TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:44 EDT 2025






William Caslon III

British typefounder in London, 1754-1833. Son of William Caslon II, grandson of William Caslon I. He co-owned the Chiswell Street family firm from the death of his father in 1778 until 1792, when he sold his share in the foundry to his mother and his sister-in-law, the widow of his brother Henry. In the same year he purchased the Salisbury Square foundry of Joseph Jackson (apprentice to his grandfather and rival to his father), who had recently died, and called the foundry Caslon&Son. In 1807, this business was passed on to his son William Caslon IV who in turn sold up in 1819 to Blake, Garnett&Co. (later Stephenson Blake). Author of A specimen of printing types (1785, Galabin and Baker, London) and A specimen of cast ornaments (1795, C. Whittingham, London).

Images from A specimen of printing types (1785): a crown, Double Pica Greek, English Arabic, English Italic, Five Line Pica Ships, Long Primer Roman No 1, Pica Black No. 2, Pica Coptic, Pica Ethiopic, Two Line Double Pica, Two Line Great Primer, Two Line Long Primer.

William Caslon III
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file name: Caslon I I I Portrait

file name: William Caslon Crown 1785

file name: William Caslon Double Pica Greek 1785

file name: William Caslon English Arabic 1785

file name: William Caslon English Italic 1785

file name: William Caslon Five Line Pica Ships 1785

file name: William Caslon Long Primer Roman No1 1785

file name: William Caslon Pica Black No2 1785

file name: William Caslon Pica Coptic 1785

file name: William Caslon Pica Ethiopic 1785

file name: William Caslon Two Line Double Pica 1785

file name: William Caslon Two Line Great Primer 1785

file name: William Caslon Two Line Long Primer 1785

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html