TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:41:06 EDT 2025






Daniel Benjamin Miller

Daniel Benjamin Miller (b. 2000, New York) is an undergraduate student in philosophy at McGill University. His type design work:

  • BMucicFont (2020). Based on the Steinberg Media music fonts for LilyPond music software.
  • Salieri (2020). A revival of Jan Tschichold's Sabon (1964-1967).
  • GFS Heraklit. This started out from Zapf's Heraklit Greek (1954). A digital revival was first done by George Matthiopoulos. Later improvements by Antonis Tsolomitis and in 2020 by Daniel Benjamin Miller.
  • NX Baskerville Bold Italic (2020). An addition to Libre Baskerville (2012, Rodrigo Fuenzalida and Pablo Impallari).
  • He added OpenType support and made some minor adjustments to ET Bembo (2002, Dmitry Krasny / Deka Design), releasing the result as XETBook (2019). In 2020, that font family was extended by Michael Sharpe as ETbb.
  • In 2019, he started working on Regis, an original face inspired by the work of Pierre-Simon Fournier and Monotype 178 Barbou.
  • RW Garamond (2019) is a freeware Garamond font in OpenType format. RW stands for Rudolf Wolf, the designer who created Stempel's version of Garamond from the Egenolff-Berner specimen. RW Garamond is a modified version of URW Garamond No. 8. and GaramondX, with changes being made to support OpenType (better vertical metrics, added diacritics, better kerning, more mathematical symbols, Greek for mathematics, character variants). Copyrights: 2000, URW++; 2005, Ralf Stubner; 2009, Gaël Varoquaux; 2012-2017, Michael Sharpe; 2019, Daniel Benjamin Miller.
  • Domitian (2019). Based on URW's Palladio which in turn is based on Hermann Zapf's Palatino. Domitian is a project to develop a full-featured, free and open-source implementation of Palatino design. "Domitian" refers to the builder of the Flavian Palace, which is located on the Palatine Hill. Miller added true small caps and old style figures to URW's Palladio. The metrics have been adjusted to more closely match Adobe Palatino, and hinting has been improved.
  • Garamond Libre (2019). Based on Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts (George Douros, 2017). CTAN link. Miller writes: Garamond Libre is a free and open-source old-style font family. It is a "true Garamond," i.e., it is based on the designs of 16th-century French engraver Claude Garamond. The roman design is Garamond's; the italics are from a design by Robert Granjon. The upright Greek font is after a design by Firmin Didot; the "italic" Greek font is after a design by Alexander Wilson. The font family includes support for Latin, Greek (monotonic and polytonic) and Cyrillic scripts, as well as small capitals, old-style figures, superior and inferior figures, historical ligatures, Byzantine musical symbols, the IPA and swash capitals. Miller added a bold italic.
  • The STEP fonts (2019), free at CTAN and Github, created to be metrically compatible with Adobe's digitization of Linotype Times. STEP is based on the STIX and XITS fonts, and includes support for OpenType mathematical typesetting, usable with LuaTeX, XeTeX and Microsoft Office. It contains an original STEP Greek (2020) in Elzevir style.
  • Courier Ten (2020). This is Courier 10 Pitch BT, made available by Bitstream, offered here in OpenType format as well as Type 1 for use with LaTeX. Package maintained by Daniel Benjamin Miller starting in 2020.
  • MLModern (2021). He explains: MLModern is a text and math font family with (LA)TEX support, based on the design of Donald Knuth's Computer Modern and the Latin Modern project [note: 2003-2009, by B. Jackowski and J. M. Nowacki]. Some find the default vector version of Computer Modern used by default in most TEX distributions to be spindly, sometimes making it hard to read on screen as well as on paper; this is in contrast with the older bitmap versions of Computer Modern. MLModern provides a sturdy rendition of the Computer Modern design. [...] A script by Chuanren Wu was used to blacken the fonts before manual adjustment.
  • MFB Oldstyle (2024). A public domain font based on Morris Fuller Benton's classic serif font, Century Oldstyle.

Miller is a supporter of free and open-source fonts, as well as free and open-source software. He uses FontForge for design, and releases all his work under free licenses: I really just want people to be able to use my designs, improve them and share them. First, on a pragmatic level, I know that my work will be imperfect, and I'd like others to be able to use their judgment to make adjustments (which I hope they'll also release under a free license). Second, I think that too much material (and not just fonts) is behind barriers of restricted access and artificial scarcity. This kind of thing---useful tools and information---wants to be free, so let it out for everybody to use.

Github link.

Daniel Benjamin Miller
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Open source fonts ⦿ Type design in Quebec ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Fournier ⦿ Venetian or antiqua typefaces ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Baskerville ⦿ Elzevir ⦿ Courier and derived typefaces ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Music fonts ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller M L Modern 2021

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller M L Modern 2021

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Bitstream Courier10 Pitch 1990 2020

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Salieri 2020 after Jan Tschichold Sabon 1964 1967

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Salieri 2020 after Jan Tschichold Sabon 1964 1967

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller G F S Heraklit 2019

file name: George Matthiopoulos Antonis Tsolomitis Daniel Benjamin Miller G F S Heraklit 2020

file name: George Matthiopoulos Antonis Tsolomitis Daniel Benjamin Miller G F S Heraklit 2020

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller New Baskerville Bold Italic 2020

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller S T E P 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller S T E P Greek 2020

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Garamond Libre 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Garamond Libre 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Domitian 2019 [

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Domitian 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Domitian 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller R W Garamond Bold 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller R W Garamond Italic 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller Regis 2019

file name: Daniel Benjamin Miller X E T Book 2019

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html