TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 16:52:32 EST 2025






Günter Gerhard Lange

Known to his peers as GGL. German type designer, born in Frankfurt-an-der-Oder in 1921, d. 2008. He fought in World War II and lost his leg in a battle in France. Starting in 1941, Lange studied as apprentice of Georg Belwe at the Academy of Graphic and Book Arts in Leipzig. After graduation in 1945, until 1949, he was assistant of Professor Walter Tiemann, while also practicing painting and graphic design independently. In 1949, he continued his studies with Professors Hans Ullmann and Paul Strecker at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in West Berlin. From 1950 onwards, he worked at Berthold AG in Berlin, where he designed his first type, Arena in 1951. In 1955, he became Reader in Typography at the Meisterschule für Graphik, Druck und Werbung in West Berlin. One of his many students was Manfred Klein. He also was Advisor in Visual Communications and Reader at the U5 Academy of Graphic Design and Art Direction Munich, and Instructor at the School of Applied Art in Vienna. H. Berthold AG's artistic director from 1961 to 1990, Lange was responsible for the creation and meticulous production of many of Berthold's typefaces. According to Dieter Hofrichter, his motto was 8 point is the moment of truth (when proofing typefaces). In 1989 he received the Frederic W. Goudy Award from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Recipient of the year 2000 TDC medal. After ten years of retirement from his position as Berthold AG's artistic director, Lange resumed his design activities in 2000 at Bertholdtypes (now Berthold Direct Inc) in Chicago. Bio at ATypI.

Lange's own designs include his revivals of many classical typefaces. Here is a list, all Berthold typefaces:

Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin writes a day after his death: Dear type friends, yesterday morning, the 2nd of December 2008, Günter Gerhard Lange died, 87 years old. We lost an upright, steadfast fighter for quality in type design. Not only Berthold's artistic director, but a friend and objective adviser to many who needed personal help or an evaluation in type design. GGL was Berthold. For Berthold GGL "enhanced" many type designs of other well known type designers. His valued critizism was a great help, because it came from a positively tuned man. GGL transferred the lead heritage and its classical type typefaces into photocomposition and into the digital format on a high aesthetic and historically authentic level - as for instance Garamond or Van Dijk. Akzidenz-Grotesk is not thinkable without GGL. Bodoni Old Face one of the best contemporary text typefaces. With his sans serif Imago you can be different and yet classical. And the Americans should be pleased with the revival of Deepdene, which he also turned into a well working textface with a distinct character. But perhaps most important of all, he relentlessly encouraged the young, teaching and talking up to almost the end. Thus opening fences, eyes and hearts to art, architecture, literature and for the values of studies and love for the correct details without which the whole would not function. He was a rare communicator, because he lived his convictions and values. He became an example, a light of orientation. We lost a passionate type lover and expert---an authentic man. An era has come irreversible to its end.

Credit for some images below: Danielle West.

Günter Gerhard Lange
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Manfred Klein ⦿ Type scene in Illinois ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Akzidenz Grotesk ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Baskerville ⦿

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Bodoni Old Face Bold 1983

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Bodoni Old Face 1983

file name: Berthold Berthold Bodoni 1930s poster by Pablo Araya 2018

file name: Berthold Bodoni Antiqua 1935

file name: Berthold Bodoni Antiqua Bold 1935

file name: Berthold Bodoni Antiqua Medium 1935

file name: Berthold Bodoni Antiqua 1930 G G Lange1970

file name: Berthold Bodoni B E Bold

file name: Berthold Bodoni B E Bold Condensed

file name: Berthold Bodoni Berthold B Q Medium

file name: Berthold Bodoni Berthold B Q

file name: Berthold Bodoni Berthold B Q Cond Bold

file name: Berthold G G Lange Solemnis 1953 2003

file name: Berthold G G Lange Solemnis 1953 2003

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1898 Poster by Lochlainn Kane 2018

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1896 Poster by Danielle West 2014

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1896 Poster by Danielle West 2014b

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Poster by Andrea Canelo 2016

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1896 Poster by Tony Pham 2017

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1896 Poster by Tony Pham 2017b

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Cond 2007

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Poster by Amin Qutteineh 2014

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Next Black 2007

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Next Cond 2007b

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Next Cond Extra Bold 2007

file name: Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Next Med 2007

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Book 1969 1973

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Book 1969 1973b

file name: Gunter Gerhard Lange A G Book 1969 1972

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Book Outline 1969 1973

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Book Rounded 1980

file name: Gunter Garhard Lange A G Old Face B Q Bold 2013

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Old Face Outline 1984

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Old Face Shaded 1984

file name: Berthold G G Lange A G Stencil Medium 1985

file name: Ralph M Unger Bravura Pro 2013

file name: Berthold G G Lange Arena New 1951 1954

file name: Berthold G G Lange Arena New Bold 1951 1954.gi

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Caslon Book 1977

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Script 1977

file name: G G Lange Berthold Script Medium 1977

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Walbaum Book 1975

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Walbaum Standard 1976

file name: Berthold G G Lange Boulevard 1955

file name: G G Lange Boulevard 1955

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Francis 2020 352509

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Francis 2020 352510

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Francis 2020 352511

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Francis 2020 352512

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Francis 2020 352513

file name: Lanston Type Company L T C Francis 2020

file name: P22 L T C Francis 2018 after Gunther Gerhard Lange Boulevard 1955

file name: P22 L T C Francis 2018 after Gunther Gerhard Lange Boulevard 1955b

file name: P22 L T C Francis 2018 after Gunther Gerhard Lange Boulevard 1955c

file name: P22 L T C Francis 2018 after Gunther Gerhard Lange Boulevard 1955d

file name: P22 L T C Francis 2018 after Gunther Gerhard Lange Boulevard 1955e

file name: Berthold G G Lange Champion 1957

file name: Berthold G G Lange Concorde Bold Condensed 1969

file name: Berthold G G Lange Concorde Bold Condensed 1969b

file name: Berthold G G Lange Concorde Medium 1969

file name: Berthold G G Lange Concorde Nova 1975

file name: R M U Turnier 2019 319114 002

file name: R M U Turnier 2019 319115

file name: R M U Turnier 2019 319118 002

file name: R M U Turnier 2019

file name: Berthold G G Lange El Greco 1964

file name: Berthold G G Lange Franklin Antiqua 1976

file name: Berthold G G Lange Imago 1982

file name: Berthold Berthold Baskerville 1961

file name: Berthold Berthold Baskerville Book 1980

file name: Berthold Berthold Baskerville Medium 1961

file name: Berthold G G Lange Berthold Garamond 1972

file name: G G Lange Dieter Hofrichter Whittingham B Q 2000

file name: G G Lange Dieter Hofrichter Whittingham B Q 2000b

file name: Gunter Gerhard Lange Garamond B E 1972

file name: Gunter Gerhard Lange Garamond B E 1972b

file name: Gunter Gerhard Lange Garamond B E Medium 1972

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html