TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Jan 29 16:52:15 EST 2025






Didik Pratikno

Yogyakarta, Indonesia-based creator (b. 1987) of the counterless architectural lettering typeface Ruler Elementary (2011), of Cool Stuff (2011, dingbats), of Djoewana (2011, dingbats), and of the flip clock typeface Solari (2011).

In 2012, he made Munir (scanbat font with images of Munir Said Thalib, 1965-2004, one of Indonesia's most famous human rights and anti-corruption activists who was poisoned by an Indonesian government airline agent with arsenic on a flight to Amsterdam), Papan Kita (dingbats of Asian buildings), Sepeda (bicycle dingbats), Volkswagen (dingbats), Perangko Wayang, (shadow puppets) and Senyum (facial dingbats).

Typefaces from 2013: Paralis (multiline, prismatic).

Typefaces from 2014: Cermin Pahlawan (scanbats related to Hari Pahlawan), Toer (scanbats of Pramudya Ananta Toer, an Indonesian author and human rights activist who went to jail for his opinions).

Typefaces from 2015: Sekar Arum (textured caps).

Typefaces from 2016: Torajamatra (patterns), Ikatan (Indonesian symbols; inside the font, the designer is identifed as Rumah Joana).

Typefaces from 2017: Tegel (dingbats with tile patterns).

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Architectural lettering/typefaces ⦿ Type design in Indonesia ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Bicycle-themed typefaces ⦿ Scanbats ⦿ Prismatic typefaces ⦿

file name: Didik Pratikno Pic

file name: Didik Pratikno Tegel 2017

file name: Rumah Joana Ikatan 2016

file name: Didik Pratikno Paralis 2013

file name: Didik Pratikno Sekar Arum 2015

file name: Didik Pratikno Torajamatra 2016

file name: Didik Pratikno Cermin Pahlawan 2014

file name: Didik Pratikno Cermin Pahlawan 2014b

file name: Didik Pratikno Toer 2014

file name: Didik Pratikno Ruler Elementary 2011

file name: Didik Pratikno Sepeda 2012

file name: Didik Pratikno Volkswagen 2012

file name: Didik Pratikno Senyum 2012

file name: Didik Pratikno Papan Kita 2012b

file name: Didik Pratikno Papan Kita 2012

file name: Didik Pratikno Cool Stuff 2011

file name: Didik Pratikno Solari 2011b

file name: Didik Pratikno Solari 2011c

file name: Didik Pratikno Perangko Wayang 2012

file name: Didik Pratikno Munir 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html