TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:42:21 EDT 2025






Vunira Design

Indonesian designer of script, calligraphic, brush, dry brush, Halloween and children's book typefaces. Typefaces made in 2019: Alkilri, Anggita, Arzeta, Atalintar, Baladewa, Balistik, Beliau, Blackout, Blooqe Stages, Brand Hole, Braser, Delphina, Diana Rough, Doglas, Ecustic, Emerland, Enigma, Famous, Goteru, Harbala, Hastron, Helegra, Himaliya, Hollims, Jagalana, Magdalena, Monalisa, Ollson, Orlandia, Queny, Rekyoto, Reysha, River Young, Santoy, Seventy, Silloute, Staryl, State Moques, Vintage Legends, Zaskia, ZeBrush, Zillion.

Typefaces from later in 2019: Adabra, Advections, Alya, Assassin, Augustine, Autogenic, Azarita Duo, Bacar, Bedmifo, Belgia, Bigted, Britney, Certified, Dare Daling, Daytone, Dead Night, Delich, Duythy, Enofive, FireFlight, Giji, Green Walk, Growth Period, Hafala, Haned, Hargery Molly, Hello Day, Hogituey, Humble, Jocker, Jungle, Kellang Rika, Keyrey, Kronos, Laggran, Lolipop, Margaritha-Tropicana, Melage, Morisita, Onboard, Overfly, Paper Clip, Puresity Burbon, Quanty, Quiet, Quirtty, Qunanty, Qunomy, Regad, Rendezvouws, Resquro Halloween, Rose Hips, Rostter Boot, Rotter Bradly, Segoul, Silent, Silently, Snake Fangs, Sugarberry, The Baleak, Vallerya, Vanguard, Walking Dream, Wallington, Witch girls, Zigas, Zildjan.

Typefaces from 2020: Appetizer, Batone, Caledy, Callgios, Gargilla, Grandyose, Longline Quart, Mudega, Osage, Ouvality, Rafale, Soulist, SpeedBeast, Swansong, SwordFish (signage script), Waterlow, Whitefish.

Their massive collections bundle in 2020 has these 250 fonts; Abdillah, Acusted, Adabra, Adilea, Adirolies, Adisone, Advectionz, Aella, Akod, Alantis, Alkatros, Alkilri, Alrogty, Alrte, Alternation, Alya, Anadego, Anggita, Aniabellia, Antagonist, Appetizer, Arlaya, Artesy, Arzeta, Assassin, Atalintar, Augustine, Autined, Autogenic, Azala, Azarita, Bacar, Bafera, Bagide, Baladewa, Balges, Balistik, Barecy, Batone, Bedmifo, Beliau, Beligo Cary, Benetton Arenty, Bentley, Berlynda, Betnefie, Bigted, Birced, Blackout, Blackwing, Blooqe Stages, Blue Snow, Botade, Brand Hole, Braser, Brattsoon, Bright, Bright Daily, Britney, Brylion Script, Caledy, Callgios, Catline, Comye, Cursey, Daisy Rain, Dallime, Dare Daling, Daytone, Dead Night, Deglas, Delich, Dellaine, Delphina, Diana Rough, Diotam, Distrik, Doglas, Duythy, Eather, Ecustic, Ellies, Emerland, Enicye, Enigma, Enofive, Everlyne, Fabela, Famous, Fireflight, Frenchoy, Gargilla, Gasela, George, Giji, Goteru, Gotre, Grandiose, Green Walk, Growth Period, Hafala, Hafela, Hagos, Halybed, Hamble, HandyDandy, Haned, HappyFun, Harbala, Hargrey Molly, Harmonia, Hastron, Hatedo, Helegra, Hello Day, Hellow, Heritage, Hetbig, Hibes, Higlays, Hilles, Hiltobe, Himaliya, Hogituey, Hollims, Honey Moon, Humble, Huttem, Jagalana, Jocker, Jungle, Kaduta, Kalled, Kellang Rika, Keyrey, Kronos, Laggran, Legendaire (spurred), Leightonz, Lindsay, Lolipop, Longline Quartz, Magdalena, Magic Stick, Malikec, Margaritha Tropicana, Mariose, Matody, Maybelin, Melage, Mellenya, Mellisa, Moolland, Morisita, Mosem, Motibe Cebiks, Mudega, Mugle, Noifale, Onboard, Orlandia, Osage, Ouvality, Overfly, Paper Clip, Pastilec, Penleigh, Petite Romance, Plamiya, PrimeCast, Puresity Burbon, Qors, Quanty, QuickSets, Quiet, Quirtty, Qunanty, Qunomy, Qutapy, Rafale, Railway, Rawriting, Rebelia, Reffin, Regad, Rendezvouws, Resquro Halloween, Roast Type, Rolest, Rose Hips, Rosega, Rosela, Rostter Boot, Rotter Bradly, Salting, Scribbling, Segoul, Serfeb, Shout Ease, Signlia, Silent, Silently, Silfhie, Silloute, Simply Harmony, SnakeFangs, Soulist, Speed Beast, Staryl, State Moques, Strade Eqrem, Sugarberry, Sulifec, Sunniland, Sweet Serve, Swordfish, The Akrage, The Baleak, The Blog Malog, The Osage, Thrucy, Thune, Vallerya, Vanguard, Vinesday, Vintage Legends, Walking Dream, Wallington, Waterlow, Watterland, Whitefish, Wipela, Witch Girls, Zigas, Zildjan.

Typefaces from 2021: Absolute, Acude (blackletter), Adabe, Afika, Agites, Agnostic Mirossa, Allianta, Ambattur Sign, Attila, Badhie Dope, Bagela, Ballarat, Ballmind (inline), Beguns, Belanie, Bigote, Braier, Brattsoon, Butterfly, Carlinson, Carlistter, Charleigh, Cikals, Claustyn, Dagose (blackletter), Dark Glitter, Daywala, Dragon, Dreamland, Emogine, Emrand, Falose, Flynster, Giletha, Gisela, Hellington, Holife, Hypnotize, Jelita, Jissela, Joyfully, Kalvert (artsy), Leaflets (paperclip), Lilith, Lokills, Ma Lorena, Magaretha, Mellifluous, Northern Forest, Olios, Parahyang, Patterning, Ratna (signature script), Raymond, Regitta (signature script), Reliser, Relods, Richmond, Rollet (dry brush), Rusthic, Sabhar, Salmon, Seasony, Skylight, Stone Garden, Stranggi (a rabbit ear script), Sunflower, Sweetlilly, The Edensick, The Marshmallow, The Recolista, Thetian, Watterland, Welldone.

Vunira Design
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Type design in Indonesia ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Children's handwriting fonts ⦿ Dry brush script typefaces ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿ Monoline script fonts ⦿ Signature/logo fonts ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Paperclip faces ⦿

file name: Vunira Design Agites 2021

file name: Vunira Design Agnostic Mirossa 2021

file name: Vunira Design Allianta 2021

file name: Vunira Design Bagela 2021

file name: Vunira Design Ballmind 2021

file name: Vunira Design Beguns 2021

file name: Vunira Design Belanie 2021

file name: Vunira Design Bigote 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2021

file name: Vunira Design Cikals 2021

file name: Vunira Design Claustyn 2021

file name: Vunira Design Dagose 2021

file name: Vunira Design Hellington 2021

file name: Vunira Design Hypnotize 2021

file name: Vunira Design Kalvert 2021

file name: Vunira Design Leaflets 2021

file name: Vunira Design Lokills 2021

file name: Vunira Design Olios 2021

file name: Vunira Design Patterning 2021

file name: Vunira Design Ratna 2021

file name: Vunira Design Regitta 2021

file name: Vunira Design Relods 2021

file name: Vunira Design Rollet 2021

file name: Vunira Design Rusthic 2021

file name: Vunira Design Stranggi 2021

file name: Vunira Catalog 2020

file name: Vunira Design Advectionz 2020

file name: Vunira Design Antagonist 2020

file name: Vunira Design Appetizer 2020

file name: Vunira Design Baladewa 2020

file name: Vunira Design Balges 2020

file name: Vunira Design Dare Darling 2020

file name: Vunira Design Daytone 2020

file name: Vunira Design Fire Fight 2020

file name: Vunira Design Hargrey Molly 2020

file name: Vunira Design Humble 2020

file name: Vunira Design Jocker 2020

file name: Vunira Design Laggran Script 2020

file name: Vunira Design Quiet 2020

file name: Vunira Design Resquro Halloween 2020

file name: Vunira Design Rose Hips 2020

file name: Vunira Design Strade Eqrem 2020

file name: Vunira Design Sugarberry 2020

file name: Vunira Design Vanguard 2020

file name: Vunira Design Walking Dream 2020

file name: Vunira Design Wallington 2020

file name: Vunira Design Witch Girls 2020

file name: Vunira Design Zigas 2020

file name: Vunira Longline Quart 2020

file name: Vunira Longline Quart 2020

file name: Vunira Swordfish 2020

file name: Vunira Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Design Catalog 2019

file name: Vunira Giji 2019

file name: Vunira Walking Dream 2019

file name: Vunira Augustine 2019

file name: Vunira Belgia 2019

file name: Vunira Belgia 2019

file name: Vunira Daytone 2019

file name: Vunira Daytone 2019

file name: Vunira Daytone 2019

file name: Vunira Duythy 2019

file name: Vunira Green Walk 2019

file name: Vunira Green Walk 2019

file name: Vunira Hogituey 2019

file name: Vunira Hogituey 2019

file name: Vunira Kellang Pika 2019

file name: Vunira Kellang Pika 2019

file name: Vunira Kronos 2019

file name: Vunira Margaritha 2019

file name: Vunira Melage 2019

file name: Vunira Melage 2019

file name: Vunira Quiet 2019

file name: Vunira Quirtty 2019

file name: Vunira Quirtty 2019

file name: Vunira Rendezvous 2019

file name: Vunira Rendezvous 2019

file name: Vunira Resquro Halloween 2019

file name: Vunira Resquro Halloween 2019

file name: Vunira Resquro Halloween 2019

file name: Vunira Resquro Halloween 2019

file name: Vunira Rotter Bradly 2019

file name: Vunira Rotter Bradly 2019

file name: Vunira Sugarberry 2019

file name: Vunira Sugarberry 2019

file name: Vunira Vallerya 2019

file name: Vunira Vallerya 2019

file name: Vunira Wallington 2019

file name: Vunira Wallington 2019

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html