TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:48 EDT 2025
CAT Design Wolgast
[Peter Wiegel]
Wolgast-based type designer Peter Wiegel (b. 1955) runs CAT Design Wolgast. Designer of these free fonts:
Dafont link. One more URL. Fontspace link. Yet another URL. Font Squirrel link. Fontsy link. The list of his truetype and opentype typefaces as of 2011: 18thCenturyInitials, 18thCenturyKurrentStart, 18thCenturyKurrentText, Alfabilder, AlteDIN1451Mittelschrift, AlteDIN1451Mittelschriftgepraegt, AmptmannScript, ApolloASM, Avocado, Barnroof, BerlinEmail, BerlinEmail2, BerlinEmailBold, BerlinEmailBold, BerlinEmailHeavy, BerlinEmailHeavy, BerlinEmailOutline, BerlinEmailOutline, BerlinEmailSchaddow, BerlinEmailSchaddow, BerlinEmailSemibold-Bold, BerlinEmailSemibold-Bold, BerlinEmailSerif, BerlinEmailSerif, BerlinEmailSerifSemibold, BerlinEmailSerifSemibold, BerlinEmailSerifShadow, BerlinEmailWideSemibold, BerlinEmailWideSemibold, Beroga, Beroga, BerogaFettig-Bold, BerogaFettig-Bold, BertholdMainzerFrakturUNZ1A-Italic, BertholdMainzerFrakturUNZ1A, BertholdrMainzerFraktur, Blankenburg-Regular, BlankenburgUNZ1A-Italic, BlankenburgUNZ1A, CasaSans-Regular, CasaSans, CasaSansFettig-Bold, CatShop, CentreClaws, CentreClawsBeam1, CentreClawsSlant, ChunkFiveEx, CntgenKanzley-Regular, CntgenKanzleyAufrecht, DIN1451fetteBreitschrift1936-Regular, DiscipuliBritannica, DiscipuliBritannicaBold, Doergon-Regular, DoergonBackshift, DoergonShift, DoergonWave-Regular, Elb-Tunnel, Elb-TunnelSchatten, Elbaris, ElbarisOutline, ElficCaslin, EricaType-Bold, EricaType-BoldItalic, EricaType-Italic, EricaType-Regular, ErikaOrmig, Eureka, FibelNord-Bold, FibelNord-BoldItalic, FibelNord-Italic, FibelNord, FibelNordKontur, FibelSued-Bold, FibelSued-BoldItalic, FibelSued-Italic, FibelSued, FibelSuedKontur, GoeschenFraktur, GoeschenFrakturUNZ1A-Italic, GoeschenFrakturUNZ1A, Gondrin, GreifswalderTengwar-Regular, GreifswalerDeutscheSchrift, GruenewaldVA-Regular, GruenewaldVA1.Klasse, GruenewaldVA3.Klasse, H1N1, HelvetiaVerbundene, KochFetteDeutscheSchrift, KochFetteDeutscheSchriftUNZ1A-Italic, KochFetteDeutscheSchriftUNZ1A, LeipzigFrakturBold, LeipzigFrakturHeavy-ExtraBold, LeipzigFrakturLF-Bold, LeipzigFrakturLF-Normal, LeipzigFrakturNormal, LeipzigFrakturUNZ1A-Bold, LeipzigFrakturUNZ1A-BoldItalic, LeipzigFrakturUNZ1A-Italic, LeipzigFrakturUNZ1A, Luxembourg1910, Luxembourg1910Contur, Luxembourg1910Ombre, MMX2010-Regular, Maassslicer3D, Maassslicer3D, MaassslicerItalic, MaassslicerItalic, Makushka, MakushkaKontura, MakushkaQuadriga, MakushkaSecunda, MeyneTextur, MeyneTexturUNZ1A-Italic, MeyneTexturUNZ1A, Midroba-Regular, MidrobaSchatten, Moderne3DSchwabacher, ModerneFetteSchwabacher, ModerneFetteSchwabacherUNZ1A-Italic, ModerneFetteSchwabacherUNZ1A, ModerneGekippteSchwabacher, MoradoFelt-Regular, MoradoMarker, MoradoNib, MoradoSharp-Regular, Murrx, Nathan-CondensedRegular, Nathan-ExpandedRegular, Nathan-Semi-expandedRegular, Nathan, NathanAlternates-CondensedRegular, NathanAlternates-ExpandedRegular, NathanAlternates-Semi-expandedRegular, NathanAlternates, Nomitais, Nomitais, Numikki, Numukki-Italic, Numukki-Italic, Numukki, Powerweld, PreussischeIV44Ausgabe3, PreussischeIV44Ausgabe3, PreussischeVI9, PreussischeVI9Linie, PreussischeVI9Schatten-Linie, PreussischeVI9Schatten, Proletarsk, Prsent60, Quimbie, Quimbie3D, QuimbieShaddow, QuimbieUH, Quirkus-Bold, Quirkus-BoldItalic, Quirkus-Italic, Quirkus, QuirkusOut, QuirkusUpsideDown, RostockKaligraph, RotundaPommerania, RotundaPommeraniaUNZ1A-Italic, RotundaPommeraniaUNZ1A, Rudelskopfdeutsch-Aufrecht, SchatternvonPreussischeVI9, Schulfibel-Nord-Linie-2, SchwabenAlt-Bold, SchwabenAltUNZ1A-Italic, SchwabenAltUNZ1A, Stage, StrassburgFraktur-Regular, TGL0-16, TGL0-17, TGL0-17Alt, TGL31034-1, TGL31034-1, TGL31034-2, TGL31034-2, Tank, TengwarOptime, TengwarOptimeDiagon, TitilliumMaps29L-1wt, TitilliumMaps29L-400wt, TitilliumMaps29L-800wt, TitilliumMaps29L-999wt, TitilliumText22L-1wt, TitilliumText22L-250wt, TitilliumText22L-400wt, TitilliumText22L-600wt, TitilliumText22L-800wt, TitilliumText22L-999wt, TitilliumTitle20, UtusiStar-Bold, UtusiStar, VarietScala, Varietee, VarieteeArtist, VarieteeCabaret, VarieteeCascadeur, VarieteeCasino, VarieteeCirque, VarieteeColege, VarieteeConferencier, VarieteeFolies, VarieteeIkarier, VarieteeJongleur, VarieteeMirage, VarieteeRevue, VarieteeTheatre, Via-A-Vis, Vrng, Waschkueche, Waschkueche, WaschkuecheGrob-Ultra, WaschkuecheGrob-Ultra, WiegelKurrent, WiegelKurrent, WiegelKurrentMedium, WiegelKurrentMedium, WiegelLatein, WiegelLateinMedium, WolgastScript, WolgastScript, WolgastTwo, WolgastTwo, WolgastTwoBold, WolgastTwoBold, XAyax, XAyax, XAyaxOutline, XAyaxOutline, YiggivooUnicode-Italic, YiggivooUnicode-Italic, YiggivooUnicode, YiggivooUnicode, YiggivooUnicode3D-Italic, YiggivooUnicode3D-Italic, YiggivooUnicode3D, YiggivooUnicode3D, ZeichenDreihundert-Regular, ZeichenDreihundertAlt, ZeichenHundert-Regular, ZeichenHundertAlt, ZeichenVierhundert-Regular, ZeichenZweihundert-Regular, ZeichenZweihundertAlt, cbe-Bold, cbe-BoldItalic, cbe-Italic, cbe, kaufhalle, kaufhalle, kaufhalleblech, kaufhalleblech, moebius. His type 1 fonts as of 2011: Avocado, BerlinEmail, BerlinEmail2, BerlinEmailBold, BerlinEmailHeavy, BerlinEmailOutline, BerlinEmailSchaddow, BerlinEmailSemibold-Bold, BerlinEmailSerif, BerlinEmailSerifSemibold, BerlinEmailSerifShadow, BerlinEmailWideSemibold, Beroga, BerogaFettig-Bold, CasaSans, Elb-Tunnel, Elb-TunnelSchatten, Maassslicer3D, MaassslicerItalic, Numukki-Italic, Numukki, Powerweld, PreussischeIV44Ausgabe3, Quimbie, QuimbieUH, RostockKaligraph, TGL31034-1, TGL31034-2, UtusiStar-Bold, UtusiStar, Waschkueche, WaschkuecheGrob-Ultra, WolgastScript, WolgastTwo, WolgastTwoBold, YiggivooUnicode-Italic, YiggivooUnicode, YiggivooUnicode3D-Italic, YiggivooUnicode3D, cbe-Bold, cbe-BoldItalic, cbe-Italic, cbe, kaufhalle, kaufhalleblech. A list of typefaces in alphabetical order, with descriptive comments provided by Reynir Heidberg Stefansson from Iceland: 18th Century Kurrent (Kurrent-style handwriting, Wiegel-coded), Alfabilder (Alphabetic picture font for the German alphabet), Amptmann Script (Partly-connected, upright writing, used on Prussian Railways pattern drawings), ApolloASM (Jugendstil, vaguely resembling an ornate Bocklin), Avocado (Handwriting, broad-nib pen-style), Berlin Email (Narrow sans-serif, based on emailled signage; Wiegel-coded), Berlin Email Serif (Narrow serif, based on emailled signage; Wiegel-coded), Beroga (All-minuscule, rounded marker-style sans-serif with ca. 8° slope), Berthold Mainzer Fraktur (Fraktur in Wiegel (Regular only) and UNZ1(A) coding), Blankenburg (Semicondensed Tannenberg in Wiegel (Regular only) and UNZ1(A) coding), Casa Sans (Squarish, broad-nib pen-style block writing), CatShop (Serif, soft of an acid-washed didone), cbe Normal (Sans-serif, narrow, somewhat cuneiform), Centre Claws (Sans-serif, Art Deco display, a bit like Broadway), Cöntgen Kanzlei (Cöntgen Kanzley) (Fraktur-based calligraphy by Heinrich Hugo Cöntgen, Wiegel coding), DiffiKult (Sans-serif, display, no horizontal lines), DIN 1451 fette Breitschrift 1936 (The now-withdrawn Wide version of DIN 1451 traffic font), Discipuli Britannica (UK school handwriting), Doergon (Slab-serif, narrow-ish, all majuscule), CAT Eckmann, Elabris (Elbaris) (Sans-serif, caps/smallcaps, shades of DIN1451 Engschrift), Elb-Tunnel (Sans-serif, based on signage in the old Elbe tunnel in Hamburg), Elbic Caslon (Elfic Caslon, Elfic Caslin) (a Caslon for the Queen Galadriel), Erika Type (Erica Type) (Slab-serif, typewriter, comes from Wiegel's old Erika typewriter), Eureka (Serif, caps/smallcaps, Art Deco/Jugendstil), Fibel Nord (2009, sans-serif, based on German school primer), Fibel Sued (2009, sans-serif, based on German school primer), Fibel Vienna (Sans-serif, based on Austrian school primer), Fundamental Brigade (Sans-serif, geometric, some UNZ1 ligatures), Göschen Fraktur (Goeschen Fraktur) (Fraktur with a biblical feel, Wiegel (Rg only) and UNZ1 coding), Gondrini (Gondrin) (Sans-serif, geometric, display, shaded outlines, cookie-cutter), Greifswalder Deutsche Schrift (Handwriting, based on Rudolf Koch's Offenbacher Kurrent, Wiegel coding), Greifswalder Tengwar (Tengwar handwriting in Offenbach style), Gruenewald VA (Latin-style schoolhand, Wiegel coding), H1N1 (Heavy display typeface made of parallel wavetrains), Hardman (Heavy, wide, squarish logotype with connecting letters), Helvetia Verbundene (Swiss handwriting), Immermann (Display, resembles a seriffed Radio/Rundfunk, UNZ1 coding), Kaufhalle (Display, recreation of HO Kaufhalle logotype), Koch Fette Deutsche Schrift (Very plain fraktur, Wiegel (Rg only) and UNZ1 coding), Leipzig Fraktur (Fraktur for bread text, Wiegel coding), Leipzig Fraktur UNZ1A (Fraktur for bread text), Luxembourg 1910 (Sans-serif, Jugendstil display typeface from old spice drawers), Maass Slicer (Maassslicer) (Sans-serif, oblique display face, orig. logotype), Makushka (Sort-of an Elabris with minuscules, looks overlayable), Men Nefer (Slab-serif, geometric, UNZ1 coding), Midroba (Spur-serif, display, all-majuscule, heavy, octal), MMX2010 (Sans-serif, display, caps/smallcaps, TV game machine feel), Moderne Schwabacher (Heavily reworked, Wiegel coding), Moderne Fette Schwabacher UNZ1A (Heavily reworked, Wiegel coding), Möbius (moebius) (Sans-serif, display, bicolour (u/c = non-spacing fills, l/c = spacing outlines)), Morado (Connected handwriting with nib or marker pen), Murrx (Heavy display typeface made from ellipsoids on NE-SW axis), Mutter Krause (Serif, slanting, Jugendstil-feel), CAT Neuzeit and CAT Neuzeit Schatten (2012-2014), Nathan (Slab-serif, hand-drawn.), Nomatais (Nomitais) (Elabris with multiple levels of outlines), Numukki (Conlang, knotted-line, good for separators and scenebreaks), Powerweld (Sans-serif, Bauhaus style, all-minuscule), Präsent 60 (PI font with various East German logos), Preussische IV 44 (PreussischeIV44Ausgabe3) (Repro of Prussian Railways pattern type IV 44 version 3), Preussische VI 9 (Repro of Prussian Railways pattern type VI 9 version 2), Proletarsk (Sans-serif, monoline, doubled-up questionmark), Quast (Brush type, all-majuscule, very rough outline), Quimbie (Sans-serif, all-majuscule, resembles Amelia), Quirkus (Sans-serif), Ring Matrix (LED matrix with ring LEDs, solid LEDs and ring LEDs with shadow), Rostock Kaligraph (Very round calligraphy, resembles rotunda), Rotunda Pommerania (Rotunda style, Wiegel-code (Regular only) or UNZ1-coded), Rudelskopf deutsch (Sans-serif, based on Kurrent-style letterforms), Schwaben Alt (Schwabacher in Wiegel- (Rg only) or UNZ1-coding.), Stage (Sans-serif, narrow, Art Deco, fleeting taste of Broadway), Strassburg Fraktur (Handwritten fraktur, ornate majuscules, Wiegel-coding), Tank (PI font with (gas/petrol) tank station logos), TengwarOptime (Optima for Tengwar), TGL 0-16/0-17 (East German versions of DIN 16 and DIN 17 blueprint types), TGL 31034-1, TGL 31034-2 (East German versions of DIN 6776 / DIN EN ISO 3098 blueprint types), Utusi Star (Sans-serif, slight resemblance with Rundfunk), Varieté (Sans-serif, all-majuscule or caps/smallcaps), Vis-A-Vis (Serif, all-majuscule, split in middle), Volk Redis (Kurrent handwriting, anno 1930-1941), Vrångö (LED matrix type like Ring Matrix), Waschküche (Serif, resembles Antykwa Torunska), Wiegel Kurrent (Kurrent-style handwriting), Wiegel Latein (Latin-style handwriting), Wolgast Script (Sloppy-looking handwriting with a broad-nib pen), Wolgast Two (Latin/Cyrillic handwriting), XAyax (Serif, Jugendstil, narrow, all-majuscule), Yiggivoo Unicode (Sans-serif, wide, tall x, board game packaging feel), Youbilee (PI font with various jubilee laurels), Verkehrszeichen (Zeichen) (PI fonts with traffic signs (in layers)), Verkehrszeichen alt (Zeichen Alt) (PI fonts with old traffic signs (in layers)). Abstract Fonts link. Dafont link. Kernest link. Klingspor link. CAT Fonts link. Fontesk link. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |