TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 16:53:56 EST 2025
Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software
[Antonis Tsolomitis]
The Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean (Samos, Greece) has established a laboratory on Digital Typography and Mathematical Software in 2006. It supports the Greek language with respect to the TeX typesetting system and its derivatives. Antonis Tsolomitis (who lives in Karlovassi, Samos, and is a professor of Mathematics at that university) writes: After the support for Greek was added by A. Syropoulos and the first complete Greek Metafont font was presented by Claudio Beccari there was an obvious need, to be able to use a scalable Greek font with LaTeX. With this in mind, we developed the first Greek fontfamily in Type1 format with complete LaTeX support, called "Kerkis". Their Greek font Epigrafica (2006) is a modification of MgOpen-Cosmetica, which in turn was based on Optima. Tsolomitis is the author of the math font family Kerkis, and of GFS Complutum (2007, with George D. Matthiopoulos), which is based on a minuscule-only font cut in the 16th century (see also here). About GFS Complutum, they write: The ancient Greek alphabet evolved during the millenium of the Byzantine era from majuscule to minuscule form and gradually incorporated a wide array of ligatures, flourishes and other decorative nuances which defined its extravagant cursive character. Until the late 15th century, typographers who had to deal with Greek text avoided emulating this complicated hand; instead they would use only the twenty four letters of the alphabet separately, often without accents and other diacritics. A celebrated example is the type cut and cast for the typesetting of the New Testament in the so-called Complutensian Polyglot Bible (1512), edited by the Greek scholar, Demetrios Doukas. The type was cut by Arnaldo Guillén de Brocar and the whole edition was a commision by cardinal Francisco Ximénez, in the University of Alcalá (Complutum), Spain. It is one of the best and most representative models of this early tradition in Greek typography which was revived in the early 20th century by the eminent bibliographer of the British Library, Richard Proctor. A font named Otter Greek was cut in 1903 and a book was printed using the new type. The original type had no capitals so Proctor added his own, which were rather large and ill-fitted. The early death of Proctor, the big size of the font and the different aesthetic notions of the time were the reasons that Otter Greek was destined to oblivion, as a curiosity. Greek Font Society incorporated Brocar's famous and distinctive type in the commemorative edition of Pindar's Odes for the Athens Olympics (2004) and the type with a new set of capitals, revived digitaly by George D. Matthiopoulos, is now available for general use. He also made GFS Solomos (2007) and GFS Baskerville (2007; note that several sites state that GFS Baskerville Classic is due to Sophia Kalaitzidou and George D. Matthiopoulos). In 2010, Tsolomitis published txfontsb, in which he added true small caps and Greek to the txfonts package. These fonts form a family called FreeSerifB, in type 1, that covers Latin, Greek, many Indic languages, Armenian, chess symbols, astrology, music, domino, and tens of other ranges of symbols. GFSNeohellenicMath was published in 2018: The font GFSNeohellenicMath was commissioned to the Greek Font Society (GFS) by the Graduate Studies program "Studies in Mathematics" of the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean, located on the Samos island, Greece. The design copyright belongs to the main designer of GFS, George Matthiopoulos. The OpenType Math Table embedded in the font was developed by the Mathematics Professor Antonis Tsolomitis. The font is released under the latest OFL license, and it is available from the GFS site at http://www.greekfontsociety-gfs.gr. The font is an almost Sans Serif font and one of its main uses is for presentations, an area where (we believe) a commercial grade sans math font was not available up to now. In 2019, Tsolomitis released the free New Computer Modern package. An outgrowth of Knuth's Computer Modern, the fonts cover Latin and accented Latin letters and combinations, Greek (monotonic and polytonic), Hebrew, Cherokee and Cyrillic, and basically any possible math glyph. He writes in 2020: As far as the NewCMMath font is concerned, this is a derivative of lm-math with a huge amount of improvements and new glyphs. Currently the font should at least match STIX fonts in glyph coverage. [...] Finally, a long awaited feature, a Book weight for ComputerModern is added (math included). It produces slightly heavier output suitable for book production with high resolution printing. Further changes were added in 2021. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |