TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:08:35 EDT 2025






Past conferences on type design

[Headline set in Haettenschweiler (1954-1995, Walter Haettenschweiler and Armin Haab, Microsoft)]


10. Tage der Typografie

The X. Tage der Typografie (or: typohochzehn) were held from 22-25 May 2008 at the Institut für Bildung, Medien und Kunst in Lage-Hörste, Germany. Speakers included Indra Kupferschmid (workshop on titling), Jan Middendorp (ten years type design), Paul van der Laan (pixel font workshop), Renate Dölzer and Angelika Götz (calendar design workshop), Tanja Huckenbeck and Peter Reichard (poster workshop), and Ralf de Jong (book design). [Google] [More]  ⦿

11. Tage der Typografie

The XI. Tage der Typografie were held from 9-11 October 2009 in Düsseldorf, with the cooperation of Akademie Druck+Medien NRW and Mediencommunity 2.0. The head honchos are Tanja Huckenbeck and Peter Reichard. [Google] [More]  ⦿

12. Tage der Typografie

The XII. Tage der Typografie were held from 5-7 November 2010 in Düsseldorf, with the cooperation of Akademie Druck+Medien NRW. The head honchos are Tanja Huckenbeck and Peter Reichard. Speakers include Victor Malsy (Willich), Mathieu Lommen (Amsterdam) and Alessio Leonardo (Berlin). [Google] [More]  ⦿

13. Tage der Typografie

The XIII. Tage der Typografie were held from 11-13 November 2011 in Düsseldorf, with the cooperation of Akademie Druck+Medien NRW. The head honchos were Tanja Huckenbeck and Peter Reichard. Speakers included Andrea Schmidt and Uta Schneider. [Google] [More]  ⦿

14. Tage der Typografie

The XIV. Tage der Typografie was held from 28-30 June 2013 in Lage-Hörste. Speakers: Andreas Koop, Lukas Hartmann, Tanja Huckenbeck, Niklaus Troxler, Dirk Uhlenbrock. [Google] [More]  ⦿

19th Annual International Conference of the Lettering Arts, East

Organized by Writing beyond Words, 14-20 August 1999, Madison, CT. Registration 100 USD. Geared towards calligraphers, mainly. [Google] [More]  ⦿

21. Bundestreffen des Forum Typografie

The "21. Bundestreffen des Forum Typografie" took place in Hannover, Germany, from 11-13 June 2004. Speakers include Underware, Tarek Atrissi, Ruedi Baur, Andreas Maxbauer, Hermann Lúbbe und Walter Hellmann. [Google] [More]  ⦿

22. Bundestreffen Forum Typografie

Type design meeting at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, from 23-25 February 2007. Speakers include Philippe Apeloig, Johannes Bergerhausen, Hans Rudolf Bosshard, Dieter Gorny, Luc(as) De Groot, Hans-Jürg Hunziker, Paul van der Laan, Uwe Loesch, Georg Salden, Fred Smeijers, and Kurt Weidemann. [Google] [More]  ⦿

2nd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication

Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, June 24-29, 2004, organized and hosted by the University of Macedonia. Speakers include Jacques André, Jannis Androutsopoulos, Michalis Arfaras, Dimitris Arvanitis, Christina Banou, Nicolas Barker, Petr van Blokland, Neville Brody, Petra Cerne Oven, Costis Dallas, Simon Daniels, Milena Dobreva, Mary Dyson, Peter Enneson, Shelley Gruendler, Justin Howes, John Hudson, Lampros Kalampoukas, Peter Karow, Robin Kinross, Kevin Larson, David Lemon, Gerry Leonidas, Erik van Blokland and Just van Rossum, Jason Lewis, Stephan Lubell, Piero De Macchi, Alan Marshall, Klimis Mastoridis, George Matthiopoulos, James Mosley, Maria Nicholas, Hrant Papazian, Jean-François Porchez, Manolis Savidis, Triantafyllos Sklavenitis, Andreas Sophocleous, Richard Southall, Erik Spiekermann, Charis Tsevis, Michael Twyman, Vangelio Tzanetatou, Gerard Unger, Karel van der Waarde and Evripides Zantides. Report by Toby Thain. Pictures by Jan Middendorp. Pictures by J.-F. Porchez. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

31st Tipo Brda Winter Workshop Type Days 2017

Type workshop to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 20-25 February, 2017. Tipo Brda link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

33pt | contributing to typography

Two day meeting on January 19-20 2005 at the Fachhochschule Dortmund (Germany) organized by Stefan Claudius. Speakers: Dirk Uhlenbrock (Signalgrau), Natascha Dell (Fontzine), Joerg Hemker (Herr Hemker), Verena Gerlach (Frau Gerlach), Peter Bruhn (Fountain), Joost Korngold, Walter Pamminger, Peter Bilak (Typotheque), 3deluxe, Underware. [Google] [More]  ⦿

6. Tage der Typografie

The "6. Tage der Typografie" were held from 10-13 June 2004 at the Institut für Bildung, Medien und Kunst in Lage-Hörste, Germany. In German. Speakers include Peter Reichard (on stencil types), Ingo Krepinsky, Etienne Giradet (on typo-voyeurs), and Gabine Heinze and Michael Touma (on star symbols). [Google] [More]  ⦿

6ET: 6o Encontro de Tipografia

Type design and typography meeting in Aveiro, Portugal, on December 2, 3, 4 and 5, 2015, organized by Pedro Amado and Vitor Quelhas. [Google] [More]  ⦿

7. Tage der Typografie

The "7. Tage der Typografie" were held from 26-29 May 2005 at the Institut für Bildung, Medien und Kunst in Lage-Hörste, Germany. In German. Speakers include Ralf de Jong, Kai Büschl, Peter Reichard, Tanja Huckenbeck, Ingo Krepinsky, Stefan Krömer, and Gabine Heinze. [Google] [More]  ⦿

9. Tage der Typografie

The 9. Tage der Typografie was held from 7-10 June 2007 at the Institut für Bildung, Medien und Kunst in Lage-Hörste, Germany. The theme is Noblesse oblique. Speakers include the Typonauten (Ingo Krepinsky and Stefan Krömer), Dan Reynolds, and the Spatium people (Tanja Huckenbeck and Peter Reichard). Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

AIGA Typochondria Conference

Typography conference: 11-14 February 1999, Denver, Colorado. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ampersand 2018

Ampersand is a one-day web typography conference in Brighton, UK, taking place on June 29, 2018. It is organized by Clearleft. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ampersand The Web Typography Conference

Ampersand The Web Typography Conference took place on June 17, 2011, in Brighton, UK. The main speakers were Vincent Connare, David Berlow, Tim Brown, John Daggett, Mark Porter, and Jon Tan. Ampersand is presented by Clearleft. [Google] [More]  ⦿

An Evening of Arabic typography

Videos of the presentations on October 26, 2008, in Amsterdam by Titus Memeth, Tarek Atrissi and Thomas Milo on Arabic typography. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Atelier Typo UQAM

Jean-François Porchez teaches typography from April 26 until May 1, 2004 at UQAM in Montreal. Report and pictures by Martin L'Allier. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 1998

ATypI meeting held in Lyon from 23-26 October 1998. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2000

ATypI 2000 was held in Leipzig, from 21-24 September 2000. Report and pictures. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2001

ATypI 2001 was held in Copenhagen, from 20-23 September 2001. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2001 report

Report by yours truly of the 45th ATypI meeting held in Copenhagen from September 20-23, 2001. Dean Allen's report. Programme and CVs of the speakers. John Berry's report. Joachim Müller-Lancé's report. Report by Chester of Thirstype. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2002

ATypI 2002 was held in Rome, from 19-22 September. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2002 report

Report by yours truly of the 46th ATypI meeting held in Rome from September 19-22, 2002. Bread and circuses: on-line report by Mark Barratt and Ben Weiner. From an ATypI Board's member: John Berry's report. Jill Bell's pictures. Joachim Müller-Lancé's picture report and text report. Jef Tombeur's report (in French). Michail Semoglou's report. Luciano Perondi's report (English version). [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2003

ATypI 2003 was held in Vancouver from 24-28 September 2003. The theme was "Between Text and Reader". Pictures by Frank Jonen. Report by John Berry. Pictures by Gary Munch. Pictures by Gisela Will. Keith Tam's pictures. Zara Evens' pictures. Grant Hutchinson's pics at the Emily Carr campus. Pictures and a superb report by Joe Clark who destroys Bringhurst's book and presentation (for those on third world browsers like mine, this wonderful piece is unreadable, so I cludged together this). Adam Twardoch's report. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2004

ATypI 2004 was held in Prague from 30 September-3 October 2004. ATypI's own newsletter. Report by yours truly. Picture report by yours truly. Pictures by J.-F. Porchez. More pictures by J.-F. Porchez. Report by Dan Reynolds. Pictures by Richard Kegler. Laurence Penney's pictures. Pictures by Ryan Pescatore Frisk. Report by John Berry. Pictures by Letterror. Pictures by Diederik Corvers. Tony De Marco's pictures. Lettering in Prague by Robert Kravjanszki. Ilya Ruderman's extensive picture report (in Russian), continued here. Vera Evstafieva's report of the Type Tech Forum (in Russian). Pictures by Erik Van Blokland. Report and pictures by Andrzej Leraczyk. Report and pictures by Filip Blazek and Pavel Zelenka. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2005

ATypI 2005 was held in Helsinki from 15-18 September at the Media Center Lume, which is situated at the University of Art and Design (UIAH). Program. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2006

ATypI 2006 was held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 27 September-1 October 2006 on the theme Typographical Journeys. Mario Feliciano was the main organizer. Luc's report. Picture report by Dan Reynolds. One by Jean-Baptiste Levée. Pictures at Flickr. Pictures by Dan Rhatigan. Van Lancker's pictures. A French report with pics by Jean-Baptiste Levée. His pictures. General Flickr site. Pics by Rob Keller. Roger Black's pic of Spiekermann. Oleg Koshe's pics of Verena Gerlach's talk. Tagir Safaev's pics of the newspaper design track. Oleg Koshe's pics of Massimo Vignelli and François Chastanet and Spiekermann's main talk. Comments and links by Dan Reynolds. Lisbon Letters by Jerrold Maddox (Penn State University). Oleg Koshe's report on Kindel&Smeijers. Brief report by Ana Sabino. Pictures by Birx. Henrique Nardi's shots. Ukrainian report (+pics) by Victor Kharyk. Pics by Protype. Pics by Vera Evstafieva. Pictures by Iria Cunha (and many transparencies of talks). Yves Peters comments. letters.sdu (VinOlga, Annette) shows a collection of Lisbon street lettering images. See also the fontme site for Lisbon stree lettering. The student volunteers have their own photographs on Picasa: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2006 Type Tech presentations

ATypI 2006 Type Tech presentations in PDF format by Thomas Phinney (Adobe) and some others. More specifically:

  • Character Set Journeys. Thomas Phinney about the evolution of character sets and how they keep on expanding.
  • CSS-based font menus, Windows Presentation Foundation, and OpenType 1.5. By Thomas Phinney.
  • Advanced MM theory. By Thomas Phinney.
  • Is it okay to lie? (in a font). By Thomas Phinney.
  • Intro to SING technology. As Thomas Phinney puts it: SING is Adobe's "next big font thing," a technology for dynamically extending fonts on the fly. This PDF file is largely a copy of a 2004 presentation by Jim DeLaHunt, also at Adobe.
  • Sweeping overview of OpenType support and limitations in applications and operating systems. Talk by Jürgen Willrodt (URW).
  • OpenType feature files. Christopher Slye (Adobe) talks about OpenType feature files.
  • Adventures in Class Kerning. By Miguel Sousa (Adobe).
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ATypI 2007

ATypI 2007 was held at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture at the University of Brighton in Brighton, UK, from 12-16 september 2007. Keynote presentations by Richard Hollis, Humphrey Stone, David Crow, Ken Garland, James Mosley, Matthew Carter, and Michael Harvey. Speakers: Andy Altmann, Bill Baggett, Lynne Joddrell Baggett, Phil Baines, Ebru Baranseli, Chinmay Battacharya, John D. Berry, Anne McLaren Boddington, Karl Rose Cesta, Karen Cheng, Joe Clark, Catherine Dixon, Alessandro Fiore, Gerald Fleuss, Artur Frankowski, Fritz Grögel, George Hardie, Florian J. Hardwig, Andy Haslam, Xurxo Insua Pardo, Pouya Jahanshahi, Viktor Kharyk, Richard Kindersley, Akira Kobayashi, Eiichi Kono, Kevin Larson, David Lemon, Alessio Leonardi, Edna Lucia Cunha Lima, Oliver Linke, Lida Lopes Cardozo Kindersley, Tanja Madved, Thomas Maier, George Matthiopoulos, Sarah McCoy, Yaki Molcho, Klementina Mozina, Caglar Okur, Thomas Phinney, Albert-Jan Pool, Jean-François Porchez, Ieuan Rees, Ole Schaefer, Juliet Shen, Sumner Stone, Keith Chi-Hang Tam, Ipek Torun, Michele Wong Kung Fong and Masayuki Yamamoto. Report by J.-F. Porchez. Flickr picture report. Videos of the talks:

  • Masterpieces of Johann Neudörffer the Elder (1497-1563) (Oliver Linke).
  • The legacy of Edward Johnston (Gerald Fleuss).
  • Reynolds Stone, a life in graven letters (Humphrey Stone).
  • The kindest cut of all the Kindersley Workshop (Linda Lopes and Cardozo Kindersley).
  • Searching for Morris Fuller Benton (Juliet Shen).
  • The word is on the street (Ken Garland).
  • Typography in the Environment (Andy J. Altmann).
  • Teaching type in the city (Karen Cheng).
  • National Armed Forces Memorial Staffordshire (Richard Kindersley).
  • The typographic design of the Valley of the Communities in Jerusalem (Yaki Molcho).
  • Inscribed in the living tile (Joe Clark).
  • Better than a poke in the eye (Kevin Larson).
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ATypI 2007: TypeTech

ATypI 2007 was held at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture at the University of Brighton in Brighton, UK, from 12-16 september 2007. Its TypeTech section was reported on by Christophe Badani here. Since it is in French, I will loosely translate it for my readers:

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ATypI 2008

ATypI 2008 was held at the Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, from September 17-21 around the theme The Old The New. Russian web site. Unfortunately, every non-Russian needs a visum and an itinerary and list of reservations---I hope that ATypI avoids countries with such state control restrictions in the future (and this includes some Western countries as well). I regretfully skip this interesting meeting and will miss the following speakers: Tim Ahrens | Yomar Augusto | Ken Barber | John D. Berry | Roger Black | Frank E. Blokland | Robert Bringhurst | David Brezina | Nadine Chahine | Anna Chaykovskaya | Petr Petrovich Chobytko | Si Daniels | Susanne Dechant | Alexey Dombrovskiy | Timothy Donaldson | John Downer | Olga Florenskaya | Irina Fomenko | J. Victor Gaultney | Yuri Gherchuk | Maxim Gurbatov | Ted Harrison | Denis Moyogo Jacquerye | Bengisu Kelesoglu | Jerry Kelly | Dmitry Kirsanov | Akira Kobayashi | Attila Korap | Alexandra Korolkova | Tal Leming | Gerry Leonidas | Hakon Wium Lie | Paul Luna | Klimis Mastoridis | George D. Matthiopoulos | Thomas Milo | Titus Nemeth | Heidrun Osterer | Thomas Phinney | Peter Rosenfeld | Tagir Safayev | Jose Scaglione | Nick Shinn | Anna Shmeleva | Eben Sorkin | Erik Spiekermann | Konstantin Startsev | Keith Chi-hang Tam | pek Torun | Adam Twardoch |  Typophile | Gerard Unger | Karin von Ompteda | Jürgen Willrodt | Emil Yakupov | Yuri Yarmola | Vladimir Yefimov | Pascal Zoghbi. Reports: Flickr group, Yanek Iontef's pictures. Oleg Koshelets's pictures and mini-report (in Russian). Daria Dombrovskaya's shots. Elaa Maanpaossa. Olga Ru on the TDC exhibition. Yarullina's shots. Fredrik Andersson's detailed report. Yves Peters' report (see also here). Shots by Ekaterina Kochkina. Ilya Ruderman on Yomar Augusto's calligraphy workshop. A Swedish report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2009

A brief report (with pictures) of the ATypI meeting held in October 2009 in Mexico City, by your humble servant. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2009

ATypI 2009 was organized by Ricardo Salas and Roger Black in Mexico City, 26-30 October 2009, and had as theme The Heart of the letter. This week-long event consisted of two days of workshops and small events held at Anáhuac University's hilltop campus, and three days at MIDE in the Centro Histórico, the historic center of the city. Program. Flickr site. Twitter. The Faces of ATypI by Laurence Penney is a beautiful sepia photo collection of mug shots. Pics by Eli Castellanos. Report by Jean-Baptiste Levée. Jan Middensorp's pictures about the Balduino/Ietswaart event. Eben Sorkin's pictures. Henrique Nardi's photographs. The FontFont set of pictures. Luc's report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2010

ATypI 2010 was organized by Clare Bell and Mary Ann Bolger in Dublin, Ireland. It took place in Dublin Castle [credit: Richard Rutter] and at the Dublin Institute of Technology at Mountjoy Square, from September 8-12. The logo of the meeting was designed by Clare Bell and Dara Ní Bheacháin. Reports and/or photographs: Dan Reynolds, Yves Peters, Nina Stössinger (who organized the Flickr pool), Yves Peters on the keynote addresses. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2011

The 2011 ATypI conference took place in Reykjavik, Iceland, from September 14-18, 2011, at the Harpa Concert Hall. The theme was the letter eth. This may well have been the first ATypI meeting in which the host country's President addressed the assembly. The local organizing team was led by Gunnar Vilhjalmsson and Hörðu Lárusson, and the conference was supported by the Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers, the Icelandic Academy of the Arts, and the Icelandic Design Center. The ATypI Reykjavík logo was designed by Birna Geirfinnsdóttir, using the typeface Frijky by Neelakash Kshetrimayum. Program. The stratospheric registration fee of 895 USD ensures that ATypI survives for another year---it has nothing to do with the actual expenses of the meeting.

Speakers: Mark Barratt, Sofie Beier, Clare Bell, Aaron Bell, Frederik Berlaen, David Berlow, John D Berry, Filip Blazek, Frank Blokland, Mary Ann Bolger, Gunnlaugur Briem, Nadine Chahine, Nathan Davis, Jo De Baerdemaeker, Timothy Donaldson, Michael Duggan, Steen Ejlers, Michael Everson, Steinar Ingi Farestveit, Victor Gaultney, Frank Griesshammer, Hanna Hakala, Theodore Harrison, Ralf Herrmann, Robert Hillier, Otmar Hoefer, Richard Kegler, Eric Kindel, Christoph Knoth, Atilla Korap, Neelakash Kshetrimayum, Indra Kupferschmid, Hanif Kureshi, Johannes Kuester, Marcus Leis Allion, Gerry Leonidas, Raph Levien, Gudmundur Oddur Magnusson, Steve Matteson, Dermot McGuinne, Thomas Milo, Meta Newhouse, Toshi Omagari, Sarah Owens, Thomas Phinney, Rathna Ramanathan, Daniel Reynolds, Daniel Rhatigan, Peter Rosenfeld, Nadine Rossa, Zachary Scheuren, Dawn Shaikh, Nick Sherman, Vaibhav Singh, Christopher Slye, Fred Smeijers, Mirjam Somers, Sridhar Srikantham, Mathew Staunton, Claus Soerensen, Marc Tobias Kunisch, Gunnar Vilhjalmsson, Ian Watson, Torben Wilhelmsen, Jurgen Willrodt, Onur Yazicigil, Pascal Zoghbi, Carolina de Bartolo, Hyun Guk Ryu, Anton Kaldal Agustsson. Not one Latin American---what is going on? Can we have the next meeting in Argentina or Brazil?

Flickr group. FontShop report and videos. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2012

ATypI 2012 was held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hotel Icon in Kowloon from 10-14 October 2012. The conference was hosted by the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The main organizer was Keith Tam.

Report by Luc Devroye. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2013

ATypI 2013 was held in Amsterdam from 9-13 October 2013. The theme was Point Counter Point. Its graphic identity was designed by Studio Dumbar.

The 83 speakers: Peter Bain, Rob Banham, Mark Barratt, Rob Becker, Donald Beekman, Sofie Beier, Aaron Bell, John D Berry, Ann Bessemans, Filip Blazek, Frank Blokland, Irma Boom, David Brezina, Matthew Carter, Nadine Chahine, Paresh Choudhury, Alessandro Colizzi, Bill Davis, Jo De Baerdemaeker, Rafael Dietzsch 2, Paul Dijstelberge, Catherine Dixon, Nikola Djurek, Maria Doreuli, Craig Eliason, Ramiro Espinoza, Victor Gaultney, Verena Gerlach, John Giannopoulos, Frank Griesshammer, Fritz Grogel, Elaine Guidero, Cyrus Highsmith, Will Hill, Viktor Kharyk, Eric Kindel, Henrik Kubel, David Kuettel, D. Udaya Kumar, Indra Kupferschmid, Kevin Larson, Edwina Lee, Werner Lemberg, David Lemon, Jean-Baptiste Levee, Mathieu Lommen, Rob McKaughan, Thomas Milo, Fraser Muggeridge, Titus Nemeth, Sandrine Nugue, Pierre Pane-Farre, Elena Papassissa, Thomas Phinney, Albert-Jan Pool, Cesar Puertas, Krista Radoeva, Rathna Ramanathan, Alice Rawsthorn, Daniel Reynolds, hyun guk ryu, Keitaro Sakamoto, Rainer Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifert, Juliet Shen, Nick Sherman, Fred Smeijers, Mirjam Somers, Brian Stell, Adi Stern, Claus Soerensen, Mariko Takagi, Adam Twardoch, Gerard Unger, Hans Van Maanen, Leonardo Vazquez, Peter Verheul, Werner Wolff, Yanone, Yuri Yarmola, Pascal Zoghbi, Erik van Blokland, Petr van Blokland, and Paul van der Laan.


The program was very strong, and reinforced the reputation of The Netherlands as the mecca of type design in 2013. Several awards were announced during the meeting: Gerrit Noordzij received the TDC Medal [large pic warning], Don Knuth received the Peter Karow Award, and Alexandra Korolkova received the Prix Charles Peignot for best type designer under the age of 35.

Picture reports: Cesar Puertas. Twitter reports. Seen.co link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2014

ATypI 2014 was held in Barcelona from 17-21 September 2014. The first two days were at the spectacularly beautiful BAU School of Design and the last three at the Museu del Disseny.

Speakers included Alexander Cooper, Matthew J. Rechs, Azza Alameddine, Andreu Balius Planelles, Jesus Barrientos, Sofie Beier, Caleb Belohlavek, David Berlow, Ann Bessemans, Henrik Birkvig, Noe Blanco, Nathan Davis, Nikola Djurek, Nathalie Dumont, Behdad Esfahbod, Martina Flor, Domen Fras, Tomas Ferrari, Rezan Gassas, Yashodeep Gholap, John Giannopoulos, Stuart Gill, Rose Gridneff, Theodore Harrison, Andrew Haslam, Masataka Hattori, Paul Hunt, Thomas Huot-Marchand, Eric Kindel, Boris Kochan, David Kuettel, Indra Kupferschmid, Kevin Larson, David Lemon, Jean-Baptiste Levee, Bruno Maag, Thomas Maier, William Montrose, Oriol Moret-Vinals, Paulo Moretto, Haytham Nawar, Meta Newhouse, Alessia Nicotra, Ryoko Nishizuka, Toshi Omagari, Michele Patane, Raquel Pelta, Joan Carles Perez Casasin, Yves Peters, Thomas Phinney, Albert-Jan Pool, Daniel Reynolds, Daniel Rhatigan, Jay Rutherford, Keitaro Sakamoto, Alice Savoie, Jose Scaglione, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifert, Manuel Sesma, Fred Smeijers, Liron Turkenich, Michael Twyman, Gerard Unger, Jim Wasco, Jurgen Willrodt, Taro Yamamoto, Onur Fatih Yazicigil, Erik van Blokland, and Ozlem Ozkal.

The meeting was a stunning success as seats were sold out more than a month in advance. On the other hand, considering the loss of income this entails for ATypI as an organization, the lack of a contingency plan is also a failure of sorts. The general feeling was that this was possibly one of the best ATypI conferences ever.

Links: Tweets. Album by Magnus Rakeng. Album by TypeTogether. Photographs by Nina Stossinger. Martina Flor's sketches of the talks. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2015

ATypI 2015 was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 14-17 October, at the wonderful FAAP in Higienopolis, which is both a school and a museum (housing, for example, the original cubist painting Negresses by Samson Flexor, 1947). The main organizer was Henrique Nardi, who was assisted by many others, including Claudio Rocha, Diego Maldonado, Marina Chaccur and Crystian Cruz. Twitter feed. Flickr group. Great photographs by Luke Garcia and André Hawk. Flickr page with 2000+ official photographs, also by Luke Garcia and André Hawk. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2016

ATypI 2016 was held at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, from 13-17 September. The theme was Convergence. The speakers: Ada Wardi, Adam Twardoch, Agata Szydlowska, Akaki Razmadze, Aleksandra Samulenkova, Alice Savoie, Andrej Kratky, Ann Bessemans, Anna Swiatlowska, Aoife Mooney, Artur Frankowski, Ashley Pigford, Behdad Esfahbod, Benedikt Brambock, Bianca Berning, Bill Davis, Briar Levit, Brody Neuenschwander, Bruno Maag, C.J. Dunn, Carima El Behairy, Catarina Silva, Christopher Slye, Crystian Cruz, Daniel Reynolds, David Jonathan Ross, David Kuettel, David Lemon, David Shields, Dorine Sauzet, Dr. Alessia Nicotra, Eric Kindel, Erik Spiekermann, Filip Zajac, Frederik De Bleser, Georg Seifert, Gerry Leonidas, Gloria Kondrup, Gregor Kaplan, Indra Kupferschmid, Irena Ristevska, Jan Bajtlik, Jan Charvat, Jean-Baptiste Levée, Jesus Barrientos, Jo De Baerdemaeker, John Dowling, Joyce Ketterer, Juan Luis Blanco, Just Van Rossum, Justyna Czerniakowska, Keitaro Sakamoto, Kristyan Sarkis, Lasse Fister, Laura Meseguer, Lech Majewski, Louis-Remi Babe, Marek Jeziorek, Marek Knap, Marian Misiak, Mariko Takagi, Martin Cetkovsky, Martina Flor, Matthew Rechs, Ned Holbrook, Ola Kot, Osamu Torinoumi, Pedro Amado, Petra Cerne Oven, Philipp Acsany, Pierre Pane-Farre, Piotr Rypson, Qiu Yin, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Rathna Ramanathan, Reiko Hirai, Roman Wilhelm, Simon Daniels, Sofie Beier, Sonja Knecht, Sue Walker, Tetsuo Sakomura, Theo Skye, Thomas Phinney, Titus Nemeth, Tom Mullaney, Toshi Omagari, Veronika Burian, Viktoriya Grabowska, Yuri Yarmola, Zofia Osliso. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2017

ATypI 2017 was held in Montreal, Canada, from September 12-16, 2017. The main organizer was Alessandro Colizzi, closely assisted by Alexandre Saumier-Demers. The theme was Atypique. Introduction to the team.

The conference blurb: Join the global typographic community in Montréal, Quebec, Canada, September 12-16, 2017. ATypI is celebrating sixty years of typographic education and camaraderie this year. As an organization founded by Charles Peignot of the famed Deberny & Peignot foundry in Paris, it's fitting that we commemorate this milestone in a grand French-speaking capital. The theme of ATypI's 2017 conference is Atypique. Montréal is known for many things: for its blend of new and old; for its bilingualism and pluralistic society. Montréal is a city of dualities: East Side and West Side, English- and French-speaking, the old city and the new, European sophistication and American casual. It's a laid-back city enjoying the benefits of a low-inequality society. It is an atypical city compared to the rest of Canada and the United States. In a broader context, Atypique means something more daring; something that doesn't quite follow convention; something a little bit rebellious and edgy. Atypique holds a mirror to history and understands tradition, but dares to be different. In typographical terms, Atypique hints at all things---products, practices, processes, people---escaping the rules or bending paradigms. Atypique evokes, to paraphrase Alan Fletcher, looking sideways at all facets of contemporary types and typography: from technology to aesthetics, from economics to politics, from Latin to the world writing systems, from hand lettering to screen legibility, and from education to the very notion of authorship.

The three tremendous keynote speakers: Roger Black, Paula Scher, and Rod McDonald.

The identity of ATypI was expertly and daringly designed by Julien Hébert, who is based in Montreal. From the euphoric and "atypique" color palette, to the choice of a Montreal-grown typeface, Guillon (by Feedtype and Coppers and Brasses), and a series of stunning posters, this is identity design at its best.

The speakers and workshop leaders: Sahar Afshar, Shani Avni, Sofie Beier, Jordan Bell, Bruno Bernard, John D. Berry, Ann Bessemans, Aaron Bowes, Veronika Burian, Stephen Coles, Peter Constable, Matthieu Cortat, Nicole Dotin, John Downer, Nathalie Dumont, Rachel Elnar, Victor Gaultney, Tom Grace, Will Hill, Lauren Johnson, Quinn Keaveney, Joyce Ketterer, Jerome Knebusch, Gloria Kondrup, Borys Kosmynka, Indra Kupferschmid, Kevin Larson, Edwina Lee, Taekyeom Lee, Paul Luna, Jose Manuel Lopez Rocha, Bruno Maag, Simon Mager, Wei Ming, Aoife Mooney, Bill Moran, Jim Moran, Gillian Mothersill, Megan O'Connell, Sharon Oiga, Riccardo Olocco, Toshi Omagari, Santiago Orozco, Jason Pamental, Elena Papassissa, Laurence Penney, Yves Peters, Thomas Phinney, Judith Poirier, Carolyn Porter, Daniel Rhatigan, Emilie Rigaud, David Jonathan Ross, Christopher Rouleau, Jay Rutherford, Tetsuo Sakomura, Jose Scaglione, Lucas Sharp, Paul Shaw, Nick Shinn, Matt Soar, Michael Stinson, Arina Stoenescu, Sumner Stone, Andres Torresi, Sergio Trujillo, Ferdinand Ulrich, Underware, Petr van Blokland, Malou Verlomme, Guy Villa Jr., Wen Wang, Taro Yamamoto.

Twitter feed. Videos of the talks. Photobooth and party pictures by Benoit Vermette. Pictures by Henrique Nardi and Norman Posselt. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2018

ATypI 2018 was held in Antwerp, Belgium, from the 11th until the 15th September 2018, on the theme of type legacies. The local organizing team consists of Ann Bessemans, Jo De Baerdemaker, Joke Gossé, Yves Peters and Frederik Berlaen. The keynote speakers were Annie Bocel, Matthew Carter, Sara De Bondt, Nelly Gable, and Fred Smeijers. Flickr page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2019

ATypI 2019 was held in Tokyo, Japan, from 4-7 September, at the Miraikan Museum. The opening keynote is by John Maeda, and the closing keynote by Petra Cerne Oven. Speakers include Jason Pamental, Ken Lunde, Chorong Kim, Wujin Sim, Rathna Ramanathan, Ian Lynam, Renee Elizabeth Salmonsen, Sumanthri Samarawickrama, Hisashi Iwai, Taro Yamamoto, Tomoko Ishikawa, Yuka Hayashi, Shinji Ogawa, Hiroto Ueda, Masahiro Yamada, Laurence Penney, Irene Vlachou, Irin Kim, Nathan Williams, Vinod Balakrishnan, Underware, Takuto Higurashi, Ryota Doi, Xuan Zhang, Promphan Suksumek, Petra Docekalova, Wei Ming, Yin Qiu, Thomas Mullaney, Milda Kuraityte, Ananda Kumar Maharjan, Sunita Dangol, Garret Rieger, Rod Sheeter, Edwina Lee, Matthew Carter, Kunihiko Okano, Shotaro Nakano, Sakura Taruno, Ryoko Nishizuka, John Berry, Sofie Beier, Dafne Martinez, Sandra Garcia, Neelakash Kshetrimayum, Jo De Baerdemaeker, Dohee Lee, Sebastien Morlighem, Akihiko Morisawa, Yukari Haruta, Kataoka Akira, Kudo Tsuyokatsu, Takahashi Yoshimaru, Masataka Hattori, Masahiro Ochiai, Min-Young Kim, Nora Bekes, Celine Hurka, Sovichet Tep, Alexandra Korolkova, and Wei-Hsiang Su.

Videos. ATypI on Twitter. Youtube channel for the presentations. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI 2020

ATypI 2020 was to be held in Paris, but got canceled due to COVID-19. It was then rescheduled in Paris in 2021. And then again to May 2023, still in Paris. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI '97

Program of the ATypI meeting held from 12-15 September 1997 in Reading, UK. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI '98 report

Report by Eileen Gunn of the ATypI 98 in Lyon. Program. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI '99 report

Report by Luc Devroye of the ATypI '99 meeting held in Boston, 7-10 October 1999. Great pictures by Jill Bell, including two close-up shots of BenguiatFrisky. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI Font Technology Forum, Copenhagen

Held on Thursday, September 20, 2001, just before the start of ATypI, this meeting, headed by John Hudson, had the following speakers/topics:

  • "Unicode for Font Developers." Eric Muller&Thomas Phinney, Adobe (presented by Thomas Phinney).
  • "Briefing: Unicode in OSX." Peter Lofting, Apple.
  • "Briefing: Unicode in Windows Xp." Simon Daniels, Microsoft.
  • "Managing Large Glyph Sets." John Hudson, Tiro Typeworks.
  • "Spec'ing OpenType Fonts." David Lemon, Adobe.
  • "New OpenType Features in InDesign." Thomas Phinney, Adobe.
  • "Reality Bytes. Making Fonts for Central Europe." Adam Twardoch, Silesian Type Foundry.
  • "Automated Arabic." Thomas Milo, DecoType, and Yuri Yarmola, FontLab.
  • "And again. And again. Scripting repetitive tasks during font production." Adam Twardoch, Silesian Type Foundry.
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ATypI Technology Committee Meeting

Held in Heidelberg, Germany, on February 20, 2003 in the afternoon, at Zum Güldenen Schaf, Haupstraße 115, Heidelberg. Open to everyone. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATypI venues

The annual ATypI meetings were held and will be held here:

  • 1957 Lausanne | 1958 Düsseldorf | 1959 Paris | 1960 Paris | 1961 Zandvoort | 1962 Verona | 1963 Vienna | 1964 Cambridge, UK | 1965 Zürich | 1966 Mainz
  • 1967 Paris | 1968 Frankfurt | 1969 Prague | 1970 Brugge | 1971 London | 1972 Barcelona | 1973 Copenhagen | 1974 Paris | 1975 Warsaw | 1976 Hamburg
  • 1977 Lausanne | 1978 Munich | 1979 Vienna | 1980 Basel | 1981 Mainz | 1982 Beaune | 1983 Berlin | 1984 London | 1985 Kiel | 1986 Basel
  • 1987 New York | 1988 Frankfurt | 1989 Paris | 1990 Oxford, UK | 1991 Parma | 1992 Budapest | 1993 Antwerp | 1994 San Francisco | 1995 Barcelona | 1996 Den Haag
  • 1997 Reading, UK | 1998 Lyon | 1999 Boston | 2000 Leipzig | 2001 Copenhagen | 2002 Rome | 2003 Vancouver | 2004 Prague | 2005 Helsinki | 2006 Lisbon
  • 2007 Brighton | 2008 St. Petersburg | 2009 Mexico City | 2010 Dublin | 2011 Reykjavik | 2012 Hong Kong | 2013 Amsterdam | 2014 Barcelona | 2015 Sao Paulo | 2016 Warsaw
  • 2017 Montreal | 2018 Antwerp | 2019 Tokyo | 2020 Paris (canceled) | 2021 (canceled) | 2022 (canceled) | 2023 Paris | 2024 Brisbane | 2025 Copenhagen |
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Bauhaus Hoch: 24. Forum Typografie

Type meeting in Weimar, Germany, held from 17-20 September 2009. Speakers included Wolfgang Beinert, Axel Bertram, Uwe Brückner, Lucas de Groot, Ralf de Jong, Gerd Fleischmann, Ralf Hermann, Eike König, Alessio Leonardi, Andreas Maxbauer, Hans Eduard Meier, Jörg Petri, Albert-Jan Pool, Mariko Takagi, Dirk Uhlenbrock, Vilim Vasata, and Olaf Weber. Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Berlin Type School

On the 29th and 30th of July 2016, the Berlin University of the Arts' UdK TypoLabor hosted the first Berlin Type School Away-Days. This was a free typography & type design festival for UdK design students and professional designers. There was no admission fee, and there were no corporate sponsors. Berlin Type School is an initiative started by Dan Reynolds and Martina Flor. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bienal Letras Latinas 2004

Exposition on type held from 17-30 April 2004 at the Centro Cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires. This was held simultaneously in other Latin American countries as well. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bienal Letras Latinas 2006

Exposition on type held from 2-3 April 2006 in Sao Paulo. It included a type competition with as jury Francisco Calles Trejo, Luciano Cardinali, Juan Carlos Darias, Priscila Farias, Rubén Fontana, Vicente Lamónaca, Candelaria Moreno, César Puertas, and Rodrigo Ramírez. There were 70 laureates from over 400 submissions. Pictures.

  • Tipografías para texto: Cheché Sans (Alfredo Parada Larrosa), Política (Alejandro Paul), UnePipe (Félix Lentino), MelloSans (Fernando de Mello Vargas / Vicente Gil Filho), Average (Eduardo Rodríguez Tunni), Botija Sans (Juan Montoreano), Ema (Juan Montoreano), Loreto (Eduardo Tunni / Pablo Cosgaya), Special Type (Silvana Caruso), Matutina Serif (Aldo de Losa), Prima Sans (Ariel Katena / Alejandro Lazos), Tauran Regular (Raúl García Plancarte), Darka (Gabriel Martinez Meave), Romance (Nicolás Pisano), TT Carmina (Verónika Burian / José Scaglione), Athelas (José Scaglione), Den Dekker (Yomar Augusto), Siquot Antigua (Luis Siquot), Tuhun (Diego Mier y Terán).
  • Tipografías para título: Botota (Javier Quintana), Inconexa (John Moore), Makiritare (John Moore), Palaima (John Moore), Robin Bienal II (John Moore), Affair (Alejandro Paul), Ministry Script (Alejandro Paul), Suave Script (Alejandro Paul), Buffet Script (Alejandro Paul), Whomp (Alejandro Paul), Oxida (Angel Koziupa / Alejandro Paul), Cenizas (Angel Koziupa / Alejandro Paul), Chocolate (Koziupa / Alejandro Paul), Alma (Angel Koziupa / Alejandro Paul), Malambo (Angel Koziupa / Alejandro Paul), Koziupack (Angel Koziupa / Alejandro Paul), Candy Script (Alejandro Paul), Overlock (Daría Manuel Muhafara), Herencia (Diego Giaccone / Alejandro Paul), Sudestada (Diego Giaccone / Alejandro Paul), Boqueta (Gustavo Lassala), Póstuma (Roberto Raúl Janz), Moho (John Moore), BEC (Eduardo Castillo), Tosca (Cristián González Sáiz), Imperio (Juan Ignacio Siwak), Rotman (Oscar Salinas Losada), Non nova, sed nove (Javier Gómez), Minotax (Milagros Santini), Revolver (Octavio Alonso López), Revolución (Luciano Vergara), Mixa (José De Los Santos), FH After (Fabio Luiz Haag / Foco Design by Type), Chile Sans (Miguel Hernández).
  • Tipografías para pantalla: stgotic (Daniel Hernández), Rexel (Alejandro Posada / Carlos J. Roldán), cp_cursi (Carlos J. Roldán), Escrin (Martín Gonzalez).
  • Tipografías experimentales: Clave de Fá (Dimitre Lima), Sinestesia (María Victoria Lamas), HH Pólvora (Quique Ollervides Uribe), Goteira (Rogerio Lionzo), Cubius Concretius (Marcel Pereira Ursini), PD Boquerón (Johanny Franchi / Prodiseño), Beautiful Pixel (Guillermo Vizzari).
  • Tipografías de misceláneas: Desprecio (Carlos Carpintero), Bangalo vive (Carlos Carpintero), Olé Flamenco / Olé Torero (Víctor García), Orlas (Juan Luis Carrera), Minsap Liván (Padilla Sigler), Zabumba City (Fátima Finizola).
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Asian non-profit organization that runs conferences in the Fall in Bangkok, and exists under the aegis of Thailand's main type foundry, Cadson Demak Co . Home page.

The 2015 edition, BITS MMXV, is from October 30 until November 1. Its speakers: Dave Crossland, Smich Smanloh, Seok Geumho, Savid Jonathan Ross, Verena Gerlach, Mark De Winne, Pracha Suveeranont, Anthony Burrill, Christian Schwartz, Suppakit Chalermlarp, Parinya Rojarayanond, and Panuwat Usakulwattana.

The 2011 edition included Akiem Helmling, Akira Kobayashi, Tnop Wangsillapakun, Anisa Suthayalai, Keith Chi-hang Tam, Sébastien Morlighem, Smich Smanloh, and Jackkrit Anantakul. BITS Con link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Organized by Typographic Association Bangkok (TAB) and Cadson Demak, the type design conference BITS 6 took place between 7 and 9 October 2016 at Goethe Institut, TCDC, TAB and W Hotel Bangkok. There were workshops (by Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Veronika Burian, Ben Mitchell, Alisara Tareekes, Jean-Baptiste Levée, Oliver Linke, and Petr van Blokland). Speakers included Kwanchai Akkaratammagul, Praseuth Banchongphakdy, Rojjanawann Suchinda, Tetsuo Sakomura and Sirin Gunkloy. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Organized by Typographic Association Bangkok (TAB) and Cadson Demak, the type design conference BITS 9 took place between 10 and 12 October 2019 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Speakers included August Lan, Crystian Cruz, Greg Gazdowicz, Gunnar Vilhjalmsson, Jeff Wu, Keitaro Sakamoto, Ksenya Samarskaya, Lisa Schultz, Miriam Suranyi, Pankaj Joshi, Panuwat Usakulwattana, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Tetsuta Onishi, Xiao Yu Liu, Yi Dan Wu, and Yu Li Liu. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Type conference held in Bangkok from 28-29 October 2011. BITS stands for Bangkok International Typographic Symposium. Organized by Cadson Demak in association with ThaiGa, its speakers included Akiem Helmling, Akira Kobayashi, Tnop Wangsillapakun, Anisa Suthayalai, Keith Chi-hang Tam, Sébastien Morlighem, Smich Smanloh, and Jackkrit Anantakul. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Conference on Eric Gill

Conference at Notre Dame University from 15-17 Nov 2000 to examine the influence of Eric Gill and his colleagues of the Guild of St Dominic. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Corporate Fonts Conference

On May 12, 2005, this conference on corporate and custom fonts took place at the Graphic Arts Institute of Denmark, 72 Emdrupvej, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV. The speakers include Erik Spiekermann, Luc(as) de Groot, Jeremy Tankard, Bruno Maag and Peter Bruhn. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cuarta Bienal de Tipografía Latinoamericana

Conference held from 28-30 April 2010 in Veracruz, Mexico, at the Centro de Estudios Gestalt. Speakers included Juan Manuel Arboleyda, Francisco Calles, Marina Garone, Manuel Guerrero Salinas, Cristóbal Henestrosa, Gabriel Martínez Meave, Jorge Medrano, Héctor Montes de Oca G., John Moore, José M. Morelos, Quique Ollervides, Fernando Rodríguez, Luis Romero "Watchavato", Raul Plancarte and Oscar Yáñez. The workshops:

  • Safari tipográfico: Juan Manuel Arboleyda
  • Tipografía experimental: Manuel Guerrero Salinas
  • Y este signo para qué sirve?: ortotipografía: Cristóbal Henestrosa
  • Diseño caligráfico: Gabriel Martínez Meave
  • Type Rocks!!! tipografía, música, cartel, revista: Héctor Montes de Oca
  • Analogías y metáforas en el cartel: José M. Morelos
  • Ambigramas o Porqué no ver las cosas alrevés?: John Moore
  • Letra a mano: Quique Ollervides
  • Logo-Lab :): Raul García Plancarte
  • Diseño de los otros signos y símbolos: Oscar Yáñez
  • Esténcil tipográfico: Luis Romero "Watchavato"
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Cuarto Congreso internacional de Tipografía

A conference subtitled La letra dibujada was eld from June 18-20, 2010, in the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Speakers included Gerrit Noordzij, Ken Barber, Ale Paul, Ricardo Rousselot, Javier Mariscal, James Mosley, Claude Mediavilla, Keith Adams, Marian Bantjes, Pepe Gimeno, Jose Ramon Penela, Pilar Cano and Sergio Jimenez. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cyrillic Fest 2008

Annual typography and calligraphy festival, which took place from 24-25 May 2008 in Kharkiv (Ukraine). This year it included type seminars, a presentation by Vitalij Mitchenko, type games and exhibition of typefaces and calligraphy from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Bulgaria. Photo reports: 1, 2, 3, 4. Report in the Ukrainian newspaper Novynar. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Davi Calil

Brazilian illustrator who designed the fun typeface Alphonse (2002) while he was a student in Sao Paulo at Senac de Comunicações e Artes. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Design and Visual Communication in the Digital Age

Conference to be held from June 16-17, 2004 in Brno, Czechia. This meeting is related to the 21st International Biennale of Graphic Design Brno 2004. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Design as an Open Space

Conference held on 22-23 June 2000 in Brno, Czechia, and related to the 19thInternational Biennale of Graphic Design Brno 2000. Speakers included Ales Najbrt (Czechia), Jan Solpera (who spoke about Josef Týfa), and Andrej Krátky (Slovakia). [Google] [More]  ⦿

DiaTipo Natal

Meeting on December 22, 2008, in Sao Paulo's Miami Ad School ESPM, organized by Henrique Nardi and Luciano Cardinali. Speakers: Gustavo Garcia, Fernando Mello, Gustavo Soares and Claudio Rocha. Picture report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

DNA Tipografico

Conference in Sao Paulo, held from 15-19 March 2005. Speakers include Claudio Rocha, Tony de Marco, Priscila Farias, Fabio Lopez, Rodolfo Capeto, Henrique Nardi, Claudio Ferlauto, Hugo Cristo, Marcos Mello, Vincenzo Scarpellini, Massimo Gentile, Chico Homem de Melo, Bruno Porto, Billy Bacon, Akira Kobayashi, Pancho Galvez, Luis Siquot, Bruno Steinert, GHabriel Martinez Meave, Baixo Ribeiro, Wagner, Jorge de Buen and Herbert Baglione. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Drunk with Type

Organized on November 2-3, 2001, in Toronto by the Ontario College of Art&Design's Outreach Program and the Type Club of Toronto. Speakers: Matthew Carter, Bill Douglas, Diti Katona, Allan Haley. TDC 47 will be on exhibition there too. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ein Tag der Typografie

Type meeting on November 25, 2006, held at Technopark, Zürich. Speakers: Michel Poffet, Lucas Stähli, Mats Küpfer, Claudia Wildermuth, Félix Müller and Stephan Rappo, Johanna and Peter Bilak, Daniel Janssen, and Yves Zimmermann. [Google] [More]  ⦿

EuroTeX 2003

The theme of EuroTeX 2003 was "Back to typography". This conference, masterfully organized by Yannis Haralambous, was held in Brest, France, from 24-27 June 2003. Pictures of Christian Paput, George Williams, Sivan Toledo, Thomas Milo and Jef Tombeur. Report by Jef Tombeur [navigate to August 29, 2003]. A proceedings will be published in 2005. Its contents:

  • Christian Paput: French typographic patrimony, conservation and teaching
  • Jacques André: The Cassetin project--- Towards an inventory of ancient types and the related standardised encoding
  • Apostolos Syropoulos: Replicating archaic documents: A typographic challenge
  • Azzeddine Lazrek: CurExt, typesetting variable-sized curved symbols
  • Vlad Atanasiu: Allographic biometrics and behavior synthesis
  • Ghassan Mourad: La virgule viendrait-elle de l'écriture arabe ?
  • Emmanuel Souchier: Quelques remarques sur le sens et la servitude de la typographie
  • Yves Maniette: Systeme automatise de co-redaction de livres
  • Isabelle Turcan, Viviane Berthelier: Ethique et edition scientifique d'ouvrages anciens sur support electronique
  • Yannis Haralambous, John Plaice: XLaTeX, a DTD/schema which is very close to LaTeX
  • Jose Grimm: Tralics, a LaTeX to XML translator
  • Simon Pepping: Docbook In ConTeXt, a ConTeXt XML mapping for Docbook documents
  • Ioannis Kanellos: Intertextualite et typographie numerique--- considerations semantiques sur le livre electronique
  • Ghassan Mourad: Nouveaux signes de lecture et d'écriture pour les documents electroniques
  • Marie-Louise Chaix, Fabrice Popineau: The XEMTeX project
  • Jerome Laurens: iTeXMac, an integrated TeX environment for Mac OSX
  • Balazs Vecsei: Description of knowledge of mathematical programs with TeX and XML
  • David Turner, Werner Lemberg: Real-time grid fitting of typographic outlines
  • Jean-Pierre Sutto, Pier Daniele Napolitani: L'utilisation du Mauro-TeX pour l'edition critique de Francesco Maurolico
  • Peter Szabo: Inserting external figures with GraphicP
  • Karel Horak: Geometric diversions with TeX, MF and MP
  • Frederic Boulanger: Printing digital photographs with LaTeX
  • David Kastrup: Output routine requirements for advanced typesetting tasks
  • Thomas Widmann: Bibulus---a Perl/XML replacement for BibTeX
  • Fabien Dagnat, Ronan Keryell, Laura Barrero Sastre, Emmanuel Donin de Rosiere, Nicolas Torneri: BibTeX++: Toward higher-order BibTeXing
  • Jean-Michel Hufflen: European bibliography styles and MlBibTeX
  • Petr Olsak: Second version of encTeX: UTF-499
  • Thomas Milo: ALI-BABA and the 40 Unicode characters---Towards the ideal Arabic working environment
  • John Plaice, Yannis Haralambous: Generating multiple outputs from OMEGA
  • B.V. Venkata Krishna Sastry: Enhanced font features for future multilingual digital typography with sound-script-language attribute integration
  • Gyongyi Bujdoso: Contemporary Hungarian types and designers
  • George Williams: Font creation with FontForge
  • Primoz Peterlin: The free UCS outline fonts project---An attempt to create a global font
  • Anish Mehta, Gabor Bella, Yannis Haralambous: Adapting OMEGA to OpenType fonts
  • Sivan Toledo, Zvika Rosenberg: Experience with OpenType Font Production
  • Serge Vakulenko: The METATYPE project: Creating TrueType fonts based on MF
  • Boguslaw Jackowski, Janusz Nowacki, Piotr Strzelczyk: Programming PS Typefonts using MetaTypeenhancing, creating
  • Wai Wong, Candy L.K. Yiu, Kelvin C.F. Ng: Typesetting rare Chinese characters in LaTeX
  • Luc Devroye: Formatting font formats
  • Jef Tombeur: Polices d'apprentissage de l'écriture
  • Jef Tombeur: Alphabets artificiels et synthetiques
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Ewa Satalecka
[Silesiana 2006]

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Experiment, The Twentieth International Conference, a calligraphic event, was held at Sonoma State University, July 29-August 5, 2000. Check the outlines of the talks, and sample some of the calligraphic beauties. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Exposiçao CONE Design - Sao Paulo

Archive of a type exhibition in Sao Paulo, held in June 2002, showcasing the work of the students at Senac de Comunicações e Artes in Sao Paulo. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fifth Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride

The Fifth Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride took place from October 16-18, 2006 at the Custard Factory, Birmingham. Its theme was Fast Type, Slow Type. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fifth Congreso internacional de tipografía

The Fifth Congreso internacional de tipografía took place in Valencia from June 29-July 1, 2012. Organized by Association of Designers of the Region of Valencia (ADCV), its main speakers were Dave Crossland (of Open Font Library, and Google Web Fonts), Ale Paul, Paula Carbonell, Gustavo Ferreira, Gerard Unger, Dylan Kendle, Hilary Kenna, and Petr van Blokland (cofounder of Webtype). [Google] [More]  ⦿

First Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride

The First Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride took place on September 24-25, 2002 at the St. Bride Library in London. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Font Business Summit

Event by Microsoft on April 3-4, 2008, by invitation only. The program includes in-depth analysis of font related law from noted attorney Paul Stack who has represented Monotype for many years. In addition there will be panel discussion regarding font IP protection, analysis of the state of font embedding, font EULAs and an exploration of new font related technologies, with participation from Adobe, Bitstream, Monotype Imaging, Microsoft and others. It's about control and money. Stack, noted for his wonderful correspondence with a Carnegie-Mellon student, and Monotype, known for a creative redefinition of the word "download" and for impeccable ethical standards, are the main features of this amazing event. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Font Technology 2.0

Conference immediately preceding ATypI in Copenhagen organized by John Hudson. Sep 20, 2001. [Google] [More]  ⦿

FontConf --- The Unconference for Web Fonts
[Garrick Van Buren]

Free (!!!) conference organized by Garrick Van Buren (Kernest, Minneapolis, MN) on June 19, 2010, in St. Paul, MN. The main talks:

[Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontes brasileiras

The Brazilian font scene explained in Portuguese. By graphic designer Paulo Moretto, and originally published in PROJETODESIGN vol. 244 in June 2000. A description of Tipografia Brasilis held in 2000. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontlab and OpenType Course

Free course offered at Typeworx in Toronto on Saturday, November 16, 2002, 1450 O'Connor Drive, 3rd Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Other free courses will be given throughout the year. These courses run from 10am to 7pm and cover Fontlab's basic features, maximum coverage of languages, font formats, unicode, OpenType, AAT, a demo on how to make a fully-featured OpenType font, the development of a huge font (Typeworx' Borgia will have over 5000 glyphs). [Google] [More]  ⦿

FontStruct: Stencil Competition 2012

The stencil competition at FontStruct ended on October 26, 2012. A very popular competition among Fontstructors, the winners are three of FontStruct's best, Beate Limbach (for db Smoothie), Tibor Lantos (for Thorin Stencil), and Paul Bokslag (for Crazy Fredericka). All three are fantastic designs. The judges were Rob Meeks, Ray Larabie and Stephen Coles. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Forum Typografie

Meeting on type held from 15-17 June 2001 in Weimar. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fourth Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride

The Fourth Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride took place on October 10-12, 2005 at the St. Bride Library in London. Its theme was "temporary type"". [Google] [More]  ⦿

Friends of St. Bride Printing Library

Listing of events and seminars. For example, on May 21, 2002, Professor William S. Peterson, known for his work on William Morris and the Kelmscott Press, spoke about Nineteenth-Century Revivals: Typographical and Spiritual. [Google] [More]  ⦿

FUSE '95

Site for the successful FUSE '95 meeting organized by FontShop from November 17-19, 1995, in Berlin. Max Kisman's cartoons. [Google] [More]  ⦿

FUSE '98

Typography meeting held from May 27-29, 1998, in San Francisco. A report by Chris Macgregor. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garrick Van Buren
[FontConf --- The Unconference for Web Fonts]

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Granshan 2012

Armenian conference organized from 14-16 June 2012 by the Ministry of Culture of Armenia on the topic of non-Latin type design in Yerevan. Program.

Speakers included Ara Baghdasaryan (Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts), Gayaneh Bagdasaryan (Founder of Brownfox Type Design Studio, Russian Federation), John D. Berry (President of ATypI), Edik Ghabuzyan (National Book Chamber of Armenia), David Ghazaryan (Chief specialist of the Ancient Manuscripts, Department of Matenadaran, Armenia), Lars Harmsen (Executive director of MAGMA Brand Design in Karlsruhe, Germany), Alexander Kazaryn (President of Moscow International Union of Designers, Russian Federation), Vardges Keshishian (Lecturer of History at the Cinema and Theatre State Institute, Armenia), Boris Kochan (President of the Typographic Society Munich), Karen Komendaryan (Founder and Director of ABC connexion Company, Armenia), Ahmed Mansour (Deputy Director, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Calligraphy Center, Egypt), Thomas Milo (Dutch Arabic script expert). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Granshan 2013

Armenian conference and non-Latin typeface competition organized on 10 October 2013 in Amsterdam by the Ministry of Culture of Armenia and the Typographische Gesellschaft München on the topic of non-Latin type design. The chairs were Boris Kochan and Edik Ghabuzyan. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Granshan 2014

Non-Latin typeface conference held in München, Germany, on July 19 and 20, 2014. Speakers included Timothy Donaldson (Falmouth University, Falmouth, UK), Edik Ghabuzyan (Department of National Book Chamber, Yerevan, AM), Prof. Lars Harmsen (Melville Brand Design, Karlsruhe, D), Akira Kobayashi (Monotype, Bad Homburg, D), Boris Kochan (KOCHAN & PARTNER, München, D), Santi Lawrachawee (Practical Design Studio, Bangkok, TH), Gerry Leonidas (University of Reading, UK, Reading, UK), Bruno Maag (Dalton Maag Ltd, London, UK), Ben Mitchell (Type designer, Southeast Asian scripts, Brighton, UK), Vaibhav Singh (University of Reading, UK, Reading, UK), Rupali Steinmeyer (FUENFWERKEN DESIGN, Berlin, D), Prof. Adi Stern (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, IL). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Granshan 2015

Non-Latin typeface conference, held at the University of Reading UK, from July 23-25, 2015. The speakers included Jo de Baerdemaeker (Studio Type, Antwerp, Belgium), Piyaluk Benjadol (Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand), Jose Scaglione & Veronika Burian (Type Together, Spain & Argentina), Kang Byung-in (Representative of Sooltong Calligraphy Institute, Director of Korean Calligraphy Design Association, Seoul, South Korea), Timothy Donaldson (Falmouth University, Falmouth, UK), Edik Ghabuzyan (Department of National Book Chamber, Yerevan, AM), Frank Grieszhammer (Adobe, San Jose, USA), Jae-Joon Han (Seoul Women's University, Seoul, Korea), John Hudson (Tiro Typeworks Ltd, Salish Sea, BC), Paul D. Hunt (Adobe, San Jose, USA), Tim Jones (Harvard University Press, Dorchester, Massachusetts), Chang Sik Kim (San Jose State University, Department of Design, Graphic Design Program, San Jose), Boris Kochan (Kochan & Partner, Muenchen, D), Gerry Leonidas (University of Reading, UK, Reading, UK), Bruno Maag (Dalton Maag Ltd, London, UK), Thomas Milo (DecoType, Amsterdam, NL), Ben Mitchell (Type designer, Southeast Asian scripts, Brighton, UK), Titus Nemeth (tntypography, Vienna, Austria), Toshi Omagari (Monotype, London, UK), Hrant Papazian (The MicroFoundry, Los Angeles, USA), Rathna Ramanathan (Head of Programme Visual Communication, Royal College of Art, London, UK), Fiona Ross (University of Reading, UK, Stroud, UK), Victoria Sarapina (Manufaktur fuer Grafikdesign, Munich, Germany), Vaibhav Singh (University of Reading, UK, Reading, UK), Sara Soskolne (Hoefler & Co., New York, USA), Adi Stern (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, IL), Gerard Unger (University of Reading, Universität Leiden, Bussum, NL), Onur Yazicigil (Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey), Susanne Zippel (Mittelpunkt Zhongdian, Berlin, Germany). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Granshan Conference 2013

International conference on non-Latin typefaces held in Bangkok, July 24-28, 2013. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Grotesk 8. Tage der Typografie

The "8. Tage der Typografie" were held from 15-18 June 2006 at the Institut für Bildung, Medien und Kunst in Lage-Hörste, Germany. The theme was Grotesk. See also here. Main speakers: Indra Kupferschmid, Simone Wolf (born in Germany, lives in Italy), Stefan Claudius, Susanna Stammbach, Alessio Leonardi. [Google] [More]  ⦿

GUTenberg meeting in Lyon

The GUTenberg society will hold a meeting on 18-19 May 1999 in Lyon. On May 18, there will be some font tutorials. On May 19, there will be talks on type in electronic documents. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gutenberg Prize

List of past winners of the Gutenberg prize: Giovanni Mardensteig (1968), Henri Friedlaender (1971), Hermann Zapf (1974), Rudolf Hell (1977), Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt (1980), Gerrit Willem Ovink (1983), Adrian Frutiger (1986), Lotte Hellinga-Querido (1989), Ricardo J. Vincent Museros (1992), Paul Brainerd (1994), John Dreyfus (1996), Henri-Jean Martin (1998), Joseph M. Jacobson (2000), Otto Rohse (2002), Robert Darnton (2004), Hubert Wolf (2006), Michael Knoche (2008), Mahendra Patel (2010). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Institut de l'Histoire du Livre

At this French institute in Lyon which forms part of the Musée de l'imprimerie de Lyon, there are occasionally courses on typography. For example, in the Book History Workshop from 5-8 April 2004, James Mosley gave a course on Type, lettering and calligraphy 1450-1830. From 25-28 April 2005, he gave a course there on Typographie et calligraphie 1830-1980. We also find a list of books on typography and calligraphy, covering 1450-1830. [Google] [More]  ⦿

International Typographic Festival Typomania 2017

The International Typographic Festival Typomania is an annual type, typography, calligraphy and video event. The aim of the festival is to collect and connect as many type fans as possible and turn them in to a professional community. Typomania 2017 took place in Moscow from May 27, 2017 until June 4, 2017 at the Moscow Museum. [Google] [More]  ⦿


ISType (Istanbul Type Seminars), conceived by Onur Yazicigil (Sabanci University) and Alessandro Segalini (Izmir University of Economics), is a lecture and workshop series devoted to encouraging typographic literacy in Turkey, was held from 11-14 September 2011 and again from 13-16 June, 2013 in Istanbul. This first annual event had lectures and practical workshops on typographic education and theory by embracing history, calligraphy, technology, math, programming, and drawing and art. The speakers in 2011 included Ewan Clayton, James Clough, Petr Van Blokland, Brody Neuenschwander, Alessandro Segalini, Karel Van Der Waarde, and Onur Yazicigil. In 2013, they had Robert Bringhurst, Alejandro Paul, Jan Middendorp, Erik van Blokland, Luc(as) de Groot, Akira Kobayashi, Irvin Cemil Schick, Mirjam Somers, Yves Peters, and Rainer Scheichelbauer. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ISType 2017

Istanbul Typography Seminars held from June 9-11, 2017, in Istanbul, and organized by Onur Yazicigil. Speakers include Ewan Clayton, Martin Majoor, Bianca Berning, Khajag Apelian, Liron Lavi Turkenich, Kristyan Sarkis, Laura Meseguer, Sarp Sözdinler, Esen Karol, Emanuela Conidi, Akiem Helmling, Bas Jacobs, Irene Vlachou, Thomas Huot-Marchand, Adam Twardoch, and Nikola Djurek. [Google] [More]  ⦿

ITDC 2003

The International Type Design Contest was held by the Linotype Library in 2003. The winners were announced in July 2004:

  • Bohemia (2003, Eduardo Manso), a legible serif family.
  • Hildegard (2003, Jan Sonntag), a legible sans family.
  • Beret (2003, Eduardo Omine).
  • Pirouette (2003, Ryuichi Tateno): "Pirouette Text is a beautiful, finely drawn Italic hand, which can set long passages of text. Pirouette Regular is more formal, with elaborate Swash capitals."
  • Stencil Moonlight (2003, Gustav Grinbergs).
  • Samba (2003, Tony and Caio de Marco), a great curly typeface inspired by the lettering art of J. Carlos, a Brazilian illustrator during the early 20th century.
  • VS Expectation (2003, Guido Bittner).
  • Elementis (2003, a monospaced comic book typeface originally designed in 1975 by Hans-Jürgen Ellenberger).
  • Brda (2003, designed by the Polish designer Franciszek Otto for the Powiat weekly newspaper).
  • Boogie (2003, Ralf Weissmantel), a multiline face.
  • Picture Yourself (2004, Karin and Peter Huschka), a symbol face.
  • Lubok (2003, Julia Borisovna Balasheva), a pictogram typeface referring to a popular style of Russian folk art printing, which dates back to the 18th Century.
  • Bobotta Icons (2003, Roberto Mannella).
[Google] [More]  ⦿

It's Alive!

The Type Directors Club conference on type on-screen, held on 21 April 2001 at Drexel University in Philadelphia. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jornadas Atypicas

Held from September 26 until October 6, 2006, at FBAUL, Faculdade de Belas-Artes Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. It offered debates, workshops, type jams, student's work displays and an exhibition of six Portuguese type designers: Bárbara Alves, Dino dos Santos, Jorge dos Reis, Mário Feliciano, Ricardo Santos and Rubén Dias. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jornadas Tipograficas

July 7-11, 2009: a week of exhibits, conferences and workshops about typography, editorial design and typographic motion, organized by Bau, Escola Superior de Disseny, Barcelona. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Journée Grafika

Journée Grafika was held on September 16, 2003 in Montreal. Speakers included Erik Spiekermann, Ed Fella, and Denis Dulude. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Khatt Foundation Type Design Workshop

A five day workshop and lecture series in Dubai, 21-25 October 2011. Workshop leaders: Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares, Lara Assouad Khoury, Pascal Zoghbi. Guest speakers: Wissam Shawkat, Sheikha Bin Dhaher, Salem Al Qassimi. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kitabat Arabic Calligraphy and Typography Conference

Kitabat Arabic Calligraphy and Typography Conference was the first major conference dealing solely with Arabic calligraphy and type design. Held from April 5-8, 2006, in Dubai. Speakers included Nabil Safwat (keynote speaker), Ugur Derman (Istanbul, Turkey), Mohamed Zakariya (Virginia, USA), Dr Goeffrey Roper (London, UK), Mamoun Sakkal (Seattle, USA), Johannes Bergerhausen (Germany), Adil Allawi (Diwan, UK), Kamal Mansour (Monotype, USA), Bruno Steinert (Linotype, Germany), Mounir Al-Shaarani (Cairo, Egypt), Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares (AUD, UAE / Khatt, Holland), Nadine Chahine (Linotype, Germany), Gerard Unger (Bussum, Holland), Tajelssir Hassan (Sharjah, UAE), Reza Abedini (Teheran, Iran), Tarek Atrissi (Utrecht, Holland), Ihsan Hammouri (Jordan/USA), Obeida Sidani (Dubai, UAE), Yasmine Taan (LAU, Lebanon), Aida Sakkal (Seattle, USA), Antonia Carver (Dubai, UAE), Zeina Maasri (AUB, Lebanon), Fawzi Rahal (Dubai, UAE), Nadine Touma (Beirut, Lebanon), Leland Hill (VCU, Qatar), and Petr Van Blokland (Holland). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leipziger Typotage

The (seventeenth) Leipziger Typotage 2011 took place on May 28, 2011 at the Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig. Speakers included Alexander Branczyk, Will Hill, Lars Harmsen, Julia Kahl, and Christian Gutschi. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leipziger Typotage 2013

The (nineteenth) Leipziger Typotage 2013 took place on April 23, 2013 at the Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig. Speakers included Tim Ahrens, David Fichtmüller, Friedrich Forssman, Maurice Göldner, Christoph Knoth, Stephan Müller, Henning Skibbe and Roman Wilhelm. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Letrastica The Type Festival was held from 24 until 26 October 2019 in Guadalajara, Mexico. Speakers include Julien Priez, James Edmondson, Zrinka Buljubasic, Manuel Lopez, Romina Hernandez, Frida Medrano, Guido Ferreyra, Sandra Garcia, and Juan Villanueva. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Letter.2 Conference

The Letter.2 Conference was held on October 4, 2011 in Buenos Aires, in conjunction with the Letter.2 type competition. Speakers included Akira Kobayashi, Alejandro LoCelso, John Hudson, Diego Giaccone, Ernesto Rinaldi, Fiona Ross, Gerry Leonidas, Guilermo Altube, Lucie Lacava, Pablo Cosgaya, Peter Bilak, and Rubén Fontana. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Letteralmente Mediterraneo Giornata della tipografia 2007

Type workshop held on November 17, 2007 in Lugano. Speakers: Andreu Balius, Patrick Thomas, Alessandro Segalini, Tarek Atrissi. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lettres Type

A series of talks and an exhibition in Nancy, France, dedicated to French type design, November 17-December 31, 2011. Participants: A is A name, Laure Afchain, Akatre, Christophe Badani, Pascal Béjean and Nicolas Ledoux, Bruno Bernard, Thomas Bizzarri, Amélie Bonet, Camille Boulouis, Laurent Bourcellier, Bureau 205, Matthieu Cortat, DeValence, Equipe Type, Stéphane Elbaz, Benjamin Gomez, Guillaume Grall, Jérémie Hornus, Thomas Huot-Marchand, Jérôme Knebusch, Sarah Lazarevic, Jean-Baptiste Leée, Sébastien Marchal, Charles Mazé, Titus Nemeth, Patrick Paleta, Ian Party, Jonathan Perez, Julien Priez, Morgane Rébulard, Mathieu Réguer, Emilie Rigaud, Benoit Santiard, Alice Savoie, Christophe Sivadier, SuperScript, Jack Usine, Pierre Vanni, Malou Verlomme, Vier5. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Linotype Font Technology Forum 2001

This conference was held in May 2001 at the Print Media Academy, Heidelberg, Germany [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marion Andrews

French calligrapher from Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvaux. Designer of a French school font, which was presented in March 2005 during a meeting held at the National Museum of Education in Rouen, France. The link given here refers to a PDF which contains the proceedings of that meeting. Marion Andrews's school font has a basic monoline sans caps style tilted at only 5 degrees, and a connected lower case whose rhythm was influenced by the Dryad Writing style of Alfred Fairbank (1932).

Marion Andrews won an award for writing organized by the Ministère de l'Éducation nationale in France.

Marion organized a workshop on Fraktur/Gothic fonts, from 21-26 July 2003, in the Jura region of France. See also here.

Marion Andrews, Malou Verlomme and Laurence Bedoin collaborated on the school fonts Écriture A and Écriture B which are presented in Modèles d'écriture scolaire (2013), a document issued by the French Ministry of Education. These fonts are available from Eduscol. PDF with some of her work. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Minneapolis Institute of Arts

There will be a type symposium on November 9-10, 2001, with speakers such as Sibylle Hagmann, Rick Poynor, Paul Mijksenaar and Mieke Gerritzen. Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ninth Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride: DIY Design

The Ninth Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride took place on May 27 and 28, 2010 at the Custard Factory, Birmingham. Its theme was DIY Design [I think that DIY stands for do it yourself]. Speakers included Mette D. Ambeck, Martin Andrews, Paul Antonio, Hudson Bec, Kevin Braddock, Colin Brignall, Petr van Blokland, Dave Farey, Mark Frith, Linzie Hunter, Helen Ingham, Michael Johnson, Jon Melton, Ann Pillar, Teal Triggs, Theo Wang and Wolfgang Weingart. Not sure there was a lot of type design content. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Non-Latin Conference

St Bride Library and the Department of Typography, University of Reading are collaborating on a two-day conference on non-Latin typeface design, held on September 18-19, 2007. Speakers include Graham Shaw (Head of Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections at the British Library), Mammoun Sakkal, Maxim Zhukov, and Victor Gaultney. Hands-on sessions at Reading will be conducted by Gerry Leonidas, Fiona Ross, Jo de Baerdemaeker, and Martin Dodds (Principal Examiner for Urdu, Cambridge International Exams). [Google] [More]  ⦿

P22 Typographic Photo Albums

Richard Kegler's pictures of various type events. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Primer Congreso de Tipografia

The ADCV (Asociacion de Disenadores de la Comunidad Valenciana) and Cromotex organize the First Convention of Typography in Spain, 25-27 June 2004, in Valencia and Madrid. The theme is "tipos, topicos, textos y contextos". Speakers include Andreu Balius, Bruno Steinert, Hermann Zapf, Akira Kobayashi, Jesús del Hoyo (University of Barcelona), Vivian Hartmann, Rubén Fontana, Eric van Blokland, Pepe Gimeno, Thomas Caldwell (from Linotype), M. Cristina Amaral (from Linotype), and Type-o-Tones. Report by Montse Cantón. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Print and Penmanship 1450-1830

Course by James Mosley at l'Institut de l'Histoire du Livre (IHL) in Lyon, France, from October 14-17, 2002. Limited to twelve persons. 450 Euros. A beautiful course content: Introduction---the writing, of the Roman capital to the tiny Gothic. The discovery of the Roman capital in Italy to the 15 E century. L B Alberti, Felice Feliciano, Luca Pacioli, Geoffroy Tory, Albrecht Dürer. The invention of printing works and Gothic character. The Italian writing: scrittura umanistica and corsiva cancellaresca. Roman characters and italics in Italy and France, 1470-1600. Nicolas Jenson, Francesco Griffo, Claude Garamond, Pierre Haultin, Robert Granjon, Guillaume Bé. Literature of the engraving of the punches and the foundry of the characters: Joseph Moxon (London, 1683), Jacques Jaugeon (Paris, 1704) Pierre-Simon Baker (Paris, 1764). Characters with the "taste hollandois". Hendrik van den Keere, Nicolas Briot, Christoffel van Dijk, Nicolas Kis, Joseph Moxon, William Caslon. Towards a new penmanship 1560-1740 G.F. Cresci, Lucas Materot, Louis Barbedor, Charles Snell, George Bichkam. Of the "Roman of the roi" in Didot. Philippe Grandjean, John Baskerville, Pierre-Simon Baker, François-Ambroise (and others) Didot, Giambattista Bodoni. A new typography: use of the conceited person-face, antique and the Egyptian woman in printed publicity. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Printing history: new criteria

Conference organized on January 11, 2002 at the University of Reading, UK. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rebellion Acceptance Overdrive: Type Design at CalArts 1988-2001

Experimental and contemporary type exhibition at the California Institute of the Arts (Valencia, CA), October 14-20, 2001. Hrant Papazian's harsh criticism of this exhibition and of the CalArts type program: "Nike typography. It appears that for almost 15 years now students of the type design program at CalArts have been taught to just do it. During the third week of October, CalArts staged a revealing (albeit severely under-promoted) retrospective of student work, dubbed Rebellion Acceptance Overdrive. Experimentation and discovery are at the heart of education, but this oeuvre had entirely too much deconstruction and not at all enough purpose. What is a type design program that doesn't teach you how to produce fonts others would like to use? Summer camp. Jens Gehlhaar was the one exception I noted, in terms of a student who took the CalArts philosophy seriously but refused to stop thinking, producing relevant experiments like the CIA Compendium, as well as tasteful, usable fonts such as Alfa Sans and Precrime. Then there was Lee Schulz with his dedicated craftsmanship and astonishing inspirational range: the hyper-decorative Antoinette; the gloriously organic Salome; the surprising low-res Batterie; the reserved Minister. But the bulk of the designs suffer from a clear lack of guidance, in the details as well as the roots. In the end, students who had both talent and intellect produced promising work from day one; the others were still producing crap upon graduation. What was the faculty teaching the students, exactly? Rebellion without a cause is just hooliganism. And now that the revolution has fizzled out, what will they teach, and who will want to learn it? The CalArts type design program has been about grunge typography. Although it's no longer fashionable to celebrate that, it remains relevant to discuss it, if only because it existed. This exhibit sparked - and could have helped answer - some interesting questions. What was destroyed/created when Ed Fella's entirely non-digital work was transmogrified into 99.44% pure bézier? What are the formal effects of our digital tools on the results? Why was Cholla converted from a botanical design to a mechanical one on its way to the commercial world? And the biggest question: how was this all worth it, to the students?". Read Lee Schulz's passionate reply. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rencontres Internationales de Gravure Calligraphie Typographie

Meeting held at the Château de Grouchy in Osny. The meeting is mainly a reunion of ex-students at the Ecole Estienne. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rencontres Internationales de Lure

In the early 50s, Maximilien Vox, Jean Giono and Jean Garcia created a French type association that gets together each year during the last week of August in the picturesque village of Lurs-en-Provence. There is a monthly newsletter. The meetings in Lurs (Lure) have become very popular in the French typographic community. Present president: Jacques Blociszewski.

The 2006 meeting was entitled L'é'crit de l'amour. It featured Perinne Rouillon, Rudi Meyer, Peter Bil'ak, Yves Perrousseaux, Monsieur Obertelli, Marc Kopylov, Eric Kindel, Jean-François Porchez, Fred Smeijers, Michel Melot, Claude-Laurent François, Anne et Patrick Poirier and Malte Martin.

The 2007 meeting was about universal typography. The 2008 meeting was about money (and the typography of money). Report of the 2008 meeting by Frank Adebiaye. Historic pictures by Jean-François Porchez. Some links: 2012 meeting, 2013 meeting. [Google] [More]  ⦿

RIDT'98 Workshop

Raster Imaging and Digital Typography: this is a workshop held in St. Malo, France, from 30 March 1998 until 1 April 1998. Held about every three to four years, it is the main technical workshop dealing with typographical issues today. The organizer was Professor Roger D. Hersch of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robothon 2012

Erik van Blokland's brainchild. Robothon 2012 took place at the KABK in Den Haag, The Netherlands, from March 8-9, 2012. Paul van der Laan wrote: This year we're proud to announce an international range of speakers, the new UFO 3 format, amazing new tools and ideas. Robothon is a great opportunity to hang out with your colleagues from around Europe, meet the TypeMedia crew, and see the Gerrit Noordzij Prize exhibition and seminar dedicated to Wim Crouwel.

Speakers included Tal Leming (TypeSupply), Frederik Berlaen (RoboFont), Erik van Blokland (LettError), Yanone (SpeedPunk), Miguel Sousa (Adobe), Frank Griesshammer (Adobe), Petr van Blokland (Buro Petr van Blokland + Claudia Mens), Ben Kiel (House Industries).

Video presentations. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robothon 2018

Type tech conference in Den Haag, The Netherlands, on March 8 and 9, 2018. The speakers: Françoise Berserik, Just van Rossum, Frederik Berlaen, Petr van Blokland, Ben Kiel, Bianca Berning, Denis Jacquerye, Behdad Esfahbod, Nina Stössinger, Indra Kupferschmid, Catherine Dixon, Frank Grießhammer, Yanone, Mark Frömberg, Bram Stein, Maurice Meilleur. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sans Everything

Conference on sans typefacec held at ESAD in Amiens, France, on October 24, 2019. The speakers: Luciano Perondi (Mid-Adriatic Sans serif), Dan Reynolds (Should every foundry have its own sans serif?), Pierre Pané-Farré (Panorama---a reassesment of 19th century poster type), Morgane Pierson (Typographic representation of ancient writing systems: from research to type design), Sandrine Nugue (From Roubaix to Commercial), Hélène Marian (Improvised sans serifs---how intense experimental music listening can lead to sans-serifs typefaces design). [Google] [More]  ⦿


The San Diego Macromedia User Group (SDMMUG) organized a two-talk meeting on November 14, 2002, featuring B.J. Harvey and Brett Jackson, who spoke about the efficient generation of fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Seattle 12: Seattle Typeface Workshop

At this workshop organized in Seattle in 2012 by Karen Cheng and François Porchez, students developed the following typefaces:

  • Brianna Ailie, Jenny Alarco, Tom Conroy, Kaitlan Hamby, and Sydney Mito created the sans typeface Bakery.
  • Alison Atwell, Ryan Byarlay, Jessica Gordon and Fanny Luor created Caswell, a copperplate face.
  • Rachel Jacques, Chloe Myers, Olivia Peterschmidt, and Lia Prins created the impish text typeface Dulce.
  • The didone stencil typeface Rille was created by Katarina Batina, Elly Chao, Nick Simmons and Ryan Smith.
  • Melody Ericksen, Daphne Hsu, Dana Lee and Jon Sandler created the squarish typeface Vetta (2012).
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Second Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride

The Second Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride took place on October 20-21, 2003 at the St. Bride Library in London. See also here. Its theme was "hidden typography". Conference Proceedings. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Second Linotype Font Technology Forum

Held at the Print Media Academy, Heidelberg, Germany, from February 20-22, 2003. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Segno Scrittura

The Associazione Culturale Calligrafia e Lettering in Torino, Italy, organizes workshops and courses on a variety of topics, some of which are related to calligraphy and the history of type. For example, from 14-15 March 2009, there was a course on Gothic Textura. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Segundo Congreso de Tipografia

Type conference held at the Escuela Superior de Diseño in Valencia, Spain, from 23-25 June 2006. Speakers included Neville Brody, Eric Spiekermann, Pauline Paucker, Reza Abedini, Pierre di Sciullo, Saki Mafundikwa, Mario Feliciano, Andreu Balius, Josep Maria Pujol and Jose Martínez de Sousa. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Seybold Seminars New York 1997

Type and print conference with some great talks, all transcripted here. Most interesting is Font Free For ALL, a session with David Berlow, The Font Bureau, moderator, Matthew Carter, of Carter & Cone, BC Krishna, Microsoft's Robert Norton, Mike Parker of Design Intelligence, and Peter Vanblacklen. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Silesiana 2006
[Ewa Satalecka]

Silesiana 2006 is a project that involves a typeface designed in Poland after World War II. Supported by the government of Silesia (Poland), the (re)creators are Artur Frankowski (Warsaw), a type designer from the digital era, and Henryk Sakwerda (Katowice), a pre-digital typographer and calligrapher. The result is a gorgeous calligraphic typeface. To celebrate this, a free (!) conference was held on November 15, 2006, at The Castle of Enterprise and Art in Cieszyn and The Silesian Library in Katowice. Speakers include Artur Frankowski, Gerry Leonidas, Verena Gerlach and Filip Blazek. See also Ewa Satalecka's announcement. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Size Matters

Exhibition of accessible typography in January-February 2002 at Lighthouse International in New York, and in August 2002 at Parsons School of Design (66 Fifth Avenue, New York). [Google] [More]  ⦿

STA Events

The STA is a professional association for designers in Chicago, originally established in 1927 as the Society of Typographic Arts. Recent past events: April 2, 2002: "New typography requires new typefaces", a presentation by Chester at Chicago's Columbia College, Center for Book and Paper Arts. April 13-14, 2002: A drive up to the Hamilton Wood Type Museum in Two Rivers, WI, and a visit of the Paul Rand retrospective exhibition at the William F. Eisner Museum in Milwaukee. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Subasta internacional de tipografías vascas

A Basque font auction took place on March 9, 2001, in Bilbao and was organized by the cultural association Consonni from Bilbao. The current page on Basque typefaces is run by Franck Larcade at Consonni and Hinrich Sachs from Switzerland. History of Basque fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Svjato Kyrylici

Ukrainian type meeting held from 24-25 March 2007 in Kharkov. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tag der Schrift in Zürich

Peter Reichard reports on the Tag der Schrift in Zürich, held on June 18, 2005. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tage der Typografie

Three-day conference, May 30-June 2, 2002, in Lage-Hörste. The speakers included Susanna Stambach (Basel), Gabine Heinze (Leipzig), Peter Reichard (Offenbach), Klaus Detjen (Holm), Hans Peter Willberg (Eppstein), Richard Frick (Bonstetten), Andreas Skott (Köln) and Markus Junker (Konstanz). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tenth Annual St. Bride Library Conference

The Tenth Annual St. Bride Library Conference, curated by John Walters and Becky Chilcott, took place on November 10-11, 2011. Speakers include Phil Baines, Jonathan Barnbrook, Zoë Bather, Tom Farrand, Amelia Gregory, Matt Jones, Alan Kitching, Gerry Leonidas, Vaughan Oliver, Paul Rennie, Lucienne Roberts, Jack Schulze, Steve Watson, Matt Webb, Rebecca Wright and Derek Yates. The theme is critical tensions. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tercer Congreso de Tipografía

A conference subtitled "Glocal. Tipografía en la Era de la Globalización" was held from June 20-22, 2008, in the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Flickr group. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Fifth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2013)

Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, 6-8 June 2013, organized by Klimis Mastoridis at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Coorganizers include Gerry Leonidas and Anna Kiriakidou. Web links: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25247013@N03/sets/72157634122434873/, http://www.eyemagazine.com/blog/post/type-in-multiple-directions, http://www.haniotika-nea.gr/123235-Διεθνές%20συνέδριο%20“ενάντια%20στη%20λήθη”%20.html, http://blogs.reading.ac.uk/typography-at-reading/2013/06/12/reading-at-ictvc-5-nicosia-2/, http://www.parathyro.com/?p=21834, http://www.parathyro.com/?p=21445, http://fineartcourseuhcy.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/against-lethe-ictvc-exhibition-at-politis-newspaper-department-of-design-and-multimedia-university-of-nicosia/, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ictvc-International-Conference-on-Typography-Visual-Communication/310862722345918?ref=hl#. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Fourth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2010)

Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, 17-19 June 2010, organized by Klimis Mastoridis at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. The announcement: On 17, 18&19 June 2010 the Department of Design&Multimedia at the University of Nicosia will be hosting the 4th International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC) with the general theme "Lending Grace to Language". [...] ICTVC is organized in collaboration with the Mass Media and Communication Institute (IMME), Cyprus, and AlterVision, Greece, and is supported by the Department of Typography&Graphic Communication at the University of Reading (UK), the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), the Greek Graphic Designers Association (EGE) and the Thessaloniki Design Museum.

Web links for the first four ICTVC conferences: , http://www.flickr.com/groups/ictvc2010/, http://www.facebook.com/pages/4th-ICTVC/190465083336, http://www.flickr.com/groups/ictvc2007/pool/, http://www.23hq.com/tag/ictvc, http://www.helveticafilm.com/newblog/2007/06/23/macedonian-madness/, http://news.kathimerini.gr/4dcgi/_w_articles_civ_1_08/07/2007_233273, http://news.kathimerini.gr/4dcgi/_w_articles_civ_1_21/06/2007_231459, http://www.leonidas.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/texts:interviews:epsilon, http://www.slanted.de/eintrag/verbal-graphic, http://biographix.blogspot.com/2007/07/3-workshops-2.html, http://backpacker.gr/files/typography.pdf, http://s174.photobucket.com/albums/w112/mafaldaQ/ICTVC/, http://tsevis.blogspot.com/2007/06/3rd-ictvc-mozaix-synthetix.html, http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=23502418, http://www.vcdc.gr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=16988, http://raissaki.gr/pages/3rdictvc.html?which=results⟨=english, http://www.typophile.com/node/31532, http://www.youshouldliketypetoo.com/about/the-year-at-reading/, http://typestack.com/uncategorized/first-cyprus-type-conference/, http://www.books.gr/ViewShopProduct.aspx?Id=3609891, http://tobaccorri.blogspot.com/2007/06/3.html, Ο ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ  |  ΜΑΪΟΣ 2010. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Internationalization&Unicode Conference 30

IUC is the main conference for software and web internationalization. IUC 30 was held in Washington, DC, from November 15-17, 2006. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Parmenides Project

Symposium on hand and computer on June 10-11, 2001, in the San Francisco Public Library. Speakers: Robert Bringhurst, Dan Carr, Peter Koch,&Christopher Stinehour. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Second Wroclaw Type Forum

Type conference on 7 and 8 December 2018 in Wroclaw, Poland. The speakers: Riccardo Olocco, Victoria and Vitalina Lopukhina, Viktoriya Grabowska, Peter Bence Simon, Maciej Majchrzak, Katarzyna Roj, Tomasz Bierkowski, Nikola Djurek, Dan Reynolds, Adam Twardoch. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Seventh International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2019)

Conference in Patras, Greece, 17-21 June 2019, organized by Klimis Mastoridis (University of Nicosia, Cyprus) with the help of Gerry Leonidas aand Karel van der Waarde. Speakers: Katerina Antonaki, Jo De Baerdemaeker, Wibo Bakker, Kostas Bartsokas, Vassiliki Belessi, Evangelia Biza, Maria Bohannon, Walter Bohatsch, David Brezina, Neville Brody, Minghao Cao, Mary Dyson, Ourania Efstathiadou, Marina Emmanouil, Artur Frankowski, Lasse Fister, Chrysoula Gatsou, Vasilios Georgakilas, Elissavet Georgiadou, Nikos Georgopoulos, Dimitrios Giannakoulias, Stamatia Gogou, Emilio Grazzi, Vangelis Hatzitheodorou, Akiem Helmling, Katherine Hepworth, Belal Herbawi, David Hunter, Stelios Irakleous, Eleni Kalaitzi, Evangelos Kassavetis, Zoi Katsigianni, Richard Kegler, Ananya Khaitan, Sahar Khajeh, Panos Konstantopoulos, Apostolos Koutsioukis, Brian Sze Hang Kwok, Gerry Leonidas, Ourania Makrygianni, Eleni Martini, Klimis Mastoridis, George Matthiopoulos, Louise McWhinnie, Anna Meli, Dimitra Mentesidou, Tonya Meyrick, Ainta Michailidou, Ian Mitchell, Judith Moldenhauer, Julian Moncada, Eleni Mouri, Klementina Možina, Yara Khoury Nammour, Joshua Olsthoorn, Petra Cerne Oven, Ozlem Ozkal Eteoklis Papanastasiou, Magdalena Papanikolopoulou, Dimitris Papazoglou, Gabriel Patrocinio, Sue Perks, Laurence Penney, Joerg Petri, Pavel Pisklakov, Anja Podlesek, Sheila Pontis, Barbara Predan, Jeff Pulaski, Rachapoom Punsongserm, Irma Puskarevic, Nace Pusnik, Efrosyni Roupa, Shalini Sahoo, Kristyan Sarkis, Ewa Satalecka, Michail Semoglou, Niki Sioki, Sofia Strati, Iordanis Stylidis, Gary Kin Yat Tang, Theodosia Thanopoulou, Stamatina Theochari, Emilios Theofanous, George Triantafyllakos, Giannis Tsakonas, Evanthia Tselika, Kostas Vlachakis, Georgios Vlachopoulos, Giorgos Vlachos, Irene Vlachou, Karel Van Der Waarde, Liuchuan Wang, Wen-Chia Wang, Artemis Yagou, Onur Yazicigil, Kok Cheow Yeoh, Alexios Zavras, Stelios Zygouris. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Sixth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2016)

Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, 5-9 July 2016, organized by Klimis Mastoridis with the help of Gerry Leonidas, Karel van der Waarde and Anna Kiriakidou. Institute for the Study of Typography & Visual Communication, in collaboration with the Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art and the Graphic Communication programme of the Department of Design & Multimedia, the University of Nicosia, will run the 6th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication (ICTVC). Facebook page. Dedicated page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Third International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication

Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, 20-23 June 2007, organized by the University of Macedonia Press (UOM) and AlterVision. The ICTVC's theme is From Verbal To Graphic. Speakers include Michalis Arfaras, Nicolas Barker, Neville Brody, Petr van Blokland, Aggelos Bakas, Audrey Bennet, Joseph Coates, Anthony Cahalan, Dan Carr, Julia Ferrari, Mary Dyson, Simon Daniels, Costis Dallas, Stergios Delialis, Marina Emmanouil, Victor Gaultney, Iva Georgieva, Maria da Gandra, Lars Harmsen, Vangelis Hatzitheodorou, Peter Karow, Nikos Koutsmanis, Alexandros Kouris, Richard Kegler, Christiana Lafazani, John Langdon, Gerry Leonidas, Alan Marshall, Piero de Macchi, Eva Massoura, Dimitris Mitsiopoulos, Klimis Mastoridis, Arafat Al-Naim, Maria Nicholas, Annette O'Sullivan, Manolis Savidis, Erik Spiekermann, Paul Stiff, José Scaglione, Michael Semoglou, Charis Tsevis, Vangelio Tzanetatou, Adam Twardoch, Eirini Vlachou, Jana Vujic, Karel van der Waarde, Ruth Westervelt, Artemis Yagou, Alexios Zavras, Ivana Ziljak. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thessaloniki: Seminar on typesetting and page layout

The University of Macedonia Press is organising a one day seminar on type setting and page layout. The conference will be focusing on text setting for publishing purposes, covering TeX, special symbols as well as Greek typefaces. It took place on Wednesday, 23 November 2005 at the conference room at the University of Macedonia. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Third Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride

The Third Annual Conference of the Friends of St. Bride took place on October 18-19, 2004 at the St. Bride Library in London. Its theme was "bad type". Speakers include Lynne Baggett, WilliamBaggett, Nigel Bents, Sebastian Carter, Grant Carruthers, Nadine Chahine, Vincent Connare, John Downer, Alice Ford-Smith, Allan Fogg, Nick Foster, Emily Luce, Vici McDonald, Etienne Giradet, Shelley Gruendler, Lukas Hartmann, Warren Hutchinson, Justin Howes, Dennis Ichiyama, David Jury, Gerry Leonaidas, Barry McKay, Ross Mills, Tom Phinney, Caryn Radlove, Jay Rutherford, Rathna Ramanathan, Peggy Smith, Adi Stern, Yasmin Tann, Jef Tombeur, Joyce Yee and Karel van der Waarde. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thomas Milo

Thomas Milo (DecoType, The Netherlands), a specialist in Arabic, Turkic and Slavic linguistics spoke about "The Ottoman roots of Arabic computing" at the Cooper Union, Peter Cooper Suite, 8th Floor, 7 East 7th Street, New York, on October 21, 1999 from 6-7:30pm. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipo Brda 06

Type meeting held in Kaverljag, in the Slovenian part of Istria region, from July 29-August 6, 2006. It took place in the house of Ales Sedmak, a Slovenian painter and illustrator. Tipo Brda was launched in 1997, in Ssmartno, located in the Brda wine region near the Italian border, hence the name of the workshop (Type Hills). Back then, the gathering was organized by Lucijan Bratuš, professor of typography at ALU and several of his students. Tipo Brda grew in to a non-profit organization and a specific cultural institution. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipoberba 2012

Cyrillic type design workshop held during the summer of 2012 in Trsic, Serbia. The orgnizer was Ivana Cirovic, and the mentor was Vedran Erakovic. Guest lecturers included Jana Orsolic and Borut Vild. The eight participants were all former students of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade: Ilija Lazarevic, Ivana Cirovic, Marija Rnjak, Marijana Orsolic, Nikola Stojanovic, Sanja Grbic, Tamara Pesic, Tanja Stevanovic. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Type designing workshop, organized during the first week of February in Trenta, Italy, and during the first week of August in Grintovec/Kaverljag under the leadership of Slovenian type design professors Tomato Košir and Lucijan Bratuš. Summer design workshops have been held annually since 2006. 2007 workshop. 2008 workshop. [Google] [More]  ⦿

tipoGráfica buenosAires

Meeting in Buenos Aires in 2001 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the magazine tipoGráfica. An extraordinary delegate report by Rubén Fontana was published at ATypI. I cite things I will be quoting for the rest of: In Latin America, we propose to socialise this vast, historic fund of knowledge, by means of an approach to variations of what we know and by learning through the discovery of that which we do not know. Like air, like water, the knowledge itself, like ideas, typography is a social asset that provides people with equal opportunities. A veritable universal heritage. [...] Seven hundred people attended the three-day sessions of tipoGráfica buenosAires, typography for real life. Many travelled from the interior of Argentina, while others arrived from Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and other Latin American countries. [...] Typography must perforce be available to everyone since it is an ingredient inherent to communication. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografia Brasilis

Awards at the Tipografia Brasilis competition in 2001 in display typography: first prize Brasilero (by Crystian Cruz), second prize Buril (by Cassiano Saldanha), third prize Pero Vaz (by Ericson Straub). In the dingbat category we have: first prize Renato Pacicco Lofti with Skate, second prize Cassiano Saldanha with Street, third prize Marcelo Martinez with Agli Feices. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografia Brasilis 2

Exhibition of type in Sao Paulo, March 27-April 16, 2001. And the main Brazilian type conference. Report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografia Brasilis 3

Conference and exposition in Brazil held in November 2002. Distinguished speakers include Bruno Maag, David Berlow, and Rubén Fontana. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografia Mexico

A web page in Mexico dedicated to workshops and conferences on typography and type design, both at the local (Mexican) and international levels. Their first meeting, on December 4 and 5, 2015 included these speakers: David Berlow, Santiago Orozco, Gustavo Belman, Cristobal Henestrosa, Eduardo Danilo, Armando Pineda, Jonathan Cuervo, Jorge George, Monica Munguia, Gen Ramirez and Leonardo Vazquez. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Two Mexican type meetings held in Puebla, organized by Paco Calles. One, held at the Universidad Intercontinental, is described here: speakers included Luisa Martínez Leal, Nacho Peón, Francisco Calles, Gerardo Kloss, Eduardo Danilo, Alejandro Tapia, Gabriel Martínez Meave, tipográficas Antonio Rivera, María Esther Pérez Salas, Abelardo Rodríguez, Tullia Bassani, Leonel Sagahón, Mónica Puigferrat, Jorge de Buen, and Quique Ollervides. The second one, held in May 2003 at the same place, Tipografilia02, included as speakers Gonzalez Garcia Barcha, Carlota Blanco, Alejandro Lo Celso, Maria Teresa Peralta, Jose Luis Acosta, Luis Almeida, Mauricio Lopez, Victor Sandoval, Juan Carlos Fernandez, Susana Casaron, Hector Montes de Oca, Roman Esqueda, Zalma Jalluf, Clara Azcue and Ruben Fontana. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografilia 03

On 14-15 April 2005, Paco Calles (Francisco Calles Trejo) organized the third Tipografilia meeting at Universidad Intercontinental in Mexico City. Speakers included Carmen Castaneda, Diego Mier y Terán, Mauricio Rivera, Cristóbal Henestrosa, Ernesto Guteérrez Cortes, Jorge Medrano, Veronica Juarez, Yolanda Garibay, and Domingo Martinez. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografilia 04

National Mexican typography conference, held from 15-16 March 2007 at the School of Graphic Design of the Universidad Intercontinental in Mexico City. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipografilia 06

National Mexican typography conference, held from 3-4 March 2011 at the Facultad del Hábitat, UASLP, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The speakers: Rubén Pineda, Alejandro Cabrera, Manuel Guerrero. Jesús Barrientos, Gabriel Martínez Meave, Elí Castellanos, Iván Moreno, Isaías Loaiza, Javier Echavarrí, Héctor Montes de Oca. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Tipografilia07, the Congreso Nacional de Tipografía en México, was held in Mexico City from 4-5 October 2013. Under the theme Nueva+Mente, the main speakers were Victoria Garcia Jolly, Alexandro Medrano, Quique Ollervides, Jorge de Buen, Crisobal Henestrosa, Gerardo Kloss, Paco Calles, Gabriel Martinez Meave, Bred Lago, Santiago Orozco, Jose Luis Coyotl, Alejandro Magallanes, and Eric Olivares. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Tipokujna (Typo Kitchen) is a workshop organized in 2013 by Macedonian type designer Lasko Dzurovski and Creative Exchange. The typefaces made during this workshop can be freely downloaded:

  • Cover (Nebojsa Geleski, Goce Veleski, Anke Klein, Vlatko Ristov). A strong-willed sans typeface.
  • Topola (Milan Stojanov, Anastasia Manasievska Georgi night, Elena Gjorgjievska). A thin sans display typeface.
  • Banana (Vanja Stork). A Cyrillic-only hand-drawn typeface.
  • Tube (Sanja Spasovska). A gaspipe sans.
  • Constellation (Martin Kovachki). A connect-the-dots typeface.
  • Kenzo Tange Light & Slab (Mary Veterovska, Irma Velkoska, Igor Delov, Iko Ilievski). A great geometric slab and sans pair.
  • Skorid (Lasko Dzurovski). A heavy octagonal / mechanical typeface that can stop a Russian tank.
  • Mountain (Isaac Vishnjikj). A sans typeface.
  • Bipolar (Mickey Stefanovski). A thin geometric avant-garde sans in which condensed and wide letters can be mixed for dramatic effects.
  • Karmakasha (Alexander Peshevski). A rounded sans.
  • Apron (Alexandra Noveska). A hand-printed typeface.
  • Hoi (Costa Lazarevski).

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Type competition that took place in January 2006 to celebrate El Quijote. It was organized by the Fundación Centro Regional de Diseño de Castilla-La Mancha. The 6000 Euro first prize went to Inigo Jerez Quintana for his typeface Quixote. Honorable mentions: Eduardo Rodríguez Tunni and Pablo Cosgaya (for Loreto), Luis Victor Siquot Derieul (for Siquot Antiqua), Raúl Rodríguez (for RRhidalgo). [Google] [More]  ⦿


A series of four international workshops run by Tomato Kosir in Slovenia from 2010 until 2012. The fifth was renamed TypeClinic, and that name will be used from 2012 onwards. The first workshop was held from July 25-31, 2010: A first-time international workshop deals with designing typeface for poster size in letterpress technique. That was repeated from August 28 until September 4, 2011 in Ljubljana. The Fourth Workshop took place in Trenta Valley near the beginning of February 2012. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TipoRenesansa 2010

Type design workshop held in Slovenia in 2010 under the leadership of Tomato Kosir. Typefaces designed by the group include these:

  • Aljaz Vindis: Tribunal.
  • Anze Versnik: StajnBoldItalic.
  • Jakob Jugovic: Crepaldi.
  • Jure Martinec: La Farmacia.
  • Katarina Medic: Trezulja (Sofijas alter ego).
  • Petra Bukovinski: Rina.
  • Teja Smrekar: Arkadika.
  • Tomato Kosir: Spacioneza.
Home page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipos Latinos 2008

Latin American type competition judged by Alejandro Lo Celso, Luciano Cardinali, Luciano Vergara, Ignacio Martínez, Francisco Calles, Candelaria Moreno, Vicente Lamónaca and Juan Carlos Darias. Results were announced in March 2008. It is the Tercera Bienal de Tipografía Latinoamericana, a continuation of the Bienales LL2004 and LL2006, which were organized by Letras Latinas. From 27-30 May 2008, a corresponding conference took place in the Biblioteca de Santiago, Chile. The winners:

  • Text families: Queltehue Regular (Francisco Gálvez Pizarro), Señorita Book (Paula Barahona), Ronea Regular (Gonzalo Osorio), Violeta Regular (Javier Quintana), Barronegro Normal (Elí Castellanos Chávez), Basile (Darío Manuel Muhafara), Yacurmana Regular (Alfredo Parada Larrosa), Cadore Romain (David Ortiz Villegas), Galia Roman, Italic, Versalitas (Nadia Méndez García), Ellis Roman (Gloria Magdalena Vargas Limón), Kukulkan Regular (Raúl García Plancarte), Altazor (Felipe Cáceres C.), Falcony Font Romana (Nelly María Falcón Vidal), Julia (Heidi Puon), Ollin (Juan Carlos Cue Vidal), Vecchia Romana (Jesús Barrientos), Fabrica Texto, Italica, Versalita, Bold (Oscar Yañez), Quadratta Serif (Fernando Díaz), Cheché Serif (Alfredo Parada Larrosa), Chile Sans Roman, Bold (Miguel Hernández).
  • Non-text typefaces: Burgues Script, Adios Script, Feel Script and Sugar Pie, all by Alejandro Paul, Khamus (Fernando Forero), Últimos Ritos (Fernando Forero), Elegance Monoline (Manuel Eduardo Corrádine), Barricada Normal (Elí Castellanos Chávez), Nova Sans Regular (Francisco Martins), Jana Thork (Ricardo Esteves Gomes), La Mancha Caps&Small Caps (Víctor Manuel Martínez Beltrán), Think (Eduardo Rodríguez Tunni), Romances (Joaquín Contreras), Epístola (Joaquín Contreras), Ninfa (Eduilson Wessler Coán), La Choly (Flora Argemi), Sister (Sergio Ramírez), Palafito (Sergio Contreras Chandia), Boldoni Gray (Jarbas Gomes), Cadena Black and Black Italic (Miguel Hernández), Maryam Regular&Alternate (Ricardo Esteves Gomes), MimoFont Regular (Francisco Toscano), Gordis (John Moore).
  • Pixel typefaces: Stgotic Fraktur and Pintana (Daniel Hernández), Processual (Vicente Pessôa, Tiago Porto e Zed Martins).
  • Experimental typefaces: Cazon Gris, Negra, Uno, Dos, Tres, Dingbats (Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero), Tepuy (John Moore), Espiral Regular, Itálica (Miguel Ángel Padriñán Alba), Pásele (Diego Negrete Olmedo), H Continua (Maria Laura Fernandez, Andrea Grossy, Andrea Montedonico, Ruth Slomovitz), Flat Pipe (Gustavo Garcia), Chumbitos (Anderson Maschio).
  • Other categories: Juliet (Nicolás Pisano), Lirrot Gris, Negra, Hueca, Dingbats1, Dingbats2, Dingbats3 (Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero), Armoribat 1 (Buggy e Gustavo Gusmão), Armoribat 2 (Buggy e Matheus Barbosa).
  • Extensive families: Lucrecia Texto, Itálica, Versalita, Bold (Oscar Yañez), Amster Regular, Itálica (Francisco Gálvez Pizarro), Chaco (Rubén Fontana, Argentina), Tauran (+Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic; Raúl García Plancarte), Average (Eduardo Rodríguez Tunni), Frida Text (Itálico, Semibold, Semibold Itálico, Caption, Caption Itálico, Tamil; by Fernando de Mello Vargas), Karmina (Veronika Burian and José Scaglione), Bree (Veronika Burian and José Scaglione), Ronnia (Veronika Burian and José Scaglione), Adriane Text Regular, Italic, Small Caps, Small Caps Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Small Caps Bold, Small Caps Bold Italic. (Marconi Gomes Lima), Presidencia (Gabriel Martínez Meave), Fondo (Cristóbal Henestrosa).
There are also awards for design with Latin-American fonts. These went to Mariana Pariani and Patricio Gatti (Argentina, with Athelas), Víctor García (Argentina, with Zootype), Eduardo Castillo (Chile, with Digna, tcl 355), Marcelo Magalhães and Marcelo Fernandes (Brazil, with Folk Regular, Folk 3D), Laura Nuñez and Germán Tórtora (Uruguay, with Mabella, Cerro Politica, SL Titanes), Valter Cacurri (Venezuela, with Inconexa, Palaima), Edgar Alejandro Reyes Ramirez (México, with PS La Morena), Diego Giaccone (Argentina, with Amorinda), Quique Ollervides (Mexico, with Mono). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipos Latinos 2012 Sao Paulo

The Fifth Biennial of Latin American Typography---Tipos Latinos 2012 took place in Sao Paulo from August 25-26, 2012, at the Lapa Scipiao campus of SENAC. Speakers included Andrea Kulpas, Eduilson Coan, Ronald Kapaz, Luciano Cardinali, Daniel Sabino, Paulo André Chagas, Crystian Cruz, and Fabio Lopez. There was a type critique session with Crystian Cruz, Fabio Lopez, and Marina Chaccur. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipos Latinos Mexico

Type conference from 30 August to 1 September 2012 in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. The invited presentations were by Mario Aburto, Javier Alcaraz, Jesus Barrientos, Cristobal Henestrosa, David Kimura, Hector Montes de Oca, Miguel Reyes, and John Vargas. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Torneo Tipografico

Type competition organized in Mexico in June 2020. The Typographic Tournament is an event developed by the Latin American typographic community, with the support of Letrastica Festival, Dual Type, TipasType, Typography, Xalapa, Estudio Cuatro Ojos and Romina Answers Questions. Github page where one can download the fonts. The list of fonts made by participating teams of experienced and novice type designers:

  • Abbatia by Sans Nom (Eduardo Aire Torres, Gabriel "Pulpo" Rivero Cruz, Isaias Loaiza Ramirez, Jorge Campos Sanchez and Mario Balcazar). A display serif family.
  • Acrata by Las Serifas (Aspacia Kusulas, Karla Mateos, Romina Hernandez, Sandra Morales and Tamara Segura).
  • Animal by Bedepecus (Laura Barron Rivera, Pedro Elias Sosa Montoya, Ulises Ricardo Ortiz Cisneros, Miguel Angel Contreras Cruz, and Jorge Ivan Moreno Majul).
  • Asadera Sans by the Plebes Type Club (Jazziel Rivera, Karla Pasten, Monica Munguia, Nitzchia Dias and Rebeca Anaya).
  • Calmadita by Sic Typus CreatusEest (Dafne Martinez, Jorge George, Leonardo Delgado, Iordan Evair and Federico Biagioli). An angular slab serif meant for Ipads and Kindles.
  • Jicaleta by Virgulillas Type Club (Javier Alcaraz, Karen Cartas Ortega, Manuel Lopez Rocha, Juan Jose "Pepino" Melendez Quintana and Erika Hernandez Varela). A slab serif.
  • Torneo Serif by CRAMM (Manuel Florez, Karol Yanez, Adderly Bravo, Ricardo Bautista and Cesar Puertas). A slab serif.
  • Trophy by Dagger Team (Claudia Ramirez, Ashly Nava, Brenan Diaz, Alexandra Grau Noriega and Rafael Ramirez). A slab serif
[Google] [More]  ⦿

tpg | tipoGráfica

From November 14-16, 2001, in Buenos Aires, a type meeting featuring Erik Spiekermann, Rubén Fontana, André Gürtler, Diego Giacone, Alejandro Lo Celso, Matthew Carter, Guillermo Stein, Jorge Frascara, Luc(as) de Groot, Rosemary Sassoon, Ernesto Rinaldi, Mesa Redonda, Zalma Jalluf and Pablo Cosgaya. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TUG 2004: International Conference on TeX, XML abd Digital Typography

The TeX Users Group (TUG) Annual Meeting and Conference for the year 2004 took place in Xanthi, Greece, from August 30 to Sept. 3, 2004. The main theme of this Conference will be TeX in the era of XML and Unicode. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TUG 2005: International Typesetting Conference

The TeX Users Group (TUG) Annual Meeting and Conference for the year 2005 took place in WuHan, China P.R., from August 23-25, 2005. Speakers include Nelson Beebe, Yannis Haralambous, and Karel Piska. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Meeting on September 25 1999 at the Tishman Auditorium, The New School, 66 West 12th Street, NYC, organized by the Type Directors Club. Speakers: Roger Black, Robin Williams, Fred Woodward, Allan Haley, Stephen Farrell, Frank Martinez, John Hudson, Brock Bohonas, Petra Weitz. 225USD. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Type Americana 2

American type history conference in Seattle, May 4, 2012, followed by workshops on May 5-6. Speakers included Paul Shaw (Oswald Cooper: Attacked by an itch to work with type), Cathleen Baker (Roycrofters to Renaissance: The progression of Dard Hunter's letterforms from arts and crafts to classical), Paul F. Gehl (Ludlow's Mutt and Jeff: Douglas McMurtrie and R. Hunter Middleton), Nancy Sharon Collins (Engraving: The curiously shy stepchild in American type genealogy), Thomas Phinney, Steve Matteson, and Richard Kegler (A second life for vintage American typefaces), and Frank Brannon (Print Your Own Language: The role of letterpress in Cherokee language revitalizationC). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Type Amsterdam 2011

Type Amsterdam 2011 took place on October 6, 2011, at the University of Amsterdam. The speakers are John Lane, Lida Lopes Cardozo, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, and Frederik Berlaen. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Type and the City

Peter Reichard (Typosition, Offenbach) and die Typonauten Ingo Krepinsky and Stefan Krömer (Bremen, Hamburg) organized workshops on logotype and book design from 25-28 November 2004 in Lage-Hörste, Germany. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Type Camp

Type Camp takes place in exotic or secluded places, and lets a small (<20) group of participants interact and learn from type design or typography pros, at an all-inclusive weekly cost of 2,500 US dollars, or registration costs of the order of 100 to 500 dollars. Past instructors have included Shelley Gruendler, Marian Baantjes, Tiffany Wardle, Stephen Coles, Jan Middendorp, John Hudson, Laura Worthington, Eric Scheichelbauer, Kevin Larson, Dyana Weissman, Jay Rutherford and Richard Kegler. In 2011, Type Camps were planned in Rome, California, Weimar, and India. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Type tart cards

A tart card competition at the St. Bride Library in London in 2009. They explain: We would like you to design a tart card either for a typeface or a letter of the alphabet. If you are unfamiliar with these things, tart cards are the means by which London prostitutes advertise their services. Step in to any Central London call box and you can contemplate up to eighty cards inviting you to be tied, teased, spanked or massaged either in luxury apartments, fully-equipped chambers or the privacy of your own hotel room. So pervasive are these things, and so curious is their typography, images and copy writing they are now regarded as bona fide items of accidental art and have something of a cult following. Once on the periphery of design, the cards have influenced the work of many mainstream artists including Royal Academician Tom Philips and Sex Pistols designers, Ray and Nils Stevenson. Perhaps they can inspire you too? Examples: 1, 2, 3. Exhibition at KasselsKramer, London, 22-29 June 2009. See also Wallpaper's June 2009 issue entitled Sex Issue: Type Tart Cards. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typeclinic 10th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia from 15-22 February 2015. The following typefaces were fully or partially developed at the workshop under the mentorship of Tomato Kosir and Aljaz Vesel:

  • Anna Hawlina: Dukument.
  • Clara Wildberger: Kigeling Italic.
  • Dominika Langosz: Tilia italic.
  • Dedi Cohen: Bray.
  • Ewa Kucharska: Brootal.
  • Jan Janecek: Skvär.
  • Katarzyna Wolny: Nonsens.
  • Kurt Glaenzer: Rosa Text Italic.
  • Magdalena Wisniewska: Opera.
  • Marija Veteroska: Basna.
  • Anja Delbello: Moose Sans.
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Typeclinic 11th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia from August 30, 2015 until September 6, 2015, under the mentorship of Tomato Kosir and Aljaz Vesel:

  • Alberto Romanos: StretchCaps.
  • Anja Delbello: Moose Sans.
  • Christine Hager: Normalisia.
  • Cristina Pellicano: Salvatore Serif.
  • Dominika Langosz: Tilia.
  • Jan Janecek: Queen (+Cyrillic, +Greek).
  • Lasko Dzurovski: Elegant Sans.
  • Marie Musilova: Tulsia.
  • Marija Veteroska: Basna.
  • Tamara Pilz: Hildegard.
  • Thom Niessink: Bw Helder.
  • Tomato Kosir: Rastignac Black.
  • Ute Kleim: Kaethe.
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Typeclinic 12th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia from 21-28 February 2016. The following typefaces were fully or partially developed at the workshop under the mentorship of Tomato Kosir and Aljaz Vesel:

  • Old Lady (Christine Hager).
  • Toucan (Damian Antolak).
  • Tilia (Dominika Langosz).
  • Canterel (Ewa Glowacka).
  • Soberlin (Igor Petrovic).
  • Rosa (Kurt Glänzer).
  • Boban (Magdalena Wisniewska).
  • Round Trip (Marta Sieczkowska).
  • Bjoern (Matz Gasser).
  • Grimmig (Tamara Pilz).
  • Czytanka (Zuzanna Waligorska).
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Typeclinic 13th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia from 28 August-4 September 2016. Behance page.

Participants and their typefaces (designed during this workshop): Ada Krawczak (Easy-a), Adrian Sowinski (Anna), Anna Kacka (Triglav), Dominika Langosz (Juno and Tilia), Irena Muhar (Muha), Kurt Glänzer (Rosa), Marta Sieczkowska (Round-Trip), Matz Gasser (Kanela), Max Dunin (Boshi), Sarah Newitt (Noa), Tobias Banning (Aurel), Zuzanna Waligorska (Czytanka). The mentors were Franziska Weitgruber, Aljaz Vesel and Tomato Kosir. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typeclinic 14th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia from 18-25 February 2017. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typeclinic 15th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia from 2-9 September 2017. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typeclinic 5th International Type design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia, from August 19-26, 2012, which used to be called Tipo Renesansa in previous versions. The following typefaces were fully or partially developed at the workshop under the mentorship of Tomato Kosir:

  • Anja Schwendenwein: Oachakatzerl. This is an angular serif typeface inspired by linguistic contrasts, in particular the sharpness and softness of the German language as spoken in Austria.
  • Diana Ovezea: Paige Italic. This body text typeface is based on a previous display typeface.
  • Kevin van Reenen: Ishumi Nanye. This sans serif typeface was created for the road sign system of South Africa. It uses the triangular shape of the South African flag for huge ink-traps.
  • Marianne Riegelnegg: Janis Book.
  • Marija Rnjak: Prouge. This is described as a soft didone that is best for titling, but can be successfully used also in smaller sizes down to 12 pt.
  • Marijana Orsolic: Nioki. This humanist sans comes in several weights.
  • Theresa Radlingmaier: Poldi. Poldi is a modern typeface with a calligraphic character.
  • Verena Manyet: Pandora. This work is a continuation of a slightly rounded sans serif typeface she started earlier. This titling typeface offers art nouveau, Bauhaus and avant-garde style capital letters.
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Typeclinic 6th International Type design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia, from February 10-17, 2013. The following typefaces were fully or partially developed at the workshop under the mentorship of Tomato Kosir and Aljaz Vesel:

  • Theresa Radlingmaier: Poldi. Poldi is a modern typeface with a calligraphic character.
  • Verena Manyet: Pandora. This work is a continuation of a slightly rounded sans serif typeface she started earlier. This titling typeface offers art nouveau, Bauhaus and avant-garde style capital letters.
  • Aljaz Vesel: Emsley. A slab serif.
  • Barbara Borko: Slap Slab.
  • Christin Bacher: Spoon.
  • Clara Wildberger: Kigeling. A typeface for use on photographs.
  • Dominika Langosz: Broken Stamps: An angular typeface.
  • Tomato Kosir: Rastignac Italic.
  • Monika Marek: Angd B.
  • Maria Ramos: Calada.
  • Jan Janecek: Skvär. A serifed typeface.
  • Igor Stumberger: Sadwitch. A sans serif for editorial use.
  • Dedi Cohen: Kita. A serif typeface modeled after Hebrew.
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Typeclinic 7th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia, from September 1-8, 2013. Organized by Tomato Kosir. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typeclinic 9th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia in the summer of 2014. The following typefaces were fully or partially developed at the workshop under the mentorship of Tomato Kosir and Aljaz Vesel:

  • Chris Campe: Altona.
  • Ewa Kucharska: Brootal. Designed for small print.
  • Franziska Weitgruber: Sphera Serif.
  • Joe Leadbeater: Madison.
  • John-Daniel Harrington: Ardagh Sans.
  • Katja Zerko: Mucek.
  • Kurt Glaenzer: Rosa Text.
  • Mugur Mihai: Alpska.
  • Nikola Giacintova: Yield.
  • Tamara Pilz: Hildegard.
  • Tomato Kosir: Rastignac.
  • Zdenka Giacintova: Johana. A didone typeface.
  • Aljaz Vesel: Emsley Numbers.
  • Clara Wildberger: Kigeling. A typeface for use on photographs.
  • Dominika Langosz: Tilia.
  • Jan Janecek: Skvär. A serifed typeface.
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Typeclinic's 8th International Type Design Workshop

Type design workshop held in Trenta, Slovenia, from February 9 to February 16, 2014. Organized by Tomato Kosir and mentored by Aljaz Vesel and Diana Ovezea. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2000

16-18 June 2000, Westborough Marriott in Westborough, MA (at I-495 and Route 9). Main speaker David Berlow. l event organised by the Society of Typographic Aficionados, to include discussion groups, panels, presentations, exhibition and social events. In 1998, we had 50USD registration, and in 1999 60USD: finally an affordable type conference! Report of the 1998 meeting by John D. Berry. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2001

The annual SoTA meeting held on July 13-15 2001, at the Four Points Sheraton in Rochester, NY. Main speakers include Ed Benguiat, Matthew Carter, Joshua Darden, Chank Diesel, John Downer, Rodney Shelden Fehsenfeld, Tobias Frere-Jones, Frank Romano, Brian Sooy, Terri Stone, and El Mack de los Toros. Third event organised by the Society of Typographic Aficionados, to include discussion groups, panels, presentations, exhibition and social events. A bit too much emphasis in "this" TypeCon on the business and legal aspects of type, and not enough on the art. Report by Stephen Coles. Picture gallery by Tony de Marco. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2002

The annual SoTA meeting was held in Toronto from 12-14 July 2002. Director: Richard Kegler (P22). Presenters and panelists included 2Rebels, The Chank Company, Michael Clark, Ray Cruz, Joshua Darden, John Downer, Dave Farey, Allan Haley, Ted Harrison, Patricia Lillie, Margery McAlpine, Rod McDonald, Boris Mahovac, Jan Middendorp, Gillian Mothersill, Joachim Müller-Lancé, Will Novosedlik, P22 Type Foundry, Thomas Phinney, Davin Risk, Nick Shinn, Brian Sooy and Laura Wills. Programming also included workshops given by Clark (Calligraphy) and Downer (Sign Painting). Report by Microsoft. Report at Typographica. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2003

TypeCon 2003 was held in Minneapolis, MN, from July 17-20, 2003. More than 60 speakers were lined up at TypeCon2003, including Jill Bell, Peter Bilak, Leslie Cabarga, Matthew Carter, Mike Cina, Rick Cusick, Joshua Darden, John Downer, Dave Farey, Victor Gaultney, Jemma Gura, Sibylle Hagmann, Allan Haley, Kent Lew, Akira Kobayashi, James Montalbano, Joachim Müller-Lancé, Jim Parkinson, Ilene Strizver, Armin Vit, and participants from Aesthetic Apparatus, Letterror, Miniml, Test Pilot Collective, Typographica, and Typophile. Armin Vit's report. Jemma Gura's pictures. John Butler's pictures. Richard Kegler's pictures. Keith Tam's pictures. Tony Di Pietro's pictures. Laurence Penney's pictures. Gary Munch's pictures. Brian Bonislawsky's pictures. Tony de Marco's pictures. Type gallery of new type presented. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2004

TypeCon 2004 was held in San Francisco's Hotel Nikko from July 22-25. Speakers include Roger Black, Matthew Carter, John Downer, Dave Farey, David Lance Goines, Shelley Gruendler, Allan Haley, Michael Harvey, Cyrus Highsmith, Alastair Johnston, Max Kisman, Akira Kobayashi, Mike Kohnke, Tony de Marco, Joachim Müller-Lancé, Jim Parkinson, Claudio Rocha, Freda Sack, Erik Spiekermann, and Armin Vit. Reports by Cheshire Dave, Typographica, the Typophile community. Photos by Karl Frankowski, Andy Clymer, Chris Lewis, Gary Munch, Joshua Lurie-Terrell, Keith Tam, Frank Jonen, Jill Bell, Zara Evens, Joshua again, Mark Simonson, Jan Middendorp, Richard Kegler, Max Kisman. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2005

TypeCon 2005 was held at the Parsons School of Design in New York City from 20-24 July. Speakers included Peter Bain, Ed Benguiat, Peter Bruhn, Louise Fili, Stefan Hattenbach, Alessio Leonardi, Yves Peters, and Paula Scher. Mark Simonson's report. Yves Peters' report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2006

TypeCon 2006 was held in Boston's Hyatt Regency from August 9-13. Speakers included: Audrey Bennett (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), John "Fud" Benson, Jared Benson (Punchcut / Typophile), Nick Benson (The John Stevens Shop), William Berkson, David Berlow (The Font Bureau), John D. Berry, Arlette Boutros (Boutros International), Mourad Boutros (Boutros International), Ronn Campisi (Ronn Campisi Design), Matthew Carter (Carter and Cone), Stephen Coles (Typographica / FontShop), Nancy Sharon Collins, Jon Coltz (Daidala), James Craig (Designing with Type), Keith Cross (Milk Row Studio), Simon Daniels (Microsoft Typography), David DeWitt (Monotype Imaging), Karen Dupré (Monotype Imaging), Dave Farey (HouseStyle Graphics), Norbert Florendo, Al Gowan, Maryanne Grebenstei (The Abbey Studio), Sibylle Hagmann (Kontour), Allan Haley (Monotype Imaging), Ted Harrison (FontLab), Cyrus Highsmith (The Font Bureau), Kit Hinrichs (Pentagram Partners), Mark Jamra (Type Culture), Bruce Kennett (Bruce Kennett Studio), Kent Lew, Brenda Lorenzo (Monotype Imaging), Jim Lyles (Bitstream), Steve Matteson (Ascender Corporation), Gillian Mothersill (Ryerson University), Megan O'Connell (University of Oregon / Dead Skin Press), Mike Parker (The Font Bureau), Joseph Pemberton (Punchcut / Typophile), Thomas Phinney (Adobe Systems), Ricard Marxer Piñón, Paul Shaw (LetterPerfect), Nancy Skolos and Tom Wedell (Skolos/Wedell), Brian Sooy (Altered Ego Fonts), Bruno Steinert (Linotype Library), Clif Stoltze (Stoltze Design (Inc.), Ilene Strizver (The Type Studio), George Thompson (No Bodoni Typography), Adam Twardoch (FontLab), Tiffany Wardle, Jim Wasco (Monotype Imaging), Robin Williams, Halstead York (Extensis), Steve Zafarana (Bitstream), Sue Zafarana (Bitstream). [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2007

TypeCon 2007 was held in Seattle from August 1-7. The speakers are Christine Ahonen, Marian Bantjes, Ali Basit, Jared Benson, David Berlow, John D. Berry, Roger Black, Robert Bringhurst, Jorge de Buen, Veronika Burian, Emilie Burnham, Andrew Byrom, Leslie Cabarga, Matthew Carter, Nadine Chahine, Art Chantry, Karen Cheng, Nancy Sharon Collins, Leonardo Vázquez Conde, Carl Crossgrove, Simon Daniels, John Downer, Mike Duggan, Rodney Shelden Fehsenfeld, Laura Franz, Jimmy Gallagher, Tim Girvin, Shelley Gruendler, Bruce Hale, Allan Haley, Chris Han, Bill Hill, Cyrus Highsmith, Gary Hustwit, Grant Hutchinson, Mark Jamra, Richard Kegler, Akira Kobayashi, Kevin Larson, Mikhail Leonov, Karl Leuthold, Peter Lofting, Emily Luce, Pete McCracken, Karen Madsen, Sergey Malkin, Anastasios Maragiannis, Frank J. Martinez, Steve Matteson, Gabriel Martínez Meave, Jeremy Mende, Edward Mendelson, Eric Menninga, Susan Merritt, James Montalbano, Carl Montford, Paul Nini, Amy Papaelias, Jon Parker, Mike Parker, Carolyn Parsons, Joseph Pemberton, Thomas Phinney, Pamela Pfiffner, Will Powers, Robynne Raye, Amy Redmond, Jay Rutherford, Judy Safran-Aasen, Aida Sakkal, Mamoun Sakkal, Murray Sargent, Dan Shafer, Juliet Shen, Nick Sherman, Nick Shinn, Miguel Sousa, Jessica Spring, Cary Staples, Michael Strassburger, Ilene Strizver, Adam Twardoch, Jim Wasco, Jenny Wilkson, Spyros Zevelakis, and Chris Zodrow.

Photos. Discussions by Michael Kaplan, Joe Pemberton and Brian Crick. Poster by Mark Lanham. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2008

TypeCon 2008 was held in the Hyatt Regency in Buffalo, New York, from July 15-20, 2008. The list of 70+ speakers included Chuck Bigelow, Matthew Carter, James Craig, John Downer, John Hudson, Dard Hunter III, Akira Kobayashi, Pete McCracken, Jan Middendorp, David Pankow, Elizabeth Resnick, Stefan Sagmeister, Paul Shaw, Erik Spiekermann, Ilene Strizver, Jakob Trollbäck and Doyald Young. The only drawback is cost: why 320 dollars registration if there are 24 "sponsors"? Full list of speakers: Adam Twardoch, Akira Kobayashi, Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, Amelia Irwin, Ashley Pigford, Attila Korap, Ben van Dyke, Bill Davis, Bob van Dijk, Bonnie Barrett, Carl Crossgrove, Carole Goodman, Christopher Slye, Chuck Bigelow, Dard Hunter III, David Pankow, David Shields, Deborah Shmerler, Doyald Young, Eben Sorkin, Emily Luce, Erik Spiekermann, Erik van Blokland, Gary Munch, Gerry Leonidas, Hal Leader, Jakob Trollbäck, James Craig, Jan Conradi, Jan Middendorp, Jay Rutherford, John Collins, John Downer, John Hudson, Joost Roozekrans, Judith Aronson, Judy Ross, Juliet Shen, Justine Nagan, Ken Barber, Kent Lew, Kim Elam, Liz Resnick, Mark Jamra, Mary Hart, Matthew Carter, Michael Clark, Michael Hersrud, Michelle Bowers, Miguel Sousa, Mike Cina, Mike Parker, Milka Broukhim, Nancy Ciolek, Nancy Rorabaugh, Nancy Sharon Collins, Oscar Smeulders, Patrick Griffin, Paul Hunt, Paul Shaw, Pete McCracken, Richard Kegler, Rick Griffith, Rob Keller, Roger Black, Saad D. Abulhab, Shelley Gruendler, Shelly Bronson, Simon Daniels, Stefan Sagmeister, Stephen Coles, Stephen Rapp, Steve Matteson, Ted Harrison, Thomas Milo, Will Powers. Mike Cina's report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2009

TypeCon 2009 was held in Atlanta, Georgia, July 14-19, 2009, at the Center for Design Study. The Atlanta Site Committee Chairs were Hank Richardson, Nancy Rorabaugh, Albert Whitley, and Joey Hannaford. Speakers include Matthew Carter, John Downer, Craig Eliason, Peter Enneson, Shelley Gruendler, Stefán Kjartansson, Akira Kobayashi, Kevin Larson, Gerry Leonidas, Mathieu Lommen, Brian Lucid, Bruno Maag, Vítor Quelhas, Hank Richardson, Stuart Sandler, Paul Shaw, Jim Sherraden, and Ilene Strizver. Pictures (mostly by Eben Sorkin). [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2010

TypeCon 2010 took place at the Century Plaza Hyatt Regency in Los Angeles, from August 17-22. The speakers included Akira Kobayashi, Doyald Young, Jill Bell, Teri Kahan, Andrew Byrom, Sean Adam, Richard Kegler, Kevin Larson, J.-F. Porchez, Hrant Papazian, Hank Richardson, Matthew Carter, John Downer, Gerald Bieler, Chaz Bojorquez, Ricardo Martins, Johanna Drucker, Kris Sowersby, Denise Gonzales Crisp, Shelley Gruendler, Miguel Sousa, Adam Twardoch, Satya Rajpurohit, Roger Black and Adrian Wilson. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2011

TypeCon 2011 took place in New Orleans from July 5-10, 2011, at the Royal Sonesta. Dedicated web page. Speakers: Lynne Baggett, Ed Benguiat, William Berkson, David Berlow, John D. Berry, Scott Boms, Veronika Burian, Aaron Carambula, Nancy Sharon Collins, Viviana Cordova, Bill Davis, Carolina de Bartol, Luke Dorny, John Dowling, John Downer, Angela Driscoll, Carol Fillip, Lorrie Frear, Mehmet Gözetlik, Will Hill, Jessica Hische, Otmar Hoefer, Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, Mark Jamra, John Jennings, Kenneth Jones, Akira Kobayashi, Jenny LeBlanc, Gerry Leonidas, Ian Lynam, Grahame Lynch, Erik Marinovich, Ricardo Martins, Erin McLaughlin, Vince Mitchell, Anita Nottingham, Sharon Oiga, Ketty Miranda Orozco, Leonard Otillio, Dr. Kayanna Pace, David Peacock, Thomas Phinney, Rafael Díaz Rey, Nancy Rorabaugh, Anthony Rozak, David Rozak, Yvette Rutledge, José Scaglione, Juliet Shen, Neil Summerour, Guy Villa, Brian Warren, Jim Wasco, Marcin Wichary, and Onur Yazicgil.

Reports and pictures. Flickr page. Pictures by Frank Rolf. Twitter page. Applied Arts Magazine: Missives from the Field at TypeCon 2011. InvadeNOLA: TypeCon2011 Recap. Felt & Wire: TypeCon Lagniappe. Uppercase Magazine: TypeCon2011 Recap #1. Uppercase Magazine: TypeCon2011 Recap #2. Uppercase Magazine: TypeCon2011 Recap #3. Uppercase Magazine: TypeCon2011 Recap #4. Uppercase Magazine: TypeCon2011 Recap #5. Flickr: TypeCon (and New Orleans) Photos by Scott Boms. Flickr: TypeCon (and New Orleans) Photos by Andy van der Raadt. Flickr: TypeCon (and New Orleans) Photos by Corey Holms. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2012

TypeCon 2012 took place at the Inercontinental Milwaukee, from July 31 until August 5, 2012. There was a close cooperation with the Hamilton Wood Type&Printing Museum in nearby Two Rivers, WI.

The speakers: Bethany Armstrong, Jo De Baerdemaeker, Steve Bardolph, Nathan Adam Beadel, Roger Black, Scott Boms, Antonio Cavedoni, Nancy Sharon Collins, Rafael Diaz, John Downer, Nathalie Dumont, Craig Eliason, James Fritz, Patrick Giasson, Emily Gordon, The Heads of State, Cyrus Highsmith, Mark Jamra, Akira Kobayashi, Craig Kroeger, Indra Kupferschmid, Gerry Leonidas, Jean-Baptiste Levee, Ian Lynam, Kamal Mansour, Ricardo Martins, Steve Matteson, Erin McLaughlin, Kathleen Meaney, Ketty Miranda, Vince Mitchell, Gillian Mothersill, Bill Moran, Jim Moran, Sharon Oiga, Amy Papaelias, Matthew Peterson, Thomas Phinney, Ashley John Pigford, Dan Reynolds, Daniel Rhatigan, Steve Ross, Jay Rutherford, Yvette Rutledge, Stuart Sandler, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Amie Segal, David Shields, Julie Spivey, Sumner Stone, Neil Summerour, Jason Cranford Teague, Tricia Treacy, Guy Villa, Erik Vorhes, Carey Watters. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2013

TypeCon 2013 took place from 21-25 August 2013 at the Hilton Portland Executive Tower in Portland, OR. The keynote speaker was Adrian Shaughnessy. The other speakers included Carol Aitken, Monika Bartels, Agnes Barton-Sabo, Aaron Bell, Amir Berbic, John D. Berry, Kurt Campbell, Matthew Carter, Jillian Coorey, Carl Crossgrove, Crystian Cruz, Rafael Díaz Rey, John Downer, Colleen Ellis, Jules Remedios Faye, John Francis, Kalapi Gajjar-Bordawekar, Annabelle Gould, Frank Griesshammer, Paul Herrera, Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, Paul D. Hunt, Richard Kegler, Jeff Kellem, Jim Kidwell, Akira Kobayashi, John Labovitz, Alyssa Lang, Kevin Larson, Faythe Levine, Sam Macon, Ryan Mandell, Daniela Marx, Kitty Maryatt, Steve Matteson, Pete McCracken, Erin McLaughlin, Steve Mehallo, Jeff Moore, Bill Moran, Alejandro Paul, Michelle Perham, Matthew Peterson, Thomas Phinney, Kyle Read, David Jonathan Ross, Bill Sarnecky, Rob Saunders, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Adrian Shaughnessy, Paul Shaw, Jeff Shay, Miguel Sousa, Donna Marie Stepien, Neil Summerour, Barbara Tetenbaum, Bradley Tober, Nahid Tootoonchi, Augusta (Aggie) Toppins, Tricia Treacy, Ben Trissel, Erik Vorhes, Jim Wasco, Laura Worthington, Fu-Chieh Wu, and Onur Yazicigil. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2014

TypeCon 2014 took place from July 30-August 3, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, DC. Speakers included Aaron Bell, Thierry Blancpain, Scott Boms, Matthew Carter, Nadine Chahine, Nancy Sharon Collins, John Collins, Carl Crossgrove, Silas Dilworth, John Paul Dowling, John Downer, Kimberly Elam, Rachel Elnar, Lauren Emeritz, Allison Fisher, Martina Flor, Tobias Frere-Jones [keynote speaker], Kimya Gandhi, Victor Gaultney, Ryan Gibboney, Mitch Goldstein, Amber Goodvin, Mary Hart, Brockett Horne, John Hudson, Richard Hunt, Mark Jamra, Rob Keller, Sean King, Laura Kinneberg, Akira Kobayashi, Sarang Kulkarni, Alice J. Lee, Ann Lemon, David Lemon, Gerry Leonidas, Lara McCormick, Jennifer Messenger-Heilbronner, Aoife Mooney, Corinne Nakamura-Rybak, Hrant Papazian, Ashley John Pigford, Jeff Pulaski, Stephen Rapp, David Jonathan Ross, Rob Saunders, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifert, Debi Sementelli, Dustin Senos, Sang-Duck Seo, Nick Shinn, Mark Simonson, Gabriel Solomons, Michael Stinson, Sumner Stone, Dana Tanamachi, Tricia Treacy, Liron Lavi Turkenich, Guy Villa, Mila Waldeck, Brian Warren, Jim Wasco, Julian Waters, Terrance Weinzierl, Marcin Wichary and Xandra Zamora.

Twitter feed. Flickr pool. Credit: Most of the event pictures below by Pete Bella. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2015

TypeCon 2015 took place from August 12-16, 2015, at the Sheraton Denver Downtown. The theme is Condensed. Speakers include Dave Addey, Camila Afanador-Llach, Pouya Ahmadi, Joseph Alessio, David Ashley, Jan Ballard, Rob Barnes, Amir Berbić, Nancy Bernardo, Ivan Bettger, Scott Boms, Richard Brath, Jason Campbell, Meaghan Dee, Fahad A. Dhawi, John Downer, Rachel Elnar, Mark Fetkewicz, Lily Feinberg, Joe Galbreath, Victor Gaultney, Vicki Golden, Frank Grießhammer, Patrick Griffin, Paul Herrera, John Hudson, Paul D. Hunt, Richard Hunt, Akira Kobayashi, Alexandra Korolkova, Andrej Krátky, Mary Mashburn, Aoife Mooney, Shiva Nallaperumal, Julie Nauman-Mikulski, Meta Newhouse, Robb Ogle, Adam Osgood, Tom Parson, Max Phillips, Thomas Phinney, Stephen Rapp, Chad Reichert, Dan Rhatigan, Claudia Roeschmann, Steve Ross, Stuart Sandler, Rob Saunders, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifert, Paul Shaw, Nick Shinn, Radek Sidun, Stephen Simmerman, Mark Simonson, Gabriel Solomons, Miguel Sousa, Perrin Stamatis, Neil Summerour, Ben Truelove, Nikki Villagomez, and Jason Wedekind. The keynote speaker is Marian Bantjes.

Shiva Nallaperumal is named winner of the 2015 Catalyst Award.

Reactions after the meeting. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2016

TypeCon 2016 took place from August 24-28, 2016 in Seattle, WA. The theme was Resound. The keynote talk was by Nadine Chahine, who courageously warned the audience about the danger of Donald Trump. The list of speakers: Pouya & Pegah Ahmadi, Azza Alameddine, Agnes Barton-Sabo, Justin Beaudry, Peter Bella, Jill Bell, Laura Bentley, Amir Berbic, John D. Berry, Berry Ann Bessemans, Scott Boggan, Yvonne Cao, Matthew Carter, Nadine Chahine, Karen Cheng, Ryan Clifford, Emily Conners, Dave Crossland, Lucas Czarnecki, Si Daniels, Meaghan Dee, Petra Docekalova, John Downer, Rachel Elnar, Thomas Eykemans, Kate Fernandez, Anna Filbert, Richard Fink, Alvaro Franca, Joseph Galbreath, Tyler Galloway, Roxane Gataud, Patrick Gosnell, Frank Grießlhammer, Sibylle Hagmann, Allan Haley, Randall M. Hasson, Norman Hathaway, Paul Herrera, Mark Jamra, Thomas Jockin, Sally Kerrigan, Joyce Ketterer, Akira Kobayashi, Olav Martin Kvern, Kvern Alice Lee, Andrea Leksen, Briar Levit, Bruno Maag, Charmaine Martinez, Lara McMormick, Paul McNeil, Jess Meoni, Lauren Meranda, Ana Monroe, Carl Montford, Aoife Mooney, Silas Munro, Jason Murdock, Toshi Omagari, Neil Patel, David Peacock, Mary Catherine Pflug, Thomas Phinney, John Pigford, JP Porter, Amy Redmond, Mamoun Sakkal, Stuart Sandler, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Hans Schellhas, Georg Seifert, Debi Sementelli, Reneé Seward, Paul Shaw, Juliet Shen, Nick Sherman, Radek Sidun, Gabriel Solomons, Michael Stinson, Nina Stössinger, Neil Summerour, Rebecca Tegtmeyer, Adrien Tétar, Douglas Thomas, Tricia Treacy, Mark van Wageningen, Wageningen Guy Villa, Jenny Wilkson, Matthew Wizinsky, Laura Worthington, Lance Wyman, Jayme Yen. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2017

TypeCon 2017 took place on August 23-27, 2017 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, MA. The theme was The Olde and the Neue. The keynote speech was given by Martina Flor. The list of speakers includes Peter Bella, Nancy Bernardo, Scott Boms, Nadine Chahine, Spencer Charles, Lucas Czarnecki, Carolina de Bartolo, Meaghan Dee, Petra Docekalova, John Downer, Martina Flor, Amelia Fontanel, Laura Franz, Allan Haley, Ryan Hamrick, Masataka Hattori, Franz Hoffman, Richard Kahwagi, Bruce Kennett, Joyce Ketterer, Akira Kobayashi, Yoon Soo Lee, Andrea Leksen, Briar Levit, Grendl Löfkvist, Geri McCormick, Jennifer McKnight, Tucker McLachlan, Jess Meoni, Ana Monroe, Mark Jamra, Linh O'Briant, Constanza Pacher, Jason Pamental, Hrant Papazian, Neil Patel, Yves Peters, Mary Catherine Pflug, Thomas Phinney, Jill Pichotta, Yin Qiu, Charlotte Quin, John Roshell, David Jonathan Ross, Ina Saltz, Catherine Schmidt, Lisa Schultz, Alessandro Segalini, Georg Seifert, Paul Shaw, David Shields, Radek Sidun, Elizabeth Carey Smith, Perrin Stamatis, Sumner Stone, James Walker, Douglas Wilson and Lynne Yun. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2018

TypeCon 2018 took place between August 1 and 5, 2018, at the Hilton Portland Downtown in Portland, OR. The keynote speakers were Louise Fili, Nina Stössinger and Lauren Hom. The list of speakers: Emily Atwood, Jan Ballard, Al Barna, Agnes Barton-Sabo, Aaron Bell, Nancy Bernardo, Graham Bradley, Yvonne Cao, Matthew Carter, Joana Correia, Dave Crossland, Carolina de Bartolo, Meaghan Dee, John Downer, Matthew Edgar, Rachel Elnar, Joshua Farmer, Louise Fili, Glenn Fleishman, Kathy Fry, Lizy Gershenzon, Patrick Gosnell, Annabelle Gould, Allan Haley, Karel Haloun, Cassie Hester, Lauren Hom, Randall Ann Homan, James Hultquist-Todd, Paul D. Hunt, Thomas Jockin, Richard Kegler, Michael Kelly, Travis Kochel, Gloria Kondrup, Irina Koryagina, Taekyeom Lee, Briar Levit, Grendl Löfkvist, Katherine Malmsten, Jess McCarty, Erin McLaughlin, Frida Medrano, Lauren Meranda, Aoife Mooney, Bill Moran, Jim Moran, Gemma O'Brien, Cora Pearl, Mary Catherine Pflug, Thomas Phinney, Jill Pichotta, Jean François Porchez, Amy Redmond, Meir Sadan, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Zachary Scheuren, Georg Seifert, Sang-Duck Seo, Renée Seward, Radek Sidun, Kris Sowersby, Perrin Stamatis, Michael Stinson, Nina Stössinger, Lila Symons, Oswin Tickler, Sergio Trujillo, Underware, Ming Wei, Craig Welsh, Matthew Wyne, Qiu Yin, Lynne Yun. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2019

TypeCon 2019 took place between August 28th and September 1st, 2019, at the Hilton Minneapolis. The list of speakers: Miriam Ahmed, Yeohyun Ahn, Agyei Archer, Aldo Arillo, Ladan Bahmani, Jan Ballard, Kourosh Beigpour, Aaron Bell, Matteo Bologna, Marie Boulanger, Pamela Bowman, Jennifer Bracy, Erik Brandt, Mary Bruno, Linda Byrne, Chris Campe, Alexandria Canchola, Phil Carey-Bergren, Albert Young Choi, Mia Cinelli, Jeane Cooper, Caitlyn Crites, Carolina de Bartolo, Meaghan Dee, Chank Diesel, Petra Docekalova, John Paul Dowling, John Downer, Kelsey Elder, Craig Eliason, Rachel Elnar, Denielle Emans, Karl Engebretson, Hannes Famira, Oscar Fernandez, Chris Fritton, Iliana Moreno Guzman, Jen Hadley, Basma Hamdy, Paul Herrera, Maryam Hosseinnia, Yuexin Huo, Gor Jihanian, Maryam Khaleghi Yazdi, Abbey Kleinert, Alice J. Lee, Helen Lee, Mathieu Lommen, Ruggero Magri, Maurice Meilleur, Wei Ming, Aoife Mooney, Bill Moran, Jim Moran, Kelly Murdoch-Kitt, Ryoko Nishizuka, Stephen Nixon, Ben Orozco, Juan Carlos Pagan, Jill Pichotta, Jean François Porchez, Carolyn Porter, Anna Richard, Rana Abou Rjeily, Fiona Ross, Vida Sacic, Alice Savoie, Georg Seifert, Reneé Seward, Paul Shaw, Nick Shinn, Radek Sidun, Alexandros Skouras, Perrin Stamatis, Neil Summerour, Dimitry Tetin, Astha Thakkar, Sergio Trujillo, Mark van Wageningen, Juan Villanueva, James Walker, Nathan Willis, Qiu Yin, Lynne Yun. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon 2020

TypeCon 2020 was going to take place from August 12 until August 16, 2020, at the Marriott Philadelphia. Because of the corona virus,it has been canceled. TypeCon 2021 wil take place in Philadelphia from August 16 until August 21. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypeCon venues

TypeCon is SOTA's conference. TypeCon Wikipedia link. TypeCon venues:

  • 1998 Westborough, MA | 2000 Westborough, MA | 2001 Rochester, NY | 2002 Toronto, ON | 2003 Minneapolis, MN | 2004 San Francisco, CA | 2005 New York, NY | 2006 Boston, MA | 2007 Seattle, WA |
  • 2008 Buffalo, NY | 2009 Atlanta, GA | 2010 Los Angeles, CA | 2011 New Orleans, LA | 2012 Milwaukee, WI | 2013 Portland, OR | 2014 Washington, DC | 2015 Denver, CO | 2016 Seattle, WA | 2017 Boston, MA
  • 2018 Portland, OR | 2019 Minneapolis, MN | 2020 Philadelphia, PA (canceled) | 2021 (virtual) |
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A summer crash course program in June and July 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022. Founded by Jean François Porchez, the type design teachers in 2015 included Mathieu Réguer (Typofonderie and Longtype), Malou Verlomme, Jean François Porchez (Typofonderie), Julien Priez (type designer and letterer at FontYou) and Frank Jalleau (type designer at Imprimerie Nationale since 1988). View the typefaces made by the participants: Claudia de Almeida, Janna Barrett, Benjamin Blaess, Dave Coleman, Porter Gillespie, Kara Gordon, Rafael Jordan, Iñigo López Vázquez, Ilya Naumov, Nicolas Portnoï, Goffredo Puccetti, Andrea Rodriguez, Nisrine Sarkis, Maciek Sobczak, Julie Soudanne, Thidarat Thaiyanon.

The 2016 instructors were Jean François Porchez (Typofonderie), Mathieu Réguer, Julien Priez, Alice Savoie, Xavier Dupré, Indra Kupferschmid, Martina Flor, Peter Bilak (Typotheque), Alexandra Korolkova (ParaType) and Lucas Sharp (Sharp Type).

The teachers and critics in 2017: Jean François Porchez, Mathieu Réguer, Xavier Dupré, Julien Priez, Indra Kupferschmid, Veronika Burian and Stéphane Elbaz.

The teachers and critics in 2018: Xavier Dupré, Indra Kupferschmid, Jean François Porchez, Julien Priez, Mathieu Réguer, Marc Rouault, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifert, David Berlow, Nikola Djurek, Laura Meseguer and Alex Trochut.

The teachers in 2019 include Xavier Dupré, Jean Fran&cceil;ois Porchez, Mathieu Réguer, Marc Rouault, Julie Soudanne, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifer, Erik van Blokland, Antonio Cavedoni, Nick Misani, Neil Summerour and Andrea Tinnes.

In 2020, the course runs from June 8 until July 11. The team comprises Jean François Porchez, Mathieu Réguer, Marc Rouault, Gina Serret, Julie Soudanne, Malou Verlomme, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer and Georg Seifert, with guest appearances by Paul Barnes, David Brezina, Louise Fili, Alexandra Korolkova and Martin Majoor.

The 2022 crew consists of Jean François Porchez, Mathieu Réguer, Marc Rouault, Gina Serret, Julie Soudanne and Malou Verlomme, with guest appearances by Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Georg Seifert, Paul Barnes, David Brezina, Louise Fili, Petra Docekalova and Martin Majoor. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Conference held in Wellington, New Zealand, from 5-9 February 2008, and from 11-15 February 2009, again in Wellington. Speakers at the 2009 event included Erich Alb, Stephen Banham, Donald Beekman, David Bennewith, Walter Bohatsch, Kyle Cooper, Masayoshi Kodaira Indra Kupferschmid, Bruno Maag, Sarah Maxey, Christian Schwartz, and Leonardi Sonnoli. It was organized by Catherine Griffiths, a typographer. [Google] [More]  ⦿


TypeTalks2---the second edition of the symposium---took place at the University of Arts in Poznan, Poland, from 18-19 June 2011, and was organized by David Brezina and Anna Giedrys in collaboration with the University of Arts in Poznan and the Foundation of the Academy of Fine Arts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typetalks 2013

TypeTalks Symposium 2013 was held in Brno, Czechia, on September 6-7, 2013. This third symposium was organized by the Rosetta Type Foundry and Anna Giedrys. Speakers included David Brezina (the founder of the Typetalks series), Ben Mitchell, Sonia de Puineuf, Goran Patlejch, Claus Eggers Sørensen, Radoslav Vecerka, Laura Meseguer, Jasso Lamberg, and Erik van Blokland. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Type design meetings organized in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 2016 and 2017. Lecturers in 2016 and 2017 included Irina Smirnova, Dmitry Chernogaev, Maria Doreuli, Tagir Safaev, Dmitry Petrovsky, Lyudmila Sorokina, Ivan Velichko, Alexander Vasin, Natalya Velchinskaya, Yuri Yarmola, Rustam Gabbassov, Oleg Zhuravlev, Denis Masharov, Denis Bashev, Nikolai Nedashkovsky, Anton Popov, Sabina Aliyarova, Irina Lebedeva, Sergei Besov, Roman Shchukin, Andrei Bolonev, Anna Suvorova, Nikolai Butskikh and Sergei Rasskazov. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Type conference. The initial founding members are:

  • Agyei Archer
  • Kalapi Gajjar-Bordawekar
  • Joey Grable
  • Ili Moreno Guzman
  • Sarah Hinnenkamp
  • Thomas Jockin
  • Lisa J. Maione
  • Jess McCarty
  • Erin McLaughlin
  • Faride Mereb
  • Anagha Narayanan
  • Daniel Nisbet
  • Mary Catherine Pflug
  • Paridhi Yadav

The first on-line version took place from September 24-27, 2020. The speakers: Aarman Roy, Aasawari Suhas Kulkarni, Abhay Verma, Aditya Bayu Perdana, Agnieszka Ewa Olszewska, Alphabettes Mentorship Program, Amber Jane Weaver, Amelie Bonet, Ana Michel, Anahat Kaur, Andrei Ogradi, Aneesh Borah, Anna Richard, Athang Samant, Bastarda Type, Beyond Expectations, Carlos Campos, Carolina Ruiz Ibanez, Chaiti Nath, Charu Pragya, CJ Jones, Craig Eliason, Cristian Vargas, Defreneticas, Diogo Ramos Moreira, Douglas Thomas, Eben Sorkin, Ellmer Stefan, Franz Hoffman, Gumpita Rahayu, Hamish Muir, Hanami Itagaki, Helene Krieger, Hiral Bhagat, Hrant Papazian, Irina Koryagina, Ivo Gabrowitsch, James Thottan, Jennifer Wagner, Jim Moran, Jorge Ivan Moreno Majul, Jovana Jocic, Kaleb Dean, Karen Cheng, Kawal Oberoi, Kevin Angelus, Krista Reeder, Kriti Monga, Laura Meseguer, Luisa Baeta, Maria Cecilia Brarda, Maria Galante, Marta Bernstein, Maryam Khaleghiyazdi, Matthijs Herzberg, Maurice Meilleur, Mauricio Villamayor, Michelle Sara Britos Devlin, Miguel-Angel Moya-Estrella, Miguel Escamilla, Mirko Velimirovic, Mohammad Shahid, Nishtha Sharma, Noemi Stauffer, Olivia Kane, Paul McNeil, Phil Carey-Bergren, Pooja Saxena, Rony Ginosar, Ryan Collier, Scott Kellum, Shashi Guduru, Shivani Parasnis, Simon Cozens, Sirin Gunkloy, Sneha Sankar, Sol Matas, Stephanie Carpenter, Sulekha Rajkumar, Sunil Rampersad, Tanya George, Tapiwanashe Sebastian Garikayi, Thomas Phinney, Todd Gilens, Type Salon (Alja Herlah & Krista Likar), Umang Baheti, Underware, Wayne Thompson. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO 1996

Second FontShop Design Conference, October 3-5, Berlin, 1996. Theme was Idea versus Ideology. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO 1998

Third FontShop Design Conference, March 12-14, Berlin, 1998. Theme was Typography in Advertising. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO 1999

Fourth FontShop Design Conference, April 15-17, Berlin, 1999. Theme was Image and Language. Report by John D. Berry. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2000

Fontshop conference held in Berlin, April 13-15, 2000. Adam Twardoch's report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2000

Fifth FontShop Design Conference, April 13-15, Berlin, 2000. Registration: between 890 and 1200DM. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2002

Fontshop conference held at the Haus der Kulturen, Berlin, May 9-11, 2002. Picture report. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2003

Fontshop conference held at the Haus der Kulturen, Berlin, May 15-17, 2003. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2004

Fontshop conference held at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, May 13-15, 2004. Speakers include Robert Bringhurst, the people from Underware, Jan Middendorp, Stefan Sagmeister, Jürgen Sterzenbach, Andreas Stötzner, Alexander Nagel, Boris Brumnjak, House Industries, Indra Kupferschmid, Markus Hanzer, Rudolf Paulus Gorbach and the Fontlab team. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2005

Fontshop conference held at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, May 19-21, 2005. Speakers include Katrin Androschin (D), Jill Bell (USA), Johannes Bergerhausen (D), Wolfgang Blöggel (D), Michael Braungart (D), Henning Brehm (D), Neville Brody (USA), Johannes Erler (D), Ralf Grauel (D), Juli Gudehus (D), Lutz Hackenberg (D), Markus Hanzer (A), Susanne Hauser (D), Jörn Hintzer (D), Jakob Höfner (D), Detlef Hünnecke (D), Zinaida Iller (BG), Chip Kidd (USA), René Knip (NL), Yang Liu (D), Uwe Loesch (D), Saki Mafundikwa (ZW), Martin Majoor (NL), Albert-Jan Pool (NL), Andrea Rauschenbusch (D), Claudio Rocha (BR), Raban Ruddigkeit (D), Hinrich Sachs (D), Clemens Schedler (A), Bruno Schmidt (CH), Orhan Tancgil (D), Jakob Trollbäck (Sweden, USA), and Armin Vit (USA). Report by Ilya Ruderman (in Russian), continued here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2006

Fontshop conference held at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, May 18-20, 2006. Speakers include Gail Anderson, Martin Baltes, Donald Beekman, Peter Bruhn, David Carson, Kathryn Cho, Lars Denicke, Andreas Eigendorf, Liza Enebeis, Johannes Erler, Laura Fauth, Arne Fehmel, Andreas Frohloff, Daniel Gjøde, Ralf Grauel, Jörg Gudehus, Juli Gudehus, Günder/Dommer/Siebert, Akiem Helmling, Magnus Hengge, Fons Hickmann, Rasso Hilber, Gabriele Ingrassia, Korbinian Kainz, Hjalti Karlsson, Richard Kegler, Chip Kidd, Sami Kortemaki, Kalle Lasn, Claudius Lazzeroni, Ralf Lobeck, Ellen Lupton, Mathias Mertens, Hugo Puttaert, Steffen Sauerteig, Clemens Theobert Schedler, Holger Schmidhuber, Annette Schneider, Piet Schreuders, David Small, Svend Smital, Erik Spiekermann, Peter Thaler, Katja Thoring, Andreas Trogisch, Adam Twardoch, Erik van Blokland, Just van Rossum, Kai Vermehr, Sven Voelker, Simon Waterfall, Reto Wettach, Jan Wilker and Oliver Wurm. Flickr photos. Pictures on Thorsten Wulff's page. Comments and links by Dan Reynolds. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2007

Fontshop conference to be held at the Berliner Congress Center from May 17-19, 2007, on the theme of Music. Speakers include Clive Bruton, Lutz Hackenberg, Markus Hanzer, Kim Hiorthøy, House Industries, Richard Kegler, Yang Liu, Horst Moser, Sander Neijnens, Hans Reichel, Moritz mo. Sauer, Piet Schreuders, Henry Steinhau, Niklaus Troxler, Frank Westermann and Werner J. Wolff. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2008

Fontshop conference held at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, May 29-31, 2008. Speakers include Martin Amman, Marian Bantjes, Jonathan Barnbrook, Ed Benguiat, David Berlow, Double Standards, Oded Ezer, Stephanie Fortmann, Stefanie Grebe, Daniel M. Hartz, Dietmar Henneka, Steve Heller, Rian Hughes, Alison Jackson, Yang Liu, Katrin Meyer, Horst Moser, onlab / Nicolas Bourquin, Jim Rakete, Rich Roat (House Industries), Stefan Sagmeister, Christian Schwartz, Erik Spiekermann, Lita Talerico, Dieter Telfser, and Vier5. On Dietmar Henneka, this great collection of quotes:

  • Auto fährt links von A-rschloch nach B-schloch, Auto fährt rechts von B-schloch nach A-rschloch.
  • Heute haben die Art-direktoren keine Idee mehr, bestenfalls einen Gag.
  • Ich sauf den Landwein, mein AD bestellt sich Chateau la Piss.
  • Wer pfeift 'n hier?.
  • Ich brauche Euch, ihr verschwitzten, nach Knoblauch stinkenden, blöden Dinger, die mir abendelang erzählen, wie ihre Freundin mühselig in Winsen an der Luhe töpfert.
  • Der Fotograf will von Euch Art-Direktoren doch nur, bevor er in die Kiste springt, dass ihr anruft, bevor alle Ideen schon fertig sind.
  • Ihr seid doch die Quarktaschen-Kai-Krauses. Das macht ihr doch mit links am Komposter. Ihr braucht uns Trottel doch gar nicht mehr.
Flickr photos. Thorsten Wulff's report. H.D. Schellnack's photo blog. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2009

Fourteenth FontShop Design Conference, May 21-23, 2009, held in Berlin. Registration: 645 Euros. The theme is Space. The main speakers are Joshua Davis, Mario Lombardo and John Downer. Other speakers include Tim Ahrens, Timothy Donaldson, Heide Hackenberg, Markus Hanzer, Peter Higgins, Chip Kidd, Heidrun Osterer, Jona Piel, Judith Schalansky, Nick Shinn, Philipp Stamm, and Gerard Unger. Reports&blog. Photographs of some speakers. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2010

Fifteenth FontShop Design Conference, May 20-22, 2010, Berlin. Registration: 670 Euros. The theme was Passion. The main speakers were, in alphabetical order, Roman Arnold, Jonathan Barnbrook, Erwin K. Bauer, Hartmut Bohnacker, Veronika Burian, David Carson, Candy Chang, Jan Chipchase, Malte Christensen, Diederik Corvers, Dragan Espenschied, Andreas Frohloff, Ivo Gabrowitsch, Daniel Gjde, Heide Hackenberg, Christian Hanke, Ralf Herrmann, Fons Hickmann, Richard Kegler, Rob Keller, Erik Kessels, Alexandra Korolkova, Peter Kruse, Michael Kubens, König Bansah, Eike König, Julia Laub, Alessio Leonardi, Knut Maierhofer, Laura Meseguer, Jan Middendorp, Yves Peters, Jörg Petruschat, Oliver Reichenstein, Dan Reynolds, Rich Roat, Joachim Sauter, Florian Alexander Schmidt, Piet Schreuders, Carlos Segura, Julian Smith, Erik Spiekermann, Torsten Stapelkamp, Studio Dumbar, Andrea Tinnes, Bastian Unterberg, Erik van Blokland, Paul van der Laan, Uta von Debschitz, Thilo von Debschitz, Yanone, and Julian Zimmermann. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2011

Sixteenth FontShop Design Conference, May 19-21, 2011, Berlin. Registration: 700 Euros. It was held at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The theme is Shift. The main speakers were, in alphabetical order, Tim Ahrens, Randa Abdel Baki, Jörg Becker, Johannes Bergerhausen, Donald Beekman, Peter Bilak, Petr van Blokland, Alexander Branczyk, Todd Childers, Malte Christensen, Christopher Çolak, Tina Frank, Andreas Frohloff, Damian Gerbaulet, Pascal Glissmann, April Greiman, Shelley Gruendler, Markus Hanzer, Jost Hochuli, Michael Johnson, Christoph Keese, Robin Kinross, Lukas Kircher, Jason Edward Lewis, Jörn Loviscach, Sebastian Meier, Heike Nehl, Christoph Niemann, Wolfgang Pauser, Florian Pfeffer, Martin Poschauko, Thomas Poschauko, Rathna Ramanathan, Oliver Reichenstein, Roland Reuß, Donald Roos, Sybille Schlaich, Pierre di Sciullo, Kris Sowersby, Frantisek Storm, and Pascal Zoghbi. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2012

Seventeenth FontShop Design Conference, May 17-19, 2012, Berlin. Registration: 650 Euros. It was held in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The theme was Sustain. The main speakers were Andy Altmann (why not associates), Lupi Asensio (twopoints.net), Ruedi Baur (ruedi-baur.eu), Matthew Butterick (buttericklaw.com), Kirsten Dietz (Strichpunkt), Carima El-Behairy (P22), Jeff Faulkner (agiantgirl.tumblr.com), Maurice Göldner (kurs26.de), Jessica Hische (jessicahische.is), John Hudson (considerwhat), Nat Hunter (Airside), Stefan Kiefer (Spiegel), Hanif Kureshi (handpaintedtype.com), Martin Lorenz (twopoints.net), Shoko Mugikura (Just Another Foundry), Lars Müller (Lars Müller Publishers), Morag Myerscough (studiomyerscough.com), Michael Schirner (michael-schirner-bye-bye.de), Petz Scholtus (Pöko Design), Elliot Jay Stocks (elliotjaystocks.com), Nina Stössinger (ninastoessinger.com), Jan Teunen (teunen-konzepte.de), Susanne Zippel (Mittelpunkt-Zhongdian). [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2014

Nineteenth FontShop Design Conference, May 15-17, 2014, Berlin. Registration: 650 Euros. It was held in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The theme was Roots. The main speakers included the following type designers: Peter Bilak, Petr van Blokland, Yanone. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2015

International Design Talks Conference, May 21-23, 2015, Berlin. This is the first meeting after FontShop was bought by Monotype. It will be held in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The theme is Character [against a culture of superficiality]. Facebook link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2016

International Design Talks Conference, May 12-14, 2016, Berlin. It was held in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The theme was Beyond Design. Facebook link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2017

International Design Talks Conference, May 25-27, 2017, Berlin. It was held in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. The theme was Wanderlust (or Put Everything in Motion). Facebook link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Berlin 2018

International Design Talks Conference, May 17-19, 2018, Berlin. It will be held in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Facebook link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typo Brda 2010 Summer Typedesign Workshop

This is one in a regular series of type design workshops held in Slovenia since ca. 2007. Typefaces were created by these participants in Ljubljana: Martin Fujan (Talschrift), Uros de Gleria (Not yet pro), Domen Fras (Narod Krepak), Mina Arko (Kampula), Eleni Beveratou (Untitled), Nikos Georgopoulos (Koumpa), Lucijan Bratus (Slova OT 1, 2 and 3). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typo Brda 2011 Winter Typedesign Workshop

This is one in a regular series of type design workshops held in Slovenia since ca. 2007. Typefaces were created by these participants: Ajda Bevc (Leprechaun), Aljaz Vesel (Emsley), Anja Delbello&Pika Novak (Saga), Lucijan Bratus (Makalonca), Masa Majce (Mashonique), Matic Leban (Rozmarin), Miha Zajec (Puding), Nejc Prah (Meg), Urska Alic (Gunabrez), Domen Fras (Pesjan Debu). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typo Day Hamburg

On February 17, 2017, Typo Day Hamburg took place at Studio E (Laeiszhalle). Speakers included Jürgen Siebert, Ulrike Rausch, Bernd Volmer, Frank Rausch, Marcus Veigel, and Tobias Meyerhoff. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typo Day Köln

A one day workshop/conference in Köln, Germany on September 30, 2016. Speakers: Erik Spiekermann (Die Rolle der Schrift in der Markenkommunikation), Jürgen Siebert (Corporate Typography), Ulrike Rausch (OpenType mit Liebe), Andrea Nienhaus (E-Publishing), Frank Rausch (Responsive Typography), Johannes Bergerhausen (Unicode: Einführung und Aussichten), Henning Skibbe (Typografie im Editorial Design), Hendrik Weber (Exklusivschrift für eine Automarke). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typo Expo

Type exposition held in Toronto in 1996. Report by Joe Clark. More, and even more. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Labs 2016

A two-day type tech conference held in Berlin on May 10 and 11, 2016. TYPO Labs is an offshoot of TYPO Berlin, a graphic design conference held from May 12-14, 2016. Moderated by Yves Peters and Nina Stössinger. Speakers include Louis-Rémi Babé, Frederik Berlaen, Erik van Blokland, Frank E. Blokland, Amélie Bonet, Ralph du Carrois, Jan Chavat, Mike Duggan, Behdad Esfahbod, Lasse Fister, Michael Hoffmann, John Hudson, Jens Kutilek, Werner Lemberg, Vladimir Levantovsky, Thomas Phinney, Akaki Razmadze, Tom Rickner, Rainer Scheichelbauer, Lukas Schneider, Georg Seifert, Peter Sikking, Axel Stoltenberg, Julia Sysmäläinen, Adam Twardoch, Just van Rossum, Jürgen Willrod, and Yuri Yarmola. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Labs 2017

A three-day type tech conference in Berlin on April 6, 7 and 8, 2017 on the theme of New Dimensions in Type Engineering. Speakers included Dan Rhatigan, Liron Lavi Turkenich, Adam Twardoch, Sampo Kaasila, Frank E. Blokland, Lukas Schneider, Frederik Berlaen, Erik van Blokland, Peter Constable, Rob McKaughan, Jean-Baptiste Levée, Tom Rickner, Bob Taylor, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Laurence Penney, Roel Nieskens, Marianna Paszkowska, John Hudson, Amélie Bonet, Jeff Wu, Werner Lemberg, Sascha Brawer, Akiem Helmling, Bas Jacobs, Thomas Phinney, Behdad Esfahbod, Dominik Röttsches, Yuri Yarmola, Nicole Dotin, Georg Seifert, Mike Duggan, Frank E. Blokland, Jürgen Willrodt. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO Labs 2018

A three-day type tech conference in Berlin on April 12, 13 and 14, 2018 on the theme of How Far Can We Go. Speakers: Sahar Afshar, Frederik Berlaen, Bianca Berning, Luc(as) de Groot, Mike Duggan, Behdad Esfahbod, Lasse Fister, Minjoo Ham, Laura Hernández, John Hudson, Sampo Kaasila, Gerry Leonidas, Hin-Tak Leung, Sol Matas, Jason Pamental, Laurence Penney, Ulrike Rausch, Dominik Röttsches, Ksenya Samarskaya, Georg Seifert, José Miguel Solé Bruning, Ferdinand Ulrich, Underware, Vivek Vadakkuppattu, Marius Watz. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO London 2011

An outgrowth of TYPO Berlin, TYPO London started in 2011, and hopes to become an annual event. It was organized by the industry (FontShop) for industry. The scope was very wide, covering design in general. There was a typographic component. The 2011 meeting took place from 20-22 October in Logan Hall, University of London. Speakers in 2011 included King Bansah, Michael Bierut, Neville Brody, Jonathan Ellery, Jeff Faulkner, Tim Fendley, Dale Herigstad, Nat Hunter, Gary Hustwit, Michael B Johnson, Chip Kidd, Eva-Lotta Lamm, Pamela Mead, Morag Myerscough, Joachim Sauter, Karin von Ompteda, Lawrence Weiner, Marina Willer, and Julian Zimmermann. Type design was confined to Saturday, and featured Bruno Maag, Jonathan Barnbrook and Ivo Gabrowitsch. Pic by Juergen Siebert. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO San Francisco 2012

TYPO, one of Europe's popular design conferences [see TYPO Berlin and TYPO London], added an annual event in San Francisco, starting in 2012. TYPO San Francisco 2012 took place at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), April 5-6, 2012 centering around the theme Connect. The speakers were mostly graphic designers, not type designers---the type design community is represented by Jim Parkinson (type designer), Jessica Hische (type designer), Yves Peters (type critic) and Neville Brody (type destroyer).

Flickr group. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO San Francisco 2013

TYPO's annual event in San Francisco took place at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), April 11-12, 2013 centering around the theme Contrast. The speakers included a mix of type and graphic designers, with an occasional software guy thrown in for good measure. The list: Jessi Arrington, Ludovic Balland, Marian Bantjes, Peter Bil'ak, Matthew Butterick, Keetra Dixon, Jens Gehlhaar, Meena Kadri, Erik Kessels, Somi Kim, Travis Kochel, Eike (Hort) Koenig, Faythe Levine, Tom Manning, Christoph Niemann, Mike Salisbury, Satsuki Shibuya, Erik Spiekermann, Jeff Veen, Armin Vit, Ursus Wehrli. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO San Francisco 2014

TYPO's annual event in San Francisco took place at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), April 10-11, 2014 around the theme of rhythm. The speakers included a mix of type and graphic designers, with an occasional software guy thrown in for good measure. The list included type designers Boris Kochan, Gabriel Martinez Meave, Dan Rhatigan, René Knip, David John Ross, Yanone and Sibylle Haggman. The star speaker was Victor Moscoso, a poster artist from the psychedelic era. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO San Francisco 2015

TYPO's annual event in San Francisco took place at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), April 30-May 1, 2015 around the theme of focus. The speakers included a mix of type and graphic designers, with an occasional software guy thrown in for good measure. The list includes Yusef Alahmad, Jen Bilik, Nadine Chahine, Menno Cruijsen, Sarah Deragon, Tobias Frere-Jones, Agustin Garza, Nataly Gattegno, Daniel Gjøde, Adam Lewis Greene, Sarah Hyndman, Alastair Johnston, Chip Kidd, Ellen Lupton, Thomas Phinney, Louise Sandhaus, Rob Saunders, Joachim Sauter, Mark Simonson, Sumner Stone, and Tash Wong. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typo-Akademie Leininger Hof

Very interesting (German) seminar series on typography at Typo-Akademie Leininger Hof, Ulm. Page not updated since 2006. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TYPO.GRAPHIC.BEIRUT 2005 conference

Type and graphic design conference, held from 28-30 April 2005 at the University of Beirut, Lebanon. Organized by Zeina El Abed, Nathalie Fallaha and Yasmine Taan, this conference was free of charge and drew 800 people.! Speakers included Ken Garland, Gerry Leonidas, Huda Smishuijzen AbiFares, Reza Abedin, Nadine Chahine, Jean-François Porchez, Heinz Widmer, Tarek Atrissi, Stephen Banham, Johannes Bergerhausen, Filip Blazek, Ashwini Deshpande, Zantides Evripides, Ben Hannam, Lazlo Lelkes, Zeina Maasri, Peter Martin, Stuart Medley, Dan Reynolds, Jennifer Spoon, and Bruno Steinert. Report by Dan Reynolds. Pictures by Porchez (change the 7 to 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for more). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographics (2015)

Typographics is a conference at the Cooper Union in New York City, June 8-18, 2015. Several workshops organized between June 8 and June 11, and June 14 and June 18, while the conference itself will took place on June 12 and 13. Speakers at the main conference: Roger Black (possibly the main organizer), Jonathan Hoefler (speaking on The Modern Type Foundry), Louise Fili and Steven Heller, Paula Scher, Seymour Chwast, Erik van Blokland (on animated type), Jackie Goldberg (on type at Yahoo), Marko Dugonjic (speaking on responsive web typography), Abbott Miller, Alexander Tochilovsky, Alex Trochut, Marty Hall, Carrie Gee, Christian Schwartz (!!!), Barbara Glauber, Anand Naorem, Neelakash Kshetrimayum, Adrian Shaughnessy, Juan Carlos Pagan, Sue Apfelbaum, Matteo Bologna, Bethany Heck, Mike Fortress (speaking on the typographic language of icons), Bruno Maag, Alessia Nicotra. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographics (2016)

A two-day type and design conference held on June 17 and 18, 2016, at The Cooper Union in New York City. The program was put together by Roger Black and Alexander Tochilovsky (of the Herb Lubalin Study Center). Speakers: Jakob Trollbäck, Fiona Ross, Dan Rhatigan, Tracy Ma, Emily Oberman, Stephen Doyle, Francesco Franchi, Caspar Lam, Nina Stössinger, Tobias Frere-Jones, Eduardo Danilo, Juliette Cezzar, Elizabeth Carey Smith, Riley Cran, Gabriele Wilson, Anuthin Wongsunkakon, Victoria Rushton, Marta Cerda Alimbau, Douglas Riccardi, YuJune Park, Rob Giampietro, Indra Kupferschmid. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographics (2017)

Typographics is a design festival for people who use type. The event series took place June 12-22, 2017, and is devoted to contemporary typography, with talks, workshops, and tours focusing on where typography is today and where its future may lie. It was held at The Cooper Union in New York City. The highlight of Typographics was a two-day conference (June 16-17) centered around the contemporary use of type. The conference director in 2017 was Alexander Tochilovsky. The Festival's director was Cara Di Edwardo. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographics (2018)

Typographics is a design festival for people who use type. The event series took place from June 11-21, 2018, and was devoted to contemporary typography, with talks, workshops, and tours focusing on where typography is today and where its future may lie. It was held at The Cooper Union in New York City. The highlight of Typographics was a two-day conference (June 16-17) centered around the contemporary use of type. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographics (2019)

Typographics is a design festival for people who use type. The event series took place from June 10 until June 20, 2019, and was devoted to contemporary typography, with talks, workshops, and tours focusing on where typography is today and where its future may lie. Held at The Cooper Union in New York City, the highlight of Typographics was a two-day conference (June 14-15) centered around the contemporary use of type. The speakers: Edward Fella, Sara De Bondt, Renald Louissaint, Zipeng Zhu, Janet Hansen, Pegah Ahmadi, Pouya Ahmadi, Tereza Ruller, James Edmondson, Elle Kim, Jerome Harris, Louise Sandhaus, Matthew Carter, Shira Inbar, Alan Rapp, Neil Donnelly, Joyce N. Ho, Marta Bernstein, Braulio Amado, Lisa Strausfeld, Giorgia Lupi, Chantal Jahchan, Armin Vit. The directors are Cara Di Edwardo and Alexander Tochilovsky. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographics (2020)

Typographics is a design festival for people who use type. The event series took place from June 15 until June 20, 2020 at The Cooper Union in New York City. The highlight of Typographics was a two-day conference (June 19-20) centered around the contemporary use of type. The meeting this year was virtual due to COVID-19. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographika 2012

In a workshop led by Laurent Bourcellier at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, a number of students developed some typefaces. These include Cecile Jacob (Coctura), Juliette Inigo (Monk), Helene Poulard (Scarlett), Chloe Vesole (FeuSauvage), Camille Lasselin (NoueauMonde), Sacha Davico (Brouillon), and Clara Boyle (Fragmentee). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typography Day 2012

Typography Day was organized for the fifth time in 2012 (1st-3rd March) at the Industrial Design Centre (IDC) at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) with support from India Design Association (InDeAs) and Aksharaya. The event will include an international conference which will be devoted to addressing issues faced by type designers, type users and type educators. The theme for this year's event is Typography in Publication Design. The speakers whose talks touch upon type design include

  • Evripides Zantides: The use of eye-tracker technology to evaluate typefaces, Greek fonts and publication design for screen
  • Mahmood MazaheriTari: Abilities Of Persian Typefaces&Persian Calligraphy In Stencil Type Design
  • Mariko Takagi: Typographic Culture of Hong Kong
  • Sophia Oduol: Innovative applications of Typography - Ancient African Typographic Symbols in Contemporary Publication Design
  • Veronika Burian: Typographic matchmaking
  • Ishan Khosla: Typecraft: Creating an Indian Typographic Identity
  • Yashodeep Gholap: Designing a Devanagari text font for newspaper use
  • Chitchai Kuandachakupt: Ariyaka, the early typeface leads modern industrialization of letterpress printing in Thailand
  • Samradhi Katare: All That I Have Learned About Devanagari----Evolution of the Devanagari script and development of letter-form design based on Vox-ATypI classification of type
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Typography Day 2019

Typography Day will be organized for the Twelfth time on 2nd to 4th March 2019 at IDC School of Design (IDC), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), Mumbai with support from India Design Association (InDeAs) and Aksharaya. The theme is Experimental Typography. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typography: theory, history and education

Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, June 27-30, 2002, organized and hosted by the University of Macedonia. Speakers include Jacques André, Andrew Boag, Christopher Burke, Mary Dyson, John Hudson, David Lemon, James Mosley, Jean-François Porchez, Michael Twyman, Gerard Unger, and Karel van der Waarde. CVs of the speakers. The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Typography&Visual Communication were published in 2004 by University of Macedonia Press. Articles in English by John Bowman, Justin Howes, Yannis Haralambous, Ole Lund, Petra Cerne Oven, Milena Dobreva, Manolis Savidis, James Mosley, Barry Roseman, Peter Karow, Maria Nicholas, Stephan Fuessel, Mary Dyson, Victor Koen, Michael Twyman, Phil Baines, Andrew Boag, Paul Stiff, Karel van der Waarde, Jannis Androutsopoulos, Petr van Blokland, Garrett Boge, Evripides Zantides, Alan Marshall, Christopher Burke, Jean-François Porchez, Simon Daniels, David Lemon, Hrant Papazian, Sadik Karamustafa and others, and edited by Klimis Mastoridis. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typomania 2017

The International Typographic Festival Typomania is an annual type, typography, calligraphy and video event. Typomania 2017 took place in the Moscow Museum from April 27 until May 4, 2017. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypoMedia 2000

Linotype's design conference, 22-24 June 2000, Mainz, Germany. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Report on an annual type meeting in Germany. Contact: Andreas Kuhn. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypoTage 2004

TypoTage 2004 was held from 9-11 July 2004 in Leipzig. This report by Silvia werfel and Michael Bundscherer describes the talks by Kurt Weidemann, Akiem Helming, Werner Schneider, Jovica Veljovic, Albert Pinggera, Albert-Jan Pool, Martin Majoor, Hans Eduard Meier, Hildegard Korger, Gert Wunderlich, Ole Schäfer, Veronika grüger, Karl-Heinz Lange, Erhard Kaiser, Günter Gerhard Lange, Andreas Seidel, and Ingo Preuss. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typotechnica 2003

Font technology forum from 21-23 February 2003 organized by Linotype at the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg, Germany. This was intended for type designers and font specialists. Report. Pictures by Michael Bundscherer. Pictures by Jill Bell. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypoTechnica 2005

Conference organized by Linotype in London, 17-19 February 2005. Speakers. Linotype people speaking here include Bruno Steinert (the boss), Thomas Caldwell (European language support), Nadine Chahine (Arabic type support), and Attila Korap (computer wiz). The meeting is principally by and about Linotype, Adobe, Microsoft and FontLab. Linotype report. Ben Kiel's write-up. [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypoTechnica 2007

Conference organized by Linotype in Frankfurt, 27-29 April 2007. The main speaker is Christian Schwartz. The list of other speakers includes Frank E. Blokland (Dutch Type Library), Christopher Chapman (Monotype Imaging Inc.), Peter Constable (Microsoft Corporation), Akira Kobayashi (Linotype GmbH), Attila Korap (Linotype GmbH), Serge Malkin (Microsoft Corporation), Thomas Merz (PDFLib), Tobias Meyerhoff (Linotype GmbH), David Opstad (Monotype Imaging Inc.), Carolyn Parsons(Microsoft Corporation), Thomas Phinney (Adobe Systems Inc.), Joerg Schweinsberg (Linotype GmbH), Miguel Sousa (Adobe Systems Inc.), Adam Twardoch (FontLab Ltd.), Frank Wildenberg (Linotype GmbH), Juergen Willrodt (Dutch Type Library), Yuri Yarmola (FontLab Ltd.), and Seonil Yun. Pictures by Ralf Herrmann. Report by Dan Reynolds. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Type design workshop held from 24-30 October 2011 in FreeDom Gallery, Bahon, Slovak Republic. The organizers were Áron Jancsó, Ondrej Jób and Ján Filípek. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ukrainian Type

Ukrainian web site dedicated to a 2011 type competition. The ten finalists: Viktor Kharyk (Afont), Andrij Shevchenko (OK Office, Captain), Dmitri Rastvortsev (Open Storinka), Kiril Tkachov (Askold Sans, Askold Serif), Andrij Konstantinov (AK Font Arsenal), Dimitri Yarynych (Afont), Yaroslav Kutsch (Arsenal K), Markiya Yatsiv, Katerina Movchai (Arsenal), Yuliya Kuzmenko. Andrij Shevchenko eventually won the competition. His typeface is now called Arsenal and can be freely downloaded from the site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vagabondage Typographique Festif

Type workshop held on 25, 26 and 27 July 2014 at La Générale in Paris XI. It is organized by Velvetyne Type Foundry (Frank Adebiaye). The event is free. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wayzgoose Type Conference

The Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum hosts the 7th annual Wayzgoose Type Conference, Nov. 6-8, 2015. Featured speakers include Steven Heller, Louise Fili, Marian Bantjes, Daniel Rhatigan, Judith Berliner, Laurie Corral, Doug Clouse, Amanda Degener, Eva De La Rocha, Dan Elliott, Paul Gehl, Tracy Honn, Bridget O'Malley, Judith Poirier, Dan Schneider, Mark Simonson, Melanie Stockwell, Eric Woods. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Web Design Conference

April 6-7, 1999, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta. Keynote speaker Roger Black. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Workshop Typo Chaumont 2005

Three day workshop in which students at the Lycée Charles de Gaulle were taught how to change existing characters in fonts (in this case, Serifa Bold) by the people of Bluerats (Julien Janiszewski). This prompted a violent reaction from Jean-François Porchez who did not like this approach to teaching type design: Cest une très bonne manière de faire de futurs pirates, hugh, cette méthode me reste en travers de la gorge. Il faut pas sétonner si par la suite, certaines fontes bien connues feront des petits dans le dos. Certaines présentés sont déjà, et franchement visible, dans de mauvais draps. Concevoir une fonte, cest pas jouer avec quelques effets daprès une base, et la sauver sous un autre nom. Cest du piratage, pas moins. Cest proprement scandaleux. In any case, eight typefaces resulted from the workshop:

  • Sébastien Pascot: Disgurp 23.
  • Anne Richard: Empty.
  • Céline Bouvier: Molumbo.
  • Amandine Aramini & Romain Poisson: Nodine.
  • Arnaud Barthélemy & Jean Kiener: Panic Room.
  • Teddy Picaudé: Rusty.
  • Mélody Didier: Scritch Word.
  • Michaël Noiville: Untilted.
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Zapf's 80th Birthday

On November 26, 1998, Linotype held a celebration for him for his 80th birthday. [Google] [More]  ⦿