TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:05:54 EDT 2025






Fonts with TEX


A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX
[Stephen G. Hartke]

Article by Stephen Hartke from Urbana, IL, written in 2006. He surveys free math fonts for TeX and LaTeX, with examples, instructions for using LaTeX packages for changing fonts, and links to sources for the fonts and packages. PDF version of the paper. Hartke is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

He finished a font family called Aurulent Sans and Aurulent Sans Mono (2007), and released the free monospaced font Verily Serif Mono (2006, based on Vera Serif, with same dimensions as Vera Sans Mono). Fontsy link. Alternate URL. Yet another URL. Twentyfour examples of text face/math typeface are showcased. Some are quite disappointing. Here are the better ones (with some text quoted from Hartke's article):

  • Computer Modern (by Don Knuth), still my favorite. Type 1 versions of Computer Modern from Blue Sky Research and Y&Y, Inc. have been made freely available by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Basil K. Malyshev has also released a free Type 1 version of Computer Modern, the BaKoMa fonts. Computer Modern has been extended to include more characters, particularly for non-English European languages. These fonts include European Computer Modern by Jörg Knappen and Norbert Schwarz (METAFONT only), Tt2001 by Peter Szabó (converted into Type 1 format from METAFONT sources using textrace), CM-Super by Vladimir Volovich (also converted using textrace); and Latin Modern by Bogusaw Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki (extended from the Blue Sky AMS fonts using MetaType1).
  • Concrete text with Euler math, or Concrete text with Concrete math. The Concrete font was created by Knuth for his book Concrete Mathematics. Hermann Zapf was commissioned by the AMS to create the math font Euler for use in Concrete Mathematics. Type 1 versions of Concrete in T1 encoding are available in the CM-Super collection, and Type 1 versions of Euler are available in the Blue Sky collection from the AMS and in the BaKoMa collection. The eulervm package by Walter Schmidt implements virtual fonts for Euler that are more efficient to use with LaTeX. Ulrik Vieth created the Concrete Math fonts to match the Concrete text fonts; the only early free versions are implemented in METAFONT. The ccfonts package by Walter Schmidt changes the text font to Concrete and changes the math font to the Concrete Math fonts if eulervm is not loaded. Note that Concrete Text has no bold, but the Computer Modern Bold does just fine for that. However, in 2022, Daniel Flipo developed a free OpenType font based on Vieth's Metafont, also called Concrete Math.
  • Antykwa Poltawskiego text and Computer Modern Math. J. M. Nowacki created the font Antykwa Poltawskiego using the MetaType1 system based on a typeface by Polish typographer Adam Poltawski.
  • Antykwa Toruńska text and math. Antykwa Toruńska was created by J. M. Nowacki using the MetaType1 system based on a typeface by the Polish typographer Zygfryd Gardzielewski. The package anttor has complete math support in both TeX and LaTeX.
  • Kerkis text and math. Kerkis was created by Antonis Tsolomitis by extending URW Bookman L to include Greek and additional Latin characters. The resulting fonts are stand-alone and can be used by applications outside of TeX. A font of math symbols is included, but not used by the LaTeX package. The package kmath uses txfonts for math symbols and uppercase Greek letters.
  • New Century Schoolbook with Millennial math. New Century Schoolbook with Fourier math. The Millennial math font by Stephen Hartke contains Greek letters and other letter-like mathematical symbols. A set of virtual fonts is provided that uses New Century Schoolbook for Latin letters in math, Millennial for Greek and other letter-like symbols, and txfonts and Computer Modern for all other symbols, including binary operators, relations, and large symbols. This font is still in development, but will hopefully be released in 2006. The fouriernc package of Michael Zedler uses New Century Schoolbook for text and Latin letters in mathematics, and the Greek and symbol fonts from the Fourier-GUTenberg package for the remaining mathematical symbols.
  • Palatino and pxfonts, Pazo, or mathpple for math symbols. Young Ryu created the pxfonts collection, which contains Greek and other letter-like symbols, as well as a complete set of geometric symbols, including the AMS symbols. Diego Puga created the Pazo math fonts, which include the Greek letters and other letter-like symbols in a style that matches Palatino. The LaTeX package mathpazo (now part of PSNFSS) uses Palatino for Latin letters, Pazo for Greek and other letter-like symbols, and Computer Modern for geometric symbols. The LaTeX package mathpple (also part of PSNFSS) uses Palatino for Latin letters and slanted Euler for Greek and other symbols. Since Hermann Zapf designed both Palatino and Euler, the designs mesh well. An alternate use of Euler is using the eulervm package. Ralf Stubner added small caps and old-style figures to URW Palladio L in the FPL package, and Walter Schmidt extended these fonts in the FPL Neu package.
  • Utopia and Fourier or Math Design. Utopia was donated by Adobe for use with X Windows. Michel Bovani created Fourier-GUTenberg as an accompaniment to Utopia and is very complete, containing both Greek letters and standard and AMS symbols. The Math Design fonts for Utopia of Paul Pichaureau are also very complete, including Greek letters and AMS symbols.
  • Charter and Math Design. Or URW Garamond and Math Design. Charter was donated by Bitstream for use with X Windows. The Math Design fonts for Charter created by Paul Pichaureau are very complete, including Greek letters, symbols from Computer Modern, and the AMS symbols. Charis SIL might be an alternate source for Greek letters that match Charter more closely. Another possibility for a math font is to use the Euler fonts with the charter and eulervm packages. URW Garamond No. 8 is available under the Aladdin Free Public License as part of the GhostPCL project. The Math Design fonts for URW Garamond created by Paul Pichaureau are very complete, including Greek letters, symbols from Computer Modern, and the AMS symbols.
  • Times or Omega Serif, and txfonts, Belleek, mathptmx, or mbtimes. Young Ryu created the txfonts collection, which contains Greek and other letter-like symbols, as well as a complete set of geometric symbols, including the AMS symbols. The txfonts package also includes a very nice typewriter font, txtt. Belleek was created by Richard Kinch and is a drop-in replacement for the commercial fonts required by the mathtime package (now part of PSNFSS). The LaTeX package mathptmx (also part of PSNFSS) uses Times for Latin letters and Symbol for Greek and other symbols. Michel Bovani created the mbtimes package by using Omega Serif for text and Latin and Greek letters in mathematics. mbtimes also includes symbol fonts and a set of calligraphic letters. Omega Serif is the primary font for Omega, a 16-bit extension of TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous. The STIX fonts project is a collaboration of several academic publishers to create a set of Times-compatible fonts containing every possible glyph needed for mathematical and technical publishing. These fonts are still in development, with a scheduled release in the middle of 2006. Note: When Adobe introduced Postscript in 1984, they defined 35 core fonts (in 10 typefaces) that must be present in all Postscript interpreters. In 1996, URW++ released a replacement set for the core fonts under the GNU General Public License. The URW++ fonts were primarily released for use with Ghostscript, a free Postscript interpreter. For example, Times is Nimbus Roman No. 9 L, Palatino is URW Palladio L, New Century Schoolbook is Century Schoolbook L and Symbol is Standard Symbols L.

Klingspor link. Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aarno Hohti

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Abhijit Das

Abhijit Das published the Bengali text editor in the 1990s. He also had several free Bengali PostScript fonts. In addition, he offered software for using Bengali in TEX and has Bengali X11 screen fonts. At that time, he was with the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adobe Edge Web Fonts

Adobe offers a free web font service in partnership with Google. Initially, there are about 500 fonts to choose from. They appear to coincide largely with the Google Web Fonts. Adobe's contributions consist of Source Sans Pro (2012), Source Serif (2014, see also here, and at CTAN), and Source Code Pro. They can also be downloaded from CTAN. In 2021, Frank Griesshammer updated Source Serif. This new version of Source Serif supports six weights and five optical sizes, both in static and variable formats. Design changes were made from the original Source Serif Pro.

They write: Adobe will be applying its considerable font expertise to improving and optimizing a number of the open source fonts that are available in both Google Web Fonts and Edge Web Fonts. The teams from Typekit, Adobe Type, and Google Web Fonts are working to identify which fonts will benefit the most from our attention, and how we can best approach improving their rendering and performance. Efforts will include hinting some fonts for better rendering at smaller sizes, plus a number of other optimizations. All of these contributions will themselves remain open source.

Since the Adobe font preview is anemic, Yvo Schaap published this font preview. Peter Chon has another preview. And here is Tony Stuck's preview.

Github download site. CTAN archive link. Source Serif Pro at Google Web Fonts. Source Serif at Github. Source Sans Pro at Google Web Fonts. Source Sans Pro for the TeX crowd. Source Serif Pro for the TeX people. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adobe OT fonts in Latex
[John Owens]

John Owens (UC Davis) explains how to install Adobe OpenType fonts for use with Latex. He bases himself on Marc Penninga's fontools and on Eddie Kohler's LCDF type tools, both free. He has developed the otfinst package: otfinst takes a list of OpenType font files as input, uses Eddie Kohler's otftotfm to install them into a TeX/LaTeX system, and builds and installs the necessary font description and style files. Otfinst was formerly known as otftex_install and is written in Python. It has similar capabilities to Marc Penninga's fontools. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Free C program by Thomas Rokicki and Donald Knuth for conversion from AFM to TFM. [Google] [More]  ⦿

After The Flood
[Max Gadney]

Mike Gallagher and Max Gadney founded After The Flood, a design consultancy based in London. Github link.

Designers of the free 15-font family AtF Sparks (2017-2019). They write: Data can be hard to grasp however visualising it can make comprehension faster. Sparklines (tiny charts in text, like this: 123{10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}789) are a useful tool, but creating them for the web has always required code and using them in word documents was previously impossible. Sparks, now in its second release, is a family of 15 fonts (three variants in five weights each) that allows for the easy combination of text and visual data by removing the need for any technical know-how. By installing the Spark font you can use them immediately without the need for custom code. Sparklines were first conceptualised by Edward Tufte as a way of placing data evidence as close as possible to the idea(s) it supports. Spark makes clever use of the OpenType calt table. CTAN link for TeX support by Herbert Voss. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alan Hoenig

The Computer Duerer fonts are a metafont family developed by Alan Hoenig (John Jay College, City University of New York). This is a set of roman capitals introduced in a TUGboat article in 1990, entitled A Constructed Dürer Alphabet. Alan extended Duerer's design to generate related fonts in a bold, sans serif, typewriter-like, slanted, and casual style.

Hoenig also developed Makor, a Hebrew TeX. The fonts in that package include OmegaSerifHebrew (like David), Ezra, Rashi and Hadassah. Another URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alan Jeffrey

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Aleksandr Andreev
[Church Slavonic Initiative]

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Alexandre Saumier Demers
[Coppers & Brasses]

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Alexey Kryukov

Russian developer of these free font families, quite exquisite and complete:

  • Old Standard TT (2006-2010): a high quality didone 2-style family, suitable for classical, biblical and medieval studies as well as for general-purpose typesetting in languages which use Greek or Cyrillic script, as well as Latin. Many math symbols are included. Old Standard is part of the Google open font directory of free web fonts, and was adapted for TeX use. He writes: Old Standard is supposed to reproduce the actual printing style of the early 20th century, reviving a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. It supports typesetting of Old and Middle English, Old Icelandic, Cyrillic (with historical characters, extensions for Old Slavonic and localised forms), Gothic transliterations, critical editions of Classical Greek and Latin, and many more. People have also started using it for mathematical typesetting.
  • Tempora LGC Unicode: Kryukov writes Tempora LGC Unicode was my first attempt to create a multilingual font supporting Latin, Greek (including polytonic characters) and Cyrillic scripts. This family is based on two well-known free typefaces similar to Adobe Times: Nimbus Roman No 9 L by URW (russified by Valek Filippov), and the Omega Serif family, developed by Yannis Charalambous. However, all basic components of the font, and especially its Greek and Cyrillic parts, have suffered serious modifications, so that currently Tempora LGC Unicode represents an independent typeface, quite different from its predecessors. Free download site. Many updates were made to the font package, with copyright notices to Michael Sharpe (2015), Alexey Kryukov (2005), URW++ Design & Development (1999), Valek Filippov (2001), Dmitry 40in (2001), The Omega Project (1996), and the Free Software Foundation (2002, 2003).
  • Theano Classical fonts: Theano Didot (2008) is a classicist face, with both its Roman and Greek parts implemented in Didot style. Theano Modern has Greek letters designed in the Porsonic style. It is based on Figgins Pica No. 3 / Small Pica No. 2, one of the most successful Porsonic Greek typefaces. Theano Old Style is a modernized "Old Style" Greek font with a large number of historic ligatures and alternate forms, modelled after some early 19th century types designed by Figgins' type foundry. It is accompanied by a Latin typeface based on some "Old Style" Roman fonts of the late 19th and early 20th century. Pick up Theano Modern C (2012) at Open Font Library, and Theano Didot at CTAN.
  • CM-LGC (2003): The CM-LGC package contains Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT sources of the Computer Modern font families. The following encodings are supported: T1, T2A (Cyrillic), LGR (Greek) and TS1. This package includes also Unicode virtual fonts for use with Omega/Lambda. CM-LGC is the first Type 1 font package for LaTeX which supports all European scripts (LGC means Latin, Greek and Cyrillic). Alexej Kryukov used Textrace to create CM-LGC.

He contributed to the GNU Freefont project via FreeSerif Cyrillic, and some of the Greek symbols. He also provided valuable direction about Cyrillic and Greek typesetting.

Kernest link. Fontspace link. Another URL. Google Plus link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Almost European Concrete Roman (or: aecc)
[Luis Rivera]

From the blurb by developer Luis Rivera, 2012: This is a set of virtual fonts building, from the standard Concrete fonts, a set of almost T1 encoded fonts. My idea with these fonts is that it should be possible to use the Knuthian Concrete fonts to produce PS/PDF files even when one needs hyphenation patterns other than English. The package assumes that the underlying AE (Almost European Modern Roman) fonts have been previously installed. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Amarjit Singh
[Gurmukhi metafont]

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American Mathematical Society
[Tom Kacvinsky]

The AMS in Providence, RI, offered the Computer Modern and AMS fonts in type 1 and metafont formats. Free, and for mathematical symbols, the best anywhere. The contact until 2004 was Tom Kacvinsky. Tom hasn't worked at the AMS since 2004. The AMS and CM fonts are copyrighted by the AMS now and are part of the TeX Live distribution. AMS Fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

An exploration of the Latin Modern fonts
[Will Robertson]

Article in The PracTeX Journal, 2006, no. 1, by Will Robertson, a PhD student in Mechanical/Mechatronic Engineering in the University of Adelaide, South Australia. The Latin Modern family was originally designed by Jackowski and Nowacki to cover as many languages as possible: it has over 69,000 glyphs. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andreas Egler

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Andreas Nolda

Lecturer at the Department of German Studies of the University of Szeged, Hungary. Designer of the free Utopia Nova font family for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic (2014-2015), which is a modified version of Andrey V. Panov's Heuristica font family, which in turn is based on the Utopia Type 1 fonts, designed by Robert Slimbach for Adobe and licensed to the TeX Users Group (TUG) for free modification and redistribution. Open Font Library link. The changes applied to Heuristica:

  • proportional figures
  • Greek glyphs from the Fourier fonts
  • a stylistic set with longer slashes, matching the parentheses in height and depth
  • kerning for pairs of slashes like in "http://" (a Heuristica issue Panov refused to fix)
  • small-cap substitution table for ligatures without corresponding small-cap glyphs (fixing another Heuristica issue)

Utopia Nova was renamed Lingua Franca a day after it was first posted on Open Font Library. Open Font Library link for Andreas Nolda.

In 2016, we find an extension of Utopia Nova by Stefan Peev called Linguistics Pro on CTAN, where useful TeX support files are added as well. See also Font Squirrel. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrey V. Panov
[CM Unicode]

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Andrey V. Panov
[Computer Modern Unicode fonts]

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Anshuman Pandey

Anshuman Pandey (University of Washington, Seattle) made a Bengali METAFONT. He also created wnri, a METAFONT set of fonts for Old English, Indic languages in transcription, and American Indian languages. The Washington Romanized (WNRI) Indic package enables texts encoded in the 8-bit Classical Sanskrit/Classical Sanskrit eXtended (CS/CSX) encoding to be typeset in \TeX{} without modification of the input scheme. Pandey also developed a LaTeX package for Gurmukhi/Punjabi, which uses a metafont he generated (with permission) from Hardip Singh Pannu's Punjabi truetype font.

Frans Velthuis (Groningen University) developed a Devanagari Metafont in 1991, which is on the CTAN archive. Later, Anshuman Pandey took over the maintenance of font. Primoz Peterlin made type 1 outlines based on this. These outline renderings (Type 1) were automatically converted from METAFONT by Peter Szabo's TeXtrace, and subsequently edited using George Williams' PfaEdit PostScript font editor by Anshuman Pandey (University of Washington). In 2003-2004, additional updates in the set of 22 Metafont files are due to Kevin Carmody, who presently maintains the package. The font names: TeX-dvng10, TeX-dvng9, TeX-dvng8. These were later changed to VelthuisDevanagari8-Regular, VelthuisDevanagari9-Regular and VelthuisDevanagari10-Regular. This font was used in the GNU freefont project for the Devanagari range (U+0900-U+097F). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anthony Phan

From the University of Poitiers, France, Anthony Phan's math symbol package (in metafont) is called mathabx (2002). It extends the Computer Modern mathematical symbol set. Other series by him, all in metafont: Mbb (2000, blackboard outline), Mcalligra (2001), Mxy (2002), Mgrey (2000). In 2011, type 1 outlines were made by Kohsaku Hotta. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anton Zinoviev
[TopTeam Co]

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Antonis Tsolomitis
[Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software]

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[Aarno Hohti]

Aarno Hohti's free metafont for APL. Plus many files for TEX users who want to set APL code nicely. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Apostolos Syropoulos

Xanthi, Greece-based designer of the Greek type1 font family Phaistos (2004, with Stratos Doumanis). He also created the "oinuit" system, a set of Lambda (Omega LaTeX) typesetting tools for the Inuktitut language which comes bundled with the type 1 family Inuit (2002). In 2007, he published the Philokalia package, which includes a free Philokalia OpenType font developed with Ioannis Gamvets. It was specially made to print the Philokalia books. The UM Typewriter font family (2008, for OpenType fonts) is a monospaced font family that was built from glyphs from the CB Greek fonts, the CyrTUG Cyrillic alphabet fonts ("LH"), and the standard Computer Modern font family. Epi-Olmec (2008) is an Aztec dingbat font. In support of the Open Font Library, he created the rune font Icelandic (2008: this font includes most "magical" staves that have been used in Iceland. Original drawings from the Museum of Sorcery&Witchcraft). He also made Asana Math (2007), which references Young Ryu (2000) and Claudio Beccari (1997-1999).

In 2016, Pablo Garcia Risueño, Apostolos Syropoulos and Natalia Verges launched the free package SVR Symbols. The glyphs of this font are ideograms that have been designed for use in Physics texts. Some symbols are standard and some are entirely new.

Still in 2016, he designed the calligraphic Greek font Frederika2016 as an attempt to digitize Hermann Zapf's Frederika font. The font is the Greek companion of Virtuosa by the same designer.

Kernest link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Klaus Lagally]

If you use LaTeX and want the top of the line in Arabic fonts (and free too!), get the metafont that comes with ArabTex: From the University of Stuttgart, Professor Klaus Lagally's ArabTeX is a LaTeX extension for high-quality Arabic writing. It is free. Lagally is also responsible for the xnsh package for ArabTeX. CTAN archive. He published ArabTEX - Typesetting Arabic with Vowels and Ligatures, EuroTEX'92 (Prague), 1992. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Peter R. Wilson]

Peter R. Wilson's metafont code (2000-2005) for many archaic languages: Proto-Semitic (16bc), Phoenician (10bc), Greek (6bc), Greek (4bc), Etruscan (8bc), Futharc (Anglo-Saxon, 6ad), Hieroglyphics (30bc: the hieroglf provides a Metafont version of about 80 Egyptian hieroglyphs from Serge Rosmorduc's comprehensive hieroglyph package, see here for a type 1 version called Archaic-Poor-Mans-Hieroglyphs (2005)), Cypriot (9bc). Peter also developed metafont fonts for bookhands. The Archaic ollection contains fonts to represent Aramaic, Cypriot, Etruscan, Greek of the 6th and 4th centuries BCE, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Linear A, Linear B, Nabatean old Persian, the Phaistos disc, Phoenician, proto-Semitic, runic, South Arabian Ugaritic and Viking scripts. The bundle also includes a small font for use in phonetic transcription of the archaic writings. The bundle's own directory includes a font installation map file for the whole collection. The authors are Peter R. Wilson, Uwe Zimmermann and Apostolos Syropoulos. See here for the type 1 fonts Archaic-OandS (2005) and Archaic-OandS-Italic (2005). Here we find type 1 versions called Square-Capitals (2005) and Square-Capitals-Bold (2005). He also made the type 1 typefaces Archaic-Etruscan (2005), Archaic-Runic (2005) and Archaic-ProtoSemitic (2005). Further packages of type 1 and metafont fonts: Archaic-Aramaic (2005), South Arabian (2005, for the South Arabian script, in use for about 1000 years from roughly 600 BC; based on a metafont by Alan Stanier), Archaic-Linear-B (2005: a syllabary used in the Bronze Age (15bc) for writing Mycenaean Greek), Archaic-Nabatean (2005: the Nabatean script used in the Middle East between the fourth centuries BC and AD), Archaic-Old-Persian (2005: the Old Persian Cuneiform script in use between about 500 to 350 BC.), Archaic-Ugaritic-Cuneiform (2005: the Ugaritic Cuniform script in use about 1300 BC), Archaic-Cypriot (1999-2005). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Arev Fonts
[Stephen Schrenk]

Motivated by mathematical applications, the "Arev" set of fonts adds Greek, Cyrillic, Latin-A, and some Latin-B, and Symbol characters (music and math, mainly) to Bitstream's Vera fonts. Stephen Schrenk (whose nom de plume is Tavmjong Bah) created the Arev Sans font. The text accompanying the Arev Sans package is: The package arev provides virtual fonts and LaTeX packages for using Arev Sans. Arev Sans is a derivative of Bitstream Vera Sans created by Tavmjong Bah by adding support for Greek and Cyrillic characters. Bah also added a few variant letters that are more appropriate for mathematics. The primary purpose for using Arev Sans in LaTeX is presentations, particularly when using a computer projector. Arev Sans is quite readable for presentations, with large x-height, "open letters," wide spacing, and thick stems. The style is very similar to the SliTeX font lcmss, but heavier. Stephen Hartke converted Arev Sans to Type 1 format, and created the virtual fonts and packages for using Arev Sans in LaTeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ariel Barton

Author of various TeX / metafnt / TeX font packages. These include knitting: a package written to make it possible to write cable and lace charts for knitting patterns using plain TeX or LaTeX. It provides type 1 and metafont fonts of appropriate symbols and macros for their use. The font family KnittingSymbols (2010) contains ten fonts by Ariel Barton.

In 2013, she published sansmathfonts, motivated by Ariel as follows: The Computer Modern font family has a sans serif typeface. However, compared to the serif typeface, it is incomplete: there are no sans serif small caps or math fonts. Furthermore, the bold slanted font is not available as an outline font. This leads to highly unsatisfactory typography of documents that use sans serif for the body text. The sansmathfonts package provides these missing" fonts. Most of the usefulness of the package is in the fonts; sansmathfonts.sty is a small package providing LATEX support. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Arkandis Digital Foundry
[Hirwen Harendal]

French foundry, est. 2007, which published many extensive free sans and sans serif families by Hirwen Harendal, who supports Open Source projects. The purpose of ADF is to provide a large number of high quality fonts (174 fonts as of the end of August 2007). Harendal has help from Clea F. Rees, most notably on the TeX part and the extensive Venturis family.

His typefaces:

  • Accanthis (2009: an alternative for Galliard or Horley Oldstyle).
  • AlbertisADF (from URW-A028), Albertis Titling.
  • Ameris ADF (from URW n33012t).
  • ArrosADF (from URW n021003L).
  • AurelisADF (2009, almost art nouveau).
  • Baskervald ADF (7 years of work according to Harendal: an alternative for New Baskerville).
  • BerenisADF (2008, a didone family), BerenisNo2 (2008).
  • BirkenADF (from URW-n033014t).
  • ColonnadeADF (from URW-n033014t).
  • EditorialisADF (from URW-n033014t).
  • Electrum (like Eurostile and URW City).
  • FenelrisADF (sans).
  • FrontonADF Titling (from URW-n033014t).
  • GaramondeADF (from URW-g043004t), GaramondNo8ADF (from URW g043024t).
  • Gillius ADF and Gillius ADFN (from Vera Sans, an alternative for Gill Sans MT).
  • HelvetisADF (from URW U001).
  • Ikarius (2008, semi-serif; inspired by Hypatia Sans), IkariusNo2 (2008), Ikarius-Serie (2009).
  • Irianis (2008; IrianisADFMath (2009) was made for the TeX math community).
  • Keypad (2010). a dingbat face.
  • LibrisADF (sans, patterned after Lydian).
  • MekanusADF (2009, typewriter style).
  • Mint Spirit (2012) and Mint Spirit No. 2 (2012). An original minimalist sans design. The truetype version is Mintysis (2012).
  • NeoGothisADF (2009).
  • OldaniaADF (2009, art nouveau).
  • OrnementsADF (2009).
  • PalladioADFStyle (a Palatino derived from URW g043023t).
  • RomandeADF (with hints of Caslon, Times and Tiffany; CTAN download).
  • Solothurn (2011). A family developed for Scribus, a free text preparation package that competes with Adobe's InDesign.
  • SwitzeraADF (derived from Vera).
  • SymbolADF (2008, bullets and arrows).
  • Teknis: under development.
  • TribunADF (2009, like Times New Roman).
  • Universalis ADF (2008-2009, a take on Futura). Open Font Library link.
  • VenturisADF, VenturisOldADF, VenturisTitlingADF and VenturisSansADF (2007: alternatives for Utopia).
  • Verana Sans and Serif (from Bitstream Vera Sans and Serif).

Kernest link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Eddie Kohler]

A free UNIX/TeX tool by Eddie Kohler. He writes: This package provides some Perl scripts that simplify font handling for TeX. The basic idea behind Autofont is that TeX-required font information, including TFM and VF font metrics, PK bitmap fonts, and DVIPS 'psfonts.map' references, should be generated on the fly when required, based on the TeX font name. With Autofont, referring to a PostScript font is sufficient to install that font for TeX's purposes. The user writes an .fd file and that's it. This differs from fontinst, where fonts must be explicitly installed. Autofont can automatically transform fonts based on "instructions" embedded in the font name. For example, "Times-Roman--sl167" refers to an artificially slanted version of Times Roman, and "ACaslon-Regular--f" refers to a version of Adobe Caslon Regular that includes the ff, ffi, and ffl ligatures found in Adobe Caslon Expert. Again, there is no need to install anything explicitly; simply refer to the fonts by name and Autofont will take care of the required virtual font manipulations. Autofont requires a Unix TeX installation based on Web2c. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bakoma fonts
[Basil K. Malyshev]

The Bakoma fonts were made by Basil Malyshev, author of Bakoma TeX. BaKoMa TeX uses fonts in ATM compatible PostScript Type 1 format These fonts was produced by automatical conversion from Knuth's Computer Modern MetaFont codes. The conversion technology was designed by Basil K. Malyshev in 1994-1995. Later, the technology was improved to handle hint replacement, and the collection was extended by additional fonts. Some of Bakoma TeX is commercial now, but the fonts are still free. They are originally in type 1, but subsequent truetype and opentype versions have been developed too. Here is a grouped listing:

  • Roman (+italic, +bold, +slanted): cmb10, cmbx10, cmbx12, cmbx5, cmbx6, cmbx7, cmbx8, cmbx9, cmbxsl10, cmbxti10, cmcsc10, cmcsc8, cmcsc9, cmr10, cmr12, cmr17, cmr5, cmr6, cmr7, cmr8, cmr9, cmsl10, cmsl12, cmsl8, cmsl9, cmti10, cmti12, cmti7, cmti8, cmti9.
  • Typewriter: cmcitt10, cmtt10, cmtt12, cmtt8, cmtt9, cmvtt10, cmsltt10, cmitt10, cmtcsc10.
  • Sans: cmss10, cmss12, cmss17, cmss8, cmss9, cmssbx10, cmssdc10, cmssi10, cmssi12, cmssi17, cmssi8, cmssi9, cmssq8, cmssqi8.
  • Computer Modern Exotic: cmdunh10, cmff10, cmfi10, cmfib8, cminch, cmu10, cmtcsc10, cmtex10, cmtex8, cmtex9.
  • Math fonts: cmbsy10, cmbsy5, cmbsy6, cmbsy7, cmbsy8, cmbsy9, cmex10, cmex7, cmex8, cmex9, cmmi10, cmmi12, cmmi5, cmmi6, cmmi7, cmmi8, cmmi9, cmmib10, cmmib5, cmmib6, cmmib7, cmmib8, cmmib9, cmsy10, cmsy5, cmsy6, cmsy7, cmsy8, cmsy9.
  • LaTex fonts: circle10, circlew10, lasy10, lasy5, lasy6, lasy7, lasy8, lasy9, lasyb10, line10, linew10, LCMSS8, LCMSSB8, LCMSSI8.
  • Metafont logo fonts: logo10, logo8, logo9, logobf10, logosl10.
  • AMS fonts 2.1, Euler font family: euex10, euex7, euex8, euex9, eufb10, eufb5, eufb6, eufb7, eufb8, eufb9, eufm10, eufm5, eufm6, eufm7, eufm8, eufm9, eurb10, eurb5, eurb6, eurb7, eurb8, eurb9, eurm10, eurm5, eurm6, eurm7, eurm8, eurm9, eusb10, eusb5, eusb6, eusb7, eusb8, eusb9, eusm10, eusm5, eusm6, eusm7, eusm8, eusm9.
  • AMS fonts 2.2: msam10, msam5, msam6, msam7, msam8, msam9, msbm10, msbm5, msbm6, msbm7, msbm8, msbm9.
  • LamsTeX Commutative Diagram Drawing Fonts, dated 1997: lams1, lams2, lams3, lams4, lams5.
  • Computer Modern Cyrillic Fonts, with the Cyrillic extension due to N. Glonty and A. Samarin in Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) in 1990: cmcb10, cmcbx10, cmcbx12, cmcbx5, cmcbx6, cmcbx7, cmcbx8, cmcbx9, cmcbxsl10, cmcbxti10, cmccsc10, cmccsc8, cmccsc9, cmcinch72, cmcitt10, cmcsc10, cmcsc8, cmcsc9, cmcsl10, cmcsl12, cmcsl8, cmcsl9, cmcsltt10, cmcss10, cmcss12, cmcss17, cmcss8, cmcss9, cmcssbx10, cmcssdc10, cmcssi10, cmcssi12, cmcssi17, cmcssi8, cmcssi9, cmcssq8, cmcssqi8, cmcti10, cmcti12, cmcti7, cmcti8, cmcti9, cmctt10, cmctt12, cmctt8, cmctt9, cmcu10, cmcyr10, cmcyr12, cmcyr17, cmcyr5, cmcyr6, cmcyr7, cmcyr8, cmcyr9.
Related links: message by Sebastian Rahtz). Mirror. Polish mirror. TTF versions. Alternate URL. Another URL. Yet another URL. Yet another URL. 1500 non-free fonts have been developed as well. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bakoma TEX

This extensive package designed by Basil K. Malyshev for Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95 contains a wealth of fonts and software. We quote the author: "BaKoMa TeX is Postscript enabled TeX system intended for Electronic Publishing. Postscript enabled means that the system includes built-in Postscript interpreter that provides careful drawing Postscript graphics (including one embedded into DVI via TeX special's) on display and on (even non-postscript) printers. Also, it provides perfect conversion of any Postscript graphics for such output formats as: PDF, SVG, and HTML. SVG output lets you to create high quality animated presentations. The system supports using a scalable fonts in modern font formats: OpenType, TrueType (Unicode supported), Postscript Type1 (including Multiple Masters), and Type3." The 1500 fonts included are broken down as follows (nearly all are conversions of metafonts):

  • CM (including LaTeX and Logo fonts + vf for T1 with CX)
  • AMS Fonts (Euler, Math Symbols).
  • EC/TC.
  • LH (T2A).
  • Concrete (Math, ECC).
  • Malvern.
  • CMCyr + vf for T2A/LCY.
  • Scripting fonts, CMPica, Punk.
  • Stmaryrd, Wasy, Rsfs, YHMath, BlackBoard (bbm, doublestroke).
  • Lams, Astro Symbols (cmastro, astrosym, moonphase).
  • Barcodes (barcodes, wlean, wlc*), Logical (loggates, milstd).
  • timing, MusiXTeX, Chess/CChess, Go, Backgammon, Dingbats/NiceFrame.
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Bakoma TeX

"BaKoMa TeX is PostScript enabled TeX system intended for preparing of Electronic Publications. The system works under Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95. The system includes Integrated Development Environment, Extended BaKoMa Fonts Collection, TeX processor with friends, and popular macro packages. The system supports using a scalable fonts (OpenType, TrueType, PostScript Type 1 (including Multiple Masters), and Type 3 font formats) and importing of PostScript graphics into documents. The system supports generation of PDF and printing on any printer supported by a driver under MS Windows." Shareware, developed by Basil Malyshev. [Google] [More]  ⦿

BaKoMa TeX

Free software by Basyl K. Malyshev: BaKoMa TeX is a complete TeX system for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000. It supports type 1, type 3, truetype, OpenType, and TeX PK formats, and enables PostScript in TeX. The system includes about *1500* typefaces in PostScript Type 1 and Type 3 font format including the following fonts: CM (including LaTeX and Logo fonts + vf for T1 with CX, AMS Fonts (Euler, Math Symbols), EC/TC, LH (T2A), Concrete (Math, ECC), Malvern, CMCyr + vf for T2A/LCY, Scripting fonts, CMPica, Punk, Stmaryrd, Wasy, Rsfs, YHMath, BlackBoard (bbm, doublestroke), Lams, Astro Symbols (cmastro, astrosym, moonphase), Barcodes (barcodes, wlean, wlc*), Logical (loggates, milstd), timing, MusiXTeX, Chess/CChess, Go, Backgammon, Dingbats/NiceFrame. PDF output supported. Direct access to the fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Palash Baran Pal]

Bangtex is a package for typesetting documents in Bangla and Assamese using the Tex/Latex systems, developed by Calcutta-based Palash Baran Pal, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta. It includes a metafont family. See also here. Designer of the free Unicode-based Bengali font Akaash (2003), which can be found here and here. The latter font is part of a free Bengali font effort by the FreeFonts Project. Akaash is co-produced by Sayamindu Dasgupta. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Basil K. Malyshev
[Bakoma fonts]

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BDFCHESS is a package of additional macros to CHESS.STY 1.2, writen by Piet Tutelaers, for correspondence chess players. To be used with Piet Tutelaers' metafont chess fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Belleek fonts
[Richard Kinch]

Richard Kinch's public domain fonts in type 1 and Truetype that may replace the proprietary fonts needed for Latex Mathtime. Names: blex, blsy, rblmi. Created in 1998.

CTAN download site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bert Bos

Bert Bos studied Mathematics in Groningen (1982-1987), and wrote a thesis about Graphic User Interfaces (1987-1993). He worked on an Internet browser and the surrounding infrastructure for the Faculty of Arts in Groningen and is now working for The World Wide Web Consortium on style sheets and math. He lives in Sophia Antipolis near Nice in France.

Author of Cascading Style Sheets---designing for the Web (3rd ed.) (2005, Hakon Wium Lie & Bert Bos).

He also created a free transitional family in metafont and opentype for use with TeX, Gladiator and Gladiator Sans (1991).

Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bill McClain

Bill McClain's useful pages with his TeX solutions for his own shop, Sattre Press. He uses the ConTeXt and pdfTeX packages, and explains a few typographic tricks. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bitstream Charter
[Matthew Carter]

Alternate URL. Originally made by Matthew Carter in 1987, an upgraded commercial version was released by Bitstream in 2004 under the name Charter BT Pro. Bitstream Charter is a typeface optimized for printing on the low-resolution 300 dpi laser printers of the 1980s. The typeface is suitable for printing on both modern high-resolution laser printers and lower resolution inexpensive inkjet printers. In 1992, along with their version of Courier, Bitstream donated the Charter font to the X Consortium under terms that allowed modified versions of the font to be redistributed.

Several others took them up on the offer, most notably SIL which published Charis SIL, which has an extended glyph set that covers Cyrillic and other scripts.

In 2013, Michael Sharpe extended Bitstream Charter and provides small caps, oldstyle figures and superior figures in all four styles, accompanied by LaTeX font support files. Sharpe's fonts are called XCharter (opentype and type 1).

Bitstream's Transitional 801 is identical to Charter. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bob Tennent

Canadian computer scientist who used to be at Queen's University in Kingston. In 2006, he published the TeX support files for URW's free family URW Classico (2006), which itself is a free clone of Zapf's Optima. In 2009, he created figbas package for TeX, which contains three Postscript Type 1 mini-fonts cmrj, cmssj, plrj (and associated map file and metric files) with just five "ligatures" for the combinations 2+, 4+, 5+, 6+, and 9+ used in figured-bass notation in baroque music. The fonts are intended for use with Computer Modern (cmr), Computer Modern Sans (cmss), and Palatino/Palladio (pplr), respectively. The PostScript names are FiguredBassComputerModern, FiguredBassComputerModernSans, and FiguredBassPalatino.

In 2012, he created type 1 versions of two large font packages, Philipp H. Poll's Biolinum and Libertine. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Boguslaw Jackowski

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[Peter R. Wilson]

Renton, WA-based Peter R. Wilson's metafont code (2000-2003) for the "bookhands" series of fonts. It was his intention to provide the main examples of manuscript hands from the first century until the invention of printing. Included are the following:

[Google] [More]  ⦿

[Michael Sharpe]

Free package in 2011 maintained at the CTAN TeX archive by Michael Sharpe from UCSD, who writes: The PostScript fonts in this package were derived from the STIX OpenType collection, with regular and bold weights of calligraphic, fraktur and double-struck (aka blackboard bold). The font names: BoondoxCalligraphic-Bold, BoondoxCalligraphic-Regular, BoondoxDoubleStruck-Bold, BoondoxDoubleStruck-Regular (blackboard bold style), BoondoxFraktur-Bold, BoondoxFraktur-Regular. Still in 2011, he published Dutch Calligraphic, a reworking of Elzevier's free math calligraphic font ESSTX13. Another CTAN download site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Boris Veytsman

Creator of the GillCM family in 2010: Unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts based on Eric Gill's ideas. He also created JAMTimes, expanded Times Roman as used in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique. He also made mdputu (2010), a package of virtual fonts with italics, upright digits, and punctuation for use with Adobe Utopia in mathematical texts. In 2011, he published pcarl, a TeX support package for Adobe Cason Open Face.

In 2016, Sergei V. Znamenskii and Boris Veytsman, now with the Mathematics Department, Princeton University, published the cmtiup package. The cmtiup package can replace the cmti package in the Computer Modern fonts since it simplifies typesetting of mathematical texts. In 2016, the Computer Modern text italic (cmti) fonts were modified by unslanting all punctuation and digits and embedding the corresponding italic corrections into the kerning. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Boris Veytsman

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Braille metafont

Braille metafont. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Maurizio Loreti]

Maurizio Loreti's type 1 brushscript font, BrushScriptX-Italic, with all files needed to use it in TeX. It was slightly modified by Barta karoly (2010), with updates here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Charte des Ornements
[Jacques André]

A PDF file compiled by Jacques André (Rennes) which lists the ornaments in several digital fonts such as Fourier-GUTenberg (futs), Fournier (mf1rp) the Monotype ornament series (mpi001 à mpi006). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chen Li
[Use Type-1 Fonts in PDF Papers]

[More]  ⦿

Chess metafonts
[Piet Tutelaers]

Chess package for TEX with metafonts by Piet Tutelaers. See also here. Developed by Piet Tutelaers at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Chinese TEX package. Includes free TrueType fonts fxntufs, fxntukai, fxntuli, and utilities such as ttf2pk and ttf2tfm. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christophe Caignaert
[KP Fonts]

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Chuanren Wu

Electrical engineer who tried to improve on the Computer Modern-style family Latin Modern by B. Jackowski and J. M. Nowacki (2003-2009). Simply called LM, his typeface family is thicker than the rather spindly Computer Modern family. For this, he developed a script to blacken the Computer Modern fonts. Free download at Github. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Church Slavonic Initiative
[Aleksandr Andreev]

As part of the Church Slavonic Initiative, we find a set of free church slavonic style typefaces at the CTAN site, with TeX support. Church Slavonic (also called Church Slavic, Old Church Slavonic or Old Slavonic; ISO 639-2 code cu) is a literary language used by the Slavic peoples; presently it is used as a liturgical language by the Russian Orthodox Church, other local Orthodox Churches, as well as various Byzantine-Rite Catholic and Old Ritualist communities. The fonts are designed to work with Unicode text encoded in UTF-8. The package is maintained (in 2016, at least) by Mike Kroutikov and Aleksandr Andreev. The main people of the Church Slavonic Initiative are Aleksandr Andreev, Yuri Shardt and Nikita Simmons. The fonts:

  • Acathist (2013-2020, by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons).
  • Cathisma Unicode (2013-2020, by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons). Cathisma Unicode is based on Kathisma UCS, designed by Vlad Dorosh. e typeface is used for titling in many 18th-20th century liturgical editions.
  • Fedorovsk Unicode. Fedorovsk Unicode is based on the Fedorovsk font designed by Nikita Simmons. It has been re-encoded for Unicode, with added OpenType and Graphite features by Aleksandr Andreev (2013-2015). The Fedorovsk typeface is supposed to reproduce the typeface of the printed editions of Ivan Fedorov produced in Moscow, for example, the Apostol of 1564. The font is intended primarily for typesetting pre-Nikonian (Old Rite) liturgical texts or for working with such texts in an academic context.
  • Indiction Unicode (1996-2017). By Vladislav V. Dorosh. e Indiction Unicode font reproduces the decorative style of drop caps used in Synodal Slavonic editions since the late 1800s. The original Indyction font was developed by Vladislav V. Dorosh and was distributed as Indyction UCS as part of CSLTeX, licensed under the LATEX Project Public License. It was reencoded for Unicode and edited by Aleksandr Andreev, and is now distributed as Indiction Unicode under the SIL Open Font License. It is intended for use with bukvitsi (drop caps) in modern Church Slavonic editions.
  • Menaion Unicode. This typeface is supposed to be used for working with text of Ustav-era manuscripts. It contains the full repertoire of necessary Cyrillic and Glagolitic glyphs as well as glyphs of Byzantine Ecphonetic notation of the kind used in Cyrillic or Glagolitic manuscripts. Menaion was originally designed by Victor A. Baranov at the Manuscript Project. It was re-encoded for Unicode by Aleksandr Andreev in 2013-2015 with permission of the original author.
  • Acathist (2013-2020, by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons).
  • Monomakh Unicode (2011-2017). By Alexey Kryukov and Aleksandr Andreev. Monomakh Unicode is based on the Monomachus font designed by Alexey Kryukov. It has been modi ed with permission. Monomakh Unicode is a Cyrillic font implemented in a mixed ustav/poluustav style and intended to cover needs of researches dealing with Slavic history and philology. It includes all historical Cyrillic characters currently de ned in Unicode font also includes a set of Latin le ers designed to be stylistically compatible with the Cyrillic part.
  • Oglavie Unicode (2013-2020, by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons). Oglavie Unicode is based on Oglavie UCS, designed by Vlad Dorosh. The typeface is used for titling in many 18th-20th century liturgical editions.
  • Pochaevsk Unicode (2019-2020; by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons).
  • Pomorsky Unicode. The Pomorsky Unicode font is a close (idealized) reproduction of the decorative calligraphic style of book and chapter titles, which was most likely developed in the 1700s by the scribes of the Old Ritualist Vyg River Hermitage. It is seen extensively in the chant manuscripts, liturgical manuscripts, hagiographic and polemical works of the Pomortsy and Fedoseyevtsy communities, and is a traditional and organic style of lettering lacking any obvious influence from western European and Latin typography. The Pomorsky typeface was originally designed by Nikita Simmons in 1999-2000. It was edited and re-encoded for Unicode by Aleksandr Andreev in 2015. It is intended for use with bukvitsi (drop caps) and decorative titling.
  • Ponomar Unicode. Ponomar Unicode is a font that reproduces the typeface of Synodal Church Slavonic editions from the beginning of the 20th Century. It is intended for working with modern Church Slavonic texts (Synodal Slavonic). Ponomar Unicode is based on the Hirmos UCS font designed by Vlad Dorosh. The current version is by Aleksandr Andreev, Yuri Shardt, and Nikita Simmons (2011-2015).
  • Shafarik (2014-2020; by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons). A specialized font intended for an academic presentation of Old Church Slavonic (OCS) texts wri en in both the Cyrillic or Glagolitic alphabets.
  • Triodion Unicode (2013-2020, by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons).
  • Vertograd Unicode (2019-2020; by Aleksandr Andreev and Nikita Simmons). Based on Vertograd UCS by Vlad Dorosh, Vertigrad Unicode is a decorative drop caps and titling font. The typeface was commonly used in pre-revolution Russian liturgical editions.
Home page. Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Clea F. Rees

Type designer and type technician at Cardiff University (Wales), who has helped Hirwen Harendal at Arkandis Type Foundry, and who maintains several free font packages on the CTAN site. These include cfr-lm (2014). This package offers enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts in TeX.

She also maintains EB Garamond Maths (a package for using the free EB Garamondc in a TeX environment), ADF Orn (TeX support package for Hirwen Harendel's Ornements ADF), and ADF Symbols (TeX support package for Hirwen Harendel's ArrowsADF and BulletsADF). [Google] [More]  ⦿

CM Unicode
[Andrey V. Panov]

Free font package from 2009 by Andrey Panov, specially adapted for TeX. CM Unicode (or: Computer Modern Unicode) is an OpenType and Type 1 unicode version of Knuth's Computer Modern font family. The OIpenType fonts include CMUBright-Bold, CMUSerif-BoldItalic, CMUSerif-BoldSlanted, CMUBright-Oblique, CMUBright-Roman, CMUBright-SemiBoldOblique, CMUBright-SemiBold, CMUTypewriter-Light, CMUTypewriter-LightOblique, CMUSerif-Bold, CMUBright-BoldOblique, CMUClassicalSerif-Italic, CMUTypewriter-Italic, CMUConcrete-BoldItalic, CMUConcrete-Bold, CMUConcrete-Roman, CMUConcrete-Italic, CMUSerif-BoldNonextended, CMUSerif-Roman, CMUSansSerif-Oblique, CMUSerif-RomanSlanted, CMUSansSerif-BoldOblique, CMUSansSerif, CMUSansSerif-DemiCondensed, CMUTypewriter-Oblique, CMUSansSerif-Bold, CMUTypewriter-Bold, CMUSerif-Italic, CMUTypewriter-Regular, CMUTypewriter-BoldItalic, CMUSerif-UprightItalic, CMUTypewriterVariable-Italic, CMUTypewriterVariable.

Alternate download site. Google Plus link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

cmbright: Computer Modern Bright
[Walter Schmidt]

Family of sans serif metafonts based on Donald Knuth's CM font. It is lighter and less obtrusive than CMSS. Together with CM Bright there comes a family of typewriter fonts, CM Typwewriter Light, which look better in combination with CM Bright than the CMTT fonts would do. The whole package is by Walter Schmidt. A commercial-quality type 1 version of these fonts is available from Micropress. Free versions are available, in the cm-super font bundle (the T1 and TS1 encoded part of the set), and in hfbright (the OT1 encoded part, and the maths fonts). Development spanned 1996-2004. [Google] [More]  ⦿


A package for TEX users developed in 1999 by Rowland McDonnell to automatically replace lining figures in Computer Modern by old style figures. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Uros Stefanovic]

Designer of the free cmrsb (2018) font package, which provides Adobe Type 1 Computer Modern fonts for Serbian and Macedonian. The cmsrb package includes the correct shapes for italic letters \cyrb, \cyrg, \cyrd, \cyrp and \cyrt. [Google] [More]  ⦿

CM-Super font package
[Vladimir Volovich]

CM Super is a huge type 1 family of fonts released under the GNU license by Vladimir Volovich in October 2001. For the cognoscenti: The CM-Super package contains Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1 font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (585 glyphs per non-SC font and 468 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are also included). Fonts were created using TeXtrace (based on AutoTrace and Ghostscript), t1utils and a bunch of Perl scripts, and were optimized and hinted using FontLab 3.1. The set of UniqueID values was registered at Adobe. Each font shape comes in 14 font sizes ranging from 5pt to 35.83pt (or 11 font sizes for typewriter fonts ranging from 8pt to 35.83pt). The developers offer this overview:

The list of provided font shapes is included below: rm, Modern Roman sl, Modern Slanted ti, Modern Italic cc, Modern Caps and Small Caps ui, Modern Unslanted Italic sc, Modern Slanted Caps and Small Caps ci, Modern Classical Serif Italic bx, Modern Bold Extended bl, Modern Bold Extended Slanted bi, Modern Bold Extended Italic xc, Modern Bold Extended Caps and Small Caps oc, Modern Bold Extended Slanted Caps and Small Caps rb, Modern Roman Bold bm, Modern Roman Bold Variant ss, Modern Sans Serif si, Modern Sans Serif Slanted sx, Modern Sans Serif Bold Extended so, Modern Sans Serif Bold Extended Slanted tt, Modern Typewriter st, Modern Typewriter Slanted it, Modern Typewriter Italic tc, Modern Typewriter Caps and Small Caps vt, Modern Variable Width Typewriter vi, Modern Variable Width Typewriter Italic dh, Modern Dunhill Roman fb, Modern Fibonacci Medium fs, Modern Fibonacci Slanted ff, Modern Funny Roman fi, Modern Funny Italic Each font shape comes in 14 font sizes ranging from 5pt to 35.83pt (or 11 font sizes for typewriter fonts ranging from 8pt to 35.83pt). Also, the following 13 one-sized font shapes are included, Computer Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation sfli8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Inclined sflb8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Bold sflo8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Bold Oblique sfltt8, Modern LaTeX Typewriter isflq8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Invisible isfli8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Inclined Invisible isflb8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Bold Invisible isflo8, Modern SliTeX Sans Serif Quotation Bold Oblique Invisible isfltt8, Modern LaTeX Typewriter Invisible sfsq8, Modern Sans Serif Quotation sfqi8, Modern Sans Serif Quotation Inclined sfssdc10, Modern Sans Serif Demi Condensed Also, the following 14 fonts from Computer Modern Concrete family are included (font file names correspond to the scheme used in EC Concrete fonts), .. sform10, Modern Concrete Roman sfosl5 .. sfosl10, Modern Concrete Slanted sfoti10, Modern Concrete Italic sfocc10, Modern Concrete Caps and Small Caps Also, the following 19 fonts from Computer Modern Bright family are included (font file names correspond to the scheme used in European Computer Modern Bright fonts), Computer Modern Bright Roman sfbmo{8,9,10,17}, Modern Bright Oblique sfbsr{8,9,10,17}, Modern Bright Semibold sfbso{8,9,10,17}, Modern Bright Semibold Oblique sfbbx10, Modern Bright Bold Extended sfbtl10, Modern Typewriter Light sfbto10. Modern Typewriter Light Oblique Fonts were created using TeXtrace (based on AutoTrace and Ghostscript), t1utils and a bunch of Perl scripts, and were optimized and hinted using FontLab 3.1. The set of UniqueID values was registered at Adobe. We use AGL compliant glyph names when possible (there are some glyphs which are neither present in AGL nor in Unicode). It should also be noted that the fonts use precise (non-integer) glyph widths which better match the TFM widths than just rounding to the nearest integer. These widths are generated using the best approximation (based on continued fractions) with the denominator not exceeding 107 to fit in 1 byte in CharString. Apparently, such subtle technique was used first in BSR/Y&Y CM fonts. I'd like to thank Peter Szabo for TeXtrace, Martin Weber for AutoTrace, and FontLab Ltd. for providing a copy of FontLab. It should be noted that while creating these fonts we intentionally and on principle used only automatic methods which do not require font designers talents. The aim was to use TOTALLY automatic conversion of METAFONT fonts to Type 1 format, automatic optimization and hinting, with the best achievable quality of final Type 1 fonts, to be able to re-generate the fonts if necessary (e.g., when a new version of original METAFONT fonts will be released). Undoubtedly, there are fields for improvement of this approach, which we will use in future versions of the fonts, but even now the fonts seem to look and print quite good (we hope :-). It appears that careless approach to FontLab's optimization and auto-hinting facilities could lead to loss of quality of the original font (some glyph shapes could be broken), so we used the most precise optimization, and hope that optimized and hinted fonts are indeed better than original traced fonts (also, they are significantly smaller in size). So far, we did not find any bugs in optimized fonts. There are 434 Type 1 outline fonts (*.pfb) in the CM-Super font set, and they cover 2536 TeX fonts!

Read about the package in CM-Super: Automatic creation of efficient Type 1 fonts from METAFONT fonts (Vladimir Volovich, TUGBoat, 24(1):75-78, 2003). The font names: ISFLB8, ISFLI8, ISFLO8, ISFLQ8, ISFLTT8, SFBBX10, SFBI0500, SFBI0600, SFBI0700, SFBI0800, SFBI0900, SFBI1000, SFBI1095, SFBI1200, SFBI1440, SFBI1728, SFBI2074, SFBI2488, SFBI2986, SFBI3583, SFBL0500, SFBL0600, SFBL0700, SFBL0800, SFBL0900, SFBL1000, SFBL1095, SFBL1200, SFBL1440, SFBL1728, SFBL2074, SFBL2488, SFBL2986, SFBL3583, SFBM0500, SFBM0700, SFBM0900, SFBM1000, SFBM1095, SFBM1200, SFBM1440, SFBM1728, SFBM2074, SFBM2488, SFBM2986, SFBM3583, SFBMO10, SFBMO17, SFBMO8, SFBMO9, SFBMR10, SFBMR17, SFBMR8, SFBMR9, SFBSO10, SFBSO17, SFBSO8, SFBSO9, SFBSR10, SFBSR17, SFBSR8, SFBSR9, SFBTL10, SFBTO10, SFBX0500, SFBX0600, SFBX0700, SFBX0800, SFBX0900, SFBX1000, SFBX1095, SFBX1200, SFBX1440, SFBX1728, SFBX2074, SFBX2488, SFBX2986, SFBX3583, SFCC0500, SFCC0600, SFCC0700, SFCC0800, SFCC0900, SFCC1000, SFCC1095, SFCC1200, SFCC1440, SFCC1728, SFCC2074, SFCC2488, SFCC2986, SFCC3583, SFCI0500, SFCI0600, SFCI0700, SFCI0800, SFCI0900, SFCI1000, SFCI1095, SFCI1200, SFCI1440, SFCI1728, SFCI2074, SFCI2488, SFCI2986, SFCI3583, SFDH0500, SFDH0600, SFDH0700, SFDH0800, SFDH0900, SFDH1000, SFDH1095, SFDH1200, SFDH1440, SFDH1728, SFDH2074, SFDH2488, SFDH2986, SFDH3583, SFFB0500, SFFB0600, SFFB0700, SFFB0800, SFFB0900, SFFB1000, SFFB1095, SFFB1200, SFFB1440, SFFB1728, SFFB2074, SFFF0900, SFFF1000, SFFF1095, SFFF1200, SFFF1440, SFFF2488, SFFI0900, SFFI1000, SFFI1095, SFFI1200, SFFI1440, SFFI1728, SFFI2074, SFFS0500, SFFS0600, SFFS0700, SFFS0800, SFFS0900, SFFS1000, SFFS1095, SFFS1200, SFFS1440, SFFS1728, SFFS2074, SFIT0800, SFIT0900, SFIT1000, SFIT1095, SFIT1200, SFIT1440, SFIT1728, SFIT2074, SFIT2488, SFLB8, SFLI8, SFLO8, SFLQ8, SFLTT8, SFOC0500, SFOC0600, SFOC0700, SFOC0800, SFOC0900, SFOC1000, SFOC1095, SFOC1200, SFOC1440, SFOC1728, SFOC2074, SFOC2488, SFOC2986, SFOC3583, SFOCC10, SFORM10, SFORM5, SFORM6, SFORM7, SFORM8, SFORM9, SFOSL10, SFOSL5, SFOSL6, SFOSL7, SFOSL8, SFOSL9, SFOTI10, SFQI8, SFRB0500, SFRB0600, SFRB0700, SFRB0800, SFRB0900, SFRB1000, SFRB1095, SFRB1200, SFRB1440, SFRB1728, SFRB2074, SFRB2488, SFRB2986, SFRB3583, SFRM0500, SFRM0600, SFRM0700, SFRM0800, SFRM0900, SFRM1000, SFRM1095, SFRM1200, SFRM1440, SFRM1728, SFRM2074, SFRM2488, SFRM2986, SFRM3583, SFSC0500, SFSC0600, SFSC0700, SFSC0800, SFSC0900, SFSC1000, SFSC1095, SFSC1200, SFSC1440, SFSC1728, SFSC2074, SFSC2488, SFSC2986, SFSC3583, SFSI0500, SFSI0600, SFSI0700, SFSI0800, SFSI0900, SFSI1000, SFSI1095, SFSI1200, SFSI1440, SFSI1728, SFSI2074, SFSI2488, SFSI2986, SFSI3583, SFSL0500, SFSL0600, SFSL0700, SFSL0800, SFSL0900, SFSL1000, SFSL1095, SFSL1200, SFSL1440, SFSL1728, SFSL2074, SFSL2488, SFSL2986, SFSL3583, SFSO0500, SFSO0600, SFSO0700, SFSO0800, SFSO0900, SFSO1000, SFSO1095, SFSO1200, SFSO1440, SFSO1728, SFSO2074, SFSO2488, SFSO2986, SFSO3583, SFSQ8, SFSS0500, SFSS0600, SFSS0700, SFSS0800, SFSS0900, SFSS1000, SFSS1095, SFSS1200, SFSS1440, SFSS1728, SFSS2074, SFSS2488, SFSS2986, SFSS3583, SFSSDC10, SFST0800, SFST0900, SFST1000, SFST1095, SFST1200, SFST1440, SFST1728, SFST2074, SFST2488, SFST2986, SFST3583, SFSX0500, SFSX0600, SFSX0700, SFSX0800, SFSX0900, SFSX1000, SFSX1095, SFSX1200, SFSX1440, SFSX1728, SFSX2074, SFSX2488, SFSX2986, SFSX3583, SFTC0800, SFTC0900, SFTC1000, SFTC1095, SFTC1200, SFTC1440, SFTC1728, SFTC2074, SFTC2488, SFTC2986, SFTC3583, SFTI0500, SFTI0600, SFTI0700, SFTI0800, SFTI0900, SFTI1000, SFTI1095, SFTI1200, SFTI1440, SFTI1728, SFTI2074, SFTI2488, SFTI2986, SFTI3583, SFTT0800, SFTT0900, SFTT1000, SFTT1095, SFTT1200, SFTT1440, SFTT1728, SFTT2074, SFTT2488, SFTT2986, SFTT3583, SFUI0500, SFUI0600, SFUI0700, SFUI0800, SFUI0900, SFUI1000, SFUI1095, SFUI1200, SFUI1440, SFUI1728, SFUI2074, SFUI2488, SFUI2986, SFUI3583, SFVI0800, SFVI0900, SFVI1000, SFVI1095, SFVI1200, SFVI1440, SFVI1728, SFVI2074, SFVI2488, SFVI2986, SFVI3583, SFVT0800, SFVT0900, SFVT1000, SFVT1095, SFVT1200, SFVT1440, SFVT1728, SFVT2074, SFVT2488, SFVT2986, SFVT3583, SFXC0500, SFXC0600, SFXC0700, SFXC0800, SFXC0900, SFXC1000, SFXC1095, SFXC1200, SFXC1440, SFXC1728, SFXC2074, SFXC2488, SFXC2986, SFXC358. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Boris Veytsman]

The cmtiup package can replace the cmti package in the Computer Modern fonts since it simplifies typesetting of mathematical texts. In 2016, the Computer Modern text italic (cmti) fonts were modified by unslanting all punctuation and digits and embedding the corresponding italic corrections into the kerning. The authors are Sergei V. Znamenskii and Boris Veytsman (Mathematics Department, Princeton University). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Commercial math fonts

Listing produced by the math Font Group (part of TUG):

[Google] [More]  ⦿

Computer Modern TT fonts

TrueType versions of the Computer Modern fonts. Check also here. Contains the monospaced typewriter type cmtt. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Computer Modern Unicode fonts
[Andrey V. Panov]

Andrey V. Panov developed the Computer Modern Unicode fonts in 2003-2007 by conversions from metafont sources using textrace and fontforge (former pfaedit). He wanted to create free good quality fonts for use in X applications that support many languages. Currently the fonts contain glyphs from Latin1 (Metafont ec, tc), Cyrillic (la, rx) and Greek (cbgreek) code sets. There are 33 fonts in the family: CMUClassicalSerif-Italic, CMUSansSerif-Bold, CMUSansSerif-BoldOblique, CMUSansSerif-Demi-Condensed, CMUSansSerif-Oblique, CMUSansSerif, CMUSerif-Bold-Nonextended, CMUSerif-Bold-Slanted, CMUSerif-Bold, CMUSerif-BoldItalic, CMUSerif-Italic, CMUSerif-Roman-Slanted, CMUSerif-Roman, CMUSerif-Unslanted-Italic, CMUTypewriter-Bold, CMUTypewriter-BoldItalic, CMUTypewriter-Italic, CMUTypewriter-Oblique, CMUTypewriter-Regular, CMUTypewriterVariable-Italic, CMUTypewriterVariable. The fonts come in type 1, OpenType and SFD, the universal spline format used by FontForge. The CMU Bright subfamily was added some time later in 2007.

Istok Web (2011) was published at the Google Font Directory.

In 2008, he made Heuristica (or Evristika), a serif family that extends Adobe's Utopia (for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic). Heuristica was improved in 2014 by Andreas Nolda as Utopia Nova. Open Font Library link for Heuristica. Download site for Heuristica.

Free download. Direct download.

Alternate URL. Kernest link. Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


In November 1999, MicroPress Inc started selling at 100USD the full set of Knuth's Concrete Text and Math fonts in Type 1 format. These fonts can be used by any standard TeX drivers that can work with Type 1 fonts (dvips, for example) on Wintel, OS/2 and Linux/Unix platforms. Concrete Fonts are essentially a full replacement for the Computer Modern Fonts; they are slightly darker and more legible for online (pdf) publications. The Concrete Set includes forty Type 1 fonts (.pfb): Concrete Text (12 fonts): cccsc10 ccmi10 ccr10 ccr5 ccr6 ccr7 ccr8 ccr9 ccsl10 ccsl9 ccslc9 ccti10 + Concrete Math (28 fonts): xccam10 xccam5 xccam6 xccam7 xccam8 xccam9 xccbm10 xccex9 xccex7 xccex8 xccex10 xccbm9 xccbm6 xccbm8 xccbm7 xccbm5 xccmi9 xccmi5 xccmi6 xccmi7 xccmi10 xccmi8 xccsy10 xccsy5 xccsy6 xccsy7 xccsy8 xccsy9 as well as the matching .pfm, .tfm, .afm, and .inf files. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Conden Chao

Designer of the free blackboard bold type 1 font CMath BB (2020), which is compatible with the Computer Modern fonts. He was assisted by Saravanan Murugaiah. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Coppers & Brasses
[Alexandre Saumier Demers]

Quebec-based type type foundry Coppers & Brasses was set up in 2011 by Alexandre Saumier Demers and Étienne Aubert Bonn in the plateau area of Montreal. Both graduated from the graphic and type design program at UQAM in Montreal and went on do the Type and Media program at KABK in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Creators of these typefaces in 2012: Martha (monospaced slabby grotesque done by both founders), Sardine (fat signage typeface by Bonn), Freitt (blackletter typeface by Bonn). Nicole (2012) is an elegant basic sans typeface by Olivier Mercier-Chan Kane.

In 2013, Etienne graduated from the Type & Media program at KABK in Den Haag. In 2014, Alexandre in turn graduated from the Type & Media program at KABK. For his graduation, Alexandre developed the didone typeface family Lewis. He writes: Lewis is a typeface designed for mathematical typesetting, specifically for the TeX typesetting system. It consists of 3 text styles (Roman, Bold, Italic) and 3 math styles (Math Italic, Greek, Blackboard) for use as variables. The text Italic relates to the Roman while the Math Italic stand out with its cursive construction. Likewise, the Greek differentiate easily from Latin characters. The Blackboard inlines are adapted for text sizes with their wide and open cut. Lewis features many size variants and extending shapes, ideal in displayed equations.

The list of their retail and custom fonts:

  • Guillon (2016). Manufactured for Studio Feed.
  • GSM Grotesque (2016). A custom typeface by Coppers and Brasses and Studio Feed, for GSM Project.
  • Caserne (2015). A custom stencil typeface designed with Samuel Larocque for the Montreal-based studio Caserne.
  • CCM Grotesk (2015, Latin and Cyrillic). A custom typeface for Canadian sporting goods brand CCM, with a textured version. The Cyrillic was overseen by Russian type designer Maria Doreuli.
  • VLNL Wurst (2015, VetteLetters). This wurst-themed typefaces comes in three styles, Brat, Blut and Bier Wurst. The interesting aspect of this font is that Demers developed a special Wurst Schreiber software for drawing segments as sausages in RoboFont.
  • Double (2015, Alexandre Saumier Demers and Étienne Aubert Bonn). A retail typeface family from condensed to wide with wedge serifs, a copperplate feel, and slight flaring. Ideal for display work.
  • Canal (2015, Étienne Aubert Bonn). A fantastic retail sans typeface family: Canal is a typeface family inspired by the blue collar, hard working people that were the late 19th and early 20th centuries labor force of the new continent. It is a sturdy workhorse with a wink of humanism.
  • Martha (2014, Alexandre Saumier Demers and Étienne Aubert Bonn). A retail typeface family with curvy typewriter influences, some monospaced styles and a grotesque to boot.
  • Klaus (2014, Étienne Aubert Bonn). Developed for personal web and paper work.
  • Théorie (2014, Alexandre Saumier Demers and Étienne Aubert Bonn). A techno stencil typeface commissioned by UQAM's Bureau de Design for the Bâtisseurs of the science faculty award.
  • Lewis (2014, Alexandre Saumier Demers). A font system for typesetting mathematics in TeX, developed at KABK.
  • Alphonse (2014, Alexandre Saumier Demers). An elegant garalde custom text typeface.
  • Nurraq (2013, Étienne Aubert Bonn). Developed as a school project at KABK, Nurraq is a multi-script typeface system that matches a Latin serif text typeface with a Canadian aboriginal syllabics character set for the Inuktitut language.
  • Compass (2013, Étienne Aubert Bonn). A revival based on the early drawings of Monotype Plantin series 110 by Frank Hinman Pierpont and Fritz Stelzer.
  • MLS Soccer (2012). A handcrafted custom typeface by Alexandre Saumier Demers and Étienne Aubert Bonn, commissioned by Sid Lee.
  • Radio Canada (2017). A custom corporate humanist sans typeface for the French TV network in Quebec, co-designed by Charls Daoud and Alexandre Saumier-Demers of Coppers and Brasses. Google Fonts link. Github link.
  • Mortier (2021): A typeface inspired by old hand-painted advertisements on brick walls---many of which still exist as ghost signs in cities across the world. This unique style of lettering was influenced by precomputer techniques wherein sign painters would use the brick wall on which they were painting as a reference for laying out their text.

Alexandre spends most of his time since 2016 working on variable font projects for The Type Network (ex-Font Font Bureau). Home page of Alexandre Saumier Demers. Behance link for Coppers and Brasses. [Google] [More]  ⦿


The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network is the authoritative collection of materials related to the TeX typesetting system and Metafont. It has announcements, an archive, and a convenient download site. There are many subpages on fonts for TEX, including most metafonts ever created, as well as some type 1 and truetype font collections. See also here.

Until 2013, it was mainly hosted by Jim Hefferon at St. Michael's College. In 2013, the new official North American redistribution site is at the University of Utah, thanks to Nelson Beebe and Pieter Bowman. Recommended file transfers, in decreasing order of efficiency: rsync, ftp and http. Generic redirector to balance traffic.

Practical download site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

CTAN math packages

The following CTAN packages offer free fonts or font packages with mathematical support:

[Google] [More]  ⦿

Curtis Bright

Canadian mathematician and computer scientist from the University of Waterloo who is currently a visiting postdoctoral fellow of Carleton University. Author in 2011 of Computer Modern Metafont to PostScript Type 3 Converter. He converted Knuth's 75 Computer Modern fonts with this short program, and explains: This is a collection of Knuth's Computer Modern fonts in PostScript Type 3 format. They are non-outline, non-bitmap versions which have been generated by a script which runs MetaPost on the original Metafont sources. Using the script, any CM family can be converted at any optical size, which might be useful if no Type 1 version is available and you require vector fonts, not bitmap fonts. Since they were not generated by approximating a Bézier curve to the font's contours, these can be considered the "most accurate" representations of Knuth's original design. On the other hand, they have no hinting and will not look good on-screen, except when viewed at high resolution. Also, using them with TeX requires compilation to DVI first, since pdfTeX does not seem to natively support PostScript Type 3 fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿


cwTeX: TeX for Chinese. This is the jump page with links to software and sources, including many Chinese fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Tsong-Min Wu]

Some Taiwanese Free Software Foundation supporters designed a number of free Chinese truetype fonts under the guidance of Edward J. Lee between 1999 and 2005. People involved include Tsong-Min Wu and Tsong-Huey Wu. As of 2005, the fonts are cwTeXFangSong, cwTeXHeiBold, cwTeXKai, cwTeXMing, cwTeXYen. All fonts cover Chinese, Korean and Latin as well. The project is part of CLE (Chinese GNU/Linux Extensions) located in Taiwan. The fonts are especially useful with cwTeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Czechoslovak TeX Users Group

This TeX users group has an active Bulletin, which has several interesting issues with articles each month. Free access to the issues. (In Czech) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Benjamin Miller

[More]  ⦿

Daniel Flipo

French mathematician who is/was at the University of Science and Technology of Lille, France, who is opposed to CETA (the EU-Canada trade deal). Designer in 2019 of the free Math font package Erewhon Math.

Erewhon-Math is a Utopia-based opentype mathematical font. The mathematical symbols and Greek letters are borrowed or derived from Michel Bovani's Fourier-Gutenberg. The Latin letters and digits are borrowed from Michael Sharpe's Erewhon font. It requires LuaTeX or XeTeX as engine and the unicode-math package. Erewhon-Math provides all glyphs supplied by Fourier-Gutenberg plus all glyphs available in the amssymb and latexsym packages and many more. The coverage of Unicode math glyphs is a bit less than in STIX Math Two.

In 2019 and 2020, Daniel Flipo provided free opentype versions of Christophe Caignaert's math font family, KpFonts. His package consists of sixteen Text OpenType fonts, a Roman family KpRoman (in eight shapes and weights), a Sans-Serif family KpSans, a TypeWriter family KpMono (in four shapes and weights), and five Math OpenType fonts, KpMath. See also KpFonts OTF.

In 2022, Daniel Flipo developed a free OpenType font based on Ulrik Vieth's Metafont Concrete Math, also called Concrete Math. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dario Taraborelli

Author of Accessing OpenType font features in LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dario Taraborelli

Great page explaining the advantages of Latex over Microsoft Word. Also, exemplary HTML code. [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Wright
[Tex Font Guide]

[More]  ⦿

Davide P. Cervone

[More]  ⦿

Denis Roegel
[LaTex Navigator]

[More]  ⦿

Denis Roegel
[LaTeX Navigator]

[More]  ⦿

Design Difference& TUG India

Free Malayalam fonts. The Keli family (2002) is by Hashim P.M., and was developed under the auspices of Design Difference TUG India. There is also an extensive family called Rachana. All comes packaged with all the necessary TeX and LaTeX files. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Detexify - LaTeX Symbol Classifier
[Scott Pakin]

Scott Pakin's Comprehensive Latex Symbol List (2009; see also this PDF file) is just too long to memorize. So Detexify, the page of Philipp Kühl had the initial idea and Daniel Kirsch, allows one to draw a symbol on the screen in order to search the LaTeX database. It uses learning to improve over time. This page is awesome. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Diego Puga
[Pazo math fonts]

[More]  ⦿

Dimitrios Filippou on Greek TEX

Article by Filippou on Greek in TEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Don Knuth

[More]  ⦿

Donald E. Knuth

Professor of computer science at Stanford University, who by himself changed the world of mathematical and scientific typesetting when he developed TeX in the 1980s. That system needed fonts, so he developed a program called Metafont that permits a simple software description of a glyph. And with Metafont, and the help of Hermann Zapf, he created the Computer Modern type family. This is a tour de force, because each letter in the 72 original fonts has only one descriptive program that contains several parameters. Different parameter settings yield the typefaces, from italic to roman and bold, from 5pt to 10pt and 17pt optical settings, and from sans to serif and typewriter. Since a few years ago, he is Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University.

In 1983, Hermann Zapf and Donald Knuth headed a project to develop a font set called Euler. One implementation of that is AMS Euler Text.

Author in 1998 of Digital Typography (CSLI Publications). His METAFONT Book is free.

In 2013, he received the Peter Karow Award in typography. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

Donald Knuth's FTP site

In Stanford. Has the Computer Modern metafont family and the AMS fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿


DTM is the GNU-license Definitive Type Manager being developed for all Linux subsystems (e.g., Ghostscript, enscript, X11, Gnome, TeX) by Federico Di Gregorio. Written in perl. Latest version: [Google] [More]  ⦿


DVI to PDF filter. Free. [Google] [More]  ⦿


dvi to PostScript filter by Thomas Rokicki. Free, current version 5.58. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Tom Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver used by most TeX people. [Google] [More]  ⦿

dvips info pages

Information pages on Thomas Rokicki's dvips filter. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

eco fonts v1.2

This is a set of font metric files and virtual fonts for using the ec fonts with oldstyle numerals in TeX. This metafont family is called eco fonts. It can only be used together with the standard ec fonts. Developed by Sebastian Marius Kirsch. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eddie Kohler

[More]  ⦿

Eddie Kohler

[More]  ⦿

Eddie Kohler

[More]  ⦿

e-foundry (was: GUST)

The Polish TEX users group evolved into GUST and then e-foundry. Here you can find goodies in truetype and type 1 such as

  • QuasiHelvetica: based on NimbusSans, modified by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk.
  • QuasiCourier: based on Nimbus Mono, modified by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk.
  • QuasiChancery: based on URW Chancery L, modified by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk.
  • QuasiBookman: based on URW Bookman L, modified by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk.
  • QuasiTimes: based on Nimbus Roman No9, modified by Bogusław Jackowski.
  • QuasiPalladio: based on URW Palladio, modified by Bogusław Jackowski.
  • Antykwa Półtawskiego: based on work by Adam Półtawski (1923-1928), constructed by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk.
  • Antykwa Toruńska: based on work by Zygfryd Gardzielewski, electronic version by Janusz M. Nowacki.
  • The Latin Modern (LM) family of fonts is expected to eventually replace Computer Modern, the first family of fonts designed by Donald E. Knuth for TeX. By Jackowski and Nowacki, this is a major undertaking.
  • The TeX Gyre (TG) collection aims at remaking of the freely available fonts distributed with Ghostscript. Included in this set is the Courier and URW Nimbus Mono revival TeX Gyre Cursor (2008): Cyrillic glyphs were added by Valek Filippov, Vietnamese characters were added by Han The Thanh, and the general work was done by B. Jackowski and J.M. Nowacki. Other styles include TeX Gyre Adventor, TeX Gyre Heros, TeX Gyre Chorus, TeX Gyre Bonum, TeX Gyre Schola, TeX Gyre Termes, TeX Gyre Pagella.
  • Kurier and Iwona. Kurier was designed in pre-computing times by Malgorzata Budyta, digitized and extended by Janusz M. Nowacki. He went on to design Iwona, which is based on Kurier. Iwona is named after Janusz's daughter.
  • Cyklop (2008), a two-style sans headline typeface by Nowacki based on a 1920s type by the "Odlewnia Czcionek J. Idzkowski i S-ka" type foundry in Warsaw.

Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emoji package
[Xiangdong Zeng]

This package from 2020 allows users to typeset emoji in a LATEX document. Zeng also compares various popular emoji fonts:

  • Apple Color Emoji (sbix table). Bitmap.
  • Segoe UI Emoji (COLR/CPAL table). Vector format.
  • EmojiOne Mozilla (COLR/CPAL table). Vector format.
  • Twemoji Mozilla (COLR/CPAL table). Vector format.
  • Noto Color Emoji (CBDT/CBLC table). Bitmap.
  • JoyPixels (CBDT/CBLC table). Bitmap.
  • EmojiOne (SVG). Vector format.
  • Twitter Color Emoji (SVG). Vector format.

Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Walter Schmidt]

Math font package managed by Walter Schmidt. The well-known Euler math fonts (designed by H. Zapf) are suitable for math typesetting in conjunction with a variety of text fonts which do not provide math character sets of their own. Euler-VM is a set of _virtual_ math fonts based on Euler and CM. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Euro Symbol Package for LaTeX by Henrik Theiling
[Henrik Theiling]

Henrik Theilling's Euro symbol package in metafont, created according to the precise specifications. See also here. Version 1.3 and up contain PostScript fonts as well: TeX-feybl10, TeX-feybo10, TeX-feybr10, TeX-feyml10, TeX-feymo10, TeX-feymr10. The type 1 fonts were created by Thomas Schröder. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Harold W. de Wijn]

Euro and CE symbol fonts made by Harold W. de Wijn in metafont format in 1998 (version 3.0 from 2002). de Wijn is a physics professor at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. [Google] [More]  ⦿

EuroTeX 2003

The theme of EuroTeX 2003 was "Back to typography". This conference, masterfully organized by Yannis Haralambous, was held in Brest, France, from 24-27 June 2003. Pictures of Christian Paput, George Williams, Sivan Toledo, Thomas Milo and Jef Tombeur. Report by Jef Tombeur [navigate to August 29, 2003]. A proceedings will be published in 2005. Its contents:

  • Christian Paput: French typographic patrimony, conservation and teaching
  • Jacques André: The Cassetin project--- Towards an inventory of ancient types and the related standardised encoding
  • Apostolos Syropoulos: Replicating archaic documents: A typographic challenge
  • Azzeddine Lazrek: CurExt, typesetting variable-sized curved symbols
  • Vlad Atanasiu: Allographic biometrics and behavior synthesis
  • Ghassan Mourad: La virgule viendrait-elle de l'écriture arabe ?
  • Emmanuel Souchier: Quelques remarques sur le sens et la servitude de la typographie
  • Yves Maniette: Systeme automatise de co-redaction de livres
  • Isabelle Turcan, Viviane Berthelier: Ethique et edition scientifique d'ouvrages anciens sur support electronique
  • Yannis Haralambous, John Plaice: XLaTeX, a DTD/schema which is very close to LaTeX
  • Jose Grimm: Tralics, a LaTeX to XML translator
  • Simon Pepping: Docbook In ConTeXt, a ConTeXt XML mapping for Docbook documents
  • Ioannis Kanellos: Intertextualite et typographie numerique--- considerations semantiques sur le livre electronique
  • Ghassan Mourad: Nouveaux signes de lecture et d'écriture pour les documents electroniques
  • Marie-Louise Chaix, Fabrice Popineau: The XEMTeX project
  • Jerome Laurens: iTeXMac, an integrated TeX environment for Mac OSX
  • Balazs Vecsei: Description of knowledge of mathematical programs with TeX and XML
  • David Turner, Werner Lemberg: Real-time grid fitting of typographic outlines
  • Jean-Pierre Sutto, Pier Daniele Napolitani: L'utilisation du Mauro-TeX pour l'edition critique de Francesco Maurolico
  • Peter Szabo: Inserting external figures with GraphicP
  • Karel Horak: Geometric diversions with TeX, MF and MP
  • Frederic Boulanger: Printing digital photographs with LaTeX
  • David Kastrup: Output routine requirements for advanced typesetting tasks
  • Thomas Widmann: Bibulus---a Perl/XML replacement for BibTeX
  • Fabien Dagnat, Ronan Keryell, Laura Barrero Sastre, Emmanuel Donin de Rosiere, Nicolas Torneri: BibTeX++: Toward higher-order BibTeXing
  • Jean-Michel Hufflen: European bibliography styles and MlBibTeX
  • Petr Olsak: Second version of encTeX: UTF-499
  • Thomas Milo: ALI-BABA and the 40 Unicode characters---Towards the ideal Arabic working environment
  • John Plaice, Yannis Haralambous: Generating multiple outputs from OMEGA
  • B.V. Venkata Krishna Sastry: Enhanced font features for future multilingual digital typography with sound-script-language attribute integration
  • Gyongyi Bujdoso: Contemporary Hungarian types and designers
  • George Williams: Font creation with FontForge
  • Primoz Peterlin: The free UCS outline fonts project---An attempt to create a global font
  • Anish Mehta, Gabor Bella, Yannis Haralambous: Adapting OMEGA to OpenType fonts
  • Sivan Toledo, Zvika Rosenberg: Experience with OpenType Font Production
  • Serge Vakulenko: The METATYPE project: Creating TrueType fonts based on MF
  • Boguslaw Jackowski, Janusz Nowacki, Piotr Strzelczyk: Programming PS Typefonts using MetaTypeenhancing, creating
  • Wai Wong, Candy L.K. Yiu, Kelvin C.F. Ng: Typesetting rare Chinese characters in LaTeX
  • Luc Devroye: Formatting font formats
  • Jef Tombeur: Polices d'apprentissage de l'écriture
  • Jef Tombeur: Alphabets artificiels et synthetiques
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Exeter IT Service

Using PostScript fonts with TEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Farsi TEX program and fonts. Page by Hassan Abolhassani. 1MB worth of zipped Farsi fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Basic TEX jump page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Filenames for TEX fonts

File names for PostScript fonts in TEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿


TeX macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to TeX metric (TFM) and virtual font (VF) format. Fontinst is a program that helps with installing fonts for (La)TeX. Since it is written entirely in TeX macros, it is completely portable. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Vincent Zoonekynd's free perl script that installs truetype and type 1 fonts for use in LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fonts and font facilities supplied with ghostscript

Information on fonts in ghostscript. Discussed are the 35 free URW type 1 fonts, Basil Malyshev's Paradissa fonts for Computer Modern, the use of the Fontmap, the prfont.ps program for printing a sample sheet, the free Hanzi font (Chinese) by Jackson Technologies, the free Kanji type 1 fonts by Tetsurou Tanaka of the Department of Engineering, University of Tokyo, N. Glonty and A. Samarin's CM Cyrillic fonts, the bdftops (BDF font to type 1 font) conversion program, and many technical details. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Alan Jeffrey]

Alan Jeffrey's LaTeX program for printing a font sample. [Google] [More]  ⦿


From the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia, Jan Pazdziora's PERL module for extracting information from TFM files. Free. GitHub link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Jan Pazdziora's free Perl module allows you to read the TeX font metric (TFM) files and access the information stored in them. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Formatting Font Formats

A research article published in 1993 by Luc Devroye at EuroTeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Frans Velthuis

Frans Velthuis (Groningen University) developed a Devanagari Metafont in 1991, which is available from the CTAN archive. Later, Anshuman Pandey from Washington University in Seattle, took over the maintenance of font.

Primoz Peterlin made type 1 outlines based on this. These outline renderings (Type 1) were automatically converted from METAFONT by Peter Szabo's TeXtrace, and subsequently edited using George Williams' PfaEdit PostScript font editor by Anshuman Pandey (University of Washington). In 2003-2004, additional updates in the set of 22 Metafont files are due to Kevin Carmody, who presently maintains the package. The font names: TeX-dvng10, TeX-dvng9, TeX-dvng8. These were later changed to VelthuisDevanagari8-Regular, VelthuisDevanagari9-Regular and VelthuisDevanagari10-Regular. This font was used in the GNU freefont project for the Devanagari range (U+0900-U+097F).

Karel Piska's type 1 fonts in the Indic1 package include these Devanagari typefaces based on Velthuis's Metafont sources from 1991-2005: Velthuis-dvng10, Velthuis-dvng8, Velthuis-dvng9, Velthuis-dvngb10, Velthuis-dvngb8, Velthuis-dvngb9, Velthuis-dvngbi10, Velthuis-dvngbi8, Velthuis-dvngbi9, Velthuis-dvngi10, Velthuis-dvngi8, Velthuis-dvngi9, Velthuis-dvpn10, Velthuis-dvpn8, Velthuis-dvpn9, VelthuisBombay-dvnb10, VelthuisBombay-dvnb8, VelthuisBombay-dvnb9, VelthuisBombay-dvnbb10, VelthuisBombay-dvnbb8, VelthuisBombay-dvnbb9, VelthuisBombay-dvnbbi10, VelthuisBombay-dvnbbi8, VelthuisBombay-dvnbbi9, VelthuisBombay-dvnbi10, VelthuisBombay-dvnbi8, VelthuisBombay-dvnbi9, VelthuisBombay-dvpb10, VelthuisBombay-dvpb8, VelthuisBombay-dvpb9, VelthuisCalcutta-dvnc10, VelthuisCalcutta-dvnc8, VelthuisCalcutta-dvnc9, VelthuisCalcutta-dvncb10, VelthuisCalcutta-dvncb8, VelthuisCalcutta-dvncb9, VelthuisCalcutta-dvncbi10, VelthuisCalcutta-dvncbi8, VelthuisCalcutta-dvncbi9, VelthuisCalcutta-dvnci10, VelthuisCalcutta-dvnci8, VelthuisCalcutta-dvnci9, VelthuisCalcutta-dvpc10, VelthuisCalcutta-dvpc8, VelthuisCalcutta-dvpc9, VelthuisNepali-dvnn10, VelthuisNepali-dvnn8, VelthuisNepali-dvnn9, VelthuisNepali-dvnnb10, VelthuisNepali-dvnnb8, VelthuisNepali-dvnnb9, VelthuisNepali-dvnnbi10, VelthuisNepali-dvnnbi8, VelthuisNepali-dvnnbi9, VelthuisNepali-dvnni10, VelthuisNepali-dvnni8, VelthuisNepali-dvnni9, VelthuisNepali-dvpnn10, VelthuisNepali-dvpnn8, VelthuisNepali-dvpnn9.

A complete package for Velthuis Devanagari (Hindi) with both fonts and TeX support is at CTAN. It is maintained by Anshuman Pandey. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Free math fonts

Listing produced by the math Font Group (part of TUG):

[Google] [More]  ⦿

French TeX specialists

The French TeX specialists, in 2014, as listed by Frank Adebiaye:

[Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond Math
[Yuansheng Zhao]

In 2019, Yuansheng Zhao and Xiangdong Zeng posted Garamond Math at CTAN. This unfinished projects extends EB Garamond (Octavio Pardo) and EB Garamond (Georg Mayr-Duffner). The mathematical symbols are imported from other fonts or made from scratch. The early versions have serious kerning problems though. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Daniel Taupin from the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, F-91405 Orsay, France, offers open source code for creating PK, GF and TFM files from TTF files. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Georg Verweyen

German author of the DictSym type 1 font (2004), which contains a number of symbols used in dictionaries. Walter Schmidt wrotes an accompanying macro package for LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Graham Williams
[The TeX Catalogue Online]

[More]  ⦿


greektex by Yiannis N. Moschovakis (Dept of Mathematics, UCLA) and George Spiliotis is also based on Silvio Levy's Greek metafonts and Donald Knuth's Computer Modern. [Google] [More]  ⦿

GreeKTeX Ver 3.1

K. J. Dryllerakis's GreeKTeX package including several Greek metafonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gurmukhi metafont
[Amarjit Singh]

Gurmukhi for TeX software, including metafont sources. All developed by Amarjit Singh in 1995. [Google] [More]  ⦿


GUST is the Polish TEX Users Group. This document describes, in Polish, the many directories and files here. Notable are the type 1 fonts Antykwa Torunska and seria PL by J.M. Nowacki, Quasi-Palladio IV'98 and QuasiTimes IV'98 by B. Jackowski. There are also many metafonts. Was maintained by Polish TeX expert Staszek Wawrykiewicz (d. 2018). [Google] [More]  ⦿


Association of the French users of TeX. Has a newsletter, and publishes topical books. Run by Jacques André, University of Rennes. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hamster Font Manager

Freshmeat writes: "HFM is a font manager for Unix systems. With it you can control the avaliability of fonts in all of the supported applications from a central place. Currently included are modules to support X11, Ghostscript and TeX. A PostScript module handles PS Fonts while other fonts remain untouched by this program. HFM has a nice Tcl/TK GUI." Free utility by sopraf. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Han The Thanh

[More]  ⦿

Hans Hagen

[More]  ⦿

Harald Harders

[More]  ⦿

Harold W. de Wijn

[More]  ⦿


A Hebrew LaTeX package. It contains the following fonts:

  • Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, DeadSea: metafont and PostScript.
  • Frank_Ruehl (Regular, Bold, Slanted): in metafont.
  • Redis metafont family created by Prof. Jacques J. Goldberg of the Technion, Haifa.
  • hclassic and hcaption, created by Joel M. Hoffman.
  • ShalomScript10, ShalomStick10, ShalomOldStyle10, created By Jonathan Brecher.
  • crml10, crmlsl10 (Carmel and Carmel Slanted), both bold titling fonts created by Dr. Samy Zafrany of the Technion, Haifa.
[Google] [More]  ⦿

Henrik Theiling
[Euro Symbol Package for LaTeX by Henrik Theiling]

[More]  ⦿

Hermann Zapf
[Hz program]

[More]  ⦿

[Harald Harders]

In 2002, Harald Harders used mftrace to turn Walter Schmidt's cmbright from Metafont into PostScript. The font names and the file names begin with 'hf' for 'harders font'. This has been done for not getting mixed up with the commercial cmbright fonts by MicroPress. "hfbright" are the type 1 versions of the OT1-encoded and maths parts of the Computer Modern Bright fonts. The list: HFBR10, HFBR17, HFBR8, HFBR9, HFBRAS10, HFBRAS8, HFBRAS9, HFBRBS10, HFBRBS8, HFBRBS9, HFBRBX10, HFBRMB10, HFBRMI10, HFBRMI8, HFBRMI9, HFBRSL10, HFBRSL17, HFBRSL8, HFBRSL9, HFBRSY10, HFBRSY8, HFBRSY9, HFSLTL10, HFTL10. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hirwen Harendal
[Arkandis Digital Foundry]

[More]  ⦿

H=Jan Poland on CJK Fonts
[Jan Poland]

Jan Poland explains how to work with Japanese and CJK fonts in LaTeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hossein Movahhedian

Creator in 2013 of Persian HM-FTX. This large free CTAN package of fonts contains HM_FTXarshia-Bold, HM_FTXarshia-BoldItalic, HM_FTXarshia-BoldOblique, HM_FTXarshia-Italic, HM_FTXarshia-Oblique, HM_FTXarshia-Outline, HM_FTXarshia-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXarshia-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXarshia-Shadow, HM_FTXarshia-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXarshia-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXarshia, HM_FTXbadr-Bold, HM_FTXbadr-BoldItalic, HM_FTXbadr-BoldOblique, HM_FTXbadr-Italic, HM_FTXbadr-Oblique, HM_FTXbadr-Outline, HM_FTXbadr-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXbadr-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXbadr-Shadow, HM_FTXbadr-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXbadr-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXbadr, HM_FTXelham-Bold, HM_FTXelham-BoldItalic, HM_FTXelham-BoldOblique, HM_FTXelham-Italic, HM_FTXelham-Oblique, HM_FTXelham-Outline, HM_FTXelham-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXelham-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXelham-Shadow, HM_FTXelham-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXelham, HM_FTXfarnaz-Bold, HM_FTXfarnaz-BoldItalic, HM_FTXfarnaz-BoldOblique, HM_FTXfarnaz-Italic, HM_FTXfarnaz-Oblique, HM_FTXfarnaz-Outline, HM_FTXfarnaz-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXfarnaz-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXfarnaz-Shadow, HM_FTXfarnaz-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXfarnaz-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXfarnaz, HM_FTXhoma-Bold, HM_FTXhoma-BoldItalic, HM_FTXhoma-BoldOblique, HM_FTXhoma-Italic, HM_FTXhoma-Oblique, HM_FTXhoma-Outline, HM_FTXhoma-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXhoma-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXhoma-Shadow, HM_FTXhoma-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXhoma-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXhoma, HM_FTXjadid-Bold, HM_FTXjadid-BoldItalic, HM_FTXjadid-BoldOblique, HM_FTXjadid-Italic, HM_FTXjadid-Oblique, HM_FTXjadid-Outline, HM_FTXjadid-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXjadid-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXjadid-Shadow, HM_FTXjadid-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXjadid-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXjadid, HM_FTXkamran-Bold, HM_FTXkamran-BoldItalic, HM_FTXkamran-BoldOblique, HM_FTXkamran-Italic, HM_FTXkamran-Oblique, HM_FTXkamran-Outline, HM_FTXkamran-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXkamran-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXkamran-Shadow, HM_FTXkamran-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXkamran-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXkamran, HM_FTXkoodak-Bold, HM_FTXkoodak-BoldItalic, HM_FTXkoodak-BoldOblique, HM_FTXkoodak-Italic, HM_FTXkoodak-Oblique, HM_FTXkoodak-Outline, HM_FTXkoodak-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXkoodak-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXkoodak-Shadow, HM_FTXkoodak-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXkoodak-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXkoodak, HM_FTXlotoos-Bold, HM_FTXlotoos-BoldItalic, HM_FTXlotoos-BoldOblique, HM_FTXlotoos-Italic, HM_FTXlotoos-Oblique, HM_FTXlotoos-Outline, HM_FTXlotoos-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXlotoos-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXlotoos-Shadow, HM_FTXlotoos-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXlotoos-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXlotoos, HM_FTXmitra-Bold, HM_FTXmitra-BoldItalic, HM_FTXmitra-BoldOblique, HM_FTXmitra-Italic, HM_FTXmitra-Oblique, HM_FTXmitra-Outline, HM_FTXmitra-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXmitra-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXmitra-Shadow, HM_FTXmitra-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXmitra-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXmitra, HM_FTXnasim-Bold, HM_FTXnasim-BoldItalic, HM_FTXnasim-BoldOblique, HM_FTXnasim-Italic, HM_FTXnasim-Oblique, HM_FTXnasim-Outline, HM_FTXnasim-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXnasim-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXnasim-Shadow, HM_FTXnasim-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXnasim-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXnasim, HM_FTXnazli-Bold, HM_FTXnazli-BoldItalic, HM_FTXnazli-BoldOblique, HM_FTXnazli-Italic, HM_FTXnazli-Oblique, HM_FTXnazli-Outline, HM_FTXnazli-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXnazli-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXnazli-Shadow, HM_FTXnazli-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXnazli-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXnazli, HM_FTXroya-Bold, HM_FTXroya-BoldItalic, HM_FTXroya-BoldOblique, HM_FTXroya-Italic, HM_FTXroya-Oblique, HM_FTXroya-Outline, HM_FTXroya-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXroya-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXroya-Shadow, HM_FTXroya-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXroya-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXroya, HM_FTXsf-Bold, HM_FTXsf-BoldItalic, HM_FTXsf-BoldOblique, HM_FTXsf-Italic, HM_FTXsf-Oblique, HM_FTXsf-Outline, HM_FTXsf-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXsf-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXsf-Shadow, HM_FTXsf-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXsf-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXsf, HM_FTXtabasm-Bold, HM_FTXtabasm-BoldItalic, HM_FTXtabasm-BoldOblique, HM_FTXtabasm-Italic, HM_FTXtabasm-Oblique, HM_FTXtabasm-Outline, HM_FTXtabasm-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXtabasm-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXtabasm-Shadow, HM_FTXtabasm-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXtabasm-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXtabasm, HM_FTXtitr-Bold, HM_FTXtitr-BoldItalic, HM_FTXtitr-BoldOblique, HM_FTXtitr-Italic, HM_FTXtitr-Oblique, HM_FTXtitr-Outline, HM_FTXtitr-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXtitr-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXtitr-Shadow, HM_FTXtitr-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXtitr-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXtitr, HM_FTXtrafik-Bold, HM_FTXtrafik-BoldItalic, HM_FTXtrafik-BoldOblique, HM_FTXtrafik-Italic, HM_FTXtrafik-Oblique, HM_FTXtrafik-Outline, HM_FTXtrafik-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXtrafik-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXtrafik-Shadow, HM_FTXtrafik-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXtrafik-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXtrafik, HM_FTXyaghut-Bold, HM_FTXyaghut-BoldItalic, HM_FTXyaghut-BoldOblique, HM_FTXyaghut-Italic, HM_FTXyaghut-Oblique, HM_FTXyaghut-Outline, HM_FTXyaghut-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXyaghut-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXyaghut-Shadow, HM_FTXyaghut-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXyaghut-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXyaghut, HM_FTXzar-Bold, HM_FTXzar-BoldItalic, HM_FTXzar-BoldOblique, HM_FTXzar-Italic, HM_FTXzar-Oblique, HM_FTXzar-Outline, HM_FTXzar-OutlineItalic, HM_FTXzar-OutlineOblique, HM_FTXzar-Shadow, HM_FTXzar-ShadowItalic, HM_FTXzar-ShadowOblique, HM_FTXzar.

He also made a second Persian typeface family called Persian HM-XBS in 2013. This includes HM_XBKayhan-Bold, HM_XBKayhan-BoldItalic, HM_XBKayhan-Italic, HM_XBKayhan, HM_XBKayhanNavaar, HM_XBKayhanPook, HM_XBKayhanSayeh, HM_XBKhoramshahr-Bold, HM_XBKhoramshahr-BoldItalic, HM_XBKhoramshahr-Italic, HM_XBKhoramshahr-Oblique, HM_XBKhoramshahr-ObliqueBold, HM_XBKhoramshahr, HM_XBNiloofar-Bold, HM_XBNiloofar-BoldItalic, HM_XBNiloofar-Italic, HM_XBNiloofar, HM_XBRiyaz-Bold, HM_XBRiyaz-BoldItalic, HM_XBRiyaz-Italic, HM_XBRiyaz, HM_XBRoya-Bold, HM_XBRoya-BoldItalic, HM_XBRoya-Italic, HM_XBRoya, HM_XBShafigh-Bold, HM_XBShafigh-BoldItalic, HM_XBShafigh-Italic, HM_XBShafigh, HM_XBShafighKurd-Bold, HM_XBShafighKurd-BoldItalic, HM_XBShafighKurd-Italic, HM_XBShafighKurd, HM_XBShafighUzbek-Bold, HM_XBShafighUzbek-BoldItalic, HM_XBShafighUzbek-Italic, HM_XBShafighUzbek, HM_XBShiraz-Bold, HM_XBShiraz-BoldItalic, HM_XBShiraz-Italic, HM_XBShiraz, HM_XBSols-Bold, HM_XBSols-BoldItalic, HM_XBSols-Italic, HM_XBSols, HM_XBTabriz-Bold, HM_XBTabriz-BoldItalic, HM_XBTabriz-Italic, HM_XBTabriz, HM_XBTitre-Italic, HM_XBTitre, HM_XBTitreShadow-Italic, HM_XBTitreShadow, HM_XBYagut-Bold, HM_XBYagut-BoldItalic, HM_XBYagut-Italic, HM_XBYagut, HM_XBYas-Bold, HM_XBYas-BoldItalic, HM_XBYas-Italic, HM_XBYas, HM_XBZar-Bold, HM_XBZar-BoldItalic, HM_XBZar-Italic, HM_XBZar-Oblique, HM_XBZar-ObliqueBold, HM_XBZar, HM_XMTraffic-Bold, HM_XMTraffic-BoldItalic, HM_XMTraffic-Italic, HM_XMTraffic, HM_XMVahid-Bold, HM_XMVahid-BoldItalic, HM_XMVahid-Italic, HM_XMVahid, HM_XMYermook-Bold, HM_XMYermook-BoldItalic, HM_XMYermook-Italic, HM_XMYermook, HM_XPVosta-Bold, HM_XPVosta-BoldItalic, HM_XPVosta-Italic, HM_XPVosta, HM_XPZiba-Bold, HM_XPZiba-BoldItalic, HM_XPZiba-Italic, HM_XPZiba. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hz program
[Hermann Zapf]

Hz-program was a proprietary, patented typographic composition computer program, created by German typeface designer Hermann Zapf in 1988 based on work he carried out first at Harvard University and then at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The goal of this program was to produce the perfect grey type area without the rivers and holes of too-wide word spacing. Little is known about the composition algorithm created by Zapf and implemented in Hz-program. It is partly based on a typographically acceptable expansion or condensing of letters, called scaling, accorduibng to Zapf. Inside Hz is also a kerning program, that computes negative and in some cases positive kerning adjustments for glyph pairs on the fly.

The Hz-program was patented by URW (the patent expired in July 2010). Later, it was acquired by Adobe Systems for inclusion as the composition engine in Adobe InDesign application. It is not known if the Hz-program algorithm is still included in the latest releases of InDesign.

Books and articles:

[Google] [More]  ⦿

IBM Plex
[Mike Abbink]

A large free font family created by Mike Abbink and Bold Monday (Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Rosmalen) for IBM's new corporate identity in 2017. It includes the IBM Plex Sans, IBM Plex Serif, IBM Plex Sans Variable, and IBM Plex Mono subfamilies. Aneliza (2018) is a fork that has a single storey g in the italics.

A later modification / fork is Perplexed by Peter Hull in 2018.

Github link. IBM link. Direct download at Github. CTAN link. Local download. IBM Plex Mono at Google Fonts. IBM Plex Sans at Google Fonts. IBM Plex Sans Condensed at Google Fonts. IBM Plex Serif at Google Fonts. CTAN link for TeX support.

IBM Plex won an award at TDC Typeface Design 2018.

In 2021, Google Fonts added various multilingual versions of IBM PLex: IBM Plex Sans Devanagari (by Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, Erin McLaughlin), IBM Plex Sans Arabic (by Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, Wael Morcos, Khajak Apelian), IBM Plex Sans Hebrew (by Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, Yanek Iontef), IBM Plex Sans KR (by Mike Abbink; Paul van der Laan; Pieter van Rosmalen; Wujin Sim; Chorong Kim; Dohee Lee), IBM Plex Sans Thai (by Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, Ben Mitchell, Mark Frömberg), IBM Plex Sans Thai Looped (by Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen, Ben Mitchell, Mark Frömberg).

Google Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Pierre MacKay]

Pierre A. MacKay (Dept of Classics, University of Washington) has a Greek Latex package, which has metafonts that extend the Greek metafonts by Silvio Levy. It features the necessary breathing marks and accents for use with ancient Greek text. It also includes the digamma character and the numerals qoppa and sampi (the numerals appear in lowercase type only). Ibycus4 is a Greek typeface, based on Silvio Levy's realization of a classic Didot cut of Greek type from around 1800. Since 2004, this package includes type 1 fonts as well. The project is supported by Walter Schmidt and Harald Harders (who did some metafont to type 1 conversions). [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Joergen Pind]

Joergen Pind's metafont sources for Icelandic. Plus files to use in TeX. From the Institute of Lexicography, University of Iceland, Reykjavik. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ioannis Gamvets

In 2007, Ioannis Gamvets and Apostolos Syropoulos published the free Greek Philokalia package, which includes a free Philokalia OpenType font specially set up for use with TeX. It was specially made to print the Philokalia books. [Google] [More]  ⦿


Drawing tool for X-Windows. Can ask for EPS or PostScript output. Freeware. Developed at the Department of Computer Science of Utrecht University for Linux and SGI. "Ipe is a drawing editor for creating figures for inclusion into LaTeX documents. It is also useful to prepare transparencies or slides. Ipe drawings combine postscript data with LaTeX source code, that are both stored in the same file. You can add your own functions to Ipe, extending it with editing functions or geometric objects that you find useful. " [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jabir Ali Ouassou

Maintainer (since 2016) of the eulerpx package for use in TeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

[Don Knuth]

Jablantile (2009) is a small Metafont font created by Don Knuth to implement the modular tiles described by Slavik Jablan, a mathematics profeesor at Matematicki Institut SANU, Belgrade. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jacques André
[Charte des Ornements]

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James Walsh

Chemistry professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Designer of the free font Academicons (2015), which can be downloaded from CTAN and Github. The academicons TeX package was written by Diogo A. B. Fernandes. Home page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jan Laitenberger

Jan Laitenberger used to offer his free software, including BARCODE97 Version 2.02: "Supports many barcode formats (EAN, UPC, CodABar, Code 2 of 5, Code 3 of 9, Code 128) and file formats BMP, GIF, TeX and Postscript. With user friendly interface, it let you add the barcode text in any desired font and can generate the standard layout for EAN and UPC barcodes." The site also included XBarcode for UNIX users. Review. Backup of the software (bcode97.zip). [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jan Poland
[H=Jan Poland on CJK Fonts]

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Janusz Marian Nowacki
[PL fonts]

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Janusz Marian Nowacki

Polish type designer in Grudziadz (Stycznia) involved in the restauration of historical Polish type designs. At GUST.org, he created fonts for Polish such as QuasiHelvetica, QuasiCourier, QuasiChancery, QuasiBookman, Antykwa Półtawskiego (based on work by Adam Półtawskiego (1923-1928), constructed by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk), Antykwa Toruńska (1995, based on work by Zygfryd Gardzielewski, electronic version by Janusz M. Nowacki). Alternate URL for the latter face.

He runs FOTO ALFA. At the latter page, you can find these fonts in which Nowacki participated: Antykwa Torunska, Antykwa Pótawskiego, Rodzina krojów PL, Rodzina fontów LM (Latin Modern), Quasi Palatino, Quasi Times, Quasi Bookman, Quasi Courier, Quasi Swiss, Quasi Chancery. The Quasi series are Polish versions of standard URW and Ghostscript fonts. The Rodzina series are Polish versions of the Computer Modern families.

In 2005, he placed these fonts on CTAN: Kurier and Iwona. Kurier is a two-element sans-serif typeface. It was designed for a diploma in typeface design by Malgorzata Budyta (1975) at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision of Roman Tomaszewski. The result was presented with other Polish typefaces at the ATypI conference in Warsaw in 1975. Kurier was intended for Linotype typesetting of newspapers and similar periodicals. The design goals included resistance to technological processes destructive to the letter shapes. As a result, amongst others, the typeface distinguishes itself through intra- and extra-letter white spaces as well as ink traps at cross-sections of some elements constituting the characters. The PostScript and OpenType family covers Latin, East-European languages, Cyrillic and Vietnamese. Iwona covers all of these too and is Nowacki's alternative to Kurier. Both sans font families have many useful mathematical symbols as well.

In 2006, Nowacki and Jackowski published free extensions of the Ghostscript fonts in their TeX Gyre Project: Adventor, Bonum, Cursor, Heros, Pagella, Termes, Schola, Chorus.

In 2008, two styles of Cyklop were published. This was a generalization and extension of a historical type.

He writes: The Cyclop typeface was designed in the 1920s at the workshop of Warsaw type foundry "Odlewnia Czcionek J. Idzkowski i S-ka". This sans serif typeface has a highly modulated stroke so it has high typographic contrast. The vertical stems are much heavier then horizontal ones. Most characters have thin rectangles as additional counters giving the unique shape of the characters. The lead types of Cyclop typeface were produced in slanted variant at sizes 8-48 pt. It was heavily used for heads in newspapers and accidents prints. Typesetters used Cyclop in the inter-war period, during the occupation in the w underground press. The typeface was used until the beginnings of the offset print and computer typesetting era. Nowadays it is hard to find the metal types of this typeface.

  • Boguslaw Jackowski and Janusz Marian Nowacki created Latin Modern using Metatype1 based on Computer Modern, but extended with many diacritics. The list: lmb10, lmbo10, lmbx10, lmbx12, lmbx5, lmbx6, lmbx7, lmbx8, lmbx9, lmbxi10, lmbxo10, lmcsc10, lmcsco10, lmr10, lmr12, lmr17, lmr5, lmr6, lmr7, lmr8, lmr9, lmri10, lmri12, lmri7, lmri8, lmri9, lmro10, lmro12, lmro8, lmro9, lmss10, lmss12, lmss17, lmss8, lmss9, lmssbo10, lmssbx10, lmssdc10, lmssdo10, lmsso10, lmsso12, lmsso17, lmsso8, lmsso9, lmssq8, lmssqbo8, lmssqbx8, lmssqo8, lmtcsc10, lmtt10, lmtt12, lmtt8, lmtt9, lmtti10, lmtto10, lmvtt10, lmvtto10. [Google] [More]  ⦿

  • Jeroen Hellingman

    Dutch creator of an Oriya metafont (1996-1998). From the same source, Malayalam PostScript and TrueType fonts, and Tamazight (Berber) PostScript and TrueType fonts. He also created Malayalam metafonts in 1994 (and subsequently Malayalam PostScript and TrueType fonts), a Unicode Shapes font (TeX, PostScript, TrueType), and Tamazight (Berber) PostScript and TrueType fonts. Home page. Metafonts can be found here and here. His Malayalam fonts were created as uniform stroke only, while Oriya metafonts exist in both uniform and modulated stroke. Jeroen says: It is my intention to release the fonts under GPL, but not all copies around have this notice on them. The GNU Freefont project included his fonts for the ranges of Oriya (U+0B00-U+0B7F) and Malayalam (U+0D00-U+0D7F). Subsequently, the GNU Freefont project dropped all contributions and support for Oriya. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Joe Lauer

    Joe Lauer and MFizz Inc designed the free font FontMFizz (2014-2017) with icons representing programming languages, operating systems, software engineering, and technology. Free download of a TeX package prepared by Kevin Dungs. CTAN link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Joergen Pind

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    Johannes Heinecke

    Designer in Lannion, France, of Sertofont, a metafont for Syriac created in 2001, and improved in steps until 2013. Serto is a form of the syllabic alphabet used for Aramaic (a Western semitic language) which has been spoken in the Near East since at least 1100 BC. More precisely, Sertois used for Syriac which is the variant of Aramaic spoken since the second century AD. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Johannes Küster

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    John Owens
    [Adobe OT fonts in Latex]

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    John Owens' Guide

    John Owens describes how to install Adobe OpenType fonts for use with LaTeX. To do so he used the Eddie Kohler's LCDF Typetools and some scripts of his own. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Josef Kleber

    German software specialist who is providing TeX support for free fonts from Softmaker, such as Stone Handwriting (June 2009) and Henderson (July 2009). Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Davide P. Cervone]

    Download site for free TeX fonts for jsMath (an impressive free package by Davide P. Cervone for including math on web pages). These fonts can also be used elsewhere of course. Truetype and type fonts are available, and instructions are provided. The list of fonts: from the American Mathematical Society, CMBX10, CMEX10, CMMI10, CMR10, CMSY10, CMTI10; home-made in 2005: jsMath-bbold10, jsMath-cmbx10, jsMath-cmex10, jsMath-cmmi10, jsMath-cmr10, jsMath-cmsy10, jsMath-cmti10, jsMath-cmmib10, jsMath-eufb10, jsMath-eufm10, jsMath-eurb10, jsMath-eurm10, jsMath-eusb10, jsMath-eusm10, jsMath-lasy10, jsMath-lasyb10, jsMath-msam10, jsMath-msbm10, jsMath-rsfs10, jsMath-stmary10, jsMath-wasy10, jsMath-wasyb10; by Basil K. Malyshev: Cmbx10, Cmex10, Cmmi10, Cmr10, Cmsy10, Cmti10. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Julieta Ulanovsky

    [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

    JustFontIt TeX Edition

    Alexei Kostin's free program for Win32 is a tool for TeX users. It is intended to help installing fonts in Type1 Binary (PFB), Type1 ASCII (PFA), TrueType and OpenType/CFF to use with TeX. It includes Direct production of TFM and PL TeX metric files from various sources (PFA, PFB, TTF, OTF, AFM, PFM). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    K. J. Dryllerakis
    [KD Greek fonts]

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    KALE: KAnnada Lipi Enthusiasists (sic). This group is interested in TEX implementations for Kannada. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    "KALE (KAnnada Lipi Enthusiasists) is a group of Kannada Font Enthusiasists, whose principal aim at this point of time is to realize a Kannada TeX so as to be able to typeset documents written in Kannada." KanTex was developed by G. S. Jagadeesh and Venkatesh P. Gopinath, an EECS professor at Berkeley. It comes with a Metafont family. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Karl Berry

    TeX type expert. Additional URL. He has been helpful to the type community throughout his career. For example, in the ly1 package, one finds all necessary UNIX files to be able to make Latex use the standard 35 PostScript fonts [This package was created by David Carlisle in 1997, updated by Walter Schmidt in 2001, and again by Karl Berry in 2010]. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Kazuaki Miyatani

    Kazuaki Miyatani's hacm (2012) is a free TeX package to typeset the Arka alphabet. Arka is Seren Arbazard's constructed language, which is quite elaborate. The nine official fonts in the package are kardinal, alblant, fenlil, nalnia, olivia, lantia, inje, defans, fialis. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    KD Greek fonts
    [K. J. Dryllerakis]

    The KD Greek metafont family was developed by Sylvio Levi and Yiannis Haralambous and adapted later by K. J. Dryllerakis (Imperial College London). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Khaled Hosny

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    Khaled Hosny
    [Khaled Hosny]

    Khaled Hosny is a physician in Egypt. He loves Arabic and its type, and is interested in every aspect of letter forms and typography. A hobbyist translator, programmer and font developer, he supports software freedom and is actively participating in the free software community. Sourceforge link.

    Designer of Punk Nova (2010), a free OpenType implementation of Don Knuth's Punk font, based on modified Metapost sources by Taco Hoekwater and Hans Hagan, dating from 2008. Hosny writes: Punk is a dynamic font, every time a glyph is requested Matafont draws a unique instance of it. On the other hand, OpenType is static, glyph outlines are drawn once and stored in the font and the renderer can not alter those outlines. To emulate the dynamic nature of Punk, we generate several alternate shapes of each glyph and store them in the font. Alternate shapes are mapped to the base character using OpenType [Randomize] feature (rand), which tells the renderer to select glyphs randomly from the list of alternate shapes. Pick up the free Punk Nova from CTAN or Open Font Library.

    XITS (2011) is a Times-like typeface for mathematical and scientific publishing, based on STIX fonts. The main mission of XITS is to provide a version of STIX fonts enriched with the OpenType MATH extension, making it suitable for high quality mathematic typesetting with OpenType MATH capable layout systems, like MS Office 2007 and the new TeX engines XeTeX and LuaTeX. This free OFL package was developed by Khaled Hosny. Inside the fonts, we read Copyright (c) 2001-2010 by the STI Pub Companies, consisting of the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the American Mathematical Society, the American Physical Society, Elsevier, Inc., and The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 1998-2003 by MicroPress, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 1990 by Elsevier, Inc.

    Euler OTF (2010) are OpenType Math fonts based on Hermann Zapf's Euler and implemented by Taco Hoekwater, Hans Hagen, and Khaled Hosny. Named Neo-Euler (2009-2010), it covers Latin, Greek and has a full blackletter set of glyphs. Copyright Hosny and the American Mathematical Society. Open Font Library link.

    In 2010-2011, Hosny developed the free Amiri font (OFL; dedicated web page): Amiri font is an open font revival of the Arabic Naskh typeface designed and first used by Bulaq Press in Cairo (also known as Amiria Press) in the early part of the twentieth century. Amiri's uniqueness comes from its superb balance between the beauty of Naskh calligraphy and the requirements of elegant typography. Amiri is most suitable for running text and book printing. See also CTAN, Google Web Fonts, and at OFL. Dedicated web page.

    In 2015, he created the free calligraphic Arabic typeface (in Ruqaa style) Aref Ruqaa. The Latin part is based on AMS Euler. Google Fonts link.

    Home page of Khaled Hosny.

    In 2015, Khaled Hosny and Santiago Orozco cooperated on the Latin / Arabic typeface Reem Kufi. Github link. Khaled, who designed the Arabic part, explains: Reem Kufi is a Fatimid-style decorative Kufic typeface, as seen in the historical mosques of Cairo. It is largely based on the Kufic designs of the late master of Arabic calligraphy, Mohammed Abdul Qadir, who revived this art in the 20th century and formalized its rules.

    In 2016, Khaled Hosny designed Mada (Google Fonts), a modernist, unmodulated Arabic typeface inspired by road signage seen around Cairo, Egypt. The Latin component is a slightly modified version of Source Sans Pro, led by Paul Hunt at Adobe Type.

    Khaled Hosny contributed to and maintained the free Libertinus font package between 2012 and 2020.

    In 2021, Hosny released Qahiri at Google Fonts and Github. Qahiri is a Kufic ypeface based on the modernized and regularized old manuscript Kufic calligraphy style of the late master of Arabic calligraphy, Mohammad Abdul Qadir.

    Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Khaled Hosny
    [Khaled Hosny]

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    Khaled Hosny

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    Klaus Lagally

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    Knuth's Digital Typography page

    Mirror in UK. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Knuth's TEX and metafont programs

    From CTAN site in Germany. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Koaunghi Un

    [More]  ⦿

    KP Fonts
    [Christophe Caignaert]

    A free type 1 font package developed by Christophe Caignaert (Villeneuve d'Ascq, France) between 2007 and 2018 for typesetting text and mathematics as part of his Johannes Kepler project. Christophe Caignaert is a math teacher at the Lycée Colbert in Tourcoin, France. The text typefaces are based on URW Palladio, with approval from URW. Many new mathematical symbols are also included. Since 2020, Daniel Flipo is managing the package.

    The font collection, originally published in 2007 contains these fonts: Kp--M-Ex-Medium, Kp--M-Ex-Regular, Kp--M-Exa-Medium, Kp--M-Exa-Regular, Kp--M-Italic, Kp--M-Medium, Kp--M-MediumItalic, Kp--M-Regular, Kp--M-Sy-Medium, Kp--M-Sy-Regular, Kp--M-Sya-Medium, Kp--M-Sya-Regular, Kp--M-Syb-Medium, Kp--M-Syb-Regular, Kp--M-Syc-Medium, Kp--M-Syc-Regular, Kp--M-Syd-Medium, Kp--M-Syd-Regular, Kp-Companion-Italic, Kp-Companion-Medium, Kp-Companion-MediumItalic, Kp-Companion-Regular, Kp-Expert-Italic, Kp-Expert-Medium, Kp-Expert-MediumItalic, Kp-Expert-Regular, Kp-Italic, Kp-Medium, Kp-MediumItalic, Kp-Regular, Kp-SC-Expert-Medium, Kp-SC-Expert-Regular, Kp-SmallCaps-Regular, Kp-Smallcaps-Medium, Sf-Kp-Comp-Regular, Sf-Kp-Companion-Medium, Sf-Kp-Exp-Medium, Sf-Kp-Exp-Regular, Sf-Kp-Medium, Sf-Kp-Regular, Sf-Kp-Sc-Exp-Medium, Sf-Kp-Sc-Exp-Regular, Sf-Kp-Sc-Medium, Sf-Kp-Sc-Regular, Tt-Kp-Comp-Medium, Tt-Kp-Comp-Regular, Tt-Kp-Exp-Medium, Tt-Kp-Exp-Regular, Tt-Kp-Medium, Tt-Kp-Regular.

    There is now a full opentype package on CTAN, maintained by Daniel Flipo in 2019 and 2020. It consists of sixteen Text OpenType fonts, a Roman family KpRoman (in eight shapes and weights), a Sans-Serif family KpSans, a TypeWriter family KpMono (in four shapes and weights), and five Math OpenType fonts, KpMath. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Kwantus' TTF notes

    Notes on using truetypec fonts with TEX. Mostly it is about the creating of an afm file from a ttf file by using ttf2afm, part of the teTeX package. Then afm2tfm is needed to make a tfm file. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software
    [Antonis Tsolomitis]

    The Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean (Samos, Greece) has established a laboratory on Digital Typography and Mathematical Software in 2006. It supports the Greek language with respect to the TeX typesetting system and its derivatives. Antonis Tsolomitis (who lives in Karlovassi, Samos, and is a professor of Mathematics at that university) writes: After the support for Greek was added by A. Syropoulos and the first complete Greek Metafont font was presented by Claudio Beccari there was an obvious need, to be able to use a scalable Greek font with LaTeX. With this in mind, we developed the first Greek fontfamily in Type1 format with complete LaTeX support, called "Kerkis". Their Greek font Epigrafica (2006) is a modification of MgOpen-Cosmetica, which in turn was based on Optima. Tsolomitis is the author of the math font family Kerkis, and of GFS Complutum (2007, with George D. Matthiopoulos), which is based on a minuscule-only font cut in the 16th century (see also here).

    About GFS Complutum, they write: The ancient Greek alphabet evolved during the millenium of the Byzantine era from majuscule to minuscule form and gradually incorporated a wide array of ligatures, flourishes and other decorative nuances which defined its extravagant cursive character. Until the late 15th century, typographers who had to deal with Greek text avoided emulating this complicated hand; instead they would use only the twenty four letters of the alphabet separately, often without accents and other diacritics. A celebrated example is the type cut and cast for the typesetting of the New Testament in the so-called Complutensian Polyglot Bible (1512), edited by the Greek scholar, Demetrios Doukas. The type was cut by Arnaldo Guillén de Brocar and the whole edition was a commision by cardinal Francisco Ximénez, in the University of Alcalá (Complutum), Spain. It is one of the best and most representative models of this early tradition in Greek typography which was revived in the early 20th century by the eminent bibliographer of the British Library, Richard Proctor. A font named Otter Greek was cut in 1903 and a book was printed using the new type. The original type had no capitals so Proctor added his own, which were rather large and ill-fitted. The early death of Proctor, the big size of the font and the different aesthetic notions of the time were the reasons that Otter Greek was destined to oblivion, as a curiosity. Greek Font Society incorporated Brocar's famous and distinctive type in the commemorative edition of Pindar's Odes for the Athens Olympics (2004) and the type with a new set of capitals, revived digitaly by George D. Matthiopoulos, is now available for general use. He also made GFS Solomos (2007) and GFS Baskerville (2007; note that several sites state that GFS Baskerville Classic is due to Sophia Kalaitzidou and George D. Matthiopoulos).

    In 2010, Tsolomitis published txfontsb, in which he added true small caps and Greek to the txfonts package. These fonts form a family called FreeSerifB, in type 1, that covers Latin, Greek, many Indic languages, Armenian, chess symbols, astrology, music, domino, and tens of other ranges of symbols.

    GFSNeohellenicMath was published in 2018: The font GFSNeohellenicMath was commissioned to the Greek Font Society (GFS) by the Graduate Studies program "Studies in Mathematics" of the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean, located on the Samos island, Greece. The design copyright belongs to the main designer of GFS, George Matthiopoulos. The OpenType Math Table embedded in the font was developed by the Mathematics Professor Antonis Tsolomitis. The font is released under the latest OFL license, and it is available from the GFS site at http://www.greekfontsociety-gfs.gr. The font is an almost Sans Serif font and one of its main uses is for presentations, an area where (we believe) a commercial grade sans math font was not available up to now.

    In 2019, Tsolomitis released the free New Computer Modern package. An outgrowth of Knuth's Computer Modern, the fonts cover Latin and accented Latin letters and combinations, Greek (monotonic and polytonic), Hebrew, Cherokee and Cyrillic, and basically any possible math glyph. He writes in 2020: As far as the NewCMMath font is concerned, this is a derivative of lm-math with a huge amount of improvements and new glyphs. Currently the font should at least match STIX fonts in glyph coverage. [...] Finally, a long awaited feature, a Book weight for ComputerModern is added (math included). It produces slightly heavier output suitable for book production with high resolution printing. Further changes were added in 2021. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Lakshmankumar Mukkavilli

    [More]  ⦿

    Lars Engebretsen

    Lars explains about his AE (almost European) fonts: "This is a set of virtual fonts building, from the standard CM fonts, a set of almost T1 encoded fonts." [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Instructions from a colleague on how to make your PDF file look snappy on screen. You need ghostscript 6.5 or newer. Latex your document as normal. Then set "dvips -o foo.ps -Ppdf -G0 -t letter foo.dvi". Finally, "ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true foo.ps foo.pdf". [Google] [More]  ⦿

    LATEX 3 Project

    The 3.2MB font file has type 1 fonts for TEX/LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    LaTex Navigator
    [Denis Roegel]

    Denis Roegel's grand site about fonts and LaTex. This will take months to fully explore and absorb. If you visit only one TEX site in your life, this must be the one. Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    LaTeX Navigator
    [Denis Roegel]

    General links on typography and fonts, compiled by Denis Roegel (with earlier contributions by Karl Tombre who is no longer involved). Very, very useful. This page contains, among other things:

    • METAFONT for Beginners (Geoffrey Tobin)
    • The METAFONT book (TeX source) (Donald E. Knuth)
    • How to Create Your Own Symbols in METAFONT and for use in LaTeX Documents (Richard Lin)
    • Milieu -- METAFONT and Linux: A Personal Computing Milieu (Thomas Dunbar)
    • Simple drawings with METAFONT (Zdenek Wagner)
    • Some METAFONT Techniques (article from TUGboat, 10 pages) (Yannis Haralambous)
    • List of all available Metafont fonts
    • Liam Quin's Metafont Guide (last version)
    • MetaFog: Converting METAFONT Shapes to Contours (Richard J. Kinch)
    • METAFONT source
    • Design of a new font family (slides) (Gerd Neugebauer) (1996)
    • PERL Module for reading .tfm files (Jan Pazdziora) (1997)
    • fig2mf (UNIX manual) (Anthony Starks)
    • bm2font (Friedhelm Sowa)
    • Essay on math symbols by Paul Taylor
    • drgen genealogical symbol font by Denis Roegel, 1996
    • Chess fonts
    • The Marvosym Font Package (Martin Vogels)
    • Eurosymbol, another font for the euro symbol
    • Lots of stuff on virtual fonts
    • P. Damian Cugley's Malvern (Greek) font
    • Yannis Haralambous's Omega project
    • DC and EC fonts by Joerg Knappen
    • Technical notes on Postscript fonts, and Postscript fonts in TEX
    • Computer Modern type 1 fonts
    • Articles on computer typography by Sebastian Rahtz, Aarno Hohti&Okko Kanerva, Richard J. Kinch, Basil K. Malyshev, Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Karl Berry, Victor Eijkhout, Vincent Zoonekynd, Tom Scavo, David Wright, Erik-Jan Vens, and Nelson H. F. Beebe.
    • Articles on mathematical symbol fonts
    • Links to essential pages for Cyrillic, Japanese, Berber, Khmer, Chinese, Korean, Greek, Indic, Syriac, Hebrew, Hieroglyphic, Tibetan, Mongolian, African fc
    At FontStruct, he created Sixer (a pixel face) and Smallish (bold unicase). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Les fontes sous LATEX pour les nuls

    Links and examples on how to use various formats of fonts in LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Lettrines avec LATEX

    Daniel Flipo's macros for introducing initial caps in LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Khaled Hosny]

    The extensive open source font family Libertinus is a fork of the Linux Libertine and Linux Biolinum fonts that started as an OpenType math companion of the Libertine font family, but has grown as a full fork to address some of the bugs in the fonts. The family consists of:

    • Libertinus Serif: forked from Linux Libertine.
    • Libertinus Sans (lapidary): forked from Linux Biolinum.
    • Libertinus Mono: forked from Linux Libertine Mono.
    • Libertinus Math: an OpenType math font for use in OpenType math-capable applications like LuaTeX, XeTeX or MS Word 2007+. See also the slightly modified Libertinus T1 Math (2017) by Michael Sharpe.
    • Libertinus Keyboard.
    Portions of the fonts are copyright of Khaled Hosny (2012-2016), while the Linux Libertine material is originally due to Philipp H. Poll (2003-2012). All fonts have over 2000 characters, and cover all European languages, including Greek, Hebrew and Cyrillic. In addition, there is an excellent coverage of symbols in addition, of course, to the plentiful mathematical symbols.

    Khaled Hosny was the primary contributor and maintainer from 2012 until 2020, and passed the poupon in 2020 to Caleb Maclennan. Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Lout Home Page

    "Lout is a document formatting system designed and implemented by Jeffrey Kingston at the Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Australia. The system reads a high-level description of a document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript file which can be printed on most laser printers and graphic display devices. Plain text and PDF (starting from version 3.12) output are also available. " Free source code under GNU license. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    A set of metrics for the Lucida math fonts. Done by Sebastian Rahtz (CERN) and Karl Berry (University of Massassuchetts at Boston). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Luis Rivera
    [Almost European Concrete Roman (or: aecc)]

    [More]  ⦿

    Mac TeX--LaTeX website

    Maintained by Gary L. Gray at Penn State University. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Zdenek Wagner]

    Zdenek Wagner makes this barcode package freely available in 2008 to the TeX community. The package contains TeX macros for printing various 2/5 bar codes and Code 39 bar codes. The macros do not use fonts but create the bar codes directly by vrules. It is therefore possible to vary width to height ratio, ratio of thin and thick bars. The package is therefore convenient for printing ITF bar codes as well as bar codes for identification labels for HP storage media. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Malayalam and Tex--Latex

    Malayalam fonts and macros for use with Tex and Latex. Latest installation (2005) by Alex A.J. Fre type one families include Rachana (the weights are called Ra1-Bold, etcetera), and Keli (2002, designed by Hashim P. M. and copyright of the Design Difference&TUG India). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Malgorzata Budyta

    Polish type designer who, for her diploma thesis in typeface design at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision of Roman Tomaszewski, created Kurier (1975). In 2005, Janusz Marian Nowacki digitized the Kurier family, and added an alternative family, Iwona. Kurier was intended for Linotype typesetting of newspapers and similar periodicals. The design goals included resistance to technological processes destructive to the letter shapes. As a result, amongst others, the typeface distinguishes itself through intra- and extra-letter white spaces as well as ink traps at cross-sections of some elements constituting the characters. The PostScript and OpenType family covers Latin, East-European languages, Cyrillic and Vietnamese. Also, both sans families cover the most frequently used mathematical symbols. All type families are freely available from the CTAN archive. Alternate URL.

    Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [P. Damian Cugley]

    A sans-serif (meta)font by P. Damian Cugley at Oxford, 1991-1994. This family contains a sans-serif Greek alphabet, using conventions based on Levy's original Greek fonts and Dryllerakis' GreekTeX. Type 1 and truetype versions at uncifonts. In 2002, Tobias Benjamin Köhler created truetype fonts for Malvern. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Masahiko Yamada

    Japanese type designer, b. 1952, Nagoya. Since 1970, he has been acrtive as art director and designer, winning the Ishi award three times. He won at the Morisawa international typeface design competition in 1996. He is a member of FONT1000, and is best known for his Japanese typefaces Yamabiko and Kotodama. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿

    Math Font Group

    Study and discussion group started members such as Barbara Beeton, Thierry Bouche, David Carlisle, Matthias Clasen, Michael Downes, AMS, Robin Fairbairns, Berthold Horn, Alan Jeffrey, Jörg Knappen, Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, Ulrik Vieth, and Justin Ziegler. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Math Font Group (MFG)

    The Math Font Group (MFG) is a joint venture of the LaTeX3 Project and the TeX Users Group Technical Working Group on Extended Math Font Encoding. The MFG intends to set a number of new standards for TeX math fonts and to deliver a number of tools to support the new standards. Its members are Barbara Beeton (AMS, WG Chair), Thierry Bouche, Matthias Clasen, Michael Downes (AMS), Robin Fairbairns, Berthold Horn (Y&Y), Joerg Knappen, Johannes Kuester, Ulrik Vieth, and Justin Ziegler. From the LaTeX3 Project, they are joined by David Carlisle, Alan Jeffrey, Frank Mittelbach, and Chris Rowley. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Math fonts: papers, presentations

    Listing produced by the math Font Group (part of TUG):

    • Summary of MFG Aston Workshop (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Math Font Group: Statement of Purpose (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Notes on Math Font Group Organization (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX'98 (Ulrik Vieth, April 1998) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX '98 (Ulrik Vieth, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • The Oldenburg e-TeX/LaTeX3/ConTeXt meeting (David Carlisle, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • Summary of MFG Aston Workshop (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Math Font Group: Statement of Purpose (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Notes on Math Font Group Organization (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX'98 (Ulrik Vieth, April 1998) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX '98 (Ulrik Vieth, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • The Oldenburg e-TeX/LaTeX3/ConTeXt meeting (David Carlisle, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • Summary of MFG Aston Workshop (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Math Font Group: Statement of Purpose (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Notes on Math Font Group Organization (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX'98 (Ulrik Vieth, April 1998) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX '98 (Ulrik Vieth, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • The Oldenburg e-TeX/LaTeX3/ConTeXt meeting (David Carlisle, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • Summary of MFG Aston Workshop (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Math Font Group: Statement of Purpose (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Notes on Math Font Group Organization (Alan Jeffrey, August 1993) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX'98 (Ulrik Vieth, April 1998) DVI, PS (gzipped) PDF
    • Summary of math font activities at EuroTeX '98 (Ulrik Vieth, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    • The Oldenburg e-TeX/LaTeX3/ConTeXt meeting (David Carlisle, published in MAPS 20, 1998) PDF
    [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Mathematical typesetting with the Palatino fonts
    [Walter Schmidt]

    mathpple v0.97 defines the PostScript font family Palatino (ppl) as the default roman font and will use the mathpple fonts for typesetting math with LaTeX. Developed by Walter Schmidt. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Windows-based editor for mathematics that can generate TEX and LATEX output. There used to be a free math font family called Euclid (1999), which was designed by Design Science. See also here or here. The MathType package, mainly geared tpwards inclusion of mathematical notation in Micrososft products, is now commercial and run by Wiris. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Matthew Carter
    [Bitstream Charter]

    [More]  ⦿

    Matthias Pospiech

    Links for the use of type 1 fonts in TeX and Latex documents. German page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Maurizio Loreti

    [More]  ⦿

    Max Gadney
    [After The Flood]

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    [Sebastian Schubert]

    MdSymbol (2011-2012) is a mathematical symbol font designed by Sebastian Schubert as a companion for Adobe Myriad Pro, but it might also fit well with other contemporary typefaces. It is used by the MyriadPro package. The package contains ample TeX support. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Richard Kinch's utility that converts overlapping Metafont shapes to Type 1 outlines. It is an option to the retail TrueTeX package. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Michael Gaehrken

    Michael Gaehrken provides files and tools for integrating blackletter fonts into LATEX documents. He has special adaptations for Bibelschrift, Zentenar Fraktur, Wieynk Fraktur and Alte Schwabacher. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Michael Lee Finney

    Maintainer of the Logix font (2001-2021). It is a free mathematical symbol font based on STIX2. Finney writes: This is an OpenType font where all of the symbols (more than 4,000) other than the ASCII codepage are in the private use area. Other than many miscellaneous symbols, there are a large number of arrows, geometrical symbols, Knot drawing symbols, 64 stretchy delimiters plus a stretchy binding bar, of which 56 are fully stretchable. The remaining 8 are stretchy up to 5 times the original size. Some of the delimiters are present in Unicode, but their design in STIX2 does not work as well for logic. In particular, STIX2 delimiters tend to not extend as far below the baseline and above the baseline as would be desirable. Also, some STIX2 delimiters take more horizontal space than is necessary. There are twenty scripts, each of which (except for the two Greek scripts) have matching numeric, lower case and upper case glyphs. All symbols in this font are designed to be compatible with the STIX2 mathematical font by AMS. Some of these scripts overlap the Unicode math scripts, but are not intended to be replacements for those. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Michael Sharpe

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    Michael Sharpe

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    Michael Sharpe

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    Michael Sharpe

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    Michael Sharpe
    [URW Garamond No. 8]

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    Michael Sharpe

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    Michael Ummels

    Michael Ummels at RWTH in Aachen, Germany, created the TeX font package ccicons, which offers authors who want to publish their documents under a Creative Commons license an easy way to include the relevant icons in their documents. It includes a free type 1 font, CC Icons (2009-2017), where CC stands for Creative Commons. CTAN link to CCIcons.

    In 2011, he created the mathematical font FD Symbol in Metafont and Type 1, to accompany Fedra in mathematical texts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Michel Bovani

    French designer of the (free) Fourier-GUTenberg package (dated 2003) for Latex, which includes a number of mathematical type 1 fonts that are new: Fourier-Alternate-Black, Fourier-Alternate-Bold, Fourier-Alternate-BoldItalic, Fourier-Alternate-Italic, Fourier-Alternate-Roman, Fourier-Alternate-SemItalic, Fourier-Alternate-SemiBold, Fourier-Math-BlackBoard, Fourier-Math-Cal, Fourier-Math-Extension, Fourier-Math-Letters-Italic, Fourier-Math-Letters, Fourier-Math-Symbols. By 2020, the package features Fourier-Orns (ornaments, including fists and fleurons) and opentype files.

    Fourier Gutenberg is derived from Adobe's Utopia font. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    MicroPress Inc

    Commercial type 1 math fonts, typically an extension of a famous typeface for use in mathematics. Software, type 1 files, PK files and metrics files for use with TEX may be found here for HVMath, the Helvetica extension. There is also TMmath, math symbols to go with Times. And IF-Math (Informal Math) goes with Tekton: it includes IF-Math Math Italics, IF-Math Math Symbols, IF-Math Math Extension, IF-Math Text Regular, IF-Math Text Bold, IF-Math Text Oblique, IF-Math Text Bold Oblique. "IF-Math includes all usual TeX symbols, including Greek letters, Calligraphic and OldStyle symbols. IF-Math is supported by VTeX PDF backend (Windows&Linux), VTeX PostScript driver, and all other VTeX drivers (via the ATM). IF-Math can also be used with DVIPS. " They also published EC/TC fonts for European TeX users. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Mike Abbink
    [IBM Plex]

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    [Oliver Corff]

    Oliver Corff's Latex and metafont software for Mongolian and Manju. The page is now co-managed by Dorjpalam Dorj. Corff is at the Freie Universität Berlin. Type 1 fonts have been added in 2001: TeX-bcghsb, TeX-bcghsm, TeX-bcghwb, TeX-bcghwm, TeX-bcgvsb, TeX-bcgvsm, TeX-bcgvwb, TeX-bcgvwm, TeX-bicighb, TeX-bicighm, TeX-bicigvb, TeX-bicigvm, TeX-bthhsb, TeX-bthhsm, TeX-bthhwb, TeX-bthhwm, TeX-bthvsb, TeX-bthvsm, TeX-bthvwb, TeX-bthvwm, TeX-bxghsb, TeX-bxghsm, TeX-bxghwb, TeX-bxghwm, TeX-bxgvsb, TeX-bxgvsm, TeX-bxgvwb, TeX-bxgvwm, TeX-kmbx10, TeX-kmr10, TeX-kmss10. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Daniel Benjamin Miller]

    The Computer Modern fonts are available in Type 1 format, but these renditions are somewhat thin and spindly, and produce much lighter results than the originals. It is alternatively possible to use METAFONT bitmaps, but this has its disadvantages in comparison with vector fonts. These fonts are conversions to Type 3 fonts, done entirely in METAPOST; they are vector fonts which are a direct conversion from the original METAFONT files, so they are the design most authentic to the originals. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    "mt11p is a package to use the MathTime and MathTimePLUS ("MathTime complete") fonts in LaTeX2e. Everything is included, incl. (patched) font metrics, except, of course, the Type1 fonts themselves." By Drahoslav Lím [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Takanori Uchiyama]

    Music macros and fonts for use in TeX. These fonts were originally created in Metafont format, as a successor of the Musictex package. All the work was done by Daniel Taupin. The Musixtex package is due to Dr. Daniel Taupin (who died in a climbing accident in 2003), Ross Mitchell and Andreas Egler. The 71 type 1 fonts were generated and hand-tuned by Takanori Uchiyama: TeXMUSIX11-Regular, TeXMUSIX13-Regular, TeXMUSIX16-Regular, TeXMUSIX20-Regular, TeXMUSIX24-Regular, TeXMUSIX29-Regular, TeXMUSIXSPS-Regular, TeXMUSIXSPX-Regular, TeXXGREG11-Regular, TeXXGREG13-Regular, TeXXGREG16-Regular, TeXXGREG20-Regular, TeXXGREG24-Regular, TeXXGREG29-Regular, TeXXSLD11-Regular, TeXXSLD11D-Regular, TeXXSLD13-Regular, TeXXSLD13D-Regular, TeXXSLD16-Regular, TeXXSLD16D-Regular, TeXXSLD20-Regular, TeXXSLD20D-Regular, TeXXSLD24-Regular, TeXXSLD24D-Regular, TeXXSLD29-Regular, TeXXSLD29D-Regular, TeXXSLDD20-Regular, TeXXSLDU20-Regular, TeXXSLHD11-Regular, TeXXSLHD11D-Regular, TeXXSLHD13-Regular, TeXXSLHD13D-Regular, TeXXSLHD16-Regular, TeXXSLHD16D-Regular, TeXXSLHD20-Regular, TeXXSLHD20D-Regular, TeXXSLHD24-Regular, TeXXSLHD24D-Regular, TeXXSLHD29-Regular, TeXXSLHD29D-Regular, TeXXSLHU11-Regular, TeXXSLHU11D-Regular, TeXXSLHU13-Regular, TeXXSLHU13D-Regular, TeXXSLHU16-Regular, TeXXSLHU16D-Regular, TeXXSLHU20-Regular, TeXXSLHU20D-Regular, TeXXSLHU24-Regular, TeXXSLHU24D-Regular, TeXXSLHU29-Regular, TeXXSLHU29D-Regular, TeXXSLHZ20-Regular, TeXXSLHZ20D-Regular, TeXXSLU11-Regular, TeXXSLU11D-Regular, TeXXSLU13-Regular, TeXXSLU13D-Regular, TeXXSLU16-Regular, TeXXSLU16D-Regular, TeXXSLU20-Regular, TeXXSLU20D-Regular, TeXXSLU24-Regular, TeXXSLU24D-Regular, TeXXSLU29-Regular, TeXXSLU29D-Regular, TeXXSLUD20-Regular, TeXXSLUP20-Regular, TeXXSLZ20-Regular, TeXXSLZ20D-Regular, TeXXTIE20-Regular.

    As of 2015, Musixtex credits these designers for creation and/or maintenance: Daniel Taupin, Ross Mitchell, Andreas Egler, Oliver Vogel, Don Simons, Andre van Ryckeghem, Cornelius Noack, Hiroaki Morimoto and Bob Tennent. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    My Wiki

    Korean page on truetype fonts and TeX. Has some free fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Natalia Verges

    Researcher based in Besalu, Girona, Catalunya. In 2016, Pablo Garcia Risueño, Apostolos Syropoulos and Natalia Verges launched the free package SVR Symbols. The glyphs of this font are ideograms that have been designed for use in Physics texts. Some symbols are standard and some are entirely new. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Nelson Beebe

    Nelson Beebe's "Notes on fonts". Useful starting page of links. Has subpages on font names, Unicode, fonts in TEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Michael Sharpe]

    Michael Sharpe (UCSD) created newpx, a free font package at CTAN: This package, based on pxfonts, provides many fixes and enhancements to that package, splitting it in two parts---newpxtext and newpxmath---which may be run independently of one another. It provides scaling, improved metrics, and other options. For proper operation, the packages require that the packages newtxmath and pxfonts be installed and their map files enabled. The text package relies on an extension of the TeXGyrePagella Type1 fonts that is provided with this package. Note that TeXGyrePagella is a math and scientific text font based on Palatino. This package is meant to be a replacement for Young Ryu's pxfonts---a complete text and math package with roman text font provided by a Palatino clone, sans serif based on a Helvetica clone, typewriter typefaces, plus math symbol fonts whose math italic letters are from a Palatino Italic clone. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Michael Sharpe]

    Michael Sharpe (UCSD) created newtx, a free font package at CTAN: This package, based on txfonts, provides many fixes and enhancements to the txfonts package, splitting it into two separate packages---newtxtext and newtxmath, which may be run independently of one another. It provides scaling, improved metrics, and other options. In particular, newtxmath offers a libertine option which substitutes Linux Libertine (provided with TeXLive and MikTeX) italic and Greek letters for the default Times letters, providing a good match for the Libertine text font, which is heavier than Computer Modern but lighter than Times, and in my experience, looks very sharp and clear on the screen. Newtxtt (2014) is a typewriter font subfamily. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Norman Gray

    Astronomer and physicist at the University of Glasgow. Designer in 1991-2017 of the font Feyn (metafont), which can be used to produce relatively simple Feynman diagrams within equations in a LaTeX document. He writes: The other Feynman diagram package which exists is Thorsten Ohl's feynmf/feynmp package. That works by creating Metafont or MetaPost figures using a preprocessor. It's more general than this package, but is at its best when creating relatively large diagrams, for figures. In contrast, the present system consists of a carefully-designed font with which you can write simple diagrams, within equations or within text, in a size matching the surrounding text size. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    A large free font family released under the Apache license at Google Web Fonts, and developed by Monotype's Steve Matteson and a team of type designers. Designed between 2012 and 2016, this typeface covers over 800 languages and 100 writing scripts. URL with details. Noto stands for no tofu, i.e., no white boxes that represent unknown characters. The fonts are property of Monotype, with the exception of Noto Khmer and Noto Lao, which belong to Danh Hong.

    Noto Sans and Noto Serif cover Afar, Abkhazian, Afrikaans, Asturian, Avaric, Aymara, Azerbaijani-AZERBAIJAN, Bashkir, Bambara, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bislama, Bini, Breton, Bosnian, Buriat, Catalan, Chechen, Chamorro, Mari (Russia), Corsican, Czech, Church Slavic, Chuvash, Welsh, Danish, German, Modern Greek (1453-), English, Esperanto, Spanish, Estonian, Basque, Finnish, Fijian, Faroese, French, Fulah, Friulian, Western Frisian, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Galician, Guarani, Manx, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hiri Motu, Croatian, Hungarian, Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association), Igbo, Indonesian, Interlingue, Inupiaq, Ido, Icelandic, Italian, Kara-Kalpak, Kikuyu, Kazakh, Kalaallisut, Kurdish-ARMENIA, Kumyk, Komi, Cornish, Kirghiz, Latin, Luxembourgish, Lezghian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Latvian, Malagasy, Marshallese, Maori, Macedonian, mo, Maltese, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Low German, Dutch, Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian, South Ndebele, Pedi, Nyanja, Occitan (post 1500), Oromo, Ossetian, Polish, Portuguese, Romansh, Romanian, Russian, Yakut, Scots, Northern Sami, Selkup, sh, Shuswap, Slovak, Slovenian, Samoan, Southern Sami, Lule Sami, Inari Sami, Skolt Sami, Somali, Albanian, Serbian, Swati, Southern Sotho, Swedish, Swahili (macrolanguage), Tajik, Turkmen, Tagalog, Tswana, Tonga (Tonga Islands), Turkish, Tsonga, Tatar, Twi, Tuvinian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Venda, Vietnamese, Volapük, Votic, Walloon, wen, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Yoruba, Zulu, Akan, Aragonese, ber-dz, Crimean Tatar, Kashubian, Ewe, Fanti, Filipino, Upper Sorbian, Haitian, Herero, Javanese, Kabyle, Kuanyama, Kanuri, Kurdish-TURKEY, Kwambi, Ganda, Limburgan, Mongolian-MONGOLIA, Malay (macrolanguage), Nauru, Ndonga, Navajo, pap-an, Papiamento-ARUBA, Quechua, Rundi, Kinyarwanda, Sardinian, Sango, Shona, Sundanese, Tahitian, Zhuang.

    Non-Latin scrips include Noto Armenian, Noto Georgian, Noto Carian, Noto Greek, Noto Devanagari, Noto Ethiopic, Noto Glagolitic, Noto Hebrew, Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Lycian, Noto Sans Lydian, Noto Sans Old South Arabian, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Phoenician, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Thai, Noto Serif Thai, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sana Telugu, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Orya (for Odia), Noto Sans Bengali.

    Other typefaces in the package include Arima, , and Tinos.

    At CTAN, one can find Noto with full TeX support.

    At Open Font Library, one can download Noto Nastaliq Urdu (2014), which covers Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and Urdu.

    The fonts, as of October 2016: Noto Sans, Noto Serif, Noto Color Emoji, Noto Emoji, Noto Kufi Arabic, Noto Mono, Noto Naskh Arabic, Noto Nastaliq Urdu, Noto Sans Armenian, Noto Sans Avestan, Noto Sans Balinese, Noto Sans Bamum, Noto Sans Batak, Noto Sans Bengali, Noto Sans Brahmi, Noto Sans Buginese, Noto Sans Buhid, Noto Sans CJK JP, Noto Sans CJK KR, Noto Sans CJK SC, Noto Sans CJK TC, Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal, Noto Sans Carian, Noto Sans Cham, Noto Sans Cherokee, Noto Sans Coptic, Noto Sans Cuneiform, Noto Sans Cypriot, Noto Sans Deseret, Noto Sans Devanagari, Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Noto Sans Ethiopic, Noto Sans Georgian, Noto Sans Glagolitic, Noto Sans Gothic, Noto Sans Gujarati, Noto Sans Gurmukhi, Noto Sans Hanunoo, Noto Sans Hebrew, Noto Sans HK, Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic, Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi, Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian, Noto Sans Javanese, Noto Sans Kaithi, Noto Sans Kannada, Noto Sans Kayah Li, Noto Sans Kharoshthi, Noto Sans Khmer, Noto Sans Lao, Noto Sans Lepcha, Noto Sans Limbu, Noto Sans Linear B, Noto Sans Lisu, Noto Sans Lycian, Noto Sans Lydian, Noto Sans Malayalam, Noto Sans Mandaic, Noto Sans Meetei Mayek, Noto Sans Mongolian, Noto Sans Myanmar, Noto Sans NKo, Noto Sans New Tai Lue, Noto Sans Ogham, Noto Sans Ol Chiki, Noto Sans Old Italic, Noto Sans Old Persian, Noto Sans Old South Arabian, Noto Sans Old Turkic, Noto Sans Oriya, Noto Sans Osmanya, Noto Sans Phags Pa, Noto Sans Phoenician, Noto Sans Rejang, Noto Sans Runic, Noto Sans Samaritan, Noto Sans Saurashtra, Noto Sans Shavian, Noto Sans Sinhala, Noto Sans Sundanese, Noto Sans Syloti Nagri, Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Syriac Eastern, Noto Sans Syriac Estrangela, Noto Sans Syriac Western, Noto Sans Tagalog, Noto Sans Tagbanwa, Noto Sans Tai Le, Noto Sans Tai Tham, Noto Sans Tai Viet, Noto Sans Tamil, Noto Sans Telugu, Noto Sans Thaana, Noto Sans Thai, Noto Sans Tibetan, Noto Sans Tifinagh, Noto Sans Ugaritic, Noto Sans Vai, Noto Sans Yi, Noto Serif Armenian, Noto Serif Bengali, Noto Serif Devanagari, Noto Serif Georgian, Noto Serif Gujarati, Noto Serif Kannada, Noto Serif Khmer, Noto Serif Lao, Noto Serif Malayalam, Noto Serif Tamil, Noto Serif Telugu, Noto Serif Thai. Late additions include Noto Sans and Serif for Chinese, Japanese and Korean, developed at Adobe.

    In 2015, Adam Twardoch placed the Noto fonts on Github under the name Toto Fonts. A question of licenses. Toto Han fonts, 123MB worth of them. P>In 2018, Monotype published a fork of Noto Sans Display, called Avrile Sans (free at Open Font Library). See also Avrile Sans Condensed (2015) and Avrile Serif (2018).

    Github repositories. Open Font Library link. CTAN link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Old Arrows
    [Riccardo Dossena]

    Old Arrows is a type 1 font package published as a free set of fonts on CTAN in 2015, and updated in 2017. The Old Arrows fonts were derived from an old version of Blue Sky Computer Modern Math Symbols (1991-1992, released by AMS) by deleting many characters with FontForge. This package provides cm old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads, associated with ordinary LaTeX commands. It can be used in a document that contains other amssymb arrow characters, like \twoheadrightarrow, which also have small arrowheads. The package is maintained by Riccardo Dossena. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Oliver Corff

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    [Andreas Egler]

    TeX software for setting Gregorian chant music, developed by Andreas Egler, Daniel Taupin and Ross Mitchell. FTP download. Some macros of OpusTeX are due to Youping Huang. Stanislav Kneifl also joined the project. OpusTeX is a set of TeX macros to typeset polyphonic, orchestral or choral music. It is mainly intended to be used to type wide scores. There is a big metafont family called Opus. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Eddie Kohler]

    Eddie Kohler's free type utility which reports information about OpenType fonts, such as the features they support and the contents of their 'size' optical size features. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Eddie Kohler]

    Eddie Kohler's free type utility which creates TeX font metrics and encodings that correspond to a Truetype or OpenType font. It will interpret glyph positionings, substitutions, and ligatures as far as it is able. You can say which OpenType features should be activated. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Norbert Preining's Otibet package for using Tibetan with Haralambous' Omega package in TeX. The font Tibetan used in it is based on Sirlin's fonts gtib and gtibsp. It is given in metafont format. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    P. Damian Cugley

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    Pablo Garcia Risueño

    Researcher at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. In 2016, Pablo Garcia Risueño, Apostolos Syropoulos and Natalia Verges launched the free package SVR Symbols. The glyphs of this font are ideograms that have been designed for use in Physics texts. Some symbols are standard and some are entirely new. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Pablo Impallari

    Very prolific Argentinian type designer (b. 1976) located in Rosario. His extensive repertoire:

    Dafont link. Fontspace link. Google font directory link. Klingspor link. Abstract Fonts link. Fontsquirrel link. Google Plus link. On Snot and Fonts link. Another Google Plus link. Creative Market link Behance link. Blog. Home page. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Palash Baran Pal

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    Palle Jørgensen

    Designer of Plimsoll (2020), a Latex package that provides access to the Plimsoll symbol, i.e., a symbol that is sometimes used in chemistry for denoting standard states and values. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Paris Sud

    PK and TFM files for Antiqua, Times, Bookman, Garamond, Arial, Courier. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Pazo math fonts
    [Diego Puga]

    Diego Puga from the University of Toronto offers a set of five math fonts (type 1) suitable for typesetting math in combination with the Palatino family of text fonts. Developed in 2000. The LaTeX macro package mathpazo.sty defines the Palatino family as the default roman font and uses the virtual mathpazo fonts, built around the Pazo Math family, for typesetting math in a style that suits Palatino. Puga explains: The mathpazo package builds on Walter Schmidt's mathpple package and has many similarities with it. The main difference is that mathpazo uses the purposefully designed Pazo Math font family instead of slanted versions of some of the Euler fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Han The Thanh]

    PDFTEX is an extended version of TeX that can create PDF directly from TeX source files and enhance the result of TeX typesetting with the help of PDF. It is based on the original TeX sources and Web2c, and has been successfully compiled on Unix, Win32 and DOS systems. It is still under development and features may change; it produces excellent PDF code. It was developed by Han The Thanh. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Let TEX produce a PDF document. See also here. Free software by Han The Thanh. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Perl modules

    Perl font utilities for type 1 and truetype such as Font-AFM (Gisle Aas), Font-Fret (Martin Hosken), Font-TFM (Jan Pazdziora, Font-TTF (Martin Hosken). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Peter Breitenlohner

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    Peter R. Wilson

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    Peter R. Wilson

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    Philipp Lehman

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    Pierre MacKay

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    Piet Tutelaers
    [Chess metafonts]

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    PL fonts
    [Janusz Marian Nowacki]

    The PL fonts are a set of Polish extensions of the Computer Modern fonts. The type 1 and metafont code is in the public domain. Created by Janusz M. Nowacki, the 77 fonts are PLCaps10-Regular, PLDunhill10-Regular, PLFibonacci8-Regular, PLFunny10-Italic, PLFunny10-Regular, PLInch-Regular, PLMathExtension10-Regular, PLMathExtension9-Regular, PLMathItalic10-BoldItalic, PLMathItalic10-Italic, PLMathItalic12-Italic, PLMathItalic5-Italic, PLMathItalic6-Italic, PLMathItalic7-Italic, PLMathItalic8-Italic, PLMathItalic9-Italic, PLMathSymbols10-BoldItalic, PLMathSymbols10-Italic, PLMathSymbols5-Italic, PLMathSymbols6-Italic, PLMathSymbols7-Italic, PLMathSymbols8-Italic, PLMathSymbols9-Italic, PLRoman10-Bold, PLRoman10-BoldItalic, PLRoman10-Italic, PLRoman10-Regular, PLRoman12-Bold, PLRoman12-Italic, PLRoman12-Regular, PLRoman17-Regular, PLRoman5-Bold, PLRoman5-Regular, PLRoman6-Bold, PLRoman6-Regular, PLRoman7-Bold, PLRoman7-Italic, PLRoman7-Regular, PLRoman8-Bold, PLRoman8-Italic, PLRoman8-Regular, PLRoman9-Bold, PLRoman9-Italic, PLRoman9-Regular, PLRomanDemi10-Regular, PLSans10-Bold, PLSans10-BoldItalic, PLSans10-Italic, PLSans10-Regular, PLSans12-Italic, PLSans12-Regular, PLSans17-Italic, PLSans17-Regular, PLSans8-Italic, PLSans8-Regular, PLSans9-Italic, PLSans9-Regular, PLSansDemiCond10-Regular, PLSansQuotation8-Italic, PLSansQuotation8-Regular, PLSlanted10-BoldItalic, PLSlanted10-Italic, PLSlanted12-Italic, PLSlanted8-Italic, PLSlanted9-Italic, PLTeXExtended10-Regular, PLTeXExtended8-Regular, PLTeXExtended9-Regular, PLTypewriter10-Italic, PLTypewriter10-Regular, PLTypewriter12-Regular, PLTypewriter8-Regular, PLTypewriter9-Regular, PLTypewriterCaps10-Regular, PLTypewriterSlanted10-Italic, PLTypewriterVarWd10-Regular, PLUnslanted10-Regular. The fonts were originally created by Janusz M. Nowacki in 1997 and released during the meeting of the Polish TeX Users Group (GUST) in Bachotek. Several minor bugs were removed during a few years of using the fonts. Total re-arrangement of the collection and adaptation to the Windows environment took place out in 2000 and was carried out by the JNS TEAM (Boguslaw Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk). [Google] [More]  ⦿


    "The PL*.PFB collection of PostScript fonts corresponds to the bitmap fonts PL*.PK of the TeX package by Boguslaw Jackowski and Marek Rycko." Archived in many places. Search for names like PLSY6.PFB. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    TEX aid files for users of Adobe's Poetica family. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Hans Hagen]

    Based in Hasselt, The Netherlands, this is an advanced document engineering company, dealing with metapost, PDF, postscript, TEX, metafont, and professional typesetting in general. Led by Hans Hagen and Ton Otten. Publishers of PDFTEX. ConText is TEX macro package. METAFUN is a manual related to Metapost. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    ps2pdf with ghostscript

    gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.ps
    Check here for more info on creating PDF files from TEX via dvips, by Kendall Whitehouse. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Peter Breitenlohner]

    Technical University of Eindhoven source for converting PostScript fonts to PK (bitmap) files, useful with TEX. It started out with Piet Tutelaers from 1992-1994. In 1998, Sebastian Rahtz took over the package. In 2008, Peter Breitenlohner (Germany) started managing it. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    The LaTeX package ps4pdf provides a new way to use Postscript commands (e.g. PSTricks graphics, PSfrag replacements, EPS graphics) inside a pdfLaTeX processed document. You need recent versions of the LaTeX packages preview, ifpdf, ifvtex and a new LaTeX base installation. By Rolf Niepraschk. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Terry Burton]

    Terry Burton and Herbert Voss collaborated to produce pst-barcode, an open source free LaTeX package (part of the PSTricks package set) that allows for the simple inclusion of PostScript-based barcodes with LaTeX documents. Included are ean13, ean8, upca, upce, ean5, ean2, onecode, isbn, code39, code128, rationalizedCodabar, interleaved2of5, code2of5, postnet, royalmail, kix, auspost, japanpost, onecode, symbol, msi, plessey, rss14, rsslimited, rssexpanded, pharmacode, pdf417, datamatrix, maxicode, qrcode. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    A free program for doing nice 2d graphics in PostScript based upon higher level language instructions (mainly for TEX people). [Google] [More]  ⦿


    A bundle of helpful files (vf, tfm, makejvf) for using Japanese fonts with TeX, using the ISO-2022-JP encding. In particular, TFM files are provided for min5-10, goth5-10, tmin5-10, tgoth5-10, nmin5-10, ngoth5-10, jis, jisg, jisn, jisgn, jis-v, jisg-v, jisn, jisgn-v, and the standard Morisawa font set (Ryumin-Light, GothicBBB-Medium, FutoMinA101-Bold, FutoGoB101-Bold, Jun101-Light). CTAN link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Boguslaw Jackowski]

    Public domain type 1 fonts by Boguslaw Jackowski. Included are QuasiPalladio, QuasiTimes, QuasiBookman, QuasiChancery, QuasiCourier, QuasiHelvetica, QuasiHelveticaCondensed. See also here for the truetype versions as well. Other URLs: here, here and here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Raph Levien

    Type and technology expert and computer scientist presently working for Google in Mountrain View, CA. His blog was totally dedicated to free and open software. Raph Levien is a software engineer and tech lead of Android Text on the Android UI Toolkit team at Google. A well-known software guru, he was a lead developer for Gfonted and Spiro (a font editor), and helped out with Gimp, among many other things. Raph's previous work includes Google Fonts and the open source Ghostscript PostScript/PDF engine. The topic for his PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, is on better techniques for interactively designing curves, and he also used these tools to design Inconsolata, one of the fonts available on the font API (see CTAN).

    Inconsolata (2005) became an instant hit as a monospaced programming font. It was modified by Raph Levien and Kyrill Tkachev as late as 2011. Further modifications were done by Michael Sharpe. CTAN link. See also Open Font Library for this relative of Franklin Gothic.

    Raph is working on a revival of ATF Century Catalogue, and proposes it as a replacement for the skinny Computer Modern fonts used in TeX. Other fonts in the pipeline include Century Catalogue, Bruce Rogers' Centaur types, Museum Caps, LeBe Titling, LeBe Book, ATF Bodoni and ATF Franklin Gothic.

    Raph's type page, where one can download his didone fonts ghr10 and ghmi10 (2009) and look at Soncino Italic (2009), a lively informal text font.

    In 2007, he finally published the Museum Fonts package (see also Open Font Library) based on historical metal Centaur fonts, all free. He writes:

    • Museum Sixty is based on 60 point metal Monotype Centaur. The source for A-Z& is the specimen page opening American Proprietary Typefaces, ed. David Pankow. The primary source for the lowercase is the original Centaur specimen booklet by Lanston Monotype, London, 1929.
    • Museum Fourteen is based on 14 point metal Monotype Centaur. The primary source is the text of Americal Proprietary Typefaces.
    • Museum Bible is based on 18 point metal Bible Centaur. The source is the booklet, "An Account of the Making of the Oxford Lectern Bible", Lanston Monotype, Philadelphia, 1936.
    • Museum Foundry is based on the 14 point original foundry version of Centaur, as cut by Robert Wiebking of Chicago. The source is "Amycus et Célestin", printed at the Museum Press in New York, 1916.

    Speaker at ATypI 2011 in Reykjavik and at ATypI 2015 in Sao Paulo. Klingspor link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Riccardo Dossena
    [Old Arrows]

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    Richard Kinch
    [Belleek fonts]

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    Richard Kinch

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    Richard Kinch

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    Robert Fuster
    [ZE fonts]

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    Roberto Alessi

    TeX and type softawre expert. Together with Bob Tennent and Nikola Lecic , he maintains Old Standard, a Unicode font for classical and medieval studies. Old Standard was orignally designed by Alexey Kryukov, and now exists in both Opentype and type 1 formats. Old Standard reproduces a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. It is especially useful for academic texts that combine Greek, Cyrillic and Latin. CTAN link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Ross Mills
    [STIX Fonts]

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    Article by Yannis Haralambous on his Sabra package for using Syriac in TeX. The package covers Serto (or: Jacobite; the Peshito variant, however, is not covered), Estrangelo (but Melchitic and Mandean, variants, are not covered) and East Syriac (or: Nestorian). It also offers Garshuni (Syriac writing of Arabic). Ligatures and stretching connections (keshideh) are automatically performed. The fonts are in METAFONT format. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Sam Sirlin's Tibet Page

    Sam Sirlin is the author of textib, a Tibetan package for TEX. He also converted Don Stilwell's Gaka font into a metafont. He created gtib, another Tibetan font. On this page, you'll also find Leonardo Gribaudo's BOD, another Tibetan font. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Michael Sharpe]

    ScholaX is made up of text fonts based on TeXGyreSchola (originally created by B. Jackowski and J.M. Nowacki in 2006-2008), extended to include a full set of superior letters and figures and a set of inferior figures. Math support is available via newtxmath using one of two options: option "nc" (for New Century [Schoolbook]) uses the newtx Greek alphabets, while option "ncf" uses Greek math alphabets derived from those in the Fourier package. The additions to TeXGyreSchola, named TeXGyreScholaX, and the revisions/additions to the Fourier Greek alphabets are copyright 2019 by Michael Sharpe. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Schriften für TeX
    [Walter Schmidt]

    Walter Schmidt helps us with the installation of several families of type 1 fonts for use with LaTeX. Here he deals with math fonts in LaTeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Scott Pakin
    [Detexify - LaTeX Symbol Classifier]

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    Scott Pakin
    [The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbols List]

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    Sebastian Kosch

    Sebastian Kosch (b. 1989, Germany) studied Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. He designed the open license garalde font family Crimson Text (2010), which is part of the Google open font directory. This was followed by Crimson (2011) and Crimson Bold (2011). Free downloads at OFL, CTAN and Aldus Leaf. See also Crimson Pro, originally designed by Sebastian Kosch and in 2018 expanded by Jacques le Bailly. The Crimson fonts were corrected in 2016 by Michael Sharpe and are available as Cochineal. Michael writes: These remarkable fonts are inspired by the famous oldstyle fonts in the garalde family (Garamond, Bembo) but, in the end, look more similar to Minion, though with smaller x-height and less plain in detail..

    Sebastian's motto: free as in both "free beer" and "freedom."

    Klingspor link. Open Font Library link. Google Plus link. Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Sebastian Schubert

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    Sebastian's Homepage

    Sebastian Inacker's TEX and TEX font links. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Serguei Dachian

    Developer in 1999 of an Armenian font package for TEX and Armenian metafonts. Co-developers: A. Dalalyan and V. Hakobian. The "artmr" metafont family was converted from the TrueType font family "ArTarumianTimes" made by Ruben Hakobian. The sans serif "arssr" metafont family was converted from the PostScript font "Sassoun", which was originally created and released as "Sassoun" (1994) by Raffi Kojian. Yet another source. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Stephen Hutchings]

    S-INGS is Stephen Hutchings' studio based in Sydney, Australia. In 2016, he designed Monad Sans and Svenska.

    Typicons (2012-2015) are 336 carefully designed free web icons by Stephen Hutchings, available in both vector and truetype formats. Latex code for use in TeX was written by Arthur Vigil and Xavier Danaux. CTAN download site. Home page Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Sinhala TeX

    Sinhala TeX is a package of Metafont fonts and a preprocessor suitable for writing Sinhala script using TeX or LaTeX. This package was originally developed by Yannis Haralambous, with funding from the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England. It was later modified by Vasantha Saparamadu at Macquarie University in Sydney to add support for the "samanala" transliteration scheme developed by Prasad Dharmasena. See also here and here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Sivan Toledo

    Sivan Toledo is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University. His site has information about Hebrew typography, and contains articles and other materials by typeface designers, as well as technical articles about Hebrew typography and fonts. Mostly in Hebrew. The pages contain an article by Rafael Frank entitled Hebräischen Typen und Schriftarten (Berthold, 1926). Sivan wrote a package to typeset Hebrew with vowel points using a type 3 font to set the vowel points. Mainly but not exclusively for use with TeX. Sivan has cooperated with Zvika Rosenberg (MasterFont Studio) on the production of a large number of Hebrew OpenType fonts in 2002-2003. Annotated bibliography of Hebrew typesetting (2001). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Torben Hoffmann]

    Metafont chess fonts called skak. Part of the skak package developed by Dane Torben Hoffmann in 2000. See also here. In 2002, several symbols were added by Dirk Baechle. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Stephen G. Hartke
    [A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX]

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    Stephen G. Moye

    Designer from Cranston, Providence, RI, b. 1947, who made these free typefaces:

    • Architext (1991). An octagonal typeface. Artlookin (1991) and Trooklern (1991) are identical.
    • CiviRegular (a free version of Civilite by Moye and Beatty).
    • Fleurons A (1991-1993). Based on A Suite of Fleurons by John Ryder.
    • Goudy Hundred (1999). A rendering of Goudy's Bertham font, which in turn was named after Goudy's wife Bertha. The drawings and matrices were lost in a fire in 1939.
    • Hook Read (1991).
    • Kellnear (1991).
    • Koch (1991). A rendering of Rudolf Koch's Antiqua.
    • Lichtner (1991). Livia (1991) is identical. A Trajan pair of typefaces.
    • Paddington (1997, a simulation of Edward Johnston's writing for the London Transport in 1918).

    Author of Fontographer: Type by Design (MIS Press, 1995), a book set in Livingston, a font Moye designed himself. Moye was saddened by the demise of Fontographer at the hands of Macromedia, and elated by its resurrection at FontLab in 2005. He also wrote Tex TypeSpec [free PDF at CTAN].

    Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Stephen Hutchings

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    Stephen Schrenk
    [Arev Fonts]

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    [Michael Sharpe]

    A free Open Font Library font package started in 2018 by and maintained by Michael Sharpe: SticksToo is a reworking of some of the fonts in the newly released STIX2 font package and the STIX2 beta font package from 2016 to allow LaTeX users to make better use of some of the text features of STIX2. A companion release of newtx, version 1.55, contains an option stix2 that uses Roman and Greek letters together with newtxmath symbols, as a work-around for some current problems with STIX2 math rendering in LaTeX. The fonts are provided in PostScript formats.. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    STIX Fonts
    [Ross Mills]

    Non-profit free font project, which started in 2001. The (free) fonts were released in May 2010. The designer is Ross Mills, Tiro Typeworks Ltd, with portions copyright of MicroPress Inc., and with final additions and corrections provided by Coen Hoffman, Elsevier (retired). From the web page: The mission of the Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) font creation project is the preparation of a comprehensive set of fonts that serve the scientific and engineering community in the process from manuscript creation through final publication, both in electronic and print formats. Toward this purpose, the STIX fonts will be made available, under royalty-free license, to anyone, including publishers, software developers, scientists, students, and the general public.

    The project is supported by six publishers, the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Institute of Physics (AIP), the American Mathematical Society (AMS), the American Physical Society (APS), Elsevier Science, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).

    The fonts are unicode-compatible. They are designed to be useful for mathematical documents in XML pages on all browsers. They say that they have awarded the font development contract to a respected font development company. Press release. Chairman: T.C. Ingoldsby, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY. AMS page on STIX. CTAN page on Stix.

    In 2016, STIX Two, a major update, became available at CTAN. The letterspacing and kerning of the text fonts have been significantly improved. True small capital variants (Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek), accessible via the OpenType font feature smcp, have been added for all text fonts. Text (lowercase or oldstyle) numerals, available via the font features pnum and onum, have been added, in addition to natural-spacing figures. Alphabetic superscripts and numeric sub- and superscripts, accessible via the subs and sups font features, have been added. Fractions are available via the frac feature, as well as numerators (numr) and denominators (dnom). The STIX Two fonts consist of one Math font, two variable text fonts (STIXTwoTextVF-Roman and STIXTwoTextVF-Italic), and eight static text fonts (Regular, Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic) derived from the variable fonts.

    Truetype versions of the family (2007) by Oleguer Huguet Ibars: STIXGeneral-Bold, STIXGeneral-BoldItalic, STIXGeneral-Italic, STIXGeneral, STIXIntegralsDisplay-Bold, STIXIntegralsDisplay, STIXIntegralsSmall-Bold, STIXIntegralsSmall, STIXIntegralsUp-Bold, STIXIntegralsUp, STIXIntegralsUpDisplay-Bold, STIXIntegralsUpDisplay, STIXIntegralsUpSmall-Bold, STIXIntegralsUpSmall, STIXNonUnicode-Bold, STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic, STIXNonUnicode-Italic, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSize1Symbols-Bold, STIXSize1Symbols, STIXSize2Symbols-Bold, STIXSize2Symbols, STIXSize3Symbols-Bold, STIXSize3Symbols, STIXSize4Symbols-Bold, STIXSize4Symbols, STIXSize5Symbols, STIXVariants-Bold, STIXVariants.

    OpenType versions at the official site: STIXGeneral-Regular, STIXGeneral-Bold, STIXGeneral-BoldItalic, STIXGeneral-Italic, STIXIntegralsD-Bold, STIXIntegralsD-Regular, STIXIntegralsSm-Bold, STIXIntegralsSm-Regular, STIXIntegralsUp-Bold, STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold, STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular, STIXIntegralsUp-Regular, STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold, STIXIntegralsUpSm-Regular, STIXNonUnicode-Regular, STIXNonUnicode-Bold, STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic, STIXNonUnicode-Italic, STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular, STIXSizeFourSym-Bold, STIXSizeFourSym-Regular, STIXSizeOneSym-Bold, STIXSizeOneSym-Regular, STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold, STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular, STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold, STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular, STIXVariants-Regular, STIXVariants-Bold. Not all unicode ranges are covered, but math symbols, Greek and Cyrillic are. There are also monospace, blackletter, calligraphic scipt, informal script, and sans styles. But small caps are still missing. The general look is that of a Times font. The fact that any publisher can use these fonts free of charge (after signing a license though) is positive. The main negative is that the style chosen is slightly boring, but that is not unexpected for scientific publications.

    In 2018, Paul Hanslow, Ross Mills and John Hudson co-designed the free STIX Two family, which is based on Times Roman.

    At this CTAN site, one can download the entire STIX collection. Designer URL: MicroPress Inc. STIX Two (type 1) at the CTAN site. STIX Two (OpenType) at the CTAN site.

    Also worth pointing out is the free 163-font collection Schticks (2017) by Adam Twardoch, which is based on STIX Two.

    Google Fonts link for STIX Two Math. Github link for the STIX fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Syriac (Modern Assyrian) Alphabets
    [Tony Khoshaba]

    Tony Khoshaba and Isa Benyamin (an Assyrian caligraphist) developed a complete set of Eastern Syriac (meta)fonts at the Syriac Computing Institute. The truetype font Ishtar2 (1998) is a modification of an earlier Assyrian font, Nisibus. See also here. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    T. Govindaraj

    The Palladam Tamil font was designed in 1989-1990 by T. Govindaraj who works or worked at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Alternate URL. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Takanori Uchiyama

    [More]  ⦿

    Takuji Tanaka

    [More]  ⦿

    Taro Terashita

    Designer at Ehime University in Japan who created an extension of Computer Modern in 2010 to cover the long s that was in use in old Latin texts. The font family is called Old Latin. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Manojit (TechFat) created the free open source font RupeeTechFat (2010), which contains the new rupee symbol. Palle Jorgensen made a type 1 font and provided TeX support. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Lakshmankumar Mukkavilli]

    Lakshmankumar Mukkavilli and Lakshmi Mukkavilli present Telugu TeX, complete with a set of metafonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Terry Burton

    [More]  ⦿


    TeX and METAFONT FAQ at the University of Utah. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TEX and Type 1

    Help using type 1 fonts in (pure) TEX files. LATEX is harder, see elsewhere. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX archive

    List of fonts (metafont and other) in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Tex Font Guide
    [David Wright]

    TEX and LATEX font guide by David Wright (University of Zürich). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TEX font utilities

    TEX font utilities, including accfonts, adjkerns, afmtopl, ega2mf, fontinst, fontload, freetype, gsftopk, macfont, makefonts, mathinst, mathkit, mf2ps, mf2pt3, mff-29, mkpkfontdir, mm, mmtools, pbmtogf, pf2afm, pfm2afm, pkbbox, ps2afm, ps2mf, ps2pk, ps4mf, psposter, qdtexvpl, t1install, t1tools, t1utils, tfmpk, tfmpktest, ttf2pfb, ttf2pk, ttf2pt1, unadobe, vfinst, vplutils. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TEX fonts

    31 sets of Hangul fonts for TeX. A mirror. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX GF format

    Specs. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX Gyre Project

    The TeX Gyre Project was started in 2006 as the brainchild of Hans Hagen (NTG). It is described in The New Font Project (Hans Hagen (NTG), Jerzy Ludwichowski (GUST) and Volker RW Schaa (DANTE e.V.), presented at BachoTeX2, 2006). From the project, which is being implemented by GUST's e-foundry guys, Boguslaw Jacko Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki aka Ulan: All of the Ghostscript font families will eventually become gyrefied as the result of the project. Gyrefication, also called LM-ization, was first applied to the Computer Modern Fonts and their various generalizations with the result known as the Latin Modern (LM) Fonts. The Gyre fonts each have 1200 glyphs that cover basically all European scripts (including Latin, Cyrillic and Greek), and have Vietnamese characters added by Han The Thanh, and Cyrillic glyphs by Valek Filippov. Available in Type 1 and OpenType, they come under a very liberal license (free, modifiable, unlimited use, and a request to rename altered fonts). The TeX Gyre fonts are

    • Adventor: family of four sansserif fonts, based on the URW Gothic L family, which in turn is based on ITC Avant Garde Gothic, designed by Herb Lubalin and Tom Carnase in 1970. Open Font Library link.
    • Bonum (2006), based on the URW Bookman L family: TeXGyreBonum-Bold, TeXGyreBonum-BoldItalic, TeXGyreBonum-Italic, TeXGyreBonum-Regular.
    • Cursor: based on URW Nimbus Mono L, which itself mimics Bud Kettler's Courier.
    • Heros (2007): based on the URW Nimbus Sans L family, but heavily extended---eight typefaces of 1200 glyphs each. With the release of Heros, their QuasiSwiss fonts becomes obsolete. This is, in fact, the Gyre version of Miedinger's Helvetica. .
    • Pagella (2006), based on the URW Palladio L family (and thus, indirectly, Zapf's Palatino): TeXGyrePagella-Bold, TeXGyrePagella-BoldItalic, TeXGyrePagella-Italic, TeXGyrePagella-Regular. In 2013, we find Tex Gyre Pagella Math in opentype format, by Boguslaw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski. Greek symbols were taken from the Math Pazo font by Diego Puga. The calligraphic alphabet was taken from the Odstemplik font. The Fraktur is based on Euler. The sans part is DejaVu Sans, and the monospaced alphabet is taken from Latin Modern Mono Light Condensed.
    • Termes (2006), based on the Nimbus Roman No9 L family (and thus, by transitivity, Stanley Morison's Times-Roman): TeXGyreTermes-Bold, TeXGyreTermes-BoldItalic, TeXGyreTermes-Italic, TeXGyreTermes-Regular. In 2013, we find Tex Gyre Termes Math in opentype format, by Boguslaw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski. The Fraktur part is based on Peter Wiegel's Leipziger Fraktur. The sans serif part uses TeX Gyre Heros. The monospaced part is based on TeX Gyre Cursor. In 2017, the Open Font Library published a slightly updated and darker TG Roman.
    • Schola (2006, based on the URW Century Schoolbook L family, designed by Morris Fuller Benton in 1919: TeXGyreSchola-Bold, TeXGyreSchola-BoldItalic, TeXGyreSchola-Italic, TeXGyreSchola-Regular.
    • Chorus (2007): derived from handwritten letterforms of the Italian Renaissance as used by Hermann Zapf in ITC Zapf Chancery (1979). TeX Gyre Chorus is based on the URW Chancery L Medium Italic font, but heavily extended. The Vietnamese and Cyrillic characters were added by Han The Thanh and Valek Filippov, respectively.
    Articles: The New Font Project (BachoTeX 2006 article by Hans Hagen (NTG), Jerzy Ludwichowski (GUST) and Volker RW Schaa (DANTE e.V.), TeX Gyre Project (2006) by Bogusaw Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Jerzy Ludwichowski, and TeX Gyre Project II (2007) by the same three authors.

    Fontspace link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX Math Fonts

    Paul Taylor lists all the TeX math fonts available in plain TeX, msssymb.tex, amssymb.sty and stmaryrd.sty. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX support for the Euro fonts in Adobe Type 1 format from Adobe

    Adobe has provided 3 font families (sans, mono, and serif), each with the usual four styles (regular, italic, bold, bold italic). Each font contains a single glyph. The font is arranged so that (just about) any character code will access this glyph. The TeX support files are provided by Y&Y. Joern Clausen from the University of Bielefeld has support files for Latex. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX und Schmuckschriften

    German help file for using type 1 fonts with TeX and ghostscript. Located at the University of Wuppertal. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    WebPrimitives' commercial TEX to html converter that does not use gifs. Does most flavors of TEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeXgX 1.1b3

    For the Mac: "TeXgX was written by Jonathan Kew to provide a version of TeX that supports Apple's QuickDraw GX technology and GX "smart" fonts." 40USD shareware. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TeX--Metafont PK bitmap font format

    Specs. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    "TeXtrace is a collection of scripts for UNIX that convert any TeX font into a Type1 .pfb outline font immediately suitable for use with dvips, pdftex, acroread (and any many other programs). The main advantage of using Type1 fonts with TeX is that Acroread renders TeX's bitmap fonts ugly on screen, but it renders outline fonts beautifully and fast. " Free software written by Péter Szabó. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    TeX font metrics file format specs. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Yotam Medini]

    TFM/PK font viewer by Yotam Medini. It uses (needs) Tcl/Tk. In addition to that it browses TeX's fonts. Current version 0.72. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TFMPK v0.35

    Freeware TeX font viewer for X windows, by Yotam Medini. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbols List
    [Scott Pakin]

    The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbols List is an organized list of thousands of symbols commonly available to LaTeX users compiled by Scott Pakin. PDF file. Text file with TeX names of the symbols. Direct PDF link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    The Latex Font Catalogue

    A great annotated and categorized list of fonts that TeX enthusiasts will appreciate. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    The PracTeX Journal

    Journal launched in 2005 and initially edited by Lance Carnes. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    The TeX Catalogue Online
    [Graham Williams]

    Description of most TeX packages by ozzie Graham Williams. Unbelievably useful! Tons of links. The link file alone is 747K, jam-packed with information. Master list of links related to TeX, metafont, fonts for TeX, and utilities for TeX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    The TEX Online Catalog

    Graham Williams' useful catalog of CTAN fonts for TEX and LATEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Thierry Bouche's examples

    Examples of the main Bitstream fonts, compiled by Thierry Bouche. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Thomas Jockin

    Type designer in Brooklyn and/or Holbrook, NY, b. 1986, who studied at the Parsons School of Design and the inaugural Type@Cooper program. He lived in Portland, OR.

    In 2012, he designed the large award-quality copperplate family called Garçon Grotesque.

    Typefaces from 2013: Ductus (a five-style broad-nibbed calligraphic / medieval family).

    In 2015, he published Azote (a multilined typeface family inspired by the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City).

    In 2019, he released the free seven font family Lexend at Google Fonts, together with Bonnie Shaver-Troup. Github link. Dedicated site. Lexend now comes in subfamilies called Deca, Exa, Giga, Mega, Peta, Tera and Zetta. He writes that Lexend is empirically shown to significantly improve reading-proficiency. As prescription eyeglasses achieve proficiency for persons with short-sightedness, Lexend's families were developed using Shaver-Troup Formulations. We will eventually release all seven families as a single variable font featuring its own custom axis. Lexend is thus an implementation of Bonnie Shaver-Troup's 2000 study, in which she theorized that reading performance would improve through the use of (1) hyper expansion of character spacing [which creates a greater lag time and reduces potential crowding and masking effects], (2) expanded scaling, and (3) a sans-serif font [to reduce noise]. Lexend is indeed hyper-widely spaced. Lexend also received support from Santiago Orozco and Hector Gomez.

    Additional links: CTAN link with TeX support. Github link by Brain Stone (Yannick Schinko). [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿


    Tibetan metafonts, and help files for the use of Tibetan in TeX and LaTeX. The metafont is by Sam Sirlin. Other pieces of code, including LaTeX Tibetan, are by Jeff Sparkes (Computer Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland). Dead link. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Yannis Haralambous wrote a package called Tiqwah for TeX for typesetting Hebrew with vowel points and cantillation marks. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Tolkien Fonts

    Tolkien fonts for integration with TeX. The authors explain: Here are a number of freely available fonts for writing with the scripts invented by J.R.R. Tolkien. This package makes it vastly easier to use those fonts with pdfTeX and pdfLaTeX. The fonts themselves are not part of the package. Specifically, this package provides support for writing English, Quenya, and Sindarin with tengwar and cirth/angerthas. It also provides support for writing Dwarvish with cirth, Quenya with sarati and valmaric letters, and English with Anglo-Saxon runes, as used in The Hobbit. It supports the use of the fonts Tengwar Annatar, Cirth Erebor, Sarati Eldamar, Valmaric Eldamar, and can be easily edited to support Tengwar Eldamar, Tengwar Parmaite, Tengwar Noldor, Tengwar Quenya, and Tengwar Sindarin. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Tom Kacvinsky
    [American Mathematical Society]

    [More]  ⦿

    Tommi Syrjänen

    Finnish designer of the free typeface Missaali (2016). Missaali (CTAN link) is a package that contains the free OpenType/PS Textura font Missaali and a style file for using it with XeLaTeX. He explains: Textura is based on the textus quadratus form of the textualis formata that late medieval scribes used for the most valuable manuscripts. The font Missaali is based on Textura that Bartholomew Ghotan used to print missals and psalters in the 1480s. The letters were scanned and recreated from a facsimile reprint of Missale Aboense that Ghotan printed for the Turku diocese in 1488. The font has two intended use cases: (i) as a Gothic display font; and (ii) for emulating late-medieval manuscripts.

    In 2021, he designed the free medieval revival typeface Aboensis, which contains over 500 glyphs, including Lombardic capitals in one and two colors. He writes: Aboensis is a free unicode OpenType font that is intended for emulating late-medieval documents. The font is an example of a 15th century book cursive hand that was used in the Scandinavian countries. The main source for the glyphs is Codex Aboensis, a richly-illustrated law book written in the 1430s. The font also includes a number of glyphs taken from other roughly contemporary manuscripts. The largest group of them are cursive initials taken from The Black Book of Abo Cathedral that was compiled around the end of the 15th century. As medieval cursive is very difficult to read for modern readers, this font is not really suitable for any normal practical purposes. Instead, it is aimed for users who want to recreate medieval-looking documents with a computer. The font has two sets of initials. The rst ones are in the Lombardic style and are taken from Codex Aboensis. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Tony Khoshaba
    [Syriac (Modern Assyrian) Alphabets]

    [More]  ⦿

    TopTeam Co
    [Anton Zinoviev]

    Bulgarian developer of the free type 1 font package t1-teams for Latin and Cyrillic, which is used in Bulgarian newspapers and magazines of the TopTeam Publishing House. The maintainer is Anton Zinoviev. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Torben Hoffmann

    [More]  ⦿

    [Richard Kinch]

    TrueTeX, Richard Kinch's a professional implementation of the TeX typesetting system for Windows and ttf_edit, a TrueType font table editor, available for free during a limited time to persons willing to serve as beta testers. Also includes the "joincode" filter. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Tsong-Min Wu

    [More]  ⦿


    A Windows program by Konstantin Vasil'ev, which converts Windows True Type fonts to TEX PK fonts. Free demo. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    A Windows program by Oleg V. Motygin, which is intended to convert Windows True Type fonts to MetaFont format. Source freely available on request. Technical note: TTF2MF obtains information on True Type fonts by using Windows GDI functions (GetGlyphOutLine etc.). That is why the program works with installed fonts instead of .ttf files. Alternate site. Still another site. A clean-up program by Daniel Taupin, called ttfmf2t1.c, may be applied to the output. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Werner Lemberg and Frederic Loyer have written a generic ttf2pk program which uses the FreeType library for rasterizing TrueType fonts. A simple conversion tool to bring TrueType quality to the TeX world. Check also the font metrics file generator ttf2tfm. Alternate site. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Philipp Lehman]

    ttf2tex is a Bash (note: UNIX) shell script which generates all files required to use TrueType fonts with teTeX from a set of .ttf files. In short, it will do for TrueType fonts what fontinst's \latin family command does for Type 1 PostScript fonts. ttf2tex is designed for Linux/UNIX systems running teTeX. Free software by Philipp Lehman. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Freetype project source code to build TeX metric files from a TrueType font. By Werner Lemberg and Frederic Loyer. Alternate site. Alternate csite. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Richard Kinch]

    A TrueType font table editor (remove glyphs, change names, etc.), part of TrueTeX, Richard Kinch's a professional implementation of the TeX typesetting system for Windows. For a while, ttf_edit was available for free to persons willing to serve as beta testers. Based in Lake Worth, FL, Richard is one of the most helpful, thoughtful and informed people in the font software business. You'll like working with him on your problem(s). [Google] [More]  ⦿


    "A free Windows application which converts TrueType or ATM fonts in Windows to TeX bit-mapped fonts. Hosted on Richard Kinch's web site on behalf of the author, Vasilev Konstantin of Moscow State University. " [Google] [More]  ⦿


    TUG: the TeX Users Group home page. Check also their calendar of upcoming events. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TUG 2004: International Conference on TeX, XML abd Digital Typography

    The TeX Users Group (TUG) Annual Meeting and Conference for the year 2004 took place in Xanthi, Greece, from August 30 to Sept. 3, 2004. The main theme of this Conference will be TeX in the era of XML and Unicode. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TUG 2005: International Typesetting Conference

    The TeX Users Group (TUG) Annual Meeting and Conference for the year 2005 took place in WuHan, China P.R., from August 23-25, 2005. Speakers include Nelson Beebe, Yannis Haralambous, and Karel Piska. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TUGboat calendar of events

    Calendar of events for the TeX Users Group, TUGboat. [Google] [More]  ⦿


    TeX can use any font for which it has metrics (character widths, kerning, etc.), and shapes (these days, generally PostScript or TrueType outlines). This page explains the start. Other subpages are here, here, here, here (MetaPost), and here,">here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    TX fonts and PX fonts
    [Young Ryu]

    Young U. Ryu from the Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Dallas developed Type 1 fonts for use in mathematical texts set in TEX, in 2000. It was based on Adobe Times and Helvetica, the TX fonts. His PX fonts are type 1 fonts based on Adobe Palatino, URW Palladium and Adobe Helvetica for doing mathematics. After some modications by Thomas Esser in 2002, more recent versions of the TX fonts and pxfonts were placed on the CTAN archive. In the documentation, Young adresses the design of mathematical symbols: The Adobe Times fonts are thicker than the CM fonts. Designing math fonts for Times based on the rule thickness of Times =, , + , / , < , etc. would result in too thick math symbols, in my opinion. In the TX fonts, these glyphs are thinner than those of original Times fonts. That is, the rule thickness of these glyphs is around 85% of that of the Times fonts, but still thicker than that of the CM fonts. He contributed these ranges to the GNU Freefont project: Arrows (U+2190-U+21FF), Mathematical Symbols (U+2200-U+22FF). [Google] [More]  ⦿


    TeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Typesetter Forum

    Forum and blog for typesetters. Subpages on fonts, TeX, PDF and Adobe's software. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Typesetting Khmer

    Article by Yannis Haralambous on typesetting Khmer in TeX. It talks about the script, an encoding table, a METAFONT (developed by him), and the typesetting problems. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Johannes Küster]

    Typoma is Johannes Küster's place in the web. He is a mathematician, type designer and designer, who graduated in mathematics from Munich Technical University. During his studies, he got involved in the typesetting and production of mathematical books. In 2000, he founded his own office, typoma, and is now working mainly on typesetting scientific books, designing mathematical fonts, and writing and talking about mathematical typesetting and scientific typography. Johannes lives in Holzkirchen, Germany. At ATypI 2004 in Prague and at ATypI 2005 in Helsinki, he spoke about fonts for mathematics. Speaker at ATypI 2011 in Reykjavik. His contributions:

    • He is currently involved in 20-style (5 optical sizes times 4 weights) mega-project for adding over 2000 mathematical glyphs to Adobe's Minion family, which was released in February 2009 under the name Typoma MbMath, and in April 2009 as Minion Math.
    • To the German book Detailtypografie (2nd ed., 2004), he contributed the chapter about mathematical typesetting, and an extensive annotated list of mathematical symbols.
    • He is working on LatinModernMath to accompany Boguslaw Jackowski's Latin Modern, a free font set that provides an alternative for Computer Modern in TeX.
    • He is also working on mathematical extensions of Euler (with Hermann Zapf) and Computer Modern (called newmath).
    [Google] [More]  ⦿


    Informative German site that explains how to install fonts for use with Ubuntu (UNIC, TeX). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Un système TeX Berbère

    Article by Yannis Haralambous on typesetting Berber in TeX. It includes some description of METAFONT fonts made by him: tifi, tifis, tifisb, tifib. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Koaunghi Un]

    Un-fonts come with the HLaTeX package as type1 fonts. They were designed in 1998 by Koaunghi Un and are under a general GNU public license. Truetype conversions by Won-kyu Park in 2003. The package is maintained (as of 2016) by Won-kyu Park and Jungshik Shin.

    Download at CTAN. Download Unfonts Extra at CTAN. Alternate URL. Alternate URL. Open Font Library link. HLaTex (Korean Tex) link. The package has

    • UnBatang, UnBatangBold: serif (see also here)
    • UnDotum, UnDotumBold: sans-serif
    • UnGraphic, UnGraphicBold: sans-serif style
    • UnPilgi, UnPilgiBold: script
    • UnGungseo: cursive, brush-stroke
    • UnPen, UnPenheulim: script
    • UnTaza: typewriter style
    • UnBom: decorative
    • UnShinmun
    • UnYetgul: old Korean printing style
    • UnJamoSora, UnJamoNovel, UnJamoDotum, UnJamoBatang
    [Google] [More]  ⦿

    University of Washington

    Huge metafont families for Old English (called wngb, or Washington Gerald Barnett), Washington Romanized Indic (called wnri), and Washington Puget Salish (called wnps, or Lushootseed, for American Indian languages). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Takuji Tanaka]

    Font bundle for use with Uptex, maintained by Takuji Tanaka. Github link.

    Uptex home: Tanaka write that he is developing a Unicode version of ASCII pTeX (a Japanese-localized TeX). I named it `upTeX', `upLaTeX'. The character encoding for input and output is UTF-8. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Uros Stefanovic

    [More]  ⦿

    Urs Oswald
    [Urs Oswald: Bezier Curves]

    [More]  ⦿

    Urs Oswald: Bezier Curves
    [Urs Oswald]

    URS Oswald explains Bezier curves in a simple and authoritative manner. Includes material on MetaPost. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    URW Garamond No. 8
    [Michael Sharpe]

    A set of four Garamond fonts developed by URW in 2000, and released in the public domain bu URW. There are free type 1 fonts and free truetype fontsi (see also here).

    The fonts were modified and fixed, first by Ralf Stubner, then by Gael Varoquaux (in 2009), and finally by Michael Sharpe (University of California at San Diego) in 2012 who added old style figures and small caps. Michael also provides full TeX support. The font was renamed NewG8 by Michael Sharpe who developed it further between 2013 and 2017.

    Uli Stiehl points out that URW Garamond No. 8 is a digitization of Garamond Antiqua by Compugraphic, also called CG Garamond Antiqua. When Agfa took over Compugraphic and Monotype took over Agfa, CG Garamond survived in the Monotype collection. It was also in the Hewlett Packard (HP) Laserjet printers. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Use Type-1 Fonts in PDF Papers
    [Chen Li]

    Chen Li (UC Irvine) takes us through the exercise of insuring that PDF files generated from Latex sources use type 1 fonts and not poor botmap substitutes. Information on dvips. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Using Truetype fonts with TeX and pdfTeX

    Damir Rakityansky gives an absolutely fantastic description on the use of TrueType fonts with TeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX. Requires ttf2afm, ttf2tfm, ttf2pk. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Vasilis Grammaticos

    [More]  ⦿

    Verbindungen zur Aussenwelt

    Very useful links for math, typography, TEX and metafont. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Vít Zýka

    Prague-based researcher and TeX specialist who obtained a PhD in computer vision from the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2003. Designer of free semaphore fonts in OpenType and Type 1 formats, January 2008. The Semaphor font family contains 5 shapes (regular, bold, slanted, bold slanted, and mono) in 3 variants (differ by a pillar shape). They were obtained by rewriting the original Metafont sources he made in 1998 to Metatype1, and utilizing FontForge: Semafor-Bold, Semafor-Bold-Slant, Semafor-NoPillar-Bold, Semafor-NoPillar-Bold-Slant, Semafor-NoPillar, Semafor-NoPillar-Slant, Semafor-NoPillar-Mono, Semafor-PesonPillar-Bold, Semafor-PersonPillar-Bold-Slant, Semafor-PersonPillar, Semafor-PersonPillar-Slant, Semafor-PersonPillar-Mono, Semafor-Regular, Semafor-Slant, Semafor-Mono. He also made a softball metafont. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Vicentino fonts
    [Willibald Kraml]

    Metafont fonts developed by Willibald Kraml in Vienna in 1992. There are three script fonts. A cursive shape, which is a slanted shape written with a wide-nibbed pen. A twist shape: a slanted shape with constant width. And a modern script shape: an upright shape with a forward sloping stress axis. They would mainly be suitable for display text. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Vincent Zoonekynd

    Author of Les fontes sous LaTeX pour les nuls (et les autres) (2000), a 168-page book full of goodies on font formats, technical information, and mouthwatering detail. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Vladimir Volovich
    [CM-Super font package]

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    VNR provides Vietnamese Fonts for TeX. The fonts are in Metafont and type 1 format. The VNR package is originally written by Han The Thanh and currently maintained by Ky Anh. See also here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Walter Schmidt

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    Walter Schmidt

    Erlangen, Germany-based metafont and TeX specialist who has designed numerous font packages and developed many others. His work is always free and he has provided the TeX community invaluable typeface support. A list of his work:

    • Based on Euler and CM, he also developed the Euler math fonts (2001). Also called Euler-VM.
    • mathpple defines the type 1 font family "Palatino" (ppl) as the default roman font and use the "mathpple" fonts for typesetting math with LaTeX.
    • ECC, or European Concrete Computer Modern: a metafont implementation of Donald Knuth's Concrete fonts, providing T1 text fonts and TS1 text companion fonts.
    • Codeveloper with Malte Rosenau of the Bera fonts, based on Bitstream's vera family.
    • Extensions of some of the free URW fonts. For example, Walter Schmidt extended URW Palladio L in his FPL Neu package. He has also worked on URW Letter Gothic and URW Garamond No. 3.
    • Creator of cmbright, a family of sans serif metafonts based on Donald Knuth's CM font. It is lighter and less obtrusive than CMSS. Together with CM Bright there comes a family of typewriter fonts, CM Typwewriter Light, which look better in combination with CM Bright than the CMTT fonts would do.
    • Designer of the free font Augie, a type1 font simulating informal American style handwriting (2000), based on an earlier font called Augie by Steven J. Lundeen (1997).
    [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Walter Schmidt
    [Schriften für TeX]

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    Walter Schmidt
    [Mathematical typesetting with the Palatino fonts]

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    Walter Schmidt
    [cmbright: Computer Modern Bright]

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    Web2c programs

    Programs that convert between files needed for TEX typesetting: GF, PK, GF, TFM, PL, VF, VPL, AFM. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Will Robertson
    [An exploration of the Latin Modern fonts]

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    Willibald Kraml
    [Vicentino fonts]

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    Xiangdong Zeng
    [Emoji package]

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    Xiangdong Zeng

    Designer of the free font Fira Math Regular (2018), which is based on Fira Sans and Fira Go Sans. CTAN link. Another CTAN link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Khaled Hosny]

    XITS (2011) is a free Times-like typeface for mathematical and scientific publishing, based on STIX fonts. The main mission of XITS is to provide a version of STIX fonts enriched with the OpenType MATH extension, making it suitable for high quality mathematic typesetting with OpenType MATH capable layout systems, like MS Office 2007 and the new TeX engines XeTeX and LuaTeX. This free OFL package was developed by Khaled Hosny. Inside the fonts, we read Copyright (c) 2001-2010 by the STI Pub Companies, consisting of the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the American Mathematical Society, the American Physical Society, Elsevier, Inc., and The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 1998-2003 by MicroPress, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 1990 by Elsevier, Inc. It covers Latin, Greek and Cyrillic. Inside the fonts, we read Copyright (c) 2001-2010 by the STI Pub Companies, consisting of the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Physics, the American Mathematical Society, the American Physical Society, Elsevier, Inc., and The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 1998-2003 by MicroPress, Inc. Portions copyright (c) 1990 by Elsevier, Inc.

    Coen Hoffman and Khaled Hosny have also worked on XITS. In 2019, Daniel Benjamin Miller added DBM XITS which is XITS with its OS/2 properties modified to match Adobe Times. CTAN link. Free download. Open Font Library link. Github link. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Yannis Haralambous

    Metafont/TEX font and font software developer, specializing in non-Latin fonts and their integration in TEX. Ran Atelier Fluxus Virus in Lille, France. Codeveloper of the Omega typesetting system which includes the Omega Font Family (type 1). Since 2001, professor of Computer Science at the École Nationale Supérieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne in Brest. He is the author of the 1000+-page text Fontes et codages (O'Reilly, 2004), which was translated by P. Scott Horne with the English title Fonts & encodings. From Unicode to Advanced Typography and Everything in Between (2007, O'Reilly). See also here. Also author of Keeping Greek Typography Alive, an article presented at the 1st International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication held in Thessaloniki in June 2002.

    Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice are the authors of Omega typesetting system, which is an extension of TeX. Its first release, aims primarily at improving TeX's multilingual abilities. In Omega all characters and pointers into data-structures are 16-bit wide, instead of 8-bit, thereby eliminating many of the trivial limitations of TeX. Omega also allows multiple input and output character sets, and uses programmable filters to translate from one encoding to another, to perform contextual analysis, etc. Internally, Omega uses the universal 16-bit Unicode standard character set, based on ISO-10646. These improvements not only make it a lot easier for TeX users to cope with multiple or complex languages, like Arabic, Indic, Khmer, Chinese, Japanese or Korean, in one document, but will also form the basis for future developments in other areas, such as native color support and hypertext features. ... Fonts for UT1 (omlgc family) and UT2 (omah family) are under development: these fonts are in PostScript format and visually close to Times and Helvetica font families.

    Author of From Unicode to Typography, a Case Study the Greek Script, an informatice article written in 1999.

    Active participant in the GNU Freefont project. With John Plaice, he contributed to these Unicode ranges:

    • Latin Extended-B (U+0180-U+024F)
    • IPA Extensions (U+0250-U+02AF)
    • Greek (U+0370-U+03FF)
    • Armenian (U+0530-U+058F)
    • Hebrew (U+0590-U+05FF)
    • Arabic (U+0600-U+06FF)
    • Currency Symbols (U+20A0-U+20CF)
    • Arabic Presentation Forms-A (U+FB50-U+FDFF)
    • Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+FE70-U+FEFF)
    He also added glyphs for Sinhala (U+0D80-U+0DFF). In 1999, Yannis Haralambous and Virach Sornlertlamvanich made a set of glyphs covering the Thai national standard Nf3, in both upright and slanted shape. Range: Thai (U+0E00-U+0E7F). These too are in the GNU Freefont family. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Yaw-Jen Lin

    Yaw-Jen Lin (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan) and Tzao-Lin Lee made these truetype versions of the Computer Modern family in the 1990s: CM_Dunhill-Regular, CM_Fibonacci-Regular, CM_Funny-Italic, CM_Funny-Regular, CM_Math-Extension, CM_Math-Italic, CM_Math-ItalicBold, CM_MathSymbol-Bold, CM_MathSymbol-Regular, CM_Roman-Bold, CM_Roman-BoldSlantedExt, CM_Roman-Regular, CM_Roman-Slanted, CM_RomanCaps-Regular, CM_RomanExt-Bold, CM_SansSerif-BoldExt, CM_SansSerif-Regular, CM_SansSerif-Slanted, CM_SansSerifCondensed-DemiBold, CM_SansSerifQuotation-Italic, CM_SansSerifQuotation-Regular, CM_SlantedTypewriter-Regular, CM_TeX_Extanded-Regular, CM_Text-BoldItalicExt, CM_Text-Italic, CM_Typewriter-Italic, CM_Typewriter-Regular, CM_TypewriterCaps-Regular, CM_Unslanted-Italic, CM_VariableWidthTypewriter-Regular. Lin reports that he has written a free utility for converting metafont fonts into truetype fonts, but I could not locate that software anywhere.

    Earlier, ca. 1993, he made eight Chinese fonts in the so-called NTU series. These fonts can be downloaded here. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Yiannis N. Moschovakis on Greek TEX

    Article on a package by UCLA's Moschovakis for mixed English/Greek text in TEX. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Yotam Medini

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    Young Ryu
    [TX fonts and PX fonts]

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    [Vasilis Grammaticos]

    Nikos Goulandris's Greek scientific font for use with TeX, based on his Ismini-Clio family of fonts. Developed in 1999 in Paris with Vasilis Grammaticos. Initial font was for the Mac only. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Yuansheng Zhao
    [Garamond Math]

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    Past foundry of Charles Bigelow, Kris Holmes, and Berthold Horn, which ceased operations near the start of the 21st century. They had the following font sets: Galilei, XY_Pic fonts (Nine ATM compatible fonts in Adobe Type 1 format for use with Ross Moore and Kristoffer Rose's XY Pic drawing package for TeX), Y&Y American Mathematical Society (AMS) fonts (Computer Modern, Euler), Y&Y European Modern (EM) fonts, Y&Y Lucida fonts (1996), LucidaBrightAstro, Lucida Bright Expert, LucidaConsole, Lucida Fixed Narrow, Lucida Greek, Lucida Latin, Lucida Sans Cyrillic and Latin 2, Lucida Sans Hebrew, Lucida Sans Linedraw, Lucida Sans School, Lucida Sans Unicode, Y&Y MathTime 1.1 fonts, Y&Y MathTime Plus fonts, Y&Y TeX Pi fonts, Alan Jeffrey Geometric Sans Serif Blackboard Bold, Ralph A. Smith Formal Script typeface (based on R. Hunter Middeleton), Jeremy Gibbons and Alan Jeffrey St. Mary's Road Symbolic Logic, Roland Waldi extension of LASY symbol --- version 2.0, APL (free), Crufty (free old typewriter font), Finger (free finger dingbats), MarVoSym (free).

    The Lucida collection (Lucida Blackletter, Lucida Bright, Lucida Bright Math, Lucida Calligraphy, Lucida Casual, Lucida Console, Lucida Fax (1985), Lucida Handwriting, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Lucida Typewriter, and Lucida Unicode) is being distributed by Ascender Corporation from 2005 onwards. There is also a dedicated commercial site, Lucida Fonts. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Y&Y: TeX to PDF

    Article on creating PDF documents from TeX. At the Y&Y site. Check also this page of links. [Google] [More]  ⦿

    Zdenek Wagner

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    Zdenek Wagner

    Czech TeX and font software expert, whose place on the web is called IceBear Soft. He created makebarcode, a free package done in 2008 for the TeX community. It contains TeX macros for printing various 2/5 bar codes and Code 39 bar codes. The macros do not use fonts but create the bar codes directly by vrules. It is therefore possible to vary width to height ratio, ratio of thin and thick bars. The package is convenient for printing ITF bar codes as well as bar codes for identification labels for HP storage media. In 2010, he published OCR-B Outline. These are type1 and OpenType versions of an earlier Metafont by Norbert Schwarz (Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Bochum, Germany). [Google] [More]  ⦿

    ZE fonts
    [Robert Fuster]

    Virtual type 1 fonts presented by Robert Fuster (1997-2000, Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46071 València, Spain). "The zd fonts by Constantin Kahn (kahn@math.uni-hannover.de) are virtual T1 encoded Computer Modern fonts based on (OT1) Computer Modern, Times, and Helvetica fonts, intended for simulate dc fonts. (Waine Sullivan's dm fonts are another approach to the substitution of dc fonts by virtual ones.) Because dc fonts are now obsolete, I've adapted the Kahn's package to ec fonts. The resulting virtual fonts are named according to the ec fonts names, changing ec by ze (zerm1000.vf simulates ecrm1000, and so on)." [Google] [More]  ⦿

    [Julieta Ulanovsky]

    Julieta Ulanovsky graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires, and presently is a graphic designer based in Montserrat, Buenos Aires. She is owner of ZkySky, a design studio which she co-founded in 1989 with Valeria Dulitzky. She studied Design in UBA (universidad de Buenos Aires) and makes books and fonts with urban thematics.

    Designer of the free Google Web Font Montserrat (2011) about which she writes: The old posters and signs in the traditional neighborhood of Buenos Aires called Montserrat inspired me to design a typeface that rescues the beauty of urban typography from the first half of the twentieth century. It is close in spirit to Gotham and Proxima Nova, but is more informal and more idiosyncratic. Free at Google Web Fonts (2012) in Regular, Subrayada (underlined) and Alternates styles. Ulanovsky recommends Montserrat as a free alternative for the successful commercial package Proxima Nova by Mark Simonson. In 2019, Terry Nichols released Montserrat Ace, a slight modification.

    In 2015, her typeface Monserrat was slightly modified by Jasper at Robert Jablonski's foundry / Open Font Library. In 2017, Michael Sharpe placed Montserrat on CTAN and added appropriate TeX support. Argentum Sans (2018) is a free geometric sans forked from Montserrat version 5, courtesy of Cristiano Sobral. In 2018, we find another fork, Sibirtsev Monserrat, on the OFL site. We believe that Alexey Sibirtsev addded Cyrillic support. For a derived font, see Argentum Novus (2020). And for yet another descendant, check Gontserrat (2020, Ospiro Enterprises), which replaces the capital G with one that has a horizontal crossbar.

    Electric Cable is a display typeface codesigned by Harald Geisler and Julieta Ulanovsky in 2017.

    In 2020, Julieta Ulanovsky ans Sol Matas co-designed the monoline signage typeface Confiteria, which was influenced by the lettering in the Saint Moritz tea shop in Buenos Aires. It was published by Sudtipos. Earlier in 2020, she created the all caps Tuscan typeface Abasto for a record by Ramon Ayala, and the typeface matrices for the event Matrices, mujeres del diseño. Capitulo I: Origen y Activismo.

    Google Plus link. Fontspace link. Open Font Library link. Another Open Font Library link. Adobe link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More]  ⦿