TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:06:56 EDT 2025







[The Ugaritic script was used in Western Syria, ca. 1300 bc]


Alan M. Stanier

Alan M. Stanier from Essex University (UK) has created the following metafonts: ams1, cherokee, cypriote, dancers (the "Dancing Men" code of Conan Doyle), estrangelo (ancient Syriac language), georgian, goblin, iching, itgeorgian, ogham (found on ancient Irish and pictish carvings), osmanian (twentieth-century font used in Somalia), roughogham, shavian, southarabian (for various languages circa 1500BC), ugaritic (ancient cuneiform alphabet). More direct access. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alberto Gomez Gomez

His typefaces were made in 2006 and 2007: Recorder Face, Recorder Eye, Recorder Eyes, Sabaean GG, Ugaritic GG. Little School (2001) is an large school script font family that looks a bit like Little Days (2001, West Wind Fonts) but with rulers and lines thrown in. And Little Days in turn is genetically linked to Memimas. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Juan-José Marcos García]

Juan-José Marcos García (b. Salamanca, Spain, 1963) is a professor of classics at the University of Plasencia in Spain. He has developed one of the most complete Unicode fonts named ALPHABETUM Unicode for linguistics and classical languages (classical&medieval Latin, ancient Greek, Etruscan, Oscan, Umbrian, Faliscan, Messapic, Picene, Iberic, Celtiberic, Gothic, Runic, Modern Greek, Cyrillic, Devanagari-based languages, Old&Middle English, Hebrew, Sanskrit, IPA, Ogham, Ugaritic, Old Persian, Old Church Slavonic, Brahmi, Glagolitic, Ogham, ancient Greek Avestan, Kharoshti, Old Norse, Old Icelandic, Old Danish and Old Nordic in general, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Phoenician, Cypriot, Linear B with plans for Glagolitic). This font has over 5000 glyphs, and contains most characters that concern classicists (rare symbols, signs for metrics, epigraphical symbols, "Saxon" typeface for Old English, etcetera). A demo font can be downloaded [see also Lucius Hartmann's place]. His Greek font Grammata (2002) is now called Ellenike.

He also created a package of fonts for Latin paleography (medieval handwriting on parchments): Capitalis Elegans, Capitalis Rustica, Capitalis Monumentalis, Antiqua Cursiva Romana, Nova Cursiva Romana (2014), Uncialis, Semiuncialis, Beneventana Minuscula, Visigothica Minuscula, Luxoviensis Minuscula, Insularis Minuscula, Insularis Majuscula, Carolingia Minuscula, Gothica Textura Quadrata, Gothica Textura Prescissa, Gothica Rotunda, Gothica Bastarda, Gothica Cursiva, Bastarda Anglicana (2014) and Humanistica Antiqua. PDF entitled Fonts For Latin Palaeography (2008-2014), in which Marcos gives an enjoyable historic overview.

Alphabetum is not Marcos's only excursion into type design. In 2011, he created two simulation fonts called Sefarad and Al Andalus which imitate Hebrew and Arabic calligraphy, respectively.

Cyrillic OCS (2012) is a pair of Latin fonts that emulate Old Church Slavonic (old Cyrillic).

In 2013, he created Cuneus, a cuneiform simulation typeface.

Paleographic fonts for Greek (2014) has ten fonts designed by Marcos: Angular Uncial, Biblical Uncial, Coptic Uncial, Papyrus Uncial, Round Uncial, Slavonic Uncial, Sloping Uncial, Minuscule IX, Minuscule XI and Minuscule XV. These fonts are representative of the main styles of Greek handwriting used during the Classical World and Middle Ages on papyrus and parchments. There is also a short manual of Greek Paleography (71 pages) which explains the development of Greek handwriting from the fourth century B.C. to the invention of printing with movable type in the middle of the fifteenth A.D. He wrote a text book entitled History of Greek Typography: From the Invention of Printing to the Digital Age (in Spanish; second edition, 2018). See also here and here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

António Martins
[Guincho, 1421]

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[Peter R. Wilson]

Peter R. Wilson's metafont code (2000-2005) for many archaic languages: Proto-Semitic (16bc), Phoenician (10bc), Greek (6bc), Greek (4bc), Etruscan (8bc), Futharc (Anglo-Saxon, 6ad), Hieroglyphics (30bc: the hieroglf provides a Metafont version of about 80 Egyptian hieroglyphs from Serge Rosmorduc's comprehensive hieroglyph package, see here for a type 1 version called Archaic-Poor-Mans-Hieroglyphs (2005)), Cypriot (9bc). Peter also developed metafont fonts for bookhands. The Archaic ollection contains fonts to represent Aramaic, Cypriot, Etruscan, Greek of the 6th and 4th centuries BCE, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Linear A, Linear B, Nabatean old Persian, the Phaistos disc, Phoenician, proto-Semitic, runic, South Arabian Ugaritic and Viking scripts. The bundle also includes a small font for use in phonetic transcription of the archaic writings. The bundle's own directory includes a font installation map file for the whole collection. The authors are Peter R. Wilson, Uwe Zimmermann and Apostolos Syropoulos. See here for the type 1 fonts Archaic-OandS (2005) and Archaic-OandS-Italic (2005). Here we find type 1 versions called Square-Capitals (2005) and Square-Capitals-Bold (2005). He also made the type 1 typefaces Archaic-Etruscan (2005), Archaic-Runic (2005) and Archaic-ProtoSemitic (2005). Further packages of type 1 and metafont fonts: Archaic-Aramaic (2005), South Arabian (2005, for the South Arabian script, in use for about 1000 years from roughly 600 BC; based on a metafont by Alan Stanier), Archaic-Linear-B (2005: a syllabary used in the Bronze Age (15bc) for writing Mycenaean Greek), Archaic-Nabatean (2005: the Nabatean script used in the Middle East between the fourth centuries BC and AD), Archaic-Old-Persian (2005: the Old Persian Cuneiform script in use between about 500 to 350 BC.), Archaic-Ugaritic-Cuneiform (2005: the Ugaritic Cuniform script in use about 1300 BC), Archaic-Cypriot (1999-2005). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Arquivos para baixar

Greek, Hebrew, Ugaritic and Meroitic font archive. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Babylon Lingua

William Ramey's pages on Akkadian, Aramaic, Assyrian, Coptic, Cuneiform, Cyrillic, Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew, Hieroglyphics, Latin, Meroitic, Nahkt, Phoenician, Sumerian, and Ugaritic. [Google] [More]  ⦿

BenChalit Sagiamsak

Bangkok-based designer (b. 1989) of the modular triangular typeface Furtive (2011), the ornamental CS BenWood (2011, free), the Ugaritic and native Indian cultures inspired CS Zero (2011), and the minimalist monoline typeface CS Cacher (2011).

CS Liana (2013) is a mixture of art nouveau and Tuscan. In 2014 he created Oldben. Like his other typefaces, these are all vector format typefaces.

Fontspace link. YWFT link. Behance link. Alternate URL. Hellofont link. Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Myriad Rosenbaum
[David Myriad's FontORama]

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David Myriad's FontORama
[David Myriad Rosenbaum]

David Myriad Rosenbaum (El Sobrante, CA) created high quality free fonts for Ugaritic (Ugaritic 3.1) and old Phoenician (Phoenician Moabite).

Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dr. Shirley J. Rollinson

At Shirley J. Rollinson's site in Portales, New Mexico, an archive with Greek, Coptic, Hebrew and dingbat fonts. A sampling: AWI105 (Amien World International), Alex, Altrussisch, AltrussischBold, AltrussischBoldItalic, AltrussischItalic, American-PresidentsSAMPLE, AngloSaxonRunes, AngloSaxonRunes1, AngloSaxonRunes2, Animals, Animals2, AntoniousJJencom, AntoniousJJencomHollow, AntoniousJJencomThin, AntoniousJJencomWide, AntoniousNormal, AntoniousNormalHollow, AntoniousNormalThin, AntoniousNormalWide, AntoniousOLOverLine, AntoniousOLOverLineHollow, AntoniousOLOverLineThin, AntoniousOLOverLineWide, Athenian, Athletes, BSTGreek, BSTHebrew, Basics, CU_SYMBL, CarrAnimalDingbats, CarrArrowsfilled, CarrArrowsoutline, CarrDingbats2, CarrDings, CelticPatterns, ChayaBold, ChemCycles, ChristianCrosses, ClassifiedDingbats, CommonBulletsNormal, Coptic-Regular, Coptic-Regular, CopticNormal, Dastafarin-Regular, Dingbat-Cats2, DivChem, DwarfRunes, DwarfRunes1, DwarfRunes2, Eggs, FOOD, Fabeldyr-2, Flower-Show, FontForFree, Futura-Thin, Futura-ThinItalic, GermanicRunes, GermanicRunes1, GermanicRunes2, GideonMedium, Grammata, Greek-Regular, Greek-Regular, Greek, GreekOldFace, GreekOldFaceC, HWGreek, Hebpar, Hebrew-Italic, Hebrew-Regular, Inter, Ismini, KirillicaWincyr, Kitchentile, KoineMedium, Koptos-Regular, Korinthus-Italic, Korinthus, Kur2siv-Italic, Lashon-Tov, Lavra-Plain, Linear-B, LudlowDingbats, MENA-1, Martin-Vogel's-Symbols, Medicine, MendelSiddurBold, MendelSiddurMW-Bold, Milan-Greek, MonitorNormal, New-Dingcats, Noam-New-Hebrew, NovaNormal, Novgorod-Plain, Ornaments, Paleo-Hebrew-NormalA, PecanSoncHebrew, Pni2na, Pointers, QuiltersDelight, RK-Meroitic-(Demotic), RK-Meroitic-(Hieroglyphics), RK-Meroitic-Transscript, RK-Persian-Cuneiform, RK-Sanskrit, RK-Ugaritic-Transscript, RK-Ugaritic, Rashi, Roman-Catholic, RuthFancy, SILDoulosIPA, SILGalatia, SILGalatiaBold, SILGalatiaExtras, SILGalatiaExtrasBold, SILManuscriptIPA, SILSophiaIPA, SPAchmim, SPDamascus, SPDoric, SPEdessa, SPEzra, SPIonic, SPTiberian, Sgreek-Fixed, Sgreek-Medium, ShalomOldStyle, ShalomOldStyle, ShalomScript, ShalomStick, ShebrewMedium, States, Statuer, Symbol-Accentuated, SymbolMW-Bold, SymbolMW-BoldItalic, SymbolMW-Italic, SymbolMW-Normal, TLHelpCyrillic, TattooNo1, TattooNo2, TimesNewRomanNavajo, TimesNewRomanNavajoBold, TimesNewRomanNavajoBoldItalic, TimesNewRomanNavajoItalic, TorahSofer, TransliterationItalic, Tzipporah, Ugarit, VintageDingbats, WarnSymbols1, WarnSymbols2, WarnSymbols3, WarnSymbols4, WarnSymbols5, YourKeys, ZapfDingbats, button_by_fanta, fantas-second, hebrew, persische-Keilschrift. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dry Heaves Fonts (was: Phil Fonts)
[Phillip Andrade]

Not to be confused with Phil's Fonts, Phil Fonts offers charityware fonts by Phillip Andrade who uses the nicknames Dry Bohnz, neatoguy and spamboy. Most fonts are grungy, and were designed roughly between 1999 and 2003.

The list: BlownDroid, Neatified, HappyLarry, IShotTheSheriff, Alien Marksman, EvilCow, Corporate Suit, BadHairDay, Tiptonian, Philbats. Grouped as Scroll fonts from the dead Sea, we find: Habbakuk Scroll (Hebrew), Manual of Discipline (Hebrew), Parthenon (Greek), Ambrosius, Problem Secretary (old typewriter), DeadCircuit, MoldyPillow, Pastorswrit, RadiatedPancake, StolenLlama, Untitled, WetNapkin, Worn Manuscript (1999, grungy blackletter), DustyWombat, NasalDrip, Alphasnail, CarbonatedFont, RaptorAttack (2001), Warped Greased Monkey, Alphasnail (2001), Beth David (1999, Hebrew), Greased Monkey (2001), Lost City (1999, Hebrew), Missing man out (2001), No Brainer (2001), Raptor Kill (2001), Spazbats (2002, dingbats), Speed of Oatmeal (2001), Troglodyte (2001), Polyphemus (2000), Infestation (2000), Hand Drawn Wasabi (2002, katakana font), I Am A Font Designer (2003, scanbats), Neosight (2003), FirstTemple (2003, an old Phoenician lettering font), ScreamingGuitar (2002, guitar dingbats), DHUgaritic (2003), PeskyPhoenicians (2003).

Devian tart link. Alternate URL. Fontspace link. Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Durham Ugaritic Fonts

Two free Ugaritic fonts of the Durham Ugaritic family were available on the web, ca. 2002: DurhamTransliteration, DurhamUgaritic. Links have died. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eli T. Evans
[Logos Bible Software]

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Fereydoun Rustan

Creator (b. 1972, Kerman, Iran) of some free typefaces, such as the Ugaritic typefaces Khosrau (2011), Kakoulookiam (2011) and Zarathustra (2011). His typeface Havlova Austral (2012) is based on the calligraphy of Czech-Australian photographer Sonia Havlova Makac. Mobitale (2012) is a large squarish type family. Finally, Prince of Persia (2012) is an Arabic simulation typeface based on the logo of a game by that name.

Scriptus (2012) is a modification of Scriptina (Apostrophic Labs). Fereydoun explains the three differences: a more careful spacing, 2816 kerning pairs (Scriptina True Type has none) and soft hooks instead of large descender and ascender closed laces.

Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Forgotten Scripts by Dino Manzella

Dino Manzella's draft on a book entitled Forgotten Scripts: a Book of Runes. Fantastic pages in all respects! Many fonts can be downloaded. Includes Academiury-ITV (Georgian, by Alexander&Temuri Imnaishvili), Rashi, Alex and ChayaBold (by Aaron Schmiedel), Angelic and Enochian (by Digital Type Foundry), several rune fonts by Dan Smith, Beth-Luis-Fearn and Beth-Luis-Nion (by Curtis Clark), Cherokee (by Joseph LoCicero), Moonrune (Morton Bek, 1995), Eshmoon (by Salim G. Khalaf, Family Health International), Glagoljica UGL and Glagoljica OBL (old Croatian; by Zox), RK Meroitic, RK Sanskrit, RK Ugaritic, Mendel Siddur, Nug-Soth (by Daniel U. Thibault), Tzipporah and RuthFancy (by AFS Ltd), and RNIB Braille. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gary S. Dykes

Gary S. Dykes made 21 free public domain truetype fonts for Roman, Greek, Hebrew, Syriac (2002), Coptic, Ugaritic, Sabaean, Aramaic, including a beautiful Greek Minuscule font: Aram44, BLDGrk.ttf (2000), Coptic44 (2000, for all Sahidic and Bohairic typography), DISP_44 (2002), G100XTRA (2002), Greek44 (1997-2002), GARYS (2002, a blackletter font), GoudyHundred (2001, based on Stephen Moye's version of Goudy's Bertham), Goudy_B (2002), Goudy_IT_BD (2002), Goudy_It (2000), Greek44s (2002, has some Byzantine glyphs), HEB44a (2003), HEB44b, HEB44c, HEB44d, MINU44a (2003), MINU44b (2003), My_XTRA (2002), SABAEN44 (2002), Syriac44 (2001, for Estrangelo), Ugar_44 (2001). Some of the fonts are under the label "Fraktur Fonts". [Google] [More]  ⦿

George Douros
[Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts]

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GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts)
[Steve White]

The GNU Freefont is continuously being updated to become a large useful Unicode monster. GNU FreeFont is a free family of scalable outline fonts, suitable for general use on computers and for desktop publishing. It is Unicode-encoded for compatability with all modern operating systems. There are serif, Sans and Mono subfamilies. Also called the "Free UCS Outline Fonts", this project is part of the larger Free Software Foundation. The original head honcho was Primoz Peterlin, the coordinator at the Institute of Biophysics of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2008, Steve White (aka Stevan White) took over.

  • URW++ Design&Development GmbH. URW++ donated a set of 35 core PostScript Type 1 fonts to the Ghostscript project.
    • Basic Latin (U+0041-U+007A)
    • Latin-1 Supplement (U+00C0-U+00FF)
    • Latin Extended-A (U+0100-U+017F)
    • Spacing Modifier Letters (U+02B0-U+02FF)
    • Mathematical Operators (U+2200-U+22FF)
    • Block Elements (U+2580-U+259F)
    • Dingbats (U+2700-U+27BF)
  • Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice. Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice are the authors of Omega typesetting system, which is an extension of TeX. Its first release, aims primarily at improving TeX's multilingual abilities. In Omega all characters and pointers into data-structures are 16-bit wide, instead of 8-bit, thereby eliminating many of the trivial limitations of TeX. Omega also allows multiple input and output character sets, and uses programmable filters to translate from one encoding to another, to perform contextual analysis, etc. Internally, Omega uses the universal 16-bit Unicode standard character set, based on ISO-10646. These improvements not only make it a lot easier for TeX users to cope with multiple or complex languages, like Arabic, Indic, Khmer, Chinese, Japanese or Korean, in one document, but will also form the basis for future developments in other areas, such as native color support and hypertext features. ... Fonts for UT1 (omlgc family) and UT2 (omah family) are under development: these fonts are in PostScript format and visually close to Times and Helvetica font families.
    • Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
    • IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
    • Greek (U+0370-U+03FF)
    • Armenian (U+0530-U+058F)
    • Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF)
    • Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
    • Currency Symbols (U+20A0-U+20CF)
    • Arabic Presentation Forms-A (U+FB50-U+FDFF)
    • Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+FE70-U+FEFF)
  • Yannis Haralambous and Wellcome Institute. In 1994, The Wellcome Library The Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England, commissioned Mr. Haralambous to produce a Sinhalese font for them. We have received 03/09 official notice from Robert Kiley, Head of e-Strategy for the Wellcome Library, that Yannis' font could be included in GNU FreeFont under its GNU license: Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF).
  • Young U. Ryu at the University of Texas at Dallas is the author of Txfonts, a set of mathematical symbols designed to accompany text typeset in Times or its variants. In the documentation, Young adresses the design of mathematical symbols: "The Adobe Times fonts are thicker than the CM fonts. Designing math fonts for Times based on the rule thickness of Times =,, +, /, <, etc. would result in too thick math symbols, in my opinion. In the TX fonts, these glyphs are thinner than those of original Times fonts. That is, the rule thickness of these glyphs is around 85% of that of the Times fonts, but still thicker than that of the CM fonts." Ranges: Arrows (U+2190-U+21FF), Mathematical Symbols (U+2200-U+22FF).
  • Valek Filippov added Cyrillic glyphs and composite Latin Extended A to the whole set of the abovementioned URW set of 35 PostScript core fonts, Ranges: Latin Extended-A (U+0100-U+017F), Cyrillic (U+0400-U+04FF).
  • Wadalab Kanji Comittee. Between April 1990 and March 1992, Wadalab Kanji Comittee put together a series of scalable font files with Japanese scripts, in four forms: Sai Micho, Chu Mincho, Cho Kaku and Saimaru. The font files were written in custom file format, while tools for conversion into Metafont and PostScript Type 1 were also supplied. The Wadalab Kanji Comittee has later been dismissed, and the resulting files can be now found on the FTP server of the Depertment of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo: Hiragana (U+3040-U+309F), Katakana (U+30A0-U+30FF). Note that some time around 2009, the hiragana and katakana ranges were deleted.
  • Angelo Haritsis has compiled a set of Greek type 1 fonts. The glyphs from this source has been used to compose Greek glyphs in FreeSans and FreeMono. Greek (U+0370-U+03FF).
  • Yannis Haralambous and Virach Sornlertlamvanich. In 1999, Yannis Haralambous and Virach Sornlertlamvanich made a set of glyphs covering the Thai national standard Nf3, in both upright and slanted shape. Range: Thai (U+0E00-U+0E7F).
  • Shaheed Haque has developed a basic set of basic Bengali glyphs (without ligatures), using ISO10646 encoding. Range: Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF).
  • Sam Stepanyan created a set of Armenian sans serif glyphs visually compatible with Helvetica or Arial. Range: Armenian (U+0530-U+058F).
  • Mohamed Ishan has started a Thaana Unicode Project. Range: Thaana (U+0780-U+07BF).
  • Sushant Kumar Dash has created a font in his mother tongue, Oriya: Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F). But Freefont has dropped Oriya because of the absence of font features neccessary for display of text in Oriya.
  • Harsh Kumar has started BharatBhasha for these ranges:
    • Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
    • Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
    • Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
    • Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
  • Prasad A. Chodavarapu created Tikkana, a Telugu font family: Telugu (U+0C00-U+0C7F). It was originally included in GNU Freefont, but supoort for Telugu was later dropped altogether from the GNU Freefont project.
  • Frans Velthuis and Anshuman Pandey. In 1991, Frans Velthuis from the Groningen University, The Netherlands, released a Devanagari font as Metafont source, available under the terms of GNU GPL. Later, Anshuman Pandey from Washington University in Seattle, took over the maintenance of font. Fonts can be found on CTAN. This font was converted the font to Type 1 format using Peter Szabo's TeXtrace and removed some redundant control points with PfaEdit. Range: Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F).
  • Hardip Singh Pannu. In 1991, Hardip Singh Pannu has created a free Gurmukhi TrueType font, available as regular, bold, oblique and bold oblique form. Range: Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F).
  • Jeroen Hellingman (The Netherlands) created a set of Malayalam metafonts in 1994, and a set of Oriya metafonts in 1996. Malayalam fonts were created as uniform stroke only, while Oriya metafonts exist in both uniform and modulated stroke. From private communication: "It is my intention to release the fonts under GPL, but not all copies around have this notice on them." Metafonts can be found here and here. Ranges: Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F), Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F). Oriya was subsequently dropped from the Freefont project.
  • Thomas Ridgeway, then at the Humanities And Arts Computing Center, Washington University, Seattle, USA, (now defunct), created a Tamil metafont in 1990. Anshuman Pandey from the same university took over the maintenance of font. Fonts can be found at CTAN and cover Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF).
  • Berhanu Beyene, Prof. Dr. Manfred Kudlek, Olaf Kummer, and Jochen Metzinger from the Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science, University of Hamburg, prepared a set of Ethiopic metafonts. They also maintain the home page on the Ethiopic font project. Someone converted the fonts to Type 1 format using TeXtrace, and removed some redundant control points with PfaEdit. Range: Ethiopic (U+1200-U+137F).
  • Maxim Iorsh. In 2002, Maxim Iorsh started the Culmus project, aiming at providing Hebrew-speaking Linux and Unix community with a basic collection of Hebrew fonts for X Windows. The fonts are visually compatible with URW++ Century Schoolbook L, URW++ Nimbus Sans L and URW++ Nimbus Mono L families, respectively. Range: Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF).
  • Vyacheslav Dikonov made a Braille unicode font that could be merged with the UCS fonts to fill the 2800-28FF range completely (uniform scaling is possible to adapt it to any cell size). He also contributed a free Syriac font, whose glyphs (about half of them) are borrowed from the free Carlo Ator font. Vyacheslav also filled in a few missing spots in the U+2000-U+27FF area, e.g., the box drawing section, sets of subscript and superscript digits and capital Roman numbers. Ranges: Syriac (U+0700-U+074A), Box Drawing (U+2500-U+257F), Braille (U+2800-U+28FF).
  • Panayotis Katsaloulis helped fixing Greek accents in the Greek Extended area: (U+1F00-U+1FFF).
  • M.S. Sridhar. M/S Cyberscape Multimedia Limited, Mumbai, developers of Akruti Software for Indian Languages (http://www.akruti.com/), have released a set of TTF fonts for nine Indian scripts (Devanagari, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Oriya, and Gurumukhi) under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You can download the fonts from the Free Software Foundation of India WWW site. Their original contributions to Freefont were
    • Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
    • Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF)
    • Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F)
    • Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
    • Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
    • Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
    • Telugu (U+0C00-U+0C7F)
    • Kannada (U+0C80-U+0CFF)
    • Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
    Oriya, Kannada and Telugu were dropped from the GNU Freefont project.
  • DMS Electronics, The Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project, and Noah Levitt. Noah Levitt found out that the Sinhalese fonts available on the site metta.lk are released under GNU GPL. These glyphs were later replaced by those from the LKLUG font. Finally the range was completely replaced by glyphs from the sinh TeX font, with much help and advice from Harshula Jayasuriya. Range: Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF).
  • Daniel Shurovich Chirkov. Dan Chirkov updated the FreeSerif font with the missing Cyrillic glyphs needed for conformance to Unicode 3.2. The effort is part of the Slavjanskij package for Mac OS X. range: Cyrillic (U+0400-U+04FF).
  • Abbas Izad. Responsible for Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF), Arabic Presentation Forms-A, (U+FB50-U+FDFF), Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+FE70-U+FEFF).
  • Denis Jacquerye added new glyphs and corrected existing ones in the Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F) and IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF) ranges.
  • K.H. Hussain and R. Chitrajan. Rachana in Malayalam means to write, to create. Rachana Akshara Vedi, a team of socially committed information technology professionals and philologists, has applied developments in computer technology and desktop publishing to resurrect the Malayalam language from the disorder, fragmentation and degeneration it had suffered since the attempt to adapt the Malayalam script for using with a regular mechanical typewriter, which took place in 1967-69. K.H. Hussein at the Kerala Forest Research Institute has released "Rachana Normal" fonts with approximately 900 glyphs required to typeset traditional Malayalam. R. Chitrajan apparently encoded the glyphs in the OpenType table. In 2008, the Malayalam ranges in FreeSerif were updated under the advise and supervision of Hiran Venugopalan of Swathanthra Malayalam Computing, to reflect the revised edition Rachana_04. Range: Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F).
  • Solaiman Karim filled in Bengali (U+0980-U+09FF). Solaiman Karim has developed several OpenType Bangla fonts and released them under GNU GPL.
  • Sonali Sonania and Monika Shah covered Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F) and Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF). Glyphs were drawn by Cyberscape Multimedia Ltd., #101, Mahalakshmi Mansion 21st Main 22nd "A" Cross Banashankari 2nd stage Banglore 560070, India. Converted to OTF by IndicTrans Team, Powai, Mumbai, lead by Prof. Jitendra Shah. Maintained by Monika Shah and Sonali Sonania of janabhaaratii Team, C-DAC, Mumbai. This font is released under GPL by Dr. Alka Irani and Prof Jitendra Shah, janabhaaratii Team, C-DAC, Mumabi. janabhaaratii is localisation project at C-DAC Mumbai (formerly National Centre for Software Technology); funded by TDIL, Govt. of India.
  • Pravin Satpute, Bageshri Salvi, Rahul Bhalerao and Sandeep Shedmake added these Indic language cranges:
    • Devanagari (U+0900-U+097F)
    • Gujarati (U+0A80-U+0AFF)
    • Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F)
    • Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F)
    • Tamil (U+0B80-U+0BFF)
    In December 2005 the team at www.gnowledge.org released a set of two Unicode pan-Indic fonts: "Samyak" and "Samyak Sans". "Samyak" font belongs to serif style and is an original work of the team; "Samyak Sans" font belongs to sans serif style and is actually a compilation of already released Indic fonts (Gargi, Padma, Mukti, Utkal, Akruti and ThendralUni). Both fonts are based on Unicode standard. You can download the font files separately. Note that Oriya was dropped from the Freefont project.
  • Kulbir Singh Thind added Gurmukhi (U+0A00-U+0A7F). Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind designed a set of Gurmukhi Unicode fonts, AnmolUni and AnmolUni-Bold, which are available under the terms of GNU license from the Punjabu Computing Resource Center.
  • Gia Shervashidze added Georgian (U+10A0-U+10FF). Starting in mid-1990s, Gia Shervashidze designed many Unicode-compliant Georgian fonts: Times New Roman Georgian, Arial Georgian, Courier New Georgian.
  • Daniel Johnson. Created by hand a Cherokee range specially for FreeFont to be "in line with the classic Cherokee typefaces used in 19th century printing", but also to fit well with ranges previously in FreeFont. Then he made Unified Canadian Syllabics in Sans, and a Cherokee and Kayah Li in Mono! And never to be outdone by himself, then did UCAS Extended and Osmanya.... What next?
    • Armenian (serif) (U+0530-U+058F)
    • Cherokee (U+13A0-U+13FF)
    • Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (U+1400-U+167F)
    • UCAS Extended (U+18B0-U+18F5)
    • Kayah Li (U+A900-U+A92F)
    • Tifinagh (U+2D30-U+2D7F)
    • Vai (U+A500-U+A62B)
    • Latin Extended-D (Mayanist letters) (U+A720-U+A7FF)
    • Osmanya (U+10480-U+104a7)
  • George Douros, the creator of several fonts focusing on ancient scripts and symbols. Many of the glyphs are created by making outlines from scanned images of ancient sources.
    • Aegean: Phoenecian (U+10900-U+1091F).
    • Analecta: Gothic (U+10330-U+1034F)
    • Musical: Byzantine (U+1D000-U+1D0FF)&Western (U+1D100-U+1D1DF)
    • Unicode: many miscellaneous symbols, miscellaneous technical, supplemental symbols, and mathematical alphanumeric symbols (U+1D400-U+1D7FF), Mah Jong (U+1F000-U+1F02B), and the outline of the domino (U+1F030-U+1F093).
  • Steve White filled in a lot of missing characters, got some font features working, left fingerprints almost everywhere, and is responsible for these blocks: Glagolitic (U+2C00-U+2C5F), Coptic (U+2C80-U+2CFF).
  • Pavel Skrylev is responsible for Cyrillic Extended-A (U+2DEO-U+2DFF) as well as many of the additions to Cyrillic Extended-B (U+A640-U+A65F).
  • Mark Williamson made the MPH 2 Damase font, from which these ranges were taken:
    • Hanunóo (U+1720-U+173F)
    • Buginese (U+1A00-U+1A1F)
    • Tai Le (U+1950-U+197F)
    • Ugaritic (U+10380-U+1039F)
    • Old Persian (U+103A0-U+103DF)
  • Primoz Peterlin filled in missing glyphs here and there (e.g., Latin Extended-B and IPA Extensions ranges in the FreeMono family), and created the following UCS blocks:
    • Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
    • IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
    • Arrows (U+2190-U+21FF)
    • Box Drawing (U+2500-U+257F)
    • Block Elements (U+2580-U+259F)
    • Geometrical Shapes (U+25A0-U+25FF)
  • Jacob Poon submitted a very thorough survey of glyph problems and other suggestions.
  • Alexey Kryukov made the TemporaLCGUni fonts, based on the URW++ fonts, from which at one point FreeSerif Cyrillic, and some of the Greek, was drawn. He also provided valuable direction about Cyrillic and Greek typesetting.
  • The Sinhala font project has taken the glyphs from Yannis Haralambous' Sinhala font, to produce a Unicode TrueType font, LKLUG. These glyphs were for a while included in FreeFont: Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF).

    Fontspace link. Crosswire link for Free Monospaced, Free Serif and Free Sans. Download link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

  • Guincho, 1421
    [António Martins]

    Free original TrueType fonts: Ugarit, Cherokee Arial, ISO 3166-2, Sulawesi (Buginese), and Vexillogical Symbols. By Portugal's António Martins. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    James Kass

    Ripon, CA-based designer of Code2000, Code2001 and Code2002, free Unicode fonts. The shareware font Code2000 has 36000 glyphs, including Japanese and all European languages. He has free downloadable Unicode charts, info on Unicode in Netscape/HTML, the freeware Ol Cemet' (or JKSantal) font. His free Code2001 includes Old Persian Cuneiform, Deseret, Tengwar, Cirth, Old Italic, Gothic, Aegean Numbers, Cypriot Syllabary, Pollard Script, and Ugaritic. James Kass is located in Lake Isabella, CA. Discussion by the typophiles (with complaints about the wide spacing, the letters g, 2, J, and other typographic matters). The font is the default at the JSTOR site.

    Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Journal of Biblical Studies

    Alternate URL. Archive: Altrussisch, Altrussisch-Bold, Altrussisch-BoldItalic, Altrussisch-Italic, Web-Hebrew-AD, BSTGreek, BSTHebrew, Coptic-Normal, Web-Hebrew-Monospace, Cyrillic, Cyrillic-Bold-Italic, Cyrillic-Bold, Cyrillic-Normal-Italic, DSS-Scribal-Normal, Elephantine-Aramaic, Etruscan-Epigraphic-Normal, Netextmo, Netextpro, Greek, Hebrew, IluInternet, Koine-Medium, l562-Minuscule-Normal, Lachish-Bold, Latin-Uncial-Normal, Linear-B, Nippur-Sans-Regular, Macedonian-Ancient, Meroitic---Demotic, Meroitic---Hieroglyphics, Nabataean-Aramaic, Nahkt, Paleo-Hebrew-NormalA, Phoinike, Qumran, RD-Akkadian1, RK-Ugaritic-Transscript, Rashi, SPAchmim, SPAtlantis, SPDamascus, SPEdessa, SPEzra, SPIonic, SPTiberian, Schwaben-Alt-Bold, Sinaiticus-Greek-Uncial, Sorawin-Plain, Ugarit. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Juan-José Marcos García

    [More]  ⦿

    Karel Piska

    Karel Piska works at the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, and specializes in Neo-Assyrian Cuneiform fonts covering also Akkasdian, Ugaritic and Old persian. There, he designed these fonts from 1999-2003 (free downloads): NAOldPersianAcadBFType1, NAOldPersianAcademicType1, NAOldPersianClassicType1, NAUgariticAcadBFType1, NAUgariticAcademicType1, NAUgariticClassicType1, NeoAssyrianAcadBFType1a, NeoAssyrianAcadBFType1b, NeoAssyrianAcadBFType1c, NeoAssyrianAcademicType1a, NeoAssyrianAcademicType1b, NeoAssyrianAcademicType1c, NeoAssyrianClassicType1a, NeoAssyrianClassicType1b, NeoAssyrianClassicType1c. Free metafonts of his include Syllabary A No. 56A (additional cuneiform signs), The page also has a rare metafont triple called "cunmfa", "cunmfb" and "cummfc" by Jo Grant (1992). He wrote "Fonts for Neo-Assysian Cuneiform," Proceedings of the EuroTeX Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, September 20-24, 1999, Günter Partosch andi Gerhard Wilhelms eds, Giessen, Augsburg, 1999, pp. 142-154. At TUG 2005 he spoke on the conversion of Metafont fonts to outline fonts using Metapost. After theoretical conversion, the FontForge font editor is used for removing overlap, simplification, rounding to integer, autohinting, generating outline fonts, and necessary manual modifications. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Logos Bible Software
    [Eli T. Evans]

    Company located in Bellingham, WA, which is involved in ancient languages. Eli Evans developed some fonts for Ugaritic, a Semitic language written in cuneiform, in use around 1300 bc in the city of Ugarit in modern Syria. The fonts, called Zebel Open, are part of a commercial Ugaritic package. Here we learn that he designed Gotisch (2003) with letters representing the Gothic alphabet, as written by Wulfila and presumably as used by the Goths (pre-uncial). This was followed by a bold version, Gothic 1. He also created the runes font Futhorc. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Mark Williamson

    Designer of a public domain Unicode font in 2005 called MPH 2B Damase. It can be found here. Created by Mark Williamson, it covers Armenian, Cherokee, Coptic (Bohairic subset), Cypriot Syllabary, Cyrillic (Russian and other Slavic languages), Deseret, Georgian (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri but no Mkhedruli), Glagolitic, Gothic, Greek (including Coptic characters), Hebrew, Latin, Limbu, Linear B (partial coverage of ideograms and syllabary), Old Italic, Old Persian cuneiform, Osmanya, Phoenician, Shavian, Syloti Nagri (no conjuncts), Tai Le (no combining tone marks), Thaana, Tifinagh, Ugaritic, Vietnamese. See also here. The font is used by the popular Debian Linux software. Mark Williamson also designed a free fonts for Osmanya, Ugaritic and Shavian called Andagii (2003). His Penuturesu covers Linear B.

    Mark contributed to the GNU Freefont project, which used these ranges:

    • Hanunó?o (U+1720-U+173F)
    • Buginese (U+1A00-U+1A1F)
    • Tai Le (U+1950-U+197F)
    • Ugaritic (U+10380-U+1039F)
    • Old Persian (U+103A0-U+103DF)

    Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Music of the Ancient Near East
    [Richard J. Dumbrill]

    Richard Dumbrill's page. Find a free font Akkadian-1, and a commercial family, RD-Akkadian (cuneiform signs). Plus RD-Times Scholar (commercial). Furthermore, custom font design for Syriac, Ugaritic, Hittite cuneiforms, South Arabian, Phoenician. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Nicholas Fabian
    [Type Designs by Nicholas Fabian]

    [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

    Northwest semitic links

    Great links page maintained by Reinhard G. Lehmann (Lecturer for Classical Hebrew and Old Aramaic, Johannes-Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz) with links related to Hebrew, old Aramaic, Greek, Coptic, old Syrian, Ugaritic and Phoenician. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Paleofonts V. 2
    [Vasil Gligorov]

    Vasil Gligorov from Skopje, Macedonia, has a 16MB file with almost 300 truetype fonts that represent 30 ancient scripts: Luwian, Ugaritic, Aramaic, Runic, Syriac, Glagolitic, OCS Cyrillic, Persian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Demotic, Linear A (Complex signs), Linear B, Proto-Greek, Ancient and Medieval Greek, Ancient and Medieval Latin, Gothic, Etruscan, Oscan, Phoenician, Galilean, Celto-Iberian, Coptic, Meroitic, Cypriot, Vina, Ancient Hebrew, Samaritan, Sanskrit, Ugaritic, Manichean, Ogham, Umbrian, Asomtavruli Mrglovani, Siloam type-Inscription. Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Peter R. Wilson

    [More]  ⦿

    Phillip Andrade
    [Dry Heaves Fonts (was: Phil Fonts)]

    [More]  ⦿

    Phoenician Alphabet
    [Salim George Khalaf]

    At NC-based Salim George Khalaf's page on ancient Phoenicia, find free truetype fonts (Mac, PC): Nakht Hieroglyphics, Eshmoon (1996; Phoenician runes by Salim himself) and Ugaritic1 (by David Myriad Rosenbaum, El Sobrante, CA). Alternate URL. It has a great tree of language genealogies, placing Phoenician around 1600BC, with as child languages Proto-Arabic (1500BC), Old Hebrew (900BC), Archaic Greek (1000BC), Etruscan/Latin (900BC) and Aramaic (800BC). Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Proportional Lime
    [Shane Brandes]

    Oberlin, OH-based foundry of Shane Brandes (b. Lakefield, MN, 1974), who made the historic semi-blackletter revival Augsburger2009 (2009), which was inspired by one of Ernhardt Ratdolt's (1442-1528) many beautiful typefaces. Ratdolt was a printer from Augsburg, hence the name. River Liffey (2009) is based on a typeface used by James Williams an Irish printer active in Dublin during the late 18th century. Rising Sun (2009, blackletter) was inspired by Gering and Remboldt's work during the late 1490s in Paris.

    Charlemagne (2010) is an imaginary medieval script. Fleurious (2010) are ornaments. Sweynheym Pannartz (2010) is modeled after an example Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz used in their early printing venture in Subiaco, Italy which began around 1465. Ballard (2010) was inspired by a font used by Henrie Ballard, who operated on Fleet Street at the Signe of the Bear in London from ca. 1597-1608. White Now (2010) is a music note font. Enn'agrammaton (2010) is a cryptographic font. Pluton (2010) is a fixed width font with over 1400 glyphs. Old Venexia (2010) simulates an irregular medieval type. Black Tie (2010) is a simple monoline sans family. Azabercna (2010) is based on gothic principles. Alchimistes (2010) is a medieval symbol face, while Florati (2010) provides a set of ornamental caps. Wappenstein (2010) is an angular stone-carved face: The font Wappenstein was inspired by the carving on a memorial stone located in Paderborn, Germany. The stone was a Epitaph of the Brenkener family, and the carver is known as the Meister des Brenkener Familienepitaphs. The carving, dating to 1562, currently is curated by the Erzbischöfliches Diözesanmuseum in the city of Paderborn and was originally in the Brenkener Pfarr Kirche. Boston 1851 (2010) is based on a stereotype used by Wier and White, Printers of Boston, that was created by the New England Stereoype Foundry under the auspices of Hobart and Robbins, also of Boston. Cruxially (2010) is a 500-glyph dingbat font with crosses.

    Gaspardo (2011) is an art deco display face. Anguillette (2011) is a quaint grungy face. Ernst (2011) is a very simple but large hand-printed face. The blackletter typeface Schoeffer (2011) is based on Typ.7:146/148G also known as Gesellschaft für Typenkunde plate no. 258, by Peter the Younger (son of Peter Schoeffer), cut ca. 1509-1520. Printers in Marks is a printer mark dingbat typeface created in 2011. Cat E Poultry (2011) is a scanbat typeface of cats. Lucas Brandis (2011) is based on section headings used by printer Lucas Brandis, the first printer to operate in the city of Lübeck around 1473.

    Creations in 2012: Vine Street, Nicolaus Kesler (a blackletter type based on one of the typefaces of Basel-based Nicolaus Kessler, 15th century), Modality Antiqua (straight-edged and mechanical), Martin Crantz (2012: Martin Crantz (or sometimes Krantz) of the three, including Ulrich Gering and Michael Friburger, that set up a press at the Sorbonne in 1470 was likely the fellow who had the technical know how how to cast the type itself, hence the name of this new typeface that is based on his work.). Modality Antiqua and Modality Novus are explorations of the octagonal principle. Zainer is a rough-edges renaissance era typeface named after Augsburg-based printer Günther Zainer who was active from 1468 until 1478. Swine And Roses is based on a Free Mason script. Ammurapi is a Ugaritic script face.

    Typefaces from 2013: Michael Wenssler (an incunabula / blackletter typeface based on Michael wenssler typeface from 1482), Andreae (a Fraktur based on a 16th century font by Hieronymus Andreae, who first worked as woodblock cutter and then became a publisher in the city of Nuremberg until his death in 1565), Dropsomaniacal (Lombardic), Therhoernen (grungy medieval script after a Cologne-based printer Arnold Therhoernen, active from 1470 until 1483), Rusch (a 1000-glyph revival of a late 15th century antiqua by Adolf Rusch von Ingweiler, who was active in Strasbourg from 1460 until 1489), Gutknecht (a Schwabacher based on a font used by Jobst Gutknecht, a printer in Nuremburg from 1514 until 1542). The rough blackletter typeface Kachelofen and Konrad Kachelofen are named after Konrad Kachelhofen, a printer in Leipzig active from 1482 until 1529. Albrecht Pfister (2013) is a textura typeface based on Biblia Paperum, which was printed by Pfister in Bamberg, ca. 1460. Amerbach 883 (2013) is a rotunda typeface based on a typeface by Basel-based printer and typefounder Johann von Amerbach, who was active from 1477 until 1513.

    Typefaces from 2014: Willie Caxton (a blackletter used by William Caxton in his 1476 edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales), Azabercna, Lion of Antwerp (an incunabula typeface: Gerard Leeu met his untimely end in a work-related altercation in 1492. He was a notable printer in both the cities of Gouda and Antwerp. This font typeface is based on the "Die gesten of gheschienisse van romen" typeface, ca. 1481.), Hildegardis (an alphabetic cipher that was invented in the 12th century by Hildegard von Bingen to obscure a language called Lingua Ignota. The exemplar was found in the Riesencodex), Lady Vittoria (vampire script based on a German cross stitch pattern from the 1870s), Trowel.

    Typefaces from 2016: Holle There (a re-cut of a typeface that Lienhart Holle used in his epic edition of Ptolemy's Cosmographia that dates to the early 1480's, even predating italics).

    Typefaces from 2017: Archbishop (based on the legal documents of Archbishop Arnold von Selenhofen, who granted Hildegard von Bingen and her nuns rooms at the Rupertsberg Monastery in the year 1150), Schoensperger Der Altere (after a blackletter font used by the first female printer, Anna Ruuml;gerin, who was Johann Schönsperger der Altere's sister; Johann was a famous printer in Augsburg, Germany, during the last 20 years of the 15th century).

    Typefaces from 2018: Zell (a rough blackletter based on 15th century German typeface by Ulrich Zell), Captain Cookie (based on the original font used to print a short history of Captain Cook's exploits around the world), Adelheid (a great curly blackletter based on a 16th century Swiss publication), Feodorov (named after Russia's first printer, Ivan Feodorov).

    Creative Market link. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

    Reinhold Kainhofer
    [RK Ancient Fonts]

    [More]  ⦿

    Richard J. Dumbrill
    [Music of the Ancient Near East]

    [More]  ⦿

    RK Ancient Fonts
    [Reinhold Kainhofer]

    Free fonts for Sanskrit, Old Greek, Ugaritic, Meroitic, Oldpersian Cuneiform by Reinhold Kainhofer: RK-Meroitic-(Demotic), RK-Meroitic-(Hieroglyphics), RK-Meroitic-Transscript, RK-Persian-Cuneiform, RK-Sanskrit, RK-Ugaritic-Transscript, RK-Ugaritic. Kainhofer is based at Karl Franz University in Graz, Austria. Direct download.

    Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Salim George Khalaf
    [Phoenician Alphabet]

    [More]  ⦿

    Shane Brandes
    [Proportional Lime]

    [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

    Southern Software Inc. (SSi)

    In the late 1990s, SSi used to sell foreign fonts for Arabic, Urdu, Greek, Hebrew, Armenian, Baltic, Burmese, Cherokee, Cyrillic, Cree, Simplified Chinese, Ethiopian, Inuktitut, Gaelic, IPA, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Mayan. Farsi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Syriac, South Arabian, Tamil, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ugaritic, and Vietnamese. Plus musical dingbats. Of course, they did not make a single of these fonts themselves. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Steve White
    [GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts)]

    [More]  ⦿

    Type Designs by Nicholas Fabian
    [Nicholas Fabian]

    The informative home page of Nicholas Fabian, who died in April 2006. Check out his gorgeous fonts, like Fabius Art Deco and Fabius Durer. Also nice discussions of typographical issues such as TrueType versus PostScript. And pages on the history of type. He also sold Ugarit fonts. Early masters of type design. Alternate URL. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


    Ugaritic is a Northwest Semitic language discovered by French archaeologists in 1929. It is known almost only in the form of writings found in the ruined city of Ugarit (today, Ras Shamra, Syria). It has been used by scholars of the Hebrew Bible to clarify Biblical Hebrew texts and has revealed ways in which the cultures of ancient Israel and Judah found parallels in the neighboring cultures.

    Wikipedia: The Ugaritic alphabet is a cuneiform script used beginning in the 15th century BC. Like most Semitic scripts, it is an abjad, where each symbol stands for a consonant, leaving the reader to supply the appropriate vowel. Although it appears similar to Mesopotamian cuneiform (whose writing techniques it borrowed), its symbols and symbol meanings are unrelated. It is the oldest example of the family of West Semitic scripts such as the Phoenician, Paleo-Hebrew, and Aramaic alphabets (including the Hebrew alphabet). The so-called "long alphabet" has 30 letters while the "short alphabet" has 22. Other languages (particularly Hurrian) were occasionally written in it in the Ugarit area, although not elsewhere. Clay tablets written in Ugaritic provide the earliest evidence of both the Levantine ordering of the alphabet, which gave rise to the alphabetic order of the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin alphabets; and the South Semitic order, which gave rise to the order of the Ge'ez script. The script was written from left to right. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Ugaritic (metafont)

    From Essex University, Alan M. Stanier's metafont for Ugaritic, a cuneiform alphabet (as opposed to the syllabic cuneiform of Akkadian or Hittite), as found on tablets dated from the Late Bronze Age (ca 1400 - 1200 BC) in Northern Syria and Palestine, notably in the archives at Ugarit. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Unicode Font Guide For Free--Libre Open Source Operating Systems

    A guide to Unicode-based fonts and script projects that are ideal for free/libre/open source (FLOSS) operating systems like Linux and FreeBSD. Maintained by Ed Trager, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Under Pan-Unicode fonts, he lists in 2005:

    • Bitstream Cyberbit: "a must-have professionally-designed font which provides excellent coverage of many major scripts, including Latin, extended Latin, Greek, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Thai, Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji), Korean, and Chinese Hanzi (ideographs). Among TrueType fonts with extensive Unicode coverage, this is almost certainly the best that can be downloaded for free."
    • Code 2000: "an experimental shareware font with over 34,000 glyphs designed by James Kass to cover all of the non-Han sections of the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Kass also has designed a beta test font called Code 2001 which covers some sections of Unicode Plane 1, including Old Persian Cuneiform, Deseret, Tengwar, Cirth, Old Italic, Gothic, Aegean Numbers, Cypriot Syllabary, Pollard Script, and Ugaritic."
    • Everson Mono Unicode by Michael Everson: "covers many of the non-Han script blocks in Unicode and ISO/IEC 10646-1, including Latin, extended Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, and even Cherokee and the Unified Canadian Syllabics."
    [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts
    [George Douros]

    This is a fantastic source of free high-quality fonts for scripts of the greater Aegean vicinity, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Meroitic, Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform, Musical Symbols and all Symbol Blocks in the Unicode Standard. George Douros is their Greek font designer. His free fonts come with this exemplary footnote: In lieu of a licence: Fonts in this site are offered free for any use; they may be opened, edited, modified, regenerated, posted, packaged and redistributed. Many of his fonts contributed to important section in the GNU Freefont project. Here is the list:

    • Abidos (2018). An attempt to catalogue about 8000 Egyptian hieroglyps. His Nilus font (2018) catalogues the Gardiner hieroglyphs.
    • Aegean (2007-2012). Covers Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, Greek Extended, some Punctuation and other Symbols, Linear B Syllabary, Linear B Ideograms, Aegean Numbers, Ancient Greek Numbers, Ancient Symbols, Phaistos Disc, Lycian, Carian, Old Italic, Ugaritic, Old Persian, Cypriot Syllabary, Phoenician, Lydian, Archaic Greek Musical Notation. Other things in it: Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyphs, Cypro-Minoan, Ancient Greek Alphabets, Phrygian, Old Italic Alphabets (Cumaean, Archaic Etruscan, Neo Etruscan, Ancient Latin, Lugano, Faliscan, Marsiliana, Messapic, Middle Adriatic South Picene, North Picene, Oscan, Umbrian), the Arkalochori Axe and Anatolian Hieroglyphs.
    • Aegyptus (2007-2020) and Gardiner. Over 7000 hieroglyphs. In addition, we have Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, Egyptian Transliteration characters, some punctuation and other symbols.
    • Akkadian (2007). Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, some Punctuation and other Symbols, Ugaritic, Cuneiform, Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation.
    • Alexander (2007, text typeface built around the Greek letters originally designed by Alexander Wilson in 1744; compare with Wilson Greek (1996, Matthew Carter) and Junicode (2006, Peter S. Baker)). The Latin and Cyrillic parts are based on Garamond.
    • Alfios. Lowercase upright Greek were designed in 1805 by Firmin Didot (1764-1836) and cut by Walfard and Vibert. The typeface, together with a complete printing house, was donated in 1821 to the new Greek state by Didot's son, Ambroise Firmin Didot (1790-1876). Lowercase italic Greek were designed in 1802 by Richard Porson (1757-1808) and cut by Richard Austin. They were first used by Cambridge University Press in 1810. Capitals, Latin and Cyrillic, as well as the complete bold weights, have been designed in an attempt to create a well-balanced font. The font covers the Windows Glyph List, Greek Extended, various typographic extras and some Open Type features (Numerators, Denominators, Fractions, Old Style Figures, Historical Forms, Stylistic Alternates, Ligatures); it is available in regular, italic, bold and bold italic.
    • Anaktoria. Douros: Grecs du roi was designed by Claude Garamond (1480-1561) between 1541 and 1544, commissioned by king Francis I of France, for the exclusive use by the Imprimerie Nationale in Paris. Greek in Akaktoria is based on a modern version of Grecs du roi prepared by Mindaugas Strockis in 2001. Lowercase Latin stems from the titles in the 1623 First Folio Edition of Shakespeare. Scott Mann & Peter Guither prepared a modern version for The Illinois Shakespeare Festival in 1995. Cyrillic has been designed to match the above Greek and Latin.
    • Analecta (2007, Byzantine style). An ecclesiastic scripts font, in Byzantine uncial style, covering Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, some Punctuation and other Symbols, Coptic, typographica varia, Specials, Gothic and Deseret.
    • Anatolian
    • Aroania: In 1927, Victor Julius Scholderer (1880-1971), on behalf of the Society for the Promotion of Greek Studies, got involved in choosing and consulting the design and production of a Greek type called New Hellenic cut by the Lanston Monotype Corporation. He chose the revival of a round, and almost monoline type which had first appeared in 1492 in the edition of Macrobius, ascribable to the printing shop of Giovanni Rosso (Joannes Rubeus) in Venice. Aroania is a modern recast of Victor Scholderer's New Hellenic font, on the basis of Verdana.
    • Asea (2020, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic). A modern font based on Firmin Didot's Greek type.
    • Assyrian.
    • Atavyros. Douros writes: Robert Granjon (1513-1589) produced his Parangonne Greque typeface (garmond size) at the instigation of Christophe Plantin as a counterpart to Garamond's Grec du roi, in Antwerp Holland, between 1560--1565. It was used in Plantin's multilingual Bible of 1572. Versions of Granjon's type were used for the 1692 edition of Diogenes Laertius and for the Greek-Dutch edition of the New Testament in 1698, both published by Henric Wetstenium in Amsterdam. A digital revival was prepared by Ralph P. Hancock for his Vusillus font in 1999. Latin and Cyrillic are based on a Goudy typeface.
    • Avdira. Douros: Upright is based on the lowercase Greek letters in the typeface used by Demetrios Damilas for the edition of Isocrates, published in Milan in 1493. A digital revival was prepared by Ralph P. Hancock for his Milan (Mediolanum) font in 2000. Italic Greek were designed in 1802 by Richard Porson (1757-1808) and cut by Richard Austin. They were first used by Cambridge University Press in 1810.
    • Maya. Maya covers the glyphs in J. Eric S. Thompson's A Catalog of Maya Hieroglyphs (1962, University of Oklahoma Press).
    • MusicalSymbols (2007) or Musica (2013). Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, some Punctuation and other Symbols, Byzantine Musical Symbols, (Western) Musical Symbols, Archaic Greek Musical Notation. There is also the Greek musical notation font EE Music (2018) for Hellenic ecclesiastic music.
    • UnicodeSymbols (2007, in the Computer Modern style) and UniDings (2013). It has every imaginable symbol: Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, IPA Extensions, Greek, Cyrillic, Cyrillic Supplementary, General Punctuation, Superscripts and Subscripts, Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols, Letterlike Symbols, Number Forms, Arrows, Mathematical Operators, Miscellaneous Technical, Control Pictures, Optical Character Recognition, Box Drawing, Block Elements, Geometric Shapes, Miscellaneous Symbols, Dingbats, Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, Supplemental Arrows-A, Supplemental Arrows-B, Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, Supplemental Mathematical Operators, Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows, CJK Symbols and Punctuation, Yijing Hexagram Symbols, Vertical Forms, Combining Half Marks, CJK Compatibility Forms, Specials, Tai Xuan Jing Symbols, Counting Rod Numerals, Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, Mahjong Tile Symbols, Domino Tile Symbols.
    • Symbola (2013) is an unbelievably rich font. It contains Basic Latin, IPA Extensions, Spacing Modifier Letters, Combining Diacritical Marks, Greek and Coptic, Cyrillic, Cyrillic Supplement, General Punctuation, Superscripts and Subscripts, Currency Symbols, Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols, Letterlike Symbols, Number Forms, Arrows, Mathematical Operators, Miscellaneous Technical, Control Pictures, Optical Character Recognition, Box Drawing, Block Elements, Geometric Shapes, Miscellaneous Symbols, Dingbats, Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, Supplemental Arrows-A, Braille Patterns, Supplemental Arrows-B, Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, Supplemental Mathematical Operators, Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows, Supplemental Punctuation, Yijing Hexagram Symbols, Combining Half Marks, Specials, Byzantine Musical Symbols, Musical Symbols, Ancient Greek Musical Notation, Tai Xuan Jing Symbols, Counting Rod Numerals, Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, Mahjong Tiles, Domino Tiles, Playing Cards, Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs, Emoticons, Ornamental Dingbats, Transport And Map Symbols, Alchemical Symbols, Geometric Shapes Extended, Supplemental Arrows, and Symbols of occasional mathematical interest. It is one of a hanful fonts that dares to have a glyph that shows the middle finger. Github link for free download. see also Symbola Goomoji (2013).
    • Unidings. Various glyphs and icons.

    Since George permits redistribution, I am offering his work for download here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Vasil Gligorov
    [Paleofonts V. 2]

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    Wazu: Old Church Slavonic

    This page shows the subset of Cyrillic fonts that contain the unique, historical letters needed for Old Church Slavonic (OCS). Listed:

    • ALPHABETUM Unicode. Note: Excellent font for linguistics and ancient languages. Stats: Version 9.0 Feb 2007 has 5,515 glyphs and 220 kerning pairs. Support: Coptic, Cypriot Syllabary, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Gothic, Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Glagolitic, Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Linear B (ideograms and syllabary), Ogham, Old Italic, Old Persian cuneiform, Phoenician, Runic, Ugaritic, Private Use Area (Iberic&Celtiberic, additional Old Italic glyphs, Old&Medieval Latin).
    • Arev Sans (Tavmjong Bah, 2006). Stats: Version 0.21a 2006/05/15 has 2,851 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin (default).
    • Arial Unicode MS. Source: Comes with Microsoft's Office 2000, FrontPage 2000, Office XP and Publisher 2002. Stats: Version 1.00 has 50,377 glyphs and no kerning pairs Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Balochi, Persian, Shahmukhi, Urdu), Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Devanagari, Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Gurmukhi, Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji/Han Ideographs), Kannada, Korean (Hangul only), Latin, Tamil, Thai, Vietnamese . OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default, Farsi, Urdu), Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han Ideographic (default, Japanese, Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional), Kana (default, Japanese), Kannada, Korean, Tamil
    • Arimo. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 1.33 has 3,299 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Serbian), Greek (default), Hebrew (default), Latin (default, Marshallese).
    • Carlito (Lukasz Dziedzic, Google Fonts). Version 1.104 has 2,783 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of the range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Serbian), Greek (default), Latin (default).
    • CERG Chinese Font. Note: Also has significant coverage of mathematical characters. Source: Free download from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Stats: Version 3.01 has 36,701 glyphs and no kerning pairs Support: Chinese (Fantizi/Traditional Han Ideographs including Extension A), Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Han Ideographic (default, Chinese/ZHT).
    • Chrysanthi Unicode. Source: Free download from EveryWitchWay's Chrysanthi Unicode page. Stats: Version 3.1 has 4,383 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic), Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Runic, Vietnamese.
    • Code2000. Source: Download this shareware font ($5) from James Kass's webpage. Stats: Version 1.16 has 61,864 glyphs and 239 kerning pairs. Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Baluchi, Kirghiz, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Armenian, Bengali, Braille, Canadian Syllabics (all syllabaries, all characters), Cherokee, Chinese (Bopomofo only, including Extended), Cirth, Coptic, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Devanagari, Ethiopic (including supplement and extended blocks), Ewellic, Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji/Han Ideographs including Extension A), Klingon, Korean (Hangul only), Lao, Latin, Limbu, Mongolian, N'Ko, Ogham, Phaistos, Runic, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Tengwar, Thaana, Thai, Tifinagh, Vietnamese, Yi. OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Buhid, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han Ideographic, Hangul, Hangul Jamo, Hebrew, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latin, Malayalam, Mongolian, Myanmar, N'Ko, Tamil, Telugu, Thai.
    • Cousine. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 1.33; ttfautohint (v1.8.2) has 2,396 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Serbian), Hebrew (default), Latin (default, Marshallese).
    • DejaVu Sans. Source: Free download from DejaVu project on SourceForge. Stats: Version 2.10 has 3,932 glyphs and 2,558 kerning pairs. Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Persian), Armenian, Braille, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: default, Arabic, Armenian, Cyrillic (default, Macedonian, Serbian), Greek, Hebrew, Lao, Latin (default, Dinka).
    • Dilyana. Source: Free download from R.M.Cleminson. Stats: Version 1.00 2005 has 346 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Glagolitic, Cyrillic (OCS).
    • Enigmatic Unicode. Source: Free download from Darren Rigby's "Objets Dart" site. Stats: Version 2.0 has 1,096 glyphs and 2 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including Coptic characters), IPA, Latin.
    • Everson Mono Unicode. Source: Shareware from Everson Mono. Stats: Version 4.1.3 2003-02-13 has 4,899 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Armenian, Canadian Syllabics (all syllabaries, all characters), Cherokee, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Ogham, Runic, Vietnamese.
    • Fira Code. Note: This font is version 3.206 of Fira Mono with programming ligatures added. Source: Free download from GitHub. Stats: Version 6.002 has 2,030 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic characters), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin (default, Afrikaans, Azeri, Catalan, Crimean Tatar, Kazakh, Moldavian, Polish, Romanian, Turkish), zinh (default), zyyy (default.
    • Fira Mono. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 3.206 has 1,485 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic characters), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin (default, Afrikaans, Azeri, Catalan, Crimean Tatar, Kazakh, Moldavian, Polish, Romanian, Tatar, Turkish).
    • Fira Sans. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 4.203 has 2,708 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin (default, Afrikaans, Azeri, Catalan, Crimean Tatar, Kazakh, Moldavian, Polish, Romanian, Tatar, Turkish).
    • Fixedsys Excelsior. Source: Free download from GitHub. Stats: Version 3.022 2017/11/29 has 6,024 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Ajami, Azeri, Balochi, Berber, Brahui, Kazakh, Kirghiz Kurdish, Lahnda, Jawi, Pashto, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Armenian, Braille (six-dot only), Cyrillic (all or most of range), Ethiopic, Georgian (Mkhedruli, Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri), Gothic, Hebrew, IPA, Latin, N'Ko, Ogham, Old Hylian, Pahawh Hmong, Runic, Tamil, Tengwar, Thaana, Thai, Tifinagh, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default), Latin (default), N'Ko (default), Tamil (default), Thaana (default).
    • Free Serif. Source: Free download from Savannah. Stats: Version 1.52 has 3,914 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Bengali, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Ethiopic, Greek (including polytonic), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Malayalam, Tamil, Thaana, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: default, Bengali, Latin, Malayalam (traditional), Tamil.
    • Hindsight Unicode. Source: Free download from the History/Hindsight page of Darren Rigby's "Objets Dart" site. Stats: Version 1.00 January 2001 has 2,894 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese.
    • Kliment Std. Source: Free download from the fonts page of the Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters. Stats: Version 1.005 (2005) has 1,199 glyphs and 3 kerning pairs. Support: CyrOCS, Greek, Latin (including many extended/additional letters and diacritics).
    • Lato (Lukasz Dziedzic, Googlefonts). Stats: Version 2.015 2015-08-06 has 3,023 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Serbian), Greek (default), Latin (default).
    • Lazov. Source: Free download from the fonts page of the Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters. Stats: Version 1.00 (December 20, 2005) has 813 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (OCS), Latin.
    • LeedsUni. Source: Free download from Alec McAllister's home page. Stats: Version 001.000 has 2,343 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin (including many extended/additional letters and diacritics), Runic, Vietnamese, Private Use Area (Medieval Latin).
    • Liberation Mono. Note: Identical to Cousine. Source: Free download from GitHub. Stats: Version 2.1.5 has 2,423 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Bopomofo (default), Coptic (default), Cyrillic (default), Greek (default), Hebrew (default), Latin (default).
    • Liberation Sans. Note: Identical to Arimo. Source: Free download from GitHub. Stats: Version 2.1.5 has 2,620 glyphs and 908 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Bopomofo (default), Coptic (default), Cyrillic (Macedonian, Serbian), Greek (default), Hebrew (default), Latin (default).
    • Liberation Serif. Note: Identical to Tinos. Source: Free download from GitHub. Stats: Version 2.1.5 has 2,602 glyphs and 867 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Bopomofo (default), Coptic (default), Cyrillic (default), Greek (default), Hebrew (default), Latin (default).
    • Lucida Bright. Source: Provided with various products including Sun's free Java Software Development Kit version 1.4.2. Stats: Version 1.10 JAVA has 1,402 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including Coptic characters), Latin.
    • Lucida Sans. Source: Provided with various products including Sun's free Java Software Development Kit version 1.4.2. Stats: Version 1.20 has 2,929 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Devanagari, Greek (including Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Devanagari.
    • Lucida Sans Typewriter. Source: Provided with various products including Sun's free Java Software Development Kit version 1.4.2. Stats: Version 1.10 JAVA has 1,376 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including Coptic characters), Hebrew, Latin.
    • Lucida Sans Unicode. Source: Comes with Microsoft's Windows XP and Windows 2000. Stats: Version 2.00 has 1,776 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek, Hebrew, IPA, Latin.
    • Menaion. Source: Free download from the fonts page of the Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters. Stats: Version 2.01 (September 2004) has 968 glyphs and 639 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (OCS), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin.
    • Menaion Medieval. Source: Free download from the fonts page of the Repertorium of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters. Stats: Version 2.10 (December 20, 2005) has 974 glyphs and 696 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (OCS), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin.
    • Microsoft Sans Serif (1997). Source: Supplied with Windows XP SP2 (service pack 2). Older versions were supplied with Windows XP and Windows 2000. Stats: Version 1.41 has 2,257 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Ajami, Azeri, Balochi, Berber, Brahui, Kazakh, Kirghiz Kurdish, Lahnda, Jawi, Pashto, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, Latin (basic and beyond), Thai, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic (default, MAR).
    • Noto Heiltsuk Sans. Source: Comes with the FirstVoices Heiltsuk Keyman keyboard. Stats: Version "2.014;Glyphs 3.1.2 (3151)" has 3,887 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Macedonian, Serbian), Devanagari v.2 (default), Greek (default, Phonetic transcription---Americanist conventions, Phonetic transcription---IPA conventions), Latin (default, Catalan, Marshallese, Moldavian, Navajo, Phonetic transcription---Americanist conventions, Phonetic transcription---IPA conventions, Romanian). Note: This font is version 2.008 of Noto Sans with the Latin lambda added.
    • Noto Sans. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version "2.008; ttfautohint (v1.8) -l 8 -r 50 -G 200 -x 14 -D latn -f none -a qsq -X """ has 3,285 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Macedonian, Serbian), Devanagari v.2 (default), Greek (default, Phonetic transcription---Americanist conventions, Phonetic transcription---IPA conventions), Latin (default, Catalan, Marshallese, Moldavian, Navajo, Phonetic transcription---Americanist conventions, Phonetic transcription---IPA conventions, Romanian). Note: The font "Noto Sans Condensed" is also available.
    • Noto Serif. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version "2.007; ttfautohint (v1.8) -l 8 -r 50 -G 200 -x 14 -D latn -f none -a qsq -X """ has 3,691 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Macedonian, Serbian), Greek (default, Phonetic transcription---Americanist conventions, Phonetic transcription---IPA conventions), Latin (default, Catalan, Marshallese, Moldavian, Navajo, Phonetic transcription---Americanist conventions, Phonetic transcription---IPA conventions, Romanian). Note: The font "Noto Serif Condensed" is also available.
    • Roboto (Christian Robertson at Googlefonts). Stats: Version 2.138 / 2.001047; 2015 has 3,387 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Note: The font Roboto Condensed is also available. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Older versions were supplied with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default), Greek (default), Latin (default, Azeri, Crimean Tatar, French, Moldavian, Navajo, Romanian, Turkish).
    • Roboto Mono. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 3.000 has 1,006 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default), Greek (default), Latin (default).
    • Roboto Slab. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 2.002 has 1,164 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Latin (default, Catalan, Moldavian, Romanian).
    • Roman Unicode. Source: Free download from EveryWitchWay's Roman Unicode page. Stats: Version 3.0 has 3,923 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek, Hebrew, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Vietnamese.
    • Staroslavenski Unicode. Source: Free download from . In the "Fonts for Windows" section click on the link that say "round and angular glagolitic font, created by dr. Emil Hersak". Stats: Version (Unicode) has 219 glyphs and 92 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (OCS), Latin.
    • Tahoma. Source: Comes with Microsoft's Windows XP and Windows 2000. Stats: Version 3.14 has 2,034 glyphs and 674 kerning pairs. Support: Arabic script (Arabic, Ajami, Azeri, Balochi, Berber, Brahui, Kazakh, Kirghiz Kurdish, Lahnda, Jawi, Pashto, Persian, Shahmukhi, Sindhi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek), Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek (including polytonic), Hebrew, Latin, Thai, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic.
    • Thryomanes. Source: Free download from Herman Miller's language page. Stats: Version 1.2 (Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 9/15/2003) has 1,689 glyphs and 2 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese.
    • Tinos. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 1.33; ttfautohint (v1.8.2) has 3,285 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Latin, Vietnamese. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Serbian), Greek (default), Hebrew (default), Latin (default, Marshallese).
    • TITUS Cyberbit Basic. Source: Free download (after submitting a form) from TITUS. Stats: Version 3.0 (2000) has 9,779 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Armenian, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Ethiopic, Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, IPA, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Ogham, Runic, Thaana, Vietnamese.
    • Titus Cyrillic. Source: Part of the free TITUS WordCruncher font package download available from TITUS (after submitting a form). Stats: Version (blank) has 261 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (OCS), Latin.
    • Torquemada Starved Unicode. Source: Free download from the Torturer/Torquemada page of Darren Rigby's "Objets Dart" site. Stats: Version 1 has 979 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Greek (including Coptic characters), Latin.
    • TransCyrillicU. Source: Professional font available for purchase from Linguist's Software. Support: Cyrillic (all or most of range), Latin.
    • Ubuntu (Dalton Maag, 2010). Stats: Version 0.83 has 1,264 glyphs and 5,264 kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek (including polytonic characters), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian), Greek (default), Latin (default, Azeri, Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, Romanian, Turkish).
    • Ubuntu Mono. Source: Free download from the Ubuntu fonts page. Stats: Version 0.80 has 1,296 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek (including polytonic characters), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian), Greek (default), Latin (default, Azeri, Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, Romanian, Turkish).
    • Ubuntu Sans. Source: Free download from Google Fonts. Stats: Version 1.006 has 1,856 glyphs and no kerning pairs. Support: Cyrillic (Russian plus other Slavic and non-Slavic languages), Greek (including polytonic characters), Latin. OpenType Layout Tables: Cyrillic (default, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian), Latin (default, Azeri, Catalan, Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, Romanian, Turkish). Note: Identical to Ubuntu but is a variable font.
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