Luc's papers in arXiv

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T.-M. Cheung, L. Devroye, and M. Goh, "A note on plane trees with decreasing labels," Arxiv, vol. 2502.14596, 2025.


C. Atamanchuk, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Uniform temporal trees," Arxiv, vol. 2501.13044, 2025.


L. Devroye , M.R. Doboli, N. Rosenberg, and S. Wagner, "Tree height and the asymptotic mean of the Colijn--Plazzotta rank of unlabeled binary rooted trees," Arxiv, vol. 2409.18956, 2024.


L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and P. Zwiernik, "Learning latent tree models with small query complexity," Arxiv, vol. 2408.15624, 2024.


L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and P. Zwiernik, "Property testing in graphical models: testing small separation numbers," Arxiv, vol. 2405.10412, 2024.


F. Calvillo, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Subtractive random forests with two choices," Arxiv, vol. 2405.10455, 2024.


L. Devroye and D. Los, "An asymptotically optimal algorithm for generating bin cardinalities," Arxiv, vol. 2404.07011, 2024.


C. Atamanchuk, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "On the size of temporal cliques in subcritical random temporal graphs," Arxiv, vol. 2404.04462, 2024.


L. Devroye, A. Eide, and P. Pralat, "Burning random trees," Arxiv, vol. 2404.01545v2, 2024.


L. Addario-Berry, S. Briend, L. Devroye, S. Donderwinkel, C. Kerriou, and G. Lugosi, "Random friend trees," Arxiv, vol. 2403.20185, 2024.


C. Atamanchuk, L. Devroye, and M. Vicenzo, "An algorithm to recover shredded random matrices," Arxiv, vol. 2310.16715, 2023.


K. Dalal, L. Devroye, and E. Mal-alla, "Two-way linear probing revisited," Arxiv, vol. 2309.05308, 2023.


S. Briend, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Broadcasting on random recursive dags," Arxiv, vol. 2306.01727, 2023.


Luc Devroye, Abbas Mehrabian, and Tommy Reddad, "The total variation distance between high-dimensional Gaussians with the same mean," Arxiv, vol. 1810.0893, 2023.


N. Broutin, L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and R. Imbuzeiro, "Subtractive random forests," Arxiv, vol. 2210.10544.pdf, 2022.


L. Devroye, M. K. Goh, and R. Y. Zhao, "The independence number of a Bienaymé-Galton-Watson tree and related parameters," Arxiv, vol. 2106.14389, 2021.


L. Devroye and L. Györfi, "On the consistency of the Kozachenko-Leonenko entropy estimate," Arxiv, vol. 2102.12952, 2021.


L. Addario-Berry, L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and V. Velona, "Broadcasting on random recursive trees," Arxiv, vol. 2006.11787, 2020.


L. Devroye, S. Lattanzi, G. Lugosi, and N. Zhivotovskiy, "On mean estimation for heteroscedastic random variables," Arxiv, vol. 2010.11537, 2020.


A. M. Brandenberger, L. Devroye, and T. Reddad, "The Horton-Strahler number of Galton-Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 2010.08613, 2020.


A. M. Brandenberger, L. Devroye, and M. K. Goh, "Root estimation in Galton-Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 2007.05681, 2020.


D. Avis and L. Devroye, "An analysis of budgeted parallel search on conditional Galton-Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 1703.10731, 2019.


L. Addario-Berry, H. Cairns, L. Devroye, C. Kerriou, and R. Mitchell, "Hipster random walks," Arxiv, vol. 1909.07367, 2019.


Luc Devroye and Tommy Reddad, "On the discovery of the seed in uniform attachment trees," Arxiv, vol. 1810.00969, 2018.


G. Brassard, L. Devroye, and C. Gravel, "Remote sampling with applications to general entanglement simulation," Arxiv, vol. 1807.06649, 2018.


Luc Devroye, Abbas Mehrabian, and Tommy Reddad, "The minimax learning rate of normal and Ising undirected graphical models," Arxiv, vol. 1806.06887, 2018.


N. Broutin, L. Devroye, and N. Fraiman, "Recursive functions on conditional Galton--Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 1805.09425, 2018.


X.S. Cai, L. Devroye, C. Holmgren, and F. Skerman, "Cutting resilient networks," Arxiv, vol. 1804.03069, 2018.


L. Addario-Berry, L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and R. Imbuzeiro Oliveira, "Local optima of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Hamiltonian," Arxiv, vol. 1712.07775, 2017.


L. Beaudou, L. Devroye, and G. Hahn, "A lower bound on the size of an absorbing set in an arc-coloured tournament," Arxiv, vol. 1708.08891, 2017.


L. Devroye, C. Holmgren, and H. Sulzbach, "The heavy path approach to Galton-Watson trees with an application to Apollonian networks," Arxiv, vol. 1701.02527, 2017.


X.S. Cai and L. Devroye, "A study of large fringe and non-fringe subtrees in conditional Galton-Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 1602.03850, 2016.


L. Devroye, L. Gyorfi, G. Lugosi, and H. Walk, "On the measure of Voronoi cells," Arxiv, vol. 1512.04267, 2015.


L. Addario-Berry, S. Bhamidi, S. Bubeck, L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and R. Imbuzeiro Oliveira, "Exceptional rotations of random graphs: a VC theory," Arxiv, vol. 1506.02811, 2015.


L. Devroye and C. Gravel, "The expected bit complexity of the von Neumann rejection algorithm," Arxiv, vol. 1511.02273, 2015.


L. Devroye, M. Lerasle, G. Lugosi, and R.I. Oliveira, "Sub-Gaussian mean estimators," Arxiv, vol. 1509.05845, 2015.


X.S. Cai and L. Devroye, "The graph structure of a deterministic automaton chosen at random: full version," Arxiv, vol. 1504.06238, 2015.


L. Devroye and C. Gravel, "Sampling with arbitrary precision," Arxiv, vol. 1502.02539, 2015.


S. Bubeck, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Finding Adam in random growing trees," Arxiv, vol. 1411.3317, 2014.


N. Broutin, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Almost optimal sparsification of random geometric graphs," Arxiv, vol. 1403.1274, 2014.


N. Broutin, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Connectivity of sparse Bluetooth networks," Arxiv, vol. 1402.3696, 2014.


L. Devroye and S. Janson, "Protected nodes and fringe subtrees in some random trees," Arxiv, vol. 1310.0665, 2013.


X.S. Cai and L. Devroye, "A probabilistic analysis of Kademlia networks," Arxiv, vol. 1309.5866, 2013.


G. Brassard, L. Devroye, and C. Gravel, "Exact simulation of the GHZ distribution," Arxiv, vol. 1303.5942, 2013.


G. Biau and L. Devroye, "Cellular tree classifiers," Arxiv, vol. 1301.4679, 2013.


L. Devroye, O. Fawzi, and N. Fraiman, "Depth properties of scaled attachment random recursive trees," Arxiv, vol. 1210.7168v1, 2012.


L. Devroye and P. Morin, "A note on interference in random point sets," Arxiv, vol. 1202.5945, 2012.


L. Devroye and J. King, "Random hyperplane search trees in high dimensions," Arxiv, vol. 1106.0461, 2011.


D. Chen, L. Devroye, V. Dujmovic, and P. Morin, "Memoryless routing in convex subdivisions: random walks are optimal," Arxiv, vol. 0911.2484, 2011.


N. Broutin, L. Devroye, N. Fraiman, and G. Lugosi, "Connectivity threshold of Bluetooth graphs," Arxiv, vol. 1103-0351, 2011.


P. Bose, L. Devroye, K. Dou\"ieb, V. Dujmovic, J. King, and P. Morin , "Point location in disconnected planar subdivisions ," Arxiv, vol. 1001--2763, 2010.


L. Addario-Berry, L. Devroye, and S. Janson, "Sub-Gaussian tail bounds for the width and height of conditioned Galton--Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 1011--4121, 2010.


P. Bose, L. Devroye, M. L\"offler, J. Snoeyink, and V. Verma, "The dilation of the Delaunay triangulation is greater than $\pi/2$," Arxiv, vol. 1006--0291, 2010.


L. Devroye and G. Letac, "Copulas in three dimensions with prescribed correlations," Arxiv, vol. 1004--3146, 2010.


D. Chen, L. Devroye, V. Dujmovic, and P. Morin, "Memoryless routing in convex subdivisions: random walks are optimal," Arxiv, vol. 0911--2484, 2009.


L. Devroye and S. Janson, "Long and short paths in uniform random recursive dags," Arxiv, vol. 0906--0152, 2009.


L. Addario-Berry, N. Broutin, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "Combinatorial testing problems," Arxiv, vol. 0908--03437, 2009.


L. Devroye, J. Gudmundsson, and P. Morin, "On the expected maximal degree in random Gabriel and Yao graphs," Arxiv, vol. 0905--3584, 2009.


L. Addario-Berry, N. Broutin, L. Devroye, and G. Lugosi, "On combinatorial testing problems," Arxiv, vol. 0908--3437, 2009.


L. Devroye and S. Janson, "Distances between pairs of vertices and vertical profile in conditioned Galton--Watson trees," Arxiv, vol. 0812--3326, 2008.


V. Campos, V. Chvatal, L. Devroye, and P. Taslakian, "Transversals in trees," Arxiv, vol. 0705--1806, 2007.


L. Devroye and G. Lugosi, "Local tail bounds for functions of independent random variables ," Arxiv, vol. 0712--1686, 2007.


L. Devroye and H.-K. Hwang, "Width and mode of the profile for some random trees of logarithmic height ," Arxiv, vol. 0607--119, 2006.


L. Devroye, J.A. Fill, and R. Neininger, "Perfect simulation from the Quicksort limit distribution ," Arxiv, vol. 0005--237, 2000.


Luc Devroye
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6