TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:54 EDT 2025






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Free fonts by Hungarian type and graphic designer Levi Halmos [or: Levente Halmos], made between 1997 and 2001: AlienGhost2, Aliens, Anabolic Spheroid (2001, revived but alas commercialized by Roger S. Nelsson in 2009 as Anabolic Spheroid Pro), Aztec, Baby Universe (2000), Bateman, Bedlam Remix (2001), Bitsumishi (Bitsumishi Pro (2009) appeared at CheapPro Fonts; Bitsumishi Pro v2 followed in 2012), Butch, Byblostie, CHELIVES, Caddy (1996), CelticGaramond, CelticGaramondthe2nd, Chemistry, Coolthreepixels, Crystal Clear, Danube (techno, geometric), DataTransfer, Dredwerkz, ElephantMan, Escape Pod Normal, FUTURE, Faceplant, Finchley (1998), FreakShow, Gagarin (2001, a Cyrillic simulation and constructivist family), GraveDirt, Guevara, Haiku, Helldorado (2001, Western), Hibernate (2000), Iamsimplified, Indochine (2002, oriental letter simulation), IronLeague (2002, a Jonathan Barnbrook style face), Ivanbats, Ivanhoe, KabosGyula, Kalocsai Flowers Pi (2001), Kenzo, KingKikapu, Kozmonauta (2000), Kozmonauta2, Krizia Uomo (1995, art deco; later renamed Krizi Amo Pro in 2011, probably under pressure from Uomo), Leonardo (1996, a constructed face), Lefferts Corner (2001), LicenzPlate, Lousitania (2001, square-serifed), MagyarSerif, MarshGas, MathmosOriginal, Mutter (a stitch font), Niobium [Niobium Pro (2010, with Roger S. Nelsson) is used for signage and wayfinding in the new Mbombela Stadium built for the FIFA World Cup 2010], Nordic (2001; the Pro version appeared in 2010), Nushto (2000), Olympus (Greek simulation face), Peex (dot matrix family), Phatguy, PiratesGold (made commercial in the CheapProFonts collection of Roger S. Nelsson in 2009), Poison Berries (2000), PresidenteTequila (2000), RakettaFromMars (2001, fifties style futurism), Rammstein, RammsteinRemix (2001, constructivist), RedheadGoddess (2000), RedwildoderRotwild, Resurrection, Runningshoe, Sarkozi Line Patterns Pi (2001), Scully (scanbats), ScumoftheEarth (2000), Shazbot, Slither (1998), SmartSexy, SmartandSexy, Snake Venom (2000, Mexican simulation face), SpaceWorm (2000, futuristic), Sporty, Stonebridge, Subatonik, Sulphur (2000, a typeface influenced by gothic cathedrals), Tank Junior (2001), TerraX, Thrust (2000, Star Trek face), TickyFont, Treasure Island (2001, rounded with a semi-Greek look), TrustThisOne, TwoGunJohann (2000), TypeKnight (2001, with hairline serifs), VicePresidente (2001, Mexican simulation face), VoodooDolls, Voodoo Spirits (2001, wiggly hand), WeepingItalic, WhoulNormal, Zombieball.

Myfonts link. Roger S. Nelsson (Cheapprofonts) and Halmos extended Danube and Celtic Garamond in 2009 as Danube Pro and Celtic Garamond Pro, respectively. Fontspace link. Font Squirrel link. Dafont link.

View Levi Halmos's commercial typefaces.

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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Celtic/Gaelic fonts ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Cyrillic simulation fonts ⦿ Mexican simulation typefaces ⦿ Type design in Hungary ⦿ Map/Travel dingbats ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Codex-like fonts ⦿ Greek simulation fonts ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Type design and constructivism ⦿ Scanbats ⦿ Greek simulation fonts ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Aztec typefaces ⦿

file name: Levi Halmos Presidente Tequila 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Sulphur 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Tank Junior 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Gagarin 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Indochine 2002

file name: Levi Halmos Iron League 2002

file name: Levi Halmos Finchley 1998

file name: Levi Halmos Lousitania 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Treasure Island 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Two Gun Johann 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Type Knight 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Vice Presidente 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Redhead Goddess 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Scum Of The Erath 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Space Worm 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Raketta From Mars 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Rammstein Remix 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Nordic 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Nordic Pro 2010

file name: Levi Halmos Mutter 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Niobium 2000

file name: Levente Halmos Krizi Amo Pro 1998 2011

file name: Levente Halmos Krizi Amo Pro 1998 2011b

file name: Levi Halmos Krizi Amo Pro 2011

file name: Levi Halmos Krizi Amo Pro 2011b

file name: Levi Halmos Krizia Uomo 1995

file name: Levi Halmos Mathmos Original 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Leonardo 1996

file name: Levi Halmos Helldorado 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Hibernate 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Crystal Clear

file name: Levi Halmos Escape Pod Normal

file name: Cheap Pro Fonts Niobium Pro 2010

file name: Levi Halmos Anabolic Spheroid

file name: Levente Halmos Celtic Garamond Pro2000 2009b

file name: Levente Halmos Poison Berries 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Anabolic Spheroid 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Baby Universe 2000

file name: Levi Halmos Bitsumishi 2001

file name: Levente Halmos Roger S Nelsson Bitsumishi Pro Book 2012

file name: Levente Halmos Roger S Nelsson New Bitsumishi Pro 2012

file name: Levi Halmos Snake Venom 2000

file name: Levente Halmos Kalocsai Flowers Pi 2010

file name: Levente Halmos Sarkozi Line Patterns Pi 2010

file name: Levi Halmos Olympus

file name: Levi Halmos Kalocsai Flowers 2001

file name: Levi Halmos Kozmonauta 2000

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html