TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:26:55 EST 2025






Kong Font (or: Gemes Font) [Fatimah Dipi]

Surabaya, Indonesia-based designer of these typefaces in 2019: the plump almost bubblegum fonts Cookies Chip, Cookies Bold, Broom, Glowie, Bobba, New Cookies and Chiki, the cartoon fonts Cartoon Cookies, Dolpi, and Boebloe, the squarish (sci-fi) typefaces Klock, Mancha (+ Bold), Maxim, Blades, Kong, Forgotten, Warlock, Hi Jack (techno), Retrolab, Bagfresh and Rubrick, the oriental emulation typeface Japanola, the handcrafted typefaces Worflat Bold, Pramudya, Santuy, Ceetar, Sticky and Honnestly, the script typefaces Casofa, Claudia, Welldone, Baliday, Extendo, Peenguin, Natune, Adinda and Meraphy, the rounded monoline sans typeface Orcef, the horror blackletter font Dark Power, the brush font Must Brow, the monoline script font Chalisa Beauty, the gooey fonts Zumanie, Wildness, Histery, Halloweenkuy and Walktrought, the foliated typeface Leaf, the sports font Ancients Bold, the blackboard bold font Breader, the brush font Must Brow, the kawaii children's fonts Cookies Bold, Nino, Minnio, Kidstation and Bobba, the rounded sans fonts Wudsap Bold, Stikco, Polka, Himenz Bold and Goostt Bold, and the display typefaces Alpawolf Bold, Bagie, Incloud, Manohara and Bublo.

Typefaces from 2020: Abiyu Chan, Alloystan, Amatemora, Archimate (squarish), Baby Lovely, Battle Andy, Beckhand, Better Tomorrow, Blossom, Blue Julieta, Boogie Worth (an oily font), Brasblus, Butter Cookies, Byorg (all caps, blocky), Caitlin Angelica (wild, calligraphic), Carrie Gallerie, Chambers (a logotype), Confused, Dobbystar, Falencia, Faster Bottom, First Time, Forsegi, Hotte Brush (a dry brush script), Humingson, Nattalya, Pather Times, Petter Story, Pinkerston, Raspberry, Raynoss, Reflisatta, Sambara, Sebbastian, Snooky, Spicy, Stay High, The Texterius (a decorative serif), Varenthin, Walterson, Winne Vinne, Better Jack, Billie Bonnie, Greenleaf, Gumy Monster, Hello Olivia, Insurgence, Livermore (a speckled brush font), Lunar (a monolinear sans), Malcolm (a decorative serif), Manggala, Margo, North Coast, Red Steel, Shaeila Maker (a fat finger font), Simply Sugary, Smith Mouth, (a speckled brush font) Westie Ametta, White Systemattic Duo, White Systemattic, Zepplines (blackletter), Riverflows (a titling serif), Birawa (monoline script), Bintari (script), The Lord Night (script), La Lemonti (a display serif), Amerggedon, The Purple Love (an upright rabbit ear script), Monsterize, Wolfraid (a brush horror font), Hellowin (a display serif), Agnostic, Arcades, Armstrong, Babyface, Baimbo, Baliday, Beam Box, Blackmore (stencil), Blasteran, Bleach, Chucky buck, Classic Rock Band, Comfortune, Deathmatch (blackletter), Dolphin, Eniceplay, Fatayah Irhami (YonTypeStudio), Greatwriten, Humingson, Juicy Luicy, Lovamarte, Mustbrow, Passifille, Playbrush, Rackles, Ravenborg, Reflected, Samhock, Sevarozi, Spicy, Thenacious, Threarer, Wallrous, Wamatto, Wish Good, California Sun (blackletter), Brutals, Cartoon Cookies (a comic book font), Chalisa, Chucky-buck, Deallisa, Forgotten, Gient, Hiluck, Jacob-and-son, Mahoney, Dunford Moore, Buon Umore, Bongus, Samble Tracie, Retrow Mentho, Gilmoore, England Signature, Fleepavlop, Runcrow, Jacksilver, Backstranger, Heroes (spurred), Eastwood (Tuscan), Jellyo, Wilson Hawk (all caps, headline), Stilere, Charles, Beastic (script), Quanto (script), Benzo (modular caps), Wynfors (octagonal, inline), Masicha (script), Gottam (script), Marthinoul (a signature script), Cointa (script), Japan Rementen (oriental emulation), Tallo Stick, Cempe West (modular), Guard, Dumie, Fishtail, Horroh (a barbed wire font), Cosiris Cure, Borju, Fortman, DeBamboo, Donaldson, Winchester, Alison Finch, Kind Monster, Dr. Ziemboz, Mr. Draculle, Khilifah, Lobots, Song of Coronos (calligraphic blackletter), Aline Signature, Hooded, Limonea, Articha, The Rambler, Blackbird (grocery store script), Cooldown, Legend (spurred), Gentleman (Victorian), Mechane (octagonal), Darker, Bestbrust, Kenarock (blackletter), Spidol (script), Yellosun (script), Skelbourne, Stixuits.

Typefaces from 2021: Orange Signature, Lovelystory, Double Signature, Sunny Rommansa, Mas Karebet, Brillian, Hi Jack, Wonderfull, Ventus, Wellside, Keffie Austina, Broom, Minnio, Addison Affson, Adellicia, Adriana, Alberteen, Amongh Sein, Antoinete, Aurella, Aurely Lovely, Baby Coffee, Baby Doll, Babydoo, Bagstore, Battalion Commander, Beattrice, Black Pearl, Bobbey, Bobbi Jeffina, Boostone, Bricktown (roman capitals), Buckingham (spurred), Bunny Honey, Candywell, Charlotte Bella, Charlotte (a monoline script), Christaline, Christmas Bells, Christmas Glooves, Clutter Street, Cute Cartoon, Dakiens, Dakota Artha, Decembery, Demon Blade, Divalia, Ellanor, Envellope, Eternal Amsterdam, Extendo, Freakland, Frozzy Mosther, Gladiolus Display, Gladiolus Script, Glory Sunshine (a decorative serif), Hellilove, Hello Beloved, Heywolf, High Jersey, Hopkinson, Hoppe Dizzie, Iron Shark, Jackdean, Javassoul, Jeniffer, Jessica Mariolline, Katherinna, Katterine Rose, Kayonna, Kenthir, Kiss Boom, La Fleur, Leviathan, Lillian May, Lokey, Loving Gabriella, Luimp, Mackline, Margarett (a signature script), Margharita, Mecha (sci-fi), Miles Hunt (inline), Minigame, Mintmolly, Miss Amalia, Moonday, Morthwicks, Moulin, Mozzana, Mozzarella, Mutchin, My Happy, Nevla, Northwest Signature, Obsurd, Ocean Aubrey, Odessa, One January, Palesik (eerie), Peenguin, Pollutant, Queency, Rayanne, Ressoven, Road Light, Road Sunshine, Rodano, Rosaffina, Rosanna, Rosemary Jasmine, Rubeckia, Sabrina, Schofield, Shaffari, Sharlene, Shean Holmes, Skylark (squarish), South Forest, Stable, Sunnday, Taylorsit, The Blester, Timeline, Victoria, Wimter White, Wishleman, Youth Wright, Zanden.

Creative Fabrica link.

Kong Font (or: Gemes Font)
Crella link
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Bubblegum typefaces ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Type design in Indonesia ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Athletic lettering faces ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ Children's handwriting fonts ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Floriated initial caps ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Victorian typefaces ⦿ Signature/logo fonts ⦿ Tuscan fonts ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Dry brush script typefaces ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Monoline script fonts ⦿

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file name: Kong Font Buckingham 2021

file name: Kong Font Buckingham 2021

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file name: Kong Font Extendo 2021

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file name: Kong Font Gladiolus Script 2021

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file name: Kong Font Hello Beloved 2021

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file name: Kong Font Luimp 2021

file name: Kong Font Margarett 2021

file name: Kong Font Miles Hunt 2021

file name: Kong Font Mutchin 2021

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file name: Kong Font Odessa 2021

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file name: Kong Font Palesik 2021

file name: Kong Font Skylark 2021

file name: Kong Font Wishleman 2021

file name: Kong Font Zanden 2021

file name: Kong Font One January 2021

file name: Kong Font One January 2021

file name: Kong Font Antoinete 2021

file name: Kong Font Schofield 2021

file name: Kong Font Alloystan 2020

file name: Kong Font Archimate 2020

file name: Kong Font Baby Lovely 2020

file name: Kong Font Baby Lovely 2020

file name: Kong Font Battle Andy 2020

file name: Kong Font Better Tomorrow 2020

file name: Kong Font Blue Julieta 2020

file name: Kong Font Boogie Worth 2020

file name: Kong Font Brasbius 2020

file name: Kong Font Butter Cookies 2020

file name: Kong Font Byorg 2020

file name: Kong Font Caitlin Angelica 2020

file name: Kong Font Carriegallerie 2020

file name: Kong Font Chambers 2020

file name: Kong Font Chambers 2020

file name: Kong Font Dobbystar 2020

file name: Kong Font Falencia 2020

file name: Kong Font Falencia 2020

file name: Kong Font Faster Bottom 2020

file name: Kong Font Hotte Brush 2020

file name: Kong Font Humingson 2020

file name: Kong Font Nattalya 2020

file name: Kong Font Pinkerston 2020

file name: Kong Font Pinkerston 2020

file name: Kong Font Raspberry 2020

file name: Kong Font Reflisatta 2020

file name: Kong Font Sebbastian 2020

file name: Kong Font Sebbastian 2020

file name: Kong Font Snooky 2020

file name: Kong Font Stay High 2020

file name: Kong Font The Texterius 2020

file name: Kong Font Varenthin 2020

file name: Kong Font Varenthin 2020

file name: Kong Font Walterson 2020

file name: Kong Font Greenleaf 2020

file name: Kong Font Hello Olivia 2020

file name: Kong Font Insurgence 2020

file name: Kong Font Livermore 2020

file name: Kong Font Lunar 2020

file name: Kong Font Malcolm 2020

file name: Kong Font Malcolm 2020

file name: Kong Font Margo 2020

file name: Kong Font Westie Ametta 2020

file name: Kong Font Zepplines 2020

file name: Kong Font Agnostic 2020

file name: Kong Font Armstrong 2020

file name: Kong Font Blackmore 2020

file name: Kong Font Classic Rock Band 2020

file name: Kong Font Deathmatch 2020

file name: Kong Font Hellowin 2020

file name: Kong Font La Lemonti 2020

file name: Kong Font Monsterize 2020

file name: Kong Font Rackles 2020

file name: Kong Font Reflected 2020

file name: Kong Font Riverflows 2020

file name: Kong Font Samhock 2020

file name: Kong Font The Lord Night 2020

file name: Kong Font The Purple Love 2020

file name: Kong Font Wallrous 2020

file name: Kong Font Wolfraid 2020

file name: Kong Font Wolfraid 2020

file name: Kong Font Adinda Italic 2019

file name: Kong Font Aline Signature 2020

file name: Kong Font Alison Finch 2020

file name: Kong Font Alpawolf Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Ancients Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Ancients Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Ancients Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Backstranger 2020

file name: Kong Font Bagfresh 2019

file name: Kong Font Bagie Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Baliday 2019

file name: Kong Font Beastic 2020

file name: Kong Font Benzo 2020

file name: Kong Font Bestbrust 2020

file name: Kong Font Blackbird 2020

file name: Kong Font Blades 2019

file name: Kong Font Blasteran 2020

file name: Kong Font Bobba New Cookies Chiki 2019

file name: Kong Font Bobba 2019

file name: Kong Font Bobba 2019

file name: Kong Font Boebloe 2019

file name: Kong Font Boebloe 2019

file name: Kong Font Bongus 2020

file name: Kong Font Borju 2020

file name: Kong Font Breader 2019

file name: Kong Font Breader 2019

file name: Kong Font Broom 2019

file name: Kong Font Brutals 2020

file name: Kong Font Bublo 2019

file name: Kong Font Buion Umore 2020

file name: Kong Font California Sun 2020

file name: Kong Font California Sun 2020

file name: Kong Font Carton Cookies 2019

file name: Kong Font cartoon Cookies 2020

file name: Kong Font Carton Cookies 2019

file name: Kong Font Casofa 2019

file name: Kong Font Cempe West 2020

file name: Kong Font Chalisa Beauty 2019

file name: Kong Font Charles 2020

file name: Kong Font Chiki 2019

file name: Kong Font Chucky Buck 2020

file name: Kong Font Claudia 2019

file name: Kong Font Cointa 2020

file name: Kong Font Cookies Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Cookies Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Cookies Chip 2019

file name: Kong Font Cooldown 2020

file name: Kong Font Cosiris Cure

file name: Kong Font Dark Power 2019

file name: Kong Font Dark Power 2019

file name: Kong Font Dolpi 2019

file name: Kong Font Dolpi 2019

file name: Kong Font Donaldson 2020

file name: Kong Font Dr Ziemboz 2020

file name: Kong Font Dumie 2020

file name: Kong Font Dunford Moore 2020

file name: Kong Font Eastwood 2020

file name: Kong Font England Signature 2020

file name: Kong Font Extendo 2019

file name: Kong Font Fishtail 2020

file name: Kong Font Forgotten 2019

file name: Kong Font Forgotten 2020

file name: Kong Font Fortman 2020

file name: Kong Font Gentleman 2020

file name: Kong Font Gient 2020

file name: Kong Font Gilmoore 2020

file name: Kong Font Glowie 2019

file name: Kong Font Glowie 2019

file name: Kong Font Goostt Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Goostt Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Goostt Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Gottam 2020

file name: Kong Font Guard 2020

file name: Kong Font Halloweenkuy 2019

file name: Kong Font Heroes 2020

file name: Kong Font Hi Jack 2019

file name: Kong Font Hiluck Deallisa 2020

file name: Kong Font Himenz Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Himenz Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Histery 2019

file name: Kong Font Honnestly 2019

file name: Kong Font Horroh 2020

file name: Kong Font Incloud 2019

file name: Kong Font Incloud 2019

file name: Kong Font Incloud 2019

file name: Kong Font Jacob And Son 2020

file name: Kong Font Japan Rementen

file name: Kong Font Japanola Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Japanola Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Javassoul 2019

file name: Kong Font Javassoul 2019

file name: Kong Font Jellyo 2020

file name: Kong Font Kei Nu Keri Winter Kei Snow Kei 2019

file name: Kong Font Kenarock 2020

file name: Kong Font Kidstation 2019

file name: Kong Font Kind Monster 2020

file name: Kong Font Klock 2019

file name: Kong Font Klock 2019

file name: Kong Font Kong 2019

file name: Kong Font Leaf 2019

file name: Kong Font Legend 2020

file name: Kong Font Limonea 2020

file name: Kong Font Lobots 2020

file name: Kong Font Mahoney 2020

file name: Kong Font Mancha Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Mancha Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Manohara 2019

file name: Kong Font Masicha 2020

file name: Kong Font Maxim 2019

file name: Kong Font Mechane 2020

file name: Kong Font Meraphy 2019

file name: Kong Font Minnio 2019

file name: Kong Font Minnio 2019

file name: Kong Font Mr Draculle 2020

file name: Kong Font Must Brow 2019

file name: Kong Font Natune 2019

file name: Kong Font Nino 2019

file name: Kong Font Nino 2019

file name: Kong Font Orcef 2019

file name: Kong Font Peenguin 2019

file name: Kong Font Polka 2019

file name: Kong Font Pramudya 2019

file name: Kong Font Quanto 2020

file name: Kong Font Ravenborg 2020

file name: Kong Font Retrolab Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Retrolab Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Retrow Mentho 2020

file name: Kong Font Rubrick 2019

file name: Kong Font Rubrick 2019

file name: Kong Font Samble Tracie 2020

file name: Kong Font Skelbourne 2020

file name: Kong Font Snow Kei 2019

file name: Kong Font Song Of Corona 2020

file name: Kong Font Song Of Corona 2020

file name: Kong Font Song Of Coronos 2020

file name: Kong Font Stikco 2019

file name: Kong Font Stikco 2019

file name: Kong Font Stilere 2020

file name: Kong Font Stixuits 2020

file name: Kong Font T Marthinoul 2020

file name: Kong Font Tello Stick 2020

file name: Kong Font Walktrought 2019

file name: Kong Font Warlock 2019

file name: Kong Font Welldone 2019

file name: Kong Font Wildness 2019

file name: Kong Font Wilson Hawk 2020

file name: Kong Font Winchester 2020

file name: Kong Font Worflat Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Wudsap Bold 2019

file name: Kong Font Wynford 2020

file name: Kong Font Zumanie 2019

file name: Kong Font Zumanie 2019

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html