TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:26:31 EDT 2025






KPS Fonts [Klaus-Peter Schaeffel]

Swiss calligrapher in Basel who made and sells various medieval and historically important script fonts. Dedicated page. These included the paleographic (PAL) series and the KPS series. He lives in Ühlingen--Birkendorf, Germany. His fonts are uniformly of high quality and are usefl for illustrating historical alphabets.

His early commercial collection: KPS Anglaise (calligraphic script), KPS Antiqua (+Kapitälchen), KPS Capitalis (classic Trajan caps), KPS Cicero, KPS Epona (calligraphic), KPS Fein (hand-printed), KPS Hand (calligraphic), KPS Horaz (calligraphic), KPS Iris (calligraphic), KPS Petit (calligraphic), KPS Plinius, KPS Spitzfelder, KPS Vitruv (calligraphy), PAL Bastarda, PAL Cancellaresca, PAL Carolina, PAL Gotisch, PAL Humanistica, PAL Lombarden, PAL Quadrata, PAL Rotunda, PAL Rustica, PAL Textura, PAL Uncialis, PAL Uncialis Roemisch, Weissranken Initialen, Ranken Initialen (Celtic capitals).

Since September 2013, all of his fonts are free. They were renamed and have conveniently the date of original creation in the font name. The fonts dated in the 1990s and 2000s are new typefaces or creative revivals by Klaus-Peter. The list of revivals: 0100DeBellisMacedonicis [Pre-uncial letters from the fragment "de bellis macedonicis", ca. 1st century], 0300Petros [Greek hand from the oldest surviving copies of St. Peter's epistles, dated 3th / 4th century], 0362Vitalis [Roman Minuscule Cursive from the so called Vitalis letter, written before 362 on papyrus (Strasburg)], 0480VergiliusRomanus [Capitalis Rustica from the Vergilius Romanus written in Rome, ca. 480], 0500VergiliusSangallensis [Capitalis Quadrata from the Vergil fragments in Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen], 0512Dioskurides [Greek Uncials from the Vienna Dioskurides (about 512)], 0746Beda [from Beda Venerabilis: Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, Northumbria, dated 746], 0800Kells [Half Uncials from the Book of Kells], 0800Remedius [So called "Lombardic-Raetic Minuscule" from Codex 348 of the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen], 0800 Theophanes [Greek Hand after a 9th century Theophanes manuscript], 0850CarolinaTours [Carolingian Minuscule], 0850Carolinaundulata [Carolingian Minuscule from the Scriptorium of Tours], 0864Folchart [St. Gall Carolingian from the Folachart Psalter], 1012Otto [Late Carolingian Minuscule from the Perikopes of Heinrich II, written at the Reichenau, donated to the dome of Bamberg in 1012], 1258FridericusII [Gothic Rotunda from the falcon book of Emperor Friedrich II, Southern Italy 1258-1266], 1400Wenzel [Bohemian Textura from Vienna], 1450Sebastos [Humanistic Greek hand from Homer, Ilias, Vatican Library], 1455GutenbergB42 [Gothic Textura types from the 42 line Gutenberg Bible], 1458GutenbergB36 [Gothic Textura types from the 36 line Gutenberg Bible], 1470Jenson [an antiqua by Nicolas Jenson], 1475HumanisticaCursiva [Humanistic Cursive of the kind Bartolomeo Sanvito of Padua wrote, after Cod. Pal. Lat. 1508], 1480Humanistica [Humanistic Book Hand from Valerius Maximus: Facta et dicta memorabilia, ca. 1480-1485. The calligraphy is attributed to Antonio Sinibaldi from Florence and the titling capitals to Bartolomeo Sanvito from Padua], 1483Koberger [Incunabula type from the Koberger Bible, printed in Nuremberg in 1483], 1485Grueninger [Incunabula type from the Grueninger Bible, printed in Strasburg in 148], 1493SchedelRotunda [Incunabula type from the Latin edition of Hartmann Schedel's World Chronicles, printed by Koberger at Nuremberg in 1493], 1501Manutius [First printed Italic Antiqua by Aldus Manutius (Venice 1501)], 1513Gebetbuch [Fraktur from Emperor Maximilian's Prayer Book, printed in Augsburg in 1513], 1517Gilgengart [Fraktur type from Emperor Maximilian's 1517 private print "Gilgengart"], 1517Teuerdank [Fraktur type from Emperor Maximilian's "Teuerdank", printed at Augsburg in 1517], 1519NeudoerfferFraktur [Fraktur alphabet from a woodblock model in Johann Neudoerffer the Elder's Calligraphy book "Fundament", Nuremberg 1519], 1739Bickham [Copperplate or running hand after models from "The Universal Penman" by George Bickham, printed in London 1743], 1741Bickham [Bickham's round hand from Universal Penman], 1782Thurneysen [Baroque Antiqua Type of J. Jacques Thourneysen fils, Basel 1782].

Original versions by Schaeffel, with date of design in the font name: 1999Anglaise1, 1999Anglaise2, 1999Cancellaresca, 1999Carolina (Carolingian minuscule), 1999Livius, 1999LiviusBold, 1999LiviusItalic, 1999LiviusSmC, 1999LiviusTitel, 1999Ovidius, 1999Stylus, 1999Textualis, 2000Bastarda, 2000Cicero, 2000Humanistica, 2000Plinius, 2000PliniusItalic, 2000Seneca-Italic, 2000Seneca, 2000TextualisFormata, 2000Uncialis, 2001RotundaFormata, 2002Cato, 2002Horatius, 2002Vitruvius, 2003Epona, 2003Lombarden, 2004CapitalisQuadrata, 2004CapitalisRustica, 2004Iris, 2004UncialisQuadrata, 2004UncialisRomana, 2008-Noeuds-1 [for making Celtic knots], 2008-Noeuds-2, 2008-Noeuds-3, 2009Xenophon, 2010Filigrane, 2010Gouttes, 2010Labyrinthe [squarish], 2010Pointu [a calligraphic blackletter], 2010Vergilius [a great calligraphic face].

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Civilité ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Bastarda / Bâtarde / Schwabacher ⦿ Rotunda / Rundgotisch ⦿ Textura ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Celtic/Gaelic fonts ⦿ Carolingian typefaces ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Type design in Switzerland ⦿ Venetian or antiqua typefaces ⦿ Copperplate ⦿

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Antiqua

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Fein

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Horaz

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Petit

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Spitzfelder

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A K L Humanistica

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Bastarda

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Cancellaresca

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Gotisch

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Lombarden

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Quadrata

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Rotunda

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Rustica

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Textura

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Uncilis P A L Uncialis Roemisch

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel Ranken Initialen

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel Ranken Initialen

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel Weissranken Initialen

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel P A L Carolina

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Capitalis

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0100 De Bellis Macedonicis 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0300 Petros 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0300 Petros

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0362 Vitalis 2009

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0480 Vergilius 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0500 Vergilius Sangallensis 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0512 Dioskurides 2011

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0512 Dioscurides

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0746 Beda 2008

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0800 Kells 2005

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0800 Remedius 2003

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0800 Theophanes

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0800 Theophanes 2009

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0850 Carolina Tours 2005

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0850 Undulata

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0850 Undulata Tours 2012

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 0864 Folchart 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1012 Otto 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1258 Fridericus I I 2008

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1400 Wenzel 2005

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1450 Sebastos

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1455 Gutenberg B36 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1455 Gutenberg B42 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1470 Jenson 20104

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1470 Jenson 20104b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1475 Humanistica Cursiva 2005

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1480 Humanistica 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1483 Koberger 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1485 Grueninger 2002

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1493 Schedel Rotunda 2008

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1501 Manutius 2001

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1501 Manutius 2001b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1513 Gebetbuch 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1513 Gebetbuch 2004b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1517 Gilgengart 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1517 Teuerdank 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1519 Neudoerffer Fraktur 2012

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1739 Bickham 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1739 Bickham 2010b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1741 Bickham 2013

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1782 Thurneysen 2008

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Anglaise1 1999

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Anglaise1 1999b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Anglaise2 1999

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Anglaise

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Cancellaresca 1999

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Cancellaresca 1999b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Carolina 1999

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Livius 1999

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Livius 1999c

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Livius 1999d

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Ovidius 1999c

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Stylus 1999c

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1999 Textualis 1999c

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Humanistica 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Bastarda 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Cicero 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Cicero

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Plinius 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Plinius

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Seneca 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Seneca 2000b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Textualis Formata 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2000 Uncialis 2000

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Iris

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2001 Rotunda Formata 2001

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2002002 Hoartius 2002

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2002 Cato 2002

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2002 Vitruvius 2002

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Vitruv

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2003 Epona 2003

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel K P S Epona

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2003 Lombarden 2003

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2004 Capitalis Quadrata 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2004 Capitalis Rustica 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2004 Uncialis Quadrata 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2004 Uncialis Romana 2004

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2004 Uncialis Romana 2004b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2010 Gouttes 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2010 Pointu 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2010 Pointu 2010b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 2010 Vergilius 2010

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html