TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 10:59:16 EST 2025







This company evolved in 1983 from Dr Boeger Photosatz GmbH (est. ca. 1934). The timeline:

  • 1934: Marius Böger founded the first company to manufacture and market photocopying machines and reprographic devices.
  • 1950: Dr. Böger Duplomat Apparate GmbH was founded. Its objective is the production of diazo (blue-printing) machines, equipment for diffusion transfer processing and photographic reproduction.
  • 1955: One of the company's first innovative products comes onto the market, the first vertical reproduction camera.
  • 1958: Intercop, a Dr. Böger subsidiary, started marketing a range of rapid processing machines, vertical repro cameras and processors for proofs and offset plates.
  • 1969: Dr. Böger Photosatz was founded.
  • 1976-81: Dr. Böger Photosatz develops its Copytronic phototypesetter. This machine worked on the basis of an opto-mechanical principle, and was set out to compete with Berthold's Diatronic. Hundreds of fonts from the headline library were reworked to meet the needs of the new machines. Although a small number of around 10 machines could be built and sold in Germany and Switzerland, many technical problems with the new equipment drained the financial resources. Thus the Copytronic machine is withdrawn from the market. The company survives by producing its succesful reproduction cameras for Agfa Gevaert. After a few difficult years, Dr. Böger Photosatz sets out to develop its digital typesetting system called Scantext. The output device is a CRT-machine with a resolution of 1000 lines per cm. The Copytronic type library is digitized using a video camera with a typical resolution of 512 x 512 pixels to the em quad. Bernd Holthusen proudly describes it as the fastest type digitizing system in the world. From 1971 until the mid 1980s, it designed and manufactured a family of photolettering machines for headline typesetting and offered a library of more that 1000 film fonts for that application. These were popular under the brand name VISUTEK in the UK (In the rest of Europe they were labelled and sold as Copytype, a trademark by Dr. Böger Photosatz GmbH). Additionally they were the creators and makers of a wide range of process cameras and film processing systems marketed worldwide under the Agfa brand
  • 1981: The company produces the phototypesetting system Scantext 1000. By the beginning of 1985 around 750 Bodytypes were available for the Scantext system.
  • 1983: The company evolves into Scangraphic. More than 2000 fonts were digitised by the Scangraphic company under the personal supervision of Bernd Holthusen, principally by Volker Küster (1984-1989), Jelle Bosma (1988-1991) and Albert-Jan Pool (1987-1991). These fonts were produced originally for the proprietary "Scantext" CRT digital output device and subsequently for the Scangraphic family of laser imagesetters. Quoting Pool: By the time we had completed the Ikarus Database in order to be able to convert our headline fonts to Postscript, URW had finished its Type1 converter. Our first PostScript product was a Macintosh-CD Rom with the complete library of headline fonts (those with Sh in the name) on it. The fonts were released in Type1 format for the Macintosh environment starting in 1991.
  • 1984: Scangraphic starts working on its library of headline fonts, using a proprietary high resulution short vector format which enables output sizes up to 90 mm cap height. After developing its own digital outline font format, Scangraphic starts making use of URW's Ikarus technology to produce a library of headline fonts. As from 1989, Ikarus outlines were made to fit the metrics of the Scangraphic library of bodytype fonts in order to replace the proprietary pixel based font format by digital outlines. Thus the basis was laid for converting the complete library of headline and bodytype fonts into the PostScript Type1 format.
  • 1989: The owner/partners sold the business to the large German company Mannesmann AG (and the font collection is sometimes referred to as the Mannesmann-Scangraphic collection), becoming Mannesmann Scangraphic GmbH in Wedel near Hamburg.
  • 1994: Mannesmann breaks the umbilical chord and the company becomes Scangraphic Prepress Technology GmbH.
  • 2004: the company moves from Wedel/Hamburg to Seligenstadt, Germany. The company still operates on the European mainland making and selling high resolution film and plate imaging systems. The font department is no longer in operation.
  • End of 2004: Elsner&Flake buy the font collection, and start selling the fonts under the Elsner&Flake umbrella. The 2500-strong font collection has names that either have a suffix SB (for body types) or SH (for headline types, also called supertypes). Among the tens of examples, we find classics such as Jakob Erbar's Koloss SB.
  • 2006: Ulrich Stiehl publishes a document in which he discusses the collection of fonts. He reports clear correspondences with known font families, examples including Ad Grotesk (=Akzidenz-Grotesk by Berthold), Artscript No 1 (=Künstlerschreibschrift fett by Stempel/Linotype), Black (=Block by Berthold), Chinchilla (=Concorde by Berthold), Cyklop (=City by Berthold), Esquire (=Excelsior by Linotype), Europa Grotesk (=Helvetica by Linotype), Europa Grotesk No. 2 (=Neue Helvetica by Linotype), Flash (=Okay by Berthold), Freeborn (=Frutiger by Linotype), Gentleman (=Glypha by Linotype), Grotesk S (=Neuzeit Buch by Stempel), Madame (=Madison by Stempel), Matrix (=Melior by Linotype), October (=Optima by Linotype), Parlament (=Palatino by Linotype), Paxim (=Palatino by Linotype), September (=Sabon by Linotype), Synchron (=Syntax by Stempel), Vega (=Volkswagen VAG Rundschrift). There are also originals like Volker Küster's Today Sans Serif and Neue Luthersche Fraktur, Zapf Renaissance by Hermann Zapf, and Forlane by Jelle Bosma. Küster, Pool, Zapf and Bosma have nothing to do with the non-original fonts in the collection. The typophile community shrugs Stiehl's complaints off.
  • 2008: The Scangraphic collection can be bought at Elsner&Flake.

Examples of Scangraphic fonts: Pi Travel+Transportation, Pi Greek Maths, Pi Communication, Pi Signs+Symbols, Futura Round SB, Futura Round SH.

A technical discussion by Yves Peeters. MyFonts link. Link to Scangraphic PrePress Technology GmbH in Seligenstadt. Elsner&Flake shop. Home page.

View the Scangraphic typeface library. Another link to the Scangraphic typeface library.

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Extinct 20th century foundries ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Photo and film type era ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Cooper Black ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Courier and derived typefaces ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Caxton ⦿ Baskerville ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿

file name: Scangraphic Koloss S B

file name: Scangraphic Einhorn S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Alte Svchwabacher S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Alternate Gothic S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Alternate Gothic No One 2004

file name: Scangraphic American Uncial S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Americana S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Arnold Boecklin S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Artscript No1 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Aster S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Augustea Open S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Balloon S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bank Script S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Baskerville No1 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Baskerville Old Face S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Baskerville Old Face S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Berling S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Berling S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bernhard Antique S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bernhard Modern S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bernhard Schoenschrift S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Binner S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bodoni No1 S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bodoni S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bodoni S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bottleneck S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Bramley S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Brighton S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Brighton S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Broadway Engraved S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Broadway S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Brody S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Brush Script S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Caslon Black S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Caslon Graphique 2004

file name: Scangraphic Caslon S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Caxton S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Century No1 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Century Nova S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Century Old Style S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Century Schoolbook S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Century Schoolbook S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Cheltenham Old Style S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Chisel S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Cloister Old Style E F 2004

file name: Scangraphic Cloister Old Style S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Cloister Old Style S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Commercial Script S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Commercial Script S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Communication S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Compacta S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Congress S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Cooper Black S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Countdown S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Courier E F 2004

file name: Scangraphic Crillee S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Data70 S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Davida S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Dextor S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Dom Casual S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Egizio S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Elefont S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Englische Schreibschrift S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Engravers S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Esquire S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Europa Grotesk Phonetic S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Europa Grotesk S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Europa Grotesk S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Europa Grotesk S H 2004b

file name: Scangraphic Flash S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Flower S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Forlane S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Frankfurter S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Franklin Gothic S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Franklin Gothic S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Freestyle Script S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Friz Quadrata S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Futura Black S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Futura Display S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Futura Display S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Futura Round S B 2016

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Futura Round S H 2016

file name: Scangraphic Futura Script S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Futura Shaded S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Futura Shaded S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Garamond Nr2 S B

file name: Scangraphic Garamond Nr2 S B Bold

file name: Scangraphic Garamond Nr2 S B Medium

file name: Scangraphic Garamond No2 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Garamond No2 S B Catalog 2004

file name: Scangraphic Garamond No2 S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Garamond S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Garamond S B 2004b

file name: Scangraphic Garamond S B Catalog 2004

file name: Scangraphic Garamond No1 S B

file name: Scangraphic Garamond No1 S B Medium Italic

file name: Scangraphic Garamond No1 S B Roman

file name: Scangraphic Gotisch S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Goudy Catalogue S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Goudy Handtooled S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Goudy Heavyface S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Goudy Old Style S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Granby S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Greek Maths A S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Greek Maths B S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Grotesk No9 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Grotesk S S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Isonorm S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Isonorm S B 2012 10 01

file name: Scangraphic Janson Antiqua S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Janson S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Janson S B Catalog 2004

file name: Scangraphic Koloss S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic L C D S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Lasalle E F 2004

file name: Scangraphic Latinum E F 2004

file name: Scangraphic Lightline Gothic S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Litera S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Madame S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Mandarin S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Mediaeval S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Minister S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Murray Hill S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Neue Luthersche Fraktur S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Nevison Casual S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic New Caslon S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic New Tel S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic News Gothic S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic O C R B S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Octopuss S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Pi Font No8 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Pi Communication 2016

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Pi Greek Maths 2016

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Pi Signs Symbols 2016

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Pi Travel Transportation 2016 195410

file name: Scangraphic Digital Type Collection Pi Travel Transportation 2016

file name: Scangraphic Playbill S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Plaza S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Polka S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Princetown S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Renault S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Seagull E F 2004

file name: Scangraphic Serpentine S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Springfield S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Springfield S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Stentor S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Stop S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Stymie S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Trieste E F 2004

file name: Scangraphic V A Script No1 S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Van Dijk S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Vega S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Vega V W S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Vendome S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Verona S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Walbaum Fraktur S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Walbaum S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Walbaum S H 2004

file name: Scangraphic Windsor S B 2004

file name: Scangraphic Worchester Round S H 2004

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html