TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:05:33 EDT 2025
Fonts and HTML [Headline set in Azo Sans Uber (2013, Rui Abreu)]
Adam Schwartz [Google] [More] ⦿
Alertbox [Google] [More] ⦿
Ana Estrada [Google] [More] ⦿
Andrew Daviel [Linux Web Fonts] [More] ⦿
Andy Hume [The anatomy of web fonts] [More] ⦿
Antonio Carusone [The Grid System] [More] ⦿
Apache FOP: Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Apple: Fonts in HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Batik SVG Toolkit [Google] [More] ⦿
Ben Blish [Google] [More] ⦿
Bert Bos [Google] [More] ⦿
Bessere Typographie [Google] [More] ⦿
BeyondPress [Google] [More] ⦿
Browsers and fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
CAP Online [Google] [More] ⦿
Cascading style sheets [Google] [More] ⦿
Cascading Style Sheets [Google] [More] ⦿
Cascading style sheets [More] ⦿
Cascading style sheets: fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Charles A. Upsdell's font comparisons [Google] [More] ⦿
Chengyin Liu [Whatfont Bookmarklet] [More] ⦿
ChocoboNet's Web Page Counter [Google] [More] ⦿
Chris Coyier [Font embedding: a reality?] [More] ⦿
Chris Shiflett: Font Linking [Google] [More] ⦿
Christian Metts [Typogrify] [More] ⦿
Christian-Heinrich Wunderlich [Socitype] [More] ⦿
Code Candies [Nico Brünjes] [Google] [More] ⦿
CoffeeCup Flash Website Font [Google] [More] ⦿
Colour Contrast Check [Google] [More] ⦿
Conor Muirhead [Icon Stacks] [More] ⦿
ConvertPS [Google] [More] ⦿
CopyPasteCharacter [Martin Ström] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cory Mawhorter [Facelift Image Replacement] [More] ⦿
CSDN [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS Edge Home [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS Sans [Yusuke Sugomori] [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS Tips and tricks [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS Tricks: Icon fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS Typography [Garrett Dimon] [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS with vertical rhythm [Google] [More] ⦿
CSS3 Techniques For Major Browsers using the Power of jQuery [Google] [More] ⦿
CSSTXT [Google] [More] ⦿
CSSTYPE [Google] [More] ⦿
Cufon [Simo Kinnunen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Custom Fonts for the Web [Google] [More] ⦿
Daniel Yacob [LiveGe'ez] [More] ⦿
Dan's web tips [Google] [More] ⦿
Dave Rupert [Lettering.js] [More] ⦿
Dave Shea [Fine typography for the web] [More] ⦿
David Barron [Google] [More] ⦿
Davide P. Cervone [jsMath] [More] ⦿
Delicious Test Waterfall [Google] [More] ⦿
Designer Plaything [Google] [More] ⦿
DHTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Divya Manian [Nimbupani Designs] [More] ⦿
dpi [Google] [More] ⦿
Dr. Roland Unger [Google] [More] ⦿
Drop Caps [Google] [More] ⦿
Drupal [Google] [More] ⦿
dumpglyphs [Google] [More] ⦿
E. Muravjev [Google] [More] ⦿
Embedding fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Embedding Fonts Tutorial [Google] [More] ⦿
Eric Eaton [Google] [More] ⦿
Facelift Image Replacement [Cory Mawhorter] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fahri Özkaramanli [Wordmark] [More] ⦿
Faruk Ate [Serif vs sans serif] [More] ⦿
FauxFoundry [Laurence Penney] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fine typography for the web [Dave Shea] [Google] [More] ⦿
Five simple steps to better typography [Mark Boulton] [Google] [More] ⦿
Flipping Typical [Stuart Robinson] [Google] [More] ⦿
fnsam [Google] [More] ⦿
Font comparison [Google] [More] ⦿
font dragr [Google] [More] ⦿
Font embedding [Google] [More] ⦿
Font embedding: a reality? [Chris Coyier] [Google] [More] ⦿
Font matching, CSS2 [Google] [More] ⦿
Font Matrix [Richard Rutter] [Google] [More] ⦿
Font Smoothing [Krzysztof Szafranek] [Google] [More] ⦿
Font smoothing, anti-aliasing, and sub-pixel rendering [Joel Spolsky] [Google] [More] ⦿
Font Tester [Google] [More] ⦿
Fontfarm [Natascha Dell] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fontoteka [Google] [More] ⦿
Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Fonts available for @font-face embedding [Google] [More] ⦿
Fonts in HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Frank Rausch [TypeShow] [More] ⦿
FRKT [Johannes Gorset] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fun with Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Garrett Dimon [CSS Typography] [More] ⦿
Garrick Van Buren [Kernest] [More] ⦿
Gary Munch [Google] [More] ⦿
George Butler [Web font stacks] [More] ⦿
Giko font [Google] [More] ⦿
Github [Google] [More] ⦿
GlyphGate [Google] [More] ⦿
Google Fonts Demo [Google] [More] ⦿
Graphemica [Google] [More] ⦿
Günter Schuler [Google] [More] ⦿
Gzip your @fontface files [Google] [More] ⦿
Hakon Wium Lie [Google] [More] ⦿
How to View Hebrew letters on Hebrew--Israeli Web Sites [Google] [More] ⦿
HTML Abuse [Google] [More] ⦿
HTML: Character encoding [R. Jansen] [Google] [More] ⦿
HTML Ipsum [Google] [More] ⦿
HTML Resource Guide [Google] [More] ⦿
HTML Tutorial [Google] [More] ⦿
htmlcompendium.org [Google] [More] ⦿
HTMLDOC [Google] [More] ⦿
HTMLite Tutorials [Google] [More] ⦿
iBoost [Google] [More] ⦿
Icon Stacks [Conor Muirhead] [Google] [More] ⦿
Information Architects [Oliver Reichenstein] [Google] [More] ⦿
Interactive Typography [Google] [More] ⦿
Intro to Embedded Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Introduction to HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Ironic Sans [Google] [More] ⦿
ISO 8859-1 [Google] [More] ⦿
ISO-8859-1 Characters in HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Jack Schofield [Google] [More] ⦿
Jan Thor [Google] [More] ⦿
Jaroslav „Dero“ Polakovic [typografie.dero.name] [More] ⦿
Javascript--CSS Font Detector [Lalit Patel] [Google] [More] ⦿
Jim Byrne [Google] [More] ⦿
Joe Clark, Toronto Writer [Google] [More] ⦿
Joel Spolsky [Font smoothing, anti-aliasing, and sub-pixel rendering] [More] ⦿
Johannes Gorset [FRKT] [More] ⦿
John Reeve [Pelago (was: Reeve Jones Design)] [More] ⦿
Jon Tangerine [Rendering Complex Type] [More] ⦿
jsMath [Davide P. Cervone] [Google] [More] ⦿
Kernest [Garrick Van Buren] [Google] [More] ⦿
Know your type [Red Labor] [Google] [More] ⦿
Korhoen Typeviewer [Google] [More] ⦿
Krzysztof Szafranek [Font Smoothing] [More] ⦿
Kyle Meyer [Typesites] [More] ⦿
Lalit Patel [Javascript--CSS Font Detector] [More] ⦿
Laurence Penney [FauxFoundry] [More] ⦿
Layering type with CSS z-index [Google] [More] ⦿
Legibilidad y comprensión en la Web [Google] [More] ⦿
Lettering.js [Dave Rupert] [Google] [More] ⦿
Linux Web Fonts [Andrew Daviel] [Google] [More] ⦿
LiveGe'ez [Daniel Yacob] [Google] [More] ⦿
Logische Symbole mit HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Luxury Type [Google] [More] ⦿
Mac OS X and Windows XP fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Magical journey to Greece [Google] [More] ⦿
Making Web Sites: Fonts and Typography [Google] [More] ⦿
Mandership [Google] [More] ⦿
Mark Boulton [Five simple steps to better typography] [More] ⦿
Mark Wubben [sIFR 3] [More] ⦿
Marko Dugonjic [Typetester] [More] ⦿
Markupmarks [Google] [More] ⦿
Martin Ström [CopyPasteCharacter] [More] ⦿
Mate Marschalko [Google] [More] ⦿
Mike Davidson [sIFR] [More] ⦿
Minimum font size [Google] [More] ⦿
Natascha Dell [Fontfarm] [More] ⦿
Nerdi [Google] [More] ⦿
Nick Cowie [Google] [More] ⦿
Nico Brünjes [Code Candies] [More] ⦿
Nimbupani Designs [Divya Manian] [Google] [More] ⦿
No more GIF text! [Google] [More] ⦿
Noura Yehia [Smashing Magazine: 50 Useful Design Tools for Beautiful Web Typography] [More] ⦿
OFL: Alternatives for @font-face [Google] [More] ⦿
Ofont [Google] [More] ⦿
Oliver Reichenstein [Information Architects] [More] ⦿
Page ranking [Google] [More] ⦿
Paul Irish [Google] [More] ⦿
PCDTR [Google] [More] ⦿
pdf2html [Google] [More] ⦿
PDFC [Google] [More] ⦿
PDFConverter [Google] [More] ⦿
pdftohtml [Google] [More] ⦿
Pelago (was: Reeve Jones Design) [John Reeve] [Google] [More] ⦿
Penduka Senaka [Typechart] [More] ⦿
philgate: la typographie sur le web [Google] [More] ⦿
Philip Taylor [Web Font Optimizer] [More] ⦿
PhotoFont [Google] [More] ⦿
Piotr Fedorczyk [Google] [More] ⦿
Polylogue [Google] [More] ⦿
Portable Font Resources (PFR) [Google] [More] ⦿
Postable [Google] [More] ⦿
ps2html [Google] [More] ⦿
Pxfon [Shaun Inman] [Google] [More] ⦿
Quiet Pleasures [Google] [More] ⦿
R. Jansen [HTML: Character encoding] [More] ⦿
Red Labor [Know your type] [More] ⦿
Remon Lammers [TrueFont Family (or: TFF)] [More] ⦿
Rendering Complex Type [Jon Tangerine] [Google] [More] ⦿
Rendering SVG font definitions using dojox.gfx [Tom Trenka] [Google] [More] ⦿
Richard Rutter [Font Matrix] [More] ⦿
Richard Rutter [Web typography sucks] [More] ⦿
Richard Rutter [Google] [More] ⦿
Russ Maschmeyer [Type-a-file] [More] ⦿
Safe web fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Schriftformatierung mit Schriftartendatei [Google] [More] ⦿
Sean Hodge [Smashing Magazine: 5 Principles and Ideas of Setting Type on the Web] [More] ⦿
Serif vs sans serif [Faruk Ate] [Google] [More] ⦿
Severe Tire Damage [Google] [More] ⦿
Shaun Inman [Pxfon] [More] ⦿
sIFR [Mike Davidson] [Google] [More] ⦿
sIFR 3 [Mark Wubben] [Google] [More] ⦿
Simo Kinnunen [Cufon] [More] ⦿
Smashing Magazine: 5 Principles and Ideas of Setting Type on the Web [Sean Hodge] [Google] [More] ⦿
Smashing Magazine: 50 Useful Design Tools for Beautiful Web Typography [Noura Yehia] [Google] [More] ⦿
Socitype [Christian-Heinrich Wunderlich] [Google] [More] ⦿
Special Characters [Google] [More] ⦿
stack.ru [Google] [More] ⦿
Startbloggingonline [Google] [More] ⦿
Stefan Nitzsche [Google] [More] ⦿
Stephen Coles on Apple [Google] [More] ⦿
Stuart Robinson [Flipping Typical] [More] ⦿
Suxess [Google] [More] ⦿
SVG [Google] [More] ⦿
Tabela de acentos [Google] [More] ⦿
Taviso [ttf2eot] [More] ⦿
Team Tejat [Google] [More] ⦿
Testing fonts for web pages [Google] [More] ⦿
TeX2HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
The anatomy of web fonts [Andy Hume] [Google] [More] ⦿
The Grid System [Antonio Carusone] [Google] [More] ⦿
The Haven's Den [Google] [More] ⦿
The Math Forum@Drexel [Google] [More] ⦿
The Symbols Collection [Google] [More] ⦿
The trouble with EM 'n EN [Google] [More] ⦿
Tom Trenka [Rendering SVG font definitions using dojox.gfx] [More] ⦿
Toni Kukurin [Google] [More] ⦿
TrueFont Family (or: TFF) [Remon Lammers] [Google] [More] ⦿
ttf2eot [Taviso] [Google] [More] ⦿
TTFTitles WordPress Plugin [Google] [More] ⦿
Type on the web [Google] [More] ⦿
Type Topics (Adobe) [Google] [More] ⦿
Type-a-file [Russ Maschmeyer] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typechart [Penduka Senaka] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typeselect [Google] [More] ⦿
Typeset.js [Google] [More] ⦿
TypeShow [Frank Rausch] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typesites [Kyle Meyer] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typetester [Marko Dugonjic] [Google] [More] ⦿
typo.com [Google] [More] ⦿
typografie.dero.name [Jaroslav „Dero“ Polakovic] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typographie für Webautoren [Google] [More] ⦿
Typographie im Web [Google] [More] ⦿
Typogrify [Christian Metts] [Google] [More] ⦿
Unicode icons [Google] [More] ⦿
Unicode test pages [Google] [More] ⦿
Usable Type [Google] [More] ⦿
Using background-image to replace test [Google] [More] ⦿
Using embedded fonts in HTML [Google] [More] ⦿
Val Casey [Google] [More] ⦿
VisiBone Font Card [Google] [More] ⦿
W3C [Google] [More] ⦿
W3C, Style Sheets [Google] [More] ⦿
w3g.jp [Google] [More] ⦿
Waller [Google] [More] ⦿
Web AIM Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Web font linking with @font-face [Google] [More] ⦿
Web Font Myths [Google] [More] ⦿
Web Font Optimizer [Google] [More] ⦿
Web Font Optimizer [Philip Taylor] [Google] [More] ⦿
Web font stacks [George Butler] [Google] [More] ⦿
Web Typography for Georgian [Google] [More] ⦿
Web typography still sucks [Google] [More] ⦿
Web typography sucks [Richard Rutter] [Google] [More] ⦿
Webfont Maker [Google] [More] ⦿
Webhead Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
WebKit (Safari) [Google] [More] ⦿
WebWork [Google] [More] ⦿
WEFT [Google] [More] ⦿
Wendy Peck [Google] [More] ⦿
Whatfont Bookmarklet [Chengyin Liu] [Google] [More] ⦿
Wordmark [Fahri Özkaramanli] [Google] [More] ⦿
Worn type [Google] [More] ⦿
Yusuke Sugomori [CSS Sans] [More] ⦿
Zarate [Google] [More] ⦿