robust (2021), Engine (2021), Whether (2021), Nucleus (2021), Trunk (2021), Ombre (2021), Viscosus (2021), Jewelry (2021), Verge (2021), Pursue (2021), Keener (2021), Visor (2021), Korvo (2021), Squash (2021), Scum (2021), Darker (2021), Education (2021), Cimice (2021), Tomb (2021), Bambola (2021), Calla (2021), Rump (2021), Complex (2021), Razor (2021), Driveller (2021), Karambol (2021), Princino (2021), Berger (2021), Adopted (2021), Bugbear (2021), Samara (2021), Talisman (2021), Waterway (2021), Megabus (2021: a marquee font), Roller (2021), Numerica (2020), Bond (2020), Gloom (2020: a marquee font), Chalkboard (2020: sketched), Unboxing (2020: techno), Antennas (2020), Secca (2020), Umfo (2020), Sabbia (2020), Squirrel (2020), Byzan (2020), Debtor (2020), Bridge (2020), Familie (2020), Lake (2020), Roma (2020), Tissue (2020), Bombay (2020), Osteology (2020), Restroom (2020), Speaker (2020), Bebika (2020), Center (2020), Gismo (2020), Fierce (2020), Gambler (2020), Afterparty (2020), Birdbrain (2020), Boner (2020), Divine (2020), Gelatin (2020), Lost (2020), Marshland (2020), Quadri (2020), Shadow (2020), Stairs (2020), Superba (2020), Techno (2020), Underman Book (2020), Wired Capitals (2020), Fineliner (2020), Fictive Kinship (2020), Exotica (2020), Ural (2020), Devianza (2020), Kultur (2020), Unmute (2020), Antiqua (2020), Chains (2020), Scheme (2020), Stumble (2020), Aroma (2020), Beans 2 (2020), Cover (2020), Cronica (2020), Fundament (2020), Horna (2020), Loce (2020), Mademoiselle (2020: art nouveau), Melodia (2020), Penny (2020), Taikun (2020), Assault (2020), Athletica (2020), Baraka (2020), Brassica (2020), Builder (2020), Chancellery (2020), Gwara (2020), Pliez (2020), Recinzione (2020), Right (2020), Rimes (2020), Seal (2020), Service (2020), Scorpions (2020), Terraces (2020: American flag font), Wedding Cabbage (2020), Wild Girl (2020), Tragedy (2020), Indos (2020), Starfish (2020), Vintage (2020), Adriatica (2020), Funeral (with American flag texture) (2020), Voleur (2020), Calzino (2020), Peshkop (2020), Metzger (2020), Asshole (2020), Puppet (2020), Broeksel (2020), Hals (2020), Escort (2020), Vortex (2020), Dades (2020), Boild Hedgehog (2020), Mermer (2020), Grower (2020), Rainbow (sketched) (2020), Baise (2020), Necklace (2020), Angels (2020), Smuggler (2020), Dommage (grungy) (2020), Squalor (2020), Fusto (2020), Course (2020), Fisheye (2020), Baiser (2020), Banda (2020), Cantaloupe (2020), Canto (2020), Begriff (2020), Trapeze (2020), Arabeska (2020), Silver (2020), Wasco (2020), Kosaken (2020), Triangle (2020), Banquet (2020), Demode Capitals (2020), Cultus Capitals (2020), Idiot Capitals (2020), Granary Capitals (2020), Liberta (2020), Montblanc (2020), Granary (2020), Blanket (2020), Tuyaux (2020), Wolf (2020), Comeback (2020), Oliba (2020), Idiot (2020), Trailer (2020), Bricks (2020), Toys (2020), Luxury (2020), Hertz (2020), Signal (2020), Serenada (2020), Kurven (2020), Schnecke (2020), Mona (2020), Sierra (2020), Search (2020), Tranchante (2020), Eccentric (2020), Fast (2020), Mosquito (2020), Speed-of-Light (2020), Thanks (2020), Album (2020), Boyhood (2020), Ending (2020), Trend (2020), Universal-Serial-Bus (2020), Fixed (2020), Kings (2020), Holiday (2020), Range (2020), Numbers (2020), Shipman (2020), Officer (2020), Video (2020), Order (2020), Route (2020), Cosa-Nostra (2020), Clowns (2020), Unique (2020), Voyeur (2020), Shape (2020), Brigadier (2020), Allora (2020), Spartacus (2020), Advisor (2020), Ambis (2020), Cables (2020), Genesa (2020), Horse (2020), Laptop (2020), Pork (2020), Mafioza (2020), Mucho (2020), Athens (2020), Audience (2020), Rotor (2020), Mundo (2020), Olympus (2020), Border (2020), Scale (2020), Survival (2020), Trouble (2020), Turnabout (2020), Catharsis (2020), Parade (2020), Discoteque (2020), Rude (2020), Fame (2020), Safran (2020), Ausweis (2020), Mechanica (2020), Moscowian-Party (2020), Beers (2020), Strengthen (2020), Tempo (2020), Unreal (2020), Poetico (2020), Bach (2020), Bach-Fat (2020), Energy (2020), Alexandra (2020), Basket (2020), Cushion (2020), Model (2020), Organiser (2020), White (2020), Anabela (2020), Cannibal (2020), Casablanca (2020), Castle (2020), Control (2020), Crazy (2020), Crazy-Gradient (2020), Emotion (2020), Honey-Bunny (2020), Knockout (2020), Linearo (2020), Murmure (2020), Polished (2020), Reon (2020), Sparrow (2020), Storms (2020), Street-Stars (2020), Franchise (2020), Pencil (2020), Ruanda (2020), Pepito (2020), Megalomania (2020), Rouleaux (2020), Frozen (2020), Together (2020), Saldo (2020), Museum (2020), Network (2020), Hunk (2020), Cultus (2020), Creator (2020), Flow (2020), Blocchi (2020), Possession (2020), Bad Germans (2020), Discounted (2020), Traversal (2020), Mangalica (2020), Murmansk (2019), Summer Candy (2019), Question (2019), Second Channel (2019), 3D Models (2019), Memory (2019), Computer (2019), Diversity (2019), Elastic Letters (2019), Businessman (2019), Kuchen (2019), Demode (2019), Objective (2019), Medication (2019), Nonsense (2019), Plagiat (2019), Toledo (2019), Tricks (2019), Common (2019: a trompe-l'oeil font), Mafia (2019), Releases (2019), Extradition (2019), Shoot To Kill (2019), Groowing (2019), Enough (2019), President (2019), Silence (2019), Dressed (2019), Already (2019), Hocus Pocus (2019), Password (2019), Ready (2018) and Messages (2017).
  • The ornamental caps typefaces Mahal (2021), Stamp (2021), Hell Door (2021), Tangram (2021), Custom (2021), Remake (2021), Studio (2021), Adagio (2021), Oxidizer (2021), Mondial (2021), Paraglide (2021), Tattoo (2021), Developer (2021), Dama (2021), Lobby (2021), Gabaritos (2021), Sence (2021), Ombre (2021), Cresa (2021), Anniversary (2021), Wire (2021), Triton (2021), Lamina 92021), Hangup (2021), Years (2020), Dowry (2020), Sephora (2020), Jewels (2020), Straightforward (2020), Dance (2020), Necklace (2020), Maria (2020), Taxi2 (2020), Outlaw (2020), Combat (2020), Chewed (2020), Fantasy (2020), Observation (2020), Cure (2020), Pioneer (2020), Near (2020), Kleid (2020), Unitas (2020), Tomato (2020), Blader (2020), Canal (2020), Baked Snails (2019), Alcoholic (2019), Bonjour (2019), Zylinder (2019), Phenomenal (2019), Surfaces (2019), Success (2019: as in De Stijl), Retailer (2019: multilined), Havana (2019: multilined), Mechanismo (2019) and Pencil Letters (2019).
  • The display typefaces Trader (2020), Oysters (2020), Furious Ride (2020), Portfolio (2019), Pontos (2019), Swordsman (2019), Regular (2019), Andrey (2019), Retrive (2019), Connected (2019), Locator (2018), Tracking (2018), Iceberg (2018: snow-capped letters), New Amsterdam (2018), Ana (2018), Enemy (2018), New Yorkers (2018), Happy Day at School (2018), Focused (2018), Modish (2018), Beholder (2018) and Principality (2017).
  • The alphadings Birthdays and Parties (2021), Bahanalia (2020), Icecreams (2020), Brailler (2020), Night Dreams (2020), Flower Capitals (2020), Jingle Bells (2020), Neuron Capitals (2020), Easter Time (2020), Hearts and Arrows (2018), Penguins (2018), Kitties (2018), Doggy (2018), Teddy Bears (2018), International Capitals (2018), Aafia Capitals (2018), Answer Capitals (2018), Beholder Capitals (2018).
  • The circuit font Simple Repairs (2021).
  • The 3d typefaces Sharp (2021), Edited (2021), Three Dimensions (2020), Rental (2020), Shiny Blocks (2020), Turbulence (2020), Labor (2020), Worship (2020), Fantasy-3D (2020), Zucker (2020: stacked blocks) Perfetto (2020), Rude-3D (2020), Lover (2020), Kasten (2020), 3D Models (2019), Tricks (2019) and Metallic (2019).
  • The multiline typefaces Yiphi (2021), Porker (2020), Formula (2020), Laguna (2020), Hypochondria (2020), Majestic (2020), Vibes (2020), Tubes (2020), Yogurt (2020), Turkish (2020), Question (2019), Pancake (2019), Remained (2017), Liquidrom (2018), Second Channel (2019), 3D Models (2019), However (2019), Confarreatio (2018) and Fudged (2018).
  • The textured typefaces Incompetent (2021), Autumn (2021), Sangria (2021), Studio (2021), Kino (2021), Elixir (2021), Espace (2020), Mistress (2020), Heritage (2020), Silicone (2020), Hornettio (2018), Ignorant (2018), Americans (2020: the American flag embedded into the glyphs), Pollution (2020), Jakob (2019), Diversity (2019), Townscape (2019), Patriotic (2019: American flag theme), Meshes (2018), Complained (2019), Duration (2018) and its solid counterpart, Duration Book (2018).
  • The Slavonic emulation typeface Russian Land (2017) and the Cyrillic emulation typefaces Monarch (2021), Cold War (2021), Beograd (2020), Ukrainian Princess (2019), Territory (2019), Kalinka (2019), Rubles (2018), Maniac (2018), Jurij (2018), Kachusha (2018), Soviet Program (2018), Armenia (2017), Fontograd (2018) and Russian Spring (2017).
  • The constructivist typefaces Tokarev (2017), Russiano (2018), Suggested (2018), Hungaria (2018) and Schwachsinn (2018).
  • Art deco typefaces: Cavalier (2021), Performer (2021), Angelica (2019), Protocol (2019), Retrospective (2019), Leculier (2018, after an alphabet in Georges Leculier's art deco lettering book from ca. 1930), Better (2018), Critical (2017).
  • Art deco caps: Reverse (2020), Bathroom (2019), Idiotism (2019).
  • The chess fonts Schach (2020) and Wisdom Chess (2020).
  • The weather icon font Weather Symbols (2020).
  • The decorative sans typefaces Shock (2021), Energia (2021), Pitviper (2021), Nemesis (2021), Addiction (2021), Nehad (2021), Chewer (2021), Nightfall (2021), Gourmet (2021), Flipside (2021), Layered Letters (2019), Imbecile (2019), Answer (2018), Hours (2018), Abandoned (2018), Sea Gardens (2017), Forvertz (2018), Yeysk (2018) and Closeness (2018).
  • Sans: Wollicht (2021), Ministro (2021), Lonely (2021), Noix (2021), Messina (2021), Samara (2021), Rickrack (2021), Broadcaster (2021), Catamaran (2021), Official (2019).
  • Comic book fonts: Reset (2021).
  • Artsy fonts: Hornstick (2021), Kikundi (2021), Shanghai (2021), Skewed (2021), Company (2021), China (2020).
  • The headline sans typefaces Finance (2020), Marija (2020), Fashion (2020), Magazine (2020), Policemen (2020), Impressum (2019), Educated Deers (2019), Hindenburg (2019) and Fixation (2018).
  • The rounded organic sans typefaces Hofmann (2020), Adelino (2020), Available (2018) and Biysk (2018).
  • The handcrafted typefaces Diana (2020), Flood In London (2019), Milord (2018), Sex and Breakfast (2018), Sweet Handwrite (2018), Industrial Revolution (2018), Oh Maria (2017), Sofija (2017) and Travelling (2017).
  • The bubblegum typefaces Roller (2020), Jellies (2020), Designero (2019), Bubblicious (2019) and Icecreamer (2017), and its oily companions Gummy (2018) and Liquid (2018).
  • The heavy deco typefaces Guest (2019), Bigger (2018), Hours (2018), Intransitive (2018: Dutch deco), Theatrical (2017) and Consequences (2017).
  • The beveled fonts Iron (2020), Rising (2020), Novgorod (2020), Troy (2020), Fake Hope (2019), Diamond Ring (2019), Playback (2018) and Member (2018).
  • The starred caps typefaces Farmers Market (2021), Donald (2021), Citizen (2021), Wizard (2021), Adrenaline (2021), Diabolo (2021).
  • The stencil fonts Browser (2019), Serbia (2019), Belgrado (2019), Further (2019), Generals (2018), Mayor (2018) and Olga (2018).
  • The semi-stencil all caps typefaces Restaurant Menu (2019), Queen Dea (2019), Latest (2019) and Large (2019).
  • The fat rounded sans typefaces Guest (2019) and Subscribe (2019).
  • The Western fonts Newlywed (2020) , Tombola (2019), Permission (2019), Alexander (2019), Retrosonic (2019), Kasplysk (2019).
  • The experimental typeface Typo Layer (2019).
  • The German expressionist outline typeface Robert (2018).
  • Current Moment (2019): a digitized "Zuccini" plate by Frits Jonker.
  • The LED fonts Remaster (2021), Ringing (2022), Gigabytes (2020), Error (2020) and Technology (2018).
  • The octagonal athletic lettering fonts Academy (2021), Junk (2020), Barbara (2019), Soccer (2020), and Soccer League (2018) and the outlined athletic font Onderneming (2018).
  • Leculier (2018). After an alphabet in Georges Leculier's art deco lettering book from ca. 1930.
  • The speed fonts Live News (2020) and Speed Racing (2019).
  • Essere (2018).
  • The squarish typefaces Archipelago (2021), Haine (2020), Augsburg (2020), Legionary (2020), Cyber Princess (2019), Professor (2019), Layers (2018) and Cataclysmo (2017).
  • Driving Around (2018).
  • The decorative floral caps typefaces Floral Capitals (2018) and Narcissus (2018).
  • Gradientico (2018). A textured didone.
  • The Greek simulation font Meteora (2018).
  • Griddy Blocks (2018) and Blocky Letters (2018).
  • Decorattio (2018).
  • Ordinary (2018) and Mina is Gone (2018).
  • The trilined typeface Trio (2017).
  • The connected handwriting typeface Eric's (2016).
  • The military typefaces Login (2018), Commanders (2017) and Hunt (2017, after an alphabet by the Hunt Brothers in their 1930s book Lettering of Today).
  • The neon typeface Bubble 3D (2017), and the neon and shadow font family Magia (2019).
  • Schaeffer (2017). A revival of the famous multiline typeface Fatima (1933, Karl Hermann Schaefer).
  • The grungy typefaces Horizont (2020), Cosmas (2020), Drunk Millionaire (2019), Leave No Fingerprints (2018), Haziness (2017) and Victorious (2017).
  • The molecular typeface Neuron (2019).
  • The inline caps typefaces Panther (2021), Africa (2021), Look (2019) and Speed (2019).
  • The inline typefaces Green (2020), Bernard (2020), and Games (2017).
  • The display serif typefaces Kandinsky (2021), Funia (2021), Army Guys (2021), Hoodie (2019).
  • The marquee typefaces Squad (2021), Grotto (2021), Megabus (2021), Plagiat (2019), Dropped (2019), Casino (2018) and Chicago (2018).
  • The layerable marquee font Rockefeller (2018).
  • Movie fonts: Film Letters (2018).
  • The outlined typeface Important (2018).
  • The white-on-black typeface Circusant (2019).
  • The didone typeface Vogue (2018).
  • The geometric solid typeface family Ivan (2019).
  • The geometric sans typeface Occupied (2017).
  • Rise of Kingdom (2017).
  • Cartoonish (2017).
  • Hesitation (2017). A rounded handcrafted poster font.
  • Leben and Leben Shadow (2018).
  • Braillenum (2018).
  • The condensed grotesks Around (2020), Heinrich (2019) and Schwarzenberg (2019).
  • Schreibmaschine (2017). A dusty old typewriter font.
  • The vintage initial caps typefaces Nautiica 3d (2018), Fantasy Capitals (2018) and Herne Capitals (2018).
  • The Arabic emulation typefaces Bayram (2020) and Sinbad (2018).
  • Herne (2018).
  • Passage (2018).
  • Knotty (2018).
  • The Mexican style font Mexicanera (2018), Dilemma (2018: Mexican Calavera skulls), and Mexican Tequila (2018).
  • The techno typefaces Flight 21 (2019), Cyber Princess (2019), Passionate Relationship (2019), Neighbor (2018), Bombardment (2018) and Leprosy (2018).
  • The avant-garde typeface Typolino (2018).
  • Regensburg (2018).
  • The ultra-fat typefaces Crime (2020), Owners (2018) and Housebreak (2019).
  • The prismatic typefaces Jumble (2020), Boogie Woogie (2019), Running (2019), Bigger Italic (2018; based on Bigger Book), Linerine (2018) and Cosmology (2018).
  • Failed (2018).
  • The codex typefaces Grille (2020), Compass (2020) and Measurements (2018).
  • Damages (2018).
  • The circle-themed fonts Sparks (2020) and Condition (2018).
  • The textured typefaces Mitesser (2020), Object (a meshed font) (2020), Noisy Walk (2020), Brightness (2020), Mistress (2020), Heritage (2020), Silicone (2020), Hornettio (2018) and Ignorant (2018).
  • The oriental simulation fonts Dasvidaniya Book (2020), Pearl Harbor (2020), Chinese Dragon (2019), Sudoku (2019), Hiroshima (2019) and Kamikaze (2018).
  • Monograms: Quintete (2020), Formogram (2020), Diamond Monogram (2020), Ribbon-Monogram (2020), Bulged Monogram (2020), Monogramus (2019), Blocky Monogram (2018) and Monograma (2018).
  • Blackletter: Bramble Princess (2021), Drunks (2021), Cosmopolite (2020).
  • Fists: The-Point (2020).
  • Scanbats: Retro-People (2020), Vladimir (2019: Putin scanbats), Portraits de Femmes (2019: scanbats), Notre Dame and Notre Dame de Paris (2019: scanbats), Hollywood Actors (2019: scanbats), European Leaders (2018: scanbats), Trumpolina (2018: Trump scanbats).
  • Word fonts: Black-Lives-Matter (2020).
  • Plank fonts: Wooden Planks (2020).
  • The outlined typefaces Carwash (2020), Hypno (2020), George (2020), 3D Letters (2018), Milk & Chocolate (2018: trilined), Czar (2018), Classica (2018) and Created (2018).
  • The glitch fonts Elderberry (2021), Sparkle (2021), Eclairages (2021), Nectar (2021), Check Your Connection (2020), Horizons (2020) and Searching For Signal (2019).
  • The glaz krak font Smashed (2018).
  • The circus font Amigo (2020).
  • The kitchen tile font New Message (2020).
  • The 3d dingbats typefaces Basic Objects (2020: geometric shapes) and Jigsaw Puzzles 3D (2018).
  • The modular typefaces Orenburg (2018), Broadway (2018) and Assyrian (2018).
  • Escher style: Illusion (2019), Vologda (2019).
  • Slinky typefaces: Rings (2020), Zylinder (2019), Pipes (2019).
  • Lombardic caps: Moher (2020), Dublin (2020), Moderno (2020).
  • Ransom note caps: Today (2020).
  • Artistic font: Meute (2020).
  • Halftone fonts: Tourner (2020), Cinquecento (2020), Devotion (2020), Gulliver (2020), Bamboo (2020).
  • Ornaments: Adornos (2020).
  • Antique caps: Grandes (2020), Reveler (2020: from Draughtsman's Alphabets (1877) by Hermann Esser)).
  • Funny faces: Isitolo (2020).
  • Angular caps: Milk (2020), Strike (2020), Worldwide (2020).
  • Tall sans caps: Bungler (2020), Shakeout (2020).
  • Mecano typefaces: Shakers (2020).
  • Titling sans: Steinberg (2020).
  • Titling serif: Love (2020).
  • Break (2020).
  • China (2020).

Creative Fabrica link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vladimir Tsagolov
[Lomo Hiber]

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Walter Friedrich Haettenschweiler

Swiss type designer, b. 1933, Zug. He studied at Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich, and from 1957 onwards he ran a design studio in Zug. His typefaces, often published in the Lettera book series (Lettera2, 1961; Lettera3, 1968 and Lettera4, 1972) all printed by Teufen.

  • Abschattierte
  • Africaine
  • Aleman con Adorno
  • Allshadow 1969
  • Alphabet Art Nouveau
  • Alphabets Capitale&Romain Penches en....
  • Alphabet Capitales de Fantasie
  • Alphabet Majeur d'Anglaise Rubannee
  • Alphabet de Broderies (with Armin Haab)
  • Alphabet de L'Amour
  • Arnold Boecklin
  • Audrey Hepburn 1951
  • Bauhaus 1952
  • Beggarstaff 1961
  • Black'n white 1960 (with Armin Haab)
  • Blues (with Armin Haab)
  • Boris Vian (with Armin Haab)
  • Box-Letter 1972
  • Breitfette Etienne 1960
  • Breitfette Unziale 1968 (with Armin Haab)
  • Broad
  • Busride 1969
  • Calder 1952 (with Armin Haab)
  • Carnaby 1967
  • Caron 1952
  • Chelsea Type 1967
  • Coal 1969
  • Cocteau 1951
  • Congo 1952
  • Disney 1952
  • Driving 1975 (with Armin Haab)
  • Eckmann-Schrift
  • Edelgotisch-Initialen
  • Eleanora 1970
  • Ella forever (with Armin Haab)
  • Ellington (with Armin Haab)
  • End 1972
  • Expo 1967 (with Armin Haab)
  • Für das Alter
  • Fancy Letter 1957
  • Fantail
  • Favorit
  • Flat Letter 1967 (with Beat Frick)
  • Fraktur-Bastard
  • Gaité 1961
  • Girlish Face
  • Green Leaves 1960 (with Armin Haab)
  • Grotesk
  • Haettenschweiler 1954 (Microsoft, Linotype). He is most famous for the black headline typeface Haettenschweiler (1954)---a renaming of schmalfette Grotesk by Photoscript in the photo font era---, which made it to the Microsoft library in 1995 as part of Microsoft Office. Haettenschweiler was used by Paris Match for headlines. The soccer team Nottingham Forest has a logo based on it as well.
  • Haettenschweiler Display 2006
  • Haettenschweiler Face 1970
  • Haetti-Antiqua 1972
  • Halbstarke Pica 1960 (with Armin Haab)
  • Happening 1967 (with Armin Haab)
  • Historismus
  • Jugendstil-Unziale
  • Kalligraphia
  • Klee 1952
  • Knock out 1967
  • Lawless Type 1961 (with Armin Haab)
  • Lefthand drive lineale 1975 (with Armin Haab)
  • Leslie 1952
  • Lettre coupée
  • Lettres Ombrees
  • Lichte
  • Lichte Italienne-Kursiv
  • Lima
  • Maidenform 1960
  • Maotse (with Armin Haab)
  • Marino Marini 1952
  • Metropolitaines
  • Mira
  • Mondrian 1952
  • New Fashion
  • Nouvelle Vague
  • OP-Letter 1968
  • Oberoy 1971
  • Ornamentale Antiqua
  • Picasso 1952
  • Plastische Verzierte Italienne Toscanienne
  • Polyp (with Armin Haab)
  • Roaring Twenties 1967 (with Armin Haab)
  • Romantique
  • Sacral Letter 1960
  • Schenk ein Buch 1953
  • Schmale Mediaeval 1960
  • Schmalfette Grotesk 1954
  • Schraffiert+abschattiert
  • Schraffierte Etienne
  • Sezession S 1967
  • Shark 1974
  • Siegfried
  • Smoke
  • Soutache
  • Strada 1967
  • Subway 1971
  • Symphonie 1952
  • TV-Letter 1973
  • Teutonia
  • Thalia
  • That bad Eartha
  • The Ugly American 1972 (with Armin Haab)
  • Timeless 1971
  • Tropic (with Armin Haab)
  • Umrandete
  • Unziale 1967 (with Armin Haab)
  • Vanishing Letter
  • Verzierte Antiqua 1961
  • Verzierte Unziale
  • Walhalla
  • Wir Wunderkinder (with Armin Haab)
  • Wornout 1972
  • Wotan
  • Yardley 1967
  • Zierliche Antiqua 1961 (with Armin Haab)

Revivals of his typefaces include Capital Ideas 2 NF (2012, Nick Curtis), which is based on Breitfette Unziale (1958). Schmalfette CP (Jason Walcott and Rob King) revives Walter Haettenschweiler's original titling sans from 1954. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿