TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:05:06 EDT 2025
Native-American fonts [The Cherokee syllabery]
Aaron Bell [Saja TypeWorks] [More] ⦿
AiPaiNunavik Font [Ray Taylor] [Google] [More] ⦿
Akif Uyar [Google] [More] ⦿
Al Webster [Google] [More] ⦿
Alan M. Stanier [Google] [More] ⦿
Alan M. Stanier [Cherokee metafont] [More] ⦿
Alejandra Bustos [Google] [More] ⦿
Alex Cottles [The Routine Creative] [More] ⦿
Alexandre Saumier Demers [Coppers & Brasses] [More] ⦿
Alexis Roizen [Google] [More] ⦿
Algonquian [Google] [More] ⦿
Allison Lopez [Google] [More] ⦿
American Indian language fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
American Indian Languages [Google] [More] ⦿
Amigian [Google] [More] ⦿
Amuki Studio [Vanessa Zuñiga] [Google] [More] ⦿
Andrea Vendetti [Google] [More] ⦿
André Simard [Google] [More] ⦿
Angela Lane [Fonts by WindWalker64] [More] ⦿
Anina Grace [Google] [More] ⦿
Anna Rigaud [Google] [More] ⦿
Anshuman Pandey [Google] [More] ⦿
António Martins [Guincho, 1421] [More] ⦿
Antonis Tsolomitis [Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software] [More] ⦿
Apostolos Syropoulos [Google] [More] ⦿
Apostolos Syropoulos [Oinuit] [More] ⦿
Archaeological Fonts (by Bonneville Electronics) [Google] [More] ⦿
Arthur Durkee [White Dragon Type Foundry] [More] ⦿
Baby's Breath [Cindy Baker] [Google] [More] ⦿
Baker and Greele Type Foundry [Google] [More] ⦿
BC Sans [Google] [More] ⦿
BenChalit Sagiamsak [Google] [More] ⦿
Benjamin Rivera [Google] [More] ⦿
Bill Bogusky [Bogusky2] [More] ⦿
Bill Jancewicz [CreeKeysLT] [More] ⦿
Bloodworld [Google] [More] ⦿
Blue Line Design [Google] [More] ⦿
Bogusky2 [Bill Bogusky] [Google] [More] ⦿
Bretagne Type Foundry [Lucas Le Bihan] [Google] [More] ⦿
Brian Thom [Halq'emiylem Font Downloads] [More] ⦿
Bryan Decoppet [Google] [More] ⦿
Buey Okyan [Google] [More] ⦿
Cami Fuuh [Google] [More] ⦿
Carla Torres Banda [Google] [More] ⦿
Caroline Aurore [Google] [More] ⦿
Carolyn Gibbs [Google] [More] ⦿
César Ramírez [Google] [More] ⦿
Charles J. Coker [Navajo Fonts&Language] [More] ⦿
Chelsea McLachlan [Google] [More] ⦿
Cherokee alphabet [Google] [More] ⦿
Cherokee language wiki [Google] [More] ⦿
Cherokee metafont [Alan M. Stanier] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cherokee Nation [Google] [More] ⦿
Chloé Marchand [Google] [More] ⦿
Chris Skillern [Tulsey Type] [More] ⦿
Christophe Schneiderhan [Siouan Fonts in BDF format] [More] ⦿
Christopher Harvey [Language Geek] [More] ⦿
Chung-Deh Tien [Google] [More] ⦿
Cindy Baker [Baby's Breath] [More] ⦿
ClearlyU BDF font [Google] [More] ⦿
Connie Scoble [Google] [More] ⦿
Coppers & Brasses [Alexandre Saumier Demers] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cosmorama (or: Laser Printing Solutions) [Kenneth Hirst] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cree [Google] [More] ⦿
Creek Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
CreeKeysLT [Bill Jancewicz] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cristian Fernando Talavera Freire [Google] [More] ⦿
Cuttlefish Fonts [Jason Pagura] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cyberian Khatru [Ronnie Cruz] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cynthia Cruzado [Google] [More] ⦿
Dale Robinson [Heiltsuk Doulos] [More] ⦿
Daniel Johnson [Google] [More] ⦿
Daniel Ortega [IC Fonts] [More] ⦿
Daniel Will-Harris [Will-Harris House] [More] ⦿
Datarctic Information Systems [Google] [More] ⦿
Dave Aquino [Google] [More] ⦿
David Kerkhoff [Hanoded] [More] ⦿
DejaVu Fonts [Stepan Roh] [Google] [More] ⦿
Diana Trixi Ozoroczy [Google] [More] ⦿
Dick Pape [Dick Pape: Tribal Tattoo] [More] ⦿
Dick Pape [Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces] [More] ⦿
Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces [Dick Pape] [Google] [More] ⦿
Dick Pape: Tribal Tattoo [Dick Pape] [Google] [More] ⦿
Diego Mier y Terán [Google] [More] ⦿
Dixie Bogusky [Google] [More] ⦿
Doug Ritch [Google] [More] ⦿
EBI Guatemala [Google] [More] ⦿
Eiko Emori [Google] [More] ⦿
El Nadao [Google] [More] ⦿
Elia Salvisberg [Google] [More] ⦿
Emily Kryzhanovski [Google] [More] ⦿
Eric Wannin [Quartet Systems] [More] ⦿
Etienne Aubert-Bonn [Google] [More] ⦿
Eva Cassetta (was: Eva Kamieniak) [Google] [More] ⦿
EversonMono for MacOs [Google] [More] ⦿
Evertype (was: Everson Typography) [Michael Everson] [Google] [More] ⦿
Felipe Ibañez [Google] [More] ⦿
Fontikon [Michela Graziani] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fonts by WindWalker64 [Angela Lane] [Google] [More] ⦿
Forgotten Scripts by Dino Manzella [Google] [More] ⦿
Francis Beltran [Google] [More] ⦿
Frederico Westphalen [Google] [More] ⦿
FREELANG Fuentes [Google] [More] ⦿
Gary Munch [MunchFonts] [More] ⦿
Gente Tipografia Wounaan [Google] [More] ⦿
Georg Popp [Google] [More] ⦿
Germain Felzinger [Google] [More] ⦿
Gina Aguilera [JMRBooks Fonts] [More] ⦿
GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts) [Steve White] [Google] [More] ⦿
Government of Nunavut [Google] [More] ⦿
Gracia Salim [Google] [More] ⦿
GSC ArcInfo Symbolsets [Google] [More] ⦿
Guincho, 1421 [António Martins] [Google] [More] ⦿
Guisela Mendoza Puentes [Google] [More] ⦿
Gumpita Rahayu [Toko Type (was: Formika Labs, or: Studio Formika, or: Absolut Foundry)] [More] ⦿
Gustavo Alayza [Google] [More] ⦿
GWER [Rutger Paulusse] [Google] [More] ⦿
Halq'emiylem Font Downloads [Brian Thom] [Google] [More] ⦿
Hanoded [David Kerkhoff] [Google] [More] ⦿
Hanry Abreu [Google] [More] ⦿
Heidi R.L. Gomez [Google] [More] ⦿
Heiltsuk Doulos [Dale Robinson] [Google] [More] ⦿
Henry Warwick [Google] [More] ⦿
Hermann Zapf [Google] [More] ⦿
IC Fonts [Daniel Ortega] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ignazio Balboa [Google] [More] ⦿
indigena [Google] [More] ⦿
Inuktituk Unicode Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Inuktitut Encoding Test Site [Google] [More] ⦿
Inuktitut Font [Krista Thompson] [Google] [More] ⦿
Inuktitut Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
InupiaQ [Google] [More] ⦿
Ivan A. Derzhanski [Google] [More] ⦿
J. Pablo Lizarraga [Google] [More] ⦿
Jack Hughes [Google] [More] ⦿
Jackson Burke [Google] [More] ⦿
Jaime A. Urdinola [Google] [More] ⦿
James Evans [Google] [More] ⦿
Jason Pagura [Cuttlefish Fonts] [More] ⦿
Jasper Habicht [Google] [More] ⦿
Jeremy Nelson [Google] [More] ⦿
Jeremy Tankard [Jeremy Tankard Typography] [More] ⦿
Jeremy Tankard Typography [Jeremy Tankard] [Google] [More] ⦿
Jim Rimmer [Google] [More] ⦿
JMRBooks Fonts [Gina Aguilera] [Google] [More] ⦿
Joan Sarah Touzet [Google] [More] ⦿
Joey Stephen Maul [Google] [More] ⦿
Johannes König [Melville Brand Design] [More] ⦿
John Hudson [Tiro TypeWorks] [More] ⦿
John Moore [Google] [More] ⦿
John Rade [John Rade Fonts] [More] ⦿
John Rade Fonts [John Rade] [Google] [More] ⦿
John Rojas [Google] [More] ⦿
John Vargas Beltrán [Google] [More] ⦿
Jorge Baltan [Google] [More] ⦿
José Antonio Garrido Izquierdo [Noem9 Studio] [More] ⦿
José José Villamizar [Neo Type Foundry] [More] ⦿
José Manuel López Rocha [Google] [More] ⦿
José Nicolás Silva Schwarzenberg [Google] [More] ⦿
Joseph Erb [Google] [More] ⦿
Josh Hadley [Google] [More] ⦿
Juan A. Lavalle [Google] [More] ⦿
Juan Ignacio Siwak [Google] [More] ⦿
Juan Pablo Meza Recabarren [Google] [More] ⦿
Julie Winther Villadsen [Google] [More] ⦿
Juliet Shen [Shen Design] [More] ⦿
K. Srinivasan [Google] [More] ⦿
Kadi Koroma [Google] [More] ⦿
Kanati [Google] [More] ⦿
Kartika Wijaya Kosasih [Google] [More] ⦿
Kenneth Hirst [Cosmorama (or: Laser Printing Solutions)] [More] ⦿
Kevin Allan King [The Typotheque Syllabics Project] [More] ⦿
Kevin Allan King [Syllabics typographic guidelines] [More] ⦿
Kevin Allan King [Google] [More] ⦿
Kiko Guerrero [Google] [More] ⦿
Kit Pullen [Google] [More] ⦿
KNet.ca [Google] [More] ⦿
Kollontai Cossich Diniz [Google] [More] ⦿
Krista Thompson [Inuktitut Font] [More] ⦿
Kristin Duke [Google] [More] ⦿
Ksenya Kuznetsova [Peliken] [More] ⦿
Kyleigh Rowe [Google] [More] ⦿
Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software [Antonis Tsolomitis] [Google] [More] ⦿
Language Geek [Christopher Harvey] [Google] [More] ⦿
Lars Winter [Google] [More] ⦿
Larson Mirek Design (or: LMD) [Robert Mirek] [Google] [More] ⦿
LaserCree Fonts from Linguist's Software [Google] [More] ⦿
LaserLakota [Google] [More] ⦿
LaserSalish Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Laura Cuesta Quetama [Google] [More] ⦿
Lauren Owen [Google] [More] ⦿
Laval Chabon [Google] [More] ⦿
Lee Anne Phillips [Tsalagi Cherokee] [More] ⦿
Lennyn Salinas [Google] [More] ⦿
Leo Vicenti [Google] [More] ⦿
Leonardo Vázquez Conde [Macizo.com (or: Macizotype)] [More] ⦿
Lesly Marcos [Google] [More] ⦿
Liliane Bou Mansour [Google] [More] ⦿
Lola Marguaritte [Google] [More] ⦿
Lucas Le Bihan [Bretagne Type Foundry] [More] ⦿
Lukas Placko [Google] [More] ⦿
Macizo.com (or: Macizotype) [Leonardo Vázquez Conde] [Google] [More] ⦿
Manfred Klein [Manfred Klein's Fonteria] [More] ⦿
Manfred Klein [Manfred Klein: Native Americans] [More] ⦿
Manfred Klein: Native Americans [Manfred Klein] [Google] [More] ⦿
Manfred Klein's Fonteria [Manfred Klein] [Google] [More] ⦿
Maria Zebroff [Google] [More] ⦿
Mariana Barbieri [Google] [More] ⦿
Mark Jamra [Type Culture] [More] ⦿
Mark Visbal [Google] [More] ⦿
Mark Williamson [Google] [More] ⦿
Mavet Vergara [Google] [More] ⦿
Max Project [Google] [More] ⦿
Melisa Siedow [Google] [More] ⦿
Melville Brand Design [Johannes König] [Google] [More] ⦿
Michael Everson [Evertype (was: Everson Typography)] [More] ⦿
Michael McMillan [Google] [More] ⦿
Michela Graziani [Fontikon] [More] ⦿
Mint Tantisuwanna [Google] [More] ⦿
Mr. Descro [Google] [More] ⦿
Multilingual E-Data Solutions [Google] [More] ⦿
MunchFonts [Gary Munch] [Google] [More] ⦿
MyFonts: Native typefaces [Google] [More] ⦿
MyFonts: Pre-Columbian Typefaces [Google] [More] ⦿
MyFonts: Pre-Hispanic typefaces [Google] [More] ⦿
Nadia D. Speranza [Google] [More] ⦿
Nathalie Echeverria Maquilon [Google] [More] ⦿
Native American Languages [Google] [More] ⦿
Native Languages of America [Google] [More] ⦿
Navajo Fonts&Language [Charles J. Coker] [Google] [More] ⦿
Navajo Truetype Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Neo Type Foundry [José José Villamizar] [Google] [More] ⦿
Nick Curtis [Google] [More] ⦿
Nick Curtis [Nick Curtis: Commercial typefaces] [More] ⦿
Nick Curtis: Commercial typefaces [Nick Curtis] [Google] [More] ⦿
Noah Lee [Google] [More] ⦿
Noem9 Studio [José Antonio Garrido Izquierdo] [Google] [More] ⦿
Noto [Google] [More] ⦿
NTI and Nunavut Worldwide [Google] [More] ⦿
Nunanet Worldwide [Google] [More] ⦿
Nunavut's languages [Google] [More] ⦿
Oinuit [Apostolos Syropoulos] [Google] [More] ⦿
Olivier Ratsi [Google] [More] ⦿
Osiyo Dohitsu NF [Google] [More] ⦿
Pancho López [Google] [More] ⦿
Paola Vecco [Google] [More] ⦿
Patrick Giasson [Google] [More] ⦿
Paulo Bolaños [Google] [More] ⦿
pDAM for Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics [Google] [More] ⦿
Peliken [Ksenya Kuznetsova] [Google] [More] ⦿
Peter Hyde [Google] [More] ⦿
Peter Saali [Google] [More] ⦿
Place (or: We Are Place) [Google] [More] ⦿
Quartet Systems [Eric Wannin] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ray Larabie [Typodermic] [More] ⦿
Ray Taylor [AiPaiNunavik Font] [More] ⦿
Rebeca Hinojos [Google] [More] ⦿
Riccardo Sabatini [Google] [More] ⦿
Robbie Fairley [Soon] [More] ⦿
Robert E. Leuschke [TypeSETit] [More] ⦿
Robert Mirek [Larson Mirek Design (or: LMD)] [More] ⦿
Roberto Alvarez Zavala [Google] [More] ⦿
Rocío Esperanza Ccasani Cávez [Google] [More] ⦿
Rodrigo Valenzuela [Google] [More] ⦿
Ronald B. Ogawa [UCAS font] [More] ⦿
Ronnie Cruz [Cyberian Khatru] [More] ⦿
Roy Boney [Google] [More] ⦿
Rutger Paulusse [GWER] [More] ⦿
Saja TypeWorks [Aaron Bell] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sandra Garcia [Google] [More] ⦿
Sarah L. Roberts [Google] [More] ⦿
Shen Design [Juliet Shen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Simone Schöpp [Google] [More] ⦿
Siouan Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Siouan Fonts in BDF format [Christophe Schneiderhan] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sofia Dezaki [Google] [More] ⦿
Soirée Typo [Google] [More] ⦿
Solvita Marriott [Google] [More] ⦿
Soon [Robbie Fairley] [Google] [More] ⦿
Southern Software Inc. (SSi) [Google] [More] ⦿
Stepan Roh [DejaVu Fonts] [More] ⦿
Stephanie Yeoh [Google] [More] ⦿
Stephen McBride [Google] [More] ⦿
Steve Cloutier [Google] [More] ⦿
Steve White [GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts)] [More] ⦿
Steven Squire [Google] [More] ⦿
Struvictory Art [Viktoryia Strukouskaya] [Google] [More] ⦿
Svetlana Tsyganenko [Google] [More] ⦿
Syllabics typographic guidelines [Kevin Allan King] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sylvia Prats [Google] [More] ⦿
Tano Veron [Google] [More] ⦿
Tarcisio Benevides [Google] [More] ⦿
Tatiana Rusalovskaya [Google] [More] ⦿
Thalia Echevarria [Google] [More] ⦿
The Linguist List [Google] [More] ⦿
The Routine Creative [Alex Cottles] [Google] [More] ⦿
The Typotheque Syllabics Project [Kevin Allan King] [Google] [More] ⦿
Thomas Ridgeway [Google] [More] ⦿
Thomas Warren [Google] [More] ⦿
Tiro Polyglot Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Tiro Typeworks [Google] [More] ⦿
Tiro TypeWorks [John Hudson] [Google] [More] ⦿
Toko Type (was: Formika Labs, or: Studio Formika, or: Absolut Foundry) [Gumpita Rahayu] [Google] [More] ⦿
Tonia Williams [Google] [More] ⦿
Traci Zellmann [Google] [More] ⦿
TransRoman [Google] [More] ⦿
Trey Gaines [Google] [More] ⦿
Tsalagi Cherokee [Lee Anne Phillips] [Google] [More] ⦿
Tseshaht [Google] [More] ⦿
Tulsey Type [Chris Skillern] [Google] [More] ⦿
Type Culture [Mark Jamra] [Google] [More] ⦿
TypeSETit [Robert E. Leuschke] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typodermic [Ray Larabie] [Google] [More] ⦿
UCAS font [Ronald B. Ogawa] [Google] [More] ⦿
Unicode ISO 8859 [Google] [More] ⦿
University of Washington [Google] [More] ⦿
Vanessa Zuñiga [Amuki Studio] [More] ⦿
Viktoryia Strukouskaya [Struvictory Art] [More] ⦿
wats.ca [Google] [More] ⦿
Wendy Elliott [Google] [More] ⦿
White Dragon Type Foundry [Arthur Durkee] [Google] [More] ⦿
Will-Harris House [Daniel Will-Harris] [Google] [More] ⦿
WinMac Dene Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Wm. Ross Mills [Google] [More] ⦿
WorldScript Macintosh Support [Google] [More] ⦿
Xavier Orssaud [Google] [More] ⦿
XenoType Technologies [Google] [More] ⦿
Yukon Native Language Centre [Google] [More] ⦿