TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:01:03 EDT 2025






Kitchen tile fonts



Designer who used FontStruct in 2008 to create the tall piano key fonts Palo Alto and Palo Alto Rounded, the pixel font Fixedsys, the filled in black geometric typeface Fiasco, and the quite original SquareDotDot. In 2009, he added SSSeriffff (Western saloon face), Pamplinas (ultra black counterless display face), Fisko, aBus (kitchen tile), 123r1c (squarish). [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Dan P. Lyons]

Or Daniel Lyons. American founder of Story Choice 102. Creator of the series The Rodfellows and Tequila and Cider, and the three family movies Greeny Phatom ABC's, The Rodfellows Marathon Movie, and Tequila and Cider 20-Episode Marathon. As a type designer active at FontStruct between 2014 and 2021. His typefaces there include DLEFS Lowblock (a squarish family), DLEFS Boulder, DLEFS Boxing (stencil), DLEFS Three Dee, DLEFS Initials (+Solid), DLEFS Mobile Gap (mosaic), DLEFS Shine, Corefont (Solid, Outlined) and Font (a kitchen tile font).

At Fontspace, he showed 280 free fonts at the end of 2021, most of whgich were made around 2016: 4Music, 5-Text-Uppercase, 538EurofanEurovision, 538LyonsFont, 538LyonsLogoText, 538LyonsRounded, 6061, AFLD, AcerSupplement, AdigianaExtreme, AdigianaToybox, AdigianaUltra, AfricanCulture, Akalai, Anodyne, Armegoe, ArtificialBox, AutoToyfont, AverageCustomLevel2, AverageCustom, Azbuka-Lowers-538Lyons, Azbuka, BRFCaps, BSBTextClassic, BTTelecom, Backflash, Backstreet, BeachResort, BigOrangeCyrillic, Bloq, Blurry, Bubblewump, Burger-Queen, Busch-Three, CCColon, Cheese, Chevelure, Chicken-Butt, ChildsSans, Chompy, Circle-Outline, Cloud-World, Comial4448, ComialUnicode, Comial, ComicStrip, Condension-Pro, ConstructiveBuddy, Coolwonder, CountandSpell, Crayawn, CustomHandwriting#1, DLEDigital, DLE-Futuristic, DLEGeometWeb, DLEGeomet, Dan'sDisneyUI, DansDisney, Daniel'sHandwriting-BoldItalic, Daniel'sHandwriting-Bold, Daniel'sHandwriting-Italic, Daniel'sHandwriting, DanielDeluxe, DeejayDisco, DennorLight, Dennor, Dinamight, DobotoBlackItalic, DobotoBlack, DobotoBoldItalic, DobotoBold, DobotoItalic, DobotoLightItalic, DobotoLight, DobotoThinItalic, DobotoThin, Doboto, DokiLowercase, Doki, DooperWhooper, DressedlessProRegular, DressedlessRegular, Dressedless-Three, DuoCircle, E4ASCII, E4Craze, E4-Digital-(Lowercases), E4-Digital-Arcade-V2, E4DigitalCondensed, E4DigitalExtended, e4digitalv2, e4digitalv2, E4DigitalV2Hollow-Italic, e4digitalv2hollow, E4DigitalV2-Italic, E4-Digital-V2-Light-Italic, e4digitalv2light, e4digitalv2, EMEN-Text, EOne, EarlyHalloweenAdventures, EasterABCEggTwo, EatFreshLowercase, EatFresh, EgNew-Thick2, EgNew-Thick, EggsFor3Yrs, EgmontText-BoldItalic, EgmontText-Bold, EgmontText-Italic, EgmontTextLight, EgmontText, ElPerroYElGatoWords, ElPerroYElGatoWords, Election2016, E4DigitalFinal, Eurotype2016, EurovisionChoir2017, EurovisionSongContest2015V2, EurovisionVienna2015, Every-Movie-Every-Night, FS-Serif-Condensed, Familex, Fintaro, FlashingLights, Florid, Florid, FontCreatorProgram4-1, FreebrushScript, Fridays, Funhana (a wide sans from 2016), FunZone3Pro, FunZoneThree, FunZoneTwoAlternates, FunZone-Two-Bold-Italic, FunZoneTwo, FunZoneTwoCondensed, FunZoneTwoEPYEG, FunZoneTwoHelv, FunZoneTwo-Italic, FunZoneTwoLight, FunZoneTwo, FunZoneTwoProCondensed, FunZoneTwoProExtended, FunZoneTwoProRegular, FunZoneTwoSerifBold, FunZoneTwoSerifCondensed, FunZoneTwoSerifWide, FunZoneTwoSerif, FunZoneTwoWide, FunZoneTwo, Garde, Garinty, GarintySkew, HBOFamily, HalloweenTime, Handpower, Hargroty, Hearts, Hemico-Greek, High-Five-Techno, Highstruct, Hisel, History-Lowercase, Homestile, Hopscotch, Hotpepper, InsideOutLowercase, InsideOut, Into-the-Future, Irresistible-Hollywood, JonesCombo, JonesOutline, Jones, Kazuke, KidZonePro, KidZone, KidsClub, Kon-System, LateNite, Lecid, LegibSqueeze, Legibility, LifeIsARightTime, LifelogoEasy, LifelogoHard, Light-Your-Fire, Littoral, LivedMasNEW!WithNumbers, LyonsPrint, 629Supplement-V2, LyonsSecondaryBold, LyonsSecondaryLight, LyonsSecondaryRegular, LyonsSerifBlack, LyonsSerifBold, LyonsSerif-Italic, LyonsSerif, Lyons, MTVLowercase1, MTVLowercase2, Made-with-Paint, MandarianFood, Meerken, MemoriesAngular, MemoriesRoundBold, MemoriesRoundExtraBold, MemoriesRoundLight, MemoriesRound, Memories, Mentabrush, MicEdge, Mickorama, Mixmatch, MockLatin, More4-Logo, MoreFour-v2, MotivotaCombo, Motivota, MovieBill, Mraz, Musieer, MyShapes, NES-Lowercase, NES2, NeonFeel, NewFlourinaFontfor2014, New-LiteBulb, New-Walt-Disney-Font, NewWaltDisneyUI, Nine-Network-logo-font, Nine-Network-logo-font-v2, NiseBuschGardens2, NiseBuschGardens, NoUndo, Oilpainter, OrderPizza, OutofCn'R, POEFoo, POEGalaxy, POEHeadlineBold, POEHeadline-Italic, POEHeadlineOutline, POEHeadline, POEMonospace, POENewUnicaseMedium, POERedcoatNewBold, POERedcoatNew, POESansDemo, POESansDemo, POESansNewBlackItalic, POESansNewBlack, POESansNew-BoldItalic, POESansNew, POESansNew-Italic, POESansNew, POESansPro-BoldItalic, POE-Sans-Pro-Bold, POE-Sans-Pro-Condensed-Bold-Italic, POE-Sans-Pro-Condensed-Bold, POESansProCondensedItalic, POESansProCondensed, POE-Sans-Pro-ExpandedBoldItalic, POE-Sans-Pro-ExpandedBold, POESansProExpanded-Heavy-Italic, POESansProExpanded-Heavy, POESansProExpandedItalic, POESansProExpanded, POESansPro-Extra-Light-Italic, POESansProExtraLight, POESansPro-HeavyItalic, POESansProHeavy, POESansPro-Italic, POESansPro-Light-Italic, POESansProLight, POESansPro-MediumItalic, POESansPro-Medium, POESansPro-Semi-boldItalic, POESansPro-Semi-bold, POESansPro-ThinItalic, POESansPro-Thin, POE-Sans-Pro-Ultra-Condensed-Bold-Italic, POE-Sans-Pro-Ultra-Condensed-Bold, POESansProUltra-Condensed-Italic, POESansProUltra-Condensed, POESansPro, POEText, POEUnicaseCondensed, POEUnicaseToo, POEUnicase, POEVeticaMonospaceBold, POEVeticaMonospace, POEVeticaNewReincarnatedBoldItalic, POEVeticaNewReincarnatedBold, POEVeticaNewReincarnatedCondensedBold, POEVeticaNewCondensed, POEVeticaNew-Italic, POEVeticaNew-LightItalic, POEVeticaNewLightReincarnated, POEVeticaNewMediumItalicReincarnated, POEVeticaNewMediumReincarnated, POEVeticaNewMono, POEVeticaNewThinItalicReincarnated, POEVeticaNewThinReincarnated, POEVeticaNewReincarnated, POEVeticaUI, Paintbrush, Paramountain, Paris-France, Paul, Pelham, PennyPinch, PersonalFontMix, PlayoffsSerif, Playoffs, PoorLittlePeppina, PowerhouseSansBold, Powerhouse-Sans, PresarioText, Presario, Proudance, Radeon, RaiText1983Lowercase, RaiLowercaseRegular, Remedy, Retrahaus, RodfellowsWacky, RodscriptTwo, Rodscript, RollerCoaster, RollyOlly, RollySqueeze, RoundFitLowercaseExtended, Roundling, SM-Grid-Text-Rounded, ScriptME3, ScriptMENew-Bold, ScriptMENew, Scroller, Seez, Serioucity-3, Serioucity, Seuss, Sigg, SillyDilly, Simplicity, Simplicity, Smear, SomethingRandom, Spikes, Splotch, Starzy3, StarzyDarzylowercaseletters, StarzyDarzy, StoryChoiceSansSerif-BoldItalic, StoryChoiceSansSerif-Bold, StoryChoiceSansSerifHeavy-Italic, StoryChoiceSansSerifHeavy, StoryChoiceSansSerif-Italic, StoryChoiceSansSerifLight-Italic, StoryChoiceSansSerifLight, StoryChoiceSansSerif, StoryStrip, SuperMario286, TUBAn, TWOHeadline, TY, Technomite, Teereks, TeknoBeat, TeletoonLowercaseV2, TeletoonLowercase, TertiaryWriting, Thanksgiving2016, TheCheddarCakeFactory, TheRealWoman, TickleToesInfanity, TightMan, Tootall, ToySans, Trans-AtlanticFilm, Triangleshape, Tricrown, Turbo, Turkishye, Ursula, VertaboyAmore, Vertaboy, Weaselic, Wilde, Wood, WoodyDLE, Work-of-Fortress, World'sHeaviestFontEver, YG-Lowercase, YTV2000, YTVPresent, ZiricIsComing, dvcc, E4DigitalFinal, Vivendi-caps. 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[Brett Gilbert]

Brett Gilbert ("55 cards") is the designer at FontStruct in 2008 of minima55, minima55_grid. His Lattice is a gorgeous rhomboid-patterned caps face. Others include Double Six (domino pieces), Square Jaw, Halftone. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aaron Jarred

Graphic designer and illustrator studying Graphic Communication at UCA, Farnham, UK. He created Modular (2011, a kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Afrojet Type Foundry
[John Skelton]

John Skelton is a type designer from St. Paul, MN, b. 1973. He is currently based in Portland, OR. He started out in 2008 as afrojet on FontStruct, making many free fonts there. Late in 2009, he set up Afrojet Type Foundry at MyFonts.

FontStructions in 2008: Playtime (an original stencil family), Playtime Pattern Motifs (dings), Playtime Rounded (+Bold), Playtime Cutouts, Mango Solid (ultra fat, rounded), Mooch (experimental), Mooch Squared, Zombies Are The New Black, Jettison Stencil, Micromoog, hewett, hewett_bold, hewett_extended, Mikey (a Mickey Mouse font). Other creations there include Summer Grillz (about which he writes More gangster than Gill with more gold than Garamond, Summer Grillz is type jewelry for your mouth. All letterforms are diamond-kut using the finest type constructing software on the market today. Customize your grill with different fills., Lovestruc, Konstruct (multiline face), Steeplechase, Sawhorse, Sawhorse Braumarks (dingbats of a brewery), Alfred, Chesterfield, Hydroplane, Jettison-Stencil, Pop-Drops (kitchen tile face), Starstruc, Lovestruc, Chesterfield Prince, Chesterfield King, Chesterfield Queen (piano key font), Brainfreeze (ultra fat).

Fontstructions in 2009: the Sans Serious family (a tribute to Dutch Bauhaus designer Jurriaan Schrofer), Factory (stencil), Hunstrüct (blackletter), Slug, Micromoog Remix, Get To The Falcon, Jetstream and Perforate (octagonal, loosely based on several styles of letter and numeral forms observed on various aircrafts at the Evergreen Aviation&Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon), Get To The Falcon (multiline face), StacheStruct (moustache font), Factory (stencil), Playtime Bolda, Thunderball, Gaga, Gaga Stencil, Pinpression, Sessions (a take on type by Josef Albers; he writes: Having previously played around in Fontstruct with Anni Albers' textile patterns, I thought it time to turn my attention to her husband Josef's work. Josef Albers' constructivist typographic experiments are a perfect match for Fontstruct. Other Fontstructors have done great work with Alber's ideas. Most notably, Saberrider's fontsract and Stewf's Leaflet family. Using Josef Albers' Kombinationsschrift alphabet (1928-1931) as my foundation, I've been having a lot of fun remixing and experimenting with his letters.).

Fonts made in 2010: Whoopee (piano key face), Prog.

Commercial fonts: Sessions (2009, modular).

The commercial fonts by Afrojet type foundry include Sessions, Playtime, Hydroplane, Lovestruc, Dansa, Pinpressions, Micromoog, Widjiwagen, Mooch, Hunstrüct, Slug, and Brutal Exchange.

Cargocollective link. Behance link. Home page. Dafont link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Agent J
[Lisa D. Jenkins]

Lisa D. Jenkins designed some beautiful fonts, such as Xanadu, Laser Systems (1998) and Kitchen Tiles. Explanation provided by her the gorgeous Kitchen Tiles: "This font was originally designed by Boris Mahovac of Abeceda dizajn. I liked the look of it, and thought it should be a fairly easy font to re-create in order to test out the Softy software. I changed a great number of the characters from his original design mostly for readability reasons. This font includes pretty much all the international characters so that everyone can enjoy it." The free stuff is only a sample of the full families. She also made Cat Silhouettes. All of Lisa's fonts are first rate and beautiful, so please support her. On February 9, 1999, she removed Kitchen Tiles. Go here for the story. She also runs AJ's Catz, a cat font archive. [Google] [More]  ⦿


French digital type foundry, est. 2007, located in Lille. The type coop includes Stéphane Meurice, Xavier Meurice, Sébastien Delobel (the three founders), as well as Jérémie Perrin and Baptiste Servais.

Commercial fonts include these made by Atelier Télescopique: Stone Heure (2007, multiline), Ader, Bepierre (pixel), Beye (pixel), Birinte (experimental), Boureuse (an elegant geometric sans), Byme, Capulco, Ciceron (dot matrix), Delory (clean sans), Dicion (dot matrix), Dixca (pixel), Fisher, Fluo (2012-2014, a stencil font by Xavier Meurice and Sébastien Delobel), Hic, Kune (sans family), Lailuya, Lienne, Mentable (dot matrix), Mento (clean sans), Merik, Miante, Micale, Mulette, Naconda, Nalfabait (dings), Natomi (techno), Nibalsmith (ultra-fat), Norak, Normal, Peindice, Rabik (paperclip face), Raoul, Rijsel (2013, sans), Rondie (kitchen tile), Rubal, Scard, Screenex, Stone Heure (prismatic), Singolo, Sphiquesy, Steroid, Stuce, Tino, Tomica, Treen, Varo, Velinge (dings), Veu, Vrette, Vure, Yoli (dings), Xatif, Zofage.

Corporate typefaces by them include the Quechua family (for the sports company Quechua in Domancy, France), which consists of four typefaces, Bionnassay (for cross-country skiing), Forclaz (mountain hiking), Arpenaz (for recreational hiking) and Capcir (for Nordic skiing).

News. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alessandro Fulciniti

Alessandro Fulciniti (Axel or Alex Fulton) is the designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Digg (based on the Digg.Com logo), SmartShop, Triple-X, Last Brick (3d brick face), Last Brick Neon, Bubble Gum, Maxxell, Pico (pixel face), Omino (dingbats of men), jelly_fish_1, pixel_runner, red_light_district (dot matrix face), three_am. Son of Statement and Statement are heavy block fonts. Other typefaces: Acchooga (condensed), Dottic (2008, pixel face), Headshop (2008), Three AM (2008), Red Light District (2008, dot matrix face) and Fat Bit Lova (2008, pixel face), Brooklin Bros (2008, octagonal), Absurd, Dottic (pixel face), Hybrid Boost, Five AM, Futuristica (Bank Gothic-inspired), HeadShop, Americana (American flag-themed glyphs), Elevator (lightbulb signage font), Bombay (Indic simulation), Regent (octagonal, between two horizontal lines), Spaceman (pixel meets kitchen tile), Faster Baby, Fontharrt, Subpixel, Promises, Best-before-end (horizontal stripes), Weekend (fat headline face), Predator's Alphabet, Futures, Magnus (constructivist), Zeppa (great---Far West meets LED), Wide Horizon, Pixelity, Wide Horizon Rounded, Snipers' Font, Gunny (heavy metal stencil), Pinball Special 5, Gallop, Horizon Condensed, Western Zappa (Far West font), Wide Horizon Rounded, Nano Spaceman (nice fat kitchen tile style), Black Sheep, Best-before-end, Black-Sheep, Bubble-Gum, Crazy-Pixel, Faster,-baby!, Gallop, Horizon-Condensed, Last-Brick, Little-Spaceman, Magnus, Pinball-Special-5, Promises, Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Font, Weekend, Zeppa, maxxell, pic. Born in 1975 in Northern Italy, he is a columnist for the Italian web design portal html.it since 2003, who has written extensively on CSS, javascript and web design. Web site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alex Long

Designer, aka shadowmask, of Shadowmask Decorative (nice grunge), Quark The Derivative, and Shadowmask Gridified (kitchen tile), all in 2008 at FontStruct. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexander Colby

[More]  ⦿

Alina O

Designer who used FontStruct in 2009 to make Checkers (kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alphabet Design
[Boris Mahovac]

Boris Mahovac is a great Croatian designer. He founded Alphabet Design in Oakville, Ontario. One of his famous fonts is the kitchen tile typeface Kalendar (1995).

Other creations: Pixelina, Borek, Duckling, Fat Trace, Kloi (now Kloi BT (2004)), Tabita BT (2005, an informal font), and the great patterns of the Symbols font, JechoTecho.

From the web site: He started working with digital fonts back in the days of bitmap fonts, sometime in 1988. At that time the studio operated in Zagreb, (former) Yugoslavia, which later became the capital of independent Croatia, under the name PixelPrint. The name changed to Abeceda Dizajn in 1992 while establishing itself as a successful typographic studio that specialized in font localization and type consulting. Abeceda Dizajn studio was the official distributor and manufacturer for Bitstream Inc. for Croatia and Slovenia from 1995 until 1997, when it relocated to Canada. Today, Alphabet Design is again a Bitstream re-seller.

In 2005, Bitstream published Kloi, Borhand Tabitha, Duckling, as well as JechoTecho1 (the latter typeface was made by Evzen Jecho). Alphabet Design is donating all its proceeds of January 2005 to tsunami aid. In 2005, cartoonist Branimir Zlamalik created Smiles (dingbats) and Ulixa (comic book family). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Amondo Szegi
[FONTana Typestudio]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Ana Luisa Figueiredo

Rio de Janeiro-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Clara (2013). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrea Zucca

Andrea Zucca (Livorno, Italy) created the kitchen tile typeface Looz (2012) and the modular circle-based typeface Spikkio (2012). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andreas Pihlström
[Subtype (was: Typisc or Suprb)]

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Andrew Byrom

Andrew Byrom was born in Liverpool, England in 1971. After Graduating from the University of East London in 1996 he opened his own design studio and worked for various clients including Penguin Books, The British Academy of Composers and Songwriters, The Industrial Design Centre, Time Out Online and The Guardian Newspaper. Around this time he also began teaching graphic design at The University of Luton and Central Saint. Martins. Byrom moved to the USA in 2000 to teach at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL. He has recently been commissioned to design typefaces and type treatments for Elle Decoration, The New York Times Magazine, McGraw-Hill, and Turner Classic Movies. In 2006 he moved to Long Beach to take up an Associate Professor position at California State University, where he is currently the Area Head of the Graphic Design Department. He created the experimental typeface Interiors (2002), about which AIGA writes: Interiors (3D type) is a collaboration between type designer Andrew Byrom and designer Joel Wolter. It was originally conceived as a digital font (Interiors) and was inspired by an old wooden chair in Byrom's office that, when looked at from a certain angle, resembled the letter h. Using the three-dimensional principles of this simple form, and closely adhering to type design conventions, 26 letters of the alphabet were drawn and generated as a font. The characters were then constructed in three dimensions using tubular steel into full-scale furniture frames. Because the underlying design concept is typographical, the end result becomes almost freestyle furniture design. Letters like m, n, o, b and h can be viewed as simple tables and chairs, but other letters, like e, g, a, s, t, v, x and z, become beautifully abstract pieces of furniture. He also made the distressed font Bloodclot, the stencil family Byro Stencil (free), Byro Sans, 1byrosquare (2000), 2byroround (2000), ByroBlock Stencil (2000, stencil), Concussion (dot matrix with various size dots), Easy Vie, Venetian (2009, like Venetian blinds), Fresh (1995, scratchy type), Ply, Rage, St. Auden, Bandaid (2006), 3D Dot Matrix. He divides his time between teaching, designing for various clients and playing with his sons, Auden and Louis. He has recently been commissioned to design typefaces and type treatments for Elle Decoration, The New York Times Magazine, McGraw-Hill, and Turner Classic Movies. In 2006 he moved to Long Beach to take up an Associate Professor position at California State University, where he is currently the Area Head of the Graphic Design Department. Speaker at ATypI 2009 in Mexico City. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrew C. Bulhak

Australian creator of ModeSeven (1998, pixel font based on the Teletext bitmap font) and the splendid Flicker family (2002), pixelized in the format of kitchen tiles. Bulhak runs the news blog Null Device, and is lecturer in Computer Science at Australia's RMIT University. Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrey Damo

Andrey Damo (DEZ Propaganda, Porto Alegre, Brazil) co-designed the kitchen tile typeface Black Saul with Juliano Weide in 2013 as a present for Saul Duque.

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Angus R. Shamal
[ARS Type (was ARS Design)]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Anke van der Meer

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Anna Pulido

Mataro, Catalunya-based designer of the kitchen tile font Arc (2016) and the free text typeface Atia (2016). Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Antonio J. Morata

Antonio J. Morata (Almeria, Spain, b. 1968) is a FontStructor (aka elmoyenique) who used FontStruct to make several modular typefaces starting in 2010. The typeface names start with z. We list them alphabetically:

Dafont link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Interest (dot matrix), Order (constructivist), Attica, Continuum (rounded bold), Fairway (+Slab, +Serif), Slant (techno), Cowboy (2008, Western-themed), Lights in the sky, Olymia Bold, Solida (psychedelic), Digi (pixel face), Villa (heavy slab serif) and Olympia Light. In 2009, he added Versional, Crown, Vend, Reed (Slab, Sans, both octagonal), Spaced Out (Bold, Italic, Regular), Jingle, ReMix (kitchen tile), Squire (3d face), Garage Sale (stencil), Signage, Futility (blackletter), Expearemint, Textual, Callout, tweedie, Embolden, Clipped, Economical, Emphasis, Vessel, Honest, Union (+Flat, +Sans, +New), Interest (pixel/dotted face), Venus Sans, Minanim, Diner (rounded), Lights in the Sky (De Stijl-like font), Opine, Charmer (+Inverse), Tweedle, Textual, Solida (ultra round), Slant, Slant, Villa (heavy slab serif), Versional, Vend, Union, Union Sans, Union New Sans, Union New Flat, Paperclip, Poofy, Steel (+Outline: octagonal), Crown, Diner (rounded), Solemn Bold, Solemn, reed Sans Mono (octagonal).

Fonts from 2010: Full Deck (playing card font), Scrollboard, Power Up (piano key face), Groovy Fu, Formality, Union New (+Sans, +Flat), Angle Tutorial, Aurora Light (elliptical monoline sans), Pushpins, Aurora Light, Scrawl (marker face), Evity (a grotesk face), Altipen (upright script).

Fonts from 2011: Obleak (oblique techno face), Likea (a heavy mechanical sans), Uptake (elliptical).

Fonts from 2012: Omit (a bilined stencil face).

Fonts from 2013: Emblazoned.

Typefaces from 2014: Game Over, Aurora Light, Flowidity, Oxquad (textured, octagonal). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ariel Di Lisio

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

ARS Type (was ARS Design)
[Angus R. Shamal]

ARS Type is an Amsterdam-based foundry with some commercial fonts by Angus R. Shamal. Shamal had earlier published fonts with T-26 and Plazm. Fonts can be bought via Fontshop.

The fonts: AudioVisual1, Code, Kamp, Kamp Serif, Retro City, OCRU, Toycube, Mortal, Maquette (1999-2000), Angelring, ARS Bembo, Contrast, Dandy, EcologyModern, Hartu (handwriting), Temper, ARS Novelty (2011, a free hybrid style face), ARS Polythene (pixel font family), Misanthry, Syntax (OsF format sans serif), CensorSans (1994), CensorSerif (1994), Credit (1995), Epilogue.pfa (1995), Exert (T-26), Humain-Graphica (1995), Humain-Synthetica (1995), Platrica (1994), Roscent (1995), ARSFortune (2000, futuristic), ARS Region (2002, Bauhaus sans), District (experimental), Descendiaan (1998), Zero Rate (futuristic), Tegel (1998, stencil, kitchen tile), Twenty (octagonal, techno), Trio (dot matrix fonts), Maquette (1999), Region, Product (2007, sans typefaces), Mr Archi, Prime (display), Deviata (unicase face), Forum I-AR (after Forum I, a 1948 font by Georg Trump), Freie Initialen-AR (2007, after a 1928 set of caps for Stempel Garamond), Fry's Ornamented (2007; a revival of Ornamented No. 2 which was cut by Richard Austin for Dr. Edmund Fry in 1796), Graphique-AR (2007; a shaded typeface based on a 1946 design by Eidenbenz for Haas), Gravur-AR (2007; a digital version of a type designed by Georg Trump and issued as Trump-Gravur by Weber in 1960), Initiales Grecques (after a Firmin Didot design, ca. 1800), Lutetia Open (2007; based on Jan Van Krimpen's Lutetia), Old Face Open (2007; a digitization of Fry's Shaded, an open all caps Baskerville cut by Isaac Moore for Fry, ca. 1788), Open Capitals (2007, after Jan Van Krimpen's 1928 typeface for Enschedé called Open Kapitalen), Romulus Capitals (2007; after the caps series by Jan Van Krimpen, 1931), Romulus Open (2007; after the Open series by Jan Van Krimpen, 1936), Rosart 811 (2007; open caps after Enschedé no. 811 by Rosart), Zentenar Initialen (2007; based on blackletter initials of F.H.E. Schneidler, ca. 1937).

Fontshop link. Designer link at FontShop. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Arvan Fatwa
[LittleWind Studio]

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Ata Syed

Ata Syed (Karachi, Pakistan) has a dual identity at FontStruct, where he is one of the most prolific contributors. He is known there as thalamic and as minimum. Behance link.

Typefaces made in in 2008 as thalamic: Hello (connected upright script), Epilogie (blocks), WimSoft (+U/C), Chunk Chip, Konstruct (Russian constructivism face), Sensei Says, FS Tributary, Twotype Font, Urge (fat octagonal), Subliminal, FS United One, The Game of Type, Anaximander Zooom!, Corrupt and Corrupt Ed (piano key stencil fonts), Blueprint, Monomum, Synergy, Insert Coin Italic, Write I Careful, Write I Casual, Write I Dump, Loop UC, Loop LC, Emergic, Prick!, Insert Coins Pixels, Retro Electro, Bubble Lab IJ, Bubble Lab Bang, A Needle Pulling Thread, Send, Scan (IBM logo look), Intermittent and Intermittent Sans (stencil typefaces), Melt x DR and Melt x tDR (dot matrix), Oval x DR and Oval x tDR (original design by theDesignersRepublic for Issey Miyake), On Grid, Indigo (almost blackletter), orange_2 (dot matrix), Scan (horizontal stripes), Bass, Grape (simple pixel face), Nachahmung and Nachahmung Block (fat and extra condensed, Wim Crouwel simulation typefaces), Nachahmung Block Serif, Conjunction, Interjection, Is It, Sangular (nice experiment), Anonon (nails in square letters), Purple and Purple Very (slab serif headline typefaces, pixelized), Arc Echo (biline and strutted), The Question (a fantastic 3d paper fold imitation face), FS Minimal (a fantastic ultra fat decorative face), FS FontStructor, Vibrant (multiline labyrinthine or op-art face), Writ (upright pixel script), Castor, Ooki (octagonal), Industrial, The I Flat, The I, Indiscrete, Analog (connected script), Dent (mechanical), Digital (connected script), Hello Hello, and Sensei Says.

In 2009, he made Clone It, Entwined, C64, Helix, Fontsration, Bent, Stripe Zoo, Dull, Indent (stencil), Quartertined (kitchen tile), Firox, Orfix, A Priori, Ignore, Confused, S-Ookii, Ookii (octagonal), Very Becoming, Crisis Averted, Crisis (neat bold octagonal face), Penmanship, Up All Night, Sleep All Dayi, Chunk Chip, Grayletter (upright script), Soso, Mostly Harmless (textured face), Etched, La Cross, Twotype, Etched Bare, Aught (One, Two, Three), as: Inflate (Pop, Pfft, Puff, Poof), Istic, Very Becoming, Ignore, Ought, Balance, Broken, Dry Flat (dot matrix), La Cross, Etched (+Bare), Fontsration (+Refined: multilined beauties), FS Institutional (fat multiline face), FS Industrial, FS Pixelayers.

Additions in 2010 as thalamic: fs Section, fs Reboot, fs Easy DNA Auto Stencil, fs Institutional (+Ho, +Elements), fs Quartertined, fs Stencil 2.0, fs Rivet, fs Intaglish, fs Dumb Italic, fs Loop Gap, fs GoTeam (stencil), fs ITilic, fs Kerplunk (Startrek face), fs Dumb Italic, fs Ribbon, fs Beringer, fs Ooki Woodcut, fs Croissant (stencil), fs 45 (octagonal stencil), fsXO, fs Pipe, fs Confused Less.

Fonts from 2011 as thalamic: fs Xenon (a paperclip face), fs Instant, fs Twist, fs WIP (blackletter), fs Sparc, fs Reboot (texture face), fs Pod, fs Flute Tune, fs Special, fs Watch Out (stencil), fs Etched Nyle (labyrinthine face), fs No Kerning Required (2011, connected upright script).

Creations in 2012 as thalamic: fs Flip, fs Mom, fs Noise, fs Noise II, fs Junk, fs You Are Here, fs Flash (outlined), FS Easy Too (paperclip face), FS Strict, FS Fix, fs in three (octagonal stencil face), fs Single, fs Wakarimasen, fs r-failed (white on black), fs Permutation X, fs Pan Am, fs Institutional, fs Institutional 2, fs Chunky (counterless), fs Grayletter (textured face), fsXply (op-art).

Creations in 2013 as thalamic: fs So Not Right, fs Grid Urdu (pixel face), fs Not So Right, fs Six Sticks, fs Half (octagonal family), fs Bored, fs Make it Happen, fs Salvage, fs To Be Discarded, fs Connect (stencil), fs Whomp, fs Praxis, fs Fez (3d face), fs Input, fsTramp, fs Five Alive, fs Hote-Zyd (labyrinthine), fs Patterns (Layers, Quarters), fs Five Alive (origami font), fs Go To Sleep (retro speed font), fs Vaerktoj (inspired by the brand identity of Hoejmark Cycles), fs Permutation B, fs Jester, fs Permutation XII (op-art), fs Insatiable, fs Electronic, fs Carbon (a nice chequered face), fs When We Were Young (multiline typeface), fs Shogun Tiny (a lined kitchen tile typeface), fs Optical, fs When We Were Young (multilined), fs Slate, fs Shogun (gridded), fs Iie (+Filled), fs Blocky (dot matrix), fs Thalamic.

Creations in 2014 as thalamic: fs Perhaps, fs Perhaps Perhaps, fs Stability (Turmoil, Flux), fs Industrial (an artsy fat dot matrix face), fs Rehash, fs Ah, fs Curly, fs So, fs Flint, fs ICK (blackboard bold style), fs Wiggle, fs Grid, fs Ah.

Creations from 2015 as thalamic: fs B-Chain (bike chain font), fs Risque (art deco), fs Squangular (Impair, Square, Flair, Pair), fs Oval, fs MIP, fs Flower (kitchen tile face).

Creations as minimum: fs Chips (2014), fs Oh (2014, piano key style), fs Stack (2014, +Overflow), fs llljjj (2014), fs Turn Off The Sun (2014, beveled), fs Zag (2013 textured), fs Zig (2013, textured), fs Mullions (2013), fs The Italic (2013), Gridlock (2009), Mingle Minx (2009), Mingle Co (2009), Mingle (2009, gridded letters), Bevel (2009, 3d beveled family), illiij (2009, multiline family), m.ove.r (2009, multiline family), Grayscale (2009, multiline family), fs Cubed (2010, 3d-face), Bas Relief (2009, 3d face), Silver (2009, 3d face), Tin (2009), Lead (2009), Bevel (2009), Bevel Just (2009), Bevel Just Shadowed (2009), Ceci n'est pas une vague (2009), A Fault in Reality (2009, optical effect font), Blit Slash (2009, experimental), Blit Hack (2009), Dot Dot Hex (2009), Super Black (2009), fs Overlap (2010), fs Fabric (2010, texture font), fs Original (2010), fs Ink Blot (2010), fs Dots and Dashes (2010), fs I Square (2010), fs Squared Up (2010), fs Super Black (2010), fs Unoriginal (2010), fs Minimum (2010, geometric stencil face), fs Pin and Thread (2010, stitching face), fs Shade (2012, 3d face).

FontStructions from 2011: fs Perpetual (dotted line face), fs Slither, fs No Escape, fs Prompt (a DNA-inspired biochemical lab face), fs Plus H (horizontally striped face), fs Arc Test 2:2 (a modular blackboard bold face), fs V Simple (2010, textured face), fs Instant, fs Permutation V, fs Rehash Monoic (labyrinthine), fs Meta (texture face), fs Scroll, fs Scroll Not (stencil).

FontStructions from 2012: fs Translucent (a texture face), fs Bank, fs Shade, fs Confined (white on black), fs Institutional (+Vo, +HeVe, +Ho, +He, +Ve: texture typefaces), fs Bang, fs Random (textured face), fs Random Pattern, fs Lead, fs Tin, fs Silver, fs Tungsten.

Klingspor link. Abstract Fonts link. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of signed (a fantastic fist and pointing hands font), round_piece, Six Piece Chicken Nugget (pixel face), Stroked (paper clip font), Pointalism, Quad Light, Quad (octagonal), Blocks, Swerve (kitchen tile), and Old School (Big Mario dingbats). [Google] [More]  ⦿


Russian type foundry. Their Cyrillic/Latin fonts include: AZ HighWay (Leonid Silkin, 1990-1995, based on Broadway by Morris Fuller Benton, ATF, 1928), AZ LatinWide (1990-1995, by Kirill Tchouvashew, based on Stephenson Blake's Wide Latin), AZ LifeSigns (1990-1995, Serge Agronsky: astrological symbols), AZ McLeud (1990-1995, by Victor Kuchmin, based on American Uncial by Victor Hammer, 1943), AZ NewsPaper (1990-1995, by Andrey Andreev, based on News Gothic by Morris Fuller Benton, ATF, 1908), AZ ParagonNord (1990-1995, by Serge Agronsky, based on Elizavetinskaya, Lehmann type foundry (St. Petersburg, 1904-1907), which in turn was based on Russian metal typefaces of the mid-18th century), AZ Poligon (1990-1995, by Leonid Silkin: a kitchen tile font). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Attila Horvath
[Official Classic]

[More]  ⦿

Axel Durana

Barcelona, Spain-based designer of Kitchen Stencil (2014). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Axel Leyer

Designer in 2008 at FontStruct of NuGothicA (blackletter), BauForm, DINAMO (mechanical), Magnum (great industrial strength slab serif headline face), Cocoa (rounded and ultra fat), EUROstruct (thin and architectural), Kaotic (graffiti), Weimar (pixel face), Rondo, Rondo Tail, Fabrica (octagonal), Fabrica Rotula (stencil, octagonal), Quadrat, Electrica, Electrica Dots, Fabrica Screen (horizontally striped octagonal face), Block Black, Bloop, Blackwolf, Guru Blackletter (Indic simulation face), Inslab (slab serif), Inslab II, Minima (stencil), Boxer (ultrafat, octagonal), Bloko (nice ultra-fat face), Steel (macho slab serif), Nextar (pixelish but elegant), Simplex, Ulises 7 (+Serif) (pixel typefaces), Digita (kitchen tile) and Block (ultra fat), June Cleaver. See America (2008, octagonal) is an octagonal lettering font that was inspired by a travel poster (WPA, 1936) designed by Jerome Roth. Faces made in 2009: Morgana (a beautiful fat piano key face), Manitoba, Machina (+Slab), Old Monk (uncial), NughoticA Brush, LUBA 8 Lowercase (after Lubalin), Nugothic A (blackletter), Dinamo, Ross (strong mechanical face).

Faces made in 2010: Sketch Pix and Sketch Pix 2. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Barry Spencer

Australian type and graphic designer, b. 1983. He specializes in experimental typefaces (examples: Angel, Back, Blank, Block, Flip, Flow, Game, Intercom, Iris, Length, Maze, Missing, Found, Neutral, Newt, Origami, Quilt, Shift, Soviet, Spiral, Switch, Takara, Thai, Womb, Woven). Build is a kitchen tile/stencil face. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Beau Thein

For the rebrand of Diversion Dimensions, Beau Thein (Sydney, Australia) created a kitchen tile typeface (2017). Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Halfmoon (kitchen tile font), Halfmoon Sq, Kettle Kurve (art deco), BLAHP (an artsy techno face) and Fonti1 (horizontally striped). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bob Wertz
[Sketchbook B]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made the modular kitchen tile typeface Segments (2010), Wispy, Eccentricity and Rounded Smooth. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Boris Mahovac
[Alphabet Design]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Branimir Kolarek

Designer at FontStruct in 2009 of Passinjo Pixel Condensed (kitchen tile face) and Blokinjo (+Bastard). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Brett Gilbert

[More]  ⦿


Designer who used FontStruct in 2008 to create the kitchen tile typeface Hypno. [Google] [More]  ⦿

burodestruct (or: Typedifferent.com)
[Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda]

Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda's foundry in Bern, Switzerland, est. 1994, called Burodestruct and Typedifferent.com.

Free fonts include(d) the gorgeous GalaQuadra (by Angela Pestalozzi, 1999), Eject Katakana (1998), Dippex (1995, grunge font), Ticket (1995), Rocket 70 (1996), Ratterbit (1995, pixel font), Plakatbau (1995), Lodel Fizler (1996), Flossy (1995), Faxer (1995), Console Remix (1998), Cravt (1998, by "Katrin"), Stereotype (1998, by M. Brunner), Brockelmann (1995, free), Kristallo (1997, very original display face) and Billiet (1996).

Other fonts: Acidboyz (1998), Alustar (1999), BD Asciimax (1999, ascii art font), BD Billding, Bdr_mono (1999), Brick (1996, like Kalendar), Cluster (1996), Console (1997), Doomed (1998), Eject (1998), Electrobazar (1995), Elside (1995), Globus (1996), Fazer (1996), Lofi (1997), Medled (1995), Paccer (1995), Solaris (1998), Spicyfruits_brush_rmx (1998, a nice high-contrast face), Spicyfruits_rmx, Wurst (free, by Heiwid, 2000), Relaunch (2000), Relaunch Katakana (2000, free), Rainbow (2000), DeLaFrance (2000, free, by Heiwid), Electronic Plastic (2000), Colonius (2001), Cash (2001), Cashbox (2001), Bilding (2001), Meter (2001), Mustang (2001), Bankwell (2001), BD Alm (2001), Balduin (2001), Tatami (2001, oriental look font), Hexades (2001, free), Nippori (2002, techno), Jura (2002), Bonbon (2002, free), Band (2002, free), Navyseals (2002, kitchen tile font), Ritmic (2002), BDR Mono (1999, OCR-like font), Mann (2003, ultra fat stencil), Aroma (2003), Zenith (2003), Nebraska (2003), BD Equipment (2004), BD El Autobus (2004), BD Unexpected (2004), BD Wakarimasu (2004, free kana face), BD Bernebeats (2004, futuristic), BD Deckard (2004), BD Spinner (2004), BD Victoria (2004), BD Designer (2004), BD Kalinka (2005, a curly ultra-fat display face), BD Equipment (2004), BD El Autobus (2004), BD Unexpected (2004), BD Varicolor (2005, stencil), BD Chantilly (2005), BD Memory (2005), BD Emerald (2005, beveled), BD Kalinka (2005, Cyrillic simulation), BD Extrwurst (2005), BD Aquatico (2005), BD Mandarin (2005), BD Polo (2005), BD Beans (2005), BD Tiny (2005, pixel face), BD Times New Digital (2006), BD Panzer (2006), BD Jupiter, BD Jupiter Stencil (2006), BD Pipe (2006), BDR Mono 2006 (2006), BD Fimo Outline (2007, free, by Nathalie Birkle), BD Bermuda (2007, experimental and geometric), BD Smoker (2007, psychedelic), BD Radiogram (2007), BD Mother (2007, exaggerated black Egyptian), BD Fimo Regular (2007, free), BD Demon (2007), BD Reithalle (2007, free), BD Halfpipe (2007, free), BD Broadband (2008, free; not to be confused with the much older fonts BroadbandICG or FLOP Design's Broadband), BD Viewmaster and BD Viewmaster Neon (2008), BD Electrobazaar (2008), BD Motra (2008, stencil), BD Virtual (2008), BD Spacy 125 (2008), BD AsciiMax, BD ElAutobus (2004), BD Equipment (2004), BD Ramen (2003), BD Retrocentric (2009), BDR A3MIK (2009, virile Latin and Cyrillic slab), BD HitBit (2009), BD Unicorse (2010, unicase and techno), BD Telegraph (2011), BD Schablone (2012, stencil face), BD Pankow (2013, stencil), BD Algebra (2014), BD Hiragana Kuro (2014), BD Qualle (2014, a fat poster typeface), BD Tribler (2015, a tribal font).

Alphabetical listing of their pre-2015 free typefaces: Algebra, Alm, Apotheke, AsciiMax, Baldrian, Band, Bankwell, Bardust, Beans, Billding, Billiet, Bonbon, Brockelmann, Burner, Cash, Cashbox, Chantilly, Circo, Console, Console Remix, Cravt, Delafrance, Designer, Destination, Dippex, Eject Katakana, ElAutobus, Elmax, Elside, Equipment, Faxer, Fazer, Fimo, Flossy, Fluke, Galaquadra, Geminis, Halfpipe, Hexades, Hiragana Kuro, Jayn Fonta, Kristallo, Lodelfizler, Lofi, Medled, Meter, Mustang, Outline, Paccer, Pipe, Plakatbau, Plankton, Polo, Ragout, Ramen, Ratterbit, Reithalle, Relaunch, Relaunch Ktna, Rocket70, Sirca, Sirca Rmx, Solaris, Spacy125, Spicyfruits, Spinner, Stella, Stencler, Stereotype, Ticket, Times New Digital, TinyFont, Tribler, Unfold, Wakarimasu.

Alphabetical listing of their pre-2015 commercial typefaces: A3mik, Acidboyz, Alustar, Aquatico, Aroma, Balduin, BDR Mono 2006, Bermuda, Bernebeats, Breakbeat, Brick, Broadband, Calamares, Central, Cluster (Corporate), Colonius, Deckard, Demon, Discount, Doomed, Edding850, Eject, Electrobazar 2008, Electronicplastic, Elk, Emerald, Endless, Extrawurst, Fontabello, Globus, Good Wood, Hell, Hitbit, Jupiter, Jura, Kalinka, Kameron, Kinski, Las Palmas, Mandarin, Mann, Memory, Mother, Motra, Naranino (2012: a children;s script), Navyseals, Nebraska, Nippori, Nokio, Orlando, Pankow, Panzer, Qualle, Radiogram, Rainbow, Retrocentric, Ritmic, Robotron, Schablone, Showlong, Smoker, St.Moritz, Stalker, Stonehenge, Sweethome, Tatami, Telegraph, Unexpected, Unicorse, Varicolor, Victoria, Viewmaster, Virtual, Wotka, Wurst, Wurst Directors Cut, Zenith.

In 2015, Gianfreda designed BD Barbeaux (a condensed typeface with the fashionable chic of the French art nouveau or film noir).

Typefaces from 2016: BD Kickrom Mono (LED emulation type).

Typefaces from 2018: BD Westwork.

Typefaces from 2020: BD Aubergin (an experimental poster font with Bauhaus elements), BD Microna (a pixelish variable font), BD Micron Robots (dingbats).

Typefaces from 2021: BD Supper (a food packaging sans), BD Roylac (a stylish poster font that evokes modern furniture), BDRmono 2021 (hipster style techno).

Alternate URL. Dafont link. Behance link.

View the Typedifferent typeface library. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Camil Hämmerli

Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of In Dust Reality (pollution and city dingbats), Schneider Weisse (inspired by a German beer logo), Vieille Gare, Pictales (Olympic sports dingbats, inspired by Otl Aicher's Olympiaworks), Nota Bene (kitchen tiles), and Armor Black.

Sneak Pick (2012) depicts sneakers from all major brands (Airmax 90, Airforce1high, Airforce1low, Adidassuperstar, Timeberland, Conversechucks, Reebokcielo, Adidasforumhigh, Nikeairjordan, Newbalance574, Pumasuedemidhi, Ponyslamdunk, Ponytopstar, Asicsmexico66, Lecoqsportif, Nikeairmax1, Vans, Asicstigergt2). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carles Prats

Carles Prats (Barcelona) created a kitchen tile typeface for the identity and the menus of Relliros Restaurant (2013). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carol-Anne Ryce-Paul

Visual designer at Sesame Workshop in New York City, who created Brandless Typeface in 2012. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Christian "Cinga" Thalmann]

Catharsis is located in Leiden, The Netherlands. Before that, Christian Thalmann's page Cinga.ch was run out of Switzerland, when he was a student at ETH Zürich. Thalmann is an astrophysicist by training.

Catharsis had free typefaces such as the great Arabic simulation typeface Catharsis Bedouin (2004), CatharsisCircular, CatharsisRequiem (a unicase pair), CatharsisRequiemBold, CatharsisCargo, Cirnaja Bookhand and Cirnaja Calligraphy (made for his artificial language, Obrenje), Catharsis Macchiato (2005), CatharsisEspresso (2005).

At Catharsis, the commercial foundry, he published Octant in 2013: Octant is an original steampunk display typeface drawing inspiration from Victorian-age steel and brass engineering, as well as from blackletter typography. Gryffensee (2013, in styles called Eins, Zwei and Drei) is designed to be the Futura of blackletter, combining the time-honored gravity and relentlessness of the Gothic script with the clean, contemporary freshness of the geometric sans. It also covers Cyrillic.

Backstein (2013), baked brick, took its inspiration from the broken antiqua lettering in Berlin's old subway stations.

Volantene Script (2013) is a (free) uncial display typeface inspired by the penmanship of Lady Talisa Maegyr-Stark as seen on HBO's Game of Thrones. Numina (2013, Glamour and Glory substyles) is an extensive condensed fashion-oriented typeface family related to Skyline and Corvinus.

Maestrale (2013) adds calligraphic and flamboyant extenders to a decorative text typeface for a dramatic effect. Choose between Maestrale Manual (swashy) and Manuale Text.

Blumenkind (2013) is inspired by an instance of metal-strip lettering found on the Bürgermeister Kornmesser Siedlung residential building complex in Berlin from the 1960s.

Brilliance (2013) is a glamorous contemporary display blackletter combining the rich tapestry of Textura with a hint of the airy lightness of Spencerian script. Let's say that it is a light-hearted Textura.

In 2015, he made the free 45-style classic serif typeface family Cormorant, which includes several unicase fonts. This typeface started out in 2014 as Paramond, a light, contrasted, space-taking Garalde with impossibly tiny counters and long extenders. Links to the Google Font directory: Cormorant, Cormorant Garamond, Cormorant Infant, Cormorant SC, Cormorant Unicase, Cormorant+UprightCormorant Upright. See also CTAN.

In 2016, he created the humanist geometric sans typeface family Quinoa for Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and Hebrew.

Typefaces from 2017: Tesserae (kitchen tile style), Traction. Traction was originally conceived and designed by Christian Thalmann. Chiara Mattersdorfer and Miriam Suranyi expanded, completed and produced the font family. This typeface sports signature serifs, soft edges and a fluid, organic design.

In 2018, Christian started work on a blackletter-themed stencil typeface, first called Komik Ohne (the German for Comic Sans) and later named Kuschelfraktur (2019).

Between 2016 and 2019, he developed Eau de Garamond---a sans distilled from the essence of Garamond---, which was later renamed Ysabeau. Github link. In 2020, we find another fork, Isabella Sans.

Overbold (2019) is described by him as follows: Overbold is an unapologetic display typeface inspired by an illustration in Eric Gill's Essay on Typography (p.51), in which he demonstrates how not to make letters. In particular, he shows that increasing the weight of the downstroke in a serif A without structural adjustments yields an absurd, overbold result. I found the letter so charming that I decided to blatantly disregard Gill's wisdom and draw an entire overbold typeface. Here is the result. I'm not sorry.

1001 fonts link. Yet another URL. Fontspace link. Behance link. Klingspor link. Dafont link. Open Font Library link. Github link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Cheapskate Fonts (was: Dfonts)
[Dustin Norlander]

Cheapskate Fonts has original fonts and font links, all by Dustin Norlander. His fonts fall under the general GNU public license. List: Domestic Manners (2003, handwriting), El Abogado Loco (2003), Dustismo (2002, sans), Dustismo-Roman (2003), Balker (2000), Incarnate (2000), Itwasn'tme (2001, stencil), Markedfool (2000), Swift (2000), Wargames (2001, kitchen tiles), Flatline (2000), Progenisis (2001), WinksFilled (2000), yourdadsmells (2000), Junkyard (2000), WinksOutline (1998), Hexadonald, pillsaregood, PenguinAttack (2003).

Alternate URL. Alternate URL. Direct download. Font Squirrel link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christian "Cinga" Thalmann

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Christian El Asmar

Creator of Liposuction (2010, a kitchen tile face). Christian is an art director in Madrid. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christopher Branson

Illustrator and designer at the Kern&Letter Company in Missouri. Behance link. Home page

Creator of various display typefaces including the kitchen tile typeface Voltrona (2011, a kitchen tile typeface), Hate (2012), the kitchen tile typeface Metgeo (2012), the monoline sans typeface Duplica (2012), the piano key typeface Lucreow (2012: Lucreow is a permutation of Crouwel), Caladan (2012, fat blackletter), Hague (2012, angular), the Bauhaus-style typeface Joi (2012), the blackletter typeface Caladan (2012), Rid-G (2012, experimental), Sugar (2012), Cumo (2012, a happy children's book typeface), Domm (2012, stencil face), Zukunft, Iron (2012, an old film typeface), Freight (2012, stencil face), Noir, Shamrock (2012, octagonal athletic shirt typeface), Unison (2012, sans), Basic (2012), Sexy (2012, hairline), Gitter (2012, rounded), Modo (2012, monoline techno face), and SF Mono (2012). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Clémence Poitras

At E-Art Sup in Paris in 2016, Clémence Poitras created a kitchen tile typeface, and a blackletter typeface (called Cersei Lannister). [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Simon Schmidt]

Closefonts is a foundry that was set up in 1997 by Simon Schmidt (b. 1968, Hamburg). He studied graphic design and typography at Parsons School of Design, New York and at Kunstschule Alsterdamm in Hamburg, Germany. After three years as an art director in advertising, he became aa self-employed graphic and type designer specializing in corporate design. His typefaces can be found at Fontomas and Closefonts.

They include Monolith, Delay (2001, has kitchen tile weights), Beta, Hybrid, Ogra, Ograbic (Couscous, Falafel, Kebab: Arabic simulation typefaces), Hybrid, Schlager (50s diner font), Ness, Lorem Ipsum, Maxpo, Call (free), Gridder (1999, free), Dotter (free), CloseRaceDrive (2000), CloseRacePark (2000), CloseCall, CloseGridder.

Some of Simon Schmidt's fonts can be bought at Fountain: Delay, Hybrid, Monolith, Ness, Schlager. He designed the pair Park and Drive in his Race series at fontomas.com in 2000. He created Hookline in 2001 at Fontomas. His 2007 fashionably elegant Vogue-style sans typeface Mondän is stunning.

FontShop link. Abstract Fonts link. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Concepcion Morales

St. Louis, MO-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Disco (2016), which as finished during her studies at the University of Missouri at Saint Louis. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Corey Holms

Graduate from Cal Arts (1996), who runs CoreyHolms.Com in Fullerton, near Los Angeles. MyFonts link. MyFonts foundry link. Most of his fonts were republished in the 2020s at Canada Type.

Designer of Compunabula (2015: a low resolution, 8-bit alphabet imagined for our high resolution world), NE10 (2010, a stencil / neon tube typeface), This (a stencil typeface), Area (2008, Umbrella Type, an art deco nightclub face; hints of Avant Garde), Mode (2007, experimental modular type, Umbrella and later Canada Type, Babbage (2005, Umbrella Type, a capricious typewriter font), Sange (2002, a dot matrix blackletter font), Brea and Brea Light (2004, a dot matrix blackletter family at Umbrella Type; republished in 2021 at Canada Type), Mince and Mince Shadow (2004, Umbrella Type), DecadesOS (2002, for Decades Inc), Air-Port (1999), Attractor (2001, based on Alexei Tylevich's NoGlow), Granule (2009, fat rounded sans), Cartridge (2001), Claes (2001, based on a Wim Crouwel design), Consume (1996), Den (1998, for the Digital Entertainment Network), Digital (1997, for "The Apartment"), Empire (1995), Fascia (2002), Hobart (2001, a kitchen tile font), Pea (2005, Veer: letters made up of springs), Phia (another kitchen tile font), Progress (2001, for Progress City), Rasputin, RMX, Savante (1999), Sears (2000), Stencil, Thirty, Untitled and WebType (2000). Many of these fonts are futuristic, experimental, logo-inspired or minimalist.

Behance link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Corianton Hale

Designer of Section Intersection (2001), Sinking Ship (2002), Valentine's Day, Vic Stellar, Lite Brite (pixelized face), Track Star (almost a kitchen tile font), Densmore, God to Granite, Singer Mears, Slow Loris (based on handlettering by Jessica Lynch).

Font Squirrel link. Dafont link. Font Squirrel link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cornel Windlin

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


Fontstructor who made Squares and Triangles (2010, kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

CybaPeeCreations (or: Typoasis)
[Petra Heidorn]

CybaPee is the nom de plume of Petra Heidorn who lives near Hamburg. She has created many typefaces (listed below) between 1997 and 2005 and has cooperated with several type designers on interesting projects. She is undoubtedly best known for her successful web site Typoasis (discontinued in 2016), where one could download her own creations, and those of her many friends. Petra was also heavily involved in several attempts to revive blackletter fonts, in cooperation with Manfred Klein, Dieter Steffmann, Paul Lloyd and others. She organized several revivals of the typefaces of Rudolf Koch and Ernst Schneidler. She also managed the extensive web presence of Manfred Klein.

In 2016, she allowed me to host her fonts on my site. Download page. Download all her fonts in one zip file.

Her typefaces:

  • AlphanatismConHeads (2001). Stamped style.
  • ArabDancesMediumItalic (2002). An Arabic simulation typeface done with Manfred Klain's assistance.
  • Azimech (1999).
  • Bauernschrift (2004). After a 1911 typeface from Bauersche Giesserei.
  • Bayreuth (2003). A nice scan-version of Bayreuth Fraktur by Ernst Schneidler for C.E. Weber in 1932.
  • Bibelschrift (2004). Codesigned with Manfred Klein, Bibelschrift revives a Fraktur from 1926-1928 used by the Bremer Presse, est. 1911. The Bremer Presse was bombed by the Americans in 1944.
  • BirthdayGreetz (1999).
  • Brahms Gotisch (2005). A blackletter typeface co-designed with Manfred Klein. It is a revival of a 1937 Genzsch&Heyse typeface designed by Heinz Beck.
  • Burte Fraktur (2003). After Christian Heinrich Kleukens for the Mainzer Presse, 1928.
  • CalliBrush (1999).
  • Camouflage (1999). Textured.
  • Chaos-Theorie (2000). A Halloween or vampire font.
  • Charon (1999). An angry and / or scary typeface.
  • Crystopian.
  • CursedKuerbis (1999).
  • Cyclin (2000). An ironwork font.
  • DecoCaps (1999). Ornamental caps.
  • DeutscheDruckschrift (2004). A revival of Heinz König's 1888 blackletter typeface for Genzsch&Heyse.
  • DeutscherSchmuck (2004). Codesigned with Manfred Klein, this ornamental dingbat font is a revival and extension of the Schmuck für Deutsche Druckschrift by Eduard Ege, Genzsch and Heyse, 1922.
  • DiamondDreams (1999). A pearly all caps typeface.
  • Ellipsoideogram (2000). An italic headline sans.
  • Epitough (1999). A sans.
  • Extemplary (1999).
  • Funtastique (1999). An exagerrated, almost bubbkly, art nouveau typeface.
  • Gondoliere (2000). A light-hearted poster typeface.
  • Gotika (2005). After Reiner's 1933 blackletter typeface for Bauer.
  • Greex (1999). A Greek emulation typeface.
  • Hans Sachs Gotisch (2005). Based on a typeface by that name of Albert Auspurg, 1911, Genzsch&Heyse.
  • Hartwig-Schrift (2005). A blackletter typeface that revives Hartwig Poppelbaum's Hartwig Schrift from 1927-1928.
  • Hasenchartbreaker (1999). A handcrafted typeface.
  • Heimat (2005). After Wilhelm Weimar's Heimat from 1917, Genzsch&Heyse.
  • HelvAssim (1999). A naughty take on Helvetica to needle Linotype.
  • Hohenzollern (2004). Based on Carl Albert Fahrenwaldt's blackletter typeface for Bauersche Giesserei, 1902.
  • HollandGotisch (2005). Designed together with with Manfred Klein, this is a revival of the textura typeface Nederduits (aka Fleischmann Gotisch) by Johann Michael Fleischmann, ca. 1750.
  • InkyDinky (1999).
  • IsleOfTheDead (1999). An angular handcrafted typeface reminiscent of the movie titling of Dr. Caligari.
  • Jaecker-Schrift (2005). Revival of the 1912 blackletter typeface by Wilhelm Jaecker for D. Stempel.
  • Kleukens-Fraktur (2004). A Schwabacher based on a design by Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens, 1910.
  • KrasniFellows (1999). An old Slavonic emulation typeface.
  • KuehneRevised (2003). A blackletter typeface.
  • LadyIce-Italic, LadyIce-SmallCaps, LadyIce, LadyIceRevisited, LadyIceRevisitedUpper. An organic monoline sans typeface family developed together with Apostrophe.
  • Leibniz-Fraktur (2003). A Schwabacher typeface based on a house font at Genzsch & Heyse, 1912.
  • LeontineLoew. A warm and plump informal typeface.
  • LightBats (1999). Dingbats.
  • Lupinus (1999).
  • Lurzing-Initials (1997). A decorative caps typeface based on a 1908 typeface by Karl Lürzing that depicts naked figures.
  • Manuskript Gotisch (2004). A revival of a 1514 Textura typeface by Wolfgang Hopyl, which was a house typeface at the Bauersche Giesserei in 1899.
  • ModerneSchwabacher (2005). After a ca. 1900 typeface by the Otto Weisert foundry called Moderne Halbfette Schwabacher.
  • MonkeyHouseParty (2001).
  • MothproofScript (1999). A calligraphic typeface. The name is a take on frostmoth, one of Petra Heidorn's early aliases.
  • MuseAsis (2002). Artsy fartsy.
  • Napapiiri (1999).
  • Neudeutsch (2004). After a 1900 original by Otto Hupp for Genzsch&Heyse.
  • NeueFraktur, NeueFrakturExtraBold (2004). Revivals of typefaces by Johannes Wagner Schriftgiesserei in 1927.
  • NinjaLine (2000). An outlined graffiti typeface.
  • Nordland (2005). Based on a typeface by Heinz Beck for Trennert&Sohn, 1935.
  • Oetztype (1999). German expressionist. Named after the Tyrolian Iceman, Oetzi.
  • Oktoberfest (1999).
  • Pachyderm (1999). A nice ultra-fat typeface.
  • PeesCelticItalic, PeesCelticPlain, PeesCelticOutline (1999). Ornamental Celtic caps.
  • Pegypta, Pegyptienne (1999). Hieroglyph-inspired typewriter fonts.
  • PostmoderneFraktur (1999).
  • Rammstein (1999). A tall condensed typeface.
  • ResPublica (2000).
  • RoteFlora (1999). Garffiti style typeface.
  • RoyalGothic (1999). A swashy set of initials.
  • SadLisa. A kitchen tile font designed to support Lisa Jenkins in a copyright battle.
  • Sagittarius (1999). An arrowed typeface.
  • SailingJunco (1999). A stencil typeface.
  • Scalper-Bold, Scalper, ScalperInk (2001). Grunge style.
  • SchmalfetteGotisch (2004). Codesigned with Manfred Klein, this semi-Textura typeface is based on a type of Ernst Schneidler.
  • SchneidlerInitialen (2004). After F.H.E. Schneidler.
  • Schneidler Schwabacher (2004). After F.H.E. Schneidler.
  • SchwabachDeko (2005). This is Verzierte Schwabacher by Carl Kloberg, Leipzig, 1891. In 2005, Petra co-designed a similar revival of Verzierte Schwabacher with James Arboghast, simply called Verzierte Schwabacher. Her SchwabachDeko attempted to be as close as possible to the original.
  • Scoglietto (1999). A text typeface.
  • SerpentisBlack (2004). Digitization of a typeface by E.W. Tieffenbach for Officina Serpentis, 1913. This in turn is based on a Gotico-Antiqua by Peter Schoeffers (Mainz, 1462) which was refined in the late 15th century by Creussner and Koberger.
  • SlimlinerMicro (1999).
  • Smoke-Rasterized-Medium (2001). Degraded and textured.
  • SoftAutumn (1999).
  • Stoertebeker (1999). A mediaeval typeface with a rough outline.
  • SunnySide (2000).
  • Symphonie (2005). A digitization of Imre Reiner's Symphonie from 1938 (renamed Stradivarius in 1945).
  • TaraType (1999). A lapidary typeface named after Petra's friend, Sabine Taranowski.
  • Teutonia (2004). Based on a typeface by Roos & Junge, ca. 1900.
  • TipTop (2004). Based on a typeface from Schriftgiesserei Julius Klinkhardt, Leipzig, ca. 1900. Virtually identical to Teutonia.
  • ToolTime (1999). Dingbats.
  • TypesourceFanclub (2001). A heavy semi-slab serif.
  • Urdeutsch (2004). A rounded blackletter typeface based on Urdeutsch (1924-1925, Adolf Heimberg for Genzsch&Heyse).
  • Vogeler Caps (2002). Based on Heinrich Vogeler's decorative blackletter caps typeface Jugendstil Initialen (1905).
  • Weiss-Gotisch (2004). A revival of E.R. Weiss's typeface by that name, published in 1936 at the Bauersche Giesserei.
  • WelcomeY2K (2000). A casual typeface.
  • XmasTerpiece, XmasTerpieceSwashes (2001). A Fraktur font based on Rhapsodie by Ilse Schuele.

Dafont link. Klingspor link. Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dame Pistachos

Designer who used FontStruct in 2009 to make Blocks (kitchen tile face) and HardPix System (pixel face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Damien Paquiot

Graphic designer in Toulouse, France, who created the kitchen tile typeface 50Cinq in 2015. In 2017, he created the dry brush typeface Brush Grotesk. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dan P. Lyons

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Dan Pike
[The Letter D (was: Entica Typograffiti)]

[More]  ⦿

Daniel Bux

Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Dan Serif and Dan Serif Black (a gridded face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Reed
[DR Foundry]

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Cloer (kitchen tile font from FLOP Design), Humanbuilding, Pilgi2 (Hangul font), SAKURAhira (kana font), SnowDream, Toon-Plain, VintageDingbats, ZingDing. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dave Lawless
[Fontmill Foundry (or: Studio Liddell Ltd Graphic Design)]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

David Quay

British type and graphic designer (b. 1948, London) who graduated from Ravensbourne College of Art&Design in 1967, and after working as a graphic designer in London, founded Quay&Gray Lettering with Paul Gray in 1983. David Quay Design started in 1987, and finally, in 1990, he co-founded The Foundry with Freda Sack and Mike Daines in London. The Foundry also develops custom typefaces, marks and logotypes for companies inernationally these include a special typeface to be readable at very small sizes for Yellow pages, corporate fonts for BGplc (British Gas) NatWest Bank, and signage typefaces for both RailTrack in the UK and the Lisbon Metro system in Portugal. After Freda's death, he set up The Foundry Types with Stuart de Rozario. He taught typography and design at the Academie St. Joost, Hogeschool Brabant from 2001-2003. He taught part-time at IDEP in Barcelona, and lives and works in Amsterdam. In 2009, he started selling his fonts at MyFonts. He is also a designer at Retype in Den Haag, The Netherlands. His fonts, in chronological order:

  • Custom lettering and type for the Penthouse calendar.
  • 1983: Santa Fe (monoline script), Agincourt (1983, Letraset and ITC, blackletter), Blackmoor (1983, ITC, English-style blackletter).
  • 1984: Titus, Vegas.
  • 1985: Quay, Milano.
  • 1986: Bronx (brush script).
  • 1987: Bordeaux (a skyline font family, Letraset), Bordeaux Script.
  • 1988: Latino Elongated, Mekanik.
  • 1989: Aquinas, Robotik, Helicon (1989, Berthold).
  • 1990: Quay Sans (a humanist sans based on Syntax), Digitek, Teknik.
  • 1991: Letraset Arta.
  • 1992: Coptek, La Bamba, Lambada (1992, Victorian; Letraset), Scriptek (angular design, ITC).
  • 1993: Marguerita (curly vampire script).
  • 2010: Kade (Re-Type---it is a display/semi display sans family of fonts based on vernacular lettering photographed around the harbours of Amsterdam and Rotterdam).
  • 2011: Bath (2010-2011), a typeface developed with Ramiro Espinoza for the signage and orientation of the city of Bath. It comes in Bath Serif and Bath Sans versions.
  • Foundry Gridnik (2016, The Foundry). Influenced by Wim Crouwel's work: Foundry Gridnik was developed from the single weight monospaced typewriter face, originally created by Dutch designer Wim Crouwel in the 1960s.
  • Foundry Tiento (2020). A magnificent very Latin didone family with exquisite hairline ligatures.
  • Fernhout (2021). The prototypical kitchen tile typeface. Quay was inspired by an icomplete alphabet Wim Crouwel designed in 1963 for an exhibition poster font the Dutch painter Edgar Fernhout at the Van Abbemuseum.

List of his typefaces, or revivals, at MyFonts: Bordeaux (Elsner+Flake), Bronx (Elsner+Flake), Agincourt (ITC), Aquinas (ITC), Blackmoor (ITC), Bordeaux (ITC), Bronx (ITC), Coptek (ITC), Digitek (ITC), La Bamba (ITC), Lambada (ITC), Latino Elongated (ITC), Letraset Arta (ITC), Marguerita (ITC), Mekanik (ITC), Milano (ITC), ITC Quay Sans (ITC), Robotik (ITC), Santa Fe (ITC), Scriptek (ITC), Teknik (ITC), Vegas (ITC), Titus (Linotype), Kade (Re-Type), Metallic Sky (SoftMaker), Foundry Sans (The Foundry), VLNL Hollandsche Nieuwe (VetteLetters).

View David Quay's typefaces. Klingspor link. FontShop link. Linotype link. View David Quay's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

David Rust

[More]  ⦿

Device Fonts
[Rian Hughes]

Rian Hughes studied at the LCP in London before working for an advertising agency, i-D magazine, and a series of record sleeve design companies. Under the name Device he now provides design and illustration for the advertising, entertainment, publishing, and media industries. He works from Richmond, UK, as a comic book artist, letterer and typefounder---his foundry is called Device. He creates mostly display type. List of fonts. Interview. Review by Yves Peters. Monotype Imaging page. Interview by Die Gestalten. Various (overlapping) font listings, still unorganized.

  • Dingbats: Pic_Format, Mastertext Symbols, MacDings, RiansDingbats, Autofont.
  • FontFont fonts: Identification (1993), Revolver, Rian's Dingbats, LustaOneSixtySans, Knobcheese, CrashBangWallop, and Outlander.
  • [T-26] fonts: English Grotesque (1998), Data90 (2003; a free FontStruct typeface that is virtually identical to Data90 is Bitrate by Kummaeno (2010)), Flak Heavy (2003, stencil), Flak (2003, stencil), Freeman (2003), Klaxon (2003, kitchen tile font), Cordite, Substation (2003), September (2003), West Way (2003), Egret (2003), Paralucent Complete (2003), Paralucent Condensed, Paralucent Stencil (2003), Mercano Empire (2003), Iconics (2003), Cantaloupe (2003), Gravel (2003), Acton (blocky screen font, 2002), Ainsdale, Amorpheus, Anytime Now (alarm dingbats), Bingo, Blackcurrant (Blackcurrant Cameo (1997) is free), Bordello, Elektron, Haulage (U-Haul lettering, 2002), WexfordOakley, Telecast, Terrazzo, Transit, Untitled, Scrotnig, Skylab (2002), Silesia (1993), SlackCasual, Ritafurey, Reasonist-Medium, Regulator, GameOver, Novak, Quagmire, PicFormat, Jakita Wide (2000, techno font), Metropol-Noir, Motorcity, Mastertext, Mystique (2002), MacDings, Lusta, Laydeez, Sinclair, Paralucent (sans serif), Judgement, Bullroller, Zinger (a fifties font), Citrus (2002), Popgod (2003), Range (2000, a futuristic font), Hounslow, Jemima, Griffin, GranTurismo, Gargoyle, Foonky, DoomPlatoon, Darkside ("remixed" by FontStructor Kummaeno in his Ubangi (2011)), Kallisto (2010), Kallisto Lined (2010), Cyberdelic, Contour, and the very original Stadia Outline family (Stadia is a kitchen tile font).
  • List of all fonts by Rian Hughes, as of 2004: Acton, Ainsdale, Amorpheus, Anytime Now, Bingo, Blackcurrant, Bordello, Bull Roller, Chascarillo, Contour, Cottingley (1992), FF CrashBangWallop, Cyberdelic, Darkside, Data90, Doom Platoon (1996), Elektron, English Grotesque, Flak, Foonky, Freeman, Game Over, Gargoyle, Gran Turismo, Griffin, Haulage, Hounslow, Iconics, FF Identification, Jakita, Jemima, Judgement, FF Knobcheese, Laydeez Nite, Lusta (big family), Mac Dings, Mastertext, Men Swear, Metropol Noir, Motorcity, Mystique, Novak, FF Outlander, Paralucent, Pic Format, Platinum, Quagmire, Range, Reasonist, Register (A and B), Regulator, FF Revolver, FF Rian's Dingbats, Ritafurey, Scrotnig, September, Silesia, Sinclair, Skylab, Slack Casual, Space Cadet, Stadia, Substation, Telecast, Terrazzo, Transmat, Untitled One, Vertex, Westway, Wexford Oakley, Why Two Kay, Zinger.
  • At Veer, in 2005, these Device fonts were published: Gentry, Gridlocker, Valise Montreal, Custard, Box Office (moviemaking letters), Sparrowhawk, Monitor, Moonstone, Miserichordia, Yolanda (a great playful medieval text typeface in three styles: Duchess, Princess, Countess), Gusto, Dauphine, Rogue, Ritafurey, Dynasty, Radiogram, Xenotype, Roadkill (grunge), Payload (stencil family comprising Regular, Outline, Spraycan, Narrow, Narrow Outline, Wide, Wide Outline), Catseye, Electrasonic, Absinthe (psychedelic style), Straker, and Chantal (brush).
  • In 2006, Veer added these: Profumo, Ironbridge, Cheapside, Battery Park (grunge), Forge, Shenzhen Industrial, Hawksmoor (grunge), Coldharbour Gothic, Wormwood Gothic (grunge), Chase (grunge), Diecast, Roadkill Heavy, Tinderbox (fuzzy blackletter), Dazzle (multiline face), Nightclubber (art deco), Klickclack (2005, comic book or cartoon caper typeface), Vanilla (art deco), Wear it's at (grunge), Diecast, Drexler, Box Office (movie icon font).
  • Fonts from 2007: DF Conselheiro (2007, grunge), DF Glitterati (2007), Indy Italic (script), DF Apocrypha (2006, rough outline), DF Quartertone (2007), DF Lagos (2007, rough stencil), DF Pulp Action, DF Reliquary #17 (2006, grunge didone), DF Dukane (2007, octagonal grunge), DF Strand (2007, striped stencil), DF Rocketship from Infinity (2006, futuristic), DF Appointment with Danger (2006), DF Las Perdidas (2006, grunge stencil), DF Kelly Twenty (2007, grunge stencil), DF Heretic, DF Roadkill, DF Ironbridge, DF Forge, DF Shenzhen Industrial, DF Hawksmoor, DF Cheapside, DF Battery Park, DF Saintbride, DF Profumo, DF Coldharbour Gothic, DF Wormwood Gothic, DF Tinderbox, DF Flickclack, DF Vanilla (multiline art deco face), DF Chase, DF Nighclubber (art deco jazz club face), DF Diecast, DF Dazzla, DF Zond Diktat (grunge), DF Yellow Perforated, DF Mulgrave (grunge), DF Ministry B, DF Ministry A (with a hairline weight), DF Gridlocker, DF Gentry, DF Valise Montréal (grunge), DF Custard, DF Box Office, DF Roadkill, DF Payload Wide, DF Payload Narrow, DF Catseye Narrow, DF Catseye, DF Yolanda, DF Xenotype, DF Telstar, DF Straker, DF Sparrowhawk, DF Rogue Serif, DF Rogue Sans Extended, DF Rogue Sans Condensed, DF Rogue Sans, DF Ritafurey B, DF Ritafurey A, DF Radiogram, DF Pitshanger, DF Payload (stencil), DF Outlander Nova, DF Moonstone, DF Monitor, DF Miserichordia, DF Interceptor, DF Gusto, DF Glitterati, DF Galicia (2004), DF Galaxie, DF Electrasonic, DF Dynasty B, DF Dynasty A, DF Drexler, DF Dauphine, DF Chantal, DF Absinthe, DF Register Wide B, DF Register Wide A, DF Register B, DF Register A, DF Quagmire B, DF Cordoba (2007, grunge), Mellotron (2004, stencil), Seabright Monument (2007), Charger (2007, grunge).
  • T-26 releases in 2007: Klickclack, Hawksmoor (grunge), Heretic, Ironbridge (old letter simulation), Battery Park (grunge), Chase (grunge), Cheapside (grunge), Dazzle (multiline art deco), Diecast (grunge), and Forge (grunge).
  • T-26 releases in 2008: Automoto (fat multiline deco face), Straker (organic). Also from 2008: Mission Sinister (grunge), Gonzalez (grunge).
  • FontBros release in 2009: Filmotype Modern. Other Filmotype series fonts include Filmotype Miner (2012), Filmotype Manchester (2012), Filmotype Meredith (2012), Filmotype Marlette (2012), Filmotype Mansfield (2012), Filmotype Power (2012) and Filmotype Major (2012: this is based on a typeface used as the titling font for the popular children's book by Dr. Seuss entitled One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, 1960). Other 2009 fonts: Degradation (grunge).
  • Creations in 2010: Pod (2010, fat round stencil), Korolev (2010, a 20-style monoline sans family based on communist propaganda from 1937), DF Agent of the Uncanny (2010, brush face), DF Destination Unknown (2010, Kafkaesque brush), DF Maraschino Black (a sleek, sophisticated high-contrast swash capital font).
  • Creations in 2011: DF Capitol Skyline, DF Capitol Skyline Underline and DF Capitol Skyline Capitals (a multi-weight all-caps pair that epitomizes Streamline Moderne), DF Korolev (a 20-weight sans serif family based on lettering by an anonymous Soviet graphic designer who did the propaganda displays at the Communist Red Square parade in 1937. Named in honor of Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, or Korolev, considered to be the father of practical astronomics). In 2018, Korolev was expanded to Korolev Rounded and Korolev Rough.
  • Typefaces from 2012: Ember (informal script), Kane (based on the Batman logo), Glimmer Glossy, Glimmer Mate, Galleria (avant-garde caps), Clique (flared sans).
  • Typefaces from 2013: Wulf Utility (grungy), Charterhouse (an aggressive black sans), Filmotype Melon (after a 1959 original, this is an offbeat Googie era doo-wop typeface), Filmotype Melody (similar to Melon), Filmotype Mellow (also similar to Melon), Raw (worn wood type), Cadogan (a rhythmic connected script), Whiphand (brush face), Steed (heavy codensed masculine sans inspired by the titles of the Avengers TV show), State Stencil (Clean and Rough: in the style of Futura Black), Korolev Military Stencil (named after Sergei Korolev, father of Soviet astronautics, and based on signs from the Red Army parade of 1932), Armstrong (a 1950s automobile font).
  • Typefaces from 2015: 112 Hours (numerals font).
  • Typefaces from 2016: Typex (an angular yet rounded monospaced typewriter or OCR-style typeface based on the lettering used on Alan Turing's and Tutte's famous code-breaking machine at Bletchley Park, the Bombe, and the subsequent British answer to the German Enigma machine, the Typex), Serenity (a legible sans family).
  • Typefaces from 2017: Pitch (a heavy block sans in chrome and solid variants), Shard (originally commissioned for Nickelodeon's 3D reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise), Championship Inline, Mood (a great liquid deco font), Grange, Grange Rough, Dazzle Unicase, Urbane (sans), Urbane Rounded, Albiona (a modern take on Clarendon; includes Albiona Heavy Stencil), Albiona Soft (a rounded version of Albiona), Pact (a modular geometric font).
  • Typefaces from 2018: Rutherford, Salvation (a potato cut font), Kano (inspired by the work of Dutch furniture designer and architect Gerrit Rietveld, one of the principal members of the Dutch artistic movement De Stijl), Rogue Sans Nova, Fairtrade (rough-edged font), Goddess (Victoriana), Neuropa (a five-weight semi-extended sans that projects a muscular corporate authority), Worthington Arcade (a caps-only lapidary typeface), Zeno (a piano key stencil typeface), Vektra (an experimental crosshatch-textured typeface), Recon (a quartz display font), Kinesis (Kinesis is inspired by the work of Dutch furniture designer and architect Gerrit Rietveld, one of the principal members of the Dutch artistic movement De Stijl. It is a modular headline font, constructed from white, black and grey overlapping rectangles), Freehouse (Freehouse is a reinterpretation of the well-remembered Watney's logo, a brewery and pub chain infamous for its poor quality beer and brutalist decor.), Zipline (a great multiline typeface), Argent Sans, Craska (a multiline font), Panther Black, Carilliantine (art nouveau with many interlocking letter pairs), Regulator Nova, Broadside, Bubblegum Pop, Heft (a heavy slab serif), Faction (stencil style), Metaluna (techno, engineering), Magnetron (futuristic), Urbane Rough, Urbane Adscript (a monoline semi-linking sans), Revolver (original from 1992), Albiona Inked (a Clarendon).
  • Typefaces from 2019: Gerson Rand, Gravesend Sans (an all caps sans family based on the unique typeface used for the iconic grass-green signage for the now-defunct Southern Railway in England).
  • Other: Customised Foonky Starred, Altoona, DfAncestorITC, DfAttitudesPlain, HotRod (2002).
  • Typefaces from 2020: Breach (a display typeface with partitioned capital letters), Epiphany (stencil), Aurore Grotesque (an elegant geometric art deco sans family with small x-height), Faculty (a geometric sans with large x-height), Fathom (a flared serif typeface), Atomette (a stylized comic book typeface family), Conquera (a stylish extended caps-only font in five weights plus an inline), Dare (a tape font, that borrows a pinch of the hand-drawn swagger of Bauer's Cartoon (designed in 1936 by H. A. Trafton), used as Dan Dare's signature logo in the British boy's comic Eagle, and also the upward-pointing serifs of machine-moderne typefaces such as Dynamo (designed by K. Sommer for Ludwig & Mayer in 1930), Urbane Condensed.
  • Typefaces from 2021: Maximum (a blocky techno or sports font), Paralucent Slab (a monolinear slab serif), Guildhall (a 10-style strong-willed mechanical font family), Broadside Text (14 styles), Cynosure (a 14-style elliptical sans), Valvolina (a geometric display typeface inspired by Italian Futurismo), Chassis (a sci-fi or computer game font), Fomalhaut (a space exploration font), Disclosure (a grungy font), Sheffield Fiesta (a squarish font based on the brutalist concrete landmark nightclub in Sheffield, now the Odeon Cinema), Grange Text (a 14-style sans), Wilko (a fat rounded poster typeface), Farthing (a 5-style wedge serif).
  • Typefaces from 2022: Bradbury Five (a vernacular / bubblegum / supermarket / cartoon typeface in 18 styles), Tracker (an inline space-age disco font from the 1960s or 1970s, reminiscent of the Mexico City olympics font), Salient (a 12-style didone).

FontShop link. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


Creator at FontStruct in 2008 of Super Young Team (kitchen tile face), and offcuts (an interesting ide of letters around an empty circle). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Discourse Type
[Jonathan Bennett]

Foundry, est. 2007 by Jonathan Bennett, who is located in Caerphilly, Wales. Bennett designed these typefaces:

  • The unicase typewriter (Courier-like) typeface shown here.
  • MyFonts sells Lazar (2007, an ultra fat art deco typeface inspired by work of El Lissitzky), Kubrickle (2008, in block, swash and kitchen tile shapes), Rody (2007, a counterless slab serif related to Russian deco), Diglossia (2007, a fat geomeric slab serif).
  • DaFont has a free copy of Diglossia.
  • Dialogue (2007) is an artistic sans typeface for short texts (see also here).
  • He is working on this blackletter.
  • At FontStruct, they made parallel (2008).

Alternate URL. Dafont link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Dom Nokes

Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Waffle, Nice Shot (target alphading face), Plumstruct (a beautiful partition face), Roadblock, and Mthr Fckr (stencil, +Alt). In 2009, we find Trouble and Stripe (vertical stripes), Quarterback (athletic lettering face), Fuzz (experimental texture face), Nice Shot (alphadings), Metric, Fourmat, Mongol Metric (squarish), Volume Metric (3d), Volume Metric (+LO, +HI, 3d typefaces), Archityped (based on Bayer's Architype), Subbed Station, Neo Modul (counterless), Heffer (counterless), Perfd (dot matrix), South Central Swiss, Jaunt, Checkout II, Kurrupttd, Checkout, Container ISO Regular, Perfd Regular (pixelish), Lost Outline Condensed (pixel face), Nice Shot (alphadings), Korruptica (Helvetica grungified), Aurora (+II), Beagle (blackletter), Yoga, Trouble and Stripe, Roadblock. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dominic Davidson-Merritt

Paris-based designer of the kitchen tile font Abbesses (2015). His inspiration though came from the French subway signs: Typographic play inspired by the tile metro signs on my commute and shitty metro posters. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

DR Foundry
[Daniel Reed]

Everything he touches turns to gold. Manchester (was: Sheffield), UK-based creator of these typefaces:

  • 2012: Paper Cut (a geometric typeface).
  • 2015: Plate Mono (a monospaced all caps stencil typeface), Ivory (2015, a rounded octagonal titling sans).
  • 2016: Sidekick (an all caps typeface for children), Incido (a straight-edged typeface family),
  • 2017: Analog (a fantastic techno stencil typeface), Plunk (a funky typeface inspired by early jazz posters), Raymond (a warm bold display serif), Kong.
  • 2018: DR Bulk (want fat yet 2018-style fashionable?).
  • 2019: DR Pecker (a penis font), Vorga (stencil), Spira (a spiral font), DR Worker (octagonal, slab serif, mechanical).
  • 2020: DR Spindling (ultra tall, piano key style), DR Break (a stick font), DR Chi 26 (monospaced, sci-fi).
  • 2021: DR Gan (a kitchen tile font).
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Dragos Gavrila

Romanian designer. FontStructor known as grafician who made the kitchen tile font d-struct (2010). [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made Mini Display (2011, pixel face) and Rounded Display (2011, kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Duane Casper Primo

Laguna, The Philippines-based designer of Circles Boxes Type (2014, a ktichen tile typeface). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dustin Norlander
[Cheapskate Fonts (was: Dfonts)]

[More]  ⦿

Eben Sorkin
[Sorkin Type (was: Eyebytes)]

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Ed Baptist

Happy graphic designer in Manchester, UK, who created a number of typefaces in 2012. Via Hellofont, he sells Slabfont, Sectional (kitchen tile font), Extraordinary (hipster font) and Modern Font (sans family). Hellofont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Edgar Fernhout

Dutch painter, 1912-1974. In 1963, the Van Abbemuseum asked Wim Crouwel to prepare a poster for an exhibition on Edgar Fernhout. Wim Crouwel designed an incomplete kitchen tile alphabet for the occasion, and explained: It refers back to the system in the Hiroshima and the Triennial posters. The form is inspired by the abstract landscapes that Edgar Fernhout was making when I first met him. They were built up with short brushstrokes, in beautiful structures. There is a clear division in four sections, all with elements of the same height. Because of Fernhout's landscapes, I also introduced a horizon. I also wanted to bring in that reflexion, that Dutchness, here. Crouwel's lettering in turn led to the design of a few complete typefaces:

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Eduardo Araujo

Lisbon-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Modular (2014), which was a school project at the University of Lisbon. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ekloff Design (was: Liquid Parallax)
[Joseph Ekloff]

Ekloff Design by Joseph Ekloff (aka F. Folke) grew out of Liquid Parallax. It has free and commercial fonts created by Joey, who has a BFA in Visual Communications with a Marketing minor from the University of Arizona. He is based in Seattle.

His fonts: Times New Rhombus (2005, handwriting), Jupiter Jellypop and Jupiter Jellyrock (2005, grunge), Dinosaur Skin (2005), Abdomentality, Cactus Milk, Derivia (based on a public domain serif font called Livia Medium by S.G. Moye, 1992), Remodula (gridded, kitchen tile face, FontStruct), Electric Pencil (hand), Lower Optic Fibercase, Qualymer Beanpole, Qualymer Husky, Hopskotch (monoline sans with long swashes), Prevek, Rooty Voutee.

In 2013, he designed the commercial typeface Fervent Sans.

In 2014, he created White Label (hand-printed) and Remejug (hand-printed).

Typefaces from 2015: Hudso (handcrafted multiline typeface), Haywire, Baystyle.

Typefaces from 2016: Fullford (a warm handcrafted poster typeface family), Aweswell (handcrafted).

Dafont link. Fontspace link. Behance link. Creative Market link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elena Campos Pascual

During her studies in Barcelona, Elena Campos Pascual designed the modular kitchen tile typeface Cane Type (2016). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emil Karl Bertell

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Emmanuel Garcia

Makati City, The Philippines-based creator (b. 1978) of MKF Tiler (2008, kitchen tile face). Behance link. Home page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Essqué Productions
[Stephen M. Knouse]

Stephen Knouse (Essqué Productions) is the Alaskan designer in Wasilla (b. 1976) of several free fonts. These include the display typeface Petal Glyph (2007), Avante Go (2008, avant-garde) and Avante Return (2008, avant-garde). He also created the free comic book fonts Happy Sans (2009, beatnik style) and Happy Serif (2008), Diagano (2012, monoline avant-garde sans), the trekkie typeface Dark Future (2011), and Neon 80s (2010, a rounded sans in the style of VAG Round but more so a faux neon font).

Spyced (2012) evokes Arabian nights, lava lamps, and Indian mystery. In 2014, Stephen designed Geo Grid 9 (a kitchen tile font) and Tall & Lean. In 2016, he added the octagonal trekkie font Commander Edge.

Typefaces from 2021: Power Talks (a bold tuxedoed art deco sans for Latin, Hebrew, Greek and Cyrillic).

Dafont link. Fontspace link. Devian tart link. Creative Market link. Behance link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

ETH Productions

Fontstructor who made Dot Serif (2012), fs Gold (2012, kitchen tile face) and Kidnapper (2012, dot matrix face).

In 2013, he added fs Slyte, fs Kingsletter (blackletter), fs Gardenia, fs Accordion, fs Badminton (+Mono), fs Lollipop Script, fs Monopixel (Serif, Regular), fs Sphinx, fs Quotable, fs Recalibur, fs Informe 04, FS Typewriter (a huge font that covers Latin and Cyrillic), FS Uno (monospaced), Menora, Excalibur, Cirplex (a circular font), 5x5 Monopixel, Medievia, fs Tahoma 8px, Standard Serif, Zapphire Round (kitchen tile face), fs Smilies, fs Gridded (+lc), fs Midnight Gambler, fs Semiserif Mono, fs Almostencil, fs Glass (textured face), fs Will I Am Not, fs Magnifique (a connected script), fs Karmina, fs Kursiv, fs Handwritten, fs Markitaraz, fs Neon, fs Himali (a connect-the-dots typeface), fs Fontstruct, fs Phille (kitchen tile font), fs Phoneta, fs Curves, fs Wizdom, fs Handwritten, fs Sly Small, fs Quark, Williomnot, fs Sanstruct, fs Direction (arrowed letters).

Typefaces from 2014: FS Score 3D, FS Vincent, FS Vandyx, FS Wizdom, FS Dot Serif, FS Handwritten, FS Lost (a labyrinthine font for Latin and Cyrillic that won an award in the 2014 FontStruct InLine Font Competition). Other typefaces from 2014 include FS Cookie, FS Cookie Clean, FS Pentagale, FS Gardenia, FS Monopixel Regular, FS Shattern (glaz krak face), FS Zeblin, FS Intrepid (labyrinthine).

Typefaces from 2015: FS Pentagale (a marker pen font). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ewald Strassmann
[TS Design Media Agentur]

[More]  ⦿

[John Baichtal]

John Baichtal (Famished.org) is the designer (b. 1971) of the art deco typeface Cronus (2002), Globe (a pixel font), Addled, Creamed Corn, 121, Boa Hamata, One Twenty One, November 14th, Peanut, Pinnacle (a deformed font), Plateau, Quigley, Skinny, Stogie, the kitchen tile typeface Abacus (2002), Equanimity Stencil (2002), Ripsaw (a Tuscan display font, 2002), Girder (2002), Equanimity Linked (2002), Faxt (2002, pixel font), Purvey Grecian (2002), Gold (2002, sans serif), Mullet (2002), Eidolon (2002), Sloth, Tourmaline (a great art deco typeface with many gorgeous ligatures), Transaction, Octuple, Mullet (2002, sans), Hellios (2002, a bitmap stencil font with spikes), Nairoby (2002, experimental), Tray (2002), and Dactylic (2003, octagonal). Some free Mac fonts are supposed to be here. [Google] [More]  ⦿


American FontStructor who made these typefaces in 2010: Tetris Block, Chibi (kitchen tile), PixelIt, FontStruct (kitchen tile), Mech Scape. Devian Tart link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Emil Karl Bertell]

Fenotype, a Finnish type foundry, has the original (often techno) designs of Emil Bertell (b. 1983, Helsinki) and his brother Erik Bertell and wife Kea Bertell. Emil has been studying graphic design at University of Art&Industrial Design in Helsinki since 2004. He designed most of his typefaces during 2001-2004, and works as a freelance illustrator. Behance link.

Typefaces made in 2002: Disco (prismatic), Lakmus, Valimo, FUTU, Test1, Foton Torpedo, Cheaptype, Personal Computer, Copycut, Unicode 0024, HKI Metro, HKI NightLife, Digital Kauno, Fenotravels (dingbats), Tivoli, Kosmonaut, 10124, JouluFonttiFenotype, Testi, 1laitos, 1120, 0629 (2002, a kitchen tile font), 0927, 0210, FTdingsprevi, Fenotypedings#lego3, Genotype, NeoPangaia, NeoPangaia 2, Nipponblocks, Pectopah, Personalcomputer, Pouttu, Samarin (2002, athletic lettering), Unicode0024, URALphat, URALthin, URAL, URAL3d (all Latin/Cyrillic fonts with incomplete punctuation though), Automania (multiline), Copycut, Halo, 222_2003, Tantor, Letters, Rikos, Lastu, ThreeTheHardWay, Bukkake, Halo. Emil's brother Erik designed Neon (paperclip face), Mama and Mama Round (paperclip typefaces). In private email, he calls himself Carl. The foundry evolved from 2theleft.

Fonts made in 2003: Military Dingbats, 08 02 03 Fenotype, Projectsfenotype, Rock-it.

Fonts made in 2004: Scandinavian Titan white, Scandinavian Titan, Acid Test 2, Acid Test (texture typefaces), 080203, Letters11, Linja, Projects, Rock it, Simpletype. Commercial typefaces: Sapluuna, Shortcut, Transeuro-Express, Omega-Uros, Fenotype Dings, Military Dingbats, Nippon Noodle. Typefaces made in 2004: Kolari, Kolari Light, FTfaces, Twisted Ontogenesis. Alternate URL.

In 2005: RoundAbout, Nihilist Philosophy, Boogie Monster, Chunky Hunk (Western), Diy Typeface (kitchen tile style), Futuretro (stencil-like), 3TheHardWayOverrun, Pedant Dilettante, FT Rosecube, FT Blockbuster, 3TheHardWayRMX, Adios Gringo (Western face), Helsingfurt (3d oil glow face), Cream Soda (liquid), Thashed Paper Bag, Big Medium.

In 2006: Rock It Deluxe (grunge), Cassette (dingbats), Kings Garden (Japanese trees as dingbats).

MyFonts link, opened in 2009, where one can buy 080203, 3 The Hard Way Overrun, 3 The Hard Way RMX, Adios Gringo, Depth Charge, FT Helsingfurt, FT Roundabout, FT Scandinavian Titan, FT Twisted Ontogenesis, Ice Cream Soda, Kings Garden, Kolari, Nihilist Philosophy, Old Note, Rock It, November Script, and Majestic Mishmash (ransom note caps), Digital Kauno (2002, upright script), 10.12, EB Vintage Future, Fenotype Dingbats, FT Forest, FT Funghis, FT Military Dingbats, FT Weapon of Choice, Motel Xenia, URAL, Valima.

Additions in 2010: Linguine (connected script), FT Telegraph (slab serif), FT Brush, FT Industry Machine, FT Giorgio, Killer Elephant (signage), FT Supervisor (ultra-condensed), FT Dead Mans Diary (scribbly), FT Grandpa Script (grunge calligraphy), FT Stamper (angular lettering), FT Tantor (fat, rounded), FT Bronson (fat display typeface with mustache dings thrown in), FT Master of Poster (bi-level display typeface with many ligatures and interlocking letters), FT Hidden Forest (tree dingbats), FT Mammoth (grotesque headline face), Rikos (futuristic), Squarendon Extra Bold (2010, a Clarendon), FT Moonshine Script (a Treefrog style face), Billboard (a hand-printed rounded caps family), EB Bellissimo Display (rounded monoline sans), Malamondo (an all caps display typeface with a large number of interlocking ligatures), Linja (2002 and 2010, a rounded ultra condensed family), Punavuori (2002 and 2010: a monoline sans family), Signor (2010, a rounded all caps family), Mrs. Lolita (connected script), Funghi Mania (mushroom dingbats), Funghi Mania Script, Darlington (very open upright connected script family), Archipelago (+Caps: an upright connected script), Tower (pieces that enable one to modularly construct towers when stacked; created as a school assignment at the University of Industrial Art&Design Helsinki in 2006), Monster (just as Tower but for monsters), Verna (informal face with ball terminals), Verner (2010, a connected script version of Verna), Verner (2010, a connected script version of Verna).

Typefaces from 2011: Pepita Script (an upright connected script with small lachrymal terminals), Pepito (its nonconnected version), Barber (upright script family), Banzai Bros (a fat caps-only signage face), Mishka (an upright connected script with tear drop terminals).

In 2012, he created Salamander Script, Taiga (connected upright script), Mercury Script (a set of upright connected script typefaces), Slim Tony (a bubblegum retro signage face) and Mercury Ornaments.

Typefaces from 2013: No. Seven (a successful brushy signage or baseball script), Alek and Alek Ornaments (an upright signage script), Voyage (a vintage script), Barracuda Script (brushy signage face), Bonbon (signage script), Bonbon Ornaments, Scaramouche (a playful connected script).

Typefaces from 2014: Larry (sturdy connected script), Silver (upright connected script), Powder Script, Peaches And Cream (creamy signage or baseball script), In and Out (a connected retro signage script), The Carpenter (a script family in the style of Mercury Script).

Typefaces from 2015: HMS Gilbert (a collection of 14 hand-crfated vintage types), Lager (a signage script family with adaptable swashes and other opentype goodies), Vanilla Shot, Journey (a smooth and elegant vintage script family of four weights and a matching ornament set, packed with alternate characters, and, in Bertell's style, perfect connections between glyphs), Tea Biscuit (signage script), Skipper, Skipper (connected script), Frost (a signage typeface that is just right, a sure award winner), Monday (sign apinting typeface).

Typefaces from 2016: Jazz Script, Fragola (sign painting font), Syrup (sign painting font), Cosmopolitan (monoline connected script), Bluebell (copperplate calligraphic script), Inkston (vernacular brush script together with the standard handcrafted sans and text styles), Beaujolais (brush script), Black Script (a heavy signage script), Beaujolais (an organic brush script), Cold Brew (signage script), Inkheart (tattoo style).

Typefaces from 2017: Camper (monoline script, accompanied by Camper Print), Aether Rain (thin script), Thang, Big Fish, Bolton (Bolton Script and Bolton Script, and the degraded Bolton Print pack), Vodka (Slab, Sans, Pen and Brush), Poster Brush, Fresh Press (signage style), Praktika (grotesk), Praktika Rounded, Blossoms, Kitchen (sign painting brush), Letterpress Studio, Takeaway, Aether Rain, Pitcher (baseball script), Karu (a workhorse sans), Bluebell (calligraphic), Roster (signage script), Dog Days, Catsy, Alfons (in Script, Display, Sans, Serif, Tiki, Extras and Ornaments subfamilies), Cosmopolitan (monoline script and sans pair), Snooker (retro signage script), Salty (a creamy brushed signage typeface).

Typefaces from 2018: Aster Script, Audrey (a monoline script and sans duo), Galatea (a 48-style sans family by Erik and Emil Bertell), Double Porter (an 18-style font collection with scripts, sans, and grunge faces thrown in the mix), Matchstick, Fruitos, Corner Deli (a layerable set of fonts in script and sans styles), Bayamo (a brush script done for Monotype), Sidecar (a connected monoline neon sign script, and a matching sans), Ginger John, Brush Marker, Shirataki (monoline soft pen script), Ash (a crayon font), Breakfast Script, Dallas Print Shop (a display family by Teo Tuominen and Emil Karl Bertell), Capital (a sans and serif family by Teo Tuominen, Erik Jarl Bertell and Emil Karl Bertell). Elixir, Maestri (a classical connected scrupt by Teo Tuominen and Emil Karl Bertell), Popcorn (brush script), Cherry (signage script), Goodwater, Signature Script, Kingfisher (a beer botle signage script), Sonder (brush script).

Typefaces from 2019: Taurus (an all caps logotype family by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Ex Libris (a high contrast flared serif titling font), Riley (a retro sign painting script), Allison Script, Milky (a sign-painting brush script), Portland (a reverse contrast typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Zeit (a transitional text typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Boardwalk Avenue Rough (a monoline script and a weathered all caps sans), Avion (a sans family by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Yes Script, Gainsborough (script), Florian (a roman typeface with crisp edges and some contrast), Vogue Sans (a haute couture all caps contrast sans), Fabrica (a decorative frilly didone by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Chai (an expressive sans / serif hybrid), Rainmaker Script (monoline), Aequitas (a stylish sharp-edged roman typeface family), Tapas (by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen: a Serif, Sans, Deco and Script collection), Lawrence (a stylish roman typeface), Kallio Brush (a signage brush script), Morison (a great 32-style wedge serif typeface by Erik and Emil Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Felicity Serif (a juicy bold high-contrast serif), Las Palmas (Brush, Pen, Slab, Condensed), Honey Drops, Explorer, Boardwalk Avenue (a sans/script font duo), Skye (a heavy decorative didone), Leftfield (a retro baseball script), Steak And Cheese, Agile Sans (a humanist sans by Emil Karl Bertell, Erik Jarl Bertell, and Teo Tuominen), Punk Rocker, Silverline, Perfume (Pen, Brush and Sans), Hops And Barley, Allison.

Typefaces from 2020: Laurel (by Teo Tuominen, Emil Bertell and Erik Bertell: a 4 style sans with amnay wedge elements), Omnipop (Sans, Brush, Script), Paper Tiger (a Victorian Script accompanied by a condensed flared serif in two weights and a chunky sans serif), Resolve Sans (by Teo Tuominen, Emil Bertell and Erik Bertell: an extensive grotesk super family of 124 fonts: from compressed to extended, thin to black), Gambler (a 14-style display type collection), Rockford Sans (2020: an 8-style geometric sans with large x-height and slightly rounded corners; Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Slacker (a brush script), Grand Atlantic (a vintage display package), Magnolia (Brush, Serif), Walden (a heavy rustic serif typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Klik (a geometric sans family with Bauhaus influences, by the dynamic trio of Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Rose Garden Deluxe (a font duo), Felicity (a heavyweight display sans).

Typefaces from 2021: Alonzo (a 24-style Peignotian sans by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Imagist (a 12-style sharp-edged serif by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Maine (a 12-style modernized book antiqua by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Briston (a bold creamy serif in the Windsor genre), Lagom (a 16-style slab serif with some Clarendon charm; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Skillet (a chubby Cooper Black-genre typeface full of hedonism and joie de vivre), Kings Valley (a decorative serif), Shaker Script (monolinear), Wonder (a 12-style rounded serif in the style of Windsor; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Ellie Script (a signature script), Dirty Sundae (a casual font), Grand Cru (a refined serif family with 36 styles; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Kiosk (a 4-style vintage headline typeface family in Script and Sans versions).

Typefaces from 2022: Blood Orange (in the Cooper Black / Windsor / Souvenir genre), Tomato Ketchup (supermarket kitsch in the fat rounded Windsor genre).

Dafont link. Behance link. Creative Market link. MyFonts interview.

View the Fenotype typeface library.

View Emil Bertell's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Fine Display Type
[Jeffrey Visser]

Dutch FontStructor known as jffry101 who is mostly interested in recreating typefaces based on different display technologies, like LED, flipdot and segment displays and pixel or dotted matrix typefaces seen on trams, buses and trains.

Typefaces from 2020: Geos (a textured typeface based on old airport and train station signage).

Typefaces from 2015: Parisienne (dot matrix style).

Creations from 2011: GVB Bus PID (a vertically striped family) in versions 7x4, 13x8, 13x6, 5x3, 7x3, 10x7. He made these fonts in 2010: Combino Klein and Combino Groot, both based on the font used on the front displays of the GVB Siemens Combino trams. In 2009, he fontstructed Citaro Voor DM II, Citaro voor DB (dot matrix typefaces), Citaro voor DS, Citaro Zij DS, Citaro Voor EB, Flappen Regular (white on black), GVB Metro PID, Sevebyseven (+Monospaced, +Bold Monospaced, +Proportional: dotted pixel typefaces), Bus Destinations, Aeroport (MICR font), GVB Bus PID, Arriva 9x6, Arriva 7x3, 7 segments (LED simulation face), 9 Hoog Arriva, Dice. In 2008, he made Binnen Display 5, 6 and 7 (all for the RIS displays in GVB trams and buses), and 15x5 and 07x5. In 2007, before FontStruct existed, he made the kitchen tile font Metro (2007).

Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Flop Design
[Kato Masashi]

Japanese site with original fonts by Kato Masashi (b. 1973), who lives in Takasaki (Gunma prefecture, Japan): Parismatch (2004), SAKUalp (2000, handwriting), Steeltype, Broadband, Hivision, Cinematime, Ultracomic, Ice Cream, Be Happy, Summer Beauty, Flyermix, Cheerscript, Breakstyle, Breakfont, Round, H-Five, Natsucomi, Long Vacation, Lovers, Breakfont (2003, graffiti style), Pokkaman, BeHappy, Natsucomi, Momolcan, Seasons Dings, Electron, Round, Lovers, FlyerMix (fifties style), CheerScript (comic book style), Hi-Five (pixel font), Summer Beauty, SummerDrive, White Day, Long Vacation, Amayadori (high contrast kana font), Fuyucomi, Icecream, Pickett, 321, Pingpong, Frontline, Ginza, Yago (nice free dings), Polaris, 321eng, 321kana, APPLE, CLIQUE, Clover (kitchen tile font, 1998), DIGI, Eneneng, Enenhira, FDalp, FDwhie, Hnoodle, Hanko (free black on white stamp font, 1998, see also here), MKCuer, MOOGIRLALP, MOOMILKKANA, Noodle, Origami, Pers, SA0kmh, SA100kmh, SA50kmh, SK0kmh, SK100kmh, SK50kmh, Template6, Tenten, Ami Font, Speedfont, Supercar, Sakura, Regoty, Shopping Famiry, Ticket, Yohic, Recording, Akachan, Wafont, Frontbit7, MusicNetwork, Yakitori (free handwriting font), Ticket, Folkdance (pixelized people), Human Building (dings of famous buildings), Bunny (free), Frontline0, Side5 (pixel font), Side6, Side7. Some pixel fonts, many techno fonts, some kana fonts, and the Japanese kids dingbat font, Folkdance. Some fonts, such as his Latin/Japano font ShoppingFamily (1998), are sold by Font Pavilion. Major Japanese free font links.

In 1999, he published the AMI screen pixel font series in Digitalogue's DPI72 package. Other commercial fonts: Pine Apple, the WM family, Cutie Girl, Astratic, PictPlasma, Minivan, Frontbit 7, Ginza, Zoological.

Free fonts as of 2007: Aiko, a 4-weight rounded sans with support for Latin and kana (see also here). Fonts made in 2007-2008: MobileDisco, AbbeyRoad-Alternative, HighwayStar, Kompakt, AbbeyRoad, Prefuse, Readymade (didone inspired by Corvinus and Giorgio).

Additions in 2009: Kanna W4, Sweet Doughnuts (rounded sans).

Fonts made between 1998 and 2008: 321, AirExpress, AirTickt, AMAYADORI, AMIFONT, APPLE, ASTRA, AYANO, BeHappy, bitneon, BORDER7, BREAKFONT, BroadBand, BUNNY, CALENDER, CheerScript, CinemaTime, CLIQUE, CLOVER, CutieGirl, Departure, DIGIT, ELECTRON, FlyerMix, FolkDance, FOLKDANCE2, FrontBit, FRONTLINE, FRONTLINE01, FUYUCOMI, GINZA, HANKO, HappyEnd, hiFive, HumanBuild, IceCream, ICHIGO, JAPON2, KAKIZOME, KEYMODE, LabLife, LongVacation, LoversMINIMONO, MKCUTTER, MOMOKAN, MooFont, MusicNet, NATSUCOMI, Nenga, Noodele, OnePiece, oneBox, Origami, ParisMatch, Pers, Pickett, PICTdings, PictPlasma, PineApple, PingPong, pokkaman, Polaris, PopStar, Puzzle, Recoya, REGO, ROUND, SAKURA, SAMACAN, Seazons, Shopping, SIDE5, SIDE51byte, SIDE6, SIDE61byte, SIDE7, SPEED, STAMPER, SteelType, SummerBeauty, SummerDrive, SuperCar, Template5, TenTen, Ticket2, UltraComic, WHITEday, Yabako, Yago, Yakitori (handwriting of Mayumi Kakegawa), Yothic, Zoological, Nippondings, Caredings, TraficSignsWLD, TraficSigns, JPN, Kamondings, Kamondings2, Kurashidings, Okonomi, FunnyFace, Hotsuma, Toyokuni, Constellation, SunnyDay, BOXdings, Machinedings, CLICKdings, Berrys, Container Box, Twinkleline, Minivan, Akachan.

Dingbats: Kurashidings, IchigoC, TraficsignsWLD, TraficsignJPN, Nenga, Kamondings2, Kamondings, Breakstyle, Pictdings, Zoological, Caredings, Clickdings, Funnyface, seasons, Pictplasma, Humanbuilding, Nippondings, Yago, Boxdings, Toyokuni, Constellation (astrological symbols), Machinedings, Hotsuma, Folkdance, Calender.

Japanaese handwriting fonts: Aiko, Haruka, Syuntaro, YUKI, Ryunosuke.

Futuristic/ geometric fonts: MobileDisco, AbbeyRoad-Alternative, HighwayStar, Kompakt, AbbeyRoad, Prefuse.

"Funny" fonts: IchigoR, Ultracomic, Amayadori, Parismatch, hanko, LongVacation, Cinamatime, Natsucomi, Okonomi, IceCream, Yakitori, Cutiegirl, Monokan Wa, Shopping, Lovers, Fuyucomi, Berrys, Akachan, Bunny, Clover, Pokkaman, Pickett, Electron.

Cool fonts: Sunnyday, HiVision AirTicket, Lablife, Flyermix, Popstar, AirExpress, Broadband, Recording, Breakfont, Frontline, Ami, Minivan, Side5, Side6, Summerdrive, Digit, Supercar, Frontline00, BeHappy, Steeltype, Onepiece, Puzzle, Astlatic, Stamper.

Download page of their free silhouette dingbat images. In 2014, they created the free art deco typeface Jazzkissa. In 2018, they published the full CJK font Soukou Mincho (by Ken Lunde and Masataka Hattori) at Fontsquirrel for free download.

Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. Fontspace link. Direct access. Alternate URL for free stuff. And another URL. Klingspor link. Fontsquirrel link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

fonderie du tricycle
[Patrick Lindsay]

Shareware fonts (50 USD a piece) designed by Patrick (Mac) Lindsay in Marseille: Cagna (2001), Digest, Indigest (1999), BogglesDark, Boggles (1999), Ossobuco, Pipo3D, Pipo (kitchen tile font), Pousse, Shift (2000). Direct access. His fonts are also part of Typotek. Other URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Ivan Hristov]

Interesting geometric and experimental typefaces by Ivan Hristov in Bulgaria:

Behance link, where one can find tens of beautiful logotypes as well. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

FONTana Typestudio
[Amondo Szegi]

FONTana is a font design studio in Szeged, Hungary, started in 1999. Free and commercial typefaces (39USD/piece) by Gabor Kóthay (La Danse, Luxury, Sehrgut (Fraktur), Faximile (1999), L&R (1999), Monsoon (1999)), and Amondó Szegi (Telegdi family, which is based on the worn typefaces used by Abbot Nicolaus Telegdi at the Vienna Jesuit press in the 16th Century; Velorex (1999)). Very beautiful web page, and fantastic fonts in all respects!

Free typefaces: Zodiac (2000), Cards (Gyula Zsigri, 2001), Maldoror, Domino (Gabor Kóthay), Count, Csenge (a Hungarian rune font by Csaba Dávid), Qwerty (Gabor Kóthay, 2000), Y2K (Gabor Kóthay, 2000).

Early commercial fonts: Woodini (caps), Sleeping Beauty (caps), Zimbalo (1999, Amondó Szegi), Pacalsone (1999, Amondó Szegi), Paradox (1999, Amondó Szegi), Construct (2001, Amondó Szegi), Binario (2000, Amondó Szegi), Bikewrench (2001, Amondó Szegi), Cabin (2001, Gábor Kóthay).

At T-26, in 2001, Amondó Szegi published the commercial typefaces MuseFace (art nouveau), Glosso (2003), Xodus (2001, Regular, Italic, Forgotten), Kozma-Ornaments, all showing old Slavonic and/or Armenian influences in Latin letters. In 2000, he made Alian Ornaments (floral ornaments) for T-26.

At T-26, Gábor Kóthay published Adagietto (2000), Minerva (2000), Archetype (2000). At PsyOps, Gábor Kóthay published the formal script Anglia (2001), Berill (2001), and Plexo (2001).

Amondó Szegi's typefaces at T-26: Nexodus (2008, medieval style), Zenthes (2008), Alien Ornaments, Glosso, Iskola (2002, a Victorian typeface done with Silas Dilworth), Kozma (great ornaments), Melico, Melico Ornaments (2004, another great set), Xodus.

At P22, Szegi designed the curly typeface Mantra (2005). Amondó Szegi's Telegdi family is since 2001 available from P22.

At The Type Trust, he created the playful Gepetto (2006).

Typefaces from 2013: Ma (avant-garde, constructivist, done as an hommage to Lajos Kassak), Overdose, Sorry (kitchen tile typeface), Atett (hommage to Lajos Kassak), Street Soul, Samizdat, Velorex (brush script), Zsir (fat octagonal face), Kedves (hipster font).

Typefaces from 2014: Iseum, Pix Gotisch.

Among their custom corporate identity jobs, the Losonczi Hair Salon work (2012) is quite outstanding.

Dubstep (2012) is an experimental triangulated grid-based typeface.

In 2013, Glosso Novum (2013, Fontana Type Foundry), a remastering of Glosso (2003), was published. Nexodus (2013) is a reworking of his 2001 typeface Xodus, with new ornaments and zodiac signs, and more weights. Xodus (2001, Regular, Italic, Forgotten) revives work by Miklós Kis Misztótfalusi (Nicholas Kis), who was one of the first designers of Armenian type: He prepared his first set of exotic types before September 1685 for the Armenian printing house in Amsterdam. It was the knowledgeable mayor of Amsterdam who requested that those types be founded. These types were used to print the mayor's (Nicolaes Witsen) work entitled Noord en Oost Tartarye. Misztótfalusi's name appears in the colophon of the book. Later, in 1687, he found Georgian types, which were, in many respects, similar to the Armenian set. Since there was no printing house in Georgia, he designed the types on the basis of some manuscripts. Unfortunately, as legend has it, the types never reached the Georgian court, which had commissioned Misztótfalusi to design them. They were either lost or stolen somewhere in Sweden. However, a sample sheet survived and was found in 1980 in Amsterdam. It may seem to make no sense to re-Latinise the types of Misztótfalus, who himself was a great master in founding Latin types, and for whom Armenian types meant the first step in a new direction.

Typefaces from 2016: Crave Sans.

Klingspor link. Fontspace link. Behance link. Dafont link. Creative Market link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

[Jamie Place]

Jamie Place (aka FontBlast, b. 2002) is a UK-based FontStructor, allegedly born in 2002 (?), who made these typefaces in 2012: Microstruct (gridded, kitchen tile face), FontStrukt Soft, FontSrukt Clean Soft, Kombinationsschrift, Gridder (a kitchen tile family: +Soft, +Box, +Bold), Skyber, Diabolo (piano key stencil genre), fb Catbop, Hangar Shot, Hangar (army stencil), FontStrukt (+Soft), Braille Full, fb Symbols, Imagine More FB, fb Atarian, Imagine FB, Barkode, Fontstruction No1 (+Extended), Tetraminos, Structurosa Fill, fb Karakter, Minimal Export, Barkode, fb Scoreboard (dot matrix typeface for Latin and Cyrillic), Wenlock, Small Fonts, Fat Largo, Largo, Kerr, Kerr Bold, fb Mixture Unstable, Freehand, Structurosa Refined, fb Switch, fb Mixture, Vado, NES Forever, Retrotype Dot Matrix, Avant Pixel, fb Tall, Fast Money Clean, Retrotype, Retrotype Too (pixelish), Retrotype Sliced, Braille Caps, Tiger Sans (horizontally striped), Pixelface (smilie face), Karmink (star dingbats), Cofmugg (+Gap: piano key typefaces).

Typefaces from 2013: Slink, Tuning Fork, Dicey (dice font), Septober, Pico Pop (kitchen tile), Plano (kitchen tile), Dolphin Sans (hairline), New English (stencil), Gadget, Curvaceous Script, Avant Pixel, Barkode, Brailled, Haus (counterless), Zapadni, Curvaceous Script, Metric (a piano key Futura-like stencil face), Mocha, Mocha Book, dm FB Solidis, Tapedeck, Gridder Bold (kitchen tile face), Modulator, Turning Fork, Zapadni (Western), FontStrukt2, Metric (piano key face), Monaco (pixel face), Blackfoot (Pac-Man style), FB Catbop, Peach Condensed, Noodle, Peach Squared, Vaquero, Haus, fb Academy Sans, Peach, Rider.

Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontmill Foundry (or: Studio Liddell Ltd Graphic Design)
[Dave Lawless]

Fontmill is the Manchester, UK-based foundry run by Dave Lawless (b. Liverpool, 1974). MyFonts sells David's typefaces.

Designs include ABC (techno), Loop (2004, techno), Train (kitchen tile), Bubble Wrap, Suredog (sans), Emmie (2014), Bomb, Flat Pack (2007, at T-26), Imaginer (2006, paperclip style techno family), Train, Bloxed Rounded, 3D Bloxed, British Rail, Orcin Sans (2006, 6 styles), Invaded 2600 (2006: based on the Atari 2600 arcade classic Space Invaders).

Before Fontmill and Studio Liddell, Dave Lawless ran Tealeaf Digital Type Foundry (also called Little Red Circles). The Tealeaf fonts, created by a number of designers included: 3DBloxed, Architext, AU79, BaskerSans4, Bitmapbreakfast, breathe, Bubblewrap, Bull, Butter, Calliglession, Calligruffy, CarlSeal, Chewy, Crushedtalc, DuoGypsy, EasyLino, Forma, Geek, Grivant, Growbag, Gypsy, Inbreed, Index, Instamatik, Kyleaged5, Kyleaged5half, Ladyboy, Leavingglassvegas, Litrecs, Matrix, Mend, Metis Rota, Mr.fish, Munch, Next, NuChina, Nudgeashak, NuEngland, NuJapan, Number, Optimistic, Passion, Phobia (by Mark Bradley), Print is dead, Raygun, Reop-sans, Rupture, Scritch, Shakasonik, Shati, SheMale, Skript, Something, Stamp, Synsis, Timig, Tweak, Typeone, Underworld, Unruly Cucumber, Unstuklino, Untitled, User-unknown, Whanted, Yatta, Yuleo (Tony Howell). Free demos. Some were entirely free, such as Yatta, Tweak, Synsis, Skript, RepoSans, MrFish, Leavingglassvegas, Kyleaged5, Instamatik, Grivant, Geek, Crushedtalc. Working on ES811 (2006, a sans).

Behance link.

View David Lawless's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

[Henrik Kubel]

Nearly all (Mac only) fonts at Fontyoufonts.com are made by Henrik Kubel, who works at the London-based design studio A2-GRAPHICS/SW/HK in London, which was founded in 2000 by Royal College of Art graduates Scott Williams and Henrik Kubel. Henrik Kubel is visiting lecturer at Royal College of Art since 2009. In 2010, Kubel and Williams set up A2 Typwe. Kubel's text fonts include FY-Battersea, FY-Klampenborg, FY-Neon, FY-ParsonsGreen, FY-M.Carpenter, FY-Gt.Eastern, FY-Stencil, FY-Typewriter, FY-Centera, FY-Cubitt Fax, FY-S.Staton. The display fonts include FY-Grot-7, FY-Boing, FY-Army, FY-Woodblock, FY-Rodeo, FY-Ornamenta, FY-Italic One, FY-Signsystem, FY-Black, FY-Stencil. There are grid-based/pixel fonts such as FY-Lego-Logo, FY-Bauhaus (a kitchen tile font), FY-Link, FY-Optic, FY-Graduate, FY-MeSoHungry, FY-Buckminster, FY-3D (2001), FY-Dictate, FY-Angel, FY-DotZero, FY-Square. Finally, there are the dingbat fonts FY-Pictogrammes, FY-Early Learning Dingbats. Kubel is also the designer at ACME of 4590, AF-Battersea (1999, a grotesque family), AF-CENTERA, AF-Copenhagen, AF-Klampenborg (1997-1999, grotesque sans, done with Scott Williams), CPH-ArabicNumbers, CPH-Medium, Grot-25. With Margaret Calvert, he updated the British Rail fonts in 2009, adding East European characters, for example. At ATypI 2010 in Dublin, he spoke about New Rail Alphabet, a revival of that typeface, still with Margaret Calvert. During the Expert Type Design Class (2011, Plantin Genootschap, Antwerp), he created the text family called Antwerp. [Google] [More]  ⦿

François Wirz

French graphic designer whose studio is called Pour La Gloire. He created a free kitchen tile font with FontStruct in 2009 called Macrobloc. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Anke van der Meer]

Anke van der Meer (Heerlen, The Netherlands, b. 1981), aka Ankepanke, is an illustrator and graphic designer. She sells her typefaces under the label funfntshop.

In 2013, she created some free hand-drawn typefaces such as I Love Snailmail, Lieve Letters, and Stripe 3D. In 2015, many of her typefaces became commercial. The initial offering from 2015 includes Read A Book, Crystals (octagonal font), Measuring Tape, Merry Christmas, Building Blocks Font, Old Knitting Lady, Side View (3d typeface), Noodles, Wonderland, Bead Necklace, Snailmail Mag (fat finger font), Delightful, Seeing Double (bilined), Cherry Pie, Pretty Random I and II (ransom note fonts), Polkadots I and II, Morse Code, High Altitude, Fold It (origami), Cubes I and II, Crazy Cat Lady, Build It, Blocks, Skipping Ropes, Deco Borders, Drop Out Handmade, I Heart Snailmail, Sweet Letters, Skinny Chips, Picnic Handmade, Earn Your Stripes, Stripe 3D Handmade, Cut It Out, Teqniq, Tell Me About It, Sweet Pancakes, Strike A Pose, Papercut, Monkey Tails, Little Friends, Lets Go To Paris, Halfway, Full Of It, Daydreas, Creppy, Connect It, Basic Fun, Backstage.

Dafont link. Creative Market link. Creative Market link for funfontshop. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Brazilian designer in 2009 over at FontStruct of fonts such as Cube Style (kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ganlo R. Ithsm

[More]  ⦿

Gene Buban

Gene Buban (aka geneus1) is the creative and prolific designer at FontStruct in 2008-2009 of these typefaces:

  • Aerologica (2009): 3-d headline face.
  • Alphadings: DeTracks.
  • Altitudinus (2010).
  • Amplifica (+Carved, 2010).
  • Arkham Bloodletters (2008).
  • bay6
  • Bauhaus style: Slink (2009) is a tribute to Josef Albers---one could also call it a piano key font. Codename Bauhaus (2010).
  • Arc Brick 1:1 and 2:2 (2010).
  • Bevelicious (2009): 3d shadow face.
  • Bezziaiare (2010): an imitation of Futura.
  • Brikd is a fantastic headline face.
  • Bubble Lab EF (2008) and Bubble Lab Bang (2008): dingbat fonts.
  • Calligraphique (2010).
  • Candella (2013).
  • ChequereBoard (2008): a 3d face.
  • Christmas fonts: Kallosia Decorative (2009, blackletter), Snowflakes (2009).
  • Clone War (2008).
  • code2
  • Codename Bauhaus (2010).
  • Country Fried (Western style)
  • Crossfyre (2010).
  • Crystles (2014). He writes: In 1983, Atari released the Crystal Castles video game. You play Bentley Bear walking around castles and collecting gems. Trimetric instead of isometric. Interestingly enough, the initials of the highest scorer in the leaderboard is used to build the first castle. This font version is created using the same thin plated tiles that the player traverses through the castles.
  • Decorata (stylized art deco)
  • Didone fonts: Legality (2009, sharply serifed), Petrissage (2009).
  • Digibubble (2014: pixelish face).
  • Dingbats: DeTrayne (graffiti-clad trains), Happy Halloween (2009).
  • Egalite (2010): a blackletter face.
  • Direktype (2014: striped).
  • Elektronika (2009) and Circularities (2015). Pixelish.
  • ElSeeDee (2008, white on a black grid, inspired by the baggage claim LED scrolling message system at the Oakland Airport)
  • Effleurage (2009).
  • Eurostijl (2008)
  • Exersia, Excursia
  • Ferno (hell?)
  • Filmstryp (2008)
  • Flameon (2008) is a vertically striped athletic lettering font.
  • Fluoralei (2008) and Fluoralyte (2008) are all caps floral-themed typefaces.
  • Futuro (2008) and Futuro Extra Bold (2008).
  • Futurity Watch (2009).
  • Fragg (2014: a rounded stencil face).
  • Framestore (2008).
  • G1 Construx (2012). An arched textured typeface for "under construction" signage.
  • G1 Stenzilla (2012). A piano key stencil face. G1 Twyne (2014: Celtic knots), G12 Brayed (2014: Celtic knots), G1 Explo (2014), G1 Fasttrax (2013).
  • Gappy and Gappy LC (2010).
  • Geolateral
  • Glossierre (2009).
  • Graffikki (2010): graffiti face.
  • Hammerslab (2008) is a very thick heavy slab serif face.
  • Happy Halloween (2008): Halloween dingbats.
  • HellStruct (2008): flamed letters.
  • hollo, holloback, holloblack
  • HulkSmash has the look of cracked concrete blocks---has to be seen to be believed!
  • HyperLynk (2010).
  • Indiglo (2010).
  • Interblok Cylindrome (2011) and Interblok Stroke (2009): labyrinthine / Celtic knot / texture typefaces.
  • IronManic (2008, letters resemble armor steel plates with bolts)
  • IsoMatrix 3D (2009, an Escher deception in 3D), Bevelluzian (2010, 3d beveled checkerboard illusion).
  • Jaggs (2010): angular.
  • Karuso 68 (2009).
  • Leefer is a kitchen tile font.
  • Legere (2010, a roman face).
  • LegoManiax (2008).
  • G1 Lovelines (2016). A multiline typeface with embedded hearts that won an award in the 2016 FontStruct competition on the theme of love.
  • Lucid (2009).
  • Lush Alienne Caps (2014).
  • Microboto (2014).
  • Modulus and Modulus Black, ultra fat fonts.
  • Motternal (2011), a version of Othmar Motter's Motter Tektura.
  • Mucro Bold, a heavy metal band font
  • Multiverse Diagonality (2009).
  • Nontroppo (2010).
  • Outlier (2010).
  • Paradoxx (2011). Peignotian.
  • Periculum (2010): monoline sans.
  • pixsle
  • Pixsle (2010).
  • Predatoric ad Predatoric2 (2010).
  • Prikkle (2010): angular.
  • Ray Type Alpha (2014). A game font based on Konami's 1981 game Scramble.
  • Renovare S1 (2010) and Renovare S2 (2015). a slab serif.
  • Requiemme Decorum (Sept. 14th, 2009): blackletter. He writes: Exactly one year ago two of my cousins, Chris and Cleofe, got into a dealer-loaned Lexus for a trip after their main car was being repaired. Cleofe's husband, a CHP officer, was driving and their teen daughter was along for the ride. While on the freeway, the accelerator became stuck and they lost control of the car. As the runaway vehicle sped up to over 100 mph, all four passengers were killed in a fiery crash in the San Diego River. The loss was unquantifiably devastating. This immensely tragic event led my aunt to testify before congress with damning evidence that would initiate the recall of millions of Toyota vehicles. Requiemme Decorum was created on the way down to southern California for the funeral services. For Chris, Cleofe, Mark, and Mahala, may you all rest in peace and love.
  • Renovare (2010, +Renovare S1, S2): a slab serif.
  • Roboscript (2008): an upright connected school script.
  • Rubrix (2008): a Rubik cube dingbat font.
  • Sanserity (2013).
  • Scipio (2010).
  • Scribble Not (2010) is a texture face.
  • Sequencia (2010).
  • sedagive
  • Seriface and Seriface 2.0 (2010, a roman all-caps set).
  • Sharp-serifed almost modern typefaces: Legality, Petrissage, Effleurage, Karuso68.
  • Sinaloco (2014: in the style of Sinaloa).
  • Sirkles (2015). a dot-matrix typeface.
  • Sonorous (2010). Broadway-style art deco typeface.
  • Spartan Tech (2010): inspired by the multiplayer game Halo3.
  • Stanley Twobrick (pointy minimalist face)
  • Startrek typefaces: Transformicon (2009).
  • Stencilline (2014).
  • Streamlyne (2010, squarish, outlined).
  • Structurocca and Structurozza (2009): Horizontally stencilled black typefaces.
  • Swizelle (2015). A lava lamp typeface.
  • Tangience and Tangience Solid (2008) are fonts in which the glyphs are built up from circles glued together.
  • Tetrisyde
  • The Pax Man (2009): metallic whatever.
  • Trelief and Trelief Rounded (2010): multilined 3d beveled typefaces.
  • Tubric (2010): counterless.
  • Upriteous and Upriteous Black, condensed protestant fonts.
  • Victoriana (Victorian caps)
  • Vindicta Dualine (2011: Blackboard bold).
  • Wall-F: white squarish letters in black circles
  • Waverly, with scary pointed barbs like on German WWI helmets.
  • Weaver (Celtic knot-themed letters)
  • Xerro (2010): like Helvetica.
  • Yeomamuh, a fat look face.
  • Wypeout (2010)
  • Zorea (2014, inline font).
[Google] [More]  ⦿


Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of some wonderful kitchen tile style typefaces (as well as a pixel face): frau_heinrich, frau_hermann, glueworm, invertia, minimax (oriental simulation), qwerty_revisited (applause!). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Geoffrey Javier

Manila, The Philippines-based designer of Focal Project Logotype (2016, octagonal) and Half Project Logotype (2016, kitchen tile style). [Google] [More]  ⦿

George Clark

New York-based art director and type brander. He created the identoty for New York-based industrial designer Lucy Tupu in which he makes frequent use of squares and quarter circles in his kitchen tile types (2008). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Geovani Arevalo

Graphic design student in Los Angles in 2015. While interning, also in 2015, he created a custom kitchen tile font for Playboy. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Creator at FontStruct in 2009 of mostly pixel font families such as IMSureItSBeenDoneBefore (in many styles). He also made Material Electrons, as well as The Video Game Arcade Font, CASIOpeia ((+Menus), based on the CASIO fx-7700G Power Graphic Scientific Calculator) and Data Entry (inspired by TechnoDisplayCapsSSK, (C) 1992 Southern Software, Inc. [and 4 glyphs from the MICR font E-13B]). Other fonts: Futuristic Terminal Display (2009, great!), Mag Not Mad Solid (2009, pixel face), Mag Not Max (2009, horizontally striped pixel face), Son of Zaxxon (2009, horizontally striped, +Solid; both based on the 1984 Sega game Future Spy), Goin'Commando (2009, based on a 1985 Capcom game called Commando), Zenny Coins (2009, based on a 1987 Capcom game called Black Tiger), Smoking Gun (2009, based on the game Gun.Smoke (1985, Capcom; used again for 1943: Battle Of Midway, 1987, Capcom)), Bentley Bear (2009, based on 1983 Atari game called Crystal Castles), Temporal Aviator 84 (based on the 1984 Konami game Time Pilot 84), Reindeer Flotilla, Jet Bradley (inspired by the video game logo for "TRON 2.0", 2003 Buena Vista Interactive / Monolith Productions), Alan One (Font from TRON, 1982 Bally Midway Mfg Co), Buzzard Bait (font from Joust, 1982 Williams Electronics Inc., and its sequel, Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest, 1986 Williams Electronics Games, Inc), Genetic Engineering Error (from Robotron: 2084, (C) 1982 Williams Electronics Inc., and its sequel, Blaster, (C) 1983 Williams Electronics Inc), Mutant Bender (from Defender, (C) 1980 Williams Electronics Inc), Stargate Immortals (from Stargate, (C) 1981 Williams Electronics Inc), Separate Ways (from Journey, (C) 1983 Bally Midway Mfg), Deadly Disks (from Discs Of TRON, (C) 1983 Bally Midway Mfg Co), Jerry Belvedere (from Satan's Hollow, (C) 1981 Bally Midway Mfg Co, and from Satan's Hollow, (C) 1981 Bally Midway Mfg Co), Tortuga (from 600, (C) Konami 1981; Turtles, (C) 1981 Stern Electroncs/Konami; and Turpin, (C) 1981 Sega/Konami), OCRA Pixel 15x10, Intelligent Television Dings (Right, Left), Hand Aviator (Palm pilot font family), Intelligent Television (based on typeface used in Intellivision games by Mattel Electronics, and the True Type Font "Intellect"), DMP-200RS (based on the output of the Radio Shack DMP-200 printer), Bubbles (based on Bubbles, (C) 1982 Williams Electronics Inc), Mukor Rules All Galaxies (from Blasteroids, (C) 1987 Atari Games), Futuristic Terminal Display, Winky and the Hallmonsters (from Venture, (C) 1981 Exidy), Bubble City (from Road Blasters, (C) 1987 Atari Games), Mag Not Mad (from Mag Max, (C) 1985 Nichibutsu / Nihonbussan Co., Ltd), The Bacterian Empire (from Thunder Cross, (C) 1988 Konami, and its sequel, Thunder Cross II, (C) 1991 Konami), Solvalou Combat Aircraft (from Xevious, (C) 1982 Namco Ltd / Atari, and its sequel, Super Xevious, (C) 1984 Namco), Red Falcon Organization (from Super Contra, (C) 1988 Konami), Lucas Readies The Lawyers (from Star Fire, (C) 1979 Exidy), Cheese Was The Bait (from Mousetrap, (C) 1981 Exidy), Thunder and Lightning (from Raiden, (C) 1990 Seibu Kaihatsu Inc), Pepper The Zippering Angel (from Pepper II, (C) 1982 Exidy Incorporated), Beware I Live (from Sinistar, (C) 1982 Williams Electronics Inc), Goin Commando (from Commando, (C) 1985 Capcom), The Monkey Biz Gang (from Kangaroo, (C) 1982 Sun Electronics Corp. / Atari), Vic Viper (from Gradius / Nemesis, (C) 1985 Konami), Diskarmor Attack (from Rygar, (C) 1986 Tecmo), Benkin The Jogging Elf (from Mystic Marathon, (C) 1984 Williams Electronics Inc), Qix Are For Kids (from Qix, (C) 1981 Taito America Corporation), Omni Consumer Products (from ROBOCOP, (C) 1987 Data East Corporation), Mister Not Undo (from the Mr. Do series, Lady Bug and Jumping Jack: Lady Bug, (C) 1981 Universal; Mr. Do, (C) 1982 Universal; Mr. Do's Castle, (C) 1983 Universal; Mr. Do's Wild Ride, (C) 1984 Universal; and Jumping Jack, (C) 1984 Universal), Micro Police Pgo Stick Division (from Hopping Mappy, (C) 1983, 1986 Namco), Great Demon World Village (from Ghouls 'N Ghosts, (C) 1988 Capcom), Demon World Village (from Ghosts 'N Goblins, (C) 1985 Capcom), Secret Agent Dabney Coleman (from Cloak&Dagger, (C) 1983 Atari), Getting Away With It (from Electronic's 1991 self-titled album; a variation of Wim Crouwel's "Stedelijk" alphabet, used on his 1966 Vomgevers poster for the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam), Galden Tribe Attacks Mu (from Last Duel, (C) 1988 Capcom), Superior Scientists (from Vastar, (C) 1983 Sesame Japan Corp), Keeper of the Zoo (from Zookeeper, (C) 1982 Taito America Corp), Taito 1982 (Font used in the following Taito games: Elevator Action, (C) 1982 Taito Corp; Front Line, (C) 1982 Taito Corp; Jungle Hunt, (C) Taito America Corp / Jungle King, (C)1982 Taito Corp; and Wild Western, (C) 1982 Taito Corporation), Howard Fine&Howard (from The Three Stooges, (C) 1984 Mylstar Electronics), TwinBee And WinBee (from TwinBee, (C) 1985 Konami), Quest For Honor (from Last Mission, (C) 1986 Data East USA, Inc), Street Justice (from Vigilante, (C) 1988 Irem Corp), Colwyn's Glaive (from Krull, (C) 1983 D. Gottlieb And Co.), Command Prompt (a family based on Microsoft system fonts), Temporal Aviator 84 (from Time Pilot '84, (C) 1984 Konami; used again for Contra, (C) 1987 Konami), Helicopter and Jeep (from Silkworm, (C) 1988 Tecmo Ltd), A Different Space Odyssey (from Space Odyssey, (C) 1981 Sega Enterprises Ltd), Cosmic Cruiser (from Kozmik Krooz'r, (C) 1982 Bally Midway Mfg Co), Kaptn Kroozr Goes Wacko (from Wacko, (C) 1982/1983 Bally Midway Mfg Co), Rescuing Astronauts (from S.R.D. Mission, (C) 1986 Taito Corp), Super Joe (from The Speed Rumbler, (C) 1986 Capcom), Alex Murphy (inspired by the RoboCop movie logos), Blazer of Trails (Chevy logo font), Second Vanguard (2010, from Vanguard II, 18=984 SNK Electronics; +Sold). Arthur Decorates (2010) is a kitchen tile/stencil face. Shinobi Child (2010) is based on a type in Nova 2001, (C) 1983 UPL Company Limited / Universal USA Inc; used again for Rad Action, (C) 1987 UPL Company Limited and Ninja Kid II (C) 1987 UPL Company Limited. Dingbats from Rad Action / Ninja Kid II. Smokey and the Dukes (2010) is based on Stocker, (C) 1984 Bally Sente; used again for Rescue Raider, (C) 1987 Bally Sente. Space Patroller Final Star (2010) is based upon from Star Force, (C) 1984 Tehkan Ltd (Tecmo) and Mega Force, (C) 1984 Tehkan Ltd (Tecmo) / Video Ware. Common People (2010) is based on Vulgus, (C) 1984 Capcom. Bongo Defense Method (2010) is based on a game from Stinger, (C) 1983 Seibu Denshi. Common People (2010) is based on the game Vulgus, (C) 1984 Capcom. Data Man (2010) is inspired by the "M" and horizontal "V" behind Yori in the 1982 movie "TRON" (0:58:08-0:58:54); shares similarities to Ray Larabie's "Para Aminobenzoic" font with just a hint of "Otto Mason SH".

Creations in 2011: Generic Video Game Font 01 and 02, Take A Walk Man (based on the original logo for the Sony Walkman Cassette Tape Players from the 1980s), 21st Century Dot Matrix, Diamond Plate (texture face), Extrude (an experimental 3-D/geometric font, inspired by Mynameiscapo's "Metal Hammer [beta]"), Backtrude, OneQuarterTrude, OneQuarterTrude Inverse, MidTrude, ThreeQuarterTrude, ThreeQuarterTrude Inverse, InTrude, FrontTrude, Diamond Plate, Qbet, Fun With Curves.

Creations in 2012: Titanium Mines (an octagonal typeface based on the logo of Outland, 1981).

Creations from 2014: Medieval Pixel (for use in the graphic adventure game "Quest For Infamy" by Infamous Quests), New Dot City, Getting Away With It 2 (a variation of Wim Crouwel's "Stedelijk" alphabet, used on his 1966 Vormgevers poster for the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam). [Google] [More]  ⦿


Creator at FontStruct of Optical Contusion (2009), Goggora (2009). The stencil/ kitchen tile typeface Abstrid (2009) and the dotted line typeface Leaves In Spring (2009). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gray Ng

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-based creator of vector format fonts such as RoundCondensed (2014: piano key style), Hue Font (2014: op-art), Foury (2014: kitchen tile font), Trimental (2014: a 3d typeface), Playful Kid (2014), Maze Font (2014), Roundty Condensed (2012), Shape Guide (2014: a compass-and-ruler font), Veuz Italic (2014: poster font), Reel Love Joining Font (2014).

In 2015, he made the experimental Prime Font and the paleolithic writing style font Paleo (2015).

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made the kitchen tile typeface Cubefont (2009). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Guillaume Vallaeys

Designer who used FontStruct in 2009 to make the kitchen tile family Fraille, and the bold family Buttslamming, as well as the octagonal Joris is My Homeboy. Aka The Kiejoom. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Jeff Javier]

Jeff Javier (Halfproject) designed a kitchen tile face, Half Project Logo (2002).

Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hannah Jackson

Leeds, UK-based graphic designer. Behance link. Creator of the kitchen tile typeface Cakehole (2011). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Happy Island

Japanese foundry, also called "Noize of Zappin". Their free Mac and PC fonts, all made in 2002-2003, include 25th-Miseducation, Bit-Boy!---d, Bit-Boy!, Dockin'-Dots-Bold, Dockin'-Dots, Don't-Make-Me-Blue, Go-Right!!---italic, I-wanna-be-a-Happy-Star!, It-is-so-Busy, Laser-Grill, Mozaix-Matrix-reMix---d, Mozaix-Matrix-reMix, Open-----Bind-*advanced---d, Open-<->-Bind-*Advanced, Open-<->-Bind, Piled-Boy,-Stackin'-Girl---d, Piled-Boy,-Stackin'-Girl, Pinch-Up-Bold, Pinch-Up, Shi-No-Bi---d, Shi-No-Bi, TYO-Jimbouchoh, TYO-Kamata, TYO-Kameido, TYO-Kichijohji, TYO-Monzen-nakachoh, TYO-Nishi-Shinjuku, TYO-Shiodome, TYO-Tsukiji, TYO-Udagawachoh, Transforming-Trancer, Vivid-*-Curry---d, Vivid-Curry, Vivid-Stew---d, Vivid-Stew, Wipe-in, Wipe-in, blinkin'-blicks, chill-out---c, chill-out---f, degaussed-pipeline, diecut, trickish-tribute. The Mozaix series is in a kitchen tile style. Most others are pixelized. Update in 2004: TYO-Jimbouchoh (gorgeous oriental simulation font), TYO-Kichijohji, TYO-Kameido, TYO-Kamata (pixel face), TYO-Monzen-nakachoh (labyrinth face), TYO-Nishi-Shinjuku (3d blocky look), TYO-Shiodome (multiline face), TYO-Tokiwa (oriental simulation face), TYO-Tsukiji, TYO-Tokyo (pixel face), TYO-Tokyo---d, TYO-Udagawachoh. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Harold Lohner
[Harold's Fonts]

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Harold's Fonts
[Harold Lohner]

Harold Lohner was born in upstate New York in 1958. He received an MFA in printmaking from the University at Albany and is Professor of Visual Arts at Sage College of Albany. He began making fonts in 1997 and starting distributing them the next year through Harold's Fonts. He lives in Albany, NY, with his partner, Al Martino. Originally, most of his typefaces were freeware or shareware, but gradually, he started selling most on his site or via FontBros. His typefaces:

  • Famous fonts: Boom Chicka (2013: a set of three cartoon fonts inspired by the poster for the Marilyn Monroe film, The Prince and the Showgirl (1957), designed by Bill Gold), Auteur (2007, after the handwriting in the opening titles of Jean Cocteau's The Beauty and the Beast, 1946), 12 to the Moon (2000, runes based on the Columbia Pictures movie "12 to the Moon"), Aardvark Café (2000, extrapolated from the famous Hard Rock Café logo), Bensfolk (2000, adapted from the work of Ben Shahn, in turn adapted from "folk or amateur" alphabets. Originally developed for The Arts Center of the Capital Region), Bensfolk Condensed (2000), Bensgothic (1998), BensgothicLigatures (1998), Calaveras (2002, a take on Daisyland), Comet Negative (2000, based on the logo of Country Music Television (CMT)), Comet Positive (2000), HonestJohns (2000, based on the lettering in the classic Howard Johnson's restaurants logo), Metrodf (2000, based on the Mexico City subway's lettering), Radio (2002, derived from the old NPR (National Public Radio) logo), Subway Mosaic (inspired by the classic mosaic tile signs of the New York City subway system).
  • Handlettering: Empress Monograms (2014), National Archive (2009, calligraphic), Rough Draft (2009, sketched font), Greg's Hand (2009), Rudland Hand (2007, inspired by the work of the British artist and designer Peter Rudland), Gamera (2006), Directors Script (2006, based on a film credits script from the 1940s), National Archive (2005, based on the lettering of Timothy Matlack, who wrote the Declaration of Independence), Frank the Architect (2004, based on Frank Ching's lettering, which also gave rise to the Tekton family), Imitation (2003, inspired by the handlettered titles of the film Imitation of Life (1959), directed by Douglas Sirk and artdirected by Richard H. Riedel), Imitation Two (2004), antiestablishment (2000), Christmas Card (2000, based on the handlettered opening titles of the film "It's a Wonderful Life", Art Director: Jack Okey. This font was retired and replaced in 2006 by Testimonial), Espangle (2002, as the lettering for El Corte Ingles), Dad's Recipe (2000, based on his dad's handwriting), Greg's Hand (2001, Greg Smith's writing), Greg's Other Hand (2002), Kaela (1998, reshaped and extended in 2006), Marker Man (1999), Synch (2000, with Phil Campbell, inspired by the work of the artist Stuart Davis), Synchronous (2000, based on Syncopated Script, again made with Phil Campbell), Syncopated Script (1999).
  • Blackletter: Waldorf Text (2011, after a 1914 original), Waldorf Heavy Illuminated (2011), Manucrypt (2011), Rude Goth (2007, grunge blackletter), Alsace-Lorraine, Benighted, Chinese Gothic, Christmas Card II, Kombine Regular, Kombine Kursiv (2000), Olde Chicago.
  • Woodtype: Blacktops (caps, 1999), Blacktop Small Caps (1999), Blacktop Regular (2014), Captain Hook, Captain Hook Crackle (2020), Cinderella (1998). The Western font Cattle Annie (2006) is an unauthorized digital interpretation of the analog font "Les Catalanes." According to ABZ: More alphabets and other signs by Rothenstein and Gooding, it was designed in 1952 by Enric Crous-Vidal (1908-1987) but was never produced.
  • Stencil fonts: JJ Stencil, JJStencilLight (2000, inspired by the work of Jasper Johns), JJStencil Wet, JJStencilMedium, Sideshow (2000, based on the stencilled lettering on a vintage Ouija board), JJStencilSolid (2003), StencilFour (2001, inspired by the logo of Channel 4 (UK); reworked in 2006 into Oaktag), StencilFourReversed (2001).
  • Western: Oklahoma (2006, based on the title of the film by that name), Captain Howdy (1999, 2000, Western font based on the lettering on a Ouija board).
  • Fraktur fonts: Benighted (2002), AlsaceLorraine (2000), Chinese Gothic (2000), Kombine Regular (2000), Kombine Kursiv (2000).
  • Revived Letraset fonts: BLOCK UP family (2000, based on the font family by the same name by Sally Ann Grover (1974) for Letraset), Good Vibes (2001, based on the analog font "Good Vibrations" by Trevor Hatchett for Letraset, 1973), GoodVibesBackbeat (2001), ObliqueTextBold (2000, based on a Letraset font called Obliq, 1984), ObliqueTextLight (2000), ObliqueTextMedium (2000), Wireframe (2000, based on the Letraset font Bombere designed by Carla Bombere (or Carla Ward)).
  • Art deco fonts: Cartel (2005, simply gorgeous), based on the lettering of the 1936 movie by that name), Crazy Harold (2009), Road Jester (2009), Onion (2003), Roberta (2003, based on a font of Bob Trogman, 1962), Roberta Raised Shadow (2003), Boomerang family (1998-2000), LeFilmClassic family (2000, based on the classic Art Deco font of the same name, originally designed by Marcel Jacno and released by Deberny&Peignot, 1927), LeFilmLetters (2000), LeFilmShadow (2000), PopUps (1998, a 3-d art deco font for signboards), Tapeworm (1998, based on the work of artist Ed Ruscha), Farouk (2001, a five-line art deco font, based on an analog font of the same name, as illustrated in Paul E. Kennedy's "Modern Display Alphabets"; in fact, the original source should be Fatima, a font designed by Karl Hermann Schaefer in 1933 at Schriftguss, and a copy of it at FT Française was called Atlas (1933). Lohner renamed Fatima to Atlas at some point, and added Atlas Solid, still in 2001).
  • MICR fonts: CMC7 (1998).
  • Dingbats: Everyday People (2013, silhouettes), Bingo Dingo (2011, inspired by the classic Mexican game, Loteria), Essene Dingbats (2005), Chapeau (2005, inspired by the 1902 Sears Catalog), Corset (2005, inspired by the 1902 Sears Catalog), Harold's Pips (2004), Alpha Bravo (2003), Rebus, AmericanCheese (1999), Candide Dingbats (1999, a reclinming women dingbat typeface based on decorations designed by Rockwell Kent for "Candide," circa 1928), Maritime Flags (2000), New Year Dingbats (1999: Japanese patterns).
  • Monospace fonts: Chica Mono (2000, based on Apple's Chicago; not really monospaced, by the way), Queer Theory Black, Bold, Regular and Light (1999).
  • Arabic simulation typefaces: Alhambra (2006), Alhambra Deep (2006).
  • Oriental simulation fonts: Bruce Mikita (+Solid) (after a metal font by the same name; Dan Solo calls it Lantern), Pad Thai (2006), Mystic Prophet (2002, inspired by Ouija boards), Chines Gothic, Font Shui (inspired by a style of hand-lettering illustrated in Alphabets: Ancient&Modern, compiled by J. B. Russell (Padell, 1946), Rubaiyat Shadow and Inline, Seoul (Korean font simulation), Shazi, Twelve to the moon, Chow Fun (2001, an oriental simulation typeface based on a sample of hand lettering identified as "Crooks' Stencil Designed Alphabet" in Alphabets: Ancient&Modern, compiled by J. B. Russell and published in 1945 by Padell Book Co), Quasi (1998).
  • Cartoon fonts: Laughtrack (2009, based on the work of the cartoonist Jerry Robinson), CokerOne (2000, based on the work of cartoonist Paul Coker Jr), Coker Two (2000) (note: therse fonts were erroneously named. They were renamed to Denney because of this: "The lettering in the fonts you have was developed by Alan Denney at Hallmark in the late 1950s. He also worked for American Greetings Hi Brows from 1960 - 1966 and then returned to Hallmark.... And he later went to a different lettering style when Shoe Box cards became Hallmark's funny card line replacing Contemporary Cards. Alan retired from Hallmark in 1993 and died two years later."), ZITZ (2000, based on the hand lettering in the King Features daily strip "Zits" by Jim Borgman and Jerry Scott), Ohmigosh (2007: 12 styles of comic book lettering).
  • Dot matrix fonts: Fortuna Dot (2001).
  • Pixel fonts: Larcher (based on a modular font designed by Jean Larcher).
  • Medieval script fonts: Sonnet Italic&Swash (2009), Galathea (2000, based on a classic analog font of the same name, "Originalerzeugnis von J. S. Schelter&Giesecke, Leipzig").
  • Fonts made in 2015: Ace of Clubs, Roberta (after Bob Trogman's art nouveau font Roberta, 1962).
  • Fonts made in 2013: OK Monograms (retro-futuristic), Splunge (based on Franklin Gothic).
  • Fonts made in 2012: Humerus (Halloween font inspired by the opening credit sequence of Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, 1948), Retrospace (inspired by the hand-lettered opening credits of the film Some Came Running (1958)), Toynbee Idea (free font based on Toynbee tiles), Hymn (scanbat).
  • Fonts made in 2011: Institute Stamps (grunge), Magic Carpet, Shoemaker (shoe stitch face).
  • Fonts made in 2010: Salmagundi (grunge), Dynamotor (like Dynamo, which was designed by K. Sommer and first released in 1930), Poignant (inspired by the hand-lettered film titles of certain mid-1900s films from Twentieth-Century Fox, including "All About Eve", "Gentleman's Agreement" and "No Way Out."), Pharmacy MMX (unicase), Karta (3d face), Flores MMX.
  • Fonts made in 2009: Wexley (revival of a VGC font called Wexford), Sonnet (based on the printed text of Shakespeare, 1609), Fashion Brush, Fashion Script, Imitation One, Two, and Three, Generation B (all at Font Bros), Gainsborough (2009, an art deco typeface inspired by the hand-lettered titles of an Alfred Hitchcock film, The Lady Vanishes (1938)), Comfy (FontBros: inspired by an example of "Pinselschrift" (brush lettering) by Wilhelm Dechert), Sirena (FontBros: inspired by the hand-lettered opening titles of the film I Married a Witch).
  • Fonts made in 2008: Alumino (inspired by Saul Bass's design for the aluminum company Alcoa), République (four fonts inspired by Paris Metro signs---not the familiar Art Nouveau "Metropolitain" signs, but the later Art Deco design by Adolphe Dervaux), Handbill (based on rubber stamps), Flash Mob, Pen Script Monograms, Royal Wedding (commercial set at Font Bros), 2 Clover Monograms, 4 Heart Monograms, Silverliner (based on the opening titles of the 1951 Hitchcock movie Strangers on a Train), Tricot (lettering as done on a sweater, after a design by Nancy Stahl), Silverliner (based on the opening titles of the 1951 Hitchcock movie Strangers on a Train), Carbon Copy, Bracelet Mongrams.
  • Fonts made in 2007: Aeolian, Pub Bites, Barril and Barril Doble (a digital interpretation of the 1970s Neufville font Barrio), Circle Monograms, XOXO (grunge), Safety Pin (inspired by the cover of the June 1946 Ladies Home Journal), Swizzle Script (a script based on Stylescript, 1940, Sol Hess: compare with Coronet and Trafton), New England (script), Madfont (after MAD magazine's logo), Quince (a brush version of Klumpp's Murray hill), Plumber's Gothic, Gamera.
  • Fonts made in 2006: Humdinger (comic book lettering), Stella Dallas (a Koch Antiqua style typeface based on he hand-lettered titles of the film Stella Dallas), Foam Light, Mean 26 Sans, Mean 26 Serif, Gaudi, Lapis Lazuli (3 calligraphic fonts based on Dan X. Solo's Papyrus), Garden, Boston Line and Philadelphia Line (inspired by Boston Line Type, developed in the 1830s by Samuel Gridley Howe for use in raised-letter printing for the blind; the Philadelphia Line fonts were inspired by another raised-print font, this one developed by Julius Friedlander and adopted in 1837 by his Philadelphia school, now the Overbrook School for the Blind), Honeymoon (a script based on the Holiday Inn lettering), Blooper and Bloop Script (after Cooper Black and Brush Script), Roman monograms.
  • Fonts made in 2005: Don Semiformal, Fabulous Prizes, Valentin (inspired by the work of Valentin Haüy, creator of the first books for the blind), Chelt Press (a grungy Cheltenham), National Debt, Pub Smooth (followed in 2007 by Pub Bites), Baronial Monograms, Vine Monograms, Thaleia (revival of Thalia), Harold's Monograms Bold, Blockograms, CarmenMonograms, Profiler, Goya, Jest, Chaser, Rebus (dingbats), Dilemma, The Birds, CVelestial Alphabet.
  • Fonts made in 2004: Snowflake Monograms, Upbeat Demi, Pessima, White Birch, Artistamp, Entwined Monograms, Project, Dirty Finger, Koch Dingbats, Yard Sale, Shield Monograms, Gainsborough (inspired by the hand-lettered titles of the Alfred Hitchcock film "The Lady Vanishes", 1938), Jim Dandy (an interpretation of the 19th century typeface Jim Crow), Gaumont (based on the hand-lettered titles of the film The 39 Steps (1935), a Gaumont-British Picture, directed by Alfred Hitchcock), Imitation2, Sunset, Bend It, Pretz, Cantabile, Echo, Skidz, Columbia Stamp, Trudeau Sans (a companion of his architectural typeface Trudeau), Frank the Architect (2004, a Frank Ching-inspired typeface not unlike Tekton).
  • Fonts made in 2003: Card Characters, Pieces, Harlequin, Hexagrams&Octograms, Popstars, Level, Peace, Collegiate Monograms, Bead Chain, Marquee.
  • Fonts made in 2002: Level, Backhand Brush, Joggle, Script Monograms, Brickletter, Font Shui (oriental simulation), Heartland (for Valentine's day), Melodymaker (for music), Antiestablishment, Penmanship, RingTV, Cabaletta (now called Roosevelt), Graceful Ghost (caps based on an 18th century French design by Pouget&fils), the Ixat family (grunge fonts), PalimpsestBlack (grunge font), PalimpsestDark, PalimpsestLight, PalimpsestRegular, Pearlie, Repent (based on the work of American folk artist Jesse Howard), WillingRace (upper and lower case together).
  • Fonts made in 2001: Carmen Caps, Crazy Harold (2001, based on a font of the same name, as illustrated in Paul E. Kennedy's "Modern Display Alphabets"; extended to 8 weights in 2006), Easter Parade (brush script), Famous Label (pen lettering), FLORES (based on a florist's sign in Valencia, Spain), FONT ERROR, Guadalupe (Mexican simulation face), GuadalupeDos, HMBlackDiamondThree, HMBlackDiamondTwo, HMBlackOvalThree, HMBlackOvalTwo, HMWhiteDiamondThree, HMWhiteDiamondTwo, HMWhiteOvalThree, HMWhiteOvalTwo, Handmedown, Hymn, KaffeehausNeon (based on Kaufmann), PubSmooth (a variant of the classic font Publicity Gothic), Roselyn (a script font based on a font in "Lettering and Alphabets" by John Albert Cavanagh), RubaiyatDoubleLine, RubaiyatEngraved, RubaiyatInline, RubaiyatOutline, RubaiyatShadow, RubaiyatSolid, SanitaryBoldCaps, SanitaryDemi, SanitaryRegular, Shazi, ShaziGhost, Subtext (grunge font).
  • Fonts made in 2000: Arrobatherapy, Barbeque, Black Oval Monogram, Bruce Mikita (oriental simulation), Bruce Mikita2, Cantabile, CantabileAlternate, Celestial Alphabet, the Goya family (extrapolated from the logo of the GOYA food products company), King Harold (inspired by the lettering on the Bayeux Tapestry), KingXmas, KingXmasStars, KochQuadratFill, KochQuadrat, KochQuadratGuides, KochQuadratInline, KochQuadratOutlines, Koch Rivoli, Lab Rat, Law School (based on the architectural lettering at Albany Law School, Albany, NY, now named Trudeau, after a design by architect Robert Louis Trudeau), Milky Way (based on a style of hand lettering by Ross F. George included in 1930s Speedball lettering books), MilkyWayTwo (2001), Neurotoxin, Pharmacy, Punchhappy (holes in letters, influenced by Apostrophe's Toolego?), Punchhappy Shadow, Quarterround, Quarterround Tile (a kitchen tile font), RedCircle (based on the lettering on Eight O'Clock brand coffees), Ringpin, ScarletRibbons (inspired by a Speedball lettering book from the 30s by Ross F. George), Screwball (font in memory of Madeline Kahn), Solemnity (an uncial font modeled on the analog font SOLEMNIS by Günter Gerhard Lange, 1952), ThreePartySystemA, ThreePartySystemB, ThreePartySystemC, Vasarely (named in honor of Op artist Victor Vasarely; based on a modular font by Jean Larcher).
  • Fonts made in 1999: BrideOfTheMonsterStencil, Bubble Gum Rock A and B (1999-2002), CheltPressDark, CheltPressDarkVariegated, CheltPressLigh, CheltPressLightVariegated, CheltPress, Esquivel, EsquivelEngraved, Fulton Artistamp, MADFONT, Smellvetica, SmellveticaOutline, Vedette Blanche (movie roll font), VedetteNoire.
  • Fonts made in 1998: BrideOfTheMonster (caps and numbers are based on Rudolph Koch's Neuland), Cheapskate family, Dominican (coffee bean bag font), Landmark, OldeChicago (based on the Apple Chicago font), Ricecakes, SavingsBond extended in 2006 to National Debt, National Debt Hilite and National Debt 3D), StampAct, StampActJumbled, Thanksgiving, Virile Open, Virile Solid.
  • Typefaces from 2011: Bingo Dingo (dingbats inspired by the classic Mexican board game, Lotería), ManuCrypt (blackletter), Waldorf Text (blackletter).
  • Typefaces from 2012: Albanita (date unclear though), Curator (a compact handwriting font), Seafare (circus style face), Hardline (op art prismatic style), London (inspired by London, Susan Kare's bitmap-style Olde English designed for Apple in the early 1980s. Variations include cross-stitch, harlequin (black and white diamonds), and shaded (diagonal lines)).
  • Typefaces from 2015: Gilded Age (inspired by the opening titles of the 1952 French film Casque d'Or.
  • Typefaces from 2016: Mr. Kite (weathered wood type), Schnapps (blackletter), Egyptian Monograms, Bluelakehawk (with Jason Martinez, inspired by Southwest Pueblo pottery patterns and tribal art).

    Typefaces from 2016: Bogo (a digital version of Morris Fuller Benton's Hobo Light, 1915).

  • Typefaces from 2017: Asian Flavor, Time Lock, Flying Circus (a Western style slab serif modeled after Circo, which was made in 1971 by Jan Solpera at Berthold AG), Traftoon (after Howard Allen Trafton's Cartoon (1936)), Art Deco Monograms, Stage Left (with interlocking capitals), Intermittent (experimental: vertical lines only; inspired by West Side Story).
  • Typefaces from 2018: Niche, Licorice Whip, Mineral City (grungy), Cascade Monograms, Trails End (grungy), Maze Monograms, Harmonium, Tidal Wave.
  • Typefaces from 2019: Black Iris (blackletter), Headstand.
  • Typefaces from 2020: Jimmy Leg, Labelous, Divity Rose Monograms, Peaceful Protest, Headstand (Headstand was inspired by the logo for Melania Trump's Be Best campaign, reportedly designed by the First Lady herself), Tablet Monograms, Don Piano (an early computer-inspired monospaced typeface), Trente Neuf (hand-lettered with art deco roots), Vineyard (an art nouveau typeface inspired by two early 20th-century fonts from American Type Founders, Virile and Erratic Outline), Pheather, Gothic Vine Monograms, Vine Monograms, Money Tree (a currency font), Sonnet, Cantabile, Neurotoxin, Screwball. Typefaces from 2021: Tessera (a mosaic font), Diploma Monograms, Wet Ink (oily).

Link at Dafont. . Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Heiko Hoos

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Henrik Kubel

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[Heiko Hoos]

Heiko Hoos (b. Neustadt, 1974), who founded HGO in Karlsruhe, Germany, in 2009, is a graphic and type designer.

He created Lyps (2009, organic family), Bath (2001, kitchen tile pixel family at Fontomas), Charifa Serif (2002, a beautiful Egyptian family published by T-26) and Charifa Sans (2006).

At Union Fonts, he designed Swingo, Barbapapa, Minuit, Rigolette, Normograt, Phucy (2003, big family), Ixtan, and 150% (pixel font). Since 2005, he is the co-owner of dworschak&hoos in Karlsruhe. At HGO, he published (or republished) 150 (2009, 16-style pixel family), Charifa Sans (2006), Ixtan (2009), Labolg (2009, techno), New (2004, futuristic), Lyps (2009) and Phucy (2009, organic techno).

Klingspor link.

View Heiko Hoos Roe's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Igor Rossi

Designer who used FontStruct in 2008-2010 create these fonts: Dutch (gridded), IR Fritz The Fat, IR Zephyr Light (geometric, IR Kohler (multiline), IR Dotted Condensed, IR Pieces, IR City Blocks, IR-2Stijl-Box, IR-2Stillj-Regular (both are De Stijl fonts, one the negative of the other), IR-Beringer, IR-Blackfolded, IR-Depthorama, IR End of the Line (multiline), IR-Fitzgerald-Heavy-Display, IR-Fountain, IR-HugoTheHuge, IR-Kohler (multiline), IR-Labyrinth, IR-MechanicalChildScript-Regular, IR-Pixel-Condensed, IR-RetroBlocks-Display, IR-Spiral, IR-Stones-Deco, IR-Summer-Drops-Display (extreme contrast and didone balls), IR-UniSans-Heavys, Crouwel's Paper Cuts (kitchen tile), Crouwel's Stedelijk Alphabet (pixel face), IR UniSans Heavy, IR Zephyr Black, IR Zephyr Black, IR Letters and Stripes, IR Summer Games. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Prolific designer of these typefaces at FontStruct in 2008: Mausoleum, Quarantino, Strontium (heavy octagonal), Redactor (inline; athletic lettering), Coppertones, Copperthief Gothic, Disarticulate, Adamantine, Spindlery, Thalamicus, Monolog, Abstruction, Banned Rotunda, Less Rotunda, Blabbermouth, Hackney, Circumfence, Circle Play, Outlandish, Cannibaal, Valedictory, Hegemony, Sansibal, Shoptima, Toobatu, Dwarven, Evonce, Magog, Fuego, Empyreus, Upscale, Quickie, Svengali, Amanuensis (hairline), Whitechapel, Interzone, Annexia, Mugwump, Misterioso, Slitcom, Mud Indigo, Integer, Optimist, Interim, Tredd (athletic lettering face), Brilliant Corners, Palimpsest, Trudge Fix, Plangent Shaven, Plain James Bond, Spikeful, Plain James, Portia, Juliette, Rotunda One, Dystopian, Fed Up, Mag Lev, Eensy, Simpatico, Afterburn, Fongeray, Less-Sirvere, Levio-sah, Oddity-oldstyles, Planar-light, Plangent, Plangent-semi-serif, Plangent-shaven, Prester-John, Spin Doctrine, Tabula, X-Sirvere, abricado, aubrey, chunki-phat, chunki-slim, chunki, cold-shoulders, emerald-city, epistrophy, experiment, flawa-pawa, fongamatah, gematria-experiment1, gematria, malinki, massif, modnera, nutty-slab, okey-dokey, patina, planar-book, planar, plangent, simplex-b, slantfest, slinky, solidad, solitude, souvlaki, space-oddity, spin-doctrine, splayful, too-much-caffeine, travelclock-alt, travelclock, tredd, trudge-fix, Zinzan (blocky headline face), Sir Vere (haha---he writes A Bodoni that won't take its meds; still, a great-looking simulation of Bodoni's balls), More Sirvere and Less Sirvere (derived from Sir Vere), Ugly Beauty, Tito Puente, Plain James Bold (octagonal), and First Sampler.

Faces from 2009: Infrastruct Hairline, Untag, Scansion, Manganesi, Curly Queues, Culdeslack, Clerestory, Snurkle, Arabica, Mishmash, Processor, Insomnia, Spatial Test, Furtiva, Wedgistry, Semiotica, Prince Edward, Imprimatur, Reverie, Spikenard (octagonal), Brusque (heavy slab serif), Flikki Crude, Crudenza, Arvid, Makizmo (black mechanical), Purdy, Whaddya, Timaru, jehoshophat, Octane, Purdy, spikenard, Slabba Dabba Doo, Attempa, Meshugge, Shvoss, Ruffian, Leterodoxi, Anuva, Jehoshophat, Tagliana (typewriter style), Mocktura (fat octagonal), Pustulate, Fuego, Souvlaki, Palimpsest, Onsquared (about which he writes Please excuse the X. He badly needs to go for a pee), Octavia (octagonal art deco face), Queasy Peasy, Slubgob, Squibnib, Micro Splotchika, Mixter (octagonal), Odile, Transept.

Typefaces from 2010: Ropey Sans, Compositor, Dooble Trouble, Flopsical, Dulcet, Sprig Latin, Flux, Yabadaba, Holdem (Western style), Elvira (octagonal), Adhoc, Little Schema, Fiddledy-Dee, Triplecheck, Rusty Blades, Crudenza, Zingaling (kitchen tile), Ornery, Strictly Boardroom, Serif Test, Merenge, Ugly Sister, Cholestera (heavy mechanical face), Prefab.

Production in 2011: Albedo (Egyptian), Candyrock Mountain, Cooperite (Cooper Black relative), Ran Tan, Rangitoto (fat, almost-blackletter face), This Little Piggy, Boxica (an angry angular face), Carpathian (almost blackletter), Kinnybuns (almost art deco), Wallachia (stencil blackletter), Ubend (organic, almost LED face), Quickstep, Basket Case, Flik Flack, Effigy, Laguna, Barbary.

Typefaces from 2012: Vertical Hold, Heresy Arcfun (a play on positive and negative spaces), Morphology (wide elliptical display face), Sausinges.

Typefaces from 2013: Chinoiserie. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Hristov

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Music Producer&Graphic Designer from Guadalajara Mexico, who has a band called Somnus Corporation. Creator at FontStruct of the kitchen tile typeface Electrica Grid. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jacek Murzyn

Ennis, Ireland-based FontStructor who made these typefaces in 2012: Coffee, Arnold, Puncher, Fontstrome Centred, Flora New (kitchen tile face), Square Cutter, Ancientica, Flora, Abacus, JM Squers, JM Aleksandra, JM Dominik, JM Daniels (dot matrix face), JM Beata (experimental). In 2013, he designed Jacek Daniel's by taping up holes of a Jack Daniels No7 bottle case. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jacques Dousse

Swiss type designer at Fontnest who designed these fonts: Crux (a gothic bitmap font), Keytype, Frankental (LED simulation), Padsans (dot matrix), Padtype (dot matrix), Multitool (a dingbat font with firemen's tools), Hexagonipus (a kitchen tile font based on lettering on Spitfires), Code. Cofounder of Home Clothing in Switzerland and Canada. [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made Curvatured (2011, a hairline sans), Trek (2011, based on the series), and the experimental typefaces Fowl, Ancient Soft and Ancient Hard (both from the TV series Stargate), Team Battle (sci-fi face), Monoline Light, ATeck (gridded modular kitchen tile face), and Pixelish, all in 2011.

Typefaces from 2012: Amens (bold grotesk). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jakob Fischer

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Jamie Place

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Jarrik Muller

Dutch graphic designer in Amsterdam who has many typographic projects and occasionally creates a typeface. His typefaces are experimental and functional. One, called Puzzle, leaves it up to the user to position the sliding letters---quite an ingenious idea. Get Busy (2006) is artsy and futuristic. Escape (2006) is pixelish grunge. Union (2006), Get1 (2006, modular, computerized), Get Free (2007, a free piano key font done for Neo2, the magazine), Softmachine (2009), NB Light (2009, a techno matchstick typeface done with the help of Neubau), 3D (2009), Optical (2007, a futuristic geometric experiment), Contrast (2006), Lovely (2006), Muller Fontein (2006, experimental), Blok (2010, 3d and modular; see also Blok (2013, Dick Pape) which was influenced by Jarrik's Blok), Love (2006), and Volle Vrijheid (2006, very experimental) round out his dossier.

In 2014, he set up Citype. At Citype, he published the free pixelish typeface Amsterdam.

Old URL. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jason Arber
[Pixelsurgeon fonts (was: Phont Typographics)]

[More]  ⦿

Jay J. Marley

Jay J. Marley (b. Bangkok, 1972) is based in Tampa Bay, FL (was: Orlando, FL). Designer of Pyrostyle (2000, a free stencil techno face), Zorkon and 9squaregrid (2001, a kitchen tile bitmap font) at Fontmas.de.

Dafont link. Old Fontomas link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jeff Javier

[More]  ⦿

Jeffrey Visser
[Fine Display Type]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Jessica Greenfield

At Ravensbourne University, Jessica Greenfield (Stretton, UK) designed the kitchen tile font Cheerful (2019). [Google] [More]  ⦿


In 2009, "jlb" designed these geometric fonts at FontStruct: Geometro (stencil), Geo Extended (stencil), Neotro (poster sans face), Structacon (metal&techno). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joe Talisic

Joe Talisic a Cebuano Filipino graphic designer, who is currently working with brand advertising in Doha Qatar. Photo page. He created the kitchen tile modular typeface Organik (2010). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joel Utter

Designer who experiments with type design. An example: his kitchen tile typeface Space (2009). He was born in Bengtsforce, Daisland, Sweden, and lives in Gothenburg. His type projects include Mastodon, Burn, Fatso, Mother (upright script), and UniTight. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of the kitchen tile font Leafless Gap, cloned from Stephen Coles' Leaflet Gap. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Fontstructor who made Screen Vision (2010). [Google] [More]  ⦿

John Baichtal

[More]  ⦿

John Good

Designer of the kitchen tile typeface Vitikon (2008, FontStruct). [Google] [More]  ⦿

John Lopez

FontStruct artist who made the upright retro connected script typeface Flapjacks (2008), the filled-in octagonal typeface Oppression (2008), the heavy display typefaces Private Dick (2009, +SmallCaps), Facestomper (2009), Science Fiction (2009), Oppression (2009), Dystemic (2009), the pixel typeface Pixco (2009) and the kitchen tile typeface Nine (2008). Latest fonts from 2009: Rodney (alarm clock letters), Sophisticate (pixelish), Rhodesia (piano key font). [Google] [More]  ⦿

John Palowski

Manchester, UK-based designer of the geometric font Concentrik (2010), the circle-based font Hijack (2014) and the kitchen tile font Broadcast (2014). Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

John Skelton
[Afrojet Type Foundry]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Johnny Martz
[Robot Johnny (was: Robotic Attack Fonts)]

[More]  ⦿

Jonathan Bennett
[Discourse Type]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Joris Dockx

Belgian (?) FontStructor in 2011 of Wine Gums, Chuck Barry (kitchen tile face), Jungen Werther (pixel face), Chicago Shootout, Contagious Basterds, and Kwartel. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jorrit van Rijt

Graphic designer in Utrecht. In 2010, he created the kitchen tile typeface Geo. In 2011, he designed the illustrative caps typeface Illustrato.

In 2012, Jorrit designed Blocko.

Behance link. Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joseph Ekloff
[Ekloff Design (was: Liquid Parallax)]

[More]  ⦿

Joshua M. Spohrer

Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of the squarish typefaces SFmunicipal M and N (squarish, and a kitchen tile version), inspired by lettering on the older MUNI trains in San Francisco. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Juliano Weide

Juliano Weide (Porto Alegre, Brazil) co-designed the kitchen tile typeface Black Saul with Andrey Damo in 2013.

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Julien Gionis
[KRFX Kazekami]

[More]  ⦿

Julien Thébault

Frenchman from Montpellier who left France for North America in 2009. He created the display typefaces The Wave Font and Dandy in 2013. Baby (2013) is a wonderful cuddly typeface.

At Fontyou in 2014, he published the modular kitchen tile typeface Dorum FY with Gia Tran.

Behance link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Justin Bartlett

Graphic and web designer from Cardiff. He created the kitchen tile face S, the wire frame typeface WireFrame, and the ultra black art deco typeface Black and White in 2009. [Google] [More]  ⦿

K and T

Foundry in the UK. Creators of the modular or gridded typefaces K&T Heidi (2009, an almost stencil typeface inspired by the pennant numbers on British Royal Navy warships), K&T Martine (2009, octagonal) and K&T Sasha (2009, tile face). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Karoly Kiralyfalvi

Budapest-based graphic designer (aka drez) who makes custom logos and type. Free typefaces can be had here, such as Cellie (2007, kitchen tile) and Ruudawakenin (2007). Behance link. Flickr site. Another URL with examples of his posters and type work. Dead link? [Google] [More]  ⦿

Katie Cook

Beaconsfield, UK-based creator of an untitled kitchen tile typeface in 2014. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kato Masashi
[Flop Design]

[More]  ⦿

Ken Baird

Melbourne-based designer of the solid geometric figure typeface Azpac (2013) and of the kitchen tile typeface Geometric (2013).

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kim Stassar

Kim Stassar works at Blanco Design in Amsterdam as graphic designer. Her first font, Blanco (2010), is a geometric stencil face. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kitchen tile fonts

Kitchen tile fonts are display fonts in which letters have been rectangularly tiled. One of the original kitchen tile fonts was Boris Mahovac's Kalendar. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kornel Faludi

Graphic designer in Budapest, Hungary. Graduate of Loughborough University, class of 2018 (with a bachelor's degree), and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest in 2021 (with a master's degree). At Loughborough University (UK), Kornel Faludi designed a set of generative typefaces (2016), i.e., typefaces that are very modular and computer-generated to a large extent. His typographic oeuvre is quite experimental. Many of his fonts use just basic geometric structures such as circles, arcs and rectangles.

In 2019, he published Thin Stroke, Alien, the kitchen tile typeface Blocks, the organic typeface Swan, the blocky typeface Bagur, the prismatic typeface Baton, the rounded stencil typeface Stencil, the experimental typeface Geometric, the piano key typeface Darling, and the techno typeface Aquarius.

Creator of these display typefaces between 2015 and 2021: Aquarius, Black (piano key style), Blocky (kitchen tiles), Computer, Futuristic, Geometric (prismatic), Martian, Organic, Sliced, Stencil, Striped, StrokeLine, Thinline. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kreative Korporation (was: Relay Fonts, or: Kreative Software)
[Rebecca Bettencourt]

Relay Fonts (Rebecca Bettencourt, aka Beckie RGB, and also known as Kreative Korporation and Kreative Software) offers a number of free fonts.

  • Their main list of fonts, 2003-2010: Alisha, CosmicSpamMS, DotCom, Eighteen, Felicia, FluorineLite, FluorineLiteMikiana, Glass, GlathenGirl, Infinity, Kaileen, Kawakimi, LongIsland, LongIslandIcedTea, Madgecrack, MikaPro, Miranda25, Miranda27, OpenDocRocks (hairline sans), SixthKristenSquirt, Sorority, Tenbitesch, ThiMegaTampon.
  • Designers in 2008 of the large free typeface Constructium seen at the Open Font Library.

    They write: Constructium is a free font for supporting constructed scripts, as encoded in the Unofficial ConScript Unicode Registry. It is based on SIL Gentium and thus released under the SIL Open Font License. Constructium is ideal for mixed Latin/Greek/Cyrillic, IPA, and conlang text, thus well suited for conlangers' web sites. In addition to most Latin and Greek, basic Cyrillic, and IPA extensions, Constructium supports the following conscripts: Tengwar, Cirth, Amman-Nar, Olaetyan, Seussian Latin Extensions, Sylabica (isolated forms only, no syllables), Unifon, Solresol, Glaitha-A, Glaitha-B, Deini, Kamakawi (encoded at U+F000), and Klingon.

  • They made the pixel fonts Chixa, Epilepsy Sans (2011), Fairfax (+Bold, +Italic, +Serif), FluorineMicro, Goethe (+Bold), Hippauf, KKFixed4x5, KKFixed4x7, KKPx4, Magdalena (+Bold), McMillen (+Bold), Mischke (+Bold), Monterey (+Bold), SeaChelUnicode, SixteenSegments, dwtMicro, dwtMicroMask.
  • Fontstructor who made SF Subway (2011), a kitchen tile typeface based on tiled lettering seen in the San Francisco MUNI system, Underclocked (2012), Great Rounded Matrix (2012, a dot matrix face), Fonteriana (2014), Thin Martin (2014).
  • Discontinued fonts: Berkelium Bitmap, Endcurled, Lauren, Sunflower's Illegible Writing, Berkelium Type, Fluorine, Mikkav, Unmodified Fax, C Colon Backslash, Hydrogenfluoride, Modern Grease, Copyright Renewed, Infinite, Signatures.
  • Conlang fonts: Constructium, Nuvenon (Tehano Venon for Ayeri).
  • The Urban Renewal series revives the old Apple typefaces with new names: Liverpool (aka London), Sanfrisco (aka San Francisco), Los Altos (aka Los Angeles), Torrance (aka Toronto), Athene (aka Athens), Parc Place (aka Cream, aka Palo Alto), Valencia (aka Venice).
  • Faithful recreations in 2011 of pixel fonts of old computers, notably Apple II [BerkeliumIIDHR, BerkeliumIIHGR, PRNumber3, PrintChar21, Shaston320, Shaston640, ShastonHi320, ShastonHi640], Commodore 64 [Berkelium1541, Berkelium64, Giana, PetMe, PetMe128, PetMe1282Y, PetMe2X, PetMe2Y, PetMe64, PetMe642Y], Apple Lisa [EmptyFolders2X3Y, EmptyFoldersRaw, Engelbart2X3Y, EngelbartRaw, LisaCalcPaper2X3Y, LisaCalcPaperRaw, LisaGraphPaper2X3Y, LisaGraphPaperRaw, LisaGuidePaper2X3Y, LisaGuidePaperRaw, LisaProjectPaper2X3Y, LisaProjectPaperRaw, LisaSketchPaper2X3Y, LisaSketchPaperRaw, LisaTerminalPaper2X3Y, LisaTerminalPaperRaw, LisaTerminalPaperSmall2X3Y, LisaTerminalPaperSmallRaw, PriamWhamos2X3Y, PriamWhamosRaw, SomeAcronym2X3Y, SomeAcronymRaw, StartupFrom2X3Y, StartupFromRaw, Twiggy2X3Y, TwiggyRaw], and others [Antiquarius, CandyAntics, ColleenAntics, DosStartDefaultFont, ItalianPlumber, Speccy].
  • Custom fonts: Jewel Hill, Miss Diode n Friends, This is Beckie's Font.
  • Under the alias of Jon Relay, Rebecca made mostly handwriting fonts: Eighteen, Nineteen, Felicia (2002), Ditch The Logical, Endcurled, Alisha (2003), AdministratorPassword, BerkeliumBitmap, BerkeliumType, CopyrightRenewed, Cosmic Spam, DotCom, DWT, Eighteen, Fluorine (+Lite), Fonteri, Glass (3d face), Glathen Girl (2004), Hydrogenfluoride, Infinity, Jewel Hill, Kaileen (2004), Kawakimi, Make Lots of Graphs, Jon'sNewRoman, Jon'sSupercondensed, Kelly, Lauren, Matal, Miranda 27, Mikkav, Modern Grease (Greek simulation), OpenDocRocks, Plastic, ReturnofRelayScript, SCSIPort, Sexy Sara (2002), Sixth Kristen Squirt, Sorority, Teen Dreem Magazeen, Tenbitesch, UnmodifiedFax, Jewel Hill (2002, based on artwork by Amy Taramasso).
  • Typefaces from 2012: Hippauf (pixel face), Fairfax (pixel family), Thi Mega Tampon, Tenbitesch (curly face), Sorority, Miranda 25, Mika Pro, Madgecrack, Long Island, Long Island Ice Tea.
  • Typefaces from 2013: Constructium (a text typeface adapted from J. Victor Gaultney's Gentium (2003)).
  • Typefaces from 2017-2019: Kreative Square (a wide monospaced sans), Fairfax HD.

Dafont link. Fontspace link. Abstract Fonts link. Klingspor link. Open Font Library link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

KRFX Kazekami
[Julien Gionis]

Greek graphic designer who has created some experimental typefaces such as Krok (2009, octagonal), MDMX (2009, kitchen tile), AFEX Box Type (2009; see also here, here, here, here, and here).

In 2014, Julien Gionis at KRFX designed the hyper-modular robotics typeface MDMX.

Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kubik Rubik

FontStructor who made Kubik Rubik (2010, a grid face). [Google] [More]  ⦿


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Lars Harmsen
[Volcano Type (MAGMA)]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Laura Vasquez

Colombian creator (b. 1992) of the kitchen tile typeface Lala Bauhaus (2013). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lauren Sarto

Creator of the tiled typeface Retro Party (2008, FontStruct). Fontsy link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leander Lenz

Darmstadt, Germany-based graphic designer who used FontStruct in 2009 to create Afrobeat (+II, a piano key family), Afroblack (piano key typeface), Samoa, Serpentine, Freestyle, Criss Cross (2008), Apollo, Samoa (+Ultabold), Underground> (inspired by Pincoya Black), Freestyle, Shadow (fat rounded), Explorer, Beatboy Rounded, Contemporary (kitchen tile face), Fiesta (2009, ultra-fat octagonal), Battista (2009, an organic font with Bodoni influences), Boldy (2009), Breezy (2009, octagonal, ultra-fat), Jin-Jin (playful), Odyssey (art deco ultra-black), Disco Queen (2009), Sketch (slab serif), Mister O (+Bold), Clockwise, My Name Is Font, Beatboy Square, Mister O (dot matrix), No Room For Squares, Accident (Grotesque, Arabesque (a gridded version)), Tony Montana (+Divided), Turning Point, VincentVega (+Outline, +Bold), Beatboy (pixel family), Circles Horizon, Papua (ultra fat), Papua Square (kitchen tile), Winky Light, Winky, Circles, Nu Edge Regular, Cosmos, Toasty, Around The Block, Wave (kitchen tile), Nu Edge, OneMore Time (stencil), Techno Mouse (white on black pixel face), Techno Dog.

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lee Wai Kei

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Libbie Bischoff
[Type du Nord]

[More]  ⦿

[Cornel Windlin]

Since 1993, Swiss type designer Cornel Windlin (b. 1964, Küssnacht am Rigi) heads "lineto" in Zürich, with Stephan "Pronto" Mueller. Lineto is based in Zürich, Switzerland. The foundry has grown in size and influence and includes work by many type designers. Windlin himself made these typefaces:

  • The old typewriter family FF Magda (1995) and its smooth versions, FF Magda Clean (1995) and FF Magda Clean Mono (1995). Noteworthy is the white-on-black FF Magda Cameo. See also Mono (2003, Lineto).
  • Airport (FontFont).
  • Dot Matrix (FontFont).
  • Experimental typefaces: In FUSE 10, Windlin designed the symbol font Robotnik, and at FUSE 7, he made Mogadishu. He alsi created FUSE Classic 1.
  • FF Watertower (1998-1999, stencil font).
  • Screen Matrix (1995, with Stephan Mueller, FontFont).
  • ThermoNuclear (1999).
  • Mono-book (1998).
  • Autoscape-Regular (1998).
  • LL Alpha Headline (1997, based on the British license plates). This initial caps-only headline font in a Bold cut was redrawn and extended to a full character set in 2002, also adding an italic style, and additional Regular and Italic weights. The resulting fonts as exclusively licensed as corporate typeface for Mitsubishi Motors across Europe between 2002 and 2012. Since then, Alpha Headline was extended to Cyrillic, and two Stencil cuts were introduced. A new, revised and entirely redrawn version of Alpha Headline will be published by Lineto in 2019.
  • LL Lutz Headline (1997, derived from the lettering on British license plates).
  • Luggage Tag.
  • LL Gravur Condensed (1999, with Gilles Gavillet). This initial version of LL Gravur Condensed has been replaced by an entirely redrawn version, with additional Italic cuts (2010–2012, in collaboration with Radek Sidun).
  • Cobra: a phenomenal geometric font combining ideas of kitchen tile and stencil fonts, made in 1996.
  • FF Moonbase Alpha (1991, part of FUSE 3).
  • With Gilles Gavillet, dated 1999: Pixel Crude, Pixel World, Vectrex (1999), Vectrex World (skyline dingbats), Liquid Crystal (1999), Supermax (1999). Pixel World and Vectrex World are free.
  • VFutura (2004). Used as a corporate typeface by, e.g., Vitra Internatonal AG.

FontFont write-up. Fonts by designers. The Lineto collection has many beautiful trend-setting digital-look typewriter typefaces. From other designers:

  • Stephan Mueller: Regular (typewriter family), Valentine (typewriter family), Aveugle (Braille font, 1995), Parking, FF Gateway (1997), Grid (1996), Paragon, Batarde Coulee, Shuttle, FE Mittelschrift and FE Engschrift (1997), 104 (nice geometric font), FF Chernobyl (1998, from stenciled letters on the Chernobyl plant), FF Container, Bitmap-Condensed and Bitmap-Regular (1998), Office (Eurostile-like monospace, 1999).
  • Norm: Normetica (1999, now retired), Prima (1999, now retired), LL Simple (1999-2000), LL Replica and LL Replica Mono (2008), LL Riforma (2012-2017).
  • James Goggin, Rafael Koch, Mauro Paolozzi, Alex Rich and Arve Båtevik: LL Prismaset (2003-2014).
  • Elektrosmog/Pierre Miedinger: LL Storno (1999, an interpretation of the numerals of an old Sharp cash register; by Marco Walser & Valentin Hindermann), LL Brauer. Brauer was Marco Walser's digital revival of Pierre Miedinger's original design for a mid-1970s corporate typeface for the Zurich-based Hürlimann brewery. This was later developed into the six weights of LL Brauer Neue (1999-2006) by Marco Walser and Philippe Desarzens, and has since been extended further (publication pending, scheduled for early 2019). The copyright for LL Brauer Neue is held by Lineto, the author's rights are held by Marco Walser/Elektrosmog.
  • Marco Walser and Philippe Desarzens: Le Corbusier Oldface (2004).
  • Nico Schweizer: Albroni (1992), Hoboken-High (1998, a US sports jersey font), LeCorbusier (great stencil font, 1999), Le Corbusier Condensed (1999), Typ1451 (1999, sans family), Gigaflop (1999), Ultrateens (1999).
  • Martha Stutteregger: Number Two (1996), Lord (1996).
  • Jonas Williamsson: Biff (1999).
  • Urs and Juerg Lehni and Rafael Koch: Lego (1999).
  • Laurent Benner: Pez (1999), renamed Tablettenschrift.
  • Hansjakob Fehr: Deadtype (dingbats consisting of metal parts of a typewriter, 1999).
  • Masahiko Nakamura: Terminal One (1999).
  • James Goggin: Courier Sans (2001).
  • Laurenz Brunner: LL Akkurat and LL Akkurat Mono (2004), LL Circular (2011), LL Bradford and LL Bradford Mono (2018).
  • Aurèle Sack: LL Purple (2006, together with NORM), LL Brown (2011), LL Grey (2004-2016).
  • Christian Mengelt/Team77: LL Unica77 (2012-2014).
  • Kobi Benezri: LL Lettera (2008), LL Lettera Text (2012).
  • Robert Huber: LL Moderne (2017).
  • Nazareno Crea: LL Gulliver (2008-2018), renamed LL Catalogue in 2019.
[Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Lisa D. Jenkins
[Agent J]

[More]  ⦿

LittleWind Studio
[Arvan Fatwa]

Indonesia-based designer of these typefaces in 2020: Hambalang (squarish), Brownies Pie (squarish), Buitenzorg (blackboard bold), Fighter Brick (a nice modular octagonal stencil font), Madja Fruit (octagonal). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lorena Corona

At the Art Institute of California in San Diego, Lorena Corona designed a modular kitchen tile typeface (2016). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lorena Sanchez Evangelista

Lore Sanchez (Mexico City) designed a kitchen tile typeface in 2014. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lorenz Fidel Huchthausen

Lorenz Fidel Huchthausen (aka Tylo at FontStruct) is a young graphic designer and artist from Berlin. At FontStruct, he created the 2d and 3d outline typefaces Solidblock, Solidblock 3D, Smoveblock and ZigNZag in 2010. Further typefaces made in 2010 include FS Stein (counterless), FS Jaze (angular face), Nareaves (modular kitchen tile face), FS Above Ferrofluid (texture face), Riss (white on black stone chisel face), Blockage, Blockswosh, AB CD, Handot (dotted), Zirc (circular), FS Zig n Zag, FS Blaze (counterless, geometric), Rabina Stripe (rounded slab), Swulsh (psychedelic), FS Zeta B (futuristic industrial face), FS Lehev, FS One Brick Pixel Font, FS Cushi, FS Karo (texture face), FS Raunpe, Elmant, FS Jasemone, FS Mortalers (texture face), FS Papier 3D, and Pseudobraille (dot matrix face).

FontStructions from 2011: FS Fluze, FS Hommage a Frodo (3d face), FS Pixel Portrait (ultra-fat), FS Rinali (wavy), FS Gritta (a great stacked 3d face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda
[burodestruct (or: Typedifferent.com)]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Lovedesign Company
[Wataru Osakabe]

Lovedesign offers free fonts, mostly by Wataru Osakabe (aka J. Brain). Many are techno typefaces. A partial list: Fool22, CommonPixel, Haris, SecretPassage, SucideNote, Vanilla, Arupino (2001, kana), CherryBlossom (futuristic, 2001), Metropolis (Bauhaus style, 2001), Lovedesign 99 font kana, Gulico Extra Bold, Han-Rice (2000, Asian lookalike font), Tytyle kana, Tytyle Regular (kitchen tile face), Cobra-Ld Regular, ErisKana, MonnaLisa, LovelyDesign, Aurora Devil, Tonight Tonight, Cobra2, GENOCIDERMX, GameOver, HEIGHt, Loedesign99HIRABold, Metamorphose, SweetDays, Poo, tonighonigh, Tytyle, Romantic9 (2004, with Junichi Kato), Papicon (techno), Gameboy gamegirl, Ookami-girl, Hirakumo, Ikkoue, TKO Crazy, F39 Gold (stencil), Fickle, Mr. Chan, Aurora Dance, Masshimo (dingbats of figures made by Akiko Yaeshima). As of January 2004, these can be downloaded: LVDCCLASSIX, LVDCCobra4AL, LVDCCobra4KN, LVDCDisco02, LVDCDubKana, LVDCErisSQ, LVDCFool22, LVDCGOLD, LVDCGulico3, LVDCIKKOUE, LVDCLovelydesign, LVDCMirinda, LVDCNextGames, LVDCOtsukaDream, LVDCPapicon, LVDCPoo3, LVDCSecretPassage, LVDCSucideNote, LVDCSweetDays, LVDCTonightTonight, LVDCVanilla, LVDCauroradance, LVDCver5, LVDCArupino, LVDCBloodyValentine, LVDCCommonPix2, LVDCDubKana, LVDCHaris, LVDCauroradevil, LVDCHanricever3, LVDCMrsChan, LVDCGarnet (2004), LVDCMelos (2004), LVDC Berlin, LVDC Rebirth, LVDC Parthenon, LVDC Nina.

Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Luisa Franz Kleopatra Klobassa

Vienna-based creator of the kitchen tile typeface Modulartype (2011). Luuisa studied at the Fashion Institute of Vienna (2006) and at the University of Vienna (2008), where she specialized in art history. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Luka Sarishvili

Georgian designer of the Georgian kitchen tile font Kartuli (2020). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lukas Schneider
[Revolver Type Foundry]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made the kitchen tile typeface Blocos (2011). In 2012, he made Pixel, Pixel 2, and Pixel 3. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Magic Sam

Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Around The Block (fat octagonal), Wave (kitchen tile), Nu Edge (kitchen tile), One More Time (crosshair font), Techno mouse (white on black and pixelish), and Techno Dog. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Manon Rouzier

During her graphic design studies in Grenoble, France, Manon Rouzier created the kitchen tile font Les Moutons Du Berger (2013). In 2014, she added the experimental typeface Eliotte. In 2016, she created The ctcher. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martin Jelsema

Dutch FontStruct artist who made the kitchen tile typeface Sonar (2008). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martin Wenzel

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

[Martin Wenzel]

MartinPlusFonts is the Berlin-based foundry of Martin Wenzel, a German type designer (b. Berlin, 1969). Graduate of KABK Den Haag in 1998. From 1998 until 2005, he worked at Buro Petr van Blokland + Claudia Mens. Martin now runs MartinPlus, first in The Hague, The Netherlands, and relocated to Berlin in 2005. He is also affiliated with Kombinat Typefounders. His oeuvre:

  • FF Marten (1991).
  • FF Rekord (grunge).
  • The award-winning sans serif font FF Profile (1999), a flared sans known for its little contrast. This evolved in a semi-hand-printed casual teenager, FF Duper (2009).
  • At FUSE 6, he created FUSE Schirft, now sometimes called Wenzel Schrift.
  • At FUSE 3, he created InTegel (1991), a font like Boris Mahovac's Kalendar.
  • FF Primary (1995, chiseled stone look).
  • Daela (free, this font evolved into FF Primary).
  • MediaPigeons (experimental, free).
  • Trinité Sans (based on Bram de Does' Trinité).
  • Ode (2010): a restaurant menu family, angular yet rounded. This type family evolved from Textura into a slightly broken readable set, in the German expressionist genre.
  • Realist (2011), Realist Narrow and Realist Wide. A sans family that can be bought at Kombinat Typefounders.

Old web site. Fontshop link. Klingspor link.

View Martin Wenzel's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Matt Nichol

Graduate of of Atelier, OFFF 2015. English graphic designer who lives in Barcelona. Designer of the square-tiled typeface Feed (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matthew Aaron Desmond
[Matthew Desmond]

MADtype (est. 1996) is Matt Desmond's place in the type world. He has had a prolific career that started out with shareware fonts while Matt was at the Minneapolis Technical and Community College. His page back then said A haven for quality shareware type for the Mac. Later, Matt started mattdesmond.com, and co-founded the Test Pilot Collective (est. 1998 with Joseph Kral and Mike Cina). Many of his early typefaces were experimental and/or futuristic. In late 2003, mattdesmond.com disappeared, and MADtype, commercial now, resurfaced at the MyFonts site. Currently, Matt is based in Minnetnka, MN. He has also lived in Atlanta, GA, Fayetteville, GA, Rochester, NY, Redwood City, CA, and San Francisco, CA. His fonts can also be purchased via You Work For Them. He also does commissioned type design. Some fonts are freely available at the Google Font Directory.

Retail types as of 2011:

  • Abel (2011, Google Font Directory). Abel Pro was published in 2013.
  • Aldrich (2011). A Bank Gothic style face, free at OFL.
  • Amber (2000): kitchen tile face.
  • American Gothic (1998): squarish.
  • Audebaud (2010): a 19-th century style French Clarendon (wood type look). The design was inspired by the work of Constant Audebaud, an engraver of wooden type that was used for posters. Audebaud's work appeared in the 1880s in the Deux-Sèvres département of France.
  • Beat (1998): rounded OCR face.
  • Brauhaus (2004): Textura face.
  • Cagliostro (2011). A free font at Google Web Fonts that is based on the handlettering of Ozwald Cooper.
  • Curbdog (1998).
  • Desmond Text (1998): a roman that has features of University Roman.
  • Distill (2009): a De Stijl font that shouts 1920s.
  • Dunelm (1996): emulation of 17th century printing styles.
  • Dwiggins Deco (2009): This typeface was originally designed in 1930 by W.A. Dwiggins as the cover for the book "American Alphabets" by Paul Hollister. Only the 26 letters of the alphabet were included on the cover, so the rest of the numbers, punctuation, symbols, and accented characters have been crafted in a matching [art deco] style.
  • Findon (2007): stencil.
  • Futuristic category: ER9 (1999), KAH (2005, LCD style), Lunarmod (1997), Retron (1997; can be considered as a retro upright connected script as well), Shifty (1998).
  • Grunge category: Bulletin (1997), Gothico Antiqua (1999), Rubba (1997), Stomper (1997--a rubber stamp font), Zapatista (1998-2007).
  • Handwriting, handprinting category: Casino Hand (2005), Ghouliez (1996), Handegypt (2002---hand-drawn slab serif), Handy Sans (1997, hand-drawn sans), Joppa (1997), Pufficlaude BT (1998).
  • Hessian (2009): Tuscan style wood type.
  • Hydrochlorica (2004): organic.
  • Invoice (1997).
  • Ironside Crosses (2004): dingbat face.
  • Marble Roman (2004-2009): angular roman all caps type.
  • Matterhorn (2013). A 9-style sans family created with Michael Cina for Disney. Not to be confused with the many retail typefaces that are also called Matterhorn, such as Paratype's PT Matterhorn (1993) and Treacyfaces' TF Matterhorn (1990s).
  • Pacioli or Luca Pacioli Caps (2007: emulating a mathematically constructed caps font by Pacioli (1509) published in his treatise De divina proportione.
  • Pixel category: Basis (1999), Mang (1997).
  • Plenti (2004): ultra plump.
  • Quantico (2007): octagonal.
  • Stencil category: Bandoleer (2009, +Tracer: a couple of stencil fonts with art deco and army influences), Madison (2007, slab serif stencil), Mercado (2005; has a non-stencil Mercado Sans).
  • Urbandale (2018). A basic sans family.
  • Variable (2004-2010): a sans-serif monoline typeface that includes ultra thin weights.
  • Vexed (2005): sketched face.
  • Wolfsburg (2007): blackletter stencil.
  • Wooddale (1999): wood type emulation.

Free types as of 2010: Marble Roman, Environ regular, Dorkbutt, Europa, Exsect, Inthacity, Liquidy Bulbous, Lustria (2012, Google Web Fonts), Stomper.

Commissioned types: 77kids (2007, for the children's brand; the sketched typefaces were done with Justin Thomas Kay), AE Aerie (2005-206, American Eagle Outfitters), AE Newburgh (2005-206, American Eagle Outfitters), AE Summer Fonts (2007, all for American Eagle Outfitters), EEL Futura (2006, for Enjoying Everyday Life), Nike World Cup (2006), Virgin America (2006).

Typefaces from 2019: Starfire (2019, a retro geometric sans).

Orphaned types that disappeared or were planned but never executed: BrotherMan, Caprice, Convolve, HipstersDelight, Lugubrious, ModestaSmallCaps, Serifity, Skitzoid, Sliver, ThrowupSolid, Auresh (1998, futuristic; Test Pilot Collective), Kcap6 (1998, with Cina; Test Pilot Collective), Epiphany (1997; Test Pilot Collective), Testacon (with Kral and Cina; Test Pilot Collective), Civicstylecom (1999; Test Pilot Collective), Lutix (1998; Test Pilot Collective), Xerian (1997; Test Pilot Collective), Swoon, Furtive (2004, a sans), the display typeface Flathead (2004), the blackletter typeface Bahn (2004), Mesotone BT (2006, Bitstream, a monoline sans), Practical (a monoline connec script, planned in 2007 but not published), Poliphili (planned in 2007, as a revival of an Aldus/Griffo font), Wutupdo (1996, Garage Fonts), GFDesmond (Garage Fonts), Drone, Golden Times (2014, a corporate small caps typeface for the University of Minnesota), Vapiano (2014: hand-printed typeface for Vapiano International).

Behance link. View Matt Desmond's typefaces. Fontspring link. Fontsquirrel link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Matthew Desmond
[Matthew Aaron Desmond]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Matthew Wahl

Matthew Wahl is a graphic designer and art director with an interest in typography and identity design. He graduated from The Corcoran College of Art + Design in 2001 with a BFA in graphic design and is currently art director at Sovereign Grace Ministries, and freelancing in his spare time. At You Work For Them, one can buy these typefaces: Second Wave (2009: a piano key font, i.e., a 1960s modular font), Second Bit (2009, kitchen tile face). Designer of Blocks+Blocks (2009, kitchen tile), and Next (a piano key font based on a style due to Ken Garland), which may well have been precusors of the YWFT fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mean Tangerine
[Tyler Young]

Pixel foundry run by Santa Cruz, CA-based (was: Calgary, Alberta-based) designer Tyler Young. He writes about his Mean tangerine foundry: Mean Tangerine began in 2003, when founder Tyler Young recognized a need for fonts that would hold their shape in small sizes on screen. Running an online motocross/supercross magazine at the time, he found himself wanting all the selection of traditional PostScript type but within the pixel font world. Without many options, Young began designing his own fonts by hand, translating his designs into published fonts. Mean Tangerine was named for one of his favorite childhood songs by the Beatles, "Savoy Truffle"

His typefaces include the kitchen tile pixel typeface Trixie&Blinker (2004, pixel versions of kitchen tile letters), the pixel typeface Slim (2006, very readable!), the pixel typeface Minus (2005), the dot matrix family Soda (2005), the pixel typeface Consist, the pixel typeface Tex Standard 7 (2007), the script pixel typeface Katie (2005), the futuristic display typefaces Flipper (2004), Atom (2003), Nuetron (2003, "inspired by Andreas Lindholm's industrial work"), the pixel typefaces Fredman (2004), Checker (2004), Belleville (2004), Errata Properus (2003), Dorothy (2003), Dope (2004, pixel font), Khaki (2004, pixel family), Commence (2004, pixel family), Biceps (2004, pixel family) and Rolos ( (2002-2003), Shale Modern (2003, pixel face), Arc Classic, Astromo 2017, Chip Classic, Chip Modern, Astromo 2018, Biceps, Bri++LeModern, Celophane Classic, Chain, Chain Unicase, Chaos, Clarus, Clarus even, Clarus Hi, Clarus Lo, Cursor, Disclosure, Dope Classic, Dope Short, Dorothy, Electron Classic, Gumdrop Bubble (2002-2003), Ice Classic, Montessa, Money Narrow, Resolution, Roma, Roma Mini, Screen Sans, Screen serif, Sheriff's Girl Tight, Troy, and Raster (2004).

He also runs Tyler Young Creative, an impossible site that does not display at all on my browser. Behance link. Their 142-font library can be had for 100 dollars. Elsewhere, we read that he is located in Santa Cruz, CA. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Michael Dalpiaz

Italian esigner of the kitchen tile font Calendra (2019). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Miguel Angel Padriñán Alba
[Mr. Black Fonts]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Mike D. Kowalczyk

Polish American illustrator in Chicago. Creator at FontStruct in 2009 of Prof. Downer's Iowa Tonic (inspired by Brothers and Council, by Downer), Fleet (alomost octagonal), Bankowy Gotycki (outline typeface patterned after Ban Gothic), Bolt Plate, Garibaldi (+Bold, +Black), Nocturnis, Lastustruct (kitchen tile) and Macrogular. In 1999, he created the very original Aborigine (1999). Additional URL. Home page. Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mikolaj Pasinski

Polish designer of the futuristic typefaces Deltafonte (2004), Ryszard (2004). He also made the handwriting typefaces Gleitpfad (2004) and Glidepath (2004), the informal printing typeface Mikolajf (2004), and the kitchen tile typeface Hopscotch (2004). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Milan Zrnic

Milan Zrnic (b. 1984) is a self-taught graphic designer who now lives in New York. In 2002, Milan created Idyll (2002, commercial sans serif font) while in the Chank Army. In 2003, Milan created and released the free typeface Raedr. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mitchel Salmeron

Morelia, Mexico-based designer of the kitchen tile font Ibiza (2015). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mohr Design

Fantastic commercial fonts by Mohr Design, located in Santa Barbara, CA: JM Tiles Round / Tiles Block are great kitchen tile fonts for making logos, JM Elements Mono / Elements Duo is hip and JM Janomo Dot / Janomo Line is futuristic. The company has been in design since 1974, but has only ventured into type design recently. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Fontstructor who created Puppy (2009, a kitchen tile puppy dingbat face---cute!), T-Shirt (2010) and Primitive Man (2010). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mr. Black Fonts
[Miguel Angel Padriñán Alba]

Iztapalapa, Mexico City-based graphic designer. Creator of Pixa Square (2014: a dot matrix typeface family that includes some arcade game dingbats as well), Domino (2014: digitization of a typeface by Sabino Gainza), Norma Script (2014, avant-garde sans), Norma Cursiva (2014), Macmillan (2014, sans), El Corondel (2014, signage script), Taller (2014, done with Manuel Flores), Mr. Pascal (2014: LED or kitchen style typeface for numbers on watches), Britannia Capital (2014: a calligraphic copperplate typeface), Alfaomega (2014, avant-garde sans), Alfaomega Cursiva (2014, school script font), Espiral (2013, a Victorian school project font at Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas UNA).

In 2016, Ayi Studio (Mexico City) published the constructivist typeface family Alek Rodchenko, which was jointly designed by Miguel Angel Padrinan Alba and Victor Manuel Flores Lopez. One must assume that they run Ayi Studio.

Behance link. Newer Behance link. Old Wordpress link. Newest MyFonts link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made Acrobat Bold (2011), Breakers (2011, texture face), Roman (2011), Origin (2011, fat outline face), Droid (2011), Leaflet (2011, kitchen tile face), Library (2011, white on black letters), Futuro (2011), Pixel (2011), Encore (2011, multilined), Collegiate (2011, athletic lettering) and Onyx (2011). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Naone 79

Illustrator in Madrid, who created the kitchen tile typeface Surf70 (2011), the graffiti style Naone Retro Russian (2013, +3D) and NY Russian Gothic (2015), the grungy typeface Naone Neue Serif Bold (2013), the striped typeface Sportiva (2014), and Smonkers (2015).

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nate del Vecchio

Designer at FontStruct of Evil Clone Empire (2009, pixel face) and Bucky (2009, kitchen tile face). Aka Forzorama24. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nathan Cox

Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of the excellent triline typeface Letra Libre, bevel_1, bevel_condensed, dairy, dugout, dugout_fill, epyt, ice_box_1, lego_2, luchador (Mexican wrestling masks), muni_1, muni_tall, new_haven, new_haven_line, Plump, uniball_serif. The Bevel series is 3-d. The Muni series is a kitchen tile family based on lettering found in San Francisco's MUNI Transport System. Ice Box os a connected fifties diner style script, Lego is a shaded pixel typeface and Plump is ultra heavy and rounded. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Naveen Chandru

Indian designer in Tiruchirappalli, b. 1989. FontStructor who made these typefaces in 2010: En Pulli Kolam (ased on kolam, an art of floor drawing, which is prevalent in South India), En Sans, En Simple Script, En Drunay (heavy, bilined), En Dhiran, En Stencil, En Stencil Pixel, En Druna (futuristic caps), En Hollow Tiles (beveled letters), Enchan (shadow face), En Evil Devils, En Broken Grill, En Grids (kitchen tile face), En Grids Exp, En Panju, En Horns, En Real Horns, En Tall, En Fatty, En Muthu (horizontal stripes), En Origami (+v2, +Pencil Shaded), En Simple Serif, En Drawn n Cut (white on black), En Dots.

Fonts from 2011: En Simple Black, En Zelo (modular and pointy), En Drawn n Cut, En Brushah (+Connected).

Fonts from 2012: En Chyn (Chinese simulation face).

Fonts from 2014: En Word Puzzle, En Pelger.

Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made many fonts, including the unicase typeface Nerug (2010, based on the futuristic logo of the TV show Gruen Transfer), the Stringbead family (2010), Silicon Neon Straight (2010), Therlea (2010, an angular fat didone face), Globus (white on black), Miagan (pixel face), Mertinal (2010: a graph theory face), Xharon (2010: a techno stencil), Deebee Dee (2010: like Futura Black), Logoremix (kitchen tile face), Logoremix Thin, Ragett, Ells Split Peas, Barowin, Desert Bean (floral face), Tonkted (knotted face), Belumt, Plink (blocky futuristic face).

Typefaces from 2011: Recused, Recused 3x3, Trec Funch (an artsy stencil face), Tied Lance, Curdevic. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Ariel Di Lisio]

Negro is a design site where some commercial fonts can be found, all designed by Ariel Di Lisio, a native of Buenos Aires. He studied graphic design at the University of Buenos Aires. From 1993 to 1997 he worked in the design department at Puma. Since 2015, he is a professor at FADU / UBA in Buenos Aires. Still in 2015, he set up Nodo Type Foundry in Buenos Aires together with Mexican designer Aldo Arillo.

His typefaces from before 2010: Marzo (2008: a hairline vogue typeface commissioned by the Argentinian mag Atypica), Donuts (2008: a layer of round upon a layer of round), Paz (2008: a stylish night club or fashion magazine family---stunning), Lynda (2008: an octagonal/mechanical face), Lunes (2007: art deco), Day (2007: art deco), Friday (2007: art deco), Nigga (2007: an ultra-fat art deco typeface with an experimental edge), Love (2007: a mini-serifed geometric beauty), Santino (2008: trying to bring waves into a simple sans face), Normal (2008: gorgeous, geometric and galant), Mate (2008: a geometric all caps typeface for magazine headlines), Caracas (2008), Soko (2009), Stola (2008), Pink (2008: experimental), Cascabel (2009: a kitchen tile typeface digitized by Alejandro Paul at Sudtipos), James (2009: a bullet hole-themed face), Inlove (2009, Sudtipos: a Lubalin-style poster face designed by Di Lisio and digitized by Alejandro Paul).

Typefaces shown in 2010, mostly experimental / geometric / art deco: Destiny, Drimpy, Hongki, Mobile, Moonglow, Normal, Vincent.

In 2011, Ariel published the futurismo face Saturna at Sudtipos [and I do not understand HypeForType's claim that it is an exclusve HypeForType font]. Their offices are in Buenos Aires and Caracas.

Typefaces from 2012 include Uma (with Alejandro Paul at Sudtipos: a gorgeous two-weight monoline sans family).

In 2013, he created the stencil typeface Anima for a housing project in Punta Chica, San Fernando, Argentina.

In 2015, he designed the cold sans typeface family Stockholm Type, and the display typeface Roska. In 2015, he set up Nodo Type Foundry in Buenos Aires together with Mexican designer Aldo Arillo.

Negro Nouveau link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Nils von Blanc

German graphic designer and photographer. His free fonts, all dated 2008: Reclaim (grunge), Space Pez (2008, dot matrix, almost kitchen type), Starry Stitch (stitching font), L-MEN-RAVE-IT (handwriting), Neon (Neon sign font; also reminds me of the logo of the Neon car), Reclaim (stencil), Urban Brush (2008), Urban Rubber, Urban Sketch, Stahlbetontraeger-College (athletic lettering), Stahlbetontrger-Compressed, Stahlbetontrger-Outline, Stahlbetontrger-Stripes (all inspired by Patric Schwarz's original Stahlbeton), Urban-Sketch, Urban-Constructed.

At FontStruct, he made the pixel typeface SPACE PEZ (2008).

Fonts from 2009: Defatted Milk (condensed sans).

In 2012, he published the striped typeface Zebretica, and the hand-printed outline typeface Kalligedoens. In 2016, he added Karopapier (octagonal typeface).

Behance link. Dafont link. Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Niti Shah

Graduate of the Parsons School of Design. In 2013, she created a children's typeface of the kitchen tile style called Celio.

Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Noah Ross

Californian FontStructor (aka winty5, b. 2002) who made these typefaces in 2012: 5Stenserif, 5Stencipix, 5GeoZtenzil, 5GeoSolid, 5 Quadrislash (kitchen tile face), 5 Micropix, 5Reverserif, 5Curvo, Shadow, Circlex (kitchen tile face), Quadrupus, Dissolvis, Rossian Alphabet, Fatty, Payperklipz, Roboto Sans and Roboto Serif, Krakk, Arkadeland (pixel face), Pew Pew Pew, Kalium Sans, Tini, Hexa, Pyramis, Doodley, Maaschine, Hexor, Digitus, Quark, Blobbie, W5's Remix, Laser Cannon, Poke, Razorblade, Titanium and Titanium II (blocky monospaced stencil).

Typefaces from 2013: 5Zanin, 5Tintin, Chyldren, 5 Goldminer (Western font), 5 Circuit Board, 5 Mikrothin (pixelish), 5 Crayoned, 5Blockletter, 5 Mikropix, 5 Computron, 5 Letterblack, 5 Singlebrik, 5 Kitty, 5 Mikrodotz, 5 Didgit (+Solid, +Stencil), 5 Microchip, 5 Hexpix, 5 Band (ultra-condensed), 5 Futurex, 5 Zero, 5 Pixwriter, 5 Caveman, 5 Ultramini, 5 Foundation, 5 Structonix, 5 Stenserif, 5 Psycho (labyrinthine), 5 Med Grids, Skribal, 5 Carnival (Western, slab serif), Undersea, Jester, 5 Winter Sans, 5 Zlash, 5 Darius, 5 Drop That Bass, 5 Computerized (LED face), 5 Kallum Sans Neue (octagonal), 5 Final Frontier, 5 Muta Sans, 5 Med Grid, 5 Dagger Unicase, 5 Threezy, 5 Curvo, 5 Railway Script (upright connected script), 5 Champagne, 13/5 Atom Sans, S Tekknosystem (techno), 5 Maach, 5 Dotmatrix 1979, 5 Skware cat Scratch Fever, 5 Pixdeath, 5 Metrik (octagonal), Droido, Skribble Black, Kindergarten, 5 Recieptprint (pixel face), 5 Monopix (pixel face), 5 Contrastio, 5 Beans, 5 Beans II, 5 Geomedings, 5 Fatal Error, 5 Identification Mono, 5 Megabam, 5 Futurebit, 5 Space Station, 5 Computers in Love.

Typefaces from 2014: 5 Kreeper, Mad Pixels, 5 Zonex, Robot Killer, Roman New Times (grunge), Devastation.

Dafont link. Another Dafont link as Noah the Awesome. Aka Winter Design Studio. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Official Classic
[Attila Horvath]

Hungarian outfit established in 2008 by graphic designers Mark Zador and Attila Horvath. Typefaces created by them are mostly techno or minimalist: Eniac Pro (2010), Solaria (2006), Kalgan (2004, kitchen tile face), Olivaw (2004, a typeface with a retro/futuristic 60s sci-fi feeling), Terminus (2004), Gaia (2006), Gladia (2006, horizontal slabs), Baley (2004, piano key face), and Aurora (2004).

Attila Horvath designed these rounded display headline typefaces in 2012: Multivac, Shingo, Unoa. In 2016, he designed Reticuli.

Typefaces from 2017: Mazura (a multiline prismatic creation that is equally useful for sports, car races, discotheques, sci-fi and op-art).

Behance link. YWFT link. Hypefortype link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Pixel font specialist who created these pixel typefaces using FontStruct in 2013: fs Inspira 2 (pixel face), fs Mikibit, FS Tacticalreminds, FS Terc.butyl (slab serif), Fin Competition, Opipik's Caps, Stencil, Cond, Alter Ego, Anakin, Nonsense Remix, Simple, Fluid PX (pixelish), Fluid, Shamewriting (wide techno face), The FS Ion (stencil), Opirus Semi-Serif, Launching a similar one, F Serif Q, Opirus OPIK, Sans Tai Na, Leftleaning, FSPx Kayah D70, 1234 Font, Random Regular.

Other typefaces made in 2013 include fs Logo, fs Mansion, fs Kismet, LASO Serif, fs Ad, fs Groszak's Dreams, fs Road Sans, fs Connet (retro automotive script), fs Large, fs Mico, fs Use, fs By, fs Part, fs Strongness, fs Permutoo 1 through 7 (op-art), fs Ethstruct, fs Ais (wood type simulation), fs Eng (like fs Ais), fs 01, fs Jim Jam (sencil), fs Sor, fs Nothing (blackletter), Anakin Mono (a sci-fi face), Shaak Sans, LASO Serif, 42 Stencil, 42 Sten Grid (kitchen tile face), 42 Bold (piano key face), 42 Sten Vert, Sten Bold Vert, 42 Light Vert, 42 Bold Vert, 42 Light Grid, 42 Cond, 42 Light, 42 Black, Iont Slab (monospaced), Experiment Elongated Ears, Pixel Old English, Check It, Trifolium Stencil (like a Bauhaus stencil), Avatars New, Shaakmono, and Better Sans.

Typefaces from 2014 include fs Pixalic (a great textured typeface), fs Weighted, fs Monital, fs Pixnod Serif, fs Gaelpix, fs Jenson 1 (+Italic), fs Hand2, fs Wood Type 1, fs135 Opinno Serif, fs135 Inno Huge, fs Dotnudge Biggerterm, fs Nudgershoots, fx 8x6, fs Eng, fs Streetsign, fs Fassyrian, fs Apjop, fs Jenson 1, fs Stenserife, fs Recover, fs Lapa 1 Bold, fs Dotital, fs Lapa 1, fs Hikinspot, fs Geofut, fs Samil, fs Pxalic, fs Stdb Regular, fs Papeda, fs Greekpix, fs Stylized Arpeggios, fs Teimodern, fs My Take on Parsifal 1, fs Samil, fs Eco, fs Dotmatrix Serif Mono, fs Dotmatrix Sans, fs Uahkoch, fs Fluffy, fs Computer Says No Mild Italic, fs Paseky Ideograms, fs Eatit Bold, fs Mind, fs Switch, fs Dotty Serif, fs Smallmicro, FSerifQ, fs Afterline, fs FontstrFillersMono, fs Four Ideas.

Typefaces from 2-15: fs Konhex.

FontStruct link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[David Rust]

Optimo is a Lausanne-based foundry established in 1997 by ECAL graduates Stéphane Delgado, Gilles Gavillet and David Rust. In 1998, they relocated to Geneva. Over the years, the foundry slowly developed a library of classic typefaces available for print, web, and mobile environments. The company publishes original typefaces designed by type designers such as François Rappo, Ludovic Balland, Joost Grootens and Team 77. All Optimo fonts are available exclusively from their web site.

Their early typefaces included Aerial, Chip, Flexo MM (1998, David Rust), Circuit (2002, David Rust; on the CD in Nathan Gale's type 1 book), Didot Elder (2004, a true revival of a family by Pierre Didot, 1819; it has devil-tailed S's and is similar in many places to Porchez's Ambroise. It was designed by François Rappo), Kornkuh, Nova MM, Steiner, Autologic, Detroit MM (1997), Kabin, Normal, 2000, Optimal (a kitchen tile font), Politics (squarish typeface by Gilles Gavillet), Montana (stencil by Gilles Gavillet), CEO (typewriter style by Rappo), Veglia, Zero. Most fonts are futuristic or experimental, with a few sans serif fonts thrown in at well. In 2003, David Rust and Gilles Gavillet co-designed Cargo (stencil), Hermes (typewriter type), Index and Politics. In 2006, Philipp Herrmann created the slab serif typeface Piek. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Orange Cyclops

Designer who used FontStruct in 2008 to create Cyclopic (an elegant tiling font), Eyesore (another tiling font), and Dogear (yet another one). All are great. [Google] [More]  ⦿

P. D. Mahler

Fontstructor who made Big Bang (2012, a kitchen tile typeface). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Paolo Palma

Italian designer (b. Fermignano, 1973) of the experimental font Elise (2000). He lives in Fermignano. At the School of Graphic Design in Urbino, he wrote a thesis on Wim Crouwel. As a result, his fonts are expertimental and geometric: Zen (2002, looks like lego blocks), Eroi (2001, artistic stencil font), Rainbow Type (2001, dot matrix font), CuboType (2001), Paradise (2001, fonts nailed to the wall), Ale (2000, only circles and lines, a cross between a kitchen tile and a Codex font). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pascal Ben Thiot

Lyon, France-based student-designer of a kitchen tile typeface in 2015. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Patrick Lindsay
[fonderie du tricycle]

[More]  ⦿

Paul Betowski

FontStructor whose fonts include Gridsix (2010, a unicase kitchen tile face), Blockhead (2008, the ultimate fat face), and Quadrants (2008, modular). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Paul Willocks

British logotype and type designer (b. 1979) who created the avant garde typeface Evolution (2007-2008). In 2010, Paul made the modular kitchen tile typeface Consume Or Die, the octagonal typeface Wipeout, and the geometric arc-based MSD10. See also here. The copyright notice says that the font is co-designed by Matt Schoch. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pauline Neves

Montlignon, France-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Hesitaton (2018). [Google] [More]  ⦿

PDF: Public Domain Fonts

Designers of the Kalendar clone, Sadlisa (truetype). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Per Ekengren

From Sweden, Per Ekengren proposed a very interesting sans font, Heaventica (2002). He also made the kitchen tile font Blocklyn (2002), Frestelse (2003), and the geometric sans Bloodprints on the Veranda (2003). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Peter Waegemans

Leuven, Belgium-based designer of an untitled kitchen tile style party font (2013). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Peter Watzl

Designer in 1976-1977 at Berthold of some phototypes. These include the elegant artsy display typefaces Austrian Watzlline (bi-line face), Fat Watzlline, Watzlcross (stencil, almost a kitchen tile face), Watzlsnap, Watzlform Full, and Watzlform Open. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Petra Heidorn
[CybaPeeCreations (or: Typoasis)]

[More]  ⦿

[Stephan Wissner]

Student at the Köln International School of Design who published Dampwalze (2001) at Fontomas in 2001. He worked at plattform jørg. Other fonts: Rund (2002, elegant futuristic design), Grid 2 (2005, almost a kitchen tile face) and Taschenmesser (2006, handcarved face). All the fonts except Grid 2 can be downloaded. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pixelsurgeon fonts (was: Phont Typographics)
[Jason Arber]

Pixelsurgeon has pixel and other fonts by Jason Arber, a typographer/designer based in London. Partially commercial. Free fonts: Teenage Delinquent, Pancake, Good Advice, Chinese Whisper (neat Chinese seals by Rina Cheung). Commercial: Waikiki, Tekno, Surgery, San Francisco, Rubbish, Protopixel, Pixelbitch, PhutureBelly, Octopuss, Offender, Los Mutantes, Eviltype, EqualRights, Buddha's Teeth, Boxy 35, Boxy 5, Bongo, 3Some, Area 51. old Phont Typographics page. Other fonts that were at Phont Typographics include Phont Threesome (like Mahovac's Kalendar), Poopy (by Funny Satan), Fantazija (by Jason Arber), Crunchy Fax Phont, Death Phont (Jason Arber) and Nobby Phont (by Jason Arber), as well as Iron Forge Phont (1999, free at Chank's). [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Jakob Fischer]

The Great Dane from Copenhagen, Jakob Fischer, is a kindergarten teacher who designed over 600 typefaces. Mini-catalog, part I, part II. Aka PizzaDude, he started out making free fonts, but switched to commercial fonts later. His typefaces:

Direct downloads. In 2004, he started selling some typefaces through Union Fonts. MyFonts link. Home page. Fontsquirrel link. Fontspring link. Dafont link. .

View Jakob Fischer's typefaces. View Pizzadude's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


Place to buy fonts made by E-type designers. Located in Vesterbro / Copenhagen, it was started in 2006. Another URL. The typefaces were designed by Jonas Hecksher (JH), Henrik Kubel (HK), and Jens Kajus (JK). By category:

  • Humanist sans: Abidale (JH), Bingo Sans (JH), Flavin (HK), ID00 Sans (JH, a huge family), Ole (HK), Parsons Green (HK), Premiere (JK), Test (HK), Triumph (HK).
  • Grotesk: Academy Sans (JH), Battersea 2010 (HK), Boing (HK, fat rounded), Cabo (JK), Contribute (JK, semi-octagonal), Dane (HK), Fletch Text (JH), Grot 10 (HK), Hall (JH), Hill (JH), Jazz House (JH), Lettre Gothic (JH), London (HK), Magna (HK), Mari (JH), Naive (HK), Norwegian (JH), Republic (JH), The Wave (JH), Vertigo (JH), Willumsen (JH).
  • Slab serif: Academy Serif (JH), FM (HK), Outsiders (HK, typewriter style).
  • Geometric sans: Agita (JK), Cubitt Solid (HK, rounded octagonal and techno), Geometric (JH), Juli Sans (2016: by Rasmus Michaëlis and Torsten Lindsø Andersen), Noir Text (JH, avant-garde), Nosferato (HK, squarish), Square (HK, squarish).
  • Monospaced: Access Code (JH), Italian Plate (JH).
  • Square Sans: JP Special Sans (JH), Zetta Round and Zetta Sans (JH).
  • Didone: De Archie (JH), JP Special Serif (JH), Monday (unknown designer), Venti Quattro (JH).
  • Garalde: ID00 Serif (JH), Primo Serif (JH).
  • Modern: Bingo Serif (JH), Kunstuff (HK), Maximum (HK).
  • Display serif: CPH Signs, De Archie Display (JH), Fru Olsen (JH), Home Display (JH), Impacto (HK), Signsystem (HK), S4AE (HK), Symphony Display (JH), Trojan (HK), Vogue Floral (HK), Vogue Paris (HK).
  • Ordinary body text serif: Home Text (JH), Typewriter (HK).
  • Stencil: Danmark (HK), Staton (HK).
  • Various display types: 4590 (HK, thin octagonal), 60 Display (HK), Agriculture (HK), Archi (HK), Aveny T (HK), Banknote (HK), Bauhause (HK, kitchen tile face), CPH Tram (HK), CWM (HK, octagonal), Collecting (unknown designer; +Stencil), Copenhagen (HK), Donny Playtype (unknown designer; fat face), Du Nord Dingbats (JH, circled letters), Elephant (JH, art nouveau), Eyes Lies (unknown designer), Gameover (unknown designer), Glendale (JK, Peignotian), Hazelwood (JH), Hermes Baby (JH, old typewriter), Julius (JH), Klampenborg 2010 (HK), Movie Playtype (JH), New Press (JH, slab serif), Optic (unknown designer, dot matrix), Ornamenta (HK), Safety (JH), Speed Playtype (JH, octagonal, techno), Tagstyle (HK, hand-printed), Tempo Playtype (JK, dot matrix), Tobe (HK, mechanical), Trood (JH, octagonal), Zadie (HK, ornamental).
  • Dingbats: Flowers (HK).
  • Commissioned typefaces include Nouvel (inspired by Jean Nouvel's architecture for Koncerthuset, the new concert venue designed for the Danish Broadcasting Corporation) and Medic (designed for emergency medicine).
  • Variable fonts: Cutalic (2020).
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Plectron Logos

Mesolongi, Greece-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Square Break (2017). [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor whose fonts in 2011 include several pixel typefaces, as well as Kinex (dotted outline face), Amazeling (white on black mazed letters), Blocked, Way Too Long (super-tall letters), Sketch, Split, Block Stack, TI-83 (based on the Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator), Impossibly Thin (the tallest pixel font in existence), Xtra Wide, 3 by 3 smooth, Blah, Royal Tile, Space Out, Triangular and Gridlines, Stripes, FS Logo Deco Version, Tilt A Grid, Grille, Outline, Px 7x13, Mission (dot matrix face), Simple (stencil), Easygoing (mechanical / octagonal), PX 8x8 (pixel face), Nine Zero (squarish), Insanity (labyrinthine), Mainframe (an octagonal typewriter face), Highlight (3d shadow face), Ribbon (piano key face), Paper Cut (kitchen tile face).

Creations from 2012: Double Vision, Brackets, Super 8, Chunky, Pipeline (outlined), Fontstruct2 (monospaced fat pixel face), No Signal, Machete.

In 2013, he made Square Weave. [Google] [More]  ⦿

RAHCreative (was: ROBYNA.COM and Robyn's Fonts)

RAH Creative used to be ROBYNA.COM, and before that, Robyn's Fonts. The owner is Robyn Harton (b. 1964, North Carolina). She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Virginia Commonwealth University. Based in Richmond, VA, Robyn Harton's commercial dingbat creations and borders include RA Lotus (for Mandalas), RA Holiday (Xmas font), RA Lotus2, RA Seichim Hand, RA Seichim Regular, RA Protection, RA Mandalas, RA Eye Frames (free sampler font), RA Hand, RA Crystals, RA Ganesh, RA Egypt Web Sites, RA Eye Menus, RA Geo Borders, RA Geo Menus, RA Geo Buttons, RA Sea Life, RA Reiki-Seichim Plus Hand, Butterflips (great butterflies!!), Capsulated, EShopper, LuvNKisses, Paisley, Quilter's Delight, RunningNcircles, Seperates, SunNMoon, ToAndFrom, Bauble (I through IV), Interfacer, Kitchen Tile, Scrollworks, Whirlygigs, RA AllSmiles, RA Aten, RA Cats, RA Happy Things, RA Unknown Symbols, RA WebFrExtras, RA Fatima, RA India Borders, RA Masks, Flakey, Geared Up, Petey Rone, RA Web Frames, Amenti RA (2001). The fonts can also be purchased at MyFonts.com.

Catalog of some typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Raihan Nizar

Raihan Nizar (b. 1977) is the Indonesian FontStructor who made Cubos (2011, squarish and geometric), Pixelized Handwriting (2011), Lost in Future (2011, sci-fi face), Valdero (2011), Simplicity (2011, kitchen tile face), Bold Type (2011, octagonal), Fat Cribbo (2011, gridded), Block Out (2011, in the style of the commercial typeface Pincoya), Smooth (kitchen tile face), Quadro, Minimal (geometric, gridded, almost a kitchen tile face), Zkratchy (scratchy face), Retro Mania (almost a Western face), Techno Light, Blockz, Box Building (3d outline face), Metropol (outline techno face), Space Adventure, Electric City, Cubix, Revolution, Pixel, High Volume, and Letters In The Blocks in 2011. Many of these typefaces are pixelish.

Typefaces from 2012: Dequatrion (fat stencil face), Konnekto (electrical circuit font), Devoltas, Forsid (cubist painting font), Etnis (squarish), Electro (counterless and octagonal), Mr. Ken (very fat face), Squadlest (squarish), Neonize (dot matrix face), Simplicity (kitchen tile face), Sound System (squarish), High Volume, Bajaj Sans (gaspipe sans), Bulat (fat counterless typeface), Elektro (blocky, counterless), Elektro Forest, The Slabbers (Egyptian), Kotakisme (counterless and geometric), Bhekhathe (thin geometric typeface), Insomnia, Siliko (metal band logo font), Motakku (labyrinthine, op-art).

Typefaces from 2013: Yamko Rambe Yamko (alchemic typeface), Farmhand Script (poster script), Luikeza, The Ugly Script, Gerobak (fat, counterless).

Aka cablecomputer. Fontspace link. FontStruct link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Raquel Nolasco

American designer of the kitchen tile font Modulated (2019). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rebecca Bettencourt
[Kreative Korporation (was: Relay Fonts, or: Kreative Software)]

[More]  ⦿


Designer who used FontStruct in 2009 to make Remygius (kitchen tile face) and Remy-San (pixel face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Revolver Type Foundry
[Lukas Schneider]

German type designer born in Frankfurt in 1973. He studied in Offenbach at the Hochschule für Gestaltung. He assisted Akira Kobayashi with some projects, and still lives in Frankfurt. In 2017, Lukas Schneider set up Revolver Type Foundry.

At Typeoff.de, he created the Western billboard typeface Jeans (2004), AT Stencil (2004) and the kitchen tile typeface Disco3000 (2004). At the Hochschule, he created Gazoline, a grotesk face. Lukas Schneider has free-lanced for companies in Frankfurt as well as for the magazine form and for Linotype. He runs his own studio in Frankfurt, called Protago Graphic, and most recently started Snider Inc, also in Frankfurt.

In 2007-2008, his masterpiece appeared in the FontFont collection: FF Utility, 15 styles of Bank Gothicalized alphabets specially made for information design. See also YB Utility Slab.

He custom designed in 2006-2007, under the supervision of Prof. Johannes Bergerhausen and Prof. Ulysses Voelker at Fachhochschule Mainz the Plus family (for the Plus supermarket). In particular, one font is called Plus Exklusiv Medium. Another custom design is DRAFTFB for Eikes Grafischer Hort, a hand-printed typeface that covers Latin and Cyrillic.

In 2013, he graduated from the Type and Media program at KABK in Den Haag. His graduation typeface was the delicate and quite readable text family Damien, which was created for editorial design.

In 2016, Lukas published Expose at Indian Type Foundry. This 4-style sans typeface is "constructed" or "engineered" for use in headlines. Free version at Fontshare.

Typefaces at Revolver Type Foundry: Damien (2017, in Display and Text subfamilies), Dinamit (2016: a terrific DIN Breitschrift, abandoned by the German DIN norming institute around 1936), Mondial Text (2016: a striking didone based on Hans Bohn's Mondial from 1930), Mondial Display (2016), Newson (a low contrast wayfinding sans with plenty of dingbats---hey, Frankfurt Airport managers, is anyone paying attention?).

Designer of DTL Gros Canon at Dutch Type Library, which writes: The first part of the DTL [Gros] Canon Project included the digitization of three types by the Flemish Renaissance punchcutter Hendrik van den Keere (ca.1540-1580): Gros Canon Flamande (textura type, 1571), Gros Canon Romain (roman type, 1573), and Canon d'Espaigne (rotunda type, 1574). The latter is almost ready for release.

Typecache link. Klingspor link. FontShop link. Type Network link. Old Snider Inc link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Rian Hughes
[Device Fonts]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Richard Productions

Fontstructor who made Rieskee (2011, kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robert Lowe

[T-26] designer of the kitchen tile font Unit 3. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robot Johnny (was: Robotic Attack Fonts)
[Johnny Martz]

Original shareware fonts designed by Johnny Martz of Kitchener, Ontario. Font list: Baloney (1998--a pretty rough brush face), Big-Fish-Ensemble (great handprinting), BottledFart, Brushcut, CandySniper (nice!), Canker-Sore, Confusebox, FruityDrinkCarbonated, Girls are Weird (1997), Glue, Groopa-Seven, Horse, Johnny Font (his handwriting), Junior Stinky, Kathleenie Font, Maple Serum, Meet John Henry, Monkey Chunks, Science Project, Smegalomania, Stencilcase, True Stories, Turkey-Sandwich, Uggly-Monospaced. Planned fonts: Cheesequake, Chicken Salad, Chump, Dentally Challenged, Dorkus, Electrickery (great techno font!!!), Grapejuice, Hitchcock, Dear Scabby, Sidney (Disney font), Underbelly (kitchen tile font).

Dafont link. Klingspor link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ron Ruedisueli
[Sed4 Type Foundry (or: Sed4tives)]

[More]  ⦿

Ryo Higashi

Kanagawa, Japan-based designer (b. 1995) of the kitchen tile font H19A Luna (2014). Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sam Nivison-Smith

During his studies in Sydney, Australia, v crteated Universaal Typeface (2014, kitchen tile font). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Samuel Delabarre

Parisian graphic and web designer. He created the kitchen tile typeface Digitica (2009). Fonts subpage. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sed4 Type Foundry (or: Sed4tives)
[Ron Ruedisueli]

Dutch professional music producer and audio engineer who founded his own record label. He also makes (mostly free) fonts. His work:

  • A FontStruct series called STF Letters op Maat, which attempts to recreate all alphabets designed by Dutch Bauhaus designer Jurriaan Schrofer (1926-1990). That list: STF Cutout 1985 (+Solid), STF JS Bevel (+Fill), STF Grafisch, STF Etage Aanduiding (17x17-Inline 1, 17x17-Inline 2, 17x17-Medium Fill, 17x17-Multiline, 17x17-Full Fill, 5x5 Matrix, Hi-res) [op-art, prismatic], STF Gemeentereiniging, STF Berlage (after the letters Schrofer originally designed for The "Beurs Van Berlage", a commodity market building located in the centre of Amsterdam. Later it was also digitalized and used to for the Dutch passport), STF Elevated (3d shadow typeface), STF Semiotica (Incised Outline, Incised, Book, Regular, Title), STF Sater, STF Sans Severe (Light, Heavy, Outlined, Multilines), STF Sans Rounded, STF Avant-Garde i10, STF Schrofer Modular Blocks, STF Social Human Trends (Outlined, Solid, Fill Isolated, Outined Isolated), STF Girokantoor, STF Marx (Solid, Striped), STF Squared Sans, STF Onleesbaar Alfabet (Stroke, Solid, Outlined), STF Bols Jaarverslag, STF Bredero (for the Bredero Bouwbedrijf), STF A.S.C. Communications, STF Connaissance et Langage, STF Paspoort, STF Last Warning (v1), STF Connected Squares (+Fill, +v2 Headline, +v2 Fill, +v2 Outline).
  • Other FontStruct typefaces, now over 180 in all, made in 2017-2018. Included are STF Down Vote, STF Slab Inn (a Western font), STF Polygon Window (hexagonal), STF Kalender (based on a 1976 calendar with octagonal letters by Wim Crouwel), STF See You in 2019 (a tiled font), STF Uni (a varsity font), STF Geo Gothique, STF Tegel (a kitchen tile font), STF Don't Count on Me, STF Hyster (a modernist stencil), STF Der Zyklus, STF Scriptorium (blackletter), STF Paradox, STF Sutoraipu Origami Multiline, STF Sutoraipu Origami Filled Stencil, STF Futureline, STF Frescher (Escher-inspired), STF Whiskey-A-Go Go, STF Labrat (op-art, prismatic), STF Tranziztor, STF Otto Font Schirach (mosaic lettering), STF BFG (condensed piano key style), STF Ace of Maze, STF Amsterdam School, STF Neon Flux, STF Wendingen 1922 (based on a old brochure by Wendingen for the Internationale Theater Tentoonstelling Amsterdam 1922; letters designed by Hendricus Theodorus Wijdeveld (1885-1987)), STF Van Nelle (based on an early 1900's poster ad for Van Nelle coffee), STF Purple Maze, STF Militia Stencil, STF Idiocracy (stencil), STF Rode Draad, STF Praesens (based on the lettering found in the second issue of Polish avant garde architectural magazine Praesens), STF Fabricon (a De Stijl stencil; +Outline, +CrossSection), STF Defrag, STF Trilineae, STF Bolsjewie (constructivist), STF Kraftwerk (a tiled typeface; after a 2015 poster by Chuck Sperry for Kraftwerk), STF De Stijl, STF Portfolio Peeters (a tribute to Belgian modernist artist Jozef Peeters (Antwerp, 1895-1960), based on the folder art for his 1921 linocut portofolio), STF Sector 7 (military stencil).
  • Pax Romana. Based on the capitalis monumentalis seen at the base of Trajan's Column.
  • STF Espionaje. Inspired by the lettering found on a vintage sheet music cover art for "La Java bousculée" (1924).
  • STF Oudvreugde's Ontwaken. Based on the Dutch deco lettering of Dutch graphic designer Frederika Sophia (Fré) Cohen (1903-1943). The letters were taken from a book cover design for the "Arbeiders-jeugdcentrale Amsterdam" which was published in 1924.
  • Typefaces from 2019: STF Blauhaus (Bauhaus-inspired), STF Type O Negative, STF Bodidone, STF Textualis Batavicum (blackletter), STF Alhambra Blvd, STF Type O Negative, STF Ein Berliner, STF Geo Grotesque (in the style of TT Norms and LL Circular), STF Innercity (art deco), STF Photonia (futuristic), STF Square Grylls, STF Mizollen (labyrinthine), STF Mr Bob Doubalina, STF Plateau Disco (groovy), STF Uncialis Modularis (uncial).
  • Typefaces from 2020: STF Schlanke Schöne, STF Care Sensitive.

FontStruct link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Seunghan Bae

Korean designer (aka pear94210) who used FontStruct in 2009 to make Shadow (shadow font), Outside (bilined), Squaline (gridded), 5to5 (pixel), Shine, Heart Negative, Heartbreaker (octagonal), Octagon, Basic, Neos, Heaven, Remember (kitchen tile), Genie (bold, condensed), and Heaven. In 2010, these fonts were added: Chocolate, Piece (dotted font). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simon Schmidt

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Sketchbook B
[Bob Wertz]

Free font outfit by Bob Wertz that started production in 2009, mostly based on FontStruct: Micro 205 (dot matrix typeface), Scoreboard (athletic lettering), Valdes Poster Sans (2009, a casual hand-printed bold sans done in cooperation with Zoo Valdes), Aiken (art deco done at FontStruct), CerealBox (+Fill), Technobabble, Transmission (+Bold; FontStruct), Psuedoscript (2010, upright connected angular script), Powergrid (constructivist, FontStruct), Substation (constructivist, FontStruct), Dradis (FontStruct, kitchen tile face), Woodrow (FontStruct, octagonal; +Light), Infield (FontStruct), Grande (fat piano key font, FontStruct), Big Thursday (Wild West face, FontStruct), Dingbots and Monsters (pixel dingbat face, FontStruct), Foxtrot Sierra (maritime flags).

Powerlane (2012), his first commercial typeface, is an octagonal constructivist typeface family.

He writes about himself: Bob Wertz is a graphic designer and art director living in Columbia, SC. In addition to working as designer, Bob has been an adjunct professor at the University of South Carolina. He was a founding member of the AIGA South Carolina board, serving as vice president for two years and then as president for two years.

He also made some fonts with iFontMaker in 2010: SketchPad, LilyPad. Fonstructions in 2011 include Dingbots and Monsters XL.

In 2013, he co-designed the grungy typeface Valdes Clarendon with Marius Valdes.

Typefaces from 2014 include Callsign Narrow (octagonal stencil font), Power Grid 2.0 and Saluda (rounded sans).

Typefaces from 2020: SbB Powertrain (101 techno fonts). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Sky Goodman

Arnold, MO-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Casting Stones (2015). [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made Tolkien Dwarvish (2010), Regality (2011, kitchen tile face), Regal (2011), Bit Trip (2011, from the Bit Trip series of games), TRON Legacy (2010, +Full, +UC: futuristic, after the movie), Negative UC (2010), Razorback UC (2010). [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made the gridded paper fold typeface o405 (2011), the dot matrix typefaces Solaris (2012), Thin Solaris (2012) and LED (2011), and the horizontally striped typeface WEB 120/121 (2012).

Catalog. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sophie Traeger

During her graphic design studies in Santiago, Chile, Sophie Traeger created a modular kitchen tile typeface (2015). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sorkin Type (was: Eyebytes)
[Eben Sorkin]

Eben Sorkin obtained an MA in typeface design from The University of Reading (2009), based on his typeface Arrotino (2009). In 2015, he joined the faculty at Lesley University near Boston, MA, and lives in Easthampton, MA. Sorkin Type (was: Eyebytes, in Eagle River, Alaska) is run by him. His talk at ATypI 2008 in St. Petersburg was entitled Contextual alternatives. He writes about Arrotino: Arrotino begins with the forms of early Italian renaissance in the late 15th century. Their melody, generousity, and variety of shape and proportion are echoed in Arrotino. As a consequence of this Arrotino is not especially efficient, but it is comfortable. His typefaces and those by contributors at Sorkin Type:

  • Armata (2011). By Viktoriya Grabowska.
  • Army Pool Tiles (2005) and No Step (2007, stencil).
  • Autour One (2011).
  • The extensive (200+ weights) Bahn family (see also here), which has pixel and monospace themes. Software Developer (2005) is along the same pixel/monospace theme (see also here).
  • Courgette (2012). By Karolina Lach.
  • Duru Sans (2011). By Onur Yazcgil.
  • Just for fun, he made the dot matrix typeface Exp1 (2008).
  • FjallaOne (2012). By Irina Smirnova.
  • Gelasio (2012): free at Open Font Library and Google Fonts. He writes: Gelasio is designed to be metrics compatible with Georgia. Gelasio is a general purpose screen oriented text face based on the Romain du Roi style cold metal type seen in Oeuvres de Jean Racine (1789). This pre-Baskerville style is sometimes called Reale or Transitional style. This and and a large x height offer a nobel, cheerful and simple feeling hence the name Gelasio. Github link.
  • Goblin (2011). By Riccardo De Franceschi.
  • Gravitas One (2011). By Riccardo De Franceschi.
  • Habibi (2011). By Magnus Gaarde.
  • Hammersmith One (2011). By Nicole Fally.
  • In 2011, Eben put Nicole Fally's elegant art deco typeface Limelight and Hammersmith One on the Google Font Directory.
  • Inder (2010). By Irina Smirnova.
  • Kavoon (2013). By Viktoriya Grabowska.
  • In 2010, Eben started working on Merriweather, a free workhorse serif family. It was followed in 2013 by Merriweather Italic and Merriweather Sans. Both are free at Google Web Fonts. Spin-offs of Merriweather sans include Liera sans (2020, Cristiano Sobral).
  • Metamorphous (2011). By James Grieshaber.
  • Ovo (2011). By Nicole Fally.
  • Plaster (2011) is a Josef Albers-inspired stencil face, free at Google Web Fonts.
  • Pompiere (2011). By Karolina Lach.
  • Sarina (2011). By James Grieshaber.
  • Short Stack (2011). By James Grieshaber.
  • Sonsie One (2011). By Riccardo De Franceschi.
  • Trykker (2011). By Magnus Gaarde.
  • Vampiro One (2012). By Riccardo De Franceschi.
  • Vast Shadow (2010-2011). By Nicole Fally.
  • Voltaire (2011). By Yvonne Schuettler.
  • Wellfleet (2011). By Riccardo De Franceschi.
  • In 2015, he contributed Dekko to Google Web Fonts--Dekko is a Latin / Devanagari casual font in the spirit of Comic Sans. It originated with Modular InfoTech's 4948 [Modular InfoTech is a company based in Pune, India], and should not be confused with Norrasak Ramasute's YWFT Dekko from 2010.
  • Still in 2015, he added Asar to Google Web Fonts---Asar is an original Devanagari and Latin typeface that is based on an expanding brush stroke following a heart line. The design is meant to work well with long texts. Asar is partially derived from Pria Ravichadran's Palanquin.
  • Halyard (2017) is an information design sans typeface family by Joshua Darden, Lucas Sharp and Eben Sorkin.
  • Codesigner with John Hudson, Joshua Darden, Maxim Zhukov, and Viktoriya Grabowska, of Omnes Cyrillic.
  • In 2020, Eben Sorkin, Pria Ravichandran, Inga Ploennigs and Dan Reynolds co-designed the sans family Karow at URW.
  • In 2021, Eben Sorkin and Mirko Velimirovic designed the 5-style Spline Sans (free at Google Fonts). They write: Spline Sans is a grotesque sans serif typeface family, purpose-built for UI interfaces, checkout processes, and paragraphs of text. Space efficiency is accomplished by condensing traditional grotesque proportions. This typeface oroginated from Spline Design. Github link. Spline Sans contains a variable font option.

Fontspace link. Fontsquirrel link. FontStruct link. Klingspor link. Dafont link.

Eben spent February and March 2011 learning how to carve letters in stone from Lida Cardozo at the Cardozo Kindesley workshop, Cambridge UK, and collaborating with Lida on the typeface Pulle.

The photographer photographed (in 2011, by Ralph Herrmann).

Old URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stefan Vasilev

Bulgarian branding designer and type designer who lives in Sofia. His oeuvre includes organic futuristic typefaces such as Modulizm (2008), Ovalizm (2008), and the kitchen tile typeface Pixelizm (2008). No downloads. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stephan Wissner

[More]  ⦿

Stephen Coles

Aka Stewf. Stephen was a Utah-based graphic designer who used to design layouts for the USLC Chronicle. A typeface identifier with an encyclopedic mind, he runs the successful and lively type blog Typographica with Caren Litherland [that site was founded by Joshua Lurie-Terrell in 2002. Coles joined a couple years later. Matthew Bardram and Patric King helped out for a while]. He was Type Director at FontShop San Francisco from 2004-2010. Stephen is now a writer and typographic consultant, doing work for a variety of foundries and design studios. He founded Fonts In Use and is the Associate Curator and Editorial Director at Letterform Archive.

Author of The Anatomy of Type: A Graphic Guide to 100 Typefaces (2012, Harper Design) and The Geometry of Type: The Anatomy of 100 Essential Typefaces (2013, Thames & Hudson, UK). Amazon link.

Speaker at ATypI 2017 Montreal.

His typefaces:

  • The Mac version of "Monica", Andy Crewdson's digitization of Monica Lewinsky's handwriting (in notes she wrote for Bill Clinton).
  • Eerostyle (2008), created with FontStruct. Eerostyle is a parody of Eurostile.
  • The FontStruct fonts Pebble Soft, Pebble, Morricone (Far West spoof), Leaflet Gap (kitchen tile), Leaflet Wide Stem, Leaflet Stem, Leaflet, Varsity (athletic lettering), MinimalBloc Gap (kitchen tile).
  • WPA Gothic and WPA Gothic Deco (also done at FontStruct). These are poster typefaces inspired by posters produced in the 1930s by FDR's WPA (Works Progress Administration) such as this one. Similar poster typefaces would include Futura Display, Tourist Gothic, FF Moderne Gothics, Refrigerator, and MVB Solano Gothic.
[Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Stephen M. Knouse
[Essqué Productions]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


Creator of Lower Face, and Tiny Rounded (+Blocks, +Slices) (2008, FontStruct), rounded fat typefaces with stencil effects in Tiny Rounded Blocks. This was followed by the slab serif display typeface ChilliStrict. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Subtype (was: Typisc or Suprb)
[Andreas Pihlström]

Swedish commercial foundry, est. 2006, earlier called Suprb or Typisc. Commercial fonts: NTMY (2009, ultra-black), Alasca (2008), Quick16 (2008: pure geometry), ASCA (2008, "the cousin of OCR"), Myld (2008, avant garde ideas), Wyld (2010, hairline version of Myld), DIRR (2007, an unreadable extra black concoction), ASCA and ASCA-D (2007, rounded octagonal), LIW (techno, in bold and regular versions), Wyld (2007, Avant Garde to the extreme), Quick16 (2008, experimental), Alkasca (2008), Building (2006), Asphalt (2007, avant garde). Free fonts: Quart (2008, kitchen tile style), SWEM (2007, experimental), Cloud (2006, hairline font with connected letters, by Andreas Pihlström). Alternate URL. YWFT link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Foundry where one finds these typefaces: Sampler, Mother (comic book style), Fun Fair (merry-go-round lettering), 1971, Construct (two stencil typefaces), Midnite Cowboy, Cheap, Unit Three (T26, kitchen tile lettering), Mundane (rubber stamp lettering), Mindgap, Sit! (squarish lettering), Problematic2000 and Scaffold. The design of their main page is fantastic! Scan of an event poster. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Susanna Turner

American designer of the kitchen tile display typeface Spot (2016). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tay Evon

Graphic design student in Singapore. Baba Sans (2010) is a gridded typeface inspired by Paranakan floortiles with angular features. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Letter D (was: Entica Typograffiti)
[Dan Pike]

Aussie design and type company, est. 2003 by Dan Pike from Brisbane (and now based in Melbourne). Their typefaces include Airport (2004, fantastic airport tile font), FourFive (2001, thin octagonal face), Block (2004), Pixel (2002), Route (2006), Slabamond (2002), Stencil (1999), Theo Fine (2005) and Theo (2000, inspired by the work of two great Bauhaus movers, Theo van Doesburg [1883-1938] and Theo Ballmer [1902-1965] both of whom created an alphabet based on a basic 5x5 grid system), Font 705 (2003, pixel face), Schwarz*Weiss (2003, swooshy face), Grave Archaize (2003, this is unbelievable--to be seen!), Flip&Rotate (2003), Valetta (2003). Most fonts are by Dan Pike. Some are by "Phil". Designer at FontStruct in 2008 of Font Airport (stencil-like), Font Theo Fine, Font Theo, Font Block and Font Pixel, and in 2009 of Font Pixel (SC, OB, BD, OS), Font Stencil (stencilized pixel face), and Font Theo Fine. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Lisa Jenkins story

The sad story of how Lisa Jenkins ended up removing KitchenTiles from her site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Rapture

Australian designer (b. 1988) of the kitchen tile font Ogive Curvature (2007). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tibo Tanguy

Designer of the kitchen tile typeface Belfast (2008). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tim Hutchinson
[Tim Hutchinson Design]

[More]  ⦿

Tim Hutchinson Design
[Tim Hutchinson]

Britsh graphic, branding and type designer. His typefaces:

  • THD Reel 2019). A bespoke movie typeface.
  • THD Lava (2019). Experimental and geometric.
  • THD Servo (2018). A monolinear sans.
  • THD Mondo (2018). A geometric stencil typeface in the kitchen tile style.
  • THD Claw (2017). A geometric stencil typeface.
  • THD Hexline (2017). An octagonal stencil typeface.
  • THD Sentient (2017). An all-capitals monolinear rounded proportionally spaced all caps sans type family in four weights, designed by Tim Hutchinson in collaboration with MuirMcNeil. It was originally created in 2017 in a single weight for Beyond 2001: New Horizons, a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Stanley Kubrick archive at the London College of Communication. Hutchinson based THD Sentient's characters on the forms of numerals used to display telemetric data on the screen of HAL 9000, the intelligent computer that controls the systems of the Discovery One spacecraft in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. These characters were re-appropriated from an original typewriter font created for the IBM Selectric II System at two fixed sizes specifically for financial settings. Hutchinson writes: Although Kubrick's meticulous research and attention to detail in his films are known to extend to the minutiae of letterforms, whether he was directly involved in the implementation of HAL's display has not been established. However, it is evident that HAL's designer enlisted the IBM numerals more for their subtle evocation of an otherworldly computer language than for any technological accuracy.
  • THD Slam (2017).
  • THD Reporto (2017). A bespoke typeface design for a cultural publication.
  • THD California (2016).
  • THD OCX (2016). An OCR font.
  • THD Connect (2015). A modular display typeface.
  • THD Flexi (2015).
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Tiziana Gauci

Marsaskala, Malta-based designer of the kitchen tile typeface Modularity (2016). Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tobias Sommer

Tobias Sommer ("Shasta") is the Geneva, Switzerland-based designer (b. 1986) at FontStruct in 2008 of Great Depression (influenced by headline fonts from 1929), Brutto (headline slab serif), Lame Dude (dripping paint), Toytype (an interesting Indic simulation typeface based on an earlier block font by him called Block On), Teatral and Teatral Fill (gorgeous Western circus style decorative typefaces), Fickle Mickle, Hard Light (shadow face), Tangram, Tangram Grid, Tangram Grid Rounded (kitchen tile), and Tangram Rounded (octagonal/kitchen tile). In 2009, he added Stylita, Vasyugan, Block On, Cupra, Disparador (mechanical octagonal: +Stencil, +Filled), Exempla Slab Serif, Exempla Sans (Strict, Medium, Ultra Light, Stencil: octagonal family), Stitched Outline, Escheresk (impossible outlines), Capitalia (+Rounded), Vjatka (constructivist), Punched Out (+Fill: pixelish), Cupra.

Additions in 2010: Punchline Filled (athletic lettering), High Voltage, Punchline (ultra heavy octagonal slab; +Filled), Nicotiana (slab serif), Exempla Slab Medium, Punched Out, Exempla Sans Medium (fat octagonal), Pixel Pandemonium, Tradita, Frostletter (blackletter), Scrambled Script (blackletter), Circle Cult (circle-themed sans).

Typefaces made in 2012: Apodosa (octagonal).

Dafont link. Fontspace link. Blogspot link. Klingspor link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tobiasz Konieczny

Polish designer of Neogeo (2008, FontStruct: gridded solid letters), Sonny Boy Williamson (2008, FontStruct) and Superlue (2008, FontStruct, rounded octagonal). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Trinh Thanh

Hanoi, Vietnam-based designer of the kitchen tile font Union (2019). [Google] [More]  ⦿

TS Design Media Agentur
[Ewald Strassmann]

Graphic design studio in Höxter, Germany. At FontStruct in 2008-2009, they made TS Comtom (octagonal), TS High Paper, TS Pixeldotzz (Regular, Narrow), TS HighFly (stencil), TS Rounded Block, Club M, TS MyBlock77, TS Yokohama, and TS Tokio Rounded Serif (oriental simulation). The designer is Ewald Strassmann. Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ty Wilkins

Macon, GA-based graphic designer who made the kitchen tile typeface TY Psychology (2006), and the modular trapezoidal typeface TY Krypton (2006). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tyler Young
[Mean Tangerine]

[MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Type du Nord
[Libbie Bischoff]

TDN (Type du Nord) is a San Francisco (was: Minneapolis)-based foundry that produces funky fonts for designers who like to keep it friggity fresh. Typefaces designed by Libbie Bischoff, who finished the Type West program in San Francisco in 2020:

  • Designer Dingbats (2020).
  • Doris (2017): Doris is a typeface that combines classic serif forms with those found in Celtic manuscripts which is characterized by sharp angles and open counters. The typeface is inspired by and dedicated to Doris Bischoff, a classic American woman, the daughter of Irish immigrants, and a world traveler.
  • Guster (2018). A chunky serif.
  • Mort (2017), described as a chunky personality-filled display font.
  • Mercredi (2020). A text typeface.

In 2021, Libbie started a font-a-week program for 52 consecutive weeks, in the spirit of The Pyte Foundry: Frostie, Fan Gurl, Mercredi (a text typeface), Buds (an alphading font), Stockinette (a knitting magazine script), Spook City, Drench, Drench II, Cruz Control, Squiggees (doodles), Backflip (a slab serif), Backflip2, Backflip Mono, Byffy (blackletter), Rogier (an italic caps font with vampire serifs), Pattern Dingbats (including kitchen tile numbers), Shellphone (a Tuscan Western typeface with mermaid curves), Stilt House (numbers only), Stilt House II, Mort (Dutch deco), Mort Variable (with a rotation axis), Trimmies (borders), Rhub, Roundy Road, Yolker (inspired by egg yolks), Knotical, Knotical II, Mr. Rightside, Piecees (a dingbat font), Scraps2, Dazzle Razzle, Dazzle Razzle II, Mrs. Barb, Alexander The Babe, Scraps.

Continuing that list in 2022: BudsII, Designer Dingbats (Sunbursts and Squiggles; Shapes), 414 (beveled numbers), Pulp, Socko, Ms Sherwood (a monospaced script), Clay Class, Lavandula (her graduation typeface at Type West in 2020), Backflip3, Backflip4, Pointees (an arrow font), Maede.

Home page of Libbie Bischoff. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Creator at FontStruct in 2008 of the Balder family (heavy rounded), Rooftiler (experimental), Staccato Swash Caps (experimental), Peghole (+Wide), Carpetknife, Atomic Scissors, Safehouse (stencil), Kraakhaas (dirty stencil), Tyrone, BOP Closer (kitchen tile), BOP Carré (kitchen tile). Home page. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Underware is a (typo)graphic design-studio which is specialized in designing and producing typefaces. These are published for retail sale or are specially tailor-made. The company was founded in 1999 by Akiem Helmling, Bas Jacobs and Sami Kortemäki. Since 2002 Hugo Cavalheiro d'Alte is also part of the studio. They are based in Den Haag, Helsinki and Amsterdam. In 2017, they joined Type Network.

Bas Jacobs and Akiem Helmling designed Dolly (2001), a 4-font book typeface with flourishes, brushy, sturdy, Dutch. They created Sofa, a precursor of Sauna (2002; +Sauna Mono Pro), which won an award at the TDC2 2003 competition. In 2002, they made Stool for a Finnish printing house, Salpausselän Kirjapaino Ltd. Ulrika is a custom display typeface designed for Proidea Oy (a Finnish film and video production company).

Unibody 8 and 10 (2003) is a free OpenType pixel font optimized for FlashMX.

In 2004, they created Auto, about which they write: Auto is a sans serif typeface which has three different models of italics, each with its own flavour. The font family consists of 3 x 24 fonts. With its three italics, Auto creates a new typographic palette, allowing the user to drive through unknown typographic and linguistic possibilities. Auto is fully loaded with both full Western and Eastern European character sets. Auto won an award at the TDC2 2005 type competition.

Additional material on the web page: a wonderful intro to type basics, and an intro to OpenType.

In 2004, they published the comic book / signage family Bello, which won an award at the TDC2 2005 type competition.

In 2005, Underware joined the type coop Village.

In 2006, they published Fakir, a blackletter family with Hindi inspirations. Fakir won an award at TDC2 2007.

Interview in 2008.

In 2009, they published the connected script brush typeface Liza (+Text, Display, Caps, Ornaments), which has several versions for each letter.

In 2015, Bas Jacobs, Akiem Helmling and Sami Kortemäki published the stencil family Tripper Pro.

Zeitung Pro (2016) is a substantial sans family, designed for micro and macro use, with optical sizes, and a Zeitung Flex variable Opentype font to boot.

Custom types: Stockmann Sans (2012, with Kokoro & Moi: for the Scandinavian department store), Kone (2012: for the elevator company), Mr. Porter (script with a dozen alternatives for each glyph to better simulate real handwriting; it was awarded at TDC 2012 and at Tokyo TDC 2012), Stool (Headline, Thin, Grand), Sauna Mono (for the Danish Jyske Bank), Fated (fat), Ulrika (rounded and informal, slightly plump: for Proidea Ltd, a Finnish video production company), Suunto (2012; for sports watches, i.e., Suunto's Cobra2, Vyper2 and Elementum).

Underware received a prize in the TDC Tokyo Type Directorts Club 2020 awards for Grammato, a contribution in the area of animated and automated typography. Their typeface Y (2020) is an OpenType Variable Display typeface, based on higher order interpolation. It won an award at 23TDC.

In 2021, Underware released Plakato Pro, a stencil family that expanded into the neon, outline, inline, video game, grunge, kitchen tile and prismatic versions.

MyFonts interview. Type Network link.

View Underware's typeface library. Speaker(s) at ATypI 2019 in Tokyo, where they introduce the notion of grammatography: writing with letters that are not prefabricated, but that react to the user and reader---grammatos. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

V. Sarela

[More]  ⦿

Valentina Rueda

During her studies in Barcelona, Valentina Rueda designed the kitchen tile typeface Selah (2018), the fine all caps display typefaces Mufasa (2018), Pumba (2018) and Skar (2018), and the all caps titling typeface Fallen (2019). [Google] [More]  ⦿


Fontstructor who made the kitchen tile typeface AIFirst (2011). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Victor Chagas

During his studies at PUC in Rio de Janeiro, Victor Chagas created the kitchen tile typeface Circus (2014). [Google] [More]  ⦿


German designer (b. 1987) in 2007 of Avant Garde Black (kitchen tile style, no downloads) and Cow.Cow (2007, ultra-black wood style Egyptian). The guts of the font have the font name Cowboys and the designer name of Dennis Ludlow, so this may be derived in some way, I guess. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Volcano Type (MAGMA)
[Lars Harmsen]

Magma Brand Design in Karlsruhe, Germany evolved in 2004 into Volcano Type. Magma is headed by Lars Harmsen (b. Hannover, 1964) and Ulrich Weiss. Lars Harmsen spent the first four years of his life in Chicago. He then moved to Geneva with his parents for eight years, and then moved to Karlsruhe. He completed his schooling at the French section at the European School. He first studied history and Germanics in Freiburg before beginning to study design at Basel, Boston, Saarbrücken and Pforzheim. He got his degree in graphic design, and in 1996 he founded MAGMA [Büro für Gestaltung] together with Ulrich Weiß. He is the co-founder of STARSHOT GmbH, a design company for sports products, now based in Munich. MAGMA created Type Foundry Volcano-Type.de and the internet forum Slanted.de. In the meantime, Slanted.de has become the most active German typography forum. Volcano Type offers commercial and some free typefaces: DigiBo (Boris Kahl), Objects (free ransom typeface by the house), MonoPoint and DoublePoint (monospace dot matrix families by the house), Amiga Normal and Rounded (pixel typefaces by Boris Kahl), Screeny, Pixel and C64 Style (pixel typefaces by Boris Kahl), Fette Pixel (pixel typeface by Florian Gärtner), Teckbo (digital typeface by Boris Kahl, who writes: Retro-Avant-Garde for Club-Flyer-Honks and Plastic-Pussy-Chicks), Psycho (grunge by Boris Kahl), Wald Ast (tree branch look by Sandra Augstein), Wald Blatt (tree leaf look by Tanja Rastätter), Rollerblind (a pair of dot matrix typefaces by Boris Kahl), Chaucer (uncial by Boris Kahl), Glossy (dot matrix typeface by Sandra Hofacker), Brüll (a funny frog dingbat typeface by Andre Rösler), Pax (a free peace symbol typeface by Heidrun Weißschädel and Alexander Kassel), Mud (free typeface by Boris Kahl). And these display typefaces by Florian Gärtner: Republic, Tacora. And finally the Fone 1 through 3 grunge typefaces by Florian Gärtner. The typefaces of Lars Harmsen (or co-designed by him) at Volcano:

  • African look typefaces: Masai
  • Athletic lettering: Sports (grungy, with Kahl), Sports Skinny.
  • Blackletter: Fraktape Duct, Fraktape Sticky, Fraktendon (=Fraktur+Clarendon, co-designed with Kahl), Trigot (2010, modular, semi-blackletter by Michael Hubner), Black Sirkka, Frakturbo, SAR-Lupe
  • Diabolo
  • Dingbats: Genocide (free). Mr. J. Smith Eye, Mr. J. Smith Head, Mr. J. Smith Mouth, Mr. J. Smith Nose, and Mr. J. Smith Wanted are experimental dingbat typefaces by Nikolaii Renger, based on an idea of Lars Harmsen, and digitized by Ulrich Weiss and Boris Kahl. These won an award at the 2005 FUSE competition.
  • Experimental: Sewed (2009, stitched letters), Cross Fourty, Cross Sixty, Cross Ten, Cross Thirty, Cross Twenty, Cross Ultra
  • Grunge: Basalt, Magneta, Punta Negra, Mrs. Tape Tape
  • Hand-drawn: B-Scratch (2009, Harmsen and Egger's take on sketched letters), Amebo, Diabolo, Keycaps, Kulli (curly), Oboni, Wawe, Tape One Bold, Tapemate Outline, Tapemate Regular, Tape One Bold
  • LED style: Digibeck (Boris Kahl, 2000: a DVD player font), Strichcode (a family co-designed with Kahl).
  • Kitchen tile typefaces: Bus, Bus PI, both done with Boris Kahl.
  • Oriental simulation: Japanese
  • Patriot family, done with Boris Kahl: Saddam, Commander Robot, Fidel, Slobbodan, Osama, George.
  • Ransom note face: Kriminal
  • Sans families: Copy (2009).

Behance link. Klingspor link. Volcano Type link. MAGMA Brand Design link.

Their bestsellers at MyFonts. View Volcano's complete typeface library. See also here and here. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Vz Lala

Vz Lala, an illustrator and digital artist in Pereira, Colombia, designed the kitchen tile typeface Lala Bauhaus in 2015. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wataru Osakabe
[Lovedesign Company]

[More]  ⦿

Widya Kusuma Hapsari

Surabaya, Indonesia-based designer of the EPS format kitchen tile typeface Artchitecture (2013, free).

Hellofont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

William Leverette

FontStruct artist who in 2008 created Jaguarundi and Jaguarandi Scanline, two African look fonts. He also made the slab serif typeface Instruct Serif and its sans brother Instruct Sans, Block Bottom, and the stylish typefaces Asgard Annarr, Asgard Oldstyle, Asgard Titling Small Caps, Asgard Elongated, Asgard Small Caps, Billy Baud, Asgard, Asgard Ultra, Asgard Titling and Asgard Heavy. He also started the bulldog-jawed slab family Slabgard (+SmallCaps). His latest experiments are with the 3-d metal look, as in Cool Iron, Hot Lead and Hot Iron. His tiled typefaces Tic Tac Toast and Digital Dust are also great. He also made Structurosa Shadow, Squarely, StarStruct and the creative pixel series Med Led 1.1, Med Asylum, Med All, Med Lsd, Med Ish, Private Pixels Italic. Check also his tall piano key fonts Coltrane Compressed, Coltrane Display and Coltrane Gothic. He added a scary ghost series Medula, Medula Black and Med Yeti and variations on Structurosa called Structurosa Neo and Neo II. Leaf Ultra, Leaf Poister, and Leaf Poster Dashed use leaves to form letters. Designer in 2009 of Zingaling (kitchen tile), Slubscript, More Latin Trajedy (+Titling Capitals). Allegorica (2009) is what a medieval stencil might have looked like. Jettletter (2009) is a blackletter face. As Will I, he made these typefaces in 2009: More Latin Trajedy (pixel typefaces), Djangogh (2009, a piano key face; see also Djangogh Unpenned, 2013, and Djangogh 2x, 2011) and Starfokker.

Fonts made as Will I in 2010 include Slab, Asgard Annarr, Slubscript, Jettletter, Zingaling LC, MiniMallow, LitBit, WPA Go Thin (nice mechanical typeface cloned from Stephen Coles' WPA Gothic), Spark Bit, Fat Bit, Frosty Bit, Esau, iChip (pixel face), Allegorica 2.0b, Spark Bit, Stampede (Western face).

Creations from 2011: Sketch Bit (grunge), fs Kronos (angular), Geodoni Extra Black Condensed (in the piano key genre), Archly Gothic, Zingaling LC (art deco kitchen tile typeface cloned from Intaglio's Zingaling), W Stripes The Font (texture face), Polygonal ii (octagonal and counterless), Ohm Run Slab, fs Cogni (bike chain font), fs Cognate (similar), fs Pythagoras, fs Rondeau.

In 2012, he revised RM Uncialic (by Ray Meadows) to RMUncialic+, and added fs Light (white on black), fs Galactica and fs Isthmus (piano key stencil family in several styles).

In 2013, he published fs Floresta, fs UnStruct, fs Fermat (roman lettering), fs Alhambra, fs Radiata and 1/8ish center square (gridded). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wilson Thomas

Designer (aka Funk King, b. Fort Knox, KY) who lives in Orlando, FL, and/or Apopka, FL. He used FontStruct in 2008-2009 to make over 550 decorative fonts, and became one of the world's top experts on FontStruct, FontShop's on-line font editor. Most of his fonts were withdrawn in 2012. He did a few commercial typefaces at his commercial foundry, Funk King. His creations include

  • A Bit Eccentric.
  • Alphabots
  • Alphadings: Picnic Basket (2014), Rat Race (2014), Pod Invasion (2014), On Hangers (2012, a commercial series that includes Pants on Hangers, etc), Dog Tag, Black Bird, Easter Egg Dots, Ser Egghead T. handlebar, Ovoidotta (now called Sniff), Play Book, BuddhaBuddha, Swizzle Sticks, Computer Backplate, Milky Way, Sprout, Football, Clapboard (for movie makers), Teed Off, Book Stack, Speaker Box, Ant Farm, Sound and Vision, Speaker Grill, Tom Tom, Caged Type, Conga Lounge, Spinal, Add Van, Frostruct, Picket Fence, Regatta, Cranestruct, Impossible Alphabet, Igloo Village, Mortar Board, Jack, Marionette, Golden Gate (+Short, +Solid), Crossed, Eff U ("the finger"!), Tall Big Top, Jackpot, Skulls&Cross Bones Redux, Crosshairs, Drama Club, Good Day Sunshine, Butterfly, Steps and Windows, Heartbroken, O Christmas Tree, Christmas Lights, Candle, Supper Time (alphadings of plates), Sands of Time (alphadings of hour glasses), Fishbones (commercial since 2012), Handy (alphading with hands), Hang Ten (feet alphadings) and High Five (hand alphadings), Armade and Ghost Ship Armada (ship alphadings), Cut Here (stitching alphadings), Schematic (electric circuit alphading), Masquerade, Mortar Board, Gear Bits, Gearswork, Hi-Lo Gears, Gears, Resistor, Gear Shift, Castle, Castle with Flags, Antique Keys, Rounded Keys, Pods, Piano Keys (+Alt, +Correct), Framework, Dixieland Jazz, Spats, and City of New Orleans (the last three are alphdings based on the same Victorian alphabet), Saturn, Piggy Bank, Voodoo Doll, Dice, Fist Bump.
  • Antennas, Antennas Outline
  • Antiquity
  • Arcostellati, Arcostellato, Arcangolo, Arcontorno (2011): a blackletter family.
  • Architect, Ruled, Gridworks, Blueprint (Solid, Dashed), Quadular (+Serif), Isometric Modified (+Light, +Bold Outline), Isometric (a 3d gridded family: +Basic Latin, +Basic Latin Lite, +More Latin, +Bold, +Black).
  • Art deco: Arc Neuvo (rounded letters), Arc Nuevo (2012, commercial), Toneelschuur (based on the letterhead created for the Theatre Toneelschuur Haarlem), Shift (bold), Eye Spy (this says Peter Sellers), Mod Squad.
  • Atomic.
  • Avenue, Avenue Alphabet (white on black).
  • Badge
  • Ball And Chain (neat), Ball Bearings.
  • Balls and Bats
  • Banjo (2012).
  • Barber Shop
  • Barcoded
  • Basket
  • Beachwear (horizontally striped)
  • Beat Block, Beat Box.
  • Beatnik.
  • Beltway.
  • Birdseye
  • Birdsteps
  • Bitten
  • Blackletter: Abbey
  • Blanket Serif Caps, Blanket Sans Serif
  • Block Inline Block
  • Block Mosaic (great gridded letters)
  • Blockheads
  • Blood Sweat&Tears
  • Bolla Fratturato (2011): outlined blackletter face.
  • Bolt, Bolted
  • Bon Mots.
  • Break, Balance Beam, After Party (2010).
  • Bubble Zwrap (2010).
  • Build A Bridge
  • Buzz Kill
  • Cafe Fumante.
  • Carp Black, Carp Blanc
  • Caterpillar, Tall Caterpillar.
  • Cattails
  • Chain Gang, Krazy King
  • Channel
  • Check Mate (checkered flag font).
  • Cherry Bomb.
  • Chubby
  • Cinder Block (2010): a 3d typeface with texture thrown in.
  • Circuit Board Solid, Circuit Board Outline, Circuit Board Outline Numbers, Circuit Board Simple, Micro Clean, Microcircuitz, Circuit Board Simple, Schematode (2013).
  • Circus Maximus Outline
  • Cirquela (2012). a non-FontStruct font, this is his first hand-printed typeface.
  • Clean
  • Cobblestones
  • Code Hijack (2014).
  • Compass (+Plain)
  • Connected scripts: Cruise, Jet Cruise (2009), Notched Script (upright, connected), Rough Script (italic, connected), square Script (pixelish, connected).
  • Computer Backplate, Milky Way.
  • Contempole
  • Crimped Pincushion (2010).
  • Crispy Inline (classy)
  • Crooked Marker, Marker
  • Crop Circles
  • Crownbar.
  • Curls And Twirls
  • Cut Here
  • Daisies (nice rounded square letters with painted daisies)
  • Decoscriptic, Decoish.
  • Diamonds Are Forever, Liberty (dot amtrix fonts)
  • Didactic fonts: Back to School.
  • Digital, Digital Whimsy (gorgeous fonts in which the meat of the glyphs is made up of 0's and 1's), Digital Italics, Digital Non-italics.
  • Dingbats: Digital Biz Bitz (2012), Capitalist Pictograms (2012), Kapitalist Kit (2011), Weather System (2011), Twelve Days of Christmas (2010), Learning For Business (2010), Calder Symbols (2010), Mad Aliens (2010), FSEmoticons, Maven Pictograms, Temp (weather dings), Sports Wave, Bullet Arrows
  • Dinner at 8
  • Diode
  • Directional
  • Ditier Cycles (2010): a grunge version of J. Hughes's Dirt Cycles.
  • Disco Ball, Disco Salvation.
  • Doggie Tracks (2010).
  • Dollars and Cents.
  • Domestic Bliss (+Solid), Blissful Hearts (Valentine's Day alphadings).
  • Domino, Dominodot
  • Dot matrix fonts: Belly Button (2013), Fandangle (2013), Trace Remains (2013), Billiards (2013), Pome (2013), Cow Poke (2013), Rouletto (2014), Crawler (2014), Zephyrelli (2012), Yoyo (2012), Carousel (2011), Corsivo Punti (2011), Wisp (2011), Amusement (2011), Menagerie (2011), Junk (2011), Iphont (white on black dot matrix face), Lyrical (dot matrix script), Petits Pois, Elli, Industrial Magic, Wind Chime, Domestic Bliss (2010, +Serif, +Sans Serif), Ying Yang (2009)
  • Double Decker
  • Eau de Kerning.
  • Efficiency (2010).
  • Eiffel family: mechanical.
  • Electrifunkified (2013).
  • Emergency
  • eq Regular, eq Radio Waves, eq Tight.
  • Erector Set (2010).
  • Extension Cord
  • Fairy Tale (curly)
  • Fantastic
  • Fast Cars, Fast Lane, Fast Forward
  • Fifty Famous Fairy Tales (bi-lined and bejeweled)
  • Flair Ornate, Flaired Script, Flair, Flaired
  • Floor Plan
  • Flash (gridded face)
  • Folk Art (wooden plank simulation)
  • Font Troll
  • Fractal, Wireframe, Hemisphere, Origami (now Mummification): experiments in glyph partitioning.
  • Funk, Funky palms
  • Gancio (2014). Hand-drawn.
  • Gemstone (letters in a mosaic)
  • Glyphs made from broken objects: Broken Combs, Broken Glasses
  • GI Joe
  • Grain
  • Graphont
  • Grid1, Grid2, Pas De Grille Pli Isométrique (+Plombé), Grille Noir Pli Isométrique (+Plombé), Grille Intrépide Pli Isométrique (+Plombé), Grille Facile Pli Isométrique (+Plombé).
  • Grunge typefaces: Feather (2010).
  • Gummy (2010).
  • Happily Ever After (2010).
  • Heath Robinson (gorgeous mechanical font).
  • Hexcavated (2010).
  • High Anxiety.
  • High Wire (dotted).
  • Honeycomb Black (hexagonal).
  • Horizontally Phased (like IBM logo from afar), Vertically Phased, Field Goal.
  • Hot Diggity Dog (2010): a monoline rounded sans.
  • Void.
  • Inline: Hi-Fi Deco, Track (+Filled), Crispy Inline
  • Imperfect Optical Experiment.
  • Ironside, Ironworks.
  • Isomixed (+Inline, +Inverted, +Light, +Inline Light), Isomixerd Moire (nine textured styles).
  • Jacks (2010): a stitching font.
  • Jeannie
  • Jelly Bean series: I's, Wide, O's, Split
  • Jetsons (futuristic).
  • Jolly Swash 9+Tall, +Tall Wide Tail).
  • Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope Solid
  • Kitchen tile typefaces: MadisonAveAvenue (2010), Edgar Fernhout (2012).
  • Lace
  • Ladder
  • Last Days Of Summer, Endless Summer, Beach.
  • Lattice, Lattice Black
  • Lean
  • Leaves
  • l-e-display
  • Little Miss Muffet.
  • Loom.
  • Love, Love Letters
  • Martini
  • Metroliner and Metroliner Deluxe.
  • MICR fonts: Wedge Solid.
  • Mike
  • Mitered, Zietgeist: striped 3d typefaces.
  • Modal.
  • Modern Ancient (chiseled font imitation)
  • Molecular (+Complex, +Complex 1), Dense Molecular Complex (1 through 5), Molecular Architecture, Tessellation 1 (+Continuous), Tessellation 2.
  • Monkey Bars.
  • Montreal (+Italics)
  • Monumental, Less Monumental,
  • Mortar Booted (+Thick, Separated, Mission, Booted Mission).
  • Mouthy
  • Music fonts: Fret Full (2010), Fret Station (2010).
  • MyBlock
  • Mystere (2012, grunge).
  • Necklace
  • Ninja.
  • Oblique
  • Octovision Remix
  • Open&Shuttered Day, Open&Shuttered Night
  • Oriental simulation/look: Shoji Pixel, Shoji Stage&Screen Soapbox, Chinese Democracy, Asian Influence.
  • Origami City (2010): formerly Simply Elevated Black. Simple Elevation (2012) is in the same family.
  • Outline Habitat
  • Ozmosis (2014), Ozian (2014), Cardinal (2014), Emblem (2014), Oblio (2014), Hollow Branch (2014)
  • Pallina (2010, + Stampino, +Diluente).
  • Palm, Tall Palm
  • Paperclip typefaces: Neue Werner Paperclip (2012).
  • Patterns
  • Pavers
  • Piccadilly (2010).
  • Pipes
  • Pisa.
  • Pixel Dust, Pixels Dusted, Zogg Domination (video game font)
  • Plaid
  • Pop Arc (2010). In the same style: Conveyor Belt, Milk Bottle, Cookie Cutter, Erector Set (2010).
  • Popsicle Sticks (nice vertically striped glyphs).
  • Playbook (2010).
  • Power Grid, Power Gridlocked
  • Process This (2010) and Flowcahrt (2010): based on graphs of computer programs.
  • Pump Boys (2010).
  • Puzzle
  • Quagmire (2010)
  • Radio Waves
  • Razorback Block
  • Receipt (2012): a dot matrix face.
  • Regular Habitat
  • Relativity
  • Remixintag (2011, a clone of Wallachia by Intaglio).
  • Repeat
  • Ribbodini (2010, ribbon font).
  • Riveted
  • Road Trip
  • Sausalito Nautica (2011).
  • Say What? (Exaggerated ink trap face)
  • Scaffoldini (2010): a 3d gridded face. Followed by Scaffo (2012), Scaffoldini Senza Griglia (2010), Scaffoldini Ascendente Contrario SG, Scaffoldini Ascendente Senza Griglia, Scaffoldini Contrario Senza Griglia, Scaffoldini Ascendente, Scaffoldini Contrario, and Scaffoldini Ascendente Contrario, Scaffoldini Prospettico (+Contrario, +SG).
  • Scichosis.
  • Scripts: Diode (+Dioded, Diodoubled, Diodocked, Diodedocked, Diodiced), Scherzando, Fontstitution, Rough Script, Scriptilicious, Whipped Cream, 45 Degrees, Script Town (2013), Aloha (2013), Sinal Strength (2013), Ink Well (2013).
  • Skulls, Skully
  • Slice N dice
  • Skyscraper.
  • Small Wonder, Small World
  • Snowflake (2010).
  • Soap.
  • Sole
  • Soma (2009): 3d letters mades from cubes.
  • Spooky Eyeballs (2009).
  • Squiggles
  • Stained Glass, Stained with Cross
  • Starburst
  • Stencil fonts: GI Joe (2012, military), Kid's Stencil (white on black), Black Tie, Matchstick, Stensei, Stencillated, Tri-Fold, Tri-Fold Cut, Tri-Fold Rounded, Stencil, Stencil Plate, Stencil Face, Semi Stencil, Psuedo Stencil, Psychedelic Stencil.
  • Stitching fonts: Cross Worded (2013), Cut Here (2014), Sampler
  • T-Shirts on a Clothesline
  • Swamp Frog and Tadpole: artsy fat letters
  • Swamp Funk, Mojo (curly letters)
  • Swatches.
  • Tabular
  • Tall Habitat
  • Techno look: Technified, Slick, Tangential (2010).
  • Tanqueray (2010): octagonal face.
  • Teepee (wood look)
  • Tennis themed: Racket, Net Ball, World Cup.
  • Tetrominoes Black (2010): a 3d typeface cloned from TP2 Marriott's Tetrominoes.
  • Textile
  • Texture fonts: Global (2011, globes), SS Half Tone (One, Two, Three), SS Watermark, SS Silk Screen (2010). These brush texture typefaces were cloned from Swifted Strokes by Mike Lee. Tramarada (2011) has a stunning woven look.
  • Thalistic.
  • The Adventure of the Dancing Men (2011, dingbats).
  • The Big Top
  • The Real McCoy
  • Tiki.
  • Time
  • Timpani, Timpaniless, Timpaniblok, Alien Crop Circles (outer space face).
  • Toothpaste (2011): imitating oozing toothpaste.
  • Trapezoidot, Zoidot, Dotz (dotted typefaces).
  • Upright connected scripts: Madie (2009)
  • Valentine's fonts: Hearts and Flowers, Hearts and Arrows, Keys to your Heart, Bed of Hearts
  • Vapors and Mirage: evaporating glyphs.
  • Vibration (2010). This multiline typeface was followed by Echo (2010).
  • Victorian fonts: Alouette, Swamp Funk
  • Void.
  • Waveform
  • WPA Household Arts Stripes, WPA Household Arts Chex, WPA Household Arts (poster stencil face)
  • Wee The People, Small World.
  • Werner Paperclip (2009), Paperclip (2010): paperclip typefaces after a 1974 original by Ad Werner.
  • Western fonts: Bolo (2010), Bow Tie (2010), Bowl (2010), Western Doodle, Sparky, Buckaroo, Diamond Buckaroo, Saloon and Desert Rose. Western style alphadings: Cart Before The Horse, Wagon Train
  • Weird
  • White on black typefaces: Tabs, Dot Keys, Rounded Keys, Block Keys, Keys.
  • Wiggles
  • Wim Crouwel-related fonts: Unknown Crouwel #1, Edgar Fernhout (2012: a Wim Crouwel tribute font in kitchen tile style taken from a 1963 poster), Kalender 1976 Letters (octagonal based on a Wim Crouwel calendar from 1976), Kalender 1976, Brusselmans (based on a Wim Crouwel poster), Rabobank (based on a Wim Crouwel poster), Brabant (based on a Wim Crouwel poster)
  • Woodcut, Woodcut Recut, Woodcut Banjo.
  • Woven.
  • Wrenched
  • Yay Team
  • Zebeast (Zebra-striped letters)
  • Zodiac Block

In 2012, he added these fonts at MyFonts: Architect, Black Tie, Carousel, Check Mate, Cobblestones, Cruise, Dog Tag, Edgar Fernhout (2012), Fifty Famous Fairy Tales, Fratturato Digitale (pixelish blackletter face), Ghost Town, Jackpot, Jelly Bean, Keyboard, Kingdom (a castle font), Lagniappe (Victorian), Lyrical, Madie, Matchstick, Menagerie, Q Typ, Scaffo, Sprinkle, Stained Glass, Stencillated, Stensei (stencil), Sweet Valley, Toothpaste, Vibration MF, Yoyo, Zephyrelli.

Typefaces from 2013 (no longer freely downloadable!): Pome (dot matrix), Cow Poke (dot matrix), Sausalito Nautica, Cut Here (stitching typeface), Belly Button (dot matrix face), Rouletto (bejeweled typeface), Picnic Basket (alphadings), Fandangle (dot matrix), Trace Remains (dot matrix), Billiards (dot matrix), Cross Worded, Script Town, Schematode (connect-the-dots), Electrifunkified, Aloha, Signal Strength, Ink Well, Satellite, Supper Time (alphadings), Mike (alphadings), Licorice, Conga Lounge OF, Monkey Bars, Daisies, Fractal OF (textured face), Saloon OF, Ball and Chain, Say What.

Typefaces from 2014: the multilined or inline typefaces Ozmosis, Ozian, Cardinal, Hollow Branch, Emblem, and Oblio. The alphading typefaces Rat Race and Picnic Basket. The pearly dot matrix typeface Rouletto and Crawler. The video game typefaces Pod Invasion and Zogg Domination. The stitching typeface Cut Here. The pixelized typeface Code Hijack.

Klingspor link. Dafont link. Fontspace link. Additional URL. Myfonts link. MyFonts foundry link.

View Wilson Thomas's commercial typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

[Lee Wai Kei]

Lee Wai Kei's Canadian foundry. Creator of the super art deco font Bohy (2007). Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

[Ganlo R. Ithsm]

American Fontstructor who also uses Fontspace to display his work. He uses the alias Ganlo R. Ithsm, which is probably a permutation of Logan R. Smith.

Typefaces from 2010: Aztec, Barely, Braille, Digital Watch, Game Serif (+Outline), Serifial, Future Sans Tall, Future Watch Monospaced (LED face), Minimalist Everything, LegiPixel, Outlinecial, Teencial, Technically Pixels, Digital Watch, Minimal, Interest, and a few other pixelish typefaces.

Typefaces from 2011: LusumTypus (octagonal, mechanical), Italic Dotts, Stretchy (stretched pixel face), Modernistical, Pactim, Elite (constructivist), Shiny Dotts, Game Serif Italic, Garamond Pixelle, Performa (pixel face), Simpole Mono (pixel face), Slaant (angular face), Konsul Mono (pixel typeface based on Monaco), Thinnest Slats, Thin Slats, Lateral Slats, Kanureed Thys (pixel face), X Marks The Font, Habimo, A Stroke of Geneus (blackletter), Kurcive, Quasoid (kitchen tile, piano key face), Target Aims The Font (dotted), Uncialogo (kitchen tile face), xe Callig Better (blackletter), xe Dotcial (dot matrix typeface based on American Uncial), xe Dogma, xe Inktrap, xe Inktrap Bold, Koch Black (a remake of one of Koch's blackletter typefaces), xe Bard (blackletter), xe Micropolis (city dingbats).

Typefaces from 2013: XE Timey. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free Mac type 1 and PC truetype fonts by Ladilla: Dirtygotic (2001), Noise (2001), Spaiderfacesfaces (2001), Spaidersimbol (2001), The Summer Edition (kitchen tile font), and the pixel fonts Spaider (2001), Spd04 (2001), Spd06 (2001), Spdr02 (2001), Spd03 (2001).

Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Alexander Colby]

Alexandfer Meyer is the Zürich-based designer (b. 1977) who started publishing his typefaces at Die Gestalten. In 2008, he set up xyz.ch where he sells his own creations. Some typefaces have recently been released under the name Alexander Colby. Designer of these typefaces:

Since 2010, partner with Timo Gaessner in Milieu Grotesque. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[V. Sarela]

This is one of the most talented FontStructors, but also an active musician. On Behance, he/she is listed as Van Saarland from Hameenlinna, Finland, and on FontStruct since 2014 as V. Sarela, from Oulu, Finland.

Typefaces from 2011: Teotihuacan (inspired by a Mexican poster), Micra (a monospaced OCR-A font), Fast Driving, Rendez-Vous (a condensed serif font inspired by the cover of "The Essential Jean Michel Jarre"), Carat Condensed, Carat, Wolfen (a copperplate style condensed face), Futuroid (sci-fi), Instrumenta (after Neville Brody's Industria), Modern Vision (based on the opening credits from The Terminator and The Running Man), Future Earth (futuristic: based on a typeface used in The Terminator logo which is also the base for the font "Earth"), Phatprogy (+Extra Phat).

Typefaces from 2012: Modus Operandi, Ikonomi (squarish sans), Genera, Hexathrone, Liquid Crystal Serif, Wulthraesk (constructivist), Electionale, Major (a high contrast didone), Commandant (2012, like Futura Stencil), Comfutur (a beautiful stencil typeface with a bit of Futura Black), Qode (a retro-futuristic LED style typeface), Graphyto (a heavy slab face), Heavy Royale, Thiage (Thai simuation face), Bravis, Cirquetry, Solidis, Velocifero (bilined), Heavy Royale, Jet Set Groove, Reactor A1 (futuristic stencil), Polymoda (an abstract font), Lino II, Sequencer (+Condensed), Hertzace (square retro-futurist), Cifira (art deco), Saturation (monoline sans), Katana (+Bold, +Condensed), Countura (abstract and minimalist), Stripelane (horizontally striped), Vortexa (in the style of Data 70), In Nomine Matrix, Afterburner, Afterburner Phase II, High Rise (Western typeface), Sulaco, Polaroid, Tech Noir (a dot matrix typeface based on the nightclub sign from The Terminator), Slabbers II, Windician (art deco), Cryptocube, DMC 12, Ken Jp (oriental simulation typeface), PxlSQ, Scorpione, Monotronic, Advancer (dot matrix face), Avico, Discolyde, Film Sequence, Modern Vision (based on an unknown typeface which was used in the opening credits of The Terminator, The Running Man, Class of 1999, and also used on Robert A. Heinlein's book covers (there's a font called Heinlein which is similar)), Cromagnon, Gace, Midora Sans, Squarium (constructivist), Cheque Matte (octagonal; athletic lettering), Plusminus, Advancer Lite, Magnetofunk (retro-futuristic), Integrafia (piano key stencil face), Network9, Cechida, Rendez-Vous (condensed square slab face), Rendez-Vous II, Equantum, Karelian Stencil, Cryptocube, Neolexia, Ambiente, Stencilae (stencil), Linearis (horizontally striped), Contrafacia A and B (horizontally striped typefaces), Stereovision, Hypetron (based on the TRON logo), Degré (hexagonal), Typorabilis, Wunderkind (kitchen tile face), Kiova Captura, Biomehanika.

Typefaces from 2013: Starast Maxi, Starast Next, Lugar, Siquid (dot matrix face), Devico (constructivist), Meco (based on Meco's logo), Confiant A, Confiant B, Zerusta, Carat, Combonaut, Jet Set Groove, Cifira, Gace, Condensbit, Synditon, Abciria, Vulthraesk, Rendez-Vous (+II), Instrumenta (based on Neville Brody's Industria), Saturation, RndEX, Rewinder, Power Electronics (an octagonal typeface based on the Captain Power logo), Obsidian Deco (a gorgeous fat piano key typeface), Electrone, Plusminus, Connector Module, Scorpione, Perficio, XOX Design, Da Capo (bold slab serif), Gradiator, Phatprogy, Genexus, Finica Sharp Script, Power Electronics (based on the Captain power logo), Aftertouch (a wide sans), Telecharger, Vicenti, Modicea, Submachine (based on Stanley Davis's Amelia), Genera Deux (a computer font), Genexe, Network 9 (connect-the-dots), Square Earth, Future Earth (trekkie font based on an old Terminator logo), Cechida, Supernature, Siberiada (a great Russian simulation typeface with a medieval touch), Defigma (bilined), Carat, Back to the future (based on the movie logo; called Rewinder on FontStruct), Vibrion (techno face), Connector Module, Wunderkind (a tiled typeface), Yaguar, Pacific Serif (slab serif), Aerogenes (wide techno font), Windician, Commandant (a wide art deco stencil face).

Typefaces from 2014: Brigadier, Freelight (rounded stencil), Stencilae, Protocol Sans, Vicenti, Submachine, Dalecarian, Equantum, Twiphex, Waremann, Wolfen, Waltraud, Carat, Teotihuacan, Rendez-Vous (+II), Major (didone), Ambiente, Kiova Captura (based on the font used in Kiev camera manuals), Glissando, Vibrixean (sci-fi), Licoricette, Protagon (Greek simulation), Rewinder, Ardeus (futuristic, LED simulation), Techsyna (sci-fi), Rezonans (piano key style), Modern Vision, Trideko Display (multilined typeface), Xeometro (octagonal), Verbica, Megalith (a great black slab), Calibro.

Typefaces from 2015: Coffee,-Juice,-Food-2, Electric-Blue, Karakteristika (blackletter tattoo font), Memogo (horizontally-lined font), Proximitro, Stratus, Super-Eurobeat, Verdisquo, HI-NRG, Modern Vision (based on a font used in the opening credits of The Terminator, The Running Man, Class of 1999), Workflow (stencil), Blackwing.

Abstract Fonts link. Behance link. Dafont link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yohannes Camps-Campins

Metalhead (2002) is a kitchen tile font made by Yohannes Camps-Campins at [T-26]. Also at [T-26], he made the pixel font Estetica (2002). Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Yulang Gong

FontStructor who made the kitchen tile typeface Small (2012). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yuuki Yamaguchi

Graphic designer in Tokyo who created various display typefaces in 2015 such as Partition (kitchen tile), Mosaic, Line and Contrast. Behance link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


FontStructor who made Minecraft Title Cyrillic (2013) and Metro (2013, kitchen tile face). [Google] [More]  ⦿