TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:18:40 EDT 2025






George Bickham

UK engraver and penman, 1684-1769, who wrote the manual The Universal Penman (published in parts from 1733 to 1741, reprinted in its entirety in 1743). The full title is The Universal Penman Or the Art of Writing Made Useful To the Gentleman and Scholar, as well As the Man of Business . . . Written With the friendly Assistance of several of the most Eminent Masters And Engraved by Geo. Bickham. That book also contains work by Bickham's collaborators, such as Joseph Champion, Wellington Clark, Nathaniel Dove, Gabriel Brooks, and William Leckey. Book cover. Other books by Bickham include Penmanship in its utmost Beauty and Extent (Overton & Hoole, London, 1731).

A free interpretation of the copperplate script styles of The Universal Penman can be seen in the monumental font Penabico (2010, Intellecta Design). Images: From The Universal Penman, Roundhand Script (ca. 1740), Greek Writing (1743).

Digital typefaces based on Bickham's scripts include 1739 Bickham (2010) and 1741 Bickham (2013) by Klaus-Peter Schäffel, Bickham Script (1997, Richard Lipton), Bickham Script 3 (2014, Richard Lipton), Penabico (Intellecta Design), and loose interpretations such as Poem Script (Sudtipos).

George Bickham
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Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Books on type design ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Copperplate ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿

file name: George Bickham in The Universal Penman ca1730

file name: George Bickham Roundhand Script letter 1740

file name: George Bickham The Universal Penman

file name: George Bickham Greek Writing in The Universal Penman 1743

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013 e

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013b

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Stephen Coles 2013

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script Pro Semibold 1997

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script Pro Semibold 1997b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1739 Bickham 2010

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1739 Bickham 2010b

file name: Klaus Peter Schaeffel 1741 Bickham 2013

file name: Roman Hand after Nicolas in Penmanship In Its Utmost Beauty And Extent by George Bickham Overton Hoole London 1731

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010a

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010b

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010c

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010f

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010g

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010h

file name: Intellecta Penabico 2010i

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html