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7N Types [Situjuh Nazara]
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Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio) [Sarwo Edhi Prayitno]
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Adi Marwah [BBA Key (or: Marwah Store, or Arwah Studio, or Art Design)]
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Adien Gunarta [Google]
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Ageless Type (was: Crop Studio, or: Juniors 94) [Rahmat Syaputra]
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Alcode [Sukjana Almunandar]
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Alexandre Matos [Google]
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Allain Guillaume [Google]
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Allmo Studio [Muhammad Nur Alamsyah]
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AM Studios [Amirul Isra]
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Amirul Isra [AM Studios]
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Antoni Halim [Halim Studio]
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Aqeela Studio
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Ari Rafaeli [ARTypes]
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Artha Desain (was: David Her) [Swangga Raditya]
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ArtOne CreativeWorks (was: Locomotype) [Arwan Sutanto]
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ARTypes [Ari Rafaeli]
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Arwan Sutanto [ArtOne CreativeWorks (was: Locomotype)]
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Arys Design [Iordache Ionut]
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Bayu Prahara [Google]
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BBA Key (or: Marwah Store, or Arwah Studio, or Art Design) [Adi Marwah]
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Bernard Vivier [Google]
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Brittney Murphy
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Cao Fila (was: Amatraca Design Grafico) [Marcelo Sodré]
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CAT Design Wolgast [Peter Wiegel]
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Character [Herbert F. Van Brink]
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Cochard&David [Google]
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Coen Hofmann
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Dan X. Solo [Solotype]
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Darwin Huayan Harahap [Royaltype]
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Dawn Studio (was: Frachmadi) [Fajar Rachmadi]
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DCO (or: dcoxy medina, or: Atelier Oxydes) [Greg Médina]
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Delafa Design [Milla Febriana Tanjung]
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Deniz86 (was: Atadroe, Rt Creative, Blue Eyes) [Rahmat Hidayat]
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Die Entwicklung unserer Schrift [Peter Doerling]
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Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype) [Donis Miftahudin]
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Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel) [Muhammad Faizal Said]
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Donis Miftahudin [Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype)]
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Ecriture parisienne [Google]
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Eka Pamuji [Eknoji Studio]
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Eknoji Studio [Eka Pamuji]
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Eko Nurcahyo [Marchtwentype Studio]
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Emil Gursch
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Emil Karl Bertell [Fenotype]
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Fahri Rizal [Mocca Letter (or: Fana Studio)]
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Fajar Rachmadi [Dawn Studio (was: Frachmadi)]
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Fajriadi Fajriadi [Masinong (was: Pholetter, Fatype Studio)]
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Fenotype [Emil Karl Bertell]
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Firman Syah [Olexs Studio (was: Rabbit Type, Mr. Rabbit, and Olex Studio)]
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Fonderie Typographique Française
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Font Bundles [Google]
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Francesco Paolo Siniscalco [Francesco Paolo Siniscalco Typefounders]
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Francesco Paolo Siniscalco Typefounders [Francesco Paolo Siniscalco]
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Gérard Mariscalchi
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Geupap [Google]
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Gillian Fisher
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Greg Médina [DCO (or: dcoxy medina, or: Atelier Oxydes)]
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Grim Letter [Google]
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Groen Studio (or: Jorse Creative, or: Jorsetype) [Symon Adam Abdullah]
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Group Type [Mark Solsburg]
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Halim Studio [Antoni Halim]
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Hans-Jörg Hunziker
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Herbert F. Van Brink [Character]
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Hubert Jocham
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iCutLetter Studio [Google]
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Imprimerie du Commerce Evariste Mangin [Google]
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Imprimerie Edmond Monnoyer [Google]
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Initia Type [Liam Philip]
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Intellecta Design (or: Monocracy Types) [Paulo W]
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Iordache Ionut [Arys Design]
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Irpan Maulana [Sabrtype (or: Sabr Creative)]
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Jason Anthony Walcott [Jukebox Collection]
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JB Foundry [Jean Boyault]
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Jean Boyault [JB Foundry]
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Jessica Barron [Jessica Barron Designs]
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Jessica Barron Designs [Jessica Barron]
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Jessica Castillo [Google]
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Jim Lyles [Stiggy & Sands]
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Jim Lyles
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Jim Spiece [Spiece Graphics]
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John Stephenson [Stephenson Blake]
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Jonathan Stephen Harris [Tattoo Woo (or: JSH Creates, or: Smokewire)]
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José Luis Cóyotl Mixcoatl
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Jukebox Collection [Jason Anthony Walcott]
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Julie Patat [Google]
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Julien Chazal [Google]
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Julius Klinkhardt [Julius Klinkhardt Schriftgiesserei]
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Julius Klinkhardt Schriftgiesserei [Julius Klinkhardt]
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Julius Schmohl
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Kevin Yudha [Prototype Studio (or: Equinox Studio, or: Kensington)]
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Keystone Type Foundry [Google]
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Laura Worthington [Laura Worthington Design]
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Laura Worthington Design [Laura Worthington]
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Lauren Thompson [Nymfont (was: Nymphont)]
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Letterfresh Studio [Rizki Andika]
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Lettersiro [Muhammad Sirojuddin]
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Liam Philip [Initia Type]
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Lindstrom Design [Nils Lindstrom]
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Linnea Lundquist [Sweet Fonts Collection]
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Linoscript [Google]
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Marcelo Sodré [Cao Fila (was: Amatraca Design Grafico)]
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Marchtwentype Studio [Eko Nurcahyo]
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Mark Solsburg [Group Type]
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Masinong (was: Pholetter, Fatype Studio) [Fajriadi Fajriadi]
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Matthew Carter
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Max Rosenow
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Michael Gills [ULGA Type (was: Creative Goats)]
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Milla Febriana Tanjung [Delafa Design]
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MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design) [Muhammad Mujibulloh]
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Mocca Letter (or: Fana Studio) [Fahri Rizal]
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Morris Fuller Benton
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Muhammad Faizal Said [Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel)]
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Muhammad Mujibulloh [MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design)]
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Muhammad Nur Alamsyah [Allmo Studio]
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Muhammad Razi [Studio RZ]
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Muhammad Sirojuddin [Lettersiro]
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Muhammad Taufik [Rastype]
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MyFonts: Ronde typefaces [Google]
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MyFonts: Upright scripts [Google]
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Nicholas Gando
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Nils Lindstrom [Lindstrom Design]
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Nymfont (was: Nymphont) [Lauren Thompson]
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Olexs Studio (was: Rabbit Type, Mr. Rabbit, and Olex Studio) [Firman Syah]
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Olga Umpeleva
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Oscar Yáñez [Google]
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Paulo W [Intellecta Design (or: Monocracy Types)]
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Peter Doerling [Die Entwicklung unserer Schrift]
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Peter Wiegel [CAT Design Wolgast]
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Poole Foundry [Wesley Poole]
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Prototype Studio (or: Equinox Studio, or: Kensington) [Kevin Yudha]
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Putra Cetol Studio [Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma]
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Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma [Putra Cetol Studio]
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Rahmat Hidayat [Deniz86 (was: Atadroe, Rt Creative, Blue Eyes)]
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Rahmat Syaputra [Ageless Type (was: Crop Studio, or: Juniors 94)]
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Ralph Michael Unger [RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign)]
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Rasshit Dsign [Rasyid Annas]
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Rastype [Muhammad Taufik]
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Rasyid Annas [Rasshit Dsign]
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Riley Cran [Google]
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Rizki Andika [Letterfresh Studio]
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RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign) [Ralph Michael Unger]
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Royaltype [Darwin Huayan Harahap]
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Sabrtype (or: Sabr Creative) [Irpan Maulana]
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Samuel Poole
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Sarwo Edhi Prayitno [Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio)]
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Sasha Godiaieva [Google]
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Seruput (or: Barokah, or: Graptail) [Teuku Deky Firnanda]
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Sidney Clyde Gaunt
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Situjuh Nazara [7N Types]
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Solotype [Dan X. Solo]
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Spiece Graphics [Jim Spiece]
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Stephen Rapp
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Stephenson Blake [John Stephenson]
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Stiggy & Sands [Jim Lyles]
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Studio RZ [Muhammad Razi]
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Sukjana Almunandar [Alcode]
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Swangga Raditya [Artha Desain (was: David Her)]
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Sweet Fonts Collection [Linnea Lundquist]
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Symon Adam Abdullah [Groen Studio (or: Jorse Creative, or: Jorsetype)]
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Tattoo Woo (or: JSH Creates, or: Smokewire) [Jonathan Stephen Harris]
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Teuku Deky Firnanda [Seruput (or: Barokah, or: Graptail)]
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Typo Upright [Google]
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Typomancer [Warit Chaiyakul]
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ULGA Type (was: Creative Goats) [Michael Gills]
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Wagner&Schmidt [Google]
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Warit Chaiyakul [Typomancer]
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Wesley Poole [Poole Foundry]
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William A. Schraubstadter [Google]
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Yesie Erma Yunita [Yunita Ecy]
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Youssef Habchi [Google]
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Yunita Ecy [Yesie Erma Yunita]
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