TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:19:26 EST 2025
Chequered Ink
[Allison James]
Chequered Ink (est. 2015) is a two-man design studio consisting of Daniel Johnston (b. 1993) and Allison James (b. 1991; Allison is a reincarnation of Andrew McCluskey). Their business is based in Bath, England but they currently reside in Newport, Wales. Before 2015, Andrew McCluskey operated as NAL Games. That font collection was merged with Chequered Ink. As of early 2019, they designed 912 fonts, virtually all downloadable at Fontspace. For detailed attributions, we have: Typefaces from 2015, mostly made with FontStruct: Heartbeat Synchronicity, Sawchain, Man Flu, Ace Adventure, Disco Nectar, Hex Girlfriend, Future Now, Lycra, Rygarde (pixel font), Empire Straight (avant garde caps), Kitty Katastrophe, Gang Wolfik Craze, O.K.Retro, Xxrdcore, the blocky sans serif Horticulture, the modular angular Heartbreaker, Ninja Thing, Fort Brewith, Urgently, Baxter's Slab (heavy octagonal style), Lady Radical (pixel font), Provisionary, Quickfyr, Vermin Vore, Even Stevens. Typefaces from 2016: Sportscream, Assvssin, Brandsom (ransom note font), BromineCocktail, DestinationMercury, Eviscera, Halloween*Heresy, IReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyLikeFonts, Viadukt, Yetimology, Indocorno, Overdose Sunrise (dry brush), Happy Talk, Camaraderie, Death Hector (sci-fi), Scones And Crossbows, Casual Softcore, Notepads & Roleplay, Order in Chaos, Stencil of Destiny, ViceVersus, Magenta Flow, Prick Habit, Go Faster, BlackboardRovers, Caperput, Chavelite, Lovecraftimus, RawhideRaw2016, SmackLaidethDown2016, SmackLaidethDown2016Oblique, Pelode, The Nineties Called They Want Their Font Back, You Can't Kill Old School, Thoroughbred, Card Shark, Sheeping Dogs, Zen Monolith, The Joy Facade, Cerulean Nights, Pounds of Violence, Altered Quest (octagonal), Thrash Decision (dripping paint font), Afroed Dizzy Yak (handcrafted style), Circulus (octagonal style), 53 Dollars and 92 Cents, Endless Boss Battle (pixel font), Guest Circus Paradiso, Niagaraphobia (sans), Noseblood (squarish italic), Shake Your Plums, The Light Brigade (trekkie font), Beautiful Heartbeat (handcrafted), Poisoned Paradigm (dripping paint font), Development Hell (modular), Energetic Star (stencil), Men Down (display or poster type), Apple Korea (Hangul emulation typeface), Zdyk Capricorn, CQ Mono (a rounded monoline monospaced sans programming font), Pyrsing, Executionist, Mono a Mano (pixel typeface), Toxico, Swiggity (hexagonal), Mono a Mano (pixel font), Dissolved Exchange, Thundercover, Hors d'oeuvres The Garter, Distortion Dos Digital, Acetate, Arcapulse, ChelseaSmile, Headshots, Here&NotFound, IregulaTo, Japers, MidnightsontheShore, RallyBlade, Sothin (a great ultra-condensed squarish typeface), VerminVibes4Helium, 6Cells, DistortionDosAnalogue, SpotMonkey, Summoners, UnderwearProtest (Piano key style), VerminVibes4, Shapeshifters, Puerto Magnifico (Mexican party style font), Zdyk Gemini (intergalactic font), Bones To Your Generic Script Font, Breathe Fire (medieval style), Escalatio (hipster style), Pocket Monka (beatnik style), Jack Frost, Hiruleon, Cfour, CrystalCathedral, DigitalDust (LED font), DotLirium, Griefmachine, KillerCollege, OfMaidsandMen (oriental emulation typeface), Red Dragons, Grimeplex, Iron Amore, Twizzled, ZedSaid, Vermin Vibes, Major League Duty (military stencil), Moist (dripping paint font), Wondertribute, Of the Blue Colour of her Eyes, Anastasia (script). Typefaces from 2017: Technoma (rounded sans), Gothiqua, Tune Up De Ting, Diary of an 8-bit mage, Night Machine, The Wastes of Space, Nuernberg Messe, Torque Sense, Crevice Stencil, Glitch Slop, Balloonatic, Typist's Pseudonym, Flob Out A Bork, Tumbling Down (grungy), Onomber, Have a Banana (angular style), Not The Far East (oriental simulation font), Electric Shocker, Lady Radical 2 (pixel), AmidVerrion, Basilisk, Beillingsday, Butcher the Baker (a gory brush), CQ-Full-Stretch, Chillit, Diagon, Durmstrong, Embryonoid, Gravedigger, Gridget (gridded), Gridlocked, Hannover-Messe-Sans, Hannover-Messe-Serif (pixel), Ineptic, I Shot the Serif, JesusFrank, Messe Muenchen (slab serif), Ode-to-Idle-Gaming, Punishment (grungy stencil), Rumutocu (squarish), Slitter, Slim Stradiva, Supercarver, Technoma, VitruvianMan, VoiceInMyHead, Riemann Theatre (art deco), The Messenger, Revengeance, Pimlico, North to South, Qui Finn, Oganesson, Xmas Sweater Stitch, Tinsel Christmas, Inky Thin Pixels, Saint Knick Knack, Cookie Cutter Culture, Talking Baseball, Balls of Bastille, Vegan Abattoir, Oxen Crossbow, Thumbs Down, Enter the Harbinger, Im Not Like Most Fonts, We Used To Be Friends, Trendgetter, Strings Theory, Carnival trash, The Life of Flight, Sci Auralieph (rounded sci-fi style), Foreplayer, Pixel or GTFO, Block Stock, Unability, Swore Games (military stencil), Clintwood (Western, spurred), Floral Compass, Skull and Void, Weymouth Ribbon (7 pixel font), Four Mad Dogs, Blaize, Chisholm Heliport, ConfettiWestern, EdgyMarker, Ganymedian, Klein Bottle, LeipzigerMesse, LifeInTheFastLane, Messe-Duesseldorf, MilestoneOutline, Oilrig, QueenofClubs, Peking Assignment, Racetrack-Stencil (trilined typeface), RodentRage, Spoopy Ghost Pixels, SquareRaising, Whisperer, ZdykLibra, Equalize (sci-fi), Helicopta (sci-fi), Saveloy, Hangar Nine, Robo Arriba (a font with Mexican-patterned texture), Clutching Toth, Freestyling Centipede, Idiot Stax, Lorra Lorra Dates (an image font simulated on FontStruct), Rampant, Typingrad (constructivist), Lovesauce (squarish), Scaremonger, Happy Accidents, Aztechno (Mexican Aztec culture emulation typeface), BeastofRage, ComicKhazi, DaisyRoots, DogRough (ink splatter font), Drowsy, FrankfurtMesse-Serif, FrankfurtMesse-Wide, FrontPageSupplement, HipsterHandGrenade, MerrimentHelicopter, OffspringRemorse, PlacktheHanet, RevolutionWillBeHypnotised, SomersetBarnyard, Almond Rocks, Gridking, Rollcage (circle-themed sans), Satire, Some Kinda Madness, Blackletter Buffoonery, Toe the Lineless, Merriment Helicopter, Revolution Will Be Hypnotised, Long Haired Freaky People, Sui Coward, Pirates of Cydonia, Old School Adventures (pixel style), Mersey Cowboy, Disco Everyday Value, Koln Messe-Deutz, Stress Genesis, Vermin Vibesy, Madness Hyperactive, Nebulous Content, Toe The Line, Chunky Felt, Madness Hyperactive, Member Kinglify, Bristol and Bath, Dirty Princess, Modern Bohemian, Chocolate Cavalcade, Capital Clickbait, Frogotype, Ipscrik, Front Page Supplement, Sex Drugs and Fidget Spinners, Pickle Pushing, Thickedy Grunge (crayon font), Knockout Grunge, League of Extraordinary Justice, Thickedy Quick, Avenged for Yourself, Zoon Hoot, Ambidextrose, Thinly Handled, Sketchit Means Sketchit, Return of the Grid, Fierce Brosnan, Chubby Thumbs, Pseudonumb, West End Knights, Cybercrime 2004, Reflecques, Death Knell, Fake News, Zealousy, Aquamarina (rounded sans), Amateur Camcorder, Mighty Squidge, Track & Shield (multilined), Wander Z, Gardenfreude, The Wild Breath of Zelda, Effective Power, Techno Agony, LED Specimen (textured), Projectionist, Splinter Wonderland, Shiny Eyes, Uncopyrightable, Hallowed Grad, Peace and Equality, Steriliser (heavy sans), Electro Shackle, Castforce (titling sans), Butterfly Reflect. Typefaces from 2018: January Fair, Scared of the Unknown, Teddy Bears, Wicked Jumps, Enter The Grid 2, Chump Change, Take Me Out, Breathe Fire II, Toon Around, Tabloid Scuzzball, The Jjester, Play Pretend, A Friend In Deed, Girlesque, Bumblebear, Joyful Theatre, Snow Deep, Car Lock, Digital Display (an LED font), Game Played, Seldom Scene, The Shape Of Things, Candy Beans, Internal Rainbows, Pride Thusly, Armwarmer, Futuristic Armour, Refresher (dry brush), Brick Shapers, Frostbite Boss, Armed and Traitorous (a rough-edged stencil typeface), Ambystoma Mexixana, The Slug and Lion, Gourmet Hearth, Virtu, Star Doors, Winter Spice Cake, Canvas Bags, Shocking Headline, Tiny Islanders (pixel font), Yumi, Nobody Talks, Finished Sympathy (white on black), One Slice, Somerton Dense, Sunday Afternoon, Close & Open, Another Flight, Kuiper Belt, Platonica, Smoother, Ladders, Cold Warm, Name Smile, Shepherdy, Friend Head, Kevlar Underwear, Scrambled Tofu, Dillydallier, Joy Kim, Office Square, You've Gotta Point, District Four, Scare Arms (grunge), 22 September, Alimony, Xmas Fairy Lights, Segreteria, Leg Hug, Coded Message, Madeleina Sans, Trample Over Beauty, Emerald Grey, Fine Allie, Bottled It, Glee Finder, Pill Anthropic, Achtung! Polizei, Say the Words, Outcome, First In Line, Brain Wants, Green Strand, Die Grinsekatze, Eight Bit Dragon (a pixel typeface), KreepTown, Loudhailer, Progesterone, Insomniax, Quick Fuse, Rowdy Space Pirates, Oestrogen, Whisper Quiet, Zosilla, Construction Lines, Construction Lines, Juxtaposer, Tommi, Under The Weather, Xero's Punishment, Betryal of Mind, Rustic Love Tattoo, Younger Love (heavy octagonal typeface), Gossamer Girls (a pixel font), Dispence, Time Won, Blessings of Babylon, Requires Moonshine, Stroud, Hot Bleb, Nightmare Codehack, Manilla Cellos, Teeny Tiny Pixls, Ava Meridian, Wonders of the Orient, Float The Boat, Cute Zealand, Super Renewables, Lean Foreword, Mister Fisher, Love Nature, Exposure Salary, A Goblin Appears (pixel type), Project H, There Must Be, Charlestoning, Sportsquake, Violet Wasteland (dry brush), Clubbed to Life (sans), Moonwalk Miss, Best Tease, Reach The End (art deco), Slalom, A Grazing Mace, Boomer Tantrum, Disarmer (military stencil), Hell Underwater, Carnival Centenary (Tuscan), Mahalo Brother, Glue Gun, Tyrannothesaurus, Casanova Scotia, Fatherland Faker, Daughter Of A Glitch, Sparkles, Europhonic, Betelgeuze, Goregeous, Supermarketed, All The Way To The Sun, Russia Five, Soccer Scoreboard, Cinqcent, Megan June, Big Old Boldy, 501, Earthshattering, Sheeping Cats, Thousandyard, Closet Dwellers, Clicky Bricks, Painter Decorator, The 27 Club, Adventure ReQuest, Miamagon, Nineteen Ninety Seven, Vermin Verile, Great Attraction, Great Attraction, Zirconia, Oh Beehive (hexagonal), Gofuyo (experimental geometric sans), Wideboy, Im Spiegelland, Battenberg and Custard, Bugfast, Robotic Harlequin, Scouser Ste, Blend Her, Ancient Venusian, Sivereign State (constructivist), Daily Mix 3, Brushstroke Horror, Hellgrazer, Corporation Games (sci-fi), Pride Cometh (dry brush), Squirk (stone cut), Mecklabecka (octagonal), Nineteen Ninety Three (pixel), Dominian (octagonal), Perfectly Together, Super Comic, Nrvsbrkdwn, Bottom Brazil, Don't Delay Act Now, Nu Home, Just My Type, techno at Dusk, Starbirl, Hate Agent, Fool's errand, Bullet Rain, Orchestra of Strings, One Pill Makes You Larger, Interlewd, Fandomonium, Ball Bearing, Jamboree, Hot Thin Roof, No Added Sugar, X Termination, Real Fun Time, Der Neue Spargel, Nineteen Eight Seven (pixel), Bittypix Countdown, Nineteen Ninety Six, Fasterisq, Peekavous, Modest Felt, Im Wunderland, Megarok, Sunk Foal Brother, Skydiver, Chasing Rabbits, Background Noise, Viridian College, Sacred Hertz, Sawyers Whitewash, Brittle, Cupcake Smiles, Machine Gunk, Dubspikes, Onslaughter, Eyes Wide Suicide, Boatycabiners, All Square Now (pixel), Hawking Bowen (octagonal), Style Thief, Tagon (octagonal), Withheld Data (LED font), Dubstep Blackletter, Pixabubble, Hopelelessly in Lurve, Springtime Daydream, Techno Til Dawn, Fluid Lighter, Rush Rush (stencil), Incompetent Landlord, Danger on the Motorway (dot matrix), Hippopotamus Apocalypse (hexagonal), Homunculus, Bittypix Monospace (pixel font), Unicorn Scribbles, Rockout, Truly Madly Dpad, Tincture, Virtual Pet Sans (dot matrix font), How Are You Today (ultra-condensed), Juicebox, Chemical Superior, Organic Teabags, Broadsheet Bubble, Document Two, Slope Opera, Blockbrokers, Off The Haze, Gang Wolfik, Gnorts Mr A, Radiator Falls, Take Me On, Cyberspace Raceway, Rocket Rinder, May We, The Citadels, Life Is Okay, Astrolab, Simple Stitch, Feeding A Moment, Gooseberry Juice, Namso, Rabbit Fire, Texas Drop, Short Xurkit, Maiden Crimes, Hysterix, Introducing Pretentiousness, Lullaby Weight, Slumbers Weight, Vampires, Veal Nerve (a neurotic typeface), Be Kind To Earth, Aardvark Sk8, Ancient Modern Tales (blackletter), Spider Talent (Halloween font), Pooch Doo, Plan G, Rhapsodies (art deco), Lab Pulsar (sci-fi), Hamburg Messe (blackletter), Xide, Scrawling Pad, Bun Ting, Speedeasy, Itty Bity Notebook. Typefaces from 2019: Hindsight 2020, Provicali, Go Everywhere, Smack Laideth Down 2019, China Fad, Monster Twenty, Into Deep (sci-fi), Mandatory Plaything, Galaxy Girl, San Marino Beach (a shadowed font), Acorn Caravan (a rounded sans stencil), Hairy Beard, Phonograph, Sterelict (futuristic), Egosurf, Bankruptcy, Wayfarer's Toy Box (a pixel font), Fox Cavalier, Heartisan, Modular Amplitude (heavy octagonal, Dolphin with a Massive Shotgun (a glitch font), Jasmine Laslo, Earth Spirit, Nemesis Grant, Daily Mix 4 (an all caps blackboard bold typeface), Uplifting, Ministry of Moron (a heavy sans), Extinction Event, Cut Deep, Q For The Memories, Wozcott, Super Legend Boy (pixelish), Chopsic, Lesotho Beach (octagonal), Illiead, Ten Pin, Isite, Motorstrike, Hwyl Fawr Hello, Undersided, Shut Up and Love Me (shaky letters), Terminal Day, I Am A Designer, Born to Grille (a semi-stencil), Amuse-Bouche, Die Frau, Err Hostess (octagonal), Cthulhu's Calling, Fresh Eaters, Gamma Orionis, Greatsby Gat, Hands Oversaturation (sans), Joy Multiplication, Kotoba, Midnight Champion (an extra tall sans), She Smiles, Read Wharf, Ohno (poster sans), Prodigy Forever (a blood and paint splatter font), Questrian 2 (sans), Nau Sea (squarish), The Macabre, Long Fox, Roll Accurate (stencil), Princess Saves You (pixel font), Clone Machine, Cyberpunk Sealion, Misery Garment, Klimaschutz, Space Obsessed, Serpentire, Squidgy Sweets (fat rounded sans), Yokelvision (fat letters), Coral Colour, None Away From The Moon (counterless), Squidgy Sweets, Yokelvision, Coral Colour, None Away from the Moon, Robot Roc, Figure Things, Gaeilge Kids, FoughtKnight Haymaker, Medical Shape, Revenant (octagonal), Pinch My Ride, Dire Gramme, Assembled from Scratch, Premier 2019 (squarish). Typefaces from 2020: Hardigan (a titling sans), Petrichor Sublimey, Bardolatry, Star Trebek, Fast Hand (sci-fi), Bonk Robbers, Neuterous, Demoness, Lucid Streams (sci-fi), Fosterama (an elliptical sans), Woman, Shock Mint Fund (octagonal), Milletun (an all caps slab serif), Mille, Vudotronic, Elder Head, Dead Revolution, Charge Off, Asleepytiming, Questrian3, SplendidConfusion, XXIX, Septacharge, Dark Seed, Hawkeye, Dustfine, We Are Survivors, Be A St, Computo Monospace, Dealer Strikes, Zdyk Virgo, Bathrind, Honk, Revamped, Clease Plap, Zdyk Cancer, Cyberway Riders, Memorial Lane, Doubleplus, Ominus (italic), Army Buster (stencil), Tudor Victors (a grungy stencil), Romantic Chemicals, Migraine Machine, Warhead (constructivist), X-Heighting. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |