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Flanker (or: Studio di Lena) [Leonardo Di Lena]

Flanker, or Studio Di Lena, is the foundry of Italian type designer Leonardo Di Lena (b. 1975, Rome). Initially, it offered fresh free designs of classics. In 2012, it went commercial. Their fonts:

  • Bodoni Flnk.
  • CNR lineare: athletic lettering.
  • Didot Flnk.
  • Doppio Senso: inspired by the 1992 traffic signal typeface in Italy, Transport D.
  • Elettra (2013). A transitional typeface with extra long serifs and several didone traits. For display work.
  • Flanker: classical roman face.
  • Flanker Garaldus (2012). Based on a 1956 font by Aldo Novarese.
  • Griffo Flnk: A multistyle family after typefaces like Bembo.
  • Imperator: a classical roman face.
  • Italian Typewriter (2012). A family of monospaced typewriter typefaces based on Italian typewriters of the thirties and forties.
  • Lello: another classical roman face.
  • Magnificat (2011): after Friedrich Peter's ornamental font from 1975. Free download at Dafont.
  • Marantz: fat art deco face, after the logo of the sound system company.
  • Marlboro Flnk: ultra condensed and tall.
  • Poliphili (2017). This is a serious attempt at a revival of the elegant typeface used in Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499, publ. Aldus Manutius) that was cut by Francesco da Bologna. That roman font in turn was a revised version of the type used in 1496 for Pietro Bembo's De Aetna.
  • Flanker Ruano (2013). Based on a chancery typeface by Raffaelo Bertieri (1926).
  • Selene (2013). A monoline sans. Followed by Selene Book (2021: a 14-style geometric sans with art deco influences in some styles).
  • Semplicità (2014-2015): a remake of the art deco sans by Butti and Novarese in 1930.
  • Shock to the system: an original in the cyberpunk style.
  • Sony: after the Sony logo letters.
  • Flanker Tanagra (2022). Leonardo writes about this condensed vintage serif: In order to give new imput to the art of typeface design in Italy, Nebiolo Company held, in March 1910, an artistic competition for a new alphabet conception, so the best-ranked design would be transformed into a real new typeface. 42 competitors participated and, although the first prize was not technically awarded, "Ancora" resulted as the best typeface, created by the designer-typographer Natale Varetti of Turin. Nonetheless, the new alphabet was transformed into a full-fledged metal typeface in 1924, renamed "Tanagra" in honor of the Greek city in the center of Boeotia.
  • There's nothing money can't buy: a sans.
  • Titano: an original art deco sans family.
  • Total Eclipse: futuristic.
  • Traiano: Trajan column style.
  • Travertino: a sans workhorse family.

The outfit was known as JFDooM Flanker's Fonts, between 2001 and 2004. The fonts then were slightly different. They included BodoniFlnk, BodoniFlnkCor, BodoniFlnkCorGrass, BodoniFlnkGas, CNRLineare, DidotFlnk, DidotFlnkCorsivo, DidotFlnkCorsivoGrassetto, DidotFlnkGrassetto, Emblema-della-Repubblica-Italiana, Frantisek, GaramondFlnkNormale, GaramondFlnkCorsivo, GaramondFlnkCorsivoGrassetto, GaramondFlnkGrassetto, GriffoFlnkCorsivo, GriffoFlnkCorsivoGrassetto, GriffoFlnkGrassetto, GriffoFlnknormale, Lellocorsivobold, Lellocorsivo, Lello, MarlboroFlnk, Magnificat, There's-nothing-money-can't-buy, Poker, ShocktothesystemCorsivo, ShocktothesystemVuoto, Sony, Bjork-Isobel, Imperator, Traiano, Rdclub. Most fonts have Greek and Cyrillic letters as well.

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Flanker (or: Studio di Lena)
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type design in Italy ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Flanker Flanker Tanagra 2022 1

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file name: Flanker Flanker Tanagra 2022

file name: Flanker Selene Book 2021 2

file name: Leonardo Di Lena selene Book 2021

file name: Flanker Selene Book 2021 3

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file name: Flanker Selene Book 2021

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Selene Bold 2013

file name: Flanker Poliphili 2017 243821

file name: Flanker Poliphili 2017

file name: Flanker Poliphili 2017 246446

file name: Flanker Poliphili 2017

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Italian Typewriter 2012

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Italian Typewriter 2012b

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Italian Typewriter 2012c

file name: Studio Di Lena Titano A Medio

file name: Studio Di Lena Titano B Grassetto

file name: Studio Di Lena Titano

file name: Studio Di Lena Total Eclipse

file name: Studio Di Lena Traiano

file name: Studio Di Lena Travertino

file name: Studio Di Lena Travertino

file name: Studio Di Lena Bodoni Flnk

file name: Studio Di Lena C N R Lineare

file name: Studio Di Lena Didot Flnk

file name: Studio Di Lena Doppio Senso

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Flanker Ruano 2013 after Raffaelo Bertieri Ruano 1926

file name: Studio Di Lena Flanker

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Elettra 2013

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Elettra 2013b

file name: Leonardo Di Lena Elettra 2013c

file name: Studio Di Lena Griffo Flnk

file name: Studio Di Lena Imperator

file name: Studio Di Lena Lello

file name: Studio Di Lena Magnificat

file name: Flanker Magnificat 2011

file name: Studio Di Lena Marantz

file name: Studio Di Lena Marlboro Flnk

file name: Studio Di Lena Semplicita

file name: Studio Di Lena Semplicita 2015 after A Butti Semplicita 1930

file name: Studio Di Lena Semplicita 2015 after A Butti Semplicita 1930b

file name: Studio Di Lena Semplicita 2015 after A Butti Semplicita 1930c

file name: Studio Di Lena Semplicita 2015 after A Butti Semplicita 1930d

file name: Studio Di Lena Semplicita 2015 after A Butti Semplicita 1930e

file name: Studio Di Lena Shock To The System

file name: Studio Di Lena Sony

file name: Studio Di Lena Theres Nothing Money Cant Buy

file name: Flanker Garaldus 2012 after Aldo Novarese 1956

file name: Flanker Garaldus 2012 after Aldo Novarese 1956b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html