TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:37 EDT 2025
French graphics lettering company initially involved in instant lettering (made by Trip Productions), and some original typeface designs. From 1989 until 1994, Mecanorma worked with another Dutch company Visualogik to create digital versions of their typefaces, all having MN in their names. Monotype licensed and digitized some of Mecanorma's typefaces. In 1995, Mecanorma got out of graphics and stepped into home decoration. In 1999, Trip Productions, a Dutch Company located in Lisse, purchased the Mecanorma brand and what was left of the company. In 2004, International TypeFounders from Cedars, PA, licensed the typefaces from Trip Productions and released them as the Mecanorma Collection. Since 2021, there also is a Mecanorma Collection at The Type Founders. Their collection includes some great fonts: Access, Artdeco, Artworld, BalloonMN, Brio, BusoramaMN, Campus, CardCamio, Carplate, CaslonAntiqueVL, ChocMN, CircusMN, ComicStripMN, DynamoMN, Galba, Globe-Gothic-Outline, Glowworm, Jackson, LibraMN, MtPlacard, Ortem, Renault, RoslynMN, Sayer, SayerScriptMN, SquashMN, Sully-Jonquieres, Watch-Outline. You can also buy through Atomic Type. Projected new URL, which I am afraid will never be activated because in 1999, the company was bough by the Dutch company Trip Productions. MyFonts sells these typefaces: Access, American Uncial, Anatol, Arnold Bocklin (art nouveau), Artdeco, Artworld (an embossed font), Aster, Balloon (brush font), Blippo Black, Brio, British Inserat, Brush, Bulletin Typewriter, Caligra (blackletter), Campus (athletic lettering), Cardcamio, Carplate, Caslon Antique, Celtic (in the style of University Roman), Chicago (dot matrix / marquee typeface), Chinon, Choc (brush script), Circus (Western font), Classic Script (a copperplate calligraphic script), Comic Strip, Commercial Script, Contest, Cooper Black, Dubbeldik, Dynamo, Egyptienne, Estro (Western font), Eurostile, Forelle, Fumo Dropshadow MN, Galba (Trajan typeface), Globe Gothic, Glowworm (a bubblegum font), Gothique (blackletter), Hansson Stencil, Hillman, Hotel (multilined art deco), Isonorm, Jackson, Jubilee Lines (an engraved money font), Latina, Leopard, Libra (uncial), Michelina (anthroposophic), Milton, Mistral, Normalise Din, Old Style, Olive, Orator, Organda, Ortem, Polka (a brush typeface), Renault, Rondo (retro script), Roslyn, Sayer Interview (old typewriter font), Sayer Script, Sayer Spiritual, Squash, Stencil, Stop (stencil typeface), Studio, Swaak Centennial (pure art nouveau), Tzigane, Viant, Vivaldi, Voel Beat (beveled), Watch Outline (LED font), Windsor, Zambesi (African look font). Designers include Albert Boton, J.H. Crook, Jan van Dijk, J. Dresscher, Roger Excoffon, U. Fenocchio, L. Fumarolo, William Gillies, N. Glason, Lennart Hansson, B. Jaquet, K. Kochnowicz, J. Larcher, C. Mediavilla, José Mendoza y Almeida, L. Meuffels, Aldo Novarese, Georges Renevey, F. Robert, Manfred Sayer, M. Schmidt, J.P. Thaulez, J. Werner and Bogdan Zochowski. The Western slabby font Figaro MT (2004) is ascribed to Mecanorma. A list culled from the web: AccessMN-Bold, AccessMN-Medium, AmericanUncialMN, AnatolMN, ArnoldBocklinMN, ArtdecoMN, ArtworldMN, AsterMN-Demi, AsterMN-Roman, BalloonMN-Bold, BalloonMN-ExtraBold, BlippoBlackMN, BrioMN, BritishInseratMN, BritishInseratMNCondensed, BrushMN, Bulletin-Typewriter, BusoramaMN-Bold, CaligraMN, CampusMN, CardcamioMN, CarplateMN, CaslonAntiqueVL, CelticMN-Bold, CelticMN-Italic, CelticMN, CenturyMNCondensed-BoldItalic, CenturyMNCondensed-Bold, CheltenhamMN-Book, CheltenhamMN-BookItalic, CheltenhamMN-Ultra, ChicagoMN, ChinonMN, ChocMN, CircusMN, ClassicScriptMN, ComicStripMN-Italic, ComicStripMN, CommercialScriptMN, ContestMN, Cooper-Black-Italic, Cooper-Black-Outline, CooperBlackMN, CushingMN-Book, CushingMN-Heavy, CushingMN-HeavyItalic, CushingMN-Medium, DubbeldikMN, DynamoMN-Bold, DynamoMN-Medium, DynamoMN-Shadow, EgyptienneMNCondensed-Bold, ElanMN-Extended, ElanMN-Light, ElanMN-Medium, EnrouteVL, ErasMN-Book, ErasMN-Demibold, ErasMN-Ultra, ErasMN, EstroMN, EurostileMN-Extended, EurostileMN-ExtendedBold, EurostileMN-Medium, FidelioMN, FolioMN-Bold, FolioMN-Extrabold, ForelleMN, FranklinGothicMN-Book, FranklinGothicMN-BookItalic, FranklinGothicMN-Heavy, FrizQuadrataMN-Bold, FrizQuadrataMN, Fumo-DropshadowMN, FuturaBlackMN, GalbaMN, Gillies-Gothic-Bold, Gillies-Gothic-Light, Gillies-Gothic-Ultra-Shadow, Gillies-Gothic-Ultra, GlobeGothicMN-Bold, GlobeGothicMNCondensed-Bold, GlobeGothicMNOutline, GlowwormMN, GlowwormMNCompressed, GorillaVL-Bold, GothiqueMN, HanssonStencilMN-Bold, HanssonStencilMN, HillmanMN, HillmanMNCondensed, HotelMN, IrishUncialVL, IsonormMN, Italia-Bold, Italia-Book, Italia-Medium, JacksonMN, JubileeLinesMN, LatinaMN, LeopardMN, LibraMN, MRunic-Condensed, MSwingBold, MachineMN-Bold, MachineMN, MichelinaMN, MiltonMN-Demibold, MistralVL, MtPlacard-Condensed, NormaliseDinMN, OklahomaState, OliveCompactMN, OliveMNBold, OliveNordMN, OratorMN, OrgandaMN-Bold, OrgandaMN, OrtemMN, PascalMN, PolkaMN-Bold, PolkaMN, PopplExquisitMN, PopplExquisitMN-Alternative, RenaultMN, RenaultMNBold, RondoMN, RoslynMN-Bold, RoslynMN-Bold, RoslynMN-Outline, RoslynMNMedium, SaphireMN, SayerMN-Interview, SayerScriptMN-Black, SayerScriptMN-Bold, SayerScriptMN-Light, SayerSpiritualMN-Italic, SayerSpiritualMN, SloganMN, SquashMN-Outline, SquashMN, StencilAntiqueMN, StencilAntiqueVL, StencilMN, StencilMNOutline, StopMN, StudioMN, SullyJonquieresMN-Bold, SullyJonquieresMN, SwaakCentennialMN, Syntax-Bold, Syntax-Roman, ToucheVL, TziganeMN, ViantMN-Bold, VivaldiMN, VoelBeatMN, WashSymbolVL-Light, WatchMN-Outline, WindsorMN, WindsorMNElongated, ZambesiMN. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |