TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 9 12:15:57 EST 2025






URW Type Foundrty (was: urw++)

URW++ Design&Development GmbH is a Hamburg-based foundry established in 1995 by Svend Bang, Hans-Jochen Lau, Peter Rosenfeld, and Jürgen Willrodt. URW stands for Unternehmensberatung Rubow Weber, named after Gerhard Rubow and Rudolf Weber, cofounders of the original URW company from which urw++ evolved. It offers a whole range of font services and has an extensive (7000+) font library. At the basis of the early development of many classy PostScript fonts. For example, in 1999, URW++ donated the 35 core PostScript fonts (renamed) under the GNU GPL license to the Ghostscript project. The great 3000-font CD costs about 2000DM. Other CDs are more expensive: on the ITF CD, each font is about 100DM! URW sells fonts and font families with complete rights (you can change, resell, embed, anything, except use the original name), with examples ranging from 2k for a complete family of 12 to 5k for a collection of 250 fonts. This practice continues until today: URW++ thus provides a great service to software developers who want to include high-quality typefaces in their software applications. URW has offices in many countries. In the first decade of the 21st century, freelance type designer Ralph M. Unger contributed most frequently to the URW library. OpenType collection guide (in PDF).

Selected releases: URW Egyptienne, URW Grotesk (1985, Hermann Zapf), Anzeigen Grotesk (2009), Clarendon No 1 URW, Saa Series (an industrial sans: the official typeface for Australian road signage), Nimbus Sans (1987, a Helvetica clone), Nimbus Sans Novus, Nimbus Sans Europa (covering Latin, Greek, Baltic, Cyrillic, Central European, Turkish, Romanian, and so forth), Nimbus Roman No 9 (2001), Nimbus Sans Global and Nimbus Roman Global, each at about 2000 Euros, and each containing 35,000 glyphs, from kanji/Chinese/Korean to all European languages. House typefaces done for corporations: DaimlerChrysler Corporate ASE (after the Corporate ASE series for Daimler-Benz by Kurt Weidemann), Gardena Sans (2015, for Gardena), Siemens Schriftfamilie, Deutsche Telekom Schriftfamilie, ZF Friedrichshafen, Körber Argo, URW++ SelecType Raldo (2001, for Igepa).

MyFonts lists their bestsellers. Catalog of their typefaces [large web page warning]. Another catalog of URW's typefaces.

Eight-minute corporate movie produced in the summer of 2014. Adobe link.

URW Type Foundrty (was: urw++)
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Commercial foundries ⦿ OpenType software ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Type design in Turkey ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Eastern European fonts ⦿ Korean (Hangul) ⦿ Type design in South Korea ⦿ Type design in Japan ⦿ Type design in China ⦿ Type design in Romania ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Clarendon ⦿ Baskerville ⦿ Map/Travel dingbats ⦿

file name: Hermann Zapf U R W Grotesk 1985

file name: Hermann Zapf U R W Grotesk 1985b

file name: Hermann Zapf U R W Grotesk 1985c

file name: Hermann Zapf U R W Grotesk 1985f

file name: U R W Egyptienne

file name: U R W Saa Series 2001 303269

file name: U R W Saa Series 2001 303271

file name: U R W Saa Series 2001

file name: U R W Saa Series

file name: U R W Caslon Graphique 2011

file name: U R W Enviro 2011 10 06

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic 2011

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902b

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902c

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902d

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902e

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902f

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902g

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902h

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902i

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902j

file name: U R W Franklin Gothic after Morris Fuller Benton 1902k

file name: U R W Justus Pro 2011

file name: U R W Nimbus Sans Novus 2011

file name: U R W Nimbus Sans Novus 2011

file name: U R W Nimbus Sans Novus 2001

file name: U R W Nimbus Roman 2014

file name: U R W Prana Pro 2011

file name: U R W Algerian numerals 1993

file name: U R W Alta Schwabacher

file name: U R W Anzeigen Grotesk 2009 after Haas Anzeigen Grotesk 1943

file name: U R W Anzeigen Grotesk 2009 after Haas Anzeigen Grotesk 1943b

file name: U R W Broadway 2002

file name: U R W Cooper Black 1994

file name: U R W Fette Fraktur 2011 after C E Weber 1875

file name: U R W Fette Fraktur D 1994

file name: U R W Frau Becker 2011

file name: U R W Gardena Sans 2015

file name: U R W Hanyi Hei Qi 2011

file name: U R W Neustadt 2010

file name: U R W Nivea Bold 2000

file name: Kurt Weidemann Corporate E U R W 1985 1989

file name: Kurt Weidemann Corporate E Bold U R W 1985 1989

file name: U R W Algerian

file name: U R W Amber

file name: U R W American Gothic

file name: U R W American Uncial D by Victor Hammer

file name: U R W Americana

file name: U R W Americana

file name: U R W Americana Bold

file name: U R W April

file name: U R W Arab Brushstroke

file name: U R W Aster Medium by Francesco Simoncini

file name: U R W Avon by Mac R Kaufmann

file name: U R W Danmark

file name: U R W Deepdene

file name: U R W Mistral 1992

file name: U R W Palladio U R W Medium 2010

file name: U R W Palladio 1990 based on Hermann Zapf Palatino 1948

file name: U R W Palladio

file name: U R W Parade

file name: U R W Stymie Black after Morris Fuller Benton

file name: U R W Antique Olive after Roger Excoffon

file name: U R W Baskerville

file name: U R W Baskerville

file name: U R W Hobo after R Fuller Benton

file name: U R W Ralph M Unger Manuskript Antiqua 2011 after Oldrich Menhart

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html