TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:26 EDT 2025






Fonthead Design [Ethan Paul Dunham]

FontHead Design (Wilmington, DE) sells cool fonts designed by Ethan Dunham (b. 1972, Glens Falls, NY), who now heads Fontspring. A partial list: Mother Goose (2008), Allise, GoodDogCool, Fontheads (dingbats), Randisious, Greyhound (1997, an arts and crafts face), Rochester, Samurai, AsimovSans, Gurnsey20, Scrawl, BadDog, Holstein, SlackScript, Bessie, SloppyJoe (gone?), Blearex, HandSkriptOne, SmithPremier, BlueMoon, HolyCow, SororityHack, Bonkers, HotCoffeeFont, SpillMilk, BraveWorld, Isepik, Sputnik, Brolga, TekStencil, Carnation, Mekanek (1995), Teknobe (1995), Merlin, Toucan Grunge (gone?), Tycho, TypewriterOldstyle, MotherGoose, Croissant, Democratika (now Americratika--I think Emigre forced FontHead to change the name), Noel (1996-1997, Lombardic all caps face, with an open version added), LillaFunk (gone?), Margo Gothic (gone?), Toddler (gone?), NoelBlack, WashMe, Diesel, Orion, Gritzpop, Pesto, BattleStation, CircusDog, Dandelion, DraftHand, Flowerpot, Navel, ShoeString, Stiltskin, ZipSonik. Plus JohnDoe, and old typewriter font. Free fonts: Font Heads (dings), Smith Premier, Vladimir, Tycho, Typewriter Oldstyle, ScareCrow, Millennia, SpillMilk, GoodDog, Holstein, Red Five. All formats, Mac and PC. In the comic font series, look for Stan Lee (now Comic Talk), FH Excelsior (now Titlex), Grimmy (now Flim Flam), and Kirby (now Grit).

Dafont link.

Fonts created in 1999: AppleSeed, Caterpillar, Chinchilla, ChinchillaBlack, ChinchillaDots, CrowBeak, CrowBeakLight, CyberMonkey, DanceParty, DingleHopper, FourScore, FourScoreTitling, Hopscotch, HopscotchPlain, Ladybug, Leaflet-Regular, LeafletBold, LeafletLight, ReadOut, ReadOutSuper, Smoothie, Swizzle, TwoByFour, VeryMerry. Made in 2001: ButterFinger, ButterFingerSerif, CatScratch, Catnip, FighterPilot, FrenchRoast, Handheld, HandheldItalic, HandheldRaised, HandheldRaisedItalic, HandheldRound, HandheldRoundItalic, Kingdom, OldGlory, Quadric, QuadricSlant. MyFonts page.

In 2006, several dingbats fonts were added, such as the ClickBits Arrow series and the ClickBits Icon series.

In 2008, he created InfoBits Things and InfoBits Symbols, Abigail, Assembler, Click Clack, Drawzing (children's font, crayon or chalk style), El Franco (grunge), Good Dog New (hand-printed), Helion (futuristic), Lead Paint (brush), Schema (architectural lettering), Skizzors (paper cut font), Tachyon (2008, techno, futuristic). Free font download. This place has Allise, Americratika, AppleSeed, AsimovSans, Asterix-Blink-Italic, Asterix-Blink, Asterix-Italic, Asterix-Light-Italic, Asterix-Light, Asterix, BadDog, BattleStation, Beckett, Bessie, BlackBeard, Blearex, BlueMoon, Bonkers, BraveWorld, Brolga, BrownCow, Carnation, CatScratch, Caterpillar, Chinchilla, ChinchillaBlack, ChinchillaDots, CircusDog, CornDog (2004), Croissant, CrowBeak, CrowBeakLight, CyberMonkey, DanceParty, Dandelion, Dannette-Outline, Dannette, DayDream, Democratika, Diesel, DingleHopper, DoomsDay, DraftHand, Flowerpot, Font-Heads, FourScore, FourScoreTitling, FunkyWestern, Goliath, GoodDog-Bones, GoodDog-Cool, GoodKitty, Greyhound, Grimmy, Gritzpop, GritzpopGrunge, Gurnsey20, HandskriptOne, Holstein-Bold, Holstein, HolyCow, Hopscotch, HopscotchPlain, HotCoffeeFont, HotTamale, Isepik, JohnDoe, JollyJack, Keener, Klondike-Bold, Klondike, Ladybug, Leaflet-Regular, LeafletBold, LeafletLight, LillaFunk, Log Jam (+Inline), MargoGothic, MarvelScript, MatrixDot-Condensed, MatrixDot, Mekanek, Merlin, Millennia, Mondo-Loose, MotherGoose, Navel, Network, Noel, NoelBlack, Oatmeal, Orion, Pesto, Randisious, ReadOut, ReadOutSuper, RedFive, Rochester, Samurai, Scarecrow, Scrawl, ShoeString, ShoeStringRound, SlackScript, SloppyJoe, SmithPremier, Smock, Smoothie, SororityHack, SpaceCowboy, SpillMilk, Sputnikk, StanLee-Bold, StanLee-BoldItalic, StanLee-Regular, Stiltskin, Submarine, Swizzle, TekStencil, Teknobe, Torcho, ToucanGrunge, TwoByFour, Tycho, Typewriter2, TypewriterOldstyle, VeryMerry, Vladimir, WashMe, Watertown-Alternate, Watertown-Black, Watertown-Bold, Watertown, ZipSonik-Italic, ZipSonik, ZipSonikSketch-Italic, ZipSonikSketch.

Font Squirrel carries ElliotSix (simple handwriting), GoodDog (children's hand) and Millennia (squarish). In fact, in 2009-2010, Ethan Dunham became a very active web font persona, offering a commercial web font service, Fontspring, and a free font service, Fontsquirrel.

Klingspor link. Creative Market link.

Fonthead Design
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Christmas / Season's Fonts ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Type scene in Delaware ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ Type scene in Delaware ⦿ Type scene in Florida ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Children's handwriting fonts ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Architectural lettering/typefaces ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿ Web fonts ⦿ Arts and Crafts Movement ⦿ Typefaces with arrows ⦿ Icon fonts ⦿ Typefaces that emulate crayons ⦿ Cutout or paper-cut typefaces ⦿ Typefaces that emulate chalk ⦿

file name: Ethan Dunham Abigail

file name: Ethan Dunham Allise

file name: Ethan Dunham Americratika

file name: Ethan Dunham Americratika

file name: Ethan Dunham Click Bits 2006

file name: Ethan Dunham Click Bits Icon Bullets 2006

file name: Ethan Dunham Click Bits Icons1 2006b

file name: Fonthead Corn Dog 2004

file name: Ethan Dunham Drawzing

file name: Ethan Dunham El Franco

file name: Ethan Dunham Good Dog New 2008

file name: Ethan Paul Dunham Greyhound 1997

file name: Ethan Dunham Info Bits Symbols 2008

file name: Ethan Dunham Info Bits Things 2008

file name: Ethan Dunham John Doe

file name: Ethan Dunham Log Jam

file name: Ethan Dunham Mekanek 1995

file name: Ethan Dunham Noel 1997

file name: Ethan Dunham Noel

file name: Ethan Dunham Noel Black 1996

file name: Ethan Dunham Noel

file name: Ethan Dunham Old Glory

file name: Ethan Dunham Skizzors 2008

file name: Ethan Dunham Tachyon 2008

file name: Ethan Dunham Teknobe 1995

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html