TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:53 EDT 2025






Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces [Dick Pape]

Ornamental typefaces made in 2008-2010 by Dick Pape: 2 Cute 4 U (+Block), Abstract Alphabet (2009), Aged Ornaments (2009), Ancient Mortises (2008), Angel Alpha (2009), Angelica Alpha (2009), Ani-Red Jello Alpha (2009), Antique Alphabet (2009), Arabesque Design (2009), Art Deco Dingbat Images (2010), Art Deco Frames (2010), AlphabetArt, AndrewHolmesArtA, AndrewHolmesArtB, AndrewHolmesArtC, AndrewHolmesArtD, AndrewHolmesArtE, AndrewHolmesArtF, Angel Alpha, Angelica Alpha, Ani Red Jello Alpha (2009), AvonInitials, BritishAirwaysNumbers, CaFaitDur, CelticDesignDark, CelticDesigns-Light, Continnental, EckenFlowerBorders, GermanGothicManuscript, KafkaFlourishes, LaxtonCommonRevival, NiceOldAlphabet, Portent, RomanoAlphabet, Weissranken-Initialen, Babylon Initials (2009), Bird Drawings Alphabet (2008), Black Buttons (2010, +Bold), Bold Cameo (2009), Bubble Gum (2010, +Condensed, +Extended), Bultaco (2010, after the motorcycle brand), Cardio Black and White (2010, ECG-inspired), Charcoal family (2010, crayon typefaces), Checkerboard (2010), Chinese Flowers (2008), Chiswick Press (2007), Chocolate Type (2011), ChrisGreen (2010), Calligraphia Latina (2010), Dough (2011), Electronic Alphabet (2011), Elo (2010), EstupidoEspezial1, EstupidoEspezial2 (2010, based on the Hoefler Swash variant of OCR_A), TokoFont, Clip People (2010), Clothes Pin Font, Compass Rose (2008), Coptic Letters (2010), Cubes, Cups, Cute Lolo Animals, Dark Herald (2011, Celtic caps), Dave's Glyphs, Design Images, Digital Auto Sampler, Drinking Scenes, Drinking Utensils, DunHuang Art, Eating Signs, EcoLeaf, Eduardo Recife, Eggs And Milk, Eroding Alphabet Italic (2010), Extra Initials, Extra Ornaments, Fantasy Butterflies, Fantasy Dragon FX, Fantasy Monster Skulls, Far Away Places Images, Festival Books Borders, Festival Books Initials, Festival Books Ornaments, Fire Letters, Fire Letters Cameo, Fire Letters Monospaced, Fire Letters Monospaced, Floral Initials, Florentine Initials, Florentine Initials Reverse, Flower Panels, Flower Panels Outline, Flower Vines, Fresh Fish, Funky (2010), Funny Numbers, Furore Mexican (2011), Futorisugi Face, Garden Nouveau Initials, Gill Canterbury Capitals (2011), Give me a break, Gothic Metal Initials, Goudy Initials, Graph Glyphs (2010), Halbfette Egyptienne (2008), Hat Dance Alpha, Haunted Initials (2010), Hellenic Sketch (2010), Hollandisch-Gothic (2008), Holly Alpha, Hula Ribbon, Hula Ribbon 2, Hula Ribbon1, Humanistic Alphabet 106 Italic (2011), Humanistic Alphabet 108 (2011, uncial), India Designs, Irina Batkova HRG (2010, based on Giger's paintings), Japanese Design Parts, Japanese Design Templates A, Japanese Design Templates B, Jugendstil A, Jugendstil B, Kelt Ornaments 1, Kelt Ornaments 2, Kleft Bold (2011, dot matrix face), Lichte Jonisch, Madeleine Shaded (2010), Mayan Affixes A, Mayan Affixes B, Mayan Main Signs A, Mayan Main Signs B, Mayan Profiles, Mc Call's Magazine, Metal Branches (2010), Mimbres Pottery, Moderne-Zelda (2010, after a Dan X. Solo alphabet), Moderne-Zelda Black, More Drinkings Scenes, Mostly Fish, Moto Bykes, Mythological&Fantastic I, Mythological&Fantastic II, Mythological&Fantastic III, Mythological&Fantastic IV, Mythological&Fantastic V, Mythological&Fantastic VI, Mythological&Fantastic VII, Native Designs-Mexico&Peru 1, Native Designs-Mexico&Peru 2, Native Designs-Mexico&Peru 3, New Music, Objects of Nature, Old English Images, Ondawall Versal (2011, Celtic), Panels&Frames, Parapam (2010), Pinto Inline (2010, +Speckled), Random Doodles, RangeMurata, Rankin-Initialen, Really Black Alphabet (2010), Robu Bold (2010), Rons Old Patterns, Rons Old Patterns Bare, Rosart Initials, Rustic Alphabet, Sacon Inititals, Saks (2010, bilined), Schmale Jonisch, Sea Shells of Nature, Shuttershock Vector Demo, Simple Alphabet, Simple China Images, Simple Doodles, Snails&Slugs, Softsquare, Some Guitars, Soviet Founders, Soviet Life Posters I, Soviet Life Posters II, Soviet Life Posters III, Soviet Life Posters IV, Soviet Propaganda Posters, Splish-Splash (2009), Strange Black Blobs, Tauba Auerbach, The Goetia, Tribal Dividers, Tribal Flames, ViaFaceDon Black, ViaFaceDon Black Hats, ViaFaceDon Outline, ViaFaceDon Speckled, Victorine (2010, Tuscan typeface), Viking Design A, Viking Design B, White Buttons Bold (2010), Wood Type Cheltenham Bold (2010), ZEart Designs, Zelek, Zelek Black, Zelek Boldline, Zelek Shadline.

  • From 2012: French Onion.

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    Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces
    Dick Pape's typefaces ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Type design in Mexico ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Kafkaesque typefaces ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Type design and Escher ⦿ Native-American fonts ⦿ Scanbats ⦿ Wood Type ⦿ Coptic typefaces ⦿ Celtic/Gaelic fonts ⦿ Bubblegum typefaces ⦿ Floriated initial caps ⦿ Cheltenham ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Typefaces that emulate crayons ⦿ Mayan typefaces ⦿

    file name: Dick Pape Black Buttons 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Bold Cameo 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Bultaco 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Babylon Initials 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Babylon Initials 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Robu Bold 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Curb Desire 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Ani Red Jello Alpha 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Electronic Alphabet 2011

    file name: Dick Pape Elo 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Really Black 2010

    file name: Dick Pape White Buttons Bold 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Wood Type Cheltenham Bold 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Chocolate Type 2011

    file name: Dick Pape Halbfette Egyptienne 2008

    file name: Dick Pape Simple Doodles 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Checkerboard 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Saks 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Pinto Inline 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Soviet Founders 2007

    file name: Dick Pape Schmale Jonisch 2008

    file name: Dick Pape Parapam 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Zelek Black 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Zelek Black.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape Zelek Bold.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape Zelek Bold Reflection.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape Zelek Boldline.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape Zelek Shadline.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape Kleft Bold 2011

    file name: Dick Pape Cardio Black White 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Cardio Black White 2010b

    file name: Dick Pape Andrew Holmes Art C 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Funky 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Gill Canterbury Capitals 2011

    file name: Dick Pape Graph Glyphs 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Graph Glyphs 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Hollandisch Gothic 2008

    file name: Dick Pape Kafka Flourishes 2009

    file name: Dick Pape Lichte Jonisch 2008

    file name: Dick Pape Mayan Affixes A 2008

    file name: Dick Pape Mayan Profiles 2008

    file name: Dick Pape Moderne Zelda 2010 after Dan X Solo

    file name: Dick Pape More Drinking Scenes 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Bruce Miscelanea 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Rosart Initials 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Catalog 2010a

    file name: Dick Pape Catalog 2010b

    file name: Dick Pape Catalog 2010c

    file name: Dick Pape Catalog 2010d

    file name: Dick Pape Catalog 2010e

    file name: Dick Pape Catalog 2010f

    file name: Dick Pape Drea Extended 2010 after Branislav Cirkovic

    file name: Dick Pape Effing Type 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Hand Drawn Type01 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Hand Drawn Type04 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Hand Drawn Type10 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Hand Drawn Type17 2010

    file name: Dick Pape Ondawall Versal 2011

    file name: Dick Pape Ondawall Versal 2011

    file name: Dick Pape Ondawall Versal 2011b

    file name: Dick Pape S O E People1.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape S O E People2.bmp

    file name: Dick Pape S O E People I 2010

    file name: Dick Pape electronic alphabet 2011

    Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html