TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:26:47 EDT 2025






The Garamond mess

The choice of Garamonds is confusing, and so is the name Garamond when associated with typefaces. In fact, the most faithful of all garamonds is not even called Garamond. So, here is a brief overview.

  • Typefaces with Garamond in the name that are based directly on Garamond's work: Stempel Garamond, and Berthold Garamond.
  • Typefaces not called Garamond, but still faithful to Garamond include, principally, Linotype's Sabon, designed by Jan Tschichold. Linotype explains: In the early 1960s, the German masterprinters' association requested that a new typeface be designed and produced in identical form on both Linotype and Monotype machines so that text and technical composition would match. Walter Cunz at Stempel responded by commissioning Jan Tschichold to design the most faithful version of Claude Garamond's serene and>Bitstream's Cursive is a return to the form of one of Garamond's late italics, recently identified. Punches and matrices for the romans survive at the Plantin-Moretus Museum. The name refers to Jacques Sabon, who introduced Garamond's romans to Frankfurt, although the typefaces that Sabon himself cut towards the end of the sixteenth century have a faintly awkward style of their own. The other typeface in this category is Granjon.
  • Typefaces based on the work of Jean Jannon, an early seventeenth century French punchcutter whose work was confused with Garamond's early in the twentieth century, a mistake that was not corrected until 1926 by Beatrice Warde: Garamond 3, Monotype Garamond, Simoncini Garamond, and Deberny & Peignot's Garamont.
  • Cousins twice removed include ITC Garamond, a distant relative of Jannon, and Ludlow Garamond, which can almost be considered as an original design by Robert Hunter Middleton---few Garamond genes remain in the latter face.

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Choice of fonts ⦿ Typography ⦿ History of type ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿

file name: Monotype Garamond Italic

file name: Monotype Garamond Roman

file name: Monotype Garamond Std Italic

file name: Monotype Garamond

file name: Monotype Garamond Poster by Luciana Job 2015

file name: I T C Garamond Poster by Evgenia Skalyha 2015

file name: Tony Stan I T C Garamond 1976

file name: Tony Stan I T C Garamond Book 1977

file name: Tony Stan I T C Garamond 1976

file name: Tony Stan I T C Garamond Light 1977

file name: Tony Stan I T C Garamond Narrow Ultra 1977

file name: George William Jones Chauncey H. Griffith Linotype Granjon 1928 1930

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon M T 1966

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon 1964 1967 Poster by Pamela Cruz 2017

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon 1964 1967 Poster by Madeleine Teh 2017

file name: Linotype Stempel Garamond after Stempel Stempel Garamond 1925

file name: Linotype Stempel Garamond after Stempel Stempel Garamond 1925 3

file name: Linotype Stempel Garamond after Stempel Stempel Garamond 1925

file name: Stempel Stempel Garamond 1925 Poster by Karin Thompson 2016

file name: Stempel Garamond 1925 1936

file name: Stempel Garamond 1925 1936 Stempel Garamond 1925 1936

file name: Stempel Garamond 1925 1936 Stempel Garamond Bold 1925 1936

file name: Stempel Garamond 1925 1936 Stempel Garamond Italic O S F 1925 1936

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html