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177 Studio [Google]
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24Design Studio [Nur Cholis Majid]
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38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources) [Muhammad Ridha Agusni]
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AaType [Achmad Afandi]
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Abahe [Google]
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Abas Creative [Farhan Ramadhika]
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Abbasy Studio [Angga Kristiandri]
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Abdul Malik Wisnu [Almarkha Type]
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Abdullah Mabhal [Mabhal Studio]
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Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio) [Panggah Laksono]
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Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio) [Sarwo Edhi Prayitno]
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Ach Syafii [Syafii Ahmad]
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Achmad Afandi [AaType]
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Achmad Hanif Ulinuha [Madhaline Studio]
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Achmad Solikhin [Niki Studio]
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Adam Fathony [AF Studio]
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Ade Meiada [Fontsgood]
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Adhi Nugraha Sapto Aji [Superkij]
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Adi Marwah [BBA Key (or: Marwah Store, or Arwah Studio, or Art Design)]
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Adriansyah [Rivo Dwi Adriansyah]
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AF Studio [Adam Fathony]
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Afri Giani [Gian Studio]
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Agung Suwandi [Google]
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Agus Zamroni [Jroh Creative (was: JROH Communications)]
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Ahmad Ramzi Fahruddin [Arterfak Project]
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Ahmad Syarif Afandi [Letterafandi Studio (was: Letterafa Studio, Peterdraw, Delapan Studio)]
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Ahmad Zakiy [DoubleZ Studio (or: Ode Arts)]
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Ahmad Zamzami [Zamjump]
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Ahmet Faruk Sahin [Google]
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Aiyari [Ricky Rinaldi]
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Akhmad Reza Fauzi [Grezline Studio]
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Akifatype Studio
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Akmal Yusar [Picatype Studio]
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Alam Syahril [Realtype (or: Earning Type Co)]
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Aldy Sidik [Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja)]
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Alena Muhina [Google]
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Alex Etewut
[More] ⦿
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Alexander Tiunov [Besttypeco]
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Alexandra Pavlenko [Google]
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Ali Hamidi [Noer Hadi]
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Ali Hamidi [Brithos Type]
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Alit Design (or: Gurita Hitam) [Alit Suarnegara]
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Alit Suarnegara [Alit Design (or: Gurita Hitam)]
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Aliv Pandu [Type Colony]
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Allison James [Chequered Ink]
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Allmo Studio [Muhammad Nur Alamsyah]
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Allouse Studio [Fachrizal Yusuf]
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Almarkha Type [Abdul Malik Wisnu]
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Alpaprana Studio [Google]
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Alphabet Agency Font Foundry [Jonathan Swinn]
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Alphabeta [Habib Otang]
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Aluyeah Studio (or: Cupcake Std) [Linggar Sundoro]
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Alvin Hidayat [Google]
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AM Studios [Amirul Isra]
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Amin Mario [Amin Studio]
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Amin Maryono [Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio)]
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Amin Studio [Amin Mario]
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Aminmario Studio (was: Mario Studio) [Amin Maryono]
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Amir Subqi Setiaji
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Amirul Isra [AM Studios]
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Amri Mauludin [Arima Type]
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Amry Al Mursalaat [Docallisme HAS]
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Ana Babii [Google]
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Ana Natalia [Lyth Creative (or: Iyanatha)]
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Anang Fibriyanto [Cornertype Studio (or: Gassstype)]
[More] ⦿
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Anastasiia Macaluso [Google]
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Anastasiya Koba [Google]
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Andi Winarno [Inkstypia (or: Kursi Merah Studio, or: Inkstype)]
[More] ⦿
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Andika Fez [Austin Signs]
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Andre Bima Falah Rabbani [Atharuah Studios]
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Andrea De Oliveira [Latin Vibes]
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Andri Kurniawan [Struggle Studio]
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Andrie Nugrie [Nug's Project]
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Andriy Dykun [NREY]
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Angèle Kamp [Angele Kamp]
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Angele Kamp [Angèle Kamp]
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Angga Kristiandri [Abbasy Studio]
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Anggi Hermawan [Forberas Club]
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Anna Dorofieva [Google]
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Anna Safitri [Runsell Type (or: Runsell Studio, Studio Runsell)]
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Anna Zakharchenko [Anza Letters]
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Annas Alam Yahya [Letteralle]
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Anti Mainstype [Muhajir Oesman]
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Anton Cahyono [Motokiwo]
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Anton Didenko [Kavoon]
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Anxiety Studio (or: Design Co) [Google]
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Anza Letters [Anna Zakharchenko]
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Ardi Parwito [Green Adventure Studio]
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Ardy Knoxville [Typica Studio (was: Awakening Studios)]
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Area Type (was: GType) [Dhan Ghete]
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Arendx Studio [Asep Rendi]
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Ari Fadli [Debut Studio]
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Arief Munandar [Dot HK Studio]
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Arief Setyo Wahyudi [Typia Nesia]
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Arief Tri Sulistiyono [Supersemar Letter]
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Arif Dwi [Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio)]
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Arima Type [Amri Mauludin]
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Aring Typeface [Måns Grebäck]
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Artcoast Design (was: Mankoff) [Dmitry Mankoff]
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Artem Vorotnikov [Google]
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Arterfak Project [Ahmad Ramzi Fahruddin]
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Arthy Type [Sani Sanjaya]
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Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio) [Ghazi Humam Fauzan]
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Asep Rendi [Arendx Studio]
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Atharuah Studios [Andre Bima Falah Rabbani]
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Atif Arshad [Invents]
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Atjcloth Studio (or: Nimbalagi Studio) [Hanif Syahputra]
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Atom (or: Letteratom) [Eko Kurniawan]
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Attype Studio [Fadli Ramadhan Iskandar]
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Aulia Rahman [ShowUp Type Foundry]
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Austin Signs [Andika Fez]
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Authentype (or: Mix Jpg) [Ekayasa Ekayasa]
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Autumn Lane Paperie [Beck McCormick]
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Awan Setiawan [Awan Studio]
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Awan Studio [Awan Setiawan]
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Azetype (or: AZ Studio, Azet Media Co.) [Muhammed Aswar]
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Bagas Ardiatma [Trustha Studio]
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Bagus Arya Kirana [Krntype Studio]
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Bal Studio (or: Balstudio) [Iqbal Amsar Hidayat]
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Bandofol Studio [Mohamad Shadiq]
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Bangkit Tri Setiadi [Blankids Studio]
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Barkah (was: Alluranet) [Neuis Nurlela]
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Bayu Suwirya [Illushvara]
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BBA Key (or: Marwah Store, or Arwah Studio, or Art Design) [Adi Marwah]
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Bec Ralec [Pixel Colours (or: pixelbypixel)]
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Beck McCormick [Autumn Lane Paperie]
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Beni Pantona [MissinkLab Studio]
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Besttypeco [Alexander Tiunov]
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Billy Argel [Google]
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Bilqis Studio [Eddy Goodboy]
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Bing Febby Aldiansyah [Rvq Type Foundry (was: Hey Bing Type Foundry)]
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Blackkido597 [Giri Setia Pradana]
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Blankcraft (was: Fallen Type, or: Fallen Graphic) [Vava Aryanto]
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Blankids Studio [Bangkit Tri Setiadi]
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Blom Letter Studio [Muhammad Hisyam Rivai]
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Bloom XXVI [Google]
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Blue Studio [Winarno]
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Bogstav [Jakob Fischer]
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Bogz Designs [Google]
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Bonez Designz [Fiona Clarke]
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Bonjour Type [Rara Voenna]
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Branded Quotes [Google]
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Brenners Template [Ryul Davidson]
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Brithos Type [Ali Hamidi]
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Brumale [Stefano Giliberti]
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Burhan Afif [HansCo]
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BW 90 [Radovan Cernak]
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Callie Hegstrom [MakeMedia Co]
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Calvin Drews [Digital Studio (or: Digital Hustler; was: Drifter Studio, or: Everdrifter)]
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Camilla Beukel Klokmose [Google]
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CAT Design Wolgast [Peter Wiegel]
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Chaidir Gata [Gatype (or: Chairul Art)]
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Chekart [Google]
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Chequered Ink [Allison James]
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Chris Vile [Font Monger]
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Christoph Dörre [Google]
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Christoph Zeugswetter [WRKSTT Graphicstudio (or: Xtoph)]
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Clément Nicolle [Stereotype (was: Zone Erogene, or Dasklem)]
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Cornertype Studio (or: Gassstype) [Anang Fibriyanto]
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Cove 703 (was: ComicVector 703) [Cundrawan Tan]
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Craft Supply [Nazzar Saputra]
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Creative Toucan (was: Leo Supply Co) [Leonard Posavec]
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Creativeqube Design [Lucy Chugg]
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Creativework Studio (was: Creativework69 Studio) [Daddi Daryawan]
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Creatype Studio (or: Taro Creatype, Crella Marketplace, Rahardi Creatype) [Mohamad Rian Rahardi]
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Crow Studio [Efe Gürsoy]
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Crump Hand [Stefie Justprince]
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Cundrawan Tan [Cove 703 (was: ComicVector 703)]
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Daddi Daryawan [Creativework Studio (was: Creativework69 Studio)]
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Daffa Syarif [Syukur Setiyadi]
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Damien Paquiot [Google]
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Daniel Feldt [Great Scott]
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Daria Bilberry [Daria Cherniackova]
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Daria Cherniackova [Daria Bilberry]
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Darwin Huayan Harahap [Royaltype]
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Dasha Levchuk [Google]
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Dastan Miraj [Google]
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David Kasidi [Silverdav Studio]
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David Kerkhoff [Hanoded]
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Davide Bassu [Google]
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DCO (or: dcoxy medina, or: Atelier Oxydes) [Greg Médina]
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Debut Studio [Ari Fadli]
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Dede Mulyadi [Harder Type Foundry]
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Deduk Suandana [Made Deduk]
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Deena Type [Google]
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Degi Kurniawan [D&K Project]
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Denny Subagja [Formatika Studio]
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Dexsar Harry Anugrah [Majestype]
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Dhan Ghete [Area Type (was: GType)]
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Dhan Studio [Mauli Zari]
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Diana Padra [Google]
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Digital Studio (or: Digital Hustler; was: Drifter Studio, or: Everdrifter) [Calvin Drews]
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Dimas Prasetyo [DM Studio (or: DM Letter)]
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Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype) [Donis Miftahudin]
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Diosi Julianto [DLetters Studio]
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Dirtyline Studio [Hendra Maulia]
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Display Studio [Google]
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Ditatype [Donis Miftahudin]
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Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel) [Muhammad Faizal Said]
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Ditya Ananto [Oziel89 Studio]
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Ditya Dewi Anandita [Yumna Type]
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D&K Project [Degi Kurniawan]
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DLetters Studio [Diosi Julianto]
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DM Studio (or: DM Letter) [Dimas Prasetyo]
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Dmitriy Chirkov [Media Lab (or: Dima Evans)]
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Dmitry Mankoff [Artcoast Design (was: Mankoff)]
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Docallisme HAS [Amry Al Mursalaat]
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Doli Harahap [Tigade Studio]
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Doni Purwoko [Zeenesia Studio]
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Donis Miftahudin [Nathatype]
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Donis Miftahudin [Ditatype]
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Donis Miftahudin [Din Studio (or: Doni, Ditatype)]
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Donya Design [Teuku Muslyawan]
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Dot HK Studio [Arief Munandar]
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DoubleZ Studio (or: Ode Arts) [Ahmad Zakiy]
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Drawwwn Studio [Ryan Thomas]
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Dumadi Studios [Toni Dzulham]
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Dwi Ahidian [Lemonthe]
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Dysa Studio [Yusup Saputra]
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Eaver Studio (or: Wahyu & Sani Co) [Wahyu S. Adi Wibowo]
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Eddy Goodboy [Bilqis Studio]
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Edin Abdiu [Edin's Art Studio]
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Edin's Art Studio [Edin Abdiu]
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Edric Studio [Ega Nugraha]
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Eep Apringga [Namara Creative Studio (Collectype?)]
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Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef) [Luthfi Fauzi]
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Efe Gürsoy [Crow Studio]
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Ega Nugraha [Edric Studio]
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Ekayasa Ekayasa [Authentype (or: Mix Jpg)]
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Eko Kurniawan [Atom (or: Letteratom)]
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Elena Genova [My Creative Land (was: Mosquito Place)]
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Emtheen Studio [Muhammad Dimas]
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Epiclinez (was: Studio Epiclines, or: Letterbaja) [Aldy Sidik]
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Ergibi Studio [Riyadh Rahman]
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Erlangga Suherman [Erlos Design]
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Erlos Design [Erlangga Suherman]
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Eskimo Creative [Galina Eskimo]
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Ewe Jin Tee [Hand Lettering Shop (was: The Letter Shop)]
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Ewelina Gaska [Google]
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Excellent Ritma Florendia [Mocosans (or: Slidehack)]
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Fachran Heit [Fachrul Rozi]
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Fachrizal Yusuf [Allouse Studio]
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Fachrul Rozi [Fachran Heit]
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Fadli Ramadhan Iskandar [Attype Studio]
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Fahri Rizal [Mocca Letter (or: Fana Studio)]
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Fahri Yanjah [Fatma Studio]
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Faisal Tanjung [Sizimon Studio]
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Fajar Abdul Fatah [Sibelumpagi Studio (or: Bale Design Studio)]
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Fajar Gunawan [Fargun Studio]
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Famoys Saz [Sarah Rose]
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Fargun Studio [Fajar Gunawan]
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Farhan Ramadhika [Abas Creative]
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Farul Arjianto [Typefar]
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Fathi Al Ghazi [Youthlabs Studio (was: Zrox Studio, Muhammad Fathi Al Ghazi)]
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Fatih Günes [Oldschool Designer Co (or: Design Dukkan, or: Font Art)]
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Fatimah Dipi [Kong Font (or: Gemes Font)]
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Fatma Studio [Fahri Yanjah]
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Fauzi Hidayat [Ojes Studio]
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Favete Art [Olga Zakharova]
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Ferdian Syah [Ijemrockart]
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Ferry Hadriyan [FHFont (was: Feydesign)]
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FHFont (was: Feydesign) [Ferry Hadriyan]
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Figuree Studio [Icep Anwar Fadhil]
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Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif) [Muhammad Fikry]
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Fiona Clarke [Bonez Designz]
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Firman Syah [Olexs Studio (was: Rabbit Type, Mr. Rabbit, and Olex Studio)]
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Flamde Studio (was: Astageni Studio) [Nur Solikh]
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Font & Graphic Land [Google]
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Font Bundles [Google]
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Font Monger [Chris Vile]
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Fontsgood [Ade Meiada]
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Forberas Club [Anggi Hermawan]
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Formatika Studio [Denny Subagja]
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Fortunes Co (was: Celcius Design) [Ramandhani Nugraha]
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Fran Studio [Niza Fahmi]
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Free Goodies for Designers (or: FGD) [Marcelo Reis Melo]
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Fuad Hasan [Ketikata (or: Ojo Ngintype)]
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Gabriel Molina Kiss [Google]
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Galina Eskimo [Eskimo Creative]
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Garisman Studio [Risman Ginarwan]
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Gatra Studio [Wahyu Edhi Widodo]
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Gatype (or: Chairul Art) [Chaidir Gata]
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George Dobrogeanu [Something Design]
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Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio) [Haris Anggar Setioko]
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Get Studio (or: Her Design) [Herman Syah]
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Ghazi Humam Fauzan [Asd Studio (or: Ash-Shiddiq Studio; was: Qanita Studio)]
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Ghuroba Studio [Hasan Udin]
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Gian Studio [Afri Giani]
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Giemons [Oghie Novianto]
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Gilang Maulana [Maulana Creative]
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Giri Setia Pradana [Blackkido597]
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Gitayogi Irhandi [Scratch Bali Design (or: Scratch Store, or: Scratch Design)]
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Giuseppe Salerno [Resistenza]
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Gleb Guralnyk
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Graffiti Fonts (or: Highground Industries, or: Highground Graffiti Fonts, or: Fulltime Artists) [Matthew Napolitano]
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Graphicfresh (was: Sameeh Store, or Sameeh Media) [Muhammad Husni Haikal]
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Graticle [Shawn Hooghkirk]
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Great Scott [Daniel Feldt]
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Great Studio [Mulkan Nazir]
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Green Adventure Studio [Ardi Parwito]
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Greentype Studio (or: Greentrik.6789) [Tri Kuncoro]
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Greg Médina [DCO (or: dcoxy medina, or: Atelier Oxydes)]
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Greg Nicholls [Rook Supply (was: Designer Toolbox, or: Rook Design Supply)]
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Grezline Studio [Akhmad Reza Fauzi]
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Groen Studio (or: Jorse Creative, or: Jorsetype) [Symon Adam Abdullah]
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Guerillacraft [Matej Ilcik]
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Guguh Gumantoro [Letter Stock (was: Gumacreative)]
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Guy Haynie [Haynie Design Co]
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Habib Otang [Alphabeta]
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Halymunt Studio [Google]
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Hamam Jauhari [Wacaksara Co]
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Hand Lettering Shop (was: The Letter Shop) [Ewe Jin Tee]
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HandletterYean [Yean Aguste]
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Hanief Farandi [Simetris (was: Hanief Studio, or: Hanzel Studio, or: Hanzel Space)]
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Hanif Syahputra [Atjcloth Studio (or: Nimbalagi Studio)]
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Hanoded [David Kerkhoff]
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HansCo [Burhan Afif]
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Harder Type Foundry [Dede Mulyadi]
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Haris Anggar Setioko [Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio)]
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Haris Prawoto [Selawe]
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Haris Purnama Putra [Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere)]
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Harmony Type (was: Roman Joki, or:(was: Holytramp) [Roman Kalabaev]
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Harry Cresswell [Google]
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Hasan Udin [Ghuroba Studio]
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Hasta Type (was: Iklaz Studio) [Salman Mashudi]
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Hayinah Hayinah [Rockboys Studio (or: Rockboy Studio)]
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Haynie Design Co [Guy Haynie]
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Heavyweight [Jan Horcik]
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Helotype [Yudi Setiawan]
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Hendra Maulia [Dirtyline Studio]
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Hendra Pratama [HP Typework (was: Mikrojihad Inc.)]
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Hendry Juanda [Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend)]
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Heri Juniawan [Google]
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Heri Puryanto [Lemoncraft Studio]
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Herman Syah [Get Studio (or: Her Design)]
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Herotype (or: Kang 1993) [Muammar Khalid]
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Heru Utama Putra [Letterena Studios]
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Hilmius Akbar [Type Factory]
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Hindia Studio [Tulus Driyo]
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Hindra Permana [ndroadv]
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Hindro Cholis [Pidco Art]
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HP Typework (was: Mikrojihad Inc.) [Hendra Pratama]
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Hustle Supply Co [Jeremy Vessey]
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Ian Irwan Wismoyo [Just Font You]
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Ibnu Utomo [Omotu]
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Icep Anwar Fadhil [Figuree Studio]
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Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi [Juru Rancang Studio (was: Juru Aksara)]
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Ijemrockart [Ferdian Syah]
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Ikiiko Type (was: wep) [Wahyu Eka Prasetya]
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Ikrar Bey Khubaib [Puri Creative (or: Ibey Design)]
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Ilham Prasetya [Kunotype]
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IlhamSyah Vutra [Inspira Type (or: Collabro Studio, or: Inspira Sign)]
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Illushvara [Bayu Suwirya]
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imagex [Google]
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Indotitas Squad [Mustaaqim Ibraa]
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Inkstypia (or: Kursi Merah Studio, or: Inkstype) [Andi Winarno]
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Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio) [Arif Dwi]
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Inspira Type (or: Collabro Studio, or: Inspira Sign) [IlhamSyah Vutra]
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Invents [Atif Arshad]
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Iqbal Amsar Hidayat [Bal Studio (or: Balstudio)]
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Irina Dvilyuk
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Iryna Trigubova [Red Ink]
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Ivan Rosenberg
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Izalsye [Google]
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Jaduger Design Studio (and: Twodollarshop) [Mobaric Minhas]
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Jakob Fischer [PizzaDude]
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Jakob Fischer [Bogstav]
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Jan Horcik [Heavyweight]
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Jenny Fox [Google]
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Jenny Mae S. Fox [Google]
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Jeremy Vessey [Pixel Surplus]
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Jeremy Vessey [Hustle Supply Co]
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Jetsmax (was: Riljs, or: Typograph Pro) [Khairil Anwar Husain]
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JNP Studio [Juan Pablo Bello]
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Joanne Hewitt [Joanne Marie]
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Joanne Marie [Joanne Hewitt]
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Jonathan Stephen Harris [Tattoo Woo (or: JSH Creates, or: Smokewire)]
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Jonathan Swinn [Alphabet Agency Font Foundry]
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Jordi Manero Pascual [Woodcutter Manero]
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Jroh Creative (was: JROH Communications) [Agus Zamroni]
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Juan Pablo Bello [JNP Studio]
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Julio Laily Domingo Ahad [Tarendra Studio]
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Jun Herjuna [Thirtypath (or: Pathero Studio)]
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Juru Rancang Studio (was: Juru Aksara) [Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi]
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Just Font You [Ian Irwan Wismoyo]
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KA Designs [Kaitlynn Albani]
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Kaer [Roman Korolev]
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Kait McNally [Think Make Design]
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Kaitlynn Albani [KA Designs]
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Kanda Euatham [Paramajan]
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Kavoon [Anton Didenko]
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Kayona Alma [Pineung Type]
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Keira McGovern [Salt and Pepper Designs]
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Kelly Reed [Mellow Design Lab]
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Ketikata (or: Ojo Ngintype) [Fuad Hasan]
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Khairil Anwar Husain [Jetsmax (was: Riljs, or: Typograph Pro)]
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Khurasan [Syaf Rizal]
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Kirsten Louise [Kirsten Louise Design]
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Kirsten Louise Design [Kirsten Louise]
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Knackpack Studio [Google]
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Koen van der Bliek [Google]
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Kong Font (or: Gemes Font) [Fatimah Dipi]
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Konstantina Louka [Nantia]
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Konstantine Studio
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Krisjanis Mezulis
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Krntype Studio [Bagus Arya Kirana]
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Ksenya Kuznetsova [Peliken]
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Kunotype [Ilham Prasetya]
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La Renaissance Girl [Google]
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Larin Type Co [Pasha Larin]
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Latin Vibes [Andrea De Oliveira]
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Laura Bennett [Laura Bennett Design]
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Laura Bennett Design [Laura Bennett]
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Laura Condouris [Trial by Cupcakes]
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Lazar Dimitrijevic [Posterizer KG]
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Lemoncraft Studio [Heri Puryanto]
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Lemonthe [Dwi Ahidian]
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Leonard Posavec [Creative Toucan (was: Leo Supply Co)]
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Letter Stock (was: Gumacreative) [Guguh Gumantoro]
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Letterafandi Studio (was: Letterafa Studio, Peterdraw, Delapan Studio) [Ahmad Syarif Afandi]
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Letteralle [Annas Alam Yahya]
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Letterara Studio [Thomas Aradea]
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Letterena Studios [Heru Utama Putra]
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Letterhend Studio (or: Magang Letterhend) [Hendry Juanda]
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Lettersams [Samsul Kamal]
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Lettersiro [Muhammad Sirojuddin]
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Line Tale [Google]
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Linggar Sundoro [Aluyeah Studio (or: Cupcake Std)]
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Liz Bartucci [Tuccicursive]
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LJ Design [Luis Jaramillo]
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Lucky Type (or: Luckytype) [Muhammad Fajar]
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Lucy Chugg [Creativeqube Design]
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Luis Jaramillo [LJ Design]
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Luis R.H. Rapp [Google]
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Luthfi Fauzi [Ef Studio (or: Luthfi ef)]
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Lyth Creative (or: Iyanatha) [Ana Natalia]
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M Ramdan S Ganesa P [MRSGP Studios]
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Mabhal Studio [Abdullah Mabhal]
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Made Deduk [Deduk Suandana]
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Madhaline Studio [Achmad Hanif Ulinuha]
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Madjack Font [Zaki Muhammad]
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Maelle Keita [Octotype]
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Maghrib Lab [Rizky Satyaludin]
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Magic Hands [Google]
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Mahar Studios [Google]
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Majestype [Dexsar Harry Anugrah]
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Makashi Creative (or: Kammaqsum) [Maqsum Kamil Shiddiq]
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MakeMedia Co [Callie Hegstrom]
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Malik Wisnu [WSN Studio]
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Maqsum Kamil Shiddiq [Makashi Creative (or: Kammaqsum)]
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Marcelo Reis Melo [Free Goodies for Designers (or: FGD)]
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Marcus Melton [Google]
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Måns Grebäck [Aring Typeface]
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Mario Ortega [Google]
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Mark Richardson [Google]
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Mark Searfoss [Searfoss Design]
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Mas Anis Studio [Muhammad Naufal Anis]
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Matej Ilcik [Guerillacraft]
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Mateus Emanuel Andrade de Sousa [Google]
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Mats-Peter Forss [Google]
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Matt Allan [Google]
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Matthew Napolitano [Graffiti Fonts (or: Highground Industries, or: Highground Graffiti Fonts, or: Fulltime Artists)]
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Maulana Arrahman [Maulana Semar]
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Maulana Creative [Gilang Maulana]
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Maulana Semar [Maulana Arrahman]
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Mauli Zari [Dhan Studio]
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Max Infeld [Xerographer Fonts]
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Maxim Eroshev [Google]
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Mayonpx [Quirino Sosas]
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Media Lab (or: Dima Evans) [Dmitriy Chirkov]
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Mehmet Reha Tugcu [Google]
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Mellow Design Lab [Kelly Reed]
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Melvas Type (was: Mahti) [Mika Melvas]
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Mevstory Studio (or: Mandeh Studio, or: Eleanor Studio, or: Mevricks Studio, or: Lettercorner Studio) [Muhammad Afif Ersya]
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Michael Mervinetsky [Studio & Story (was: Pina Colada)]
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Michael Parson [Typogama]
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Mika Melvas [Melvas Type (was: Mahti)]
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Mikko Sumulong [Mix Fonts]
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Milos Zlatanovic
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Mindtype Co [Putra Khan]
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MissinkLab Studio [Beni Pantona]
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Missy Meyer
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Mix Fonts [Mikko Sumulong]
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MJ Type (or: Jun Creative) [Muhamad Junaid]
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MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design) [Muhammad Mujibulloh]
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Mobaric Minhas [Jaduger Design Studio (and: Twodollarshop)]
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Mocca Letter (or: Fana Studio) [Fahri Rizal]
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Mocosans (or: Slidehack) [Excellent Ritma Florendia]
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Mohamad Rian Rahardi [Creatype Studio (or: Taro Creatype, Crella Marketplace, Rahardi Creatype)]
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Mohamad Ridwan [Prestigetype Studio]
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Mohamad Shadiq [Bandofol Studio]
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Mohammed Shohail Bhuian [Seemly Fonts (or: Fancy Fonts, Instagram Fonts, Comely Designs, or: Seemly Designs)]
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Motokiwo [Anton Cahyono]
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Mr. Letters (was: Mr. Hand Studio) [Muhammad Rizal]
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MRSGP Studios [M Ramdan S Ganesa P]
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Muammar Khalid [Herotype (or: Kang 1993)]
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Muhajir Oesman [Anti Mainstype]
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Muhamad Junaid [MJ Type (or: Jun Creative)]
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Muhamad Yusron Billah [Sron Studio]
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Muhammad Afif Ersya [Mevstory Studio (or: Mandeh Studio, or: Eleanor Studio, or: Mevricks Studio, or: Lettercorner Studio)]
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Muhammad Afifersya [Google]
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Muhammad Dimas [Emtheen Studio]
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Muhammad Faizal Said [Ditoollis Project (was: KV Channel)]
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Muhammad Fajar [Lucky Type (or: Luckytype)]
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Muhammad Fikry [Fikryal (or: Fikry Alif)]
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Muhammad Helmi [Senekaligrafika]
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Muhammad Hisyam Rivai [Blom Letter Studio]
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Muhammad Husni Haikal [Graphicfresh (was: Sameeh Store, or Sameeh Media)]
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Muhammad Mujibulloh [MJB Letters (was: Artspace Design)]
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Muhammad Naufal Anis [Mas Anis Studio]
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Muhammad Nur [Pollem Studio (or: Polem, was: Joee Creative, or Joe Creative)]
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Muhammad Nur Alamsyah [Allmo Studio]
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Muhammad Panji [Sipanji (was: Straightwell)]
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Muhammad Ridha Agusni [38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources)]
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Muhammad Rizal [Mr. Letters (was: Mr. Hand Studio)]
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Muhammad Sirojuddin [Lettersiro]
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Muhammad Yoni [Yon Type Studio]
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Muhammed Aswar [Azetype (or: AZ Studio, Azet Media Co.)]
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Mulkan Nazir [Great Studio]
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Murebek Type [Google]
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Murebek Type (was: Cut Story) [Rama Ramadhana]
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Mustaaqim Ibraa [Indotitas Squad]
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My Creative Land (was: Mosquito Place) [Elena Genova]
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MyFonts: Dry brush typefaces [Google]
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Nahar [Nanda Hardiansyah]
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Namara Creative Studio (Collectype?) [Eep Apringga]
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Nami Studio [Sahirul Iman]
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Nanda Hardiansyah [Nahar]
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Nandatype Studio
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Nantia [Konstantina Louka]
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Nariswari Creative (or: Nariswari Creativitype) [Taufik Dwi Purnomo]
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Nas Art [Nasser Araujo]
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Nasrullah [Sulthan Studio]
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Nasser Araujo [Nas Art]
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Nathan Thomson [Google]
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Nathatype [Donis Miftahudin]
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Naufal Paramata [Young Type (was: Alpa Studio)]
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Nazzar Saputra [Craft Supply]
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ndroadv [Hindra Permana]
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Neuis Nurlela [Barkah (was: Alluranet)]
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New Tropical Design Studio [Tom Cunningham]
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Nicky Laatz
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Nigel Owen [Google]
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Niki Studio [Achmad Solikhin]
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Nirmana Visual [Sigit Dwipa]
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Niza Fahmi [Fran Studio]
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Noer Hadi [Ali Hamidi]
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NREY [Andriy Dykun]
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Nug's Project [Andrie Nugrie]
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Nur Cholis Majid [24Design Studio]
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Nur Faidin [Nurf Designs]
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Nur Solikh [Flamde Studio (was: Astageni Studio)]
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Nurf Designs [Nur Faidin]
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Nurul Hidayani [Olive Type]
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Oban Design Studios [Oban Jones]
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Oban Jones [Oban Design Studios]
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Octotype [Maelle Keita]
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Oghie Novianto [Giemons]
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Ojes Studio [Fauzi Hidayat]
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Oldschool Designer Co (or: Design Dukkan, or: Font Art) [Fatih Günes]
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Oleg Voznyy [Vozzy (was: Oleg Vozny)]
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Olexs Studio (was: Rabbit Type, Mr. Rabbit, and Olex Studio) [Firman Syah]
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Olga Zakharova [Favete Art]
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Olive Type [Nurul Hidayani]
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Omotu [Ibnu Utomo]
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One Desain [Sudarman Mulka]
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Only The Originals [Google]
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Opands [Topan Sofyan]
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Oziel89 Studio [Ditya Ananto]
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Paco Gonzalez
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Pandan Wangi
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Panggah Laksono [Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio)]
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Paramajan [Kanda Euatham]
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Pasha Larin [Larin Type Co]
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Patria Ari (was: Patria Std) [Patria Ari Wijonarko]
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Patria Ari Wijonarko [Patria Ari (was: Patria Std)]
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Paul Cracknell [Something and Nothing]
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Paula A Design (was: Nursery Art, Eikon Design) [Porapak Apichodilok]
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Pedro Alexandre Teixeira [Pedro Teixeira Foundry]
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Pedro Teixeira Foundry [Pedro Alexandre Teixeira]
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Peliken [Ksenya Kuznetsova]
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Pen Culture (or: End Co; was: Stripline Co) [Revo Farisky]
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Perspectype [Google]
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Peter Wiegel [CAT Design Wolgast]
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Petra Burger [Google]
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Picatype Studio [Akmal Yusar]
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Pidco Art [Hindro Cholis]
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Pierre Bouyer [Google]
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Pineung Type [Kayona Alma]
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Pink Coffie [Google]
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Pixel Colours (or: pixelbypixel) [Bec Ralec]
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Pixel Surplus [Jeremy Vessey]
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PizzaDude [Jakob Fischer]
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Pollem Studio (or: Polem, was: Joee Creative, or Joe Creative) [Muhammad Nur]
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Porapak Apichodilok [Paula A Design (was: Nursery Art, Eikon Design)]
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Posterizer KG [Lazar Dimitrijevic]
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Prestigetype Studio [Mohamad Ridwan]
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Prio Nurokhim Aji [Prioritype]
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Prioritype [Prio Nurokhim Aji]
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Puri Creative (or: Ibey Design) [Ikrar Bey Khubaib]
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Putra Cetol Studio [Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma]
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Putra Khan [Mindtype Co]
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Putra Novembria Candra Kusuma [Putra Cetol Studio]
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Putri Ayu Wulandari [Setyaisiam Type]
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Qiwbrother Studio [Rayaseta Kartiwa]
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Quirino Sosas [Mayonpx]
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Rachael Cullen [Google]
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Rachel McBride [RVM Creative (Rachel McBride Creative)]
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Rachel White [Rachel White Art]
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Rachel White Art [Rachel White]
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Radovan Cernak [BW 90]
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Rahagita Type [Setiadi Rahagita]
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Rama Ramadhana [Murebek Type (was: Cut Story)]
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Ramandhani Nugraha [Fortunes Co (was: Celcius Design)]
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Randi Ilhamsyah [VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative)]
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Rangga Singgih Subekti [Subectype]
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Rantau Type [Yudi Pratama Chandra]
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Rara Voenna [Bonjour Type]
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Rayaseta Kartiwa [Qiwbrother Studio]
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Rcio [Google]
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RCKY Studio [Rizki Agam Fonna]
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Realtype (or: Earning Type Co) [Alam Syahril]
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Red Ink [Iryna Trigubova]
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Resistenza [Giuseppe Salerno]
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Restu Angga
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Revnede [Google]
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Revo Farisky [Pen Culture (or: End Co; was: Stripline Co)]
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Richard Khuptong
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Ricky Rinaldi [Aiyari]
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Ridsan Supardi [Google]
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Riski Firmana [Solid Type]
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Risman Ginarwan [Garisman Studio]
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Rita Galygina [Google]
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Rivo Dwi Adriansyah [Adriansyah]
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Riyadh Rahman [Ergibi Studio]
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Rizki Agam Fonna [RCKY Studio]
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Rizky Satyaludin [Maghrib Lab]
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Roch Art [Rochadi Sudarma]
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Rochadi Sudarma [Roch Art]
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Rockboys Studio (or: Rockboy Studio) [Hayinah Hayinah]
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Roman Kalabaev [Harmony Type (was: Roman Joki, or:(was: Holytramp)]
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Roman Korolev [Kaer]
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Rometheme [Yahdi Kumala]
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Ron Dale [Google]
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Rook Supply (was: Designer Toolbox, or: Rook Design Supply) [Greg Nicholls]
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Rotterlab Studio [Sidiq Fahmi]
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Royaltype [Darwin Huayan Harahap]
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Runsell Type (or: Runsell Studio, Studio Runsell) [Anna Safitri]
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RVM Creative (Rachel McBride Creative) [Rachel McBride]
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Rvq Type Foundry (was: Hey Bing Type Foundry) [Bing Febby Aldiansyah]
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Ryan Thomas [Drawwwn Studio]
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Ryul Davidson [Brenners Template]
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Sabine Piletti [Google]
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Saffatin & Edy (was: Saffatin Sweettype, Saffatin Co, Siwox Studios, Siwox Smoke, DSiwoX) [Sarwo Edi]
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Safri Fajar [Sapre Studio]
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Sahirul Iman [Nami Studio]
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Saiful Anwar [Sealoung (was: Masay Letter)]
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Salman Mashudi [Hasta Type (was: Iklaz Studio)]
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Salt and Pepper Designs [Keira McGovern]
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Sam Parrett [Set Sail Studios]
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Samsul Kamal [Lettersams]
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Sana Kirmani [Google]
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Sani Sanjaya [Arthy Type]
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Sapre Studio [Safri Fajar]
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Sarah Rose [Famoys Saz]
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Saribanon Nur [Google]
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Sarid Ezra
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Sarten (or: Sari Tender) [Google]
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Sarwo Edhi Prayitno [Absonstype (was: Haksen Graphic, or: Haksen Letters, or: Haksen Studio)]
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Sarwo Edi [Saffatin & Edy (was: Saffatin Sweettype, Saffatin Co, Siwox Studios, Siwox Smoke, DSiwoX)]
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Scratch Bali Design (or: Scratch Store, or: Scratch Design) [Gitayogi Irhandi]
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Sealoung (was: Masay Letter) [Saiful Anwar]
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Searfoss Design [Mark Searfoss]
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Sebastian Schubmehl [Google]
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Seemly Fonts (or: Fancy Fonts, Instagram Fonts, Comely Designs, or: Seemly Designs) [Mohammed Shohail Bhuian]
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Selawe [Haris Prawoto]
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Senekaligrafika [Muhammad Helmi]
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Set Sail Studios [Sam Parrett]
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Setiadi Rahagita [Rahagita Type]
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Setyaisiam Type [Putri Ayu Wulandari]
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Shawn Hooghkirk [Graticle]
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ShowUp Type Foundry [Aulia Rahman]
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Sibelumpagi Studio (or: Bale Design Studio) [Fajar Abdul Fatah]
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Sidiq Fahmi [Rotterlab Studio]
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Sigit Dwipa [Nirmana Visual]
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Silver Stag [Google]
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Silverdav Studio [David Kasidi]
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Simetris (was: Hanief Studio, or: Hanzel Studio, or: Hanzel Space) [Hanief Farandi]
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Sine Asmussen [Google]
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Sipanji (was: Straightwell) [Muhammad Panji]
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Sizimon Studio [Faisal Tanjung]
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Solid Type [Riski Firmana]
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Something and Nothing [Paul Cracknell]
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Something Design [George Dobrogeanu]
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Spinturnix [Trevor Garner]
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Sron Studio [Muhamad Yusron Billah]
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SSI Scraps [Syukur Setiyadi]
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Stefano Giliberti [Brumale]
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Stefie Justprince [Crump Hand]
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Stereotype (was: Zone Erogene, or Dasklem) [Clément Nicolle]
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String Labs Creative Studio [Virgiawan Listanto]
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Stripes Studio [Yur Lis]
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Struggle Studio [Andri Kurniawan]
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Studio & Story (was: Pina Colada) [Michael Mervinetsky]
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Suat Tuna [Google]
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Subectype [Rangga Singgih Subekti]
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Sudarman Mulka [One Desain]
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Sulthan Studio [Nasrullah]
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Superkij [Adhi Nugraha Sapto Aji]
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Supersemar Letter [Arief Tri Sulistiyono]
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Supipat Chimwichian [Google]
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Suza Studio [Zikril Lah]
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Sya'dan Ismail Rosyad [Will Letter (or: Will Graphic)]
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Syaf Rizal [Khurasan]
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Syafii Ahmad [Ach Syafii]
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Symon Adam Abdullah [Groen Studio (or: Jorse Creative, or: Jorsetype)]
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Syukur Setiyadi [SSI Scraps]
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Syukur Setiyadi [Daffa Syarif]
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Tarendra Studio [Julio Laily Domingo Ahad]
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Tattoo Woo (or: JSH Creates, or: Smokewire) [Jonathan Stephen Harris]
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Taufik Dwi Purnomo [Nariswari Creative (or: Nariswari Creativitype)]
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Tauris Mustafa [Google]
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Teuku Fahruddin [Typehill]
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Teuku Muslyawan [Donya Design]
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Think Make Design [Kait McNally]
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Thirtypath (or: Pathero Studio) [Jun Herjuna]
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Thomas Aradea [Letterara Studio]
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Tigade Studio [Doli Harahap]
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Tom Anders Watkins [Google]
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Tom Chalky
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Tom Cunningham [New Tropical Design Studio]
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Toni Dzulham [Dumadi Studios]
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Topan Sofyan [Opands]
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Trevor Garner [Spinturnix]
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Tri Kuncoro [Greentype Studio (or: Greentrik.6789)]
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Trial by Cupcakes [Laura Condouris]
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Trustha Studio [Bagas Ardiatma]
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Tsingtao Chow [Google]
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Tu Nguyen [TuNeuwin]
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Tuccicursive [Liz Bartucci]
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Tulus Driyo [Hindia Studio]
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Tulus Gajah [Google]
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TuNeuwin [Tu Nguyen]
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Tyler Wrixon [Google]
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[Deduk Suandana]
Type Colony [Aliv Pandu]
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Type Factory [Hilmius Akbar]
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Type Nations [Google]
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Typeclusive [Google]
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Typefar [Farul Arjianto]
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Typehand Studio [Yanuar Adi]
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Typehill [Teuku Fahruddin]
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Typeline Studio [Yadhie Setiawan]
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Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere) [Haris Purnama Putra]
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Typia Nesia [Arief Setyo Wahyudi]
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Typica Studio (was: Awakening Studios) [Ardy Knoxville]
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Typogama [Michael Parson]
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UI Creative [Uzma Chaudhry]
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Uloel Design [Ulul Fahmi]
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Ulul Fahmi [Uloel Design]
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Unicode Studio (or: Habageud)
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Union Hands (was: 50Fox)
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Uzma Chaudhry [UI Creative]
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Vava Aryanto [Blankcraft (was: Fallen Type, or: Fallen Graphic)]
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Vincenzo Paolo Fraddosio [Zerozen]
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Virgiawan Listanto [String Labs Creative Studio]
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vlnrbl conscious [Google]
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Vozzy (was: Oleg Vozny) [Oleg Voznyy]
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Vunira Design [Google]
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VZ Type (was: Vasgaz Creative) [Randi Ilhamsyah]
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Wacaksara Co [Hamam Jauhari]
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Wahyu Andi Prasetiyo [Weape Design]
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Wahyu Edhi Widodo [Gatra Studio]
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Wahyu Eka Prasetya [Ikiiko Type (was: wep)]
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Wahyu S. Adi Wibowo [Eaver Studio (or: Wahyu & Sani Co)]
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Wahyusu Typefactory [Google]
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Wasis Yuliyanto [Wasisme Studio]
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Wasisme Studio [Wasis Yuliyanto]
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Weape Design [Wahyu Andi Prasetiyo]
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Will Letter (or: Will Graphic) [Sya'dan Ismail Rosyad]
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Winarno [Blue Studio]
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Woodcutter Manero [Jordi Manero Pascual]
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Wowok Prast [Google]
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WRKSTT Graphicstudio (or: Xtoph) [Christoph Zeugswetter]
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WSN Studio [Malik Wisnu]
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Xerographer Fonts [Max Infeld]
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Yadhie Setiawan [Typeline Studio]
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Yahdi Kumala [Rometheme]
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Yandi Adi Prasetya [Yandi Designs]
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Yandi Designs [Yandi Adi Prasetya]
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Yanuar Adi [Typehand Studio]
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Yasin Karabey [Google]
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Yasir Ekinci
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Yean Aguste [HandletterYean]
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Yellow Team (was: YellowType, or BRTL) [Google]
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Yesie Erma Yunita [Yunita Ecy]
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Yon Type Studio [Muhammad Yoni]
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Young Type (was: Alpa Studio) [Naufal Paramata]
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Youssef Habchi [Google]
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Youthlabs Studio (was: Zrox Studio, Muhammad Fathi Al Ghazi) [Fathi Al Ghazi]
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Yudi Pratama Chandra [Rantau Type]
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Yudi Setiawan [Helotype]
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Yumna Type [Ditya Dewi Anandita]
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Yunita Ecy [Yesie Erma Yunita]
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Yur Lis [Stripes Studio]
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Yusup Saputra [Dysa Studio]
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Zaki Muhammad [Madjack Font]
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Zamjump [Ahmad Zamzami]
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Zeenesia Studio [Doni Purwoko]
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Zerowork Studio [Google]
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Zerozen [Vincenzo Paolo Fraddosio]
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Zikril Lah [Suza Studio]
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