TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Dec 13 00:45:10 EST 2024






Manfred Klein: Blackletter, Fraktur, Rotunda [Manfred Klein]

Manfred's fascination with blackletter and its German roots is apparent from the tens of typefaces he designed that are either revivals of historic typefaces or playful and not so playful extensions. Here we go:

  • ArthritishSpringtime
  • BarlosRandom, BarlosRandomRings
  • BarlosiusEdged (2007)
  • Bastarda-K, BastardaButtonsBeta, BastardaMajuskel1300, BastardusSans
  • BauernFraktur (2004, after the 1911 original by Bauersche)
  • BayreuthFraktur, Bayreuther-BlaXXL (2005, a variation of Schneidler's Bayreuth)
  • BigBroken, BigBrokenTwo
  • BigElla
  • Brahms-Gotisch (2005, with Petra Heidorn: a revival of Heinz Beck's 1937 typeface at Genzsch&Heyse)
  • BrokenAlphabetTradition, BrokenBrainsFrax, BrokenCapsJumperB, BrokenHand-Bold, BrokenHand, BrokenHandLight, BrokenRoman-Bold, BrokenSansCaps, BrokenSansCapsJumper, BrokenWoodtypes, BrokentTraditionRound
  • BruchRund
  • BruchschriftMK
  • Burte-Fraktur
  • Burtine (2003: handwritten freestyle version of Burte Fraktur, 1928), Burte-Fraktur, Burtinomatic, Burtinomatic-DemiBold
  • Burtinomatic-DemiBold, Burtinomatic
  • CancellerescA
  • CantaraGotica
  • Cantzley Inverse Caps (2007), CantzleyAD1600 (2005)
  • CaslonishFraxx
  • ClaudiusImperator
  • Clausewitz-Fraktur (2005). Designed in memory of Klaus Burkhardt.
  • CaslonishFraxx
  • ClaudiusImperator
  • CowboyCaxton
  • Cuxhaven Initials Round (2006), CuxhavenFraktur (2006), CuxhavenInitials (2006), CuxhavenTimes (2002). All named in honor of Petra Heidorn, who is from Cuxhaven.
  • DecadentaFrax (2007)
  • DirtyThinkwitz (2003). In honor of his good friend Klaus Burkhardt.
  • DizzyBrokenWritten
  • DolbyFraxCaps (2005)
  • DornspitzGrotesk
  • DoubleBrokenTextura
  • Druckschrift-Initialen
  • DrunkenSailor (2006)
  • DuerersMinuskeln
  • ElectrUnciale (2005)
  • ElephantaBlack (2006)
  • FatFreeFrax
  • FlyingHollander (2005)
  • FracturiaSketched, FracturiaSketchedCaps
  • FraktKonstruct, FraktSketch, FraktSketchFS, FraktalConPablos, FrakturInRings (2007), FrakturInitials07 (2007), FrakturNitials (2006), FrakturaFonteria, FrakturaFonteriaSlim (2006)
  • FrakturCondensedHeadline, FrakturCondensedHeadlineExtra
  • FraxBoxes, FraxBricKs, FraxBrix, FraxHandwritten-RoundCaps, FraxHandwritten, FraxHandwrittenXtrem-Medium, FraxInCage, FraxInCageLeftOblique, FraxInCageRightOblique, FraxInitials, FraxMouseSketches, FraxxSketchQuill
  • FrungturaFS
  • GGothiqueMK
  • GermanFatman (2006)
  • GingkoFraktur (2006)
  • GoldenSwing
  • GotenborgFraktur (2007)
  • GothicLetters (2007)
  • Gotic Caps (2006), GoticaBastard, GotischeMajuskel, GothicMajuscles
  • GotikaButtons (2005, after Imre Reiner's Gotika from 1933)
  • GutenbergsGhostypes, GutenbergsTraces
  • HamletOrNot, HamletTobeornot
  • HansFraktur
  • HansSachsCaps (2007)
  • HansSchoenspergerRandomish
  • HappyFrax (2006)
  • Haunted-Normal, HauntedBricks
  • Heimat
  • Holland Gotisch (with Petra Heidorn; a revival of Nederduits by Johann Michael Fleischmann, ca. 1750)
  • ImresFraktur, ImresFraxCaps (2007)
  • Incunitials
  • IronFraktur
  • JessicaPlus
  • JoeCaxton
  • JohannesBricks, JohannesButtons-02, JohannesGDiamonds, JohannesGLastTraces (2007), JohannesTraces
  • Jugendstil (2006)
  • KaiserRotbartCaps (2007)
  • KL1CiviliteEdges
  • Kl1RheumaticFraktur
  • KleinSchwabach (2005)
  • KleinsBrokenGotik (2006)
  • KlungerCaps (2006)
  • Leibniz-Regular
  • LombardPlattfuss, Lombardic
  • LookBrokenTypes
  • LuFraktorsoBroad
  • LudwigHohlwein (2006)
  • LufrakturBricks (2006)
  • LutherDuemille, LutherMousedrawn-Bold, LutherMousedrawn
  • MKBritishWriting
  • MK Broken Types (2006)
  • MKFraxConstr (2007)
  • MKImresTshirtsA
  • MKalligFrax, MKalligFrax-MediumItalic
  • MKancellerescaCaps (2005)
  • MKantzley (2005), MKanzleiCaps-One (2006)
  • MKapitalisRusticaMedium
  • MKaslonTextura
  • MoKsford, MoKsfordBold, MoKsfordDemiBold, MoKsfordExtraLight, MoKsfordLight
  • MonAmourCaps (2006), MonAmourFraktur-Broken (2006), MonAmourFrakturRegular
  • MonksWriting
  • MorbusParcinsonFraxx
  • MorscheKnochen
  • MountFirtree
  • MousefraKtur
  • Münchner-Fraktur (2005). A revival of Renaissance Fraktur by Heinz König, 1885, Genzsch&Heyse.
  • MyElectronicSchwabach
  • NeuGothic-Bold
  • Neudoerffer, NeudoerfferScribbleQuality. Both codex style typefaces are from 2003. Manfred writes that Neudoerffer is an unaltered version of the original Neudoerffer Initialen from 1660.
  • OKsfordBadFat, OKsfordItalic
  • OldTypographicSymphony-Regular, OldTypographicSymphony-Round
  • PopFraxFrankfurt (2007), PopFraxFrankfurtCondensed (2007)
  • PrinzEugen
  • Potsdam (2005, a revival of a 1934 typeface by Robert Golpon)
  • Prothesis-Black, Prothesis-Caribiqu, Prothesis-Caripix
  • RandomFrax
  • ReadableGothic
  • RememberReinerFS
  • RotundaEspagna
  • Schaftstiefel Kaputt (2003)
  • SchmaleGotischMK, SchmalfetteGotisch
  • SchneidlerSchwabacher, SchneidlerSolitaires, SchneidlerSolitairesRound
  • Schwabach, SchwabachDuemille, SchwabachScribbels, SchwabachScribbelsSecond
  • ScribbledFrakturX-Heavy (2006)
  • SketchedCassiusBroken
  • SmallEdgedFrax (2006)
  • Snoutlike (2003)
  • SpaceWinningFrax (2007)
  • TizonaDance
  • TshirtsForFrax
  • TypoasisBoldGothic (2003)
  • VanDoesburgBrokenFS
  • VeryBrokenFrax
  • WaldarbeiterGotisch
  • WeimarInline
  • WeissGotischRandom
  • Weissgotnitials (2005, based on Weiss's Lichte Initialen, 1935)
  • WittewittMajuscles-Flourish, WittewittMajuscles-FlourishBricks
  • WrittenFrax (2007)

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Manfred Klein: Blackletter, Fraktur, Rotunda
Manfred Klein ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿ De Stijl and type design ⦿ Bastarda / Bâtarde / Schwabacher ⦿ Rotunda / Rundgotisch ⦿ Textura ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Codex-like fonts ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Caxton ⦿

file name: Manfred Klein Barlosius Edged 2007 after Georg Barloesius 1907

file name: Manfred Klein Barlosius Edged 2007 after Georg Barloesius 1907b

file name: Manfred Klein Bastarda K 2004b

file name: Manfred Klein Bastarda 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Bastarda K 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Bastarda K 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Bastarda Majuskel1300 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Bauern Fraktur 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Bauernfraktur 2004 after Bauersche1911

file name: Manfred Klein Bayreuth Bla X X L 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Bayreuth Fraktur 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Big Ella 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Broken Roman Bold 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Broken Wood Types 2006

file name: Manfred Klein Bruchschrift M K 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Burtine 2003 after Burte Fraktur

file name: Manfred Klein Burtine2003 inspiredby Burte Fraktur1928

file name: Manfred Klein Burtinomatic 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Cantara Gotica 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Cantzley A D1600 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Cantzley A D1600 2005b

file name: Manfred Klein Caslonisch Fraxx 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Clausewitz Fraktur 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Clausewitz Fraktur 2005b

file name: Manfred Klein Cuxhaven Fraktur 2006

file name: Manfred Klein Cuxhaven Times 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Decadenta Frax 2007

file name: Manfred Klein Decadenta Frax 2007b

file name: Manfred Klein Dirty Thinkwitz 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Dolby Frax Caps 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Druckschrift Initialen 2004 after Eduard Ege 1922

file name: Manfred Klein Duerers Minuskeln 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Elephanta Black 2006

file name: Manfred Klein Flying Hollander 2005b

file name: Manfred Klein Flying Hollander 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Fraktur Condensed Headline 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Fraktura Fonteria 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Frax Boxes

file name: Manfred Klein Ger Man Fat Man 2006

file name: Manfred Klein Gingko Fraktur 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Gotenborg Fraktur 2007

file name: Manfred Klein Gotenborg Fraktur

file name: Manfred Klein Gotica Bastard

file name: Manfred Klein Gotika Buttons after Gotika Imre Reiner 1933

file name: Manfred Klein Gotica Bastard 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Gotische Majuskel 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Hans Fraktur 2003 after H Schoensperger 1515

file name: Manfred Klein Hans Schoensperger Randomish 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Happy Fraxx 2006

file name: Petra Heidorn Manfred Klein Holland Gotisch

file name: Manfred Klein Imres Fraktur 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Incunitials 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Joe Caxton 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Klaus B Fraktur 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Kleins Broken Gothik 2006

file name: Manfred Klein Lombar Duerer 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Lombardic 2001

file name: Manfred Klein Lombardic Plattfuss 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Ludwig Hohlwein 2006

file name: Manfred Klein M Kantzley 2005

file name: Manfred Klein M Kantzley

file name: Manfred Klein M Kapitalis Rustica Medium 2001

file name: Manfred Klein Moksford 2001

file name: Manfred Klein Muenchener Fraktur 2005 after Heinz Koenig Genzsch Heyse 1885

file name: Manfred Klein My Electronic Schwabach 2004

file name: Manfred Klein My Electronic Schwabach

file name: Manfred Klein Neudoerffer 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Neudoerffer Scribble Quality 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Neudoerffer Scribble Quality 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Oksford Italic 2001

file name: Manfred Klein Potsdam

file name: Manfred Klein Potsdam

file name: Manfred Klein Potsdam

file name: Manfred Klein Prinz Eugen 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Prop Frax Frankfurt Condensed

file name: Manfred Klein Remember Reiner F S 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Petra Heidorn Schmalfette Gotisch 2004 after F H E Schneidler

file name: Manfred Klein Petra Heidorn Schneidler Schwabacher 2004 after Schelter Giesecke 1913

file name: Manfred Klein Schwabacher Scribbels Second 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Sketched Cassius Broken 2004

file name: Manfred Klein Snoutlike 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Snoutlike 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Petra Heidorn Tizona Dance 2001 after El Cid Classic Fonts

file name: Manfred Klein Typoasis Bold Gothic 2003 after Ernst Schneidler Ganz Grobe Gotisch 1930

file name: Manfred Klein Typoasis Boldgothic 2003

file name: Lombardic334 Uumlaut

file name: Manfred Klein Waldarbeiter Gotisch 2005

file name: Manfred Klein Weimar Inline 2002

file name: Manfred Klein Wittewitt Majuscles Flourish 2003

file name: Manfred Klein Written Frax 2007

file name: Manfred Klein Written Frax 2007

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html