TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Jan 20 07:39:40 EST 2025
Prismatic typefaces | ||
| Or Daniel Lyons. American founder of Story Choice 102. Creator of the series The Rodfellows and Tequila and Cider, and the three family movies Greeny Phatom ABC's, The Rodfellows Marathon Movie, and Tequila and Cider 20-Episode Marathon. As a type designer active at FontStruct between 2014 and 2021. His typefaces there include DLEFS Lowblock (a squarish family), DLEFS Boulder, DLEFS Boxing (stencil), DLEFS Three Dee, DLEFS Initials (+Solid), DLEFS Mobile Gap (mosaic), DLEFS Shine, Corefont (Solid, Outlined) and Font (a kitchen tile font). At Fontspace, he showed 280 free fonts at the end of 2021, most of whgich were made around 2016: 4Music, 5-Text-Uppercase, 538EurofanEurovision, 538LyonsFont, 538LyonsLogoText, 538LyonsRounded, 6061, AFLD, AcerSupplement, AdigianaExtreme, AdigianaToybox, AdigianaUltra, AfricanCulture, Akalai, Anodyne, Armegoe, ArtificialBox, AutoToyfont, AverageCustomLevel2, AverageCustom, Azbuka-Lowers-538Lyons, Azbuka, BRFCaps, BSBTextClassic, BTTelecom, Backflash, Backstreet, BeachResort, BigOrangeCyrillic, Bloq, Blurry, Bubblewump, Burger-Queen, Busch-Three, CCColon, Cheese, Chevelure, Chicken-Butt, ChildsSans, Chompy, Circle-Outline, Cloud-World, Comial4448, ComialUnicode, Comial, ComicStrip, Condension-Pro, ConstructiveBuddy, Coolwonder, CountandSpell, Crayawn, CustomHandwriting#1, DLEDigital, DLE-Futuristic, DLEGeometWeb, DLEGeomet, Dan'sDisneyUI, DansDisney, Daniel'sHandwriting-BoldItalic, Daniel'sHandwriting-Bold, Daniel'sHandwriting-Italic, Daniel'sHandwriting, DanielDeluxe, DeejayDisco, DennorLight, Dennor, Dinamight, DobotoBlackItalic, DobotoBlack, DobotoBoldItalic, DobotoBold, DobotoItalic, DobotoLightItalic, DobotoLight, DobotoThinItalic, DobotoThin, Doboto, DokiLowercase, Doki, DooperWhooper, DressedlessProRegular, DressedlessRegular, Dressedless-Three, DuoCircle, E4ASCII, E4Craze, E4-Digital-(Lowercases), E4-Digital-Arcade-V2, E4DigitalCondensed, E4DigitalExtended, e4digitalv2, e4digitalv2, E4DigitalV2Hollow-Italic, e4digitalv2hollow, E4DigitalV2-Italic, E4-Digital-V2-Light-Italic, e4digitalv2light, e4digitalv2, EMEN-Text, EOne, EarlyHalloweenAdventures, EasterABCEggTwo, EatFreshLowercase, EatFresh, EgNew-Thick2, EgNew-Thick, EggsFor3Yrs, EgmontText-BoldItalic, EgmontText-Bold, EgmontText-Italic, EgmontTextLight, EgmontText, ElPerroYElGatoWords, ElPerroYElGatoWords, Election2016, E4DigitalFinal, Eurotype2016, EurovisionChoir2017, EurovisionSongContest2015V2, EurovisionVienna2015, Every-Movie-Every-Night, FS-Serif-Condensed, Familex, Fintaro, FlashingLights, Florid, Florid, FontCreatorProgram4-1, FreebrushScript, Fridays, Funhana (a wide sans from 2016), FunZone3Pro, FunZoneThree, FunZoneTwoAlternates, FunZone-Two-Bold-Italic, FunZoneTwo, FunZoneTwoCondensed, FunZoneTwoEPYEG, FunZoneTwoHelv, FunZoneTwo-Italic, FunZoneTwoLight, FunZoneTwo, FunZoneTwoProCondensed, FunZoneTwoProExtended, FunZoneTwoProRegular, FunZoneTwoSerifBold, FunZoneTwoSerifCondensed, FunZoneTwoSerifWide, FunZoneTwoSerif, FunZoneTwoWide, FunZoneTwo, Garde, Garinty, GarintySkew, HBOFamily, HalloweenTime, Handpower, Hargroty, Hearts, Hemico-Greek, High-Five-Techno, Highstruct, Hisel, History-Lowercase, Homestile, Hopscotch, Hotpepper, InsideOutLowercase, InsideOut, Into-the-Future, Irresistible-Hollywood, JonesCombo, JonesOutline, Jones, Kazuke, KidZonePro, KidZone, KidsClub, Kon-System, LateNite, Lecid, LegibSqueeze, Legibility, LifeIsARightTime, LifelogoEasy, LifelogoHard, Light-Your-Fire, Littoral, LivedMasNEW!WithNumbers, LyonsPrint, 629Supplement-V2, LyonsSecondaryBold, LyonsSecondaryLight, LyonsSecondaryRegular, LyonsSerifBlack, LyonsSerifBold, LyonsSerif-Italic, LyonsSerif, Lyons, MTVLowercase1, MTVLowercase2, Made-with-Paint, MandarianFood, Meerken, MemoriesAngular, MemoriesRoundBold, MemoriesRoundExtraBold, MemoriesRoundLight, MemoriesRound, Memories, Mentabrush, MicEdge, Mickorama, Mixmatch, MockLatin, More4-Logo, MoreFour-v2, MotivotaCombo, Motivota, MovieBill, Mraz, Musieer, MyShapes, NES-Lowercase, NES2, NeonFeel, NewFlourinaFontfor2014, New-LiteBulb, New-Walt-Disney-Font, NewWaltDisneyUI, Nine-Network-logo-font, Nine-Network-logo-font-v2, NiseBuschGardens2, NiseBuschGardens, NoUndo, Oilpainter, OrderPizza, OutofCn'R, POEFoo, POEGalaxy, POEHeadlineBold, POEHeadline-Italic, POEHeadlineOutline, POEHeadline, POEMonospace, POENewUnicaseMedium, POERedcoatNewBold, POERedcoatNew, POESansDemo, POESansDemo, POESansNewBlackItalic, POESansNewBlack, POESansNew-BoldItalic, POESansNew, POESansNew-Italic, POESansNew, POESansPro-BoldItalic, POE-Sans-Pro-Bold, POE-Sans-Pro-Condensed-Bold-Italic, POE-Sans-Pro-Condensed-Bold, POESansProCondensedItalic, POESansProCondensed, POE-Sans-Pro-ExpandedBoldItalic, POE-Sans-Pro-ExpandedBold, POESansProExpanded-Heavy-Italic, POESansProExpanded-Heavy, POESansProExpandedItalic, POESansProExpanded, POESansPro-Extra-Light-Italic, POESansProExtraLight, POESansPro-HeavyItalic, POESansProHeavy, POESansPro-Italic, POESansPro-Light-Italic, POESansProLight, POESansPro-MediumItalic, POESansPro-Medium, POESansPro-Semi-boldItalic, POESansPro-Semi-bold, POESansPro-ThinItalic, POESansPro-Thin, POE-Sans-Pro-Ultra-Condensed-Bold-Italic, POE-Sans-Pro-Ultra-Condensed-Bold, POESansProUltra-Condensed-Italic, POESansProUltra-Condensed, POESansPro, POEText, POEUnicaseCondensed, POEUnicaseToo, POEUnicase, POEVeticaMonospaceBold, POEVeticaMonospace, POEVeticaNewReincarnatedBoldItalic, POEVeticaNewReincarnatedBold, POEVeticaNewReincarnatedCondensedBold, POEVeticaNewCondensed, POEVeticaNew-Italic, POEVeticaNew-LightItalic, POEVeticaNewLightReincarnated, POEVeticaNewMediumItalicReincarnated, POEVeticaNewMediumReincarnated, POEVeticaNewMono, POEVeticaNewThinItalicReincarnated, POEVeticaNewThinReincarnated, POEVeticaNewReincarnated, POEVeticaUI, Paintbrush, Paramountain, Paris-France, Paul, Pelham, PennyPinch, PersonalFontMix, PlayoffsSerif, Playoffs, PoorLittlePeppina, PowerhouseSansBold, Powerhouse-Sans, PresarioText, Presario, Proudance, Radeon, RaiText1983Lowercase, RaiLowercaseRegular, Remedy, Retrahaus, RodfellowsWacky, RodscriptTwo, Rodscript, RollerCoaster, RollyOlly, RollySqueeze, RoundFitLowercaseExtended, Roundling, SM-Grid-Text-Rounded, ScriptME3, ScriptMENew-Bold, ScriptMENew, Scroller, Seez, Serioucity-3, Serioucity, Seuss, Sigg, SillyDilly, Simplicity, Simplicity, Smear, SomethingRandom, Spikes, Splotch, Starzy3, StarzyDarzylowercaseletters, StarzyDarzy, StoryChoiceSansSerif-BoldItalic, StoryChoiceSansSerif-Bold, StoryChoiceSansSerifHeavy-Italic, StoryChoiceSansSerifHeavy, StoryChoiceSansSerif-Italic, StoryChoiceSansSerifLight-Italic, StoryChoiceSansSerifLight, StoryChoiceSansSerif, StoryStrip, SuperMario286, TUBAn, TWOHeadline, TY, Technomite, Teereks, TeknoBeat, TeletoonLowercaseV2, TeletoonLowercase, TertiaryWriting, Thanksgiving2016, TheCheddarCakeFactory, TheRealWoman, TickleToesInfanity, TightMan, Tootall, ToySans, Trans-AtlanticFilm, Triangleshape, Tricrown, Turbo, Turkishye, Ursula, VertaboyAmore, Vertaboy, Weaselic, Wilde, Wood, WoodyDLE, Work-of-Fortress, World'sHeaviestFontEver, YG-Lowercase, YTV2000, YTVPresent, ZiricIsComing, dvcc, E4DigitalFinal, Vivendi-caps. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
7N Types
| Indonesian creator in Jakarta (b. 1985). 7NTypes includes several designers, including Keithzo, but Situjuh Nazara is the founder and main contributor. Creator of The Amazing Grace (2012), Twofold Uncomplete Design (2012), Alighty Nesia (2012, an open geometric sans family), Gratis (2012, free headline sans), C7Nazara (2012) and Situjuh Hand (2012, a curly typeface). Typefaces from 2013: Hurufo+Numero (sans family), Yaahowu (a rounded sans family), Gobold, Bryana Aningsih Shara (upright script), Gpkn (circle-based monoline sans). Typefaces from 2014: Smoolthan (monoline organic sans), Remponk (multilined), Playsir (comic book typeface), Defonarts, Tulisan Tangan 74, Fortheenas_01, Evogria (bold and mechanical), Anysome, Blackplotan, Dotcirful (dot matrix typeface), Handgley, Brokeren (techno sans), Headsome&Modif. Typefaces from 2015: Manophiser (sans), Theodista Decally (upright connected script), Upbolters (a macho sans caps typeface). Typefaces from 2016: Cutrims (a polygonal typeface), Xacose. Typefaces from 2017: Blessing in Disguise, Chirota (handcrafted), Hastoler, Merysha-Italic, Merysha (serif), SHAOutline, ShareHappinessAround (rounded sans), SomethingLooksNatural, Tentram-Italic, Tentram, Reitam (sans), Myfrida, Ribeat (smooth brush), Etchas, Goeslim, JulySeventh, Justtellmewhat, Offerings, Prohandy, Reprineato, Steagisler, Stea, Miss Nealy, Hastro, Dialoegue, Kisah Ceritra, Chesan, Boxise, Creword, Breetty, Anydore (calligraphic), Brushaff, Budiyaya (brush), Brotherina (connected script), Chosence (sans family), Handycheera, Aulyars (calligraphic script), Molleat. Typefaces from 2018: Freshness, Christed, Xyling, Youthing October Fourteen, Kayskew October Eleven, Hoty, Friday October Twelve, Codian October Nine (art deco), Caboge, Stripe October Seven, Nesdate October Ten, Codian October Eight, Odian October Nine, Stripe Shadow October Seven, Clambake October Six, Lovina October Five, Grande October Four, Grande October Three, The October Two, The October One, Favoner One, Homade McRacken, Besta Baru, Srows, Sanson, Bestar, Kathen, Byby, Charilla, CuteBeSpecial, FriendlySchoolmates-Italic, FriendlySchoolmates, GirlsMarks, HeartWarming, HeartWarmingExtra, Kaylonick, LearnShareColaborate-Bold, Mergic, MOGrhythm, OpenMinded, OpenMindedInside, PassiontoAction, PassiontoActionSlant, TeamWork-Italic, TeamWork, Yessy, Feltarigo, Motira, Adelio Darmanto, Troche, Nicolera, Mantul, Yukikato, Gebrina, Veni, Onadio, Aliena, Gabelisa, Still Loving, Shink, Sottee, Milyone, Kelidya, Yuliya, Hestina, Masbro, Goday, Milgun, Togetha, Thisay, Dhitha, Charline, Briany, Candire, Arinda, Anglena, Abilya, Story of Super Boys, Richela Kids, Seelyn, Pulen, Podo Moro, Sri Muliyo, Neigfriste, Hardino (monoline script), Purple River, Yoshephin, Theola Kids, All Season, All Season Ornaments, Hello Teman, Attracted Monday, Cirquesa, Hopeitissed (signage script), Hettas, Certhas, Fattana, Qeiza, Having Fun, Flotta, Soe, Misses, Siry, Mommy's Kitchen, Thany, Mother's Touches, Create Something Today, Well Bred, Cheria, Beatific Margella, Hidea, Gobold Blocky, Riztteen, Stika, Bintar, Ginta, Menscho, Hilona, Dehasta Momentos, Mungkin, Shartoll Light, Robaga Rounded, Ingat, Ascota, Klapjo. Typefaces from 2019: Homazing, Pre (script), Millythea, Rough Rough, The Friday Stroke (brush script), Anu, Dearly Loved One, Khalifa, Vesetia, Blending Attraction, Lova Valove, Quotable, The Simple One, Matchinger, Touch Over Next, Waiting For, Being Love, Lova Valove Serif, Clawster, Hopia, Sanson, Being Love Sans, Back To Ancient Time, Protector, Mystag, Oreta, Dearly Loved Slab One, Yep, Nuaz (a stitching font), Bronice, Nesdate October Ten. Typefaces from 2020: Sheroo (beatnik style), Thank You So Much, Styla, Racy Mango, Josy Wine (spurred), Lonely Melody, Alegra, Alenor, Conformable, Sweet Hansan, River Script, Kevin Aprilio, Jorby, Maines, Say Yes, Fish Grill, Flash on Saturday Night, Literally Natural, Lady Nature, Joyful Story, Brush Hours, Daily Walker, Free Monday, Mila Bright, Marchone, Githo Love, Fondacy, Jumat, Brastagi, Christiany, Feltarigo, Gabelisa, Gibran, Baligle, Do It With Love (a Valentine's Day font), Vecoly, Delightious, Ataro, Anticed, Cherrythea, Merrycle, Twolank, Atozimple (a monoline sans), Bikito (a curly script), Tyfanie, Hilya, Lonnie. Dafont link. Web site. Creative Market link. Creative Fabrica link. Another Creative Fabrica link. And another Creative Fabrica link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
A New Machine
| Foundry, est. 2011, in Raleigh, NC, by Kent Swecker. A New Machine created the beautiful hairline hand-printed typeface Hair Line (2011), Sweck Sans (2011, a sans with some contrast and a large x-height), Unstable (2011, a paper cut face), the sketch typeface Crosshatch (2011), and the modular FontStruct-like typeface Model UR (2011). In 2012, he made Quarry (an outlined hand-drawn shadow font), Holt Sans (a Peignotian family), Unstable Slab, Mitosis (using bubbly dots), Radial (prismatic), and Airwave (techno). Typefaces from 2013: Benthic (decorative geometric caps), Tubbs (a beefy poster face), Dot To Dot (a dotted and lined pair of school fonts), Emjay (sketched blackboard bold typeface). Typefaces from 2014: Art Party (a festive hand-drawn typeface co-designed with with Erin Solomon), Carawan (a rounded sans family), Back and Forth, Fat Nib (splatter brush face), Smoot (whimsical typeface). Typefaces from 2015: El Guapo (a handcrafted typeface co-designed with Erin Solomon), Nervy, Current (thin connected script). Typefaces from 2016: Etymon (Skyline style), Big Trees (Victorian, Western), Igor (a beatnik style font). Typefaces from 2017: Down With The King (a great techno headline typeface). Typefaces from 2018: Thickness (hand-drawn), Chisel Brush, Dot to Dot, Dot To Dot Cursive (dotted line font, perhaps for teaching children in school). Typefaces from 2019: Artie Deco, Marie Jeanne. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Aka OKpants, Cleveland, OH-based Aaron Sechrest created the luxurious layered type system Leutner in 2016, and published it at Dustin Lee's type foundry, Retro Supply. Prismatic in nature, the designer calls it a hypnotic and sturdy geometric font system. Youtube movie about Leutner. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Aalborg, Denmark-based graphic designer. He used the free font Talie as a model for his multiline typeface Mixed Ape (2013), which was designed for Mixed Ape Records. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia-based creator of a free prismatic multiline (Latin) vector font in 2012. Devian tart link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Adrian Talbot
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Agnes Jekli
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Ahmad Ramzi Fahruddin
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French digital type foundry, est. 2007, located in Lille. The type coop includes Stéphane Meurice, Xavier Meurice, Sébastien Delobel (the three founders), as well as Jérémie Perrin and Baptiste Servais. Commercial fonts include these made by Atelier Télescopique: Stone Heure (2007, multiline), Ader, Bepierre (pixel), Beye (pixel), Birinte (experimental), Boureuse (an elegant geometric sans), Byme, Capulco, Ciceron (dot matrix), Delory (clean sans), Dicion (dot matrix), Dixca (pixel), Fisher, Fluo (2012-2014, a stencil font by Xavier Meurice and Sébastien Delobel), Hic, Kune (sans family), Lailuya, Lienne, Mentable (dot matrix), Mento (clean sans), Merik, Miante, Micale, Mulette, Naconda, Nalfabait (dings), Natomi (techno), Nibalsmith (ultra-fat), Norak, Normal, Peindice, Rabik (paperclip face), Raoul, Rijsel (2013, sans), Rondie (kitchen tile), Rubal, Scard, Screenex, Stone Heure (prismatic), Singolo, Sphiquesy, Steroid, Stuce, Tino, Tomica, Treen, Varo, Velinge (dings), Veu, Vrette, Vure, Yoli (dings), Xatif, Zofage. Corporate typefaces by them include the Quechua family (for the sports company Quechua in Domancy, France), which consists of four typefaces, Bionnassay (for cross-country skiing), Forclaz (mountain hiking), Arpenaz (for recreational hiking) and Capcir (for Nordic skiing). | |
Ainsifont (was: Atelier Telescopique, or: Fonderie Nordik)
| Fonderie Nordik was a French type foundry in Wasquehal near Lille, which published some fonts such as Tomica (2009, a geometric sans done for Wéo Télé Nord Pas de Calais), Le Dixca, Le Cicerond, LaNormal, La Lienne. Founded in 1998 by Xavier Meurice and Sébastien Delobel, it changed its name in 2007 to Atelier Telescopique and then to Ainsifont. Stéphane Meurice and Guillaume Berry are also involved. Font list: Font list: Scard (2000, Xavier Meurice), Stonehenge, Dixca (free pixel font), Fish, Delory, Lienne (2001, with Delobel), Bizeau, Raoul, La Cidulée, Ader (Xavier Meurice, 2002), Tex (2002, pixel font by Xavier Meurice), Normale (free), PSUS (Xavier Meurisse, 2000), Bépierre, Péro, SV01 (dings), Cicerond (free dot matrix font), Réka (2001, Meurice and Delobel), Nuk, Stéroide, Rosoir (2002, Xavier Meurice, dingbats), Equinox, Acropik, Wazemmes, Kune, Stoneheure (2001, Xavier Meurice), Sphiquesie (Xavier Meurice, 2002, an octagonal font), Nyctalope (2002). Xavier Meurice participates in the type cooperative Ainsifont in Lille. His typefaces there include:
Chartered accountant. Designer (b. 1993, Kerala, India) of Orust (2010, "rusty" grungy face), AjiHand (2011), Ugran (2013), Ambambo (2013, brushy caps), Aesthetica (2013, prismatic), Dingy Bird (2013, a great grungy brushy script), and Chisel Script (2010), Rough Treatment (2014). Old URL. Dafont link. Aka Ajith Rindia. | |
Designer of Aki Lines (1970, ITC), a delicate multiline Latin display face. It was used for Microsoft's logo in 1975. Digital versions include Linea and Akka. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Medellin, Colombia-based designer of Mani (2018, prismatic caps) and Niyo (2018, a hyper-decorative typeface). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Alex Sheldon
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Brooklyn, NY-based grandson of Joan Trochut of Super-Veloz fame, b. 1981, Barcelona. After completing his studies at Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny in Barcelona, Alex established his own design studio in Barcelona before relocating to New York City. He is the codesigner with Andreu Balius of SuperVeloz (2005, TypeRepublic), a digital version of his grandfather's typeface. It won an award at the TDC2 2005 type competition. Balius says about this typeface originally created by Joan Trochut from 1920-1980: Super-Veloz could be considered as an Ornamental type design, but in its core it is an experimental typeface based on a set of modular features that, with the combining of its modules, a great range of typefaces, ornaments ---even illustrations---, could be made. That is perhaps the most interesting experiment in early modern type design ever made in Spain during the immediate years after the War. The lecture, considering the borders between type design and ornament design, will introduce the context where Joan Trochut's Super-Veloz was produced (from sketches to published brochures and speciments) in 1942. Also will explain how Super-Veloz works. It is really a "type-ornament" design that could be considered on the edge of what we call type design. Alex has created design, illustration and typography for a diverse range of clients: Nike, Adidas, The Rolling Stones, Katy Perry, BBC, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, The Guardian, The New York Times and Time Magazine. Alex Trochut's lettering must be seen to be believed---it has to be genetic transmission. Recurring themes include adorned initials and modular types. His numerical all-caps alphabet for British Airways is phenomenal and pushes the bling-bling to the fashionable extreme. Stunning dollar sign drawn by him in 2007 for Acido Surtido. In 2009, he published Neo Deco at HypeForType. Noteworthy type treatments of that year include Nixon and the Futurecraft logo. In 2012, he designed Trojan Font (like Trajan). He also did some stunning multiline alphabet for V Magazine. Also noteworthy is a swashy calligraphic logo for Wiz Khalifa and Atlantic Records. In 2013, Barcelona-based creative agency, Herraiz Soto commissioned Alex Trochut to create an original typeface collection titled Raw for Notegraphy. In 2017, he made the color font Megazero at Fontself in Opentype SVG format. In 2018, Alex Trochut and Sudtipos cooperated on Utopian and Dystopian. Utopian is a color font family based on primary colors and pure geometric shapes, influenced by Bauhaus and De Stijl. Dystopian, its black and white companion with square features of Renner's original Futura drawings, emits a darker look and evokes Trumpian gloom and doom. Behance link. Debutart link. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Alexander Nedelev
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Alexander Wright (Modo Visual, Caracas, Venezuela) created the hip alchemic display typeface Alicia (2012, HypeForType). It won an award at Tipos Latinos 2012. In 2014, he published the prismatic typeface Maquinista, which can be bought at Hype For Type. It won an award at Tipos Latinos 2014. Winner at Tipos Latinos 2018 of a type design award for Isografia. In 2015, together with Michelle Benaim Steiner, he co-founded In-House International Design in Austin, TX. In 2020, he released Troptical (a 48-style prismatic or op-art typeface), and he co-designed Ragtag (a ragtag of capitals) with Rodrigo Fuenzalida for In-House International. In 2020, Rodrigo Fuenzalida, Alexander Wright and Michelle Benaim Steiner co-designed the exaggerated reverse stress (or: Italian) typeface Pata Slab at In-House International. All uppercase characters were built to fit precisely inside a square, so they are all the same width and height. In 2022, Rodrigo Fuenzalida and Alexander Wright published the decorative angular typeface family Broker at In-House International. HypeForType link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
During her studies at the British Higher School of Design in Moscow, Alexandra Pavlenko created the dry brush font Archeology (2017), an onion print typeface (2017), the very fat poster font Play (2017) and the prismatic typeface Strips (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Alexey Carlove (Carlove Design) is the Dzerzhinsk, Russia-based creator of the tri-lined prismatic Latin / Cyrillic typeface Gorod Spotra (City of Sports), which is somehow related to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Saint Petersburg, Russia-based designer of the decorative typeface Boroda (2019: stencil, and oriental emulation), Tetris (2019: pixelish) and Blender (2019: prismatic). All typefaces cover Latin and Cyrillic. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Saint Petersburg, Russia-based designer of the experimental prismatic Cyrullic typeface simply called Decorative (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Montreal, Quebec (was: Madrid, Spain)-based designer of a prismatic set of initials in 2016. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Prolific art director from Moscow who is now located in New York. Her work includes the fashion mag Latin/Cyrillic typeface Cadre (2014), the prismatic custom typeface Icon Face (2014, done for a make-up school) and a few other fashion industry fonts. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Andrew Footit
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Andrew Pixel (was: Timm Design)
| Estonian graphic designer who created these (mostly display sans or decorative serif style) typefaces:
Envato link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Andrew Timothy
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At SCAD in Savannah, GA, Andrew Wagenhals created the prismatic typeface Wagenhalia in 2015. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Andy Clymer grew up in Irvine, CA and studied at San Diego State University in 1998. At that time, he was working on Stencil Fraktur (2002). In 2004-2005, he studied type design in the Masters program of the KABK in Den Haag. He joined the typeface development department of Hoefler&Frere-Jones in New York in 2005. He has been an instructor in the Type@Cooper program in New York since 2011. From 2005 until 2018, Andy worked at the Hoefler&Co. type foundry, where he contributed to the typefaces Vitesse, Forza, Ideal Sans, Archer, Surveyor, and spearheaded the design of Operator and Obsidian (2015: a decorative copperplate engraved emulation typeface---various kinds of 3d illumination in Obsidian were obtained by an algorithmic process. In 2019, he co-developed Mingei Mono for the Mingei International Museum along with Yomar Augusto. In 2020, he released Tilt. Tilt is a family of (variable) typefaces inspired by three dimensional lettering found in storefront signage. Subfamilies: Tilt Neon (mimics the construction of neon tube lettering), Tilt Prism (based on prismatic lettering, cast or cut in a material), Tilt Warp (resembles peeling vinyl stickers). The variable fonts have two axes, horizontal rotation and vertical rotation. Github link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Creator (1936-1995) of the following phototype fonts at Studio Hollenstein: Arc en ciel (multilined), Indigo (1972; ornamental, art deco), Or (1967: prismatic). Or was digitally extended in 2016-2020 by Arve Båtevik as Store Norske Tyggis. Indigo was revived as a colour remix in 2021 by Arve Båtevik as Store Norske Stilig. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Maracaibo, Venezuela-based designer of the decorative prismatic all caps typeface Elephant (2015). Elephant was a school project. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Bangalore, India-based designer of the free multiline typeface Boogie (2020) and the free font Isometric (2020). All fonts are in SVG format. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vilnius, Lithuania-based designer of the prismatic op-art and art deco typeface Aks Font. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Anna Zakharchenko
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Bogota, Colombia-based graphic designer who created the prismatic typeface Refrán (2012). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Anza Letters
| Miass, Russia-based type designer offering mainly handcrafted script or brush fonts. Her typefaces from 2021: Fruity Morning (a color SVG font), Coffee Break, Gradient Quirky, Aster Glow, Vintage, WMN Power, Carnival (and party masks), Snowflake Christmas, Cupid, Vegan. Her typefaces from 2020: Orchid (an ornamented sans), Avocado (a stylish display serif), Wanderlust, Snowflake, Warmth (a retro brush font for Latin and Cyrillic), Sunshine, Breaking Rules (a paper cutout typeface), Feel Free, Bravo (a prismatic SVG font for Latin and Cyrillic), Virgo (a serif stencil), Grotesque, Ander, America, Quirky Spring (a playful rounded hand-drawn typeface), Retro Vibes. Typefaces from 2019: Nuova (a modern stencil family), Caramel (an upright script), Daenerys (a script and serif duo), Didone (an over-the-top swashy ball terminal didone), Mood Board (script), One Upon A Time (an octagonal and script font duo), Abstract, Summer in Paris (font duo), Nordic Dream, Organic, Poster (a heavy sans), Throne (a free dry brush SVG font), Primavera (brush script), Emotion Sans, Emotion SVG, Emotions Brush, Mobile (a modular sans), Fleuriste (a decorative duoline font), Lovely (a tall monoline script), School SVG, Aloha SVG (a watercolor script), Sport, Alpha & Omega (a signature script), Rio Love, Delight Grunge, Quirky, Oh My Child (textured). Typefaces from 2018: Protect, Shadow (an all caps fashion mag titling sans family in ten styles), Ultra Violet (sans), Fall in Love Script, White Christmas (a brushed SVG font), Golden Leaves Script, Alesya (script), Rush. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Savannah, GA-based designer of the prismatic typeface Saxofon (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Arif Dwi
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Illustrator and designer in Mumbai, India, who studied at M S University of Baroda, class of 2012. In 2017, he designed the experimental 3d typeface Imaginarium for the 3d printing company Imaginarium. This is possibly the first font that can be printed in 3 dimensions. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Arkitype (was: Virtue Creative)
| Andrew Footit (b. 1984) runs his own type foundry in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is also known as Arkitype. Until 2014, his type studio was called Virtue Creative and before that, Virtue84. In 2017, he set up Arkitype. His typefaces:
Behance link. Creative Market link. Home page. View Andrew Footit's typefaces. Home page. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Art deco typefaces by Nick Curtis: II
| Commercial art deco typefaces by Nick Curtis.
Arterfak Project
| Ahmad Ramzi Fahruddin (aka Ramzehhh and as Ramz Fahruddin, b. 1993) established Arterfak Project in 2015. He is the Palembang, Indonesia-based designer of the display typefaces Aidah (2015, spurred), Temenyut (2015, spurred), Basenglah (2015, a geometric solid typeface), Local Genius (2015), Oropitem (2015, blackletter), Cakmacak (2015), Maeninaja (2015), Yagitudeh (2015, a free doodle font), Cagar (2015, free), Pletakrutuk (2015) and Beguyur (2015), the free experimental techno typeface Semravut (2015), the lava lamp typeface Cagar (2015) and the free spurred vintage typeface Outromoro (2015). Typefaces from 2016: Anehena (a beveled ornamental typeface), Bongoknian (spurred), Sebasengan (sketched, arched, stitched, textured, eroded and embossed substyles), Sekatoon (Victorian), Bekelakar (Victorian), Sambeltigo, Wayawaya (free bilined art deco), Geroboktuo, Bedengkang, Ringam, Cindo Kato (spurred Victorian typeface), Ngopi Doken (a layered handcrafted typeface family), Bedesau (Victorian), Temenyut (spurred Victorian style), Sirugino (a spurred tattoo / blackletter type), Buyanbengak (spurred), Geradakan (dry brush type). Typefaces from 2017: Martinez (Tuscan), Hughoney, Rockrace, Monabelia (Victorian), Philosophiya, Love Quake, Childwood, Circulat Decorative Frames, Dakmodal, Yasaman, Bsakoja, Meringam, Besigetz (Victorian), Bedempank, Ngamboel (a modern inline), Jemahok (an inline typeface), Sirunian (decorative blackletter), Belinjangan (brush style), Cerudikan, Kanjian (Victorian deco). Typefaces from 2018: Mirandah (monoline, vintage), Subversia (Victorian), Bertha (a free display family that includes Shadow Line, Sans and Spurred substyles), Quickers, Marchelle (art deco), Lourena, Mellynda, Leophard (octagonal), Wishteria, Slashback, Katheryna, Febiolla, Tropicane, Maretha (a monoline script). Typefaces from 2019: Requeiro (a spurred inline vintage font), Mourich (an all caps display typeface), Newston (a tall condensed news headline typeface family), The Black Sugare (blackletter-inspired), Magnies (an elegant stencil), Hermona (a spurred vintage label font), Bronzier (a sports font), Mayhena (a monoline script), Amnestia (a vintage all caps typeface), Highrush (font duo), Humeira (for children's books), Montheim (retro signage font), Hodgeson (a slab serif family), Delaroca, (a spurred black metal band font) Banda Niera, Bargers Distressed (spurred, Victorian), The Realita, Newston (a compressed skyline-style font), Ariestha Script, The Black Square, Requiem (Victorian or rococo inline caps), Invasible, Ferguson (an almost monoline slab serif family), Mirenath (a rounded vintage monoline typeface), Afolkalips (a tribal painted font inspired by the Papuan culture), Mellandry, Masterson (a slab serif western font), Marsheila (art deco), Kanjian, Belinjangan, Sirunian (a decorative spurred typeface), Quickers, Marcheile (slightly art nouveau), Marcheile, Monabelia, Nourishe (a fashion mag sans). Typefaces from 2020: Trashbone, Burgery (a monolinear all caps children's book font), The Brande and Lotaline (a decorative serif), Rimba Andalas (a tribal font), Bronela (a decorative serif), Wonder Night (a beatnik font), Malinsha (a signage script), Marones (spurred, vintage, all caps), Katenila (a fat finger font), Meliana Script (a brush script), Romelio (sans / script pair), Bondrians (a vintage label font), Black Ravens (a dry brush font), Shinkoya (vernacular lettering), Brothership, Novante (stylish caps), Almatine Script (a flat pen calligraphic script, with perhaps a touch of Arabic script emulation), Almatine Sans, Wargate (a military stencil font family), Bragley (a cartoon font), Varino (a rounded unicase sans family), Ranille (a bold display serif), Neilvard (a vintage label font family), Nagietha, Khodijah (an Arabic emulation font), Sometimes Rough, Savaneta (a vintage all caps typeface), Valmera (a Peignotian sans), Hargalia (classic calligraphy), Cherione (a unicase font), Revans (a display sans). Typefaces from 2021: Larantuka (an informal font with a dancing baseline), Bolandes (a weathered monoline sans), Delauney (a formal art deco typeface), Chieezy Burger (grungy, vernacular), Ranmor (a vintage slab serif), Andalia (a signage script), Insiders (a dry brush script), Granesta (a dry brush font), Abigral (a Peignotian serif), Suzanstein (a dripping blood font), Broken Console (a retro video game pixel font), Naluka (a tiki or nature park font), Lovatine (a scrapbook script), Rushen (vintage caps in curvy, regular, distressed, stencil and shadow versions), Siegra (futuristic), Komersie (a bold supermarket font), Borensa (a reverse stress font), Rashavine (a dry brush font), Blankone (a brush font), Montagna (a monolinear script), Hadnich (a heavy signage script), Sallomae (a scrapbook font), Vankours (a dry brush font), Wonderful Melanesia (a decorative serif), Albertson (a Tuscan font), Rantika (a bold brush script), Rusthack (a stylish brush typeface), Mustopha (an upright typeface in arabesque style), Marviona (a marker pen font), Marviona (a marker pen font), Niquitta Mirzani (script), Shikamaru (emulating a Japanese brush), Mortend (a 5-style expanded all caps sans), Barlock (an all caps and spurred varsity font), Northash (stencil), Motteka (a beatnik font), Sharely (a brush font), Rompies (a condensed titling sans), Beardsons (a vintage label font), Broken Crush (dry brush). Typefaces from 2022: Bradrock (a vintage semi-Tuscan Western font), Market Written (a fat finger font), Almalik (Arabic emulation), Vanitha (a brush script), Rambors (prismatic caps with four parallel lines), The Last Shuriken (emulating Japanese), Warzone (an all caps echno / sci-fi font), Kalidony (calligraphic with heart-themed tittles), Lemands (a stocky condensed display typeface). Dafont link. Creative Market link. Behance link. Graphicriver link. Creative Fabrica link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Arve Båtevik
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Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain-based designer of the multiline typeface AG (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Aulia Al Farabi
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During her studies in Beirut in 2014, Aya Al-Kotob created experimental Latin and Arabic typefaces. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Parisian designer of the constructivist Kodage (2017), the rounded sans typeface Polaire (2017) and the prismatic typeface Linenn (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Brisbane, Australia-based designer of the multiline prismatic and chromatic typeface Everest (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sydney-based designer who graduated in 2011 from the College of Fine Arts with a Bachelor of Design. Bonnie created the beautiful prismatic art deco typeface Strukture (2012). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Brand Design
| Enrique Teruel was Orihuela, Spain-based designer of Line (2013, a prismatic typeface), and Helvetica Serif (2014). He joined or set up Brand Design in Madrid, where he now lives. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Amarillo, TX-based creator of the prismatic caps typeface Retro F (2015) and the fun Rally Numbers (2016). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer from Lisbon. He created the modular experimental typeface Pista (2010), which is based on sections of model car race tracks, and could be considered prismatic or op-art. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Mauro Paolozzi (b. 1975) studied at Luzern School of Art and Design and graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2000. After completing the postgraduate class Type & Media (2000-2001), he maintained a platform for audio and visual art in The Hague (2001-2006). He has also been teaching at Fachklasse Grafik in Luzern since 2001. At the Swiss type foundry Lineto, he was co-designer of both LL Prismaset A and LL Prismaset B, roughly between 2006 and 2019. LL Prismaset is based on Rudolf Koch's Prisma (Klingspor, 1930). Mauro has designed identities for cultural institutions such as Kulturbeiz Wohlen, Schloss Lenzburg, and the Swiss Federal Office of Culture. He ran Buildshape. In 2015, Raphael Koch and Mauro Paolozzi co-designed GT Cinetype at Grilli Type. This typeface has outlines consisting of many short straight line segments, thus mimicking the now obsolete pre-digital age technique of laser printing subtitles in movies. At small sizes, the font looks very smooth, but at larger sizes, the straight segments become apparent. His custom typefaces include Blindalley (2001), Backdoor (2001), Spins (200) and Panty Boy (2000), Scsibar (2000). [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Istanbul-based designer of a generative prismatic typeface in 2018. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Burhan Afif
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| Jeroen Krielaars (Calango) is a Dutch web designer in Amsterdam who made an animated prismatic geometric typeface called Moshun (2010). Krielaars created Moshun using the program Adobe After Effects in less than three days. Buy it exclusively from HypeForType. In 2011, he teamed up with Maria Jose Torrero Heredia from Mexico to create the latest addition to his typeface collection, the experimental and modular Binary 2.0. Typogami is another layered animated font made in 2011. In 2012, Jeroen released Webster, an animated font described as follows: Webster is an extensive animated typeface with a nerdy look. It comes with uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation and special characters. All together it counts over a 150 glyphs. With 13 customizable features, you can create over a gazillion looks. That's right, over a gazillion! In 2014, Jeroen co-designed the animated octagonal typeface Magnus with Linn Fritz, and the animaited typeface Razor (Animography) with Jeffrey Schreiber. He created the animated rounded sans typeface family Mantis in 2014. In 2016, Jeroen Krielaars and Pablo Balcells co-designed the animated pixel typeface Pixelar based on Balcell's 2012 original. See also here. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Graduate of Art Design College of Guangdong Industry Technical College in 2016. Art director and graphic designer in Guangzhou, China. As type designer he took commissions from Zcool. In 2017, he released Yishan Yuzhuan, which draws inspiration from Qin Lisi's Shushan Carved Stones. Also, in 2017, he had a hand in Zcool-YingShuTi (Zhongqi Electronic: free download). His graduation typeface was the experimental labyrinthine Chinese typeface Suo (2016). Also in 2016, he designed the molecular Chinese font Collective. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Goiana, Brazil-based graphic designer. He used simple programming for the creation of the multiline prismatic typeface Font Code (2013). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
FontStructor who made Movement (2011, a prismatic face). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Churchward Type
| Joseph Churchward (b. Apia, Samoa, 1933) grew up in Samoa, and moved to New Zealand, where he founded a design studio in Wellington. He lived in Hataitai. He died in 2013 [Obituary by Jack Yan]. His early type designs were released as photolettering through Berthold. In 2000, in partnership with Chank, his fonts are finally being converted to the standard electronic formats. In 1984, he won a Silver Prize at the Morisawa Awards competition. In 2009, he was made a life member of The New Zealand Designers Institute DINZ. MyFonts writes: Churchward Type started in 1962 as Joseph Churchward's freelance lettering service. Within six months he had generated enough work to move from his job as Senior Artist into setting up Churchward International Typefaces, which became one of the largest typesetting companies in New Zealand. In 1969 Joseph was asked to submit alphabet designs to Berthold Fototypes and saw immediate success. He later went on to sign distribution agreements with D.Stempel AG, Dr Böger Photosatz GmbH/Linotype, Mecanorma-Polyvroom B.V and Zipatone. He self-published a handful of original fonts in 1978 becoming the first and only company in New Zealand to publish original photo-lettering. Churchward International Typefaces was forced to close in June 1988 but Churchward Type lives on with a fresh set of independent releases. David Buck has taken on the role of digitisation. Joseph continues to draw alphabets and now has a stockpile of over 300 unique alphabets to his name. Catalog of Joseph Churchward's typefaces:
View Joseph Churchward's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Montreal-based studio with a French-only web site. Designers of the gorgeous Split (2015), the geometric solid typeface Braziu (2015), the multilined prismatic art deco typeface Brooklyn Fat Black (2015) and the pixel typeface Pixies (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic design student in Lyon, who created an art deco prismatic typeface called Striped (2012). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dan P. Lyons
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Designer from Richmond, VA (aka fontcollector) on whom I bestowed the title King of octagonal typefaces. Daniel Herbert Schechner was born in 1946 in Norfolk, VA, and died in 2016 in Richmond, VA.
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Dan X. Solo
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Dan X. Solo: Digitizations by Dick Pape
| Dick Pape based the following digitizations (2008-2010) of blackletter, art deco, Celtic, initial caps, and other ornamental typefaces shown by Dan X. Solo in his Dover books: DXSAlphaMidnight, DXSAlphaTwilight, DXSBeansBold, DXSBlackline (prismatic, art deco), DXSBoboBold, DXSBrusselsInitials, DXSBuckinghamInitials, DXSBust, DXSCharger, DXSCheckmate, DXSCorral, DXSDevon, DXSDevonian, DXSDudleyPNarrow, DXSFatCat, DXSFestival, DXSFrankfortInitials, DXSFuturaInline, DXSGrooviestGothic, DXSGuildhall, DXSHessNeobold, DXSHotline, DXSHuntingtonInitials, DXSJoyceBlack, DXSKupferInitials, DXSLampoon, DXSLeipzigInitials, DXSLeister, DXSLowenbrau, DXSMonogramStencil, DXSMonumentBold, DXSNottinghamInitials, DXSOrbit, DXSOttoHuppInitials, DXSPickfair, DXSPolly, DXSPotsdamInitials, DXSPrismaniaC, DXSPrismaniaP, DXSQuote, DXSRegalBlack, DXSRhythmBold, DXSRickyTick, DXSRoco (art deco), DXSSansSouci, DXSShadyDeal, DXSSheetSteel, DXSSilverShadowBlack, DXSStuttgartInitials, DXSTester, DXSThedaBara (counterless geometric art deco), DXSTulo, DXSTuxedo, DXSUrban (psychedelic), DXSVeronica, DXSWestmorland, DXSWienText, DXSYagiBold.bmp DXSYagiDouble, DXSYorkshireInitials, DXSZany, DXSZephyr. Images: DXSBlackline, DXSBust, DXSDudleyPNarrow, DXSGrooviestGothic, DXSJoyceBlack, DXSMonogramStencil, DXSPrismania'P', DXSRickyTick, DXSRoco, DXSSheetSteel, DXSTulo, DXSUrban, DXSYagiDouble, DXS Alpha Twilight, DXS Brussels Initials, DXS Kupfer Initials, DXS Lowenbrau, DXS Otto Hupp Initials, DXS Theda Bara, DXS Urban. Download page. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
During his studies at the School of Visual Communication in Denmark, Copenhagen-born Daniel Lindholt designed the hypnotic prismatic typeface Hypno (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vicenza, Italy-based designer of the prismatic typeface Cerchi (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Web designer in Milano, Italy (and before that, Lugano, Switzerland, and Catania, Sicily), who created the didone typeface Rachel and the partly tweetware sans typeface family DDM in 2014. With Meedori Studio in Catania, he created the tweetware Futura-inspired caps-only typeface Meedori Sans (2015). In 2017, he designed the free wayfinding sans typeface Agané, which is based on Adrian Frutiger's Frutiger and Avenir, FF Transit by Erik Spiekermann and Bob Noorda's Noorda. With Giulia Gambino, he co-designed the free icon font Agane Icons. In 2018, Danilo De Marco and Giulia Gambino codesigned the free blackboard bold typeface K95 for K95, a communication and graphic agency based in Catania, Italy. In 2019, De Marco designed the didone display typeface family Herbert, which is named after Herbert Lubalin. Herbert Regular is free. Still at K95, he published Points & Lines (2019). Still in 2019, he also designed the free geometric color typeface Huber Alphabet, which is named in honor of Max Huber. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Russian designer in 2018 of these typefaces: Hillingdon, Summer of 76 (imitating the prismatic font of the Mexico City Olympics), Versot. Typefaces from 2019: Hogsmeade (a spooky font), CRT64 (a dot matrix font), Bisect (a glitch font). Typefaces from 2020: Gumzilla (a bubblegum font), No Signal (a glitch font). Typefaces from 2021: Rugfish (a playful chunky poster sans). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Prolific NY-based designer (born in East Los Angeles) who specializes in faithful revivals of old masters and logotype, in Latin and Hebrew. He made over 500 fonts including. He is also a translator and illuminator of Biblical period Hebrew and Aramaic. His clients include The Vatican (Pope John Paul II's Holocaust commemerative CD) and Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America. His specialties are translations worded in the language and style of the period in which the Biblical text was composed. His translation and enumeration of kabbalistic writings, otherwise known as Hebrew Mysticism and numerology, demonstrate the mathematical base of Biblical miracles. MyFonts wrote this analysis of his work: Dennis Ortiz-Lopez is a hugely talented New York type designer. lettering artist&typographer, with around 600 typefaces to his credit. Typographic quality in the magazine market doesn't get much better than Rolling Stone magazine---well, guess who was their typographer (as well as InStyle, Sports Illustrated, People, etc.). Dennis made a successful transition to the digital era around 1989, keeping up his prodigious output. Dennis is also known by his Hebrew name, Siynn bar-Diyonn. Dennis follows the footsteps of great American type designers such as Morris Fuller Benton and Herb Lubalin. And he likes contrasts, too: his typefaces are very narrow or very wide, very thin or very fat. If you love Franklin Gothic but always felt like it's not fat and wide enough. try [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Derek Green
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Sofia, Bulgaria-based creator of the prismatic typeface Phantasy (2014). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer in Barcelona, who created Pixel8 (2012) and Norpeck (2014: a prismatic typeface). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dick Pape
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Dick Pape
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Yogyakarta, Indonesia-based creator (b. 1987) of the counterless architectural lettering typeface Ruler Elementary (2011), of Cool Stuff (2011, dingbats), of Djoewana (2011, dingbats), and of the flip clock typeface Solari (2011). In 2012, he made Munir (scanbat font with images of Munir Said Thalib, 1965-2004, one of Indonesia's most famous human rights and anti-corruption activists who was poisoned by an Indonesian government airline agent with arsenic on a flight to Amsterdam), Papan Kita (dingbats of Asian buildings), Sepeda (bicycle dingbats), Volkswagen (dingbats), Perangko Wayang, (shadow puppets) and Senyum (facial dingbats). Typefaces from 2013: Paralis (multiline, prismatic). Typefaces from 2014: Cermin Pahlawan (scanbats related to Hari Pahlawan), Toer (scanbats of Pramudya Ananta Toer, an Indonesian author and human rights activist who went to jail for his opinions). Typefaces from 2015: Sekar Arum (textured caps). Typefaces from 2016: Torajamatra (patterns), Ikatan (Indonesian symbols; inside the font, the designer is identifed as Rumah Joana). Typefaces from 2017: Tegel (dingbats with tile patterns). Dafont link. Fontspace link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vigo, Spain-based designer of the prismatic typeface Campus Simple (2018). This typeface is a decorative version of the University of Vigo's typeface Campus. His graduation typeface there was Gandara Roman (2018). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic designer and art director at As If Magazine, Buenos Aires. For As If he created the prismatic op-art typeface Optic Alphabet (2015). He also designed a prismatic fantasy alphabet called Strings (2015) and the axonometric alphabet Axo (2016). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
FontShop was the name of Dieter Steffmann's foundry in Kreuztal, Germany (not to be confused with the FontShop foundry and font vendor). He made about 600 self-proclaimed "old-fashioned" fonts, and among these many Fraktur fonts. His site became too expensive to run, and was for about two decades hosted by Typoasis. His fonts can now de downloaded afrom 1001 Fonts. Alternate URL. Current list of fonts. See also here. New stuff. Fontspace link. A nice essay about Fraktur fonts accompanies the fonts. News. As Dieter puts it: I am not a designer but I add missing letters to public domain fonts in order to get a complete character set and I hint the fonts and create new weights (shadow, inline etc.) His Christbaumkugeln font, and how it was made. The font families:
A set of TeX service files for many of the decorative caps fonts was published by Maurizio Loreti from the University of Padova. The collection is now also available in OpenType. 1001Fonts link. Fontsquirrel link. Dafont link. Fontspace link. Abstract Fonts link. Home page. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Dinamo is a Swiss type foundry in Heiden established by Johannes Breyer and Fabian Harb after graduation from schools in Zurich, Basel and Amsterdam. Johannes and Fabian were visiting teachers at the Estonian Academy of the Arts, Tallinn. Johannes is teaching type design at University of the Arts Berlin (UDK) and HfG Offenbach. Fabian is lecturing typography at the School of Design St. Gallen. Their typefaces:
Johannes Breyer. Fabian Harb. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
D.M. Rachmath
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DMR Studio (or: Aksaratype Industries)
| DM Rachmath, also written D.M. Rahmath and Rahmat (DMR Studio, Cianjur / Bandung, Indonesia), designed the hipster typeface Parantina (2017), the Balencha family of display typefaces (2017), the stencil typeface Beklon (2017), the vintage logo font Kalalua (2017), the hipster typeface Terazcho (2017), the layered Western textured typeface Baroschi (2017), the spurred typefaces Elago (2017) and Elagonian (2017), the free vintage display typefaces La Pontane (2016-2017) and La Pontane Deconia (2017), and the Victorian typeface LHF Sorangeun (2017). Typefaces from 2018: Morowali, Kaliandra, Diantos, Jailolo (a rebel or sports font family), Persib Sasm (octagonal sports font; free demo), Veranomata (multishade font), Bieliko (prismatic), Nonami (great-looking athletic lettering fonts), Nonamiako, Naratas (athletic lettering), Kamarita (a logo font family), Axina (stencil), Hasya d'Ellena (formal calligraphy). Typefaces from 2019: Beklon, Vietara, Tiaso (an athletic shirt typeface), BRQ (shadow typeface), Gharisan (octagonal). Typefaces from 2020: Sima Maung (an octagonal athletic lettering font family that includes a few shadow styles), Leafco (floriated, textured), Pentacone (molecular, prismatic), Pollenca (script), Floresque (a multiline caps typeface), Garbello (a shadow font), Elago (a sports font), Boyana (a monoline script), Scada (a shadow font), Romansha (a display type), Nevota (an all caps sans), Mamberamo (a creamy script), Manawi (a creamy script). Aka DMR Studio and DMR Art Studios, and as Aksaratype Industries). Home page of Aksaratype Industries. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Dwi Ahidian
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| Born in Mexico in 1992, Eduardo Aire Torres graduated from Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte in 2014 and followed the condensed type design program at the Cooper Unon in New York City in 2019, after have been formed in lettering and calligraphy by masters such as Gabriel Martínez Meave, John Downer and Brody Neuenschwander.Based in Mexico City, hHis typefaces include Musans Deco (2014), Malos Dingbats (2014) and the great Kanzlei-style ornamental blackletter typeface Blackletter Revolver (2014). As a member of the Sans Nom team (Eduardo Aire Torres, Gabriel "Pulpo" Rivero Cruz, Isaias Loaiza Ramirez, Jorge Campos Sanchez and Mario Balcazar) that participated in the Torneo Tipograifico in 2020, he co-designed the display family SN Abbatia. His graduation typeface at Type@Cooper was a slab serif, Paton (2020). Still in 2020, he designed the prismatic typeface Astripe Variable, inspired by Wyman's branding for the Mexico68 Olympic Games. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Eduardo Aire Torres
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Copenhagen-based designer of a prismatic typeface in 2017. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
London-based creator of the wavy prismatic typeface Rhythm (2014). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Emil Karl Bertell
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Empty Page Studio
| Lukasz Kulakowski, a Polish graphic designer in Dublin and Baile Atha Cliath, Ireland, created the free typeface Mosaic Leaf (2011), which was inspired by Akzidenz Grotesk typeface. In 2012, he published Orbits (a prismatic multiline face, done with Zbyszek Czapnik). Typefaces from 2013 include the free display typeface Rhubarb Display Font (a condensed art deco sans caps family for Latin and Cyrillic done with Zbyszek Czapnik). In 2014, he created the tweetware font Christmas Time. Emptypage Studio is presently located in New York City. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Enrique Teruel
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Erik Bertell
| Helsinki, Finland-based Erik Bertell graduated from Lahti Institute of Design. His fonts include Neon, Mama and Mama Round. Born in Helsinki in 1980, Erik was at first a type designer for Fenotype, which was founded by his brother Emil Bertell. He holds an MA in graphic design from aalto University in Helsinki. Around 2012, he set up his own foundry, simply called Erik Bertell. Erik's fonts EB Base Mono (2009, monospaced), EB Futuretro (2002, bilined art deco techno face), EB Neon (2002), EB Boogie Monster (2002, multiline prismatic op art family), EB Vintage Future and EB Humboldt (2002, ultra fat). EB Martin (2010) is, in his own words, a post modern take on several traditional blackletter types. EB Bellissimo Display (2010) is a rounded monoline geometric sans typeface family. EB Jessica (2011) is part typewriter, part cemetery. Typefaces from 2013: Steamer (which he calls a grimy grotesque), EB Vintage Future, EB Martin (blackletter), EB Jessica Condensed Book. Moomin (2015) is a custom typeface designed for the Moomin brand. It is based the type used in the early comic strips by Tove Jansson, the author and creator of the Moomins. Cavalier (2016) is an avant-garde sans in the style of the 1970s. Typefaces from 2018: Capital (a sans and serif family by Teo Tuominen, Erik Jarl Bertell and Emil Karl Bertell). Typeface from 2019: Portland (a reverse contrast typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Taurus (an all caps logotype family by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Zeit (a transitional text typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Avion (a sans family by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Fabrica (a decorative frilly didone by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Tapas (by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen: a Serif, Sans, Deco and Script collection), Galatea (a 48-style sans family by Erik and Emil Bertell), Well (Erik Bertell and Toni Hurme: a wavy custom display typeface for Well Coffee), Morison (a great 32-style wedge serif typeface by Erik and Emil Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Frank Sans (grungy). Typefaces from 2020: Laurel (by Teo Tuominen, Emil Bertell and Erik Bertell: a 4 style sans with amnay wedge elements), Resolve Sans (by Teo Tuominen, Emil Bertell and Erik Bertell: an extensive grotesk super family of 124 fonts: from compressed to extended, thin to black), Rockford Sans (2020: an 8-style geometric sans with large x-height and slightly rounded corners; Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Walden (a heavy rustic serif typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Klik (a geometric sans family with Bauhaus influences, by the dynamic trio of Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen). Typefaces from 2021: Imagist (a 12-style sharp-edged serif by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Alonzo (a 24-style Peignotian sans by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Maine (a 12-style modernized book antiqua by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Lagom (a 16-style slab serif with some Clarendon charm; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Wonder (a 12-style rounded serif in the style of Windsor; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Grand Cru (a refined serif family with 36 styles; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen). Link to Bond Creative Agency. Behance link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Erik Jarl Bertell
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As a design student in Curitiba, Brazil, Erika Lourenco created the prismatic typeface David Bowie (2014). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
ESAL is the Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Lorraine in Metz. One can study type design there. The active group has established a site with some free fonts made by the students. The free typefaces posted in 2013 include Artemis (by Diane Rohn, 2012), Boom (by Cécile Etienne, 2012), Crypt (by Aude Schmittheisler, 2012: a squarish stencil face), Effilé (2012, by Valentin Mirouf), Escape (2012, by Estelle Bizet: a straight-edged typeface), Geomhotic (2012, by Isaline Rivery), Jyk (2012, by Jung Yoon Kim: straight-edged), Kazan (2012, a prismatic typeface by Eric Chapuis), Misenpli (2012, by Céline Kriebs: origami typeface), Morse (2012, a Morse-based typeface by Romuals Kabala), ODR (2012, a modular typeface by Audrey Pereira). The text family Messine (2012) was created as a cooperative project in workshops at ESAL led by Alejandro Lo Celso and Jérôme Knebusch. Contributors were Céline Kriebs, Romain Gamba, Bernard Gissinger, Aude Schmittheisler, Gaía Fyot, Eric Chapuis, Francis Ramel, Audrey Perreira, Fanny Woimant and Isaline Rivery. Image of Messine Titrage. Image of Messine Quotidienne. Facebook page. Their seminar series is called Let's Type. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Warsaw-based graphic designer, who created the free dry brush typeface Mazak and the experimental decorative caps typeface New Color Font in 2015. In 2018, she designed a gorgeous abstract multiline poster alphabet. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Dinamo is a Swiss type foundry established by Johannes Breyer and Fabian Harb after graduation from schools in Zurich, Basel and Amsterdam. Johannes and Fabian are visiting teachers at the Estonian Academy of the Arts, Tallinn and regularly teach at UDK Berlin and University of Applied Sciences, St. Gallen. Their typefaces:
Johannes Breyer. Fabian Harb. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Fabrizio Schiavi
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Fabrizio Schiavi Design (or: FSD)
| Fabrizio Schiavi was born in Ponte dell'Olio in the Piacenza province in 1971. FSD Fabrizio Schiavi Design in Piacenza was opened in 1998. With Alessio Leonardi, he co-founded Fontology. He also co-launched the experimental graphics magazine Climax in 1994. Bio at FontFont where he made FF Mode 01, FF 0069, FF GeabOil, FF9600, FF Trade 01, FF Steel Mix, FF Steel Ring, FF Steel Jones. [T-26] designer of D44 (1994), Lithium (1994, dingbats), Moore895 (1994), Moore899 (1994), Sidewalker (1994), Exit (1988). Many of his typefaces are grungy such as Washed (1994). Some are minimalist, such as Monica Due (1999), Monica (1999), and Eco (2001, developed from a logo in the 70s for Ageco). The latter three fonts are very geometric in nature. Other fonts: Washed (1994), Parakalein, Aurora Nintendo (1995), Aurora CW (1995), Mode01 (1995), GeabOil (1995), 9600/0069 (1995), Fontology (1995), CP Company (2000: a corporate sans), FSDItems (2001), FSDforMantraVibes (2001), Pragmata (2001, monospace, designed for programs), PragmataFlash (2002, a pixel font), Pragmata Pro (2011, still monospaced), Sys (2002), SysFlash (2002, a pixel font), Sys 2.0 (2012, a condensed sans designed for very small print), Virna (2003, a multiline typeface for Italian MTV, discussed here). The Pragmata and Sys series were optimized for screen usage. In addition, Sys has many ink traps, so it prints well at small sizes, and is more legible than Verdana. He does some custom typeface design, such as the innovative sans serif family called CP Company (2000). Other clients include Al Hamra Complex Kuwait, Nike, MTV, YU, Beretta, Abitare magazine, Ferrari and Philip Morris. In 2007, he produced a stencil and signage font, Siruca (see also here), for the Al Hamra Complex, one of highest skyscrapers in the world, located in Kuwait. Siruca Pictograms (2008) is free. In 2015, he followed that up by a non-stencil rounded sans called Sirucanorm: Designed using golden ratio formulas, it's inspired to DIN and Isonorm typeface. In 2013, he published Sys Falso, Abitare Sans (30 weights, originally commissioned by the group Rizzoli Corriere della Sera. Abitare is an Italian magazine). Typefaces from 2014: Nove (a German expressionist typeface inspired by B movie typography: Nove freshly reworks exploitation film era movie poster lettering, refitting the genre to a contemporary audience. The expressive typeface was done for a Nike Italy spoof campaign featuring 1970s cult film director Enzo Castellari and a recently found film reel from his archives, featuring several current Italian athletes and American basketball star Kobe Bryant). The rounded sans typeface Widiba Bank (2015) was co-designed with Jekyll & Hyde in 2015 for the brand identity of the new bank of Gruppo Monte dei Paschi di Siena. In 2016, he designed the custom corporate typeface R&M in art nouveau style. In 2020, he released the (variable) retail version of CP Company called oook. In 2021, he released Nure (a 54-style sans font family that includes a three-axis (weight, optical, width) variable font). At ATypI in Rome in 2002, he spoke about the need for more fonts. Hellofont link. FontShop link. Font Squirrel link. Showcase of Fabrizio Schiavi's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
| Fenotype, a Finnish type foundry, has the original (often techno) designs of Emil Bertell (b. 1983, Helsinki) and his brother Erik Bertell and wife Kea Bertell. Emil has been studying graphic design at University of Art&Industrial Design in Helsinki since 2004. He designed most of his typefaces during 2001-2004, and works as a freelance illustrator. Behance link. Typefaces made in 2002: Disco (prismatic), Lakmus, Valimo, FUTU, Test1, Foton Torpedo, Cheaptype, Personal Computer, Copycut, Unicode 0024, HKI Metro, HKI NightLife, Digital Kauno, Fenotravels (dingbats), Tivoli, Kosmonaut, 10124, JouluFonttiFenotype, Testi, 1laitos, 1120, 0629 (2002, a kitchen tile font), 0927, 0210, FTdingsprevi, Fenotypedings#lego3, Genotype, NeoPangaia, NeoPangaia 2, Nipponblocks, Pectopah, Personalcomputer, Pouttu, Samarin (2002, athletic lettering), Unicode0024, URALphat, URALthin, URAL, URAL3d (all Latin/Cyrillic fonts with incomplete punctuation though), Automania (multiline), Copycut, Halo, 222_2003, Tantor, Letters, Rikos, Lastu, ThreeTheHardWay, Bukkake, Halo. Emil's brother Erik designed Neon (paperclip face), Mama and Mama Round (paperclip typefaces). In private email, he calls himself Carl. The foundry evolved from 2theleft. Fonts made in 2003: Military Dingbats, 08 02 03 Fenotype, Projectsfenotype, Rock-it. Fonts made in 2004: Scandinavian Titan white, Scandinavian Titan, Acid Test 2, Acid Test (texture typefaces), 080203, Letters11, Linja, Projects, Rock it, Simpletype. Commercial typefaces: Sapluuna, Shortcut, Transeuro-Express, Omega-Uros, Fenotype Dings, Military Dingbats, Nippon Noodle. Typefaces made in 2004: Kolari, Kolari Light, FTfaces, Twisted Ontogenesis. Alternate URL. In 2005: RoundAbout, Nihilist Philosophy, Boogie Monster, Chunky Hunk (Western), Diy Typeface (kitchen tile style), Futuretro (stencil-like), 3TheHardWayOverrun, Pedant Dilettante, FT Rosecube, FT Blockbuster, 3TheHardWayRMX, Adios Gringo (Western face), Helsingfurt (3d oil glow face), Cream Soda (liquid), Thashed Paper Bag, Big Medium. In 2006: Rock It Deluxe (grunge), Cassette (dingbats), Kings Garden (Japanese trees as dingbats). MyFonts link, opened in 2009, where one can buy 080203, 3 The Hard Way Overrun, 3 The Hard Way RMX, Adios Gringo, Depth Charge, FT Helsingfurt, FT Roundabout, FT Scandinavian Titan, FT Twisted Ontogenesis, Ice Cream Soda, Kings Garden, Kolari, Nihilist Philosophy, Old Note, Rock It, November Script, and Majestic Mishmash (ransom note caps), Digital Kauno (2002, upright script), 10.12, EB Vintage Future, Fenotype Dingbats, FT Forest, FT Funghis, FT Military Dingbats, FT Weapon of Choice, Motel Xenia, URAL, Valima. Additions in 2010: Linguine (connected script), FT Telegraph (slab serif), FT Brush, FT Industry Machine, FT Giorgio, Killer Elephant (signage), FT Supervisor (ultra-condensed), FT Dead Mans Diary (scribbly), FT Grandpa Script (grunge calligraphy), FT Stamper (angular lettering), FT Tantor (fat, rounded), FT Bronson (fat display typeface with mustache dings thrown in), FT Master of Poster (bi-level display typeface with many ligatures and interlocking letters), FT Hidden Forest (tree dingbats), FT Mammoth (grotesque headline face), Rikos (futuristic), Squarendon Extra Bold (2010, a Clarendon), FT Moonshine Script (a Treefrog style face), Billboard (a hand-printed rounded caps family), EB Bellissimo Display (rounded monoline sans), Malamondo (an all caps display typeface with a large number of interlocking ligatures), Linja (2002 and 2010, a rounded ultra condensed family), Punavuori (2002 and 2010: a monoline sans family), Signor (2010, a rounded all caps family), Mrs. Lolita (connected script), Funghi Mania (mushroom dingbats), Funghi Mania Script, Darlington (very open upright connected script family), Archipelago (+Caps: an upright connected script), Tower (pieces that enable one to modularly construct towers when stacked; created as a school assignment at the University of Industrial Art&Design Helsinki in 2006), Monster (just as Tower but for monsters), Verna (informal face with ball terminals), Verner (2010, a connected script version of Verna), Verner (2010, a connected script version of Verna). Typefaces from 2011: Pepita Script (an upright connected script with small lachrymal terminals), Pepito (its nonconnected version), Barber (upright script family), Banzai Bros (a fat caps-only signage face), Mishka (an upright connected script with tear drop terminals). In 2012, he created Salamander Script, Taiga (connected upright script), Mercury Script (a set of upright connected script typefaces), Slim Tony (a bubblegum retro signage face) and Mercury Ornaments. Typefaces from 2013: No. Seven (a successful brushy signage or baseball script), Alek and Alek Ornaments (an upright signage script), Voyage (a vintage script), Barracuda Script (brushy signage face), Bonbon (signage script), Bonbon Ornaments, Scaramouche (a playful connected script). Typefaces from 2014: Larry (sturdy connected script), Silver (upright connected script), Powder Script, Peaches And Cream (creamy signage or baseball script), In and Out (a connected retro signage script), The Carpenter (a script family in the style of Mercury Script). Typefaces from 2015: HMS Gilbert (a collection of 14 hand-crfated vintage types), Lager (a signage script family with adaptable swashes and other opentype goodies), Vanilla Shot, Journey (a smooth and elegant vintage script family of four weights and a matching ornament set, packed with alternate characters, and, in Bertell's style, perfect connections between glyphs), Tea Biscuit (signage script), Skipper, Skipper (connected script), Frost (a signage typeface that is just right, a sure award winner), Monday (sign apinting typeface). Typefaces from 2016: Jazz Script, Fragola (sign painting font), Syrup (sign painting font), Cosmopolitan (monoline connected script), Bluebell (copperplate calligraphic script), Inkston (vernacular brush script together with the standard handcrafted sans and text styles), Beaujolais (brush script), Black Script (a heavy signage script), Beaujolais (an organic brush script), Cold Brew (signage script), Inkheart (tattoo style). Typefaces from 2017: Camper (monoline script, accompanied by Camper Print), Aether Rain (thin script), Thang, Big Fish, Bolton (Bolton Script and Bolton Script, and the degraded Bolton Print pack), Vodka (Slab, Sans, Pen and Brush), Poster Brush, Fresh Press (signage style), Praktika (grotesk), Praktika Rounded, Blossoms, Kitchen (sign painting brush), Letterpress Studio, Takeaway, Aether Rain, Pitcher (baseball script), Karu (a workhorse sans), Bluebell (calligraphic), Roster (signage script), Dog Days, Catsy, Alfons (in Script, Display, Sans, Serif, Tiki, Extras and Ornaments subfamilies), Cosmopolitan (monoline script and sans pair), Snooker (retro signage script), Salty (a creamy brushed signage typeface). Typefaces from 2018: Aster Script, Audrey (a monoline script and sans duo), Galatea (a 48-style sans family by Erik and Emil Bertell), Double Porter (an 18-style font collection with scripts, sans, and grunge faces thrown in the mix), Matchstick, Fruitos, Corner Deli (a layerable set of fonts in script and sans styles), Bayamo (a brush script done for Monotype), Sidecar (a connected monoline neon sign script, and a matching sans), Ginger John, Brush Marker, Shirataki (monoline soft pen script), Ash (a crayon font), Breakfast Script, Dallas Print Shop (a display family by Teo Tuominen and Emil Karl Bertell), Capital (a sans and serif family by Teo Tuominen, Erik Jarl Bertell and Emil Karl Bertell). Elixir, Maestri (a classical connected scrupt by Teo Tuominen and Emil Karl Bertell), Popcorn (brush script), Cherry (signage script), Goodwater, Signature Script, Kingfisher (a beer botle signage script), Sonder (brush script). Typefaces from 2019: Taurus (an all caps logotype family by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Ex Libris (a high contrast flared serif titling font), Riley (a retro sign painting script), Allison Script, Milky (a sign-painting brush script), Portland (a reverse contrast typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Zeit (a transitional text typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Boardwalk Avenue Rough (a monoline script and a weathered all caps sans), Avion (a sans family by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Yes Script, Gainsborough (script), Florian (a roman typeface with crisp edges and some contrast), Vogue Sans (a haute couture all caps contrast sans), Fabrica (a decorative frilly didone by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Chai (an expressive sans / serif hybrid), Rainmaker Script (monoline), Aequitas (a stylish sharp-edged roman typeface family), Tapas (by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen: a Serif, Sans, Deco and Script collection), Lawrence (a stylish roman typeface), Kallio Brush (a signage brush script), Morison (a great 32-style wedge serif typeface by Erik and Emil Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Felicity Serif (a juicy bold high-contrast serif), Las Palmas (Brush, Pen, Slab, Condensed), Honey Drops, Explorer, Boardwalk Avenue (a sans/script font duo), Skye (a heavy decorative didone), Leftfield (a retro baseball script), Steak And Cheese, Agile Sans (a humanist sans by Emil Karl Bertell, Erik Jarl Bertell, and Teo Tuominen), Punk Rocker, Silverline, Perfume (Pen, Brush and Sans), Hops And Barley, Allison. Typefaces from 2020: Laurel (by Teo Tuominen, Emil Bertell and Erik Bertell: a 4 style sans with amnay wedge elements), Omnipop (Sans, Brush, Script), Paper Tiger (a Victorian Script accompanied by a condensed flared serif in two weights and a chunky sans serif), Resolve Sans (by Teo Tuominen, Emil Bertell and Erik Bertell: an extensive grotesk super family of 124 fonts: from compressed to extended, thin to black), Gambler (a 14-style display type collection), Rockford Sans (2020: an 8-style geometric sans with large x-height and slightly rounded corners; Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Slacker (a brush script), Grand Atlantic (a vintage display package), Magnolia (Brush, Serif), Walden (a heavy rustic serif typeface by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Klik (a geometric sans family with Bauhaus influences, by the dynamic trio of Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Rose Garden Deluxe (a font duo), Felicity (a heavyweight display sans). Typefaces from 2021: Alonzo (a 24-style Peignotian sans by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Imagist (a 12-style sharp-edged serif by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Maine (a 12-style modernized book antiqua by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Briston (a bold creamy serif in the Windsor genre), Lagom (a 16-style slab serif with some Clarendon charm; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Skillet (a chubby Cooper Black-genre typeface full of hedonism and joie de vivre), Kings Valley (a decorative serif), Shaker Script (monolinear), Wonder (a 12-style rounded serif in the style of Windsor; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Ellie Script (a signature script), Dirty Sundae (a casual font), Grand Cru (a refined serif family with 36 styles; by Emil Bertell, Erik Bertell and Teo Tuominen), Kiosk (a 4-style vintage headline typeface family in Script and Sans versions). Typefaces from 2022: Blood Orange (in the Cooper Black / Windsor / Souvenir genre), Tomato Ketchup (supermarket kitsch in the fat rounded Windsor genre). Dafont link. Behance link. Creative Market link. MyFonts interview. |
Singapore-based designer of the triangle-based typeface Prismatry (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
London-based font vendor who started in 2015 or 2016, and carries mostly brush script typefaces. They are mainly pushing their own work. Typefaces from 2017: Treasure Script, Hastter Sontial script, Dealina (calligraphic script), Red Mist, Queen, Wishing Well, Highlights, Handy Man, Hey Betty, Polar Bear, Realtech, Golly Gosh, Magic Man, Ardina Script (by Ari Fadli), Rusty Bucket (dry brush), Dolly Script (calligraphic wedding script), Handstyles, Bouncy Hunter (spurred), Django (Western), Olivia Script, Questioned, Renegade, One Dance (calligraphic), Mammoth (script), Honey Bee, September Script (calligraphic), Amanda (calligraphic), Sandy Pro, Lilly Mae. Typefaces from 2018: Squishy, Squishy Extras (sea life dingbats), Billie Harley, Origami, Arkinay, Moscow (a Cyrillic emulation typeface), Bindi, Felt Tip, Christina, Park Ranger, Rembulan, Catchy Script, Champagne (brush and ink splatter), Azalea, Loft Yian (script), Love Candy, Wisdom Script, Montage (signage script), Bristol, Stephanie Jane (brush pen font), Glamorous Silhouette (font duo), Sun City (sans), Crackers, Sliders Script, Jaquilane (upright script), Gladis (formal calligraphic script), Wheatbread (monoline sans), Monstera (a stylish serif typeface), Sailor (tattoo font), Comic Boom (cartoon font), Kely Rose, Radical, Granger (brush font), New Type (prismatic), Sugar Script, Aloha Big Man, Magical Unicorn, Chocolove, Gentle, Roseland, Queensland (copperplate calligraphy), Pink Grapefruit, Jingle Boo, Old Press, Michigan (outline slab serif), Boulder Holder, Angelica (a creamy signage script), Anchor, Freshca (upright connected script), Zimbra (zebra-striped, by Alex Etewut), Adele, AlyshiaScript, BackStitch, BirthdayScript, Brat, BringHearte, CherryBlossom, Eastland, ElhammerBrush, Enyssala, Florva, GloomyDay, HappyBirthday, Heavenfield, Herbie, Junitha, Kayleigh, Mirantie, Mountiane, Nattalia, Quance, QuickBrush, Rafifi, Reebiolla, Rockets, SandyBeaches, Springer, Strangelove, TheCharlotte, Valentino, VictorianMonogram, WinterTime, Zebra. Typefaces from 2019: Radicals (signage script), Lovebird, Ridgeway, Lindale, Moscow, Anthem, Blackstar (blackletter), Maskoolin, Tatima, Hands Down, Monday Blues, September Script, Restuner, Mammoth, Hey Betty, Ciscopic, Hatterline, Jaiho Script, Diamonds, Indah Script, Amanda (calligraphic), Molyna, Mellow Line, Sandy, Renegade, Loveya Script, Angelina Script, Heilig, Dealicha, Allana. Typefaces from 2020: Sleeplesson, Nostalgia Script, Fb Super Fun, Fb Lawnmower, Fb Lovehearts, Fb Leonardo, Fb Fancycorgi, Fb Bananasandwich, Fb Doodled, Fb Mighty Spiky, Quirkle, Toasted Cinnamon, Loveya Doodle, Neon Light (a marquee font), Cliche, Zipper, Fb Mainland, Fb Strawberry, Fb Many Mondays, Fb CountryGirls, Fb Caramelong, Sausages (a chunky script). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Font Studio Four
| Paul Bokslag is a Kilkenny, Ireland-based type designer. FontStructor (aka Four, or Font Studio Four) who made the dot matrix typeface Numbat (2012), the athletic lettering typefaces Atletica (2011) and Atletica Serif (2011), and the texture typeface Milky Way (2011). In 2011, he created Things That Go (car silhouette dingbat face). Faces from 2012: Crazy Fredericka (poster stencil face), Twisty, Remix Chinese Whispers, Toastbread (wavy, 3d) and Plywood (3d), Field Day (blackboard bold), Transfer Window (bilined), Walk in the woods (dot matrix face), Rock Paper Scissors (bilined), One Way Ticket (bilined), White Knight (outlined blackletter), Black Knight (blackletter), Shelf Life (stylish), Oystercatcher, Broken Promises (multiline typeface), Tarmac, Hibernation (German expressionist face), Glendalough (nibbed face), Tartan Permutations (multiline face), Return Flight, Orbital Flight, Quatermaster, Featherstone, Gorilla Republic, Granny's Bear Hunt (stencil), Detour Ahead (multiline face), Shanghai Express (angular), Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis. Creations in 2013: Solo, C Is For Cookie, Early Riser, Firelighter, Timberline (an angular script), Lupo, Polkastruct, Bridger, Six Quinces, Dompteuse, Scandalous, Lane Seven, Singel (cross stitching font), Shadowbox, Hide And Seek, Playroom, Realta 1, Glimpse, Sinistra, Crash Test Dummy, Flightpath, Close Shave, Popover, Switchboard (electrical circuit font), Black and Amber, Wavelength (prismatic), Sightline (multilined), Structurosa Outline, Sparky, Trasna (stencil), Hold Your Horses (Western), Lupo (a winner in the FontStruct Connected Script competition), Skate Park (multiline face), Circumscript, Blinker, Bobs Your Uncle, Snowcat (inline face), Cottage Industry (house silhouettes), Causeway, Springville, Longitude, Pebble Dash, Tulipano, Hitchhiker, Stretcher, Whalewatcher, Solituda, Carbonium, Railway Sleeper (shaded face), Bricklayer Sans, Candyfloss, Milvi, Bluebell Carpet, Pinball Dingo, Spinfish (blackboard bold), Pelicano (piano key typeface), Metropolaris, Glimpse. Typefaces from 2014: Thornbrush, Retro Pixel, Spacepixel, Level Rebel, Plutona, Blue Saloon, Seriosa, Bullwhacker, Spiegeltent, Stencilitis, Circumscript, Touchline Script, Brushland, Dordogna, Southbound, Things That Go (ar dingbats), Pacemaker Backslant, Hibernation (wood type emulation), Touchline Script, In Stitches, Stagefright, Process, Cabin Fever, Hamelin, Olingo, Black and Amber, Surftide, Move Over (stencil like Futura Black), Blackrock (rounded stencil), Windway (stencilish), Olingo (bubblegum face), a set of African-themed fonts (Bakelite, Amuletta, Spooner, Chevronel, Yellowhammer, Pinto), Rush Hour, Canario, Nova Zembla (sci-fi), Sleepless, Things That Go (vehicle dings), Cottage Industry (silhouettes of houses), Glimpse, Ticket to Ride (in the style of Tkachenko's Perfopunt), Oluna, Eyeliner, Linearo, Goldfinger, Permanent Black (fat rounded stencil), Solas (artsy dot matrix face). Typefaces from 2015: Structurosa Italic, Ketting, Panenka, Nook, Companero, Circularity (textured), Recap Stencil, Beach Street, Life Cycle, Waterway, Rock Paper Scissors, Microwave, The Pattern Exchange, Alphabetical Order, Bloem, Synopsis, Microwave, Marbello, Dustcloud, Timberline, Boxthorn. Typefaces from 2016: Proost, Blueback (a retro wood cut look). Typefaces from 2017: Appalachia, Chocomotion, CloseShave, CounterCulture (3d), Crocosmia (prismatic), FarewellOphelia, FromAToB, Hinterland, Madagascar (an art deco alphabet), Micrologue, PhoenixPark, PillowTalk, Roetsj, Shadowbox, Sinistra, Skatepark, Soulmates, Spacepixel, Stagefright, ThePatternExchange, Tulipano, UpsAndDowns, Velodrome. Typefaces from 2018: Hoek, Breach (paperclip style). Typefaces from 2019: Krabbel, Nollaig Shona (trilined), Night Swimming, Kwadrant, Soulpatch, Sylvestra. Typefaces from 2020: Bramble Pie (Western), Dialogue (prismatic), Greylock, Juggle, Tomorrow Never Comes (a great bubble font). Typefaces from 2021: Offstruct RGB (a color pixel font). Dafont link. Behance link. FontStruct link. Hellofont link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
| Fontfabric is the foundry of Svetoslav Simov, a visual designer who is located in Sofia, Bulgaria, b. 1984. They design highly innovative typefaces that have lots of style and flair. Most fonts cover both Latin and Cyrillic. Until 2022, their fonts were sold through MyFonts, but gradually they switched to their own independent shop.
View Fontfabric's typefaces. In 2015, Ani Petrova, Svetoslav Simov and Radomir Tinkov co-designed the 214-style mammoth font system Intro Rust, a rough version of Fontfabric's Intro. The fonts are partitioned over Intro Rust, Intro Script, Intro Head and Intro Goodies. Still in 2015, we find Nexa Script. In 2017, Plamen Motev and Svetoslav Simov co-designed Uni Neue, a total remake of Fontfabric's earler typeface Uni Sans (2009). Svetoslav Simov, Plamen Motev and the Fontfabric team (Vladislav Jordanov, Stan Partalev, Mirela Belova, Jacklina Jekova, Nikolay Petroussenko) produced Zing Rust, Zing Sans Rust and Zing Script Rust in the same year: it consists of 521 handmade typefaces. In 2018, Mirela Belova and Svetoslav Simov co-designed the 20-style geometric sans typeface family Mont. Svet Simov and Svetlin Balezdrov co-designed the humanist sans family Squad, and Simov published the free all caps flared terminal font Colus in 2018. Gilam was designed in 2018 by Ivan Petrov, Plamen Motev and Svetoslav Simov---it is based on DIN, but is more geometric and has obliquely cut terminals. In 2019, Svet Simov, Radomir Tinkov and Stan Partalev designed the 72-strong Noah family of geometric sans typefaces, which is partitioned into four groups by x-height from small (Noah Grotesque) to medium (Noah and Noah Text) to large (Noah Head). Codesigner of Mozer (2019, by Svetoslav Simov, Ani Petrova, Mirela Belova and Nikolay Petrousenko: a condensed headline sans family that covers Latin, Greek and Cyrillic; Mozer SemiBold is free). In 2021, Svetoslav Simov and Vika Usmanova dusted off the 18-style update of Mont called Mont Blanc. It has very short descenders and medium-sized ascenders, two variable styles, and some redesigned glyphs. Its biggest problem will be the name---surely, the famous Swiss pen maker Mont Blanc will complain sooner or later about its trademark. I am puzzled about MyFonts, which did not catch this problem when they announced the typeface. In 2021, Simov also co-designed Code Next (a 20-style geometric sans by Svetoslav Simov, Mirela Belova and Stan Partalev; it includes two variable fonts). Fontsquirrel link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Type foundry specializing in display type, with a weakness for textured fonts. Publisher of these typefaces as of 2019: Ampera, Analyst, Antic, Akasia (textured), Alasans, Aloha (rounded sans), Alusans, Amblas, Ambyar, Apache, Arsiran, Asolola, Black Forest, Bound, Bisix, Bitink, Black Boxes, Britania, Brocolli, Bubble, Canthink, Clorofiil, Coblosans, Cooland, Calista, Checker, Comixs, Coobra, Coretz, Cotton Candy, Cumils, Darling, Darling Lovable, Diestya, Direction, Drops, Drought, Dymbrud, Exclude, FastaR, Fillet, Flowrish, Focus, Force, Fragile, Gedung, Gigs (layered, octagonal), Gopoh, GresiX, Gubeng v.1, Gubeng v.2, Gazebo, Gelish, Greysia (floral), Hiking (spurred), Ion Plus, Ink Scribble, Intens, Kaleng, Laron, Lotus, Lucky Line (multiline), Mandalika, Moca, Madrosah, Morse (copperplate style), Mosaic (textured), Nona, Oldiest, Pleaster, Pashion, Pentol, Pieces, Pinky (rounded sans), Plank, Playon, Prabu, Pring, Queens, Quicker, Robeck, Roman, Rubber, Racheto, Reactive, Red Blood, Risole, Rooti, Salmoon, Sealand, Squad, Squash, Squash EffecT, Super FanS, Safira, Serifah, Silo, Starled, Susans, Susteria, Threemore (sketched), Tooth, Trailer, Tuman, Tevos, Tornado, Trobost, Velove, Villa, Wave, WinteR, Wood (textured), Wooden, Xania, Zebra. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Born in 2001 in Fortaleza, Brazil, Gabriel Cunha created the free typeface X-Prism in 2014 and X-Prisma in 2015. Home Page. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic design student in Groningen, The Netherlands, who created the geometric prismatic typeface transition (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Gatot Triardi Pramaji
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Gawr Juhs
| Derek Green (Gawr Juhs, Edinburgh, Scotland) specializes in visual communication and branding. He offers some free fonts. In 2012, he made Embra, Rave87, Portabello (counterless), and Constellation (a dot matrix font). In 2013, he made Char, Impression and Gioma (a free Latin / Greek prismatic typeface created for a woman in southern Crete). In 2016, he designed the free all caps art deco typeface Decodent. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Geckodude (or: Sleepy Gecko)
| Steve "Gecko" Harrison of the Sleepy Gecko Chillout Bar on Cam Nam island off Hoi An, and also Danang, Vietnam, b. 1952, designed these typefaces:
Graphic designer in Budakeszi, Budapest, Hungary, who cofounded Typogravity Studio with Tamas Ilsinszki. Creator of the extreme contrast display typeface Slash Pro (2011), and the multiline prismatic typeface Grand Avant Garde (2011). In 2012, he designed Lineo Serif (thin geometric face). In 2013, he created a fantastic set of graph-based experimental capitals called Regenerative. Georabic (2013) is a calligraphic Arabic simulation font completely based on the principles of Arabic font design, i.e., with beginning, medial and end forms for each letter. He writes: Georabic Typface is my diploma work at Hungarian University of Fine Arts / Graphic Design Department. During my Erasmus studies in Istanbul I had the chance to learn a bit of Arabic language and typography and I realized that the logic of Arabic writing could be used for a calligraphic Latin typeface too. I started with calligraphy to find the right way to create the glyphs and the connections. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Gilberto Moya Perona
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Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine-based designer of these typefaces in 2015: Odd Times (a vintage blackletter typeface), Brandy Label (a layered Victorian signage font), Smoking (a great Western layered poster font), Traveller, Letterhead (steampunk, vintage, Victorian), Age, Nataly Temper, Vintage Auto (a retro chrome automobile font), Golden Dust (a lava lamp font), Rusty Phoenix, Phoenix, the Victorian signage typeface Whiskey, Spirals, Biker (spurred inline font), the oily signage font Pin Up. In 2016, he designed Far Kingdoms (Victorian), Brass Heart (steampunk / Victorian), Big City Light (a vintage movie theater typeface), Lostamp (a weathered vintage rough stencil script), Kexman (calligraphic script), Loftype (creamy brush script), Shoelaces (monoline script), Tobacco Box (Victorian), Humblest, Whiskey Label (a great vintage Victorian headline font), Insane Fear (spurred), Falchion Edge (Victorian display typeface), Inside The Box (techno), Amber Taste (a layered Victorian beer label font; see also Amber Taste Pro (2020)), One Thin Line (a paperclip font), Bald Eagle (Victorian), Autumn Feel (brush script), Dirty Cartoon, Magic Curls, Winery, Bite Hard (beveled caps), Lovebus (psychedelic style), Column (layered Victorian), Golden Brush, Marine Fairytale (Victorian), and Old Story (handcrafted). Typefaces from 2017: Goodwine, Daub (EPS format brush alphabet), Rusted Bevel, Dirty Cartoon (a layerable cartoon font), Bald Eagle (vintage), La Belman (Victorian; see also La Belman Pro in 2020), Bright (creamy calligraphic), Winery, Magic Curls, Black Queen (Victorian style), Little Mess (dry brush), Lovebus (psychedelic), Bite Hard, Fiver (prismatic style), Sweet Rum (vintage), The Freaky Circus (Western circus font), Biker New (spurred), Flex Wire, Agress (graffiti style), Old Story, Rusted Brushpen (dry brush), Mosaic Pool, Ranch (vintage style with layered textures), Golden Dust, Letter Head, Limber (dry brush script), Patina, Craft Beer (a layered beer label font), Droptune (Victorian), Chimera Tail, Hardwatt (dry brush), Megawatt (signage script), Jamish (a handcrafted blackboard bold typeface), Oak Lumber, Odd Times (blackletter), Gunshot (an art nouveau display typeface), Bootleggers (a vintage label typeface), Brandy Label (vintage layered font), Smoking Typeface (vintage Western style, with layering). Typefaces from 2018: Shining Night (a marquee font), Scratches, Candy Shop (a multiline titling typeface), Nataly Temper (a crayon font), Anise Seeds, Lostamp (a great stamp font), Hicksons (retro signage script), Loftype (creamy script), Far Kingdoms (spurred vintage typeface), Predators Cuspid, Sweet & Fresh, Frantic (a vintage car typeface), Affair (Victorian), Falchion Edge (spurred vintage style), Lost in Space, Traveler (an interlocking vintage Tuscan display typeface), True Black, Late Frost, Inside The Box (an interesting double-width font), Magic Garden (curly style), Skater Girl (retro script). Typefaces from 2019: True Black (Tuscan), Nature Force, Sweettooth (script: 2018-2019), Rusted Bevel, Rusted Bevel, Fishermans Knot (a vintage label font started in 2018), Skater Girl (a heavy upright script), Cidrella, Western Shooter, Little Mess (a dry brush calligraphic script), Spirit Board (pure Victoriana), Ranch Vintage (shadowed, textured, vintage), Forged Fence (an ironwork font), Long Ride (an octagonal license plate font), Chimera Tail Rough, Patina. Typefaces from 2020: Sweet Ponch, Natural Heap (letters in laurels), Street Rush, Cally (a decorative Tuscan typeface), Sunny Bay, Harietta (a retro monoline script), Cheer Inside (a vintage font), Frizzy (a vintage label font), Asia Impact (simulating an oriental brush calligraphy), Exa Metline (an inline font), Hallie (a curly display typeface), No Rules, Parallax, Golden Treasure (a vintage ironwork font), Squidink, Bushman (an organic sans), Florry (a display sans), Propeller, Spirit Board (a layered circus font family), Lord Grayson (Victorian), Grayson (a tall gloomy monoline sans), Grayson Rough, Kaipara (a patterned all caps font), Classic Heritage (a Victorian or steampunk signage typeface), Anise Seeds (vintage softly spurred Tuscan caps), Candy Shop (vintage trilined caps), Plop, Practish (an experimental slab serif family), Everleigh (a stylish thin typeface), Everleigh Duo, Love Affair (vintage, perhaps art nouveau), Lost in Space (sci-fi), Sweet and Fresh. Typefaces from 2021: Dusky Rough (a Western or saloon font), Dusky Pub (a Western typeface with Tuscan features), Dusky Slab (a reverse stress Western font), Humblest Pro (an all caps display sans), Giftbox (a vintage label font). Typefaces from 2022: Simply Royal (layerable vintage caps with an engraved money look), Go Pop (pop art). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Hungarian creator of the prismatic typeface Waves (2013) and of Steady Font (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic designer and 3d modeler in Strasbourg, France, who created the hypnotic experimental decorative caps typeface Random Geometric (2015) by turning each glyph 360 degrees. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
For Nike Consept Store in Oslo, Hans Christian Øren (Oh Yeah Studio, Oslo) designed the prismatic typeface Oslo (2018), which takes a bit after the logo font for the Mexico City Olympics. Earlier, he designed a hipster font for Nike USA. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Yogyakarta, Indonesia-based designer (b. 1988) of the font duo Nesans and Nesans Signature (2019), the script fonts Sweet Love (2019: upright), Mondena (2019), The Bellinda (2019: calligraphic), Austin Capittal (sic) (2019: monoline script), Bread Store (2019) and Wrongler (2019), and the vintage (often, Victorian) display typefaces Blue Spirits (2019), Bandits (2019), Sonia (2019), Belgia (2019), Berlina (2019) and Berlin (2019). Typefaces from 2020: Blue Spiris, Grapine (Victorian), Ricasto (a signage script), Grizlie (an octagonal sports font), Madanira (a semi-formal script), Amellisa Ink, Anstec (a techno / sports font), Razen (a techno / sports font), Sourta (a speed emulation sports font), Abigile (an upright script), Off Side (all caps, brush), Bastina Sindey (a dry brush script), Bread Store, Feeling Blessed (an upright rabbit ear script), Meristmas, Mosteri (a fantasy font), Ateros (a sci-fi typeface), Aloner (a sci-fi font), Nucleo (a sci-fi font), Roline (prismatic), Tahu Bullats (a creamy signage script), Valentiqu (a curly upright script), Magic Funk (a psychedelic script), Letter Magic (a decorative serif), Craft Lovers, Magzo (a decorative serif), Belights, Cute Meow, Baking Pastry, Sweet Butter, Feeling Blessed, Baby Bunny Script, Misteri Caps, Carglos (blackletter), Traditian, Genta (a rounded bold all caps typeface), Beyond Stars, Off Side (brush), Santoriu, Hi Panda, Crows (a curly serif), Zeniq (a stencil font), Nucleo, Abigile, Blaster, Botania, Crunchy, Femina, Graphite, Holly Days, Hot Sauce, Just Swirls, La Fiesta, Lets Espresso, Little Baby, Magic Sparkle, Ricota, Secillia, Shinesy, Skid Rock, Stripline, The Englands, The Spectre, USA Nation, Magzo (a display serif indeed for food packaging and logos), Stabillo (a food logo brand typeface), Austina Capitton, Kora Kora, Mosherif (Regular, Tall, Short), Golden Stanbury (a signature script font duo), Risolla Calisto (a wild calligraphic typeface), Wild Wolf (brush), Balistone (a wild script), Glastia Monoline, Amorista (a rabbit ear script), Eastblue, Crimmy (a dry brush script), Buchery, Castel, The Begundals, Sambal Pedas (a dry brush script), Blastoic (a dry brush script), Queen Sea, Skid Rock, Platinum Signature, Sonita (a condensed decorative serif typeface). Typefaces from 2021: Bastro (a great obese short-necked retro display typeface), Romantic Serif, Pastel Orange (an elegant artsy ligature serif), Romantic Serif, Sunroll (fashion mag caps), Romla (a wide display serif), Magic Retro (a heavy magic mushroom typeface), Holingston (a dry brush script), Gopetter, Ballomont (handwriting), Astopher, Restoe Bumi (a handwriting font), Rotenfold (a script), Halima Sofira, Anastia Buttery (an inky signature script), Belighta (wild calligraphy), Bittle Birdy (an irregular typeface that will cause psychological damage), Magic Sparkle (a decorative all caps serif), Notted (an exaggerated fashion mag font loaded with smooth ligatures and featuring surprise gyhphs such as a lower case a that is a mirror of the lower case e). HansCo Studio. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
New York City-based designer of the prismatic / geometric typeface Extension (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Hello Creative (or Hello Mart, or Hello Media)
| Saint Petersburg, FL-based web designer. Creator of the following commercial typefaces:
Her companies are called Hellomart and Hello Creative Co. You Work For Them link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Hikmet Guler is a Turkish filmmaker, photographer and creative director currently based in Istanbul. Designer of the modular geometric typeface Dunn (2016) and the trilined prismatic typeface Dash (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
HorSujet YG
| Yael Gauffier (HorSujet YG) is a French designer. His first typefaces are all prismatic and geometric, and explore the boundaries of what can be done in these styles. One might call it type as an art form. His typefaces include Souple (2013), Bronson (2013) and Optical (2013). Roulette (2013) and Je Suis Tellement Riche (2013) are quite experimental. Chiffres (2013) is a squarish techno outline typeface. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Hula Fonts
| Dick Pape digitized these typefaces in 2009-2010, based on a source called Hula Fonts: Acorn House, BallTerminals, CableScriptCameo, CableScriptRegular (a paperclip family), CableScriptThin, CableScriptThinCameo, CurbDesire, DiscoDeco, EcoLeaf (a piano key typeface), HulaRibbon1 (prismatic), HulaRibbon2, Softsquare. Download page. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Graphic and type designer from Moscow, b. 1985. Since 2005 he has been working in international advertising and creative agencies. Creator of the geometric typeface Discoteque (sic) (2012, +Poster, +Gold, +Hypnosis---a multiline version). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Incools Design Studio (or: Aol Scrachtzo)
| Banda Aceh, Indonesia-based designer, b. 1988. Creator of the handcrafted typefaces Archipelago (2015, a connected swashy script), Shintya (2015), Sambay (2015: a brush script), Silvia (2015), Matauro (2015, a watercolor brush), Almarhum (2015), Chocolava (2015, a fun creamy handcrafted typeface), Itaki (2015, a rough brush font), Egocentric (2014), and the curly connected script typeface Esmeralda (2015). He also designed the copperplate calligraphic script typeface Cimochi (2015). Typefaces from 2016: Jenny Simol (a signature typeface), Ipanema, Esse (brush script), Shaggie (script), Inkotsi (a rough sans serif). Typefaces from 2018: Vladiviqo, Apple Peach, Sanango (script), Bamboo, Original Sin, Manchuria (wavy prismatic caps). [Google] [More] ⦿ |
In-House International is an Austin,TX-based creative studio founded in 2011 by Alexander Wright. Michelle Benaim Steiner became a partner in 2015. In-House designs custom typefaces for branding and editorial projects and specializes in geometric experimental display fonts. In 2020, they released Ragtag (a ragtag of capitals by Rodrigo Fuenzalida and Alexander Wright) and Troptical (a 48-style prismatic or op-art typeface by Alexander Wright). In 2020, Rodrigo Fuenzalida, Alexander Wright and Michelle Benaim Steiner co-designed the exaggerated reverse stress (or: Italian) typeface Pata Slab at In-House International. All uppercase characters were built to fit precisely inside a square, so they are all the same width and height. In 2021, he released the 20-style modular strip typeface Snare (designed by Rodrigo Fuenzalida and Alexander Wright, it includes ten unicase styles). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Kiev, Ukraine-based designer of a prismatic all caps Latin typeface in 2018. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Inopatype (or: Kotak Kuning Studio)
| Surabaya, Indonesia-based designer of these script typefaces in 2018: Shalmone Hunter (sketched), Metalurdo, Kiara Tosfa (or Qiara Tosfa; monoline script), Kidosplay, The Foughe Script, Langit Merah, Bro Rintto, Fiona Lattina. Typefaces from 2019: Carelo Brush, Greattong Brush, Rostering Brush, Cufis Decor, Breyhana, Hello Najwa, Lambresia (a wide connected retro script), Kampiun Samgor, Saghinores, Exarros (an all caps sans family for posters and display), Gadimon, Shagie Hodie, Sweaty Belvin, Johnie Horian (marker pen font), Abeganshi, Jarbomhollow (a fat finger font), The Senom (a dry brush font), Childhood Memories, William Dhatos, Kalvise Brushy, Rhogsainel, Diverplate, Sarodine, Aeroshodic, Montecarlito, The Baghotta Script, The Saxibrush, Aerocentrix, Thundergood (a shadow font), Garlobrush, Andolucia, The Labothings, The Miladiator, Hendangan, Roximura, Amostely Signature, Rhyndatton, Willingar Diary, Wildest Force, Hemondalisa (a shadow typeface), Black Roties (white on black), Broughesnaro, Bad Saturday, Anordighos, Clasicalderibbon, Marrocin Funnies (monoline marker pen font), Danisha Romance, Asimone Brush, Adelarsio, Sandrina, Baseboy Greek (a shadow font), Crash Mounty, Allingkug Wellany, Willyan Rocks, Empire Samgor, Almonthy Mirotas, Daywalker (a shadow font), Zombie Carshel (brush font), Dhagienol Sans (a shadow font), Kodinah Diary, Ramphobias, Kawula Muda, Asmelina Harley, Homenuli Shadow, Westtgonia Barneh, Youth Brush Daylight, Jacklyn Milner (blackboard bold), Bargeritho, Melankolis, Brush & Wedco, Kaldevaderibbon, The Lamontrush, Crosaline Hulok, Bughartta, Aliando Rocky, Holligrandina, Albeon Round (a rounded monoline sans), Gadrey Shadow, Beethoven Syinthesa, William Morittan (script), Morningdoodle, Mozaik Duren (a triangulated typeface), Brought The Style, Boldieso Lehonu, Lambresia. Puzzleboxs, Mycuteballon (a balloon alphading), Skallight Millagra (script), Casa de Amor, Armonela Black (a prismatic or toothpaste font), Rhomelia Strip, Go Speeds, Ortisan Signature, Allenattore (script), Black Hurricane, Aeromus Kirho (a handcrafted circus font), Ramen Noodle (prismatic), The Foughe Script, Bluck Amorhies, Dhuki Minerwo, Badminton Shadow, The Crost Horment, Lorden Holen (calligraphic script), The Black Cassanova (a shadow script), Alondria Bepah, The Capten Hoyda, Adelia Shawn (a monoline marker font), Southern Lourent, Southern Jannie, Anthoni Signature, Sarodime (calligraphic), Marmia (calligraphic), Blangkon Script. Typefaces from 2020: Thoderan Notes, Malliya Signature, Amelia Stanley (a wild calligraphic script), Miguella Charlotte (an elegant wild script), Almonthy Mirotas (a fat finger font), Haniberryku, Fruity Stories, Sweet Garnish, Renatta Walters, Rachel Lovelyn, Sugar Charm, Amirah Brillone, Donittan Story (a wild script), The Macksen (a bold script font). Typefaces from 2021: Marlina Garden (script), Hendangan (a bold signature script). Creative Fabrica link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Intellecta Design (or: Monocracy Types)
| Intellecta Design is a design company in Brazil run by Paulo W (b. 1970) from Recife. In 2020, he also set up Monocracy Types. Paulo W is a gaúcho (Brazilian southerner), with interests in multiple areas, including poetry (he has published the digital opus Magical Book), graphic design and, most recently, type design. Dafont link. MyFonts. MyFonts link. Abstract Fonts link. YWFT link. Behance link. Blog. Home page. Fonthaus. Monotype. Eshops. Facebook. Flickr. Klingspor link. Wordpress. Devian tart. T26. Linkedin. Identifont. Linotype. ITC. Faces.co. His typefaces:
Irene Vlachou
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Irene Vlachou Type
| Or Eirini Vlachou, b. 1981, who works between Athens and Bristol, UK. Graduate of of Vakalo School of Art & Design in Athens and the University of Reading, where she earned the nickname Miss Fontlab before graduating there with a Masters in 2004. Type designer who used to be at POPtype in Athens. From 2013 to 2019 she was senior designer and variable font expert at Type-Together. From January 2020 she is back to full time freelancing Greek and variable fonts. In June 2019, together with Laurence Penney, she initiated the experimental project FauxFoundry, a webfont service offering fallback fonts, such that multiple scripts can be presented with reasonable fidelity to the web designer's intent, even when the primary font does not support those scripts. Currently working for Greek, thus providing Greek fallback fonts for fonts that do not contain Greek. The system takes measurements from Latin fonts that correspond with the set of parametric axes developed by Type Network. Her typefaces:
Speaker at ATypI 2019 in Tokyo on the topic of Parametric Fallback Fonts for the Web. Klingspor link. Cannibal Fonts link. Github link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Ivan Moreno
| Jorge Ivan Moreno Majul is a graduate of Centro de Estudios Gestalt. At some point, he joined Pampatype. Based in Veracruz, Mexico, he designed the sans typeface Fresca (2011, Google Fonts) and the multiline layered colored and animated typeface Antorcha (2010). Antorcha, which revives the famous 1968 Mexico Olympics font, won an award at Tipos Latinos 2012. His typeface Wixarika won a prize at Cuarta Bienal de Tipografía Latinoamericana Tipos Latino in 2010. Typefaces from2016: Teris, Palitroche Sans and Serif. Typefaces from 2018: Saudade, Octothorpe (prismatic and op-art, based on Tony Wenman's font Stripes released by Letraset in 1972; released at Pampa Type in 2020), Automata, Presta (after Lucian Bernhard's 1908 Priester poster). Winner at Tipos Latinos 2018 of a type design award for Octothorpe. Typefaces from 2019: Pone (striped: a revival of ATF's modular typeface system, Alpha-Blox, 1944). Typefaces from 2020: Animal (a free 5-person effort for a South American screen text typeface competition, by the Bedepecus team that consists of Laura Barron Rivera, Pedro Elias Sosa Montoya, Ulises Ricardo Ortiz Cisneros, Miguel Angel Contreras Cruz, and Jorge Ivan Moreno Majul). [Google] [More] ⦿ |
J Foundry (was: Greyscale Type)
| Jason Vandenberg (Greyscale Type and later J Foundry, Toronto) created the 8-style Grey Sans family in 2013. Gia Tran and Jason Vandenberg created the decorative typeface Ella FY (2013, Fontyou). The slender display typeface Sérafine FY (2013) was co-designed by Jason Vandenberg, Jérémie Hornus and Alisa Nowak. At the end of 2013, Jason Vandenberg and Jérémie Hornus co-designed the groovy poster typeface Jack FY. In 2014, Adrien Midzic, Jason Vandenberg, Jérémie Hornus, Julien Priez and Alisa Nowak co-designed the creamy script Vanilla FY. It was renamed Vanille FY after a few days. Minuit FY (2014, by Jason Vandenberg and Gia Tran) is a beautiful angular angry calligraphic display typeface. Still in 2014, he published the Peignotian fashion mag typeface families Bodoni Sans, Bodoni Sans Display, and Bodoni Sans Text. Typefaces from 2015: Abrade (a 12-style geometric sans with medium x-height and perfect rhythm covering Hairline to Ultra). Typefaces from 2016: Fourth (a baseball or roundhand script family), Town (a 124-style all caps art deco and lettering typeface family with enormous potential). Town includes subfamilies for Display, Inline, Outline, Lines (prismatic), 3 Dimensional, Shadow, Text, Emboss, Stencil, Chic and Contrast, and can be used for layering. Typefaces from 2017: Colby (a workhorse hand-drawn sans family). Typefaces from 2018: Stash (signage script). Typefaces from 2019: Marsden (114 styles: a bold, no-nonsense Grotesque. It was designed for display, branding, advertising, packaging or anywhere a strong voice is needed. Marsden is built on a geometric foundation, with just enough warmth to keep the style confident and lively). Typefaces from 2020: Mello (an informal grotesque). Typefaces from 2021: Cutmark (a 60-style octagonal industrial typeface family that features common 45 degree chamfered corners, flattened ink traps and wide apex forms; Cutmark Variable contains the full family of styles in a single file with width, weight and slant axes). Typefaces from 2022: Sundry (44 styles; J Foundry's take on the early 20th century grotesque). Fontspring link. Behance link. Monotype link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Gold Coast, Australia-based designer of the prismatic typeface Stripy Hype (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Wellington, New Zealand-based designer of the prismatic logotype Party Down (2013), which was created for a kiwi lighting company. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
James Goggin
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Jason Vandenberg
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Jeff Levine
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Jeff Levine
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Jeff Levine: Additional typefaces
| This is a list of fonts by Jeff Levine not categorized anywhere else on my pages.
Jeff Levine: Dingbats and Alphadings
| Before 2006, Jeff Levine was mostly known for his free dingbats, having made over one hundred of them. He keeps making them, but now commercially, and less frequently. The list is long though:
Parisian designer. Creator in 2012 of the curly geometric hairline typeface Ipsen for the pharmaceutical lab Ipsen. This is a tour de force, as the user can choose to use between one and seven oparallel lines to compose the glyphs. A beautiful blend from a monoline display typeface to a prismatic wonder. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Jeremy Mickel
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Jeroen Krielaars
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Designer from Quezon City, The Philippines, b. 1993, who used FontStruct in 2009 to make Pointers and Pointersoft (pixel arrow fonts), Eleaves, AcidSpeed, Parallelofont (octagonal), Missing Block, Acid Square, The First Font, Danubee (organic), Thorns, ReilyBill Richkid, Tabloid, StillAliveForNow, StillAlive, and The Curve. In 2009, he added Unbranded, Nokia 6000, Quickening, Bump it up, Corte (3d shadow face), Unbranded, Piloton (techno; +Piloton G, 2012), Tahoma (pixel family), Raft, Paper Company (octagonal), Afro Style, Arko, 7th Service (stencil), Thorns, and Afro Superstar. In 2012, he created Afro Superstar, Malibata Neue, a modernized and simplified Baybayin/Alibata (ancient Filipino writing), Gumball. In 2014, he designed the free gravestone typeface Furgatorio and an ancient Filipino script font, Malibata (2014, FontStruct). In 2015, he added XOX, the futuristic Babayin typeface Maria Stellar, and the techno sans typefaces Dozer One and Dozer Two. In 2016, he designed the marker pen font Jeboy and the coffin font Furgatorio Sans. Typefaces from 2017: Alta (a fashion design sans). Typefaces from 2018: Matatas One (a free Baybayin typeface), Cubao (free; inspired by the signboards hanged on Jeepneys, SUVs, buses and other transport vehicles within and outside the Metro; in 2022, a variable font was added), Quiapo (handcrafted all caps sans), Alta Kratos (alchemic; with Jean Pierre Cruz). He explains the genesis of Quiapo which is based on signs hanging in jeepneys: Quiapo Free is a brush typeface dedicated to the Filipino sign makers, Jeepney drivers, and the daily commuters in the streets of Metro Manila and anywhere in the Philippines. Typefaces from 2019: Maria Stellar X (a futuristic font for Latin and Baybayin). Typefaces from 2020: Hayskul, Kawit (a brushed lava lamp font), Dangwa (brush script), HPB (a stylish all caps sans created for the Christian Fellowship Church founded in Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines), and the Baybayin fonts Malibata Redux (prismatic), Titulo Tagalog, MKBYN Clara (cursive, pixelized), Malamaya. Typefaces from 2021: Goth Gothic (a free blackletter / tattoo font), Copula (a retro inline typeface). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Johannes Breyer
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Graphic design student at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, in 2012. He currently lives in Chesterfield, UK. Creator of Metria (2012, an experimental prismatic typeface), Rainbow (2012, another prismatic typeface), and Erinnerung (2012, a solemn blackletter typeface). I especially appreciate the anti-coke poster in his portfolio, which reads: For nine years the 450 workers at the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Guatemala City fought a battle for their jobs, their trade union and their lives. Three times they occupied the plant---on the last occasion for 13 months. Three General Secretaries of their union were murdered and five other workers killed. To celebrate the Olympics in London in 2012, he created a typeface based on the Olympic rings, using a circular grid system. The typeface is called Olympia (2012). In 2013, he created Core (an inline simple sans), Rounded Mod (geometric rounded circle-based sans), and Pixel. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Jonathan Gustin (London, UK) created the multiline aptly named typeface Track (2017). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
During his studies at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS, Jonathan Heter designed a few free fonts in 2014: Barnstormer (a prismatic all caps, display typeface influenced by the stunt pilots of the early 20th century), Dogfighter, Wingwalker. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Jorge Iván Moreno Majul
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José Antonio Garrido Izquierdo
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Lima, Peru-based designer of the prismatic typeface Toux (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Joseph Churchward
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Rotterdam-based British designer Joseph Parsons, of Joseph Parsons Design, created a beautiful art deco caps alphabet in 2013. He also designed the stylish art deco poster entitled Portfolio (2012). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer (b. 1985, Marburg) at 26-plus Zeichen in Germany, who is based in Köln. He graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Trier in 2010. In 2010, he designed Telegraph Sans and Telegraph Serif and Hellschreiber (2011, Sans and Serif), the latter at Die Gestalten. The name Hellschreiber originates from an old Siemens telegraph system (or Hell-Schreiber, named after Dr. Rudolf Hell). Both fonts have the look of typewriter type and were inspired by Courier. In 2012, Joerg started the Joerg Schmitt Foundry. His first typeface there is the pleasing rounded monospaced typewriter style sans family Ingrid Mono (from Hairline to Bold). Fansy (2013) is a prismatic typeface. In 2014, he created the (curly) ironwork typeface Snappy. In 2017, he published the very readable soft sans typeface Oblivian Grotesque and the sharp-edged Oblivian Text, which is characterized by a kneeling italic f. Klingspor link. Behance link. 36plus Zeichen link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Photographer and designer in Krasnodar, Russia, who created the typefaces Olympic80 (2012, prismatic: on the theme of the Olympic circles), Texhnolyze (2012), Masonic (2012, created based on triangles only) and DROP (2012). In 2013, she created the pixel typeface Com City for a computer store in Krasnodar. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Auckland, New Zealand-based designer of the multiline art deco typeface [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Warsaw-based designer of the prismatic typeface MyFont (2013). This was a school project for Andrzej Nowaczyk. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
K Design
| Graphic designer and illustrator in Manila, The Philippines. In 2017, he created the handcrafted Goblin, Hairy Potato and Random Luck, the comic book font Yehey, the adventure game font Braveheart, the free triangular sci-fi typeface Modern Tribe, the sci-fi typeface Kryxx, the free prismatic typeface Hello Earth. Typefaces from 2018: Cyborg, Gladiator, Twilight (brush script). [Google] [More] ⦿ |
During his Masters studies at the Royal College of Art in London, Kai Damian Matthiesen created Shadow Font (2014), Frankography (2015, a grungy hybrid typeface), Coercion (2015, prismatic), Snapshots (2015, octagonal textured caps) and Aby Warburg (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Karl Klingspor
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During her studies in Fort Wayne, IN, Katheryn Poling designed the neon tube typeface Prism (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lawrence, KS-based designer of the prismatic school project font Parts Make The Whole (2014). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Henderson, NV-based designer of the prismatic typeface Zen (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Kent Swecker
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Kittiphat Sukamolson
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Klingspor (or: Gebrüder Klingspor)
| German foundry established in 1906 by brothers Karl Klingspor (1868-1950) and Wilhelm Klingspor (1871-1925) in Offenbach am Main. About half of its catalog consists of blackletter types (as listed in 2000 by Harald Süß), and many of its typefaces were designed by German über-designer Rudolf Koch. History (in German, PDF), resummarized here:
An unclassified condensed elongated Victorian fat face, Slimback-style, is Figura. No date known. View the Klingspor typeface library. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Graphic designer in Budapest, Hungary. Graduate of Loughborough University, class of 2018 (with a bachelor's degree), and Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest in 2021 (with a master's degree). At Loughborough University (UK), Kornel Faludi designed a set of generative typefaces (2016), i.e., typefaces that are very modular and computer-generated to a large extent. His typographic oeuvre is quite experimental. Many of his fonts use just basic geometric structures such as circles, arcs and rectangles. In 2019, he published Thin Stroke, Alien, the kitchen tile typeface Blocks, the organic typeface Swan, the blocky typeface Bagur, the prismatic typeface Baton, the rounded stencil typeface Stencil, the experimental typeface Geometric, the piano key typeface Darling, and the techno typeface Aquarius. Creator of these display typefaces between 2015 and 2021: Aquarius, Black (piano key style), Blocky (kitchen tiles), Computer, Futuristic, Geometric (prismatic), Martian, Organic, Sliced, Stencil, Striped, StrokeLine, Thinline. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Kristian Koh
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Nove Straseci, Czechia-based designer of prismatic and brush typefaces in 2015. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer who became famous because of his work on wayfinding and branding projects, and his designs for massive urban systems, airports, zoos, and museums. Over the course of his career he has created systems for the Mexico 1968 Olympics, Mexico City Metro, National Zoo, American Museum of Natural History, New York Penn Station, National Mall, Minnesota Zoo and Jeddah International Airport. Wyman taught corporate and wayfinding design at Parsons the New School for Design in New York for forty years, from 1973 until 2013. He lectures internationally and is still designing. The first compendium of his work, Lance Wyman: The Monograph, was published by Unit Editions. Creator of the identity, logos, fonts, and design elements for the Mexico 1968 Olympics in the op-art or prismatic style. The multilined font, called Mexico Olympic, is due to Photoscript Ltd (I think). A digital font inspired by it is Olio Inline (2012, Max Little). For a free version, see Steve Harrison's Sixty Eight and Sixty Eight Plus (2021). Wyman, who is a branding specialist based in New York City, is known for his many excellent icons and logos for companies and events. Born in Newark, NJ, he is a graduate of Pratt in Brooklyn with a degree in Industrial Design. He made the Tipo Metro font in 1969 for Mexico City's subway, an adaptation of Eurostile. That font was revived later as Metro DF by Harold Lohner. A pixel version of this (by Kemie, is called Balderas). Lance Wyman worked with Rick Banks at F37 Foundry on the design of F37 Wyman (2021), which showcases his famous lettering style that goes back to the 1968 Olympics. | |
American creator of the prismatic typeface Moonlight Prism (2014) and the display typeface Quincli Lace (2017). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
FontStructor who made Geo 11x11 Block (2013), Geo 11x11 Unblock, Geo 9x9 (2013, +Round, +Round Slice), Geo 5x5 Round (2013, +Slice), Geo 5x5 (2013, prismatic), Geo 5x11 (+Round: 2013), Futurebit 2 Pro (2013), Geocircle 5x5 (2013), Geoslice 9x9 (2013), Geoslice 5x5 (2013), Unoriginalpixel (2011) and Geospace (2011, dot matrix face). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lee Schulz
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| Bandung, Indonesia-based designer (b. 1995) of these script typefaces in 2020: Calton Elegance (a Peignotian sans), Janelotus (an inky script), Destoria, Estrada Signature, Befront, Simfony Sign, Kaishou (brush style), Malona, Hamiltone Signature, Anthurium, Mondeylla, Belligiant, Southernsky. In addition, he made these fonts in 2020: Sachi (font duo), Visual Hollow (font trio), Kreis 8 (prismatic and slinky), Rosvelit (a display serif). Typefaces from 2021: Highes Signature (script), Patternly (a stocky monolinear script), Bluegold (script), Primal Signature, The Songket (script), Katagiri (script), Luthon Southard (a font duo), Fife Gallery, Sign Rathi (an inky signature script), Penguin Blush (a scrapbook font), Bostroom (a dry brush script), Sagata Normal (sans and script), Monosign (a monolinear signature script), Dontheus (an inky script), Magis Authentic. Typefaces from 2022: Satchell (a scrapbook script), The Billion (an inky signature script, accompanied by a monoline version), Hayken Script (signage script), Resonant Chilliner (font duo). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Graphic design studio in Paris, est. 2008. Designers include Maxime Tétard and Romain Rachlin. It is mainly involved in corporate identity and occasionally designs fonts for clients. Typefaces as of 2017 include Alsace (2012: modular all caps display typeface), Amsterdam (2012: an exercise in high contrast), Athènes (2009: experimental), Berline (2012: in Grotesk and Calligraphique substyles), Craft (2012: hipster style), Frankfort (2012), Intervalle (2016), Sofia (2011: Peignotian), Linbourg (2013), Rive (2010), and Lorraine (2011). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Phototype era American type designer. Jeremy Mickel created a digital version his (prismatic, beveled, roman caps) Trillium typeface in 2011 at the new digital PhotoLettering / House Industries. Copeland's original Trillium was done at Photo-Lettering, Inc. in 1960. He also designed Copeland Milo (a connected script) at PhotoLettering Inc. John Moore says that Copeland's style inspired him when he made Scripta Pro in 2014. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-based designer of Square Monkey (2018). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Fort Lauderdale, FL-based designer of the prismatic Far Out Alphabet (2014) and the circle-based experimental typeface Circle Back (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Hamburg, Germany-based designer of the multiline paperclip style typeface Lumi (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Madison, WI-based designer of the prismatic typeface Umbrella & Lantern (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Little Fonts
| Little Fonts is a type foundry in Norwich, UK, run by Max Little (b. London, 1986). Max Little studied graphic communication at Norwich University. Inspired by the work of Wim Crouwel, he designed the massive mechanical octagonal super-heavy stencil typeface Mass (2012). Loop and Loopo Stencil (2012) are circle-based stencil typefaces. Decode (2012) is a gorgeous art deco triplet of typefaces. Olio Bold (2012) is a geometric retro sans, while the multiline version, Olio Inline (2012) was inspired by the op-art of Lance Wyman's Mexico 1968 Olympic identity. In 2013, Little designed Spika (a straight-edges geometric monospace typeface). The angular metal rock band typeface We Are Rockstar (2013) is free. Typefaces from 2014: Note (brush family), Divert (outlined, constructed using the bended paperclip principle). Typefaces from 2015: Note (rough brush), Hazmat (stencil). Typefaces from 2017: Upside (all caps, art deco). Behance link. Home page. Creative Market link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Lizy Gershenzon
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During his studies at ESAG Penninghen, Paris-based Louis Bastelica (b. Toulouse) created a multiline typeface called The White Stripes (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Lukasz Kulakowski
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Phoenix, AZ-based designer of an experimental multiline typeface in 2016. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Art director in Copenhagen. Norwegian creator of the prismatic typeface Seal (2012). | |
Barcelona-based designer of Network Type (2012), a multiline prismatic typeface that was influenced by Alex Trochut's Hyper Dunk. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Aka Marcos Oliveira. Porto Alegre, Brazil-based designer of a prismatic decorative set of initials in 2017, with some impossible Escher-style glyphs thrown in. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Margaret Harding Penney
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During her studies in Paris, Margaux Heylen designed the prismatic display typeface Prisme (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Huddersfield, UK-based student-designer of a prismatic typeface in 2017. She also designed a colourful typeface that is based on Milton Glaser's Bob Dylan poster. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Prismatique (2011) is a noncommercial font inspired by the art deco vase Nanking from 1925---a bit in the Futurismo style. Home page at Verine Design in Lodz, Poland. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic designer in Sydney, Australia, who created a prismatic poster typeface in 2013 called Santos. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
During her graphic design studies at Nottingham Trent University, Mariko Ebine (b. Tokyo) created a typeface family called Circus (2012), which consists of a prismatic typeface that was inspired by beams of light, and an art deco titling typeface. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Paris-based designer of the prismatic typeface Est Ensemble (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Born in Monterrey, Mexico, in 1989, Mario Almaraz designed the prismatic art deco poster typeface New York in 2012. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Mark Walters
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Art director in Annecy, France, who created the prismatic all caps typeface Lido (2015). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Zapopan, Mexico-based designer of Psyco Lover (2011), Hello Kinky Hello Foxy (2011, bubblegum font), Agony Lord (2012, an artsy condensed typeface) and Little Bird (2012, a playful bubble gum typeface). For GPHC Maromaz, he created the Itzel Flow Font (2013). Trantor (2013) is a bilined typeface. Vale (2014) is a brush typeface. Typefaces from 2017: Marian, Cuerda. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
| Match&Kerosene is Alex Sheldon's Detroit-based graphic design and typographic illustration company, est. 2008. Typefaces designed by Sheldon (b. Michigan, 1984) include Slab Sheriff (2009), Western, Kerosene Boxley (2009, a multiline art deco revival of a Solotype font; some say that it is based on a pair of 1972 alphabets by Marcia Loeb called Zig Zag and Rainbow), Kerosene Woodtype (2009), Kerosene Retroface, Kerosene Stereo (2009, revival of an Italian typeface from 1869), Kerosene Killowatt, White Wolf (2009, condensed horror movie face). Typefaces designed in 2011: Quimby (Copperplate Gothic style titling face), Black Bear (2011, straight-edged display family), Swifty (2011), Grizzly Bear (a set of 12 constructivist titling typefaces), Detroit (a modular family for superpositions), Prismatic (another superimposable multi-purpose family), Duotone (2011, Duotone is a layered font system that allows one to title two-tone headlines), Volcano Gothic (+Inline), Volcano Island (jungle look family), Lightyears. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Graphic designer in Paris, who created the delicate multilined typeface Echo (2012). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Rotterdam-based designer. Home page of Desited Media. Creator of a great multiline / prismatic poster for North Sea Jazz (2012). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Mauro Paolozzi
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Max Little
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Max Phillips
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During her studies at ECV Bordeaux, Maxime Nugues designed the triline typeface Racer (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
MCKL (was: Mickel Design)
| Jeremy Mickel runs a design studio in Los Ange;les, where he moved to from Minneapolis in 2015. Before that, he was located in Brooklyn, New York and Providence, RI. Originally called Mickel Design, the studio and foundry was renamed MCKL in 2012. Mickel has taught at RISD and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. He is working on this VAR-Rounded sans serif style face (2007) that was based on plastic cut letters seen in New York's subway. See also here and here. Mickel's typefaces:
Klingspor link. Village link. Speaker at ATypI 2018 in Antwerp. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
During her studies at St. John's University in Queens, NY, Meagan Driscoll designed the prismatic typeface Handmade (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Mediumextrabold (or: M XB Foundry)
| Commercial type foundry based in San Francisco. Their typefaces, some of which were made by Philip Cronerud:
Mehmet Abaci
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Valencia, Spain-based designer of the multiline typeface Pattern Type (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Caracas, Venezuela-based designer of the multiline typeface Shine (2017) and a set of icons for wayfinding (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Metis Digital Type Foundry (or: Studio Io, or: Metis Foundry; was: Volume2a)
| Simon Bent from Melbourne (Metis Foundry, or: Studio Io; was: Volume2a) designed these typefaces in 2007-2008: Epsilon, Annual (modular, architectural), Tangerine, Deccade (experimental), Hoax [more scans: i, ii, iii, iv], Babylon (another modular experiment). In 2012, he created the geometric sans typeface Acumen, and the sans family Silence. He is working on Fragile, Terminal, Link, Recurrence (very experimental), Autonomy, Motor, Velcro, and Elevator. In 2013, he designed the sans typeface Figure. In 2016, he published the ultra-condensed blackletter typeface Optimum Compress in Textura style. In 2018, he published the great condensed brutalist octagonal typeface Texel, the experimental geometric typeface Pyxis (published by The Designers Foundry), and the geometric solid typeface Geometer. In 2019, he added the ultra-fat Dot19, the monoline experiment LXII, the modular Alexandro, the geometric sans typefaces Software and Gertrudes, and the sans font Mizzen. Typefaces from 2020: Geometer. Typefaces from 2021: LXII Display (a prismatic typeface). [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Mia Ruiz (Quezon City, The Philippines) created an untitled prismatic typeface in 2013. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Michael Gene Adkins
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Michael Parson
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American graphic designer in Rijeka, Croatia. Designer of the ball terminal face Sumac (2010), the prismatic typeface Aviary (2011), Minor Slab and the self-described badass sans typeface On Ramp (2011, Lost Type), Leaden (2012), Anchor (2012). Behance link. Creattica link. Devian Tart link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Arnhem, The Netherlands-based creator of Mahagony Script (2008, FontStruct), a calligraphic pixel script, and Excellent (2008, FontStruct), a kitchen tile typeface. In 2014, he created DataBits, Maender (a multicolored font for children's books), and an untitled 3d prismatic typeface. In 2015, he created the grid-based typeface Metric Font. FontStruct link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Miguel Angel Rojas Meraz
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Mohammed Shohail Bhuian
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| Agnes Jekli (Momegraphic) is a graphic designer in Budapest, Hungary. She developed an impressive multiline prismatic typeface called Agiko (2012), which was created for a Rubik's cube style puzzle. The letters of the alphabet are put together in a modular fashion by rotating and shifting basic multiline elements. This was done in cooperation with Aniko Köhegyes. She created another geometric typeface in 2012. Behance link for Agnes Jekli. Behance link for Momegraphic. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Mike Yanega has the ultimate listing of multiline fonts. Let me group them for you:
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Top multiline fonts at MyFonts. See also here and here. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
MyFonts pages on prismatic fonts. See also here. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Naghi Naghachian
| Naghi Naghashian's foundry (called Naghi Naghachian, with a c) is located in Frankfurt. Quoting MyFonts, where we can buy his fonts: Naghi Naghashian was born in Teheran. After completing his school education in Iran, he studied illustration and book design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG), an academy of design, in Offenbach, Germany. Thereafter he was engaged as art director in various advertising agencies in Germany, Switzerland and England. He also worked as a freelance graphic designer with focus on illustration and brand designing for leading producers of brand articles in Europe, and also for broadcasting stations in Germany and other European countries. He was occupied with theoretical work in the field of color and research in the passive perception of color and "after image" phenomena. He carried out an analysis of the letters of the Arabic alphabet and a definition of their structure, enabling him to design a number of modern types of Arabic script. He designed the monoline typeface Aban (2010), which covers Latin, Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Jasna (2010) is a monoline rounded family with the same support. Avesta Extra Bold (2010) and Anahita Extra Bold (2010) are headline typefaces. Bi Bi (2010) is a squarish (Bank Gothic style) typeface that also covers Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. Ahoura (2011) is an Arabic font family. Decora One (2011) is a curly ornamental all caps face. Decora Two (2011) is another ornamental caps face. Bamdad Extra Bold Condensed (2011) is an Impact-like typeface Bamdad that supports Latin, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. Parsi (2011) is an elliptical sans family that supports Latin, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. Novin (2011, +Shadow) is an elliptical typeface that supports Latin, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. Typefaces from 2012: Parto (elliptical). Typefaces made in 2013: Iranica, Avid Pro, Nima (a Latin/ Arabic techno family named after Persian poet Nima Yooshij, 1896-1960), Decora Arabic, Decora Pro (and its Arabic / Farsi / Urdu companion, Parvin), Ekbatana (for Latin, Arabic, Farsi and Urdu), Apadana (for Latin, Arabic, Persian and Urdu), Roumi Pro (an elegant inline typeface), Surprise Pro (headline rounded sans), Mocca Pro, Nana Pro, Nana Rounded Pro, Nana Arabic, Petrol Stencil (an Arabic / Urdu / Latin stencil typeface), Kashi (2015: inspired by 16th century building decorations in Iran). Typefaces from 2013: Ostad Arabic. Typefaces from 2016: Naghashian, Golestan (supports Arabic, Persian and Urdu), Babak (a techno family for Latin, Arabic, Persian and Urdu), Ostad Pro, Elogium Pro. Typefaces from 2017: Afsoon, Afsane, Jekta, Pasargad, Kamane (Naskh style for Arabic, Persian and Urdu), Damavand. Typefaces from 2018: Bieta, Afshid, Pegah, Homayoon, Hafez, Dara, Homa (for Arabic, Farsi and Urdu), BaBa Rounded, BaBa. Typefaces from 2019: Nahid, Nameh (a single-weight sans), Gilan, Jaleh, Bauhaus Arabic. Typefaces from 2020: Golnama (a prismatic typeface for Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Latin), Esfand, Bonyad (modern kufi / geometric sans), Art Deco Arabic, Behtab. Author of Illustrated Quatrains of Omar Khayyam, Geometrie als Mysterium, and Design and Structure of Arabic Script. Klingspor link. MyFonts link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Naghi Naghashian
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At Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, Natalie Harris designed the multiline typeface Dames Point (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Natasha Jen (BFA 2003) and her team at Pentagram designed the stretchable typeface Herita Geo in 2015 for the AIA New York Heritage Ball. Type designs from 2017: Closed Worlds (mechanical, octagonal; Closed Worlds is a new exhibition at the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York), Open View Stencil (for the Boston-based venture capital firm Open View). In 2019, she released the multiline custom typeface family Building Cycles, and the custom pixel typeface Droit. Behance link. Pentagram link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer in Santos, Brazil, whose first typeface is the prismatic Titanium (2013). Devian Tart link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Cardiff, Wales-based illustrator and designer. In 2015, he created the trilined typeface Tokyo, which was influenced by the kanji neon sign of that metropolis. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer and artist, b. Milan, 1926, d. Caracas, 2001. From MyFonts: Several Venezuelan generations had acquired very strong design, typographic and drawing knowledge due to the historical and artistic heritage left by Master Nedo Mion Ferrario. He spent big part of his life teaching and working on design. His passion for impossible figures and geometric optic illusions were the most valuable characteristics of his work. Most of his knowledge was obtained from his father, Emilio Mion Vianello, who dedicated his life to wood carve, a high profile job those day in Italy. Emilio studied in the Brera Academy in Milan and Nedo studied in the Commercial and Technical Institute of Milan between 1936 and 1940, and then in the Fine Arts Academy in the same city. At the end of the Second Word War, both of them decided to leave Italy due to the political situation in those days. Encouraged by the immigration Venezuelan politics they arrived in Caracas in 1950. Wiki. His work inspired Carlos Camargo Guerrero to create the Escheresque font Denedo (2001-2007). According to Camargo, Denedo is a font based in one of the impossible alphabets created by the Italian graphic designer Nedo Mion Ferrario during the 60's and 70's in Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Michael Parson designed the prismatic typeface Nedo in 2013 based on Ferrario's work. Klingspor link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
New Typography
| Vernon Adams (born England, 1967) was a furniture restorer, woodcarver and typeface designer. On August 24, 2016 Vernon Adams passed away from injuries sustained in a scooter accident in May of 2014. New Typography was his type design site. Vernon graduated in 2007 with an MA in type design from the University of Reading and lived in San Clemente, California. His wife Allison now holds the trademark and/or copyright to most of his fonts. He developed Mako (2007), a type family for text and image in magazines. Earlier, he created AutoPacHousehold. Nobile (2010) is part of the Google font directory. Through the Open Font Library, one can get the source Fontforge code for this open source sans family. About Mako, he writes that he submitted the font to Fontsmith, which sat on it for a while and rejected it, only to publish a few weeks later Lurpak, which according to Vernon is too similar to his rejected design. Free fonts at Google Code by Vernon, as of the end of 2010 include Coda (a heavy elliptical face), Nobile (mentioned above), Corben (a curvy bold typeface in the style of Cooper Black), and Gruppo (a thin sans). In 2011, he added Coustard (a slab serif family), Damion (connected signage script), Smythe (Victorian), Radley (display face), Oswald (a reworking of the Alternate Gothic style: see this dedicated page; Oswald was updated continually by Vernon Adams until 2014. Vernon added Light and Bold weights, support for more Latin languages, tightened the spacing and kerning and made many glyph refinements throughout the family based on hundreds of users' feedback. In 2016 the family was updated by Kalapi Gajjar and Alexei Vanyashin to complete the work started by Vernon, and support languages that use the Cyrillic script), Candal (sans), Pacifico (connected signage face), Bangers (comic book face), Anton (heavy sans), Bevan (a reworking of Beton, a traditional slab serif display typeface created by Heinrich Jost in the 1930s), Six Caps (a condensed headline face), Meddon (a display font created from the handwritten script of an Eighteenth century legal document), Rokkitt (an Egyptian), Paytone One (headline face), Holtwood One SC (wood block simulation face), Monofett (white on black), Carter One (casual face), Francois One (gothic sans), Sigmar One (think mid twentieth century pulp magazine advertising), Bigshot One, Metrophobic, Mako, Francois One, Nunito (rounded; CTAN link), Shanti, Sigmar, Muli (minimalist sans), Kameron (an Egyptian), Stardos Stencil, Bowlby One, Bowlby One SC (fat poster face), Tienne (serif), Monoton (a multiline face in the style of Koch's Prisma, 1931), Sancreek (emulating an ornamental wood font), Amatic SC (hand-printed poster family), Sancreek (a Tuscan face), Oswald (in the old Alternate Gothic tradition of sans typefaces---a free Google font; CTAN link), Rammetto (based on the Stephenson Blake uppercase display font Basuto, released in 1926), and Michroma (modeled after Microgramma). Typefaces made in 2012 include Bench Nine (Google Web Fonts: based on old Stephenson Blake typefaces), Oxygen (a sans typeface available from Google Web Fonts; forked in 2016 at Open Font Library as Comme and in 2017 as Oxygen Sans, with two new oblique styles), Oxygen Mono (Google Web Fonts), Norican (free script font at Google Web Fonts based in part on Stephenson Blake's Glenmoy from the 1920s), Cutive (free at Google Web Fonts, based on the IBM typewriter typefaces Executive and Smith-Premier), Pontano Sans (Google Web Fonts: a light basic sans), Trocchi (Google Web Fonts: derived from Nebiolo's Egiziano, and Caslon & Co's Antique No.4 and Ionic No.2), Seymour One (Google Web Fonts: derived from Sigma One), Anaheim (sans, Google Web Fonts), Cutive and Cutive Mono (Google Web Fonts: based on the typewriter typefaces of IBM's Executive and the older Smith-Premier). Typefaces from 2013: Mondo (sans), Anton (grotesque). In 2016, Jacques Le Bailly extended Nunito to a full set of weights, and an accompanying regular non-rounded terminal version, Nunito Sans. Another extension of Nunito is Iunito (2019, unknown designer). In 2020, Jacques Le Bailly, Cereal and Vernon Adams (posthumously) released the sans typeface family Mulish at Google Fonts. Mulish is a minimalist sans, designed for both display and text typography. It was initially drawn in 2011 by Vernon Adams under the name Muli and then refined until 2014. In 2017 the family was updated by Jacques Le Bailly to complete the work started by Vernon after he passed away, in collaboration with his wife Allison, an artist who holds the trademark on the typeface family name. In August 2019, it was updated with a variable font weight axis. Donations to Vernon's family. Memorial. Fontspace link. Dafont link. Google Plus link. Fontsquirrel link. Klingspor link. Github link. Fontsquirrel link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
In 2017, Nghia Trung (Hanoi, Vietnam) designed the prismatic racetrack-inspired Latin typeface Athletype. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Nick Curtis
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Nick Curtis
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Nick Curtis: Typefaces from 2015
| Typefaces made by Nick Curtis in 2015:
Nico Inosanto
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Nih Studio
| The names associated with Nih Studio are Nouval and Suci Anita. Designer(s) of these typefaces in 2020: Bagsman, Bitter Space, Bristteback, Buffalord (all caps, gothic), Buffalow, Climbup (by Fajar Saepul R & Sarah Suci P), Flatters (a tall and tight typerface by Widiyanti and Sarah Suci P), Fabulouscity (a font duo), Fairry Eastern Serif (a geometric sans), Fearcheer (+a multiline style; by Nouval and Suci Anita), Frighter, Gerth (a rounded sans family by Nouval and Suci Anita), Hamsterly, Hostiline (script), Hydrilla (a brush script typeface by Widiyanti and Sarah Suci P), Ofstrike (a script typeface by Widiyanti and Suci Anita), Paradisk (by Fajar Saepul R and Sarah Suci Pauziah), Pretty Real, Ruderup (brush), Stepped, Sweetish. Typefaces from 2021: Vienna Town (an interlocking font by Widiyanti & Sarah Suci Pauziah). Home page. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
During his studies in Hamburg, Germany, communication designer Nikolai Dobreff created the experimental prismatic typeface Minimalphabetically (2013). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graduate of York University, who is working as a graphic designer in Toronto. Creator of experimental typefaces such as Slinkyy (2014, prismatic), Workshop (2014, multilined) and Pigment (2014, hairline). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Noem9 Studio
| Noem9 Studio is an online studio created by Jose A. Garrido, a graphic designer who was born in Alcañiz, Teruel, Spain, in 1987, and lived in Zaragoza. Noem9 is currently based in London. He created Avanth (2012), a modular experimental typeface that is very useful for logos and titles. Typefaces from 2012 include Ballege (a partially free slab serif family that uses details often seen in college sports and that was inspired by the film MoneyBall by Bennet Miller). Typefaces from 2013: Chronic (a free alchemic / hipster font inspired by native American legends), Essay (a copperplate headline sans published by Avondale). In 2016, he made the custom prismatic typeface Happy Ending, and 36 days of Type (decorative caps). They also published the layered multiline retail typeface family eNeon (2016). Typefaces from 2017: Kick Off (based on sports graphics from the 1970s). Typefaces from 2029: Inndam (modular). Typefaces from 2020: Locker Numerals, Creattica link. Creative Market link. Behance link. Dafont link. Graphicriver link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
| Nootype (Nico Inosanto) is a Swiss type foundry in Neuchatel. Typefaces made in 2013 include Merry Scriptmas (free didone), the geometric sans family Radikal, and Selfico, which is characterized by a symmetric g and y. Selfica (2013) is the sans companion of Selfico. Fitigraf (2013) is a mix between a classical serif font and graffiti street art. Agilis (2013) is a free text typeface with bulging glyphs. Helia (2013) is a 16-style sans family. Helia Core (2013) is a companion typeface. Dorica (2013) is a 14-style sturdy stocky serif family optimized for small point sizes. Felice (2013) is a classic text family that defies classification. Retrostar (2013) is a sans typeface that mixes some humanism wirth art deco. Typefaces from 2014: Kleide (a scriptish typeface family). Typefaces from 2016: Primera (a wide sans), Stratic Script, Solanel (sans), Devinyl (a potpourri of all caps styles with Inline, Acier, Fold, Inline, Line, Vinyl and Stencil versions), Rubiesque (a mix of humanist and grotesque elements in a sans), Rubis (the serifes companion of Rubiesque). Typefaces from 2017: Solanel (sans). Typefaces from 2018: Qiproko (stencil). Typefaces from 2019: Bric Sans (octagonal; a college font family), Nicolette Script (by Nico Inosanto and Nicky Laatz), Bricbrac (octagonal and layered). Typefaces from 2020: Strikt Sans (an 8-style curvy sans), Lazare Grotesk. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Graphic designer in Cairo who designed the experimental multiline typeface Interlaced (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Saltillo, Mexico-based designer (b. 1988) of Pistyl (2011) and Rokyodil (2011). In 2014, she designed the prismatic multiline typeface Untrazuko. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Oleh Lishchuk
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Koprivnice, Czechia-based designer, b. 1989, Bilovec, Czechia. His typefaces include Trendy Roma (2012, sans and slab), Steelovy (2011, art deco prismatic typeface), Inspiration (2011, a thin architectural typeface), and Spock (2011, modular, logical, and mini-slabbed). In 2014, he set up his own type foundry. In 2014, Ondrej created Zirkel, a geometric sans in 16 weights. Behance link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Page Studio Graphics (or: Pixymbols)
| Page Studio Graphics is Roger Vershen's Oro Valley, AZ-based company specializing in symbols and symbol fonts, founded by him in 1986. Roger Vershen died in Tucson, AZ, in 2003. The fonts (grouped under the name PIXymbols) include ADA symbols v.2.0, Africa, Alphabox, Alphacircle, Ameslan (ASL), Antorff (blackletter), Antorff Fractions, Apothecary, Arrows, Astrology, Backstitch, Boxkey, BoxNLines, Braille grade 2, Casual, Chalk Casual, PIXymbols Chess, Command Key, Courex (typewriter family), Crossword, PIXymbols Deco Glass (2001), Digit&Clocks (+LED symbols), Dingbats&Online, DOSScreen, Fabric Care, FARmarks (Federal Aviation Regulations lettering), Flagman (semaphore), Fractions, Gridmaker, Highway Gothic (U.S. Department of Transportation's Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs), PIXymbols Highway Gothic 2002, Highway Signs (U.S. Department of Transportation), Hospital&Safety, LCD, Linea (2002, prismatic), Luna, Malkoff (calligraphic font), Marina, Meeting, Mejicana (2001, a Mexican party font), Menufonts, Morse, Musica (instruments), Newsdots, Orchestra, Passkey, Patchwork, PCx, Phone, PIXymbolsMusica, Prescott (2001, Western), Penman (2001, connected script), PrimerD (letters with lines), Recycle, Roadsigns, Shadowkey, Signet (family), Signet Shadow, Squared, Strings, Stylekey, Tolerances&Datum, Travel&Hotel, TV List, Unikey, US Map, Vershen (2001), Xcharting, Xstitch. They also sell EPS files of all Arms of Swiss cantons, and many nice initial caps. Look also for Faux Hebrew (simulated Hebrew), as part of the Faux package that also includes Faux Sanskrit, Faux Runic, Faux Hebrew, Faux Japanese, Faux Arabic, Faux Chinese and Faux Chinese Sans. Alternate URL. Previews at MyFonts. Klingspor link. View the Page Studio Graphics typeface library. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
During his studis at Visual Arts Institute Eger (Hungary), Pal Elekes designed an experimental prismatic typeface (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Coimbra, Portugal-based designer who created the modular display typeface Tulipa in 2013. Still in 2013, she created the prismatic concentric typeface US Channel. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Super-talented Montreal-based illustrator and digital artist. Home page. He created several modular typefaces in 2011. In 2012, he created Muse, Gotham Streets (a prismatic typeface), Slinky, Stencil, Tulipe (counterless), Bad Billy (multilined, art deco), The Great Carnival (beveled caps), Web Font (prismatic), Jump Jump Font (octagonal), Fashion (a horizontally striped typeface), OK (prismatic), The Aviator (horizontally striped poster face), La Bonne Aventure (prismatic and slightly art deco), the rope-themed typeface Noeud Marin, the shaded boat name typeface Bleu Marine, the multiline caps typeface Origami, the moustache-inspired caps typeface Mous Type (ornamental moustache-shaped capitals), the multilined display typeface Empire, the hand-drawn Une Typo Faite A La Main, and the prismatic typeface Anabelypster. After a bout of salmonella, he created Intestino, still in 2012. In Motion (2012) is an awesome prismatic art deco typeface. Images of his stunning work from 2011: i, ii, ii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x. His Cathédrale project (2011) starts from a squarish face and transforms it gradually into one that contains the features of a cathedral. Creations in 2013: Shapes (geometric font), Gold Deco, Dentelle, Twist, Sleek (a thin slab serif), Say Say Say (multiline, prismatic, hypnotic), Metrick (a gridded typeface), Film Noir (an overlay type system), Tam Tam, Diner (a striped all caps typeface), Spot Light Font (prismatic), Flora, Bright Diamond, Incandescent, XVII (multilined display face), Konga (a multiline script), Shiny Diamond, Splash (paint font), Chicago (prismatic neon tube face), Taxi (a wonderful multiline typeface), Papale (religious symbology alphabet made to mock the papal system), Empreinte (pure op-art), Broken Arrow Font (multiline caps face), Liquid Paper Font, Sunset (prismatic), Boogie (Broadway-style art deco family), New Art Deco (prismatic art deco face), Poule de Luxe, Burnout (a prismatic typeface), Marble Maze Font, M Gagnon (ornamental caps influenced by the design work of Denis Gagnon). FontStruct fonts: Test3 (2012), Jump Jump 2 (2012). Typefaces made in 2014: Moiré, Decora, Magnetic, Noise (TV noise emulation), Yes (multilined font), Broderie (braided letters), SAS (multilined), Full House, Heart Font (prismatic), 1976 (inspired by the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal), Gold (prismatic art deco typeface), Lace, Bike. Typefaces from 2015: Detour, Allie X, Grad Font, Duct Tape, Mint Julep (bilined art deco beauty), Hourglass, Stuntman (prismatic), La Dame de Coeur (playing card font), Fog. Typefaces from 2016: Road Free (a free prismatic font), Solitaire (card font), Joliette, Denis (named after Montreal's mayor, Denis Coderre), Montreal (a prismatic typeface based on the logo of the city of Montreal), Cherry Cola Font, Bro & Co (multilined art deco beauty), Macramee (multilined). Typefaces from 2017: The Simple Font (sans), Le Cabinet (multilined neo deco). Typefaces from 2018: Atrium (a sublime multiline art deco beauty), Pride (a color font to support the LGBT community). Typefaces from 2019: Columbarium (a beveled typeface), The Invisible Font, The Usual Font, Recettes d'Ici (handcrafted style for menu design), Vinyl (multiline), Gasoline (a gasoline spill textured font), Reflet, Mint Soda (a fashion mag extravaganza), Glamarrr (a sailor or pirate font). Typefaces from 2020: Siren (a wonderful mermaid-themed initial caps font, half Engravers MT and half mermaid), Homa (decorative caps), Luna (blocky caps), Chicken Bone, Happier (an all caps 3d color font), Dollara (a polygonal typeface), Stay Home, Mundo Disko (prismatic). Typefaces from 2021: Deliria, The National Bank Open font (created for a tennis tournament). Behance link. Hellofont link (for buying his fonts). Typefaces from 2022: Trumpets (deco caps). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Paul Bokslag
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Paul Cracknell
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Bucharest, Romania-based designer of the multiline decorative caps typeface Molda (2016) which is inspired by traditional weaves and cultural symbols from Eastern Europe. Creative Market link. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Paulo W
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As a student at Instituto Politecnico de Tomar in Portugal, Pedro Perfeito created the prismatic and shaded typeface family Broadway (2016) and the stencil typeface Gotham Rounded Curvas (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Pepper Type
| Odessa, Ukraine-baded designer of the Peignotian sans typeface Alethia Pro (2016, Mint Type) for Latin and Cyrillic. In 2016, Oleh Lishchuk and Andriy Konstantynov co-designed the rounded scientific or technical paper font Midpoint Pro. In 2017, they published the 64-style geometric grotesque sans-serif typeface family Opinion Pro, which is characterized by its extra-large x-height. Deposit Pro (2017) is a wide slab-serif family with low x-height. In 2018, Oleh published Rolleston (a rigid 42-style serif font family with peculiar spiky serifs), the music poster Latin / Cyrillic typeface family Stereonic (Mint Type) that features multiline, stencil, inline, contour, overline and underline styles. He published the programming font Vin Mono Pro in 2018 at Mint Type. Vin Mono Pro is a squarish monospaced font family with extra-large x-height and rounded corners. Related typefaces include Vin Sans Pro, Vin Slab Pro Typefaces from 2019: Ditch (octagonal), Spaceland (a minimalist sans), Alethia Next, Mazzard (a 54-style geometric grotesque with three different x-heights), Mazzard Soft. Typefaces from 2020: Daikon, Monospaceland (a 21-style monospaced monolinear organic sans), Mantonico (a small x-height transitional text family), Ruberoid (described as a squarish geometric sans-serif family reminiscent of Italian designs of 1950s and 1960s, but featuring considerably rounder shapes to give it a more contemporary feel), Geraldton (a geometric sans family), Shtozer (a chamfered typeface family). Typefaces from 2021: Zerno (an 18-style flared lapidary typeface family), Golca (a 16-style geometric sans for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic), Steclo (an 18-style tall condensed minimalist sans). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Peter Bilak
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Philip Cronerud
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Type designer who runs Philip Kelly Digital Design in the UK. He worked for Letraset from 1969-1994 as a type designer. His type design work there included Arabic and Hebrew letterforms. From 1994 until 1997, he designed typefaces at Signus, and became an independent designer in 1997. His typefaces:
Linotype link. FontShop link. Klingspor link. Portfolio. Testimonial of Kelly's days at Letraset. View several digital typefaces based on Philip Kelly's designs. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
French graphic designer who lived in Perugia, Italy, and is now in Nantes, France. I would call him an experimental typographer. He likes experimenting, for example, with modular typeforms, as is apparent from his typefaces called Tubular Type, Type Lover, and Fold Type (2009). His Electro (2009) is supposed to look like your hair when you plug your fingers into the socket. Bang Bang type (2009, Western meets organic) and Frak type Abigaëlle (modular blackletter, 2009) and All Slab Western (2009) are further experimental typefaces. In 2014, he designed the beveled typefaces Vernacolare, Prism Rounded, Prism, and Old Prism, and the circle-based display typeface Neo Quadrata. Terzo (2014-2017) is a delightfully excentric compass-and-ruler typeface. Modula (2014) is a minimalist modular typeface. Behance link. Flickr page, where one can find more experimental types, like AbstractMin (2010), AbstractStruct (2010). Home page. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
A subsidiary/part of House Industries in Yorklyn, DE. I quote: Photo-Lettering was a mainstay of the advertising and design industry in New York City from 1936 to 1997. PLINC, as it was affectionately known to art directors, was one of the earliest and most successful type houses to utilize photo technology in the production of commercial typography and lettering. It employed such design luminaries as Ed Benguiat and sold type drawn by the likes of Herb Lubalin, Milton Glaser and Seymour Chwast as well as countless other unsung lettering greats. The company is best known by most of today's graphic designers for its ubiquitous type catalogs. Physically, the collection takes up about 1500 cubic ft (42 cubic meters) of space and consists of film negatives and positives of most of the 6500 fonts produced in the company's 55 years. There are also countless patterns, cartouches, borders and dingbats, all of which have been preserved in film negative form. Each negative is approximately 28 in (71 cm) by 5 in (13 cm) high. House Industries, a Yorklyn, Delaware-based independent type foundry, purchased the entire physical assets of Photo-Lettering in April of 2003. Through a partnership with Ken Barber, Christian Schwartz and Erik van Blokland, House Industries is carefully digitizing select alphabets from the collection and plans to offer them through a modern web-based interface. The Photo-Lettering interface has allowed us to reach beyond the rigid confines of typography to offer extended features such as layering, color control and multiple master interpolation over six axes. With some of the most talented minds in display typography behind this new display lettering system, users of the system will enjoy the same refined typography as the original Photo-Lettering customers. A snapshot of their production, as of mid 2012, in alphabetical order:
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Dutch creator of the outline typeface Kersse (2012) and the prismatic octagonal typeface Prismakers (2012). Dafont link. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Pisto Casero
| Fine Arts graduate from UCLM (University of Castilla-La Mancha) in Spain, who works as a graphic designer in Cuenca, where he set up the Pisto Casero commercial type foundry in 2013, after a period of free font production. He worked at DO2 Magazine. Gilberto Moya Perona is the designer of most fonts at Pisto Casero, which in 2014 was based in Brno, Czechia. Typefaces from 2011: Paper Cube (3d, outlined), the ink spill typeface Sopa de Letras, the fat counterless typeface Minimal, the outline typeface I Am Online With U, the 3d hand-printed outline typeface Indietronica, the stencil pixel typeface Stencil 8Bit, Wet Arial (a beautifully executed type treatment face), and the 3d pixel typeface Chip Tunes. Typefaces from 2012: Awakened, Corrupted Democrazy (grungy), Czech Tales (a beautiful curly typeface inspired by traditional Czech fairytales), Neon Serif (multilined, prismatic), Democrazy (sans and serif with very tall ascenders). Typefaces from 2014: I Am Online With You (a connected outline font family). Typefaces from 2015: Santanelli (an all caps rounded hipster display typeface). Home page. Fontspace link. Dafont link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
| Graduate of London's Royal College of Art in 1999, James Goggin (b. 1975) founded graphic design studio Practise in 1999 in London with his partner Shan James. James was art director of The Wire (2005-2008). In August 2010, Goggin moved to Chicago where he was Design Director at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (2010-2013). Previously he was based in Arnhem, the Netherlands, working as course director and teacher at Werkplaats Typografie (2009-2010) and visiting lecturer at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne) (2009-2010). The studio Practise has been based in Providence, RI, since 2016 where James also teaches BFA and MFA Graphic Design at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). Aka Jacques Gauguin and "Practise", he has worked in London, Auckland and Sri Lanka. His typefaces:
Creative designer in Mumbai who designed the prismatic op-art Latin typeface Squoil (2014), the Buds typeface (2014, a modification of Cooper Black), and the decorative dot matrix typeface Bandhani (2014). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
London-based designer of the multiline typeface Spaceline (2017). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Design director at Frost Design in Sydney and South Africa since 2007. Global Brand Design and Art Director for the London 2012 Olympic Games for Nike. Designer of quite a few (unnamed) typefaces in 2009-2012. These include several modular or experimental designs, a 3D typeface for Mr. Muz in Tasmania, an Escheresque typeface, a prismatic typeface, a didonbe typeface, and an op-art experimental typeface. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Barcelona-based designer of the alchemic typeface Mana Sans (2011). He writes: A commissioned display font I designed for the Mexican band Maná in late 2011. It was finally used for one of their songs on the new album, as part of the visuals for their live shows on the last tour around South America and USA. Available from Ultra Types. Other fonts by him from 2012 include Geoda (a geometrically designed font), Modula Mono (a monospaced bold organic caps set, available from Ten Dollar Fonts), Mana (alchemic), and Marina (this three-style text family is his final project for the Masters in Advanced Typography at EINA). In 2013, he designed the 900-glyph geometric display sans typeface Sifonn Pro (Ultra Types), which is loaded with interlocking pairs. There is a basic tweetware version. In 2015, he published Yorokobu Isometric for the Yorokobu cover---it is a 3d Escher-style typographic piece. In that year, he also made a set of travel / wayfinding icons called Trippeo, the circle-based Rotula Display. Typefaces from 2016: 36Dot (colorful 3d caps set), Bosanova (prismatic titling typeface). Behance link. Home page. Utratypes link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Rafael Koch
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German designer of the paperclip font Linotype Contacta (1994) and the multiline hypnotic typeface Boogie (2003, Linotype). He worked as an art director for various international advertising agencies, and has led Corporate Design projects for firms such as Grey and MetaDesign. He is currently teaching graphic design at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. Boogie won an award at the Linotype International Type Design Contest 2003. Linotype link. Klingspor link. FontShop link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Ralph Michael Unger
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Raphael Koch
| Raphael Koch or Rafael Koch, b. 1976. Raphael Koch (Blokes.ch, Switzerland) graduated in 1999 from Schule für Gestaltung Luzern, Switzerland. His Diploma work there, Transport, involved the development of several typefaces, and was part of a team effort by Urs Lehni, Peter Körner, Markus Wohlhüter and Rafael Koch. Koch co-designed the very original multiline / prismatic typeface family LL Prismaset A (2006-2013, Lineto, with James Goggin, Alex Rich, and Mauro Paolozzi) which is rooted in Rudolf Koch's Prisma (1930). LL Prismaset B (2017-2019) is a later extension. He co-designed Lego in 1999 at Lineto with Urs and Juerg Lehni. In 2015, Raphael Koch and Mauro Paolozzi co-designed GT Cinetype at Grilli Type. This typeface has outlines consisting of many short straight line segments, thus mimicking the now obsolete pre-digital age technique of laser printing subtitles in movies. At small sizes, the font looks very smooth, but at larger sizes, the straight segments become apparent. Koch co-founded Zurich based design agency Noir Associates in 2016. Since 2001, Rafael has been teaching at Fachklasse Grafik. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Letterer and designer in Chicago, who created the prismatic op-art typeface Line Letters (2014). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Richard Diaz Granados
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Designer in Perth, Australia, who created the prismatic typeface Leading Lines (2014). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign)
| Ralph M. Unger (b. 1953, Thuringia, East Germany) says this about himself at MyFonts: Typesetter from the composing stick via Linotype setting machines to the Mac. Jobs in various Thuringian printeries. Barred further education by Communist authorities due to political reasons. Imprisoned in East Germany. Since 1988 in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, former West Germany. Jobs in several newspaper printing houses as advertisement compositor. Own office since 1995, in Aalen, Baden-Wuerttemberg. He lives in Schwaebisch Gmuend, and was a freelance type designer for Profonts and URW++, where he contributed frequently to their libraries between 2002 and 2009. In 2009, he founded RMU. MyFonts link. I split his contributions into two groups, the URW / Profonts group, and the RMU group. The prefix FontForum refers to a subseries of URW++ fonts. Unless specifically mentioned, all the following fonts are at URW++ and/or Profonts:
Ralph made some typefaces outside URW/Profonts and RMU, such as Stripes (2014, a prismatic typeface puvlished by Thinkdust). View Ralph M. Unger's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Robert Lomas (Lomas Design, Manchester, UK) created a multiline prismatic typeface called Groove (2012), and a 3d multiline typeface called Good Vibrations (2012). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Roger Vershen
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Roman Dementev
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Ron Ruedisueli
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Athens, Greece and Barcelona-based graphic designer. He created the piano key stencil typeface MAP Stencil (2010, Latin and Greek), the prismatic typeface 3D (2012), and the alchemic typeface Stigma (2012). In 2013, Rouli designed the tall thin typeface Sentient Adult. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Communication designer in Lisbon, Portugal, who created these typefaces in 2014: Caffein (stencil), Bludaneve (stencil), 2 Bee (monoline rounded sans), Rotas de Portugal (stencil), Arte no Feminino (dot matrix), Lusofonia (chromatic type), Caixa Alta (condensed sans), Horizontes Aventura (brush typeface). Typefaces from 2015: Crosslines (prismatic mulriline font family), Quarta Parede (origami font), Ponte Romana (sans). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Great German type designer (b. Nürnberg, 1876; d. Frankfurt, 1934) who worked mainly at the Klingspor foundry. He founded the Offenbach Werkstatt in 1921. Many of his typefaces can be classified as German expressionist. These include Kabel (a sans), and Neuland (an angular poster face). An early Nazi sympathizer and supporter, Koch's fonts were heavily used by the Nazi regime. This page lists 158 royalty-free Christian symbols drawn by Rudolf Koch, a religious Lutheran, with the collaboration of Fritz Kredel (1900-1973) (see also here). His typefaces, with notes on digitizations:
In 1984, Wolfgang Hendlmeier discussed the blackletter typefaces in Koch's oeuvre: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Brief bio by Wolfgang Hindlmeier (1984). Koch's involvement in handwriting education in Germany led to these Schreibschrift examples from 1930 (also called Deutsche Verkehrsschrift), and to the development by Martin Hermersdorf of the Deutsche Schreibschrift for fourth graders in Bavaria in 1950. Wood engraving of Koch by Bernard Brussel-Smith. Publications by Rudolf Koch:
Rudolf Koch's carved lettering inspired spin-offs like PGF Americas (2021, Pedro Gonzalez). FontShop link. Klingspor link. Biography by Nicholas Fabian. Bio at Linotype. Bio in German. The Koch Memorial page [now defunct] offered historical notes and many free revivals of his typefaces. View digital typefaces based on Rudolf Koch's work. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Dead link. Extraordinary pages by Petra Heidorn and her group of type designers (Manfred Klein, Dieter Steffmann, Daniel Gauthier, Paul Lloyd, Graham Meade and Harold Lohner) to commemorate the 70th year of Koch's death (1876-1934). The free fonts, revivals and interpretations include, by designer:
[Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Ekaterinburg, Russia-based designer of Sauce Type (2014: experimental), Lumen Type (2012, experimental). Other experimental alphabets include Volna (2014, free, Vekta (2013; not to be confused with Neil Summerour's Vekta, and nor renamed Vetka: a prismatic compass-and-ruler font ideal for op-art), Superbugs (2012), Sunbeam (2012), MicroType (2011) and Magma (2012). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer in Budapest who created Moiré Type (2012, a multiline prismatic typeface). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sarmad Hashmi (Karachi, Pakistan) used the Inception movie title to create a prismatic alphabet in 2012. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sascha Timplan
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Baku, Azerbaijan-based designer of a prismatic typeface in 2019. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Senior art director in Paris, France, who created the multiline prismatic typeface Maxam and the spurred display typeface Acan in 2018. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Sed4 Type Foundry (or: Sed4tives)
| Dutch professional music producer and audio engineer who founded his own record label. He also makes (mostly free) fonts. His work:
FontStruct link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Seemly Fonts (or: Fancy Fonts, Instagram Fonts, Comely Designs, or: Seemly Designs)
| Names associated with Seemly Designs and Comely Designs and Fancy Fonts and Seemly Fonts include Jamel E. Robin and Mohammed Shohail Bhuian. Bangladesh-based creator (b. 1984 or 1985) of Merry Christmas Go (2014, Christmas dingbats), Delphinium (2014, modular typeface), Calla (2014, ornamental letters; called Brush Moon inside the font), Christmas Go (2014, Christmas icons), Artindo (2014, rounded hand-printed sans) and Gerbera (2014, an experimental outline typeface). Typefaces from 2016: Crocus, Formiane (handcrafted), Xiovus (a rough brush face), Brown Foxy (a brush typeface), Burly Stain, Brown Crow, Funtos, Borsta (thick brush), Handwritten Artem, Burly, Goajubia, the handcrafted typefaces handwritten Artem and Vimofee, the grungy Grungoe, the outlined typeface Yarrow, the brush face Renbion, the sans typeface Carefaq. Typefaces from 2017: Shurjota, Admixes, Darkling, Daichi, Deadway (gothic), Dorathy, Funbox, Getrox, Kadence, Quinni, Radburn, Red Runner, Rishima Tint, Rishima (monoline hand-printed), Brave Rocker, Mantre, Marlys Wilson, Bixens, Anxious, Plucky, Terbium, Fraxinus, Leilani (sans), Gresan (signage), Isrety, Sinewy (rounded sans), Foglia, Josen, Meriana (hand-printed), Landis (dry brush), Radburn, Deadway, Bince Triex (rounded sans), Celibe (sans), Rodless, Axile, Bexirow, Jacsony (dry brush), Rantox, Dream Booker, Saburio, Nioxra, Waking Dreamer, Faegan (sans), Quenby, Jugsar (fat brush), Priopa, Tenure (grungy), Hardy Street, Noisette, Disjunct (grungy), Nigella, Xioxca (grungy), Goajubia Next, Rocky Here, Grand Dreamer (sans), Speedwell (text typeface), Scabiosa, Celosia, Gaillardia, Matthiola, Clarkia (dry brush), Jaxcos (prismatic), Jacsony (drybrush), Nelumbo. Typefaces from 2019: Sebqor, Sombir, Cherish Today, Rosbed, Bookish, Bonrin, Dokrak, Moorish Nonary, Notice Things, Single Step, Musicality, Axile, Funbox, Spring Season, Journey Planner, Rockwork, Notice Things, Finder, Caroos, Our Goal, Single Step, Rekobip, Mobstex, Bogwood. Typefaces from 2020: Leman, Valentine Dream, Thrive Xmas, Christmas Respite, Good Mood, Our Santa, Christmas Love, Supposition, Stay Happy, Christmas Tree, Nest, Mother Wonder, Autumn Arbor, Keep Smiling, Be Honest, Spread Beauty, Spread Joy, Happy Dreamer, Delighted Panda, Christmas Eve, Derivation, Be Kind, Dream Arranger, Enjoy Summer, Fallen Dreamer, Father, Follow Through, Hello Brilliant, Hello Christmas, Hello Halloween, Mermaid, My Father, Natural, Obsessed Halloween, Shadowy, Spooky Haunt, Spooky Regime, Summer Garden, Syncopator, Target (textured caps), Travel, Vacation Planner, Veritas Christmas, Welcome Everyday, Sweet Summer, Halloween Occurrence, Bomka, Floweret, Keqima, Mando, Qiko, Runner, Demure Dogma, Epoch (Bold/Light/Regular), Floret, Goodenia, Grand, Hello Brilliant, Jacsony, Plight (Bold/Light/Regular), Queenship, Scabiosa, Sombir, Mamma, Mammy, Momcare, Mother, Mother Special, Mother Wonder, Valentine Things, Autumn Happiness and Valentine Monster. Typefaces from 2021: Strong Passion (a scrapbook font), Striking Rainbow, Food Zone (a round vernacular caps font), Remind Him (hand-crafted), Monteya (a bold display serif), Our Happy Holiday, Sweet Daydream (hand-printed), Eerie House (a Halloween brush font), Scary Hours, Big Dreamer, Christmas Preference (hand-printed), Wake Up Now (a scrapbook font), Connect Christmas, Merry With Dream, Dark Misery, Spooky Sphere, Creepy Night (a brushed horror font), Happy Moment (all caps, handcrafted), Summer Motion, Inquisitive (handdrawn caps), Aim High, Hold On (an all caps brush font), Aim High, Positive Attitude, Take Chances, Hardy Mind, Pretty Magnolia, Summer Ink, Tidy Mom (a chalk font), Think Big, Precious Way, Just Believe (a marker pen font), Generous Monarch (a tall condensed dry brush typeface), Our Goodwill (hand-printed), Keep Me, Intense Emotion, Majestic Valentine (hand-drawn), Wow Darling (handcrafted), Love Taking, Love Radiate. Typefaces from 2022: Easter Discover (condensed, hand-printed), Instinct Question (a condensed all caps brush font), Summer Fable (handprinted), Cute Rabbit (a fat finger children's book font), How Lovely (hand-printed), Summer Splendor (casual, hand-crafted), Individual Thinking, See You Again (handprinted caps), Juicy Fruit. Some fonts are free at Dafont. Creative Market link for Jamel E. Robin. Fontspace link. Sellfy link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Belize City, Belize and now New York City-based designer who specializes in high tech and futuristic type designs. He created Borgita (2021: a plump rounded display typeface), Cyberpunk (2021), Cyberto (2021: cyberpunk), Cyberia 3D (2021: a 3d customizable font), Spacegate (2020), the puffy or bubblegum font Funfood (2020), the calligraphic font Wayout (2020), the techno family Vortex (2020), the techno / paperclip font family Mazeline (2018), the signage script Lettercraft (2017), the robot and drone-inspired Robodron (2017), Gempire (2017), the rounded organic typeface Airy (2017), Radon (2017), the outline typeface Ply (2017), the paperclip typeface Garde (2017), the blackboard bold typeface Aberration (2016), the striped typeface Karma (2016), the logotype font Advio (2016), the ribbon or monogram font RibOne (2016), the tech font Line Tech (2016), the curly Wonderscript (2016), the prismatic typeface Lineat (2016, +Lineat III), the plump logotype Airy (2016), the bi-lined typeface Freeline (2016), the robot-inspired Stingo (2016), the display typeface Food Craft (2016), the bilined logo and monogram font Sentaline (2016), the script typefaces Curline (2016) and Article (2016), the children's font Happy Kids (2016), the futuristic font Digitalium (2016, +Condensed), the multiline titling typeface Sentagram (2015), Forest Line (2015, thin squarish headline sans), Sweet Ink (2015), and the ribbon typeface Sentaband (2015). Creative Market link. Behance link. Another Behance link. Graphicriver link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Serj Nikolaev (Moscow) created a prismatic alphabet in 2013. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
At Savannah College of Art & Design in Savannah, GA, Shamar Joseph designed the prismatic titling typeface Photon (2016). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Cookeville, TN-based designer of the prismatic typeface Tram (2017). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Signal Type Foundry
| Signal Type Foundry & Drawing Office is a type foundry in New York City, est. 2012 by Max Phillips (b. 1957, New York City), a typographer, graphic designer, toy designer, creative director and novelist who moved to Dublin, Ireland, in 2013 with his Irish spouse. His typefaces:
Simon Bent
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Simon Cozens and his wife Henrietta are missionaries in Japan. Simon designed the garalde typeface Staverton (2015). In 2016, he released the free prismatic disco age font family Sunscreen (in styles called Unscreened, Triline, Pentaline and Septaline), and developed the elliptical sans typeface Coolangatta. He added the fat finger font My Town in 2020. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic designer in Rome, who used Roger Penrose's Penrose tiling in the construction of a set of ornamental numbers in 2013. For the Order Of Architects, P.P.C. of Rome and Province and the Order Of Engineers of Rome, he created a prismatic caps typeface called Seventeen Lines (2012). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Situjuh Nazara
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During his/her studies in Hanoi, Vietnam, "Smile" designed the prismatic Silver Loop Alphabet (2015) and the labyrinthine Golden Labyrimaze Alphabet (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Dover Press sold Oakland's Dan X. Solo's digitizations. Dan Solo (b. 1928, d. 2012) has collected over 13,000 sets of metal fonts, starting when he was 9 years old and growing up in Oakland, CA. Finally, in 2002, he stopped doing that and began converting all of his fonts to computer type. Solotype, his company, was established in Alameda, CA. He printed 30 books on fonts (with Dover), including The Solotype catalog of 4,147 display typefaces, and created hundreds of fonts. In 2007, Dan Solo retired from the font business. He died in 2012. Robert Trogman writes: I know Dan X. Solo personally. He ran a typographic studio in Berkeley for over 30 years. He had a large collection of film fonts, including some of my own. He created thousands of fonts and is now retired and is an avocational prestigitator. Copyrights have run out on most of his fonts. He also protected himself by creating pseudonyms on the questionable font names. Stuart Sandler confirms that many of the fonts in Solo's Dover books are in fact from the Filmotype collection, which Stuart is digitizing right now. Gene Gable writes: Dan Solo of Solotype in Berkeley was experimenting with photo type as early as 1945 and started doing optical special effects in the early '60s. And a number of the larger display-type shops developed their own techniques. But in terms of opening up new markets for display type (and giving designers more control over type setting), Visual Graphics and Letraset lead the way. These companies were proud of, and promoted, the fact that that their products could be used by non-typesetters with little training. Bio. He wrote about himself: Dan X. Solo The Solotype Archive was begun in 1942 when I was 14. I was a kid printer for several years before that. At 16, after a quick three months of training, I dropped out of school and went to work full time as a radio actor and announcer in San Francisco. (Easy to get jobs in those days, due to the war-induced manpower shortage.) In 1949 and 1950, I created a magic show which played West Coast theatres with some success. After that, back to broadcasting. By 1962, I was completely burned out on radio, so I decided to see if I could make a living with my collection of antique types, which numbered about a thousand fonts at that time. In 1962, I sent out 4,000 catalogs showing the type to ad agencies all over the U.S. The timing was perfect (no thanks to me) because there was developing at that time a renewed interest in the old types. Business took off immediately. The Solotype collection was one of four commercial collections at the time, but I seemed to have been more aggressive in marketing than the other chaps. (Well, Morgan Press certainly knew how to market.) Two years into the business, I began to collect alphabets on paper for conversion to photo lettering, which was just becoming mainstream in the type business. We closed the shop for a month every year and went on a type hunt, mostly in Europe where there didn't seem to be much competition among collectors. Other typographers couldn't understand how we could do this, but I believe it made people appreciate the resource we offered even more. Over the years, the collection became quite large. When I closed Solotype a couple of years ago, I got rid of about half the archive (because the fonts were dull, or already digitized, or for a variety of other reasons) leaving me with about 6,000 fonts on paper or film. In 1974, I began to supply Dover Publications with mechanicals for books of 100 alphabets on a particular theme. I did 30 of these books over the years, and 30 more of printers' ornaments, borders, and so forth. Sometime in the 1990s, Dover asked me to digitize books of 24 fonts each, to be sold with a disk in the back. I did 12 of these. The Dover relationship came to an end when Hayward Cirker, the owner and my special friend, died and the company was sold to another publisher. Dover felt that they had covered the type field thoroughly. Now in my old age, my wife and I have a mindreading act that is great fun and good for the ego. Even so, when not traveling, I digitize type for relaxation and enjoyment, but have made no effort to sell it. Until now. Solo's wood type/Western/ headline/ Victorian collection includes Acantha, Bindweed, Dime Museum (2004, a French Clarendon revived by ATF in 1933 under the name P.T. Barnum), Egyptian Oldstyle, Excelsis, Extravaganza, Rigney, Assay, Baraboo Banner, Beijing, Brevet (after a Victorian typeface from 1887 by Ernst Lauschke), Brussels, Cathedral, Cleopatra, Cognac, Crossroads, Dainty Lady, Dangerfield, Diablo, Dutch Treat, Grecian, Lord Mayor, Malibu, Minnesota, Moulin Rouge, Penny Arcade (1992, a Victorian face after an 1890 original called Mural by Boston Type Foundry), Trixie, Valerie, Valjean, and Zorro. Alaska is based on an 1890 design of Marder, Luse and co. Arcade imitates an 1888 design of Barnhart Brothers&Spindler. Bamboo (oriental simulation face) is based on a 1889 creation of Barnhart Brothers&Spindler. Behrens Antiqua and Behrens schrift are revival of early 20th century typefaces by Peter Behrens. Eccentric is a digitization of a 1898 arts and crafts typeface by Kingsley/ATF. Hansard is a revival of a display type published in 1887 by MacKellar, Smiths,&Jordan. Pekin is a digitization of a face, first designed by Ernst Lauschke in 1888 and issued by Barnhart Bros.&Spindler foundry in Chicago under the name Dormer, and revived by them in 1923 under the name Pekin. Charles Henry Beeler made a condensed sans serif issued by Mackellar, Smiths&Jordan foundry in 1887: it was digitally revived as Roundhead. Monument is a revival of a 1893 typeface by the Boston Type Foundry, but was also cast at the Central Type Foundry. Vienna Light is a delicate early 1900s type originally created by the German foundry of Schelter&Gieseke. Other designs: Bareback, Campaign (ca. 1970), Cigar Label (1997), Estienne, Farringdon (a western face), Goodfellow (digitization of wood type from 1895 found at Hamilton and probably due to W.H. Page), Harlem Text (blackletter), Houdini (ca. 1992), Memorial, Quadrille 2 (a simplified Tuscan face), Sparticus, Vanities (a Victorian type), Whirligig. In 2005, MyFonts added Seminary (after a Victorian font from 1885 by Bruce Type Foundry), Margie (formal script based on Marggraff Bold Script by the Dresden foundry vormalig Brüder Butter, 1920s), Fancy Dan, Bamberg (2005, after a condensed wood type from ca. 1850), Fat Face No. 20, French Ionic (quite ugly--based on an 1870 Clarendon derivative by the Cincinnati Type Foundry), Hearst Italic (based on a 1904 typeface by Carl Schraubstadter of the Inland Type Foundry), Hearst Roman (based on a typeface from the Inland Type Foundry allegedly stolen from a hand lettering job done by Goudy, acccording to Goudy himself), Tally Text (early photolettering type of the comic book style), Welcome 1 (based on Van Loey-Nouri's art nouveau typeface from 1900). A list of some digitized fonts:
Images of selected typefaces: Agency Gothic, Alpha Midnight, Alpha Twilight, Anita Lightface (1977), Art Deco Display Alphabets, Ashley Crawford, Ashley Inline, Astur, Bamberg, Banco, Beans, Blackline, Bobo Bold, Braggadocio, Broadway Engraved, Busorama Bold, Busorama Light, Bust, Charger, Checkmate, Colonel Hoople, Corral, Dudley P Narrow, Dynamo, Earth (a futuristic / prismatic typeface revived by nick Curtis in 2015 as Terranova NF), Eclipse, Empire, Ewie, Fat Cat, Fatso, Festival, Futura Black, Futura Inline, Gillies Gothic Bold, Greeting Monotone, Grooviest Gothic, Hess Neobold, Hotline, Huxley Vertical, Inkwell Black, Joanna Solotype, Joyce Black, Koloss, Lampoon, Mania, Mania Contour A, Mania Contour B, Margit, Mindy Highlight, Modernistic, Monograms Stencil, Mossman, Neon, Neuland (+Inline), Phosphor, Piccadilly, Pickfair, Polly, Prismania P, Quote, Rhythm Bold, Shady Deal, Sheet Steel, Sinaloa. The Solotype Catalog is a file with information on Dan Solo's typefaces, annotated with remarks about name equivalences and digitizations. The original file was due to Thibaudeau, but typophiles on alt.binaries.fonts have added to it in 2010. PDF version. Excel version. Text version. See also here. View Dan Solo's typefaces. Another page on Solotype. Dan Solo's typefaces listed in decreasing order of popularity. View Dan Solo's typefaces. View Dan Solo's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Japanese foundry. They published free fonts such as Honeydripper (2005, gothic), Someshin (futuristic), Bacon (2004, dripping blood letters), Soccer (2004, free soccer dingbats), Beeper (Western style), Ballet (2004, dingbats), Bunbury, Cecily, Fairfax, FairfaxSpottie, Gwendolen, JPhont, Locomo, MoncrieffShadow, Plant, Prism, Plymdale (2005, liquid), Cardew 3, 4 and 6 series (2005, horizontally striped typefaces). Alternate URL. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Something and Nothing
| Auckland, New Zealand-based designer of Kia Ora (2020: a display typeface that features a Maori art curl or coil) and Linebacker (2020: a multiline, inline and solid font triplet advertized as an athletics typeface). Typefaces from 2021: Poxy (a sans typeface with water bubble texture), Swipe Write (a dry brush script). [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Star Plus Multiply
| Thai designer (b. 1980) of the alien-look font We Are Alien (2006), the grunge typeface What The Hell (2005) and the multiline prismatic caps typefaces Talie (2007). He also made the handwriting typefaces Beamba (2004), kittyhandwrite01 (2004), Kob (2004), Numwaan (2004), TAZ (2007), Jabjai (2009, hand-printed and 3d), and Voodoodoll (2004). Aka Mr. Oak, his company is called Star Plus Multiply. All his designs are free and open source. Dafont link. Klingspor link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Rose Hill, Mauritius-based graphic designer. In 2017, he created a gorgeous (free) all caps multiline typeface called Dubline and the free modular typeface Convext. In 2018, he published the free bilined typeface Lux Lineae. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Stereo Type Haus
| Stereo Type Haus (or STH) is a commercial foundry in Brooklyn, NY, est. 2000, offering fonts by Rick D. Granados ((b. Miami, FL, 1970): Bucks (graffiti font), Bushwick (handwriting), Ballbuster, Bedford (2010, an award-quality dot matrix family inspired by mosaic lettering by Heins&LaFarge, architects of the IRT (Interborough Rapid Transit) in New York City: Bedford hints at the station names on platform walls which date back to 1904 but modernize it through a rigid grid system and rounded corners), Bockhold (2010, a humanist take on DIN), Broadcast (neat stencil face), Konstrukt (stencil), Construkt (2009, a unicase stencil), Falcon, Gran Torino, Roller Girl, Opera (2005, with Ros Knopov), Prisma 2012 (2010, an octagonal multiline face), Radiac (2010, a monoline squarish unicase face), Rukbat, Stylus, Schmearox, Tech Stencil (2000), Noise&Hum, STH Sirena (2006, inspired by hand-painted signage found in "Little Haiti" Miami, Florida), Boris Dworschak (Partisan East, Partisan West, Basic, Gaijin. Other designers include Nikola Djurek (Cornerset (pixel), Aiseman), Luis Valle&R.D. Granados (Lillian, a script face), Arnold Steiner (Statica, Organic Mechanic), Michael Clarke (Paris), Carlos Alfonso (Locut, 2Bit), Denise Wilton (Stereobitz, a stereo dingbat face), Nikola Djurek (Tribeca, Magasine, Soho, Novella) and unnamed author fonts such as Palleta, Rook, STH Kit 1, Stereobytes (audio dingbats), Stereobytes Vintage (hi-fi dings), Nomad (a deconstructivist stencil face). At FontStruct in 2009, he made the Victorian family Cartelle (+Inline), the pixel family Microdot, and Chico. Granados spends his time between New York City and Austin, Texas. View Richard Granados's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
| Stereotypes is Sascha Timplan, a German type and graphic designer from Trier, b. 1979, who studied Communication Design at FH Trier. He created these typefaces:
Behance link. Blog. Klingspor link. Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. Interview by MyFonts in 2014. Showcase of Sascha Timplan's fonts. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Designer in Sydney, Australia, who made the modular counterless display typeface Go (2012), and the elegant multiline bespoke typeface Flip (2012). In 2013, he created the prismatic typeface Pincer De. Behance link. Hellofont link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Steve Harrison
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Atlanta, GA-based designer of the prismatic caps typeface Rhizome Alphabet Song (2014). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Graphic designer in Brooklyn, NY, and now in Minneapolis, MN. While working at Mucca Design and under the creative direction of Matteo Bologna, he designed a typeface for the identity of an Atlantic City restaurant called Teplitzky's (2009). He also made the art deco prismatic numerals called Lined Numerals (2009). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Store Norske Skriftkompani
| Norwegian type designer, b. 1991, who graduated from Westerdals School of Art in Oslo in 2015 and ECAL in 2017. At ECAL in Lausanne, he finished an MA in Art Direction and completed an exhaustive comparative study of the Geometric Sans genre. He joined Lineto in 2017 and returned to Norway in 2020, where he set up his own commercial type foundry, Store Norske Skriftkompani, in Volda. His typefaces:
Personal site. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Studio Typo
| Mehmet Abaci (b. 1978) is based in Istanbul. In 2014, he established Studio Typo, where one can buy his typefaces. Limited forms of the fonts can be downloaded fpr free from the Dafont site. Creator of the elegantly plump rounded sans typeface Vinyl Cuts (2013), Samatya (2013, a unicase piano key typeface), Boldie (2013), Laundry Day (2013, alphadings), and the wood log typeface Timbers (2013). Typefaces from 2014: Smush, Slim Fir (athletic lettering), Typonome, Typo Slab, Neons, E-Square (sci-fi typeface), Screamer, Typoline (piano key typeface), Omniblack (flared display face), Papillons (flared caps), Typoster (a great fat geometric slab serif typeface family accompanied by an equally great shaded outline style), Typo Comica (a family drawn to compete with Comic Sans), Tipo Press, Manyeto (calligraphic), Quatroline (prismatic typeface), Wardoom, Cabold Comic, Digiform, Akaju (oily fat typeface with lighting effects), Almira, Bonebastic, Comic White Rabbit, Sinema (a bit of retro movie art deco), Sober, Cali Brush, Tiny Plate, College Player, Smart Kid, Barbed, Wideroy, Angella (+outline: a poster family), Megi Sans. Typefaces from 2015: Bro 4D (outlined 3d capitals), Typo GeoSlab, H&B Sketch (a gorgeous sketched didone), Mixiva (a six-style athletic lettering slab serif family), Typo Sketch (sketched font), Malter Sans, Parole Script, Degaws (a great sketch font), Typo Comics, Gribal, Gribal Shadow, Early Times (a sans family), Quizma (an elegant sans family), Super Seven (shaded), Typo Slab Inline, Type Slab Irregular, Geoma (hairline geometric sans), Double Bubble (bubblegum typeface), Mona Bella, Typo Grotesk, Typo Grotesk Rounded, The Matic, Typografix (avant garde sans), Move X (techno family), Savaro Stencil (in the geometric style that is characteristic of Futura Black), MindBlue (sans), A Space. Typefaces from 2016: Wox Striped (multiline typeface), Wox Modelist (organic sans), Aprikas (sans), Meltix (techno sans family), Widolte (sans family), Mayeka, The Wireframe, Typo College (athletic lettering), Halftone Poster, Chocolate Bar (oily and gleaming), Type Round (circle-based sans typeface family). Typefaces from 2017: Zelta Six (octagnal), Wida Round (round sans), Prestij (geometric sans), Typo Style, Naughty Squirrel (fat poster typeface family that includes hatched and shadow styles), Typo Quik, Ageta (bubblegum style), Rock On (glaz krak typeface), Typo Square, Typo Angular Rounded, Planetium-X (monoline, techno), Big Pixel (octagonal), White Festive, Watchword Hairline. Typefaces from 2018: At the Midday, Typo Hoop (rounded circle-based sans family), Typo Longest (tall condensed sans), Maccos (a multilined font family), Asectica, Magettas (rounded monoline sans), Bluefish, Bluefish Eroded, Bluefish Scratched, Quesat (rounded sans), Quesat Striped. Typefaces from 2019: Manti Slab College, Pesta Stencil, Type Draft (a drafting font), Pages Grotesque (a caps only geometric sans), Typo Cut-Out, Swera, Minalis (futuristic). Typefaces from 2020: Typo Cut-Out Shaky, Typo Oval, Typo Formal (a tall monolinear sans), Typo Ring (circle-based, monolinear), Manti Slab, Manti Sans (+Fixed), Geco Strong (a fat sans), Tually, Slabten (an inline typeface), Minalis Double (an inline typeface). Home page. Fontspace link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Creator of the free grotesk font Egill Malt (2011). He also made the free Bifur-like art deco font FanarcStylusDisplay (2012), which is based on Jakob Nylund's vecor alphabet Soraya. ArchitectStylus (2011) is based on vector outlines of the alphabet Architectual Prismatic in signmaker ARKRamos's Catalog 2010. In 2012, he created Victorian Leafy and ITC Fat Face (Swash version). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Suci Anita
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Svetoslav Simov
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Talbot Type
| Adrian Talbot (b. 1964, Worthing, Sussex, England) heads the type foundry Talbot Type in London. He made the Bauhaus-style Bremner family in 2000 for the visual identity of Mute Records. In 2012, he designed these typefaces: Kinghorn 205 (Egyptian), Kinghorn 105, Kamerik105 (+Kamerik 105 Cyrillic, 2014), Kamerik205 (an avant garde type family with many weights, including a hairline), Karben, KarbenMono (a mono-width sans family in the style of DIN), Karben 205 Mono, Karben 205, Karben 105, Karben 105 Mono, Kessel105, Kessel205 (a geometric sans family influenced by Futura; see also Kessel 105 Remix, 2016, and Karben 105 Stencil, 2016), Kettering105, Kettering205 (a slabby almost typewriter typeface influenced by Lubalin and similar avant garde styles), Kiruna (a legible and very open sans family), Kursk105, Kursk205 (constructivist), Kaleko 105 and 205 (Gill Sans-style sans families with large x-heights; see also Kaleko 105 Remix (2016) and Kaleko 105 Round Remix (2016), and the more geometric and medium x-height families Kaleko 105 Text and Kaleko 205 Text (2018)). Typefaces from 2013: Kilburn (a gothic sans serif), Kroppen Round (a geometric stencil), Kampen (square-spaced family), Kaleko 205 Round, Kaleko 105 Round. Typefaces from 2014: Kelso (an outline font with outlines that consist of a single continuous line), Klef (a geometric sans influenced by Avant Garde), Kenwyn (a playful bullet-holed Egyptian; +Stencil), Korbin (a semi-geometric grotesque family), Kandel 105 and 205 (geometric, tri-line, display and headline font). Typefaces from 2015: Kinsey. Typefaces from 2016: Keith (a sans family with layerable Umbra-like shadow styles), Korto (a geometric sans inspired by Futura and Avant-Garde). Typefaces from 2017: Kittle Round (stencil), Kittle Rough, Kitami (monoline sans), Keymer (a sans typeface family inspired by Margaret Calvert's Transport typeface), Keymer Thug (distressed), Keymer Radius (a rounded version), Keymer Block (a grungy version). Typefaces from 2018: Kessel 105 Text, Klamp 105 (a tall geometric sans with a handicapped g, followed in 2019 by Klamp 105 Mono), Klamp 205 (a tall geometric sans with a fine two-storeyed g, Klamp 205 Mono). Typefaces from 2019: K-haus 105, K-haus 205 (to celebrate 100 years of Bauhaus, an organic typeface family based on Herbert Bayer's universal alphabet), Kong Script. Typefaces from 2020: Koi (an inline / outline typeface close to a paperclip font), Kamerik 105 Text, Kamerik 205 Text. Typefaces from 2021: Kelso Round (a paperclip font), Benelux (a 10-style rounded monolinear sans). |
During his studies at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, PA, Tanner Panetta designed the prismatic multiline typeface Apollo 11 (2016). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Tassiane Castro (b. Porto Alegre, Brazil) studied at PUC Camoinas and at SENAC. In 2014, she created the prismatic typeface Prisma. She is now based in Pelotas, Brazil. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Toronto-based designer of the prismatic typeface Exodys (2013). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
The Fontry
| The Fontry is a Watts, OK, based outfit, est. 1992 by Michael Gene Adkins (b. 1965, OK) and James L. Stirling (b. 1964, OK): Digital type for computer-aided signmaking, with fonts designed for signmakers by signmakers. Since 2009, they have been producing various digitizations of alphabets designed by Alf R. Becker in the 1930s and 1940s. Gene Adkins designed ARB-187 Moderne Caps AUG-47 (2013, didone), ARB 85 Modern Poster JAN-39 (2011, after Modern Poster Script, 1939), ARB-70 (1995), ARB-67 (1998), ARB-66 Neon (2010, +Block, +Line), ARB-44 (1995), ARB-96 Jitter Display DEC-39 (1999), SCRIPT1 ARB-85 Poster Script Normal (2000), ARB-66 Neonline Block, ARB114 Hillbilly Roman JUN-41 Normal (1999), ARB-187 Moderne Caps AUG-47 CAS family (2009, a beautiful didone display face), the ARB 08 Extreme Roman AUG-32 CAS family (2009), ARB-218 Big Blunt (2010), ARB-218 Neon Blunt. Another product is the Wild Bunch Pak #3: Danthr Skal, Kastaka, Gas Bumps, Skrawl 613, Sharrpe Gothik, Levo Fraz, Kommerce, Stellar Spice, Infected Hurt. Wild Bunch Pak #2 (50 USD) has Marbles&Strings, Keetoowah, Peppermint, Ghixm (2008: a retrospective of the horror comics and movie posters of the 1960s and the 1970s), Klash, all outline fonts. In Wild Bunch Pak #1, look for Toxia. Race Pak #1 contains 5 chiseled fonts, including ARB67, Brannt Chiseled, Excursions, JLS Ultra, and Race Checkers. 50 USD. There are also Greek Pak #1 (12 Greek fonts for 25 USD, including GRK Orbit, GRK Universe City, GRK Albert, and GREK Bodnaut) and Signfaces Narrow Pak #1. At Garagefonts, Wild Larra, Wild Ruts, Wild Toxia, Wild Nobody families (1999), Jackport (2014, athletic lettering and Western typeface family). Adkins also designed the commercial font First Vision at GarageFonts in 1998. Review at &Type. List of the fonts on his CD. MyFonts sells FTY Garishing Worse (2011---there is a free version at Dafont), SCRIPT1 Team (2010), SCRIPT1 Toon (2010), SCRIPT1 Voodoo Script (1999-2009, signage script), What Sound Pounds (2009), WILD3InfectedHurtNormal (2010), WILD1 Firstvision (1997), WILD1 Larra (1997, grunge), WILD1 Nobod (1997, grunge), WILD1 Ruts (1997), WILD1 Toxia (1997) and the blackletter typefaces Ironhorse and Ironrider (2007), revivals of classic wood type typefaces. FontShop link. Some fonts are inspired by sign painter Frank H. Atkinson. These include the Broken Poster series done in 2010, FHA Modernized Ideal Classic (2011), and FHA Nicholson French (1999-2014: art nouveau). In 2008, The Fontry published the Greek Font Set, Copper Penny DTP (after Copperplate Gothic, but with lower case included), Droeming (an eerie family) and Earth A.D. (more eerie stuff, metallic, and with sharp serifs). It then generated a break-away subfoundry that carries fonts solely designed by James Stirling, Fontry West. Fontry West is located in Tulsa, OK. At MyFonts, these Fontry West fonts can be bought: Iron, WILD1 Firstvision, WILD1 Larra, WILD1 Nobody, WILD1 Ruts, WILD1 Toxia, WILD2 Ghixm, Greek Font Sets 1 and 2 (not Greek, only Geek-ish, made for fraternity use), and a large Comic Fanboy set which includes glyphs painted with stars and stripes (CFB1 American Patriot, CFB1 Captain Narrow, CFB1 Shielded Avenger, all made by Adkins). The CFB1AmericanPatriot family (2009), and the SCRIPT1 Rager Hevvy family (2009) are free here. JLS Overkill (2009, Bloque, Stencil, Grunge, Champion [athletic lettering], Hammer) is a sturdy family covering everything from SUV-strength stencils to grunge stencils and macho slab serif headline typefaces. After Disaster (2008), FHA Eccentric French Normal (2008, wood type after an alphabet created by Frank H. Atkinson in 1908), WHATSOUNDPOUNDS?Normal (2009) are free at Dafont. Sinder (2010) is a grunge face. FTY Konkrete (2010) is constructivist, and has a beveled weight. FTY Strategycide (2010-2018) is a similar severe headline sans family. Sinder (2010) and Demon Sker (2011) are free grunge typefaces. American Purpose (2011) is a grotesk family. American Purpose Casual and American Purpose Stripe (2011) are follow-ups. Garishing Worse (2011) is a casual bold face. Sharpe Gothik (2011) is hand-drawn. American Captain (2011, a manly retro squarish propaganda headline face; see also American Captain Patrius 02 FRE). Deathe Maach (2012) is a sturdy 6-style display family. Avengeance (2012) is a techno typeface. FHA Condensed French (2012, by Michael Gene Adkins and James L. Stirling) and FHA Nicholson French (1999-2014, art nouveau) are based on Frank H. Atkinson's examples. Typefaces from 2013: FHA Broken Gothic (a layered chiseled family done with James Stirling, based on Broken Poster by Frank H. Atkinson), FTY SKRADJHUWN (a flared family), Iron Man of War (with layering effects, +001Rivet), Iron Man of War 2 NCV, RACE1 Brannt (prismatic, beveled, art deco), FTY Skorzhen (mini-spurred), FTY Speedy Casual, FTY Skradjhuwn NCV (comic book family). Typefaces from 2014: FHA Tuscan Roman (2014, Michael Gene Adkins, James L Stirling), FTY Varoge Saro Noest. Typefaces from 2015: FHA Sign DeVinne (after a popular sign painting design by Frank H. Atkinson named after DeVinne). Typefaces from 2016: FTY Delirium (+Neon), Delirium NCV. Typefaces from 2017: FTY Galactic VanGuardian. Typefaces from 2021: Fty Old Sport (a slab serif athletic lettering font family, one of the best in this genre). Typefaces made by Fontry West. Typefaces by Mike Adkins. Fontspace link. Klingspor link. Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. Creative Market link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
A creative honcho in Washington, DC. Designer of Symfoni (2012), a rhythmic, artsy and curvy display typeface. Echoa (2013) is a prismatic typeface that is prtly op-art. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
| Erik Yin (b. 1988) lives in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Creator of the gridded rhombic typeface Prism (2013) and the sans headline typeface ERKN (2013). ERKN covers Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Armenian and Georgian. In 2014, he created the Latin typeface Coward. In 2015, he created the free thin sans typeface Jonah. In 2018, he addded the calligraphic oriental emulation font Goalthink and the modular typeface CubeFarm Latin (to accompany his Chinese font CubeFarm). Typefaces from 2019: Typori (a rounded sans). Dafont link. Behance link. Home page. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
Madrid, Spain-based designer of the multiline 3d typeface Neo Tontchesca (2017) and the experimental typeface Fulgor (2017). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Designer of these Letraset phototype fonts:
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Graphic designer who studied at the University Of Hertfordshire, UK. Based in London, he designed the prismatic 70s style typeface ELDIN 72 (2013). His description is worth noting: ElDIN '72 gains its inspiration from Letraset's 1972 typeface Stripes designed by Tony Wenman and my obsession with the little flick on the lower case Din 'l'. I must admit this is not an overly intellectual typeface and its inspiration comes from pretty questionable places. I would even go as far to say that majority of things from the 70s should be avoided when looking for design inspiration. However I have to be honest and say I like it. If nothing else I think that it demonstrates my anal attention to detail. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Type n Tings
| Midlands, UK-based designer of the prismatic typeface TNT Battenberg (2020). Home page. [Google] [More] ⦿ |
| Typedepot is a small type foundry currently based in Sofia, Bulgaria, founded by Alexander Nedelev (a graphic designer from Sofia, Bulgaria, b. 1984 (Dimitrovgrad)) and Veronika Slavova in 2009. Nedelev created the display typefaces Glide (2009, done with Veronika Slavova), Glide Sketch (outline version), and Slide (2009, ultra-condensed). With Veronika Slavova, he designed the multiline (prismatic) family Pista (2010) and the organic Oxo family (2010), which includes a stencil, Corki (2011, a condensed slab serif), and Oxo College Barrister Sans (2010) covers Latin, Greek, Eastern European languages, Cyrillic, Turkish and Baltic. Parallel (2010) is an ultra-condensed typeface for anorexics. Piron (2010, by Nedelev and Slavova) and Matilde (2010, by Nedelev and Slavova) are free. Banda (2011) is a 16-style semi-serif type family characterized by a tall x-height and rounded semi-serifs [one free weight]. Centrale Sans (2011, Slavova and Nedelev) is a modern sans family. Centrale Sans Condensed followed in 2012, and Centrale Sans Rounded in 2013. See also Centrale Sans Condensed Pro, Centrale Sans Inline, Centrale Sans Pro, all updated in 2016. Typefaces from 2017: Moreno (a large informal semi-serif typeface family with Rust and Rough subfamilies), Cormac (humanist sans). Typefaces from 2018: Lexis and Lexis Alt (a 36-strong humanist and geometric sans pair of typeface families). Typefaces from 2019: Corsa Grotesk (inspired by Avenir; includes great hairline weights). Typefaces from 2019: Plovdiv (a free font based on the handwriting of Plovdiv's citizens; most weights are by Alexander Nedelev; some were co-designed with Pavel Pavlov of Punkt; the Pictograms were designed by Georgi Vasilev together with Nedelev and Pavlov). Typefaces from 2021: Banda Nova (a 14-style rounded sans with large x-height and a supermarket vibe). Typefaces from 2022: Lens Grotesk (a neutral Swiss sans with low contrast covering Latin and Cyrillic; 16 styles and one variable font). Behance link. MyFonts link. Old URL. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Typehead Studio
| Medan, Sumatra-based designer of these typefaces in 2022:
| Typogama is the personal foundry of Swiss designer Michael Parson (b. Geneva, Switzerland, 1979), who published these fonts in 2003 as part of Linotype's Taketype 5 collection: Anlinear LT Std Bold, Anlinear LT Std Light, Anlinear LT Std Regular, Arabdream LT Std (Arabic simulation face), ClassicusTitulus LT Std, Hexatype LT Std Bold, Morocco LT Std, Jan LT Std, Ned LT Std, Pargrid LT Std Cross, Pargrid LT Std Regular, Pargrid LT Std Trash, Piercing LT Std Bold, Piercing LT Std Code, Piercing LT Std Regular, Raclette LT Std. Most of Parson's fonts cover both Latin and Cyrillic. In 2004, he made Clans (T-26, blackletter) and Boulas (T-26). In 2006, he released these at T-26: Boutan (Indic simulation face), Heraldry (dingbats), Palm Icons (dingbats for golf), Wingbat (aircraft dingbats). In 2007, still at T-26: Heraldry, Thunderbolt 73 through 76 (from techno stencil to techno sans). In 2008, at T26: Ealing (geometric sans family, with a hairline), Bauhau (6 weights), Jane (a rounded sans in 12 weights), Quean, Halja (a modular sharp-edged blackletter with illuminated capitals), Faddish (a high-contrast vogue family), Big Boy (11 styles, a slab family from grunge to regular, accompanied by BigSigns, a hand sign font). Fonts from 2010: Tinsel (condensed), Rusty (Latin / Cyrillic constructivist typeface inspired by snowboarding), Vindaloo (+Outline, T26), Kimbo (octagonal slabby family), Cyrus (for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic), Calvin (a monoline sans family, +Hairline), Checkpoint (rounded display sans that won an award at Modern Cyrillic 2014), Fuera (2011: a bilined typeface, T26). In 2013, he published Selecta (an organic rounded sans, T26), Thunderbolt (an octagonal army style typeface family with a military stencil, T-26), Xcetera (2011), Ignorance (an American 19th century style penmanship font), Psalta (an octagonal blackletter typeface), Nadsat (a geometric display sans with some interlocking letters), Cobono (organic sans), Prox (sans face), Zurika (a wonderful crazy script face), Faddish (T26: a fashion mag typeface), Heraldry (T26), Cedi (YWFT: a hand-printed typeface family with huge multi-character ligature set to simulate real handwriting), Tcho (T26: a soft rounded sans family that covers Latin, Thai, Arabic, Greek and other scripts), Dejecta (a striking scratched titling face, T26), Nedo (2011, a bold prismatic display typeface inspired by the work of Nedo Mion Ferrario in Venezuela), Quam (2012, an elliptical sans family), Pictypo (2012, a useful icon typeface). In 2014, he updated the interlocking poster display typeface Tinsel (T26---original from 2010) and published the fantastic cartoon / comic book typeface family Bangbang. Siggy (2014) is a funky typeface. Lale (2014), which won an award in the TDC 2015 Type Design competition, uses the opentype features to set up a font system for flowers. Jane (2014) is a rounded sans typeface family. Vulgat (2014) is a vibrant display typeface based on uncial letterforms. Elsuave is a free rounded piano key typeface. Typefaces from 2015: Chickenz, Framez, Jackazz, Raubam (free), Martinaz (signage script). Typefaces from 2016: Auro (rounded sans), Dejecta (rough and ragged), Apollonius (a swashy didone), Rosengarten (vintage type influenced by Lucian Barnhard), Deleplace (influenced by didones), Furius (Tuscan style). Typefaces from 2017: Kurstiva (an informal sans family), Banja (a plump signage script), Bignoy (Wild West, modernized), Kimbo (octagonal), Mensrea (organic sans with beveled, inline, and various layered and graffiti styles), Nibbles (a food truck-inspired dingbat typeface), Huggy (an art nouveau typeface influenced by the work of Heinrich Heinz). Typefaces from 2018: Brinnan (a wide sans), Zoltana (a floriated, abll terminal-laden fancy titling typeface), Genesa, Kufin (a free Kufic emulation typeface), Madden (an angry dry brush poster typeface). Typefaces from 2019: Ahsing (oriental look font), Convexion (a creamy display typeface), Vidocq (based on 19th century woodcut styles). Typefaces from 2020: Fiducia (inspired by the first Swiss banknotes), Gorgonzo (a creamy bold typeface designed for attention grabbing headlines), Thrifty (a clean minimalist sans family). Typefaces from 2021: Oildale (an oily and creamy display typeface), Conica (a fine extra bold condensed poster typeface). Typefaces from 2022: Xotor (a double-inline or prismatic font with octagonal outlines). Behance link. Klingspor link. Hellofont link. MyFonts link. View Michael Parson's typefaces. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
| Typotheque is an initiative of Peter Bilak and ui42 out of Bratislava (Slovakia), and later, The Netherlands: Typotheque is an Internet-based independent type foundry. It offers quality fonts for PC and Macintosh platforms in standard European character set and in CE (central european) character set. All fonts have full (european) character sets, are thoroughly tested and manually kerned. Typotheque also offers its own type utilities: AccentKernMaker and FontAgent. In 2000, with Stuart Bailey, Peter Bilak co-founded art and design journal Dot Dot Dot. Along with Andrej Kratky he co-founded Fontstand.com, a font rental platform. Peter is teaching at the Type & Media postgraduate course at the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague. Free fonts: Remix Typotheque and RaumSüd. Commercial fonts: Fedra Sans (2001, 30 weights), Holy Cow (2000), Champollion (2000), Eureka (2000), Eureka Phonetik (2000), Eureka Arrows (2000), Eureka Glyphs (2000), Jigsaw (Light and Stencil, 2000, by Johanna Balusikova), Fedra Mono (2002), Fedra Bitmaps (2002), Fedra Serif (2003, 48 weights, with a characteristic shy female A, toes pointing inwards), Fedra Serif Display (2006) and Fedra Arabic (2006) . Greta (2006-2007, Greta Text and Greta Display) is a newspaper type family designed initially for the main Slovak newspaper, SME. Greta Text won an award at TDC2 2007. It is also being used by the Sunday Times (along with Sunday Times Modern by Emtype and Flama by M. Feliciano). Greta Symbol (2012) is a 10-style 1200-glyphs-per-style superfamily of symbols commonly used in newspapers, magazines and online publications. Finally, Greta Mono (by Peter Bilak and Nikola Djurek) saw the light in 2015. Codesigner with Daniel Berkovitz of Greta Sans Hebrew (2015), which won an award at TDC 2016 and was released in 2017. Greta Sans supports Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Arabic, Hebrew, Devanagari, Thai and Hangul. Greta Sans was designed by Peter Bilak, produced together with Nikola Djurek. Irina Smirnova designed the Cyrillic version. The Latin part has been published in 2012, the Cyrillic and Greek in 2015. In 2015, Greta Sans was recognised by the Tokyo TDC. The Arabic version was designed by Kristyan Sarkis and published in 2015. Greta Sans Devanagari was published in 2017, designed by Hitesh Malaviya at ITF under the supervision of Satya Rajpurohit. The Thai version was designed by Smich Smanloh from Cadson Demak, and published in 2019. This Hangul version was designed by Sandoll designers Yejin We and Jinhee Kim, and directed by Chorong Kim. In 2005, Collins Fedra Sans and Serif were published for use in the Collins dictionaries. A slightly modified version of Fedra Sans is used by the Czech Railways. In 2008, Peter Bilak, Eike Dingler, Ondrej Jób, and Ashfaq Niazi created the 21-style family History at Typotheque: Based on a skeleton of Roman inscriptional capitals, History includes 21 layers inspired by the evolution of typography. These 21 independent typefaces share widths and other metric information so that they can be recombined. Thus History has the potential to generate thousands of different unique styles. History 1, e.g., is a hairline sans; History 2 is Peignotian; History 14 is a multiline face; History 15 is a stapler face, and so forth. In 2009, Bilak published the extensive Irma (Sans, Slab) family, which includes a hairline. Typotheque's other designer is Johanna Balusikova. Collection of over 90 articles on type design by by Stuart Bailey, Michael Bierut, Peter Bilak, Andrew Blauvelt, Erik van Blokland, Max Bruinsma, David Casacuberta, Andy Crewdson, Paul Elliman, Peter Hall, Jessica Helfand, Steven Heller, Roxane Jubert, Emily King, Robin Kinross, Rosa Llop, Ellen Lupton, Martin Majoor, Rick Poynor, Michael Rock, Stefan Sagmeister, and Dmitri Siegel. In 2011, he created Julien, a playful geometric display typeface loosely inspired by the early 20th century avant-garde. It is based on elementary shapes and includes multiple variants of each letter. It feels like a mix of Futura, Bauhaus, and geometric modular design. Julien (2012) is a playful geometric display typeface loosely inspired by the early 20th century avant-garde. Karloff (2012, Typotheque: Positive, Negative, Neutral) is a didone family explained this way: Karloff explores the idea how two extremes could be combined into a coherent whole. Karloff connects the high contrast Modern type of Bodoni and Didot with the monstrous Italians. The difference between the attractive and repulsive forms lies in a single design parameter, the contrast between the thick and the thin. Neutral, the offspring, looks like a slab face. They were made by Peter Bilak, Nikola Djurek and Peter van Rosmalen. Lumin (2013) is a family that includes slab-serif, sans serif, condensed and display typefaces, and no attept is made to make them uniform in style. Lava (2013) is a magazine typeface originally designed for Works That Work magazine. It was extended to a multilingual workhose typeface family. It as extended in 2021 to Lava 2.0, at which time they added a variable version of Lava that does this size-specific tracking optimization automatically---Typotheque calls it optical spacing. By 2021, Lava covered Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Telugu and Kannada. Typotheque collaborated with type designers Parimal Parmar, who drew the Devanagari; and Ramakrishna Saiteja, who drew Kannada and Telugu companions for Lava Latin, designed by Peter Bilak. For Musée des Confluences in Lyon, France, Typotheuqe designed the custom sans typeface Confluence (2014). For Buccellati Jewellery and Watches in Milan, Typotheque made the classy sans typeface Buccellati in 2013. In 2016, Peter Bilak, Nikola Djurek and Hrvoje Zivcic published the Uni Grotesk typeface family at Typotheque. It is based on Grafotechna's 1951 typeface Universal Grotesk, which in turn is based on 1934 design by Vladimir Balthasar. Noteworthy also is the prismatic style Uni Grotesk Display. In 2016, Peter Bilak designed the wayfinding sans typeface family November for Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and Hebrew. Its rounded version is October. November, co-designed by Peter Bilak, Irina Smirnova and Kristyan Sarkis, won two awards at Granshan 2017. November Stencil was published in 2018. The Q Project was conceived in 2016 by Peter Bilak, and published in June 2020. Nikola Djurek produced the Q Shape 01, loosely based on the Edward Catich's basic brush strokes from his book The Origin of the Serif: Brush Writing and Roman Letters. Bilak explains: The Q Project is a game-like [modular] type system that enables users to create a nearly infinite number of variations. Inspired by toys like Lego or Meccano, Q invites you to explore its vast creative space and discover not only new solutions, but also new problems. Q consists of ix uppercase Base fonts and 35 attachments that can be added as individual layers (Q Base and Serifs). It also comes with a variable font with a motion axis (Q Mechanic), as well as three levels of basic shapes that can be combined into new forms (Q Shapes). In 2021-2022, Typotheque custom-designed the humanist sans typeface NRK Sans for the Norwegian broadcaster, NRK. History won an award at ProtoType in 2016. Behance link. Typedia link. 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Tzu-yuan "Erik" Yin
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Underware is a (typo)graphic design-studio which is specialized in designing and producing typefaces. These are published for retail sale or are specially tailor-made. The company was founded in 1999 by Akiem Helmling, Bas Jacobs and Sami Kortemäki. Since 2002 Hugo Cavalheiro d'Alte is also part of the studio. They are based in Den Haag, Helsinki and Amsterdam. In 2017, they joined Type Network. Bas Jacobs and Akiem Helmling designed Dolly (2001), a 4-font book typeface with flourishes, brushy, sturdy, Dutch. They created Sofa, a precursor of Sauna (2002; +Sauna Mono Pro), which won an award at the TDC2 2003 competition. In 2002, they made Stool for a Finnish printing house, Salpausselän Kirjapaino Ltd. Ulrika is a custom display typeface designed for Proidea Oy (a Finnish film and video production company). Unibody 8 and 10 (2003) is a free OpenType pixel font optimized for FlashMX. In 2004, they created Auto, about which they write: Auto is a sans serif typeface which has three different models of italics, each with its own flavour. The font family consists of 3 x 24 fonts. With its three italics, Auto creates a new typographic palette, allowing the user to drive through unknown typographic and linguistic possibilities. Auto is fully loaded with both full Western and Eastern European character sets. Auto won an award at the TDC2 2005 type competition. Additional material on the web page: a wonderful intro to type basics, and an intro to OpenType. In 2004, they published the comic book / signage family Bello, which won an award at the TDC2 2005 type competition. In 2005, Underware joined the type coop Village. In 2006, they published Fakir, a blackletter family with Hindi inspirations. Fakir won an award at TDC2 2007. Interview in 2008. In 2009, they published the connected script brush typeface Liza (+Text, Display, Caps, Ornaments), which has several versions for each letter. In 2015, Bas Jacobs, Akiem Helmling and Sami Kortemäki published the stencil family Tripper Pro. Zeitung Pro (2016) is a substantial sans family, designed for micro and macro use, with optical sizes, and a Zeitung Flex variable Opentype font to boot. Custom types: Stockmann Sans (2012, with Kokoro & Moi: for the Scandinavian department store), Kone (2012: for the elevator company), Mr. Porter (script with a dozen alternatives for each glyph to better simulate real handwriting; it was awarded at TDC 2012 and at Tokyo TDC 2012), Stool (Headline, Thin, Grand), Sauna Mono (for the Danish Jyske Bank), Fated (fat), Ulrika (rounded and informal, slightly plump: for Proidea Ltd, a Finnish video production company), Suunto (2012; for sports watches, i.e., Suunto's Cobra2, Vyper2 and Elementum). Underware received a prize in the TDC Tokyo Type Directorts Club 2020 awards for Grammato, a contribution in the area of animated and automated typography. Their typeface Y (2020) is an OpenType Variable Display typeface, based on higher order interpolation. It won an award at 23TDC. In 2021, Underware released Plakato Pro, a stencil family that expanded into the neon, outline, inline, video game, grunge, kitchen tile and prismatic versions. MyFonts interview. Type Network link. View Underware's typeface library. Speaker(s) at ATypI 2019 in Tokyo, where they introduce the notion of grammatography: writing with letters that are not prefabricated, but that react to the user and reader---grammatos. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Vectro Type Foundry (was: Scribble Tone)
| Vectro Type Foundry is a Portland, OR-based type foundry with a curiosity for experimentation and technology. It is the type design branch of Scribble Tone (Portland, OR), which in turn was founded by Lizy Gershenzon and Travis Kochel. Lizy leads marketing and product strategy for Vectro. She is also a founder and owner of Future Fonts. During the last 10 years she has been a partner at Scribble Tone focusing on digital product design and strategy. She also contracts as a digital ux and product designer. Travis leads type design and direction for Vectro. He is also a founder and owner of Future Fonts. During the last 10 years he has been a partner at Scribble Tone focusing on type design and development. Warning: When I am on the Vectro site, my computer goes in overdrive and heats up, as if Vectro is an agent for bitcoin mining. I hope that this technical problem can be fixed. Their typefaces at Scribble Tone, Future Fonts and Vectro Type:
During her studies at UAL in London, Verity Clarke designed the prismatic typeface Moiré Alpha Slab (2014) and the sheared squarish typeface Left Behind (2015). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vernon Adams
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Catalan artist, b. 1932, Barcelona, who works in Mexico. He studied drawing and sculpting. During the Franco persecution, Vicente and his father fled to Mexico City, and fell in love with the city and the country. Exiled Spanish graphic designer Miguel Prieto employed him---together, Vicente and Miguel would go on to have successful careers. In 1953, he became a director at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. After some socio-political art exhibitions, he became interested in geometric artforms. For the magazine Plural, Vicente designed a multiline op-art typeface in 1971. A very geometrical bespoke typeface was created in 1971 as well for the Fondo de Cultura Económica. Revivals of his typefaces include K22 Plural (2013, Toto). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Los Angeles-based designer of these typefaces in 2019: Rex Modified (a multi-line modification of Fontfabric's Rex), Elftal (a soccer shirt font inspired by Wim Crouwel's grid method), Art Deceau (a soccer shirt font inspired by art deco). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Minsk, Belarus-based designer of the geometric typefaces Dotted (2019: an interrupted glyph typeface with a molecular feel), Lines (2019), Area Lines (2019), the geometric solid typeface Area (2019) and the multiline typeface Cables (2019) for Cyrillic and Latin. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Vladimir Fedotov
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Belgrade, Serbia-based designer (b. 1981) of these typefaces:
Creative Fabrica link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
VP Creative Shop
| Bulgarian designer (b. 1991, Varna) of these typefaces in 2017: Nova (a great logo font), Selfish Script, Delicious Yellow Script, Emanuela (a charming upright calligraphic script), Mikaela Script, Sailor (handcrafted), Parrot, Octopus, Everest Script, Stork, Dork, Boxo, Pino. Typefaces from 2018: Cross Road, Desire, Marvin, Contraband (all caps display sans), Christmas (a ball terminal-laden font), Trixie, Musa, Vendée, Just Because, Splendor, Vovchik (art deco), Varna, Summer, Jane Doe, Opinio, Melancholy, MadHouse Sans, Rebel, Irina, Gentleman (art deco), Fancy, Rhino, Rimini, Tamira (high contrast luxury font), Aria (ultra-condensed), Elena, Good Wish, Kavaler (fashion mag typeface), April, Belinda Script, North East (high-contrast family), Golden Bird Serif (a fashion mag typeface), Dark Heart (an eerie typeface), Nova Logo, Maria (blackboard bold), Signature VP, Moderna, Hashtag, Fonatik, Sugar Serif, Spice Serif, Highway (vintage script), Ravenside (a fashion mag typeface family), Georgia (stylish), Pandora Display (piano key typeface), Desislava (a fashion sans with several selections of textures; the outline style is free), Young Rebel (a partially free spurred font duo), Alexandria (piano key style), Blu Purpl (a partly free sci-fi typeface family), Kalpazan (partly free: a tall condensed unicase font), Pinchik (a simple rounded sans), Echo (14-style squarish sans), Elephant (with a free Outline style), Golden Age (curly calligraphic script), Rose Gold (fashion mag serif), Godlike (monoline script). Typefaces from 2019: Propaganda, Mallie, Clementine Script, Phoeniks, Orenda (script), Monument, Rose Gold (a fashion mag typeface), Sunflower (+Script), Gentleman, Minibus, Lelushka (an inky brush script), Mondaze, Kindel (a stylish geometric typeface family), Kalorama (a font duo), Fabulist, Explorers, Errorist, Afterclap, Lotus Eater, Cute Animals, Black Gold (a stylish all caps typeface), Mantrum (brush), Highway (script), Exquisite, Belinda, Tamira, Pathway Script, Sunlight, Serendius, Portraits, Hysteria Script, Bock, Indigo, Bosnia (a monolinear all caps sans), Hippo Sans Serif, Zemarah (calligraphic), Portraits, Mooka Powder (font duo), Momentus, Searchlight, Dream (a fashion mag headline typeface), Melancholy, Knowhere (grunge), Elena (a luxury serif), Hashtag Moderna (a Peignotian sans), Musa Display, Ultimus and Ultimus Serif (fashion mag fonts), Alpha. Typefaces from 2020: Black Gold VP (a high contrast display font; with Plamen Petrov), Kompot (a condensed all caps decorative serif; co-designed with Plamen Petrov), Chalga VP (a decorative serif co-designed with Plamen Petrov), Ablation (a 6-style all caps geometric sans jointly done by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Midnight Tales (vintage decorative caps jointly done by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Akros (a fashion mag font by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Daylight Dreams (a festive all caps typeface by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Zink VP (a bold all caps sans by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Billionaire Club (art deco caps; by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Blackpaper (a negative space font by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Metria Street (a monolinear condensed interlocking sans by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Monday Boulevard (an all caps art deco typeface by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Sombre (a negative space font by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Bubbble Gum (a 10-style rounded monolinear sans by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Equinox VP (a futuristic all caps font by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Inertia (a logo font, with Plamen Petrov), Inure (a ball terminal typeface, with Plamen Petrov), Papillon VP (with Plamen Petrov), Bungalow VP, Fika VP (a rounded and modular typeface by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Kavo Serif (a 5-style all caps didone by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Kavo Inline (with Plamen Petrov), Kavo Sans (with Plamen Petrov), Silver Queen (a ball terminal typeface; with Plamen Petrov), Anteric, Agelast (all caps, futuristic sans), Quilin (decorative and swashy; with Plamen Petrov), Akros (an art deco serif typeface), Metria Street (art deco), Blackpaper (a font that experiments with negative space), Mischief (brush), Slang, Daylight Dreams, Kavo (a 17-style family), Midnight Tales, the tall slab serif Carnival VP (with Plamen Petrov), and the weathered Greenth (with Plamen Petrov). Typefaces from 2021, all by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov: Aisling (a six-style ultra-compressed sans), Stolen Love (a 16-style fashion mag serif), Cruell (a high contrast ball terminal laden fashion headline typeface), Mother VP (a high-contrast fashion font with plenty of ball terminals), Magoa (a serif typeface with extreme contrast), Sorcha (a ball terminal display font by Vladimir Fedotov and Plamen Petrov), Stolen Love (a fashion mag font), Defect (grunge), Tacenda (grungy caps in SVG and OTF formats), Magoa serif (a ligature typeface), Sonder Serif (decorative, for fashion mags), Oldink (grungy), Arowen (grungy, SVG format), Cruell Serif (with ball terminals), Mother Serif (also a play on ball terminals), Derau (a bitmap SVG watercolor font), Akrasia (an SVG watercolor font), French VP (an all caps glamour font adorned with gigantic ball terminals; with Plamen Petrov), Perfectly Splendid (a ball terminals all caps typeface; with Plamen Petrov), Italian VP (a 21-style tall slab serif in which the bold weight is still thin by international standards), Huova (a decorative all caps serif), Kompot Slab, Kompot Display, Unique VP (a fashion mag titling font with many ligatures and swashes), Bronx (sans and inline), Monday Boulevard (an art deco typeface), Chalga VPoutline (a classy outline font), Mila VP (a disturbing sans & serif hybrid), Kompot Sans (an all caps titling sans), Avoqado (a 6-style all caps sans with features of DIN), Kuchek (a ligature-rich decorative serif). Typefaces from 2022: Forbidden Love (a condensed fashion mag serif), Vintage Mintage (a display serif), Lonely Moon VP (a delicate yet eerie typeface), Malinger VP (an elegnat display serif), Sign That (a wild script), Redmark. Enchanted Love (a 7-style display sans). Creative Market link. Graphicriver link. Personal web site. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
During her graduate studies at The University of Illinois at urbana-Champaign, Wenjun Wu created the prismatic typeface Meandering Stream (2014). Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Fontstructor who made the prismatic typeface Stella (2012), which was inspired by Frank Stella's work. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Xavier Meurice
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Yael Gauffier
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Bursa, Istanbul, Turkey-based designer of the geometric sans typeface family Manifest (2017), the free multiline typeface family Privus (2017), the free art deco (Peignotian) typeface Partem (2017) and the free all caps display sans typeface Monad (2017). Typefaces from 2018: Origin (a free hipster font). Typefaces from 2020: Federasyon (an uncomplicated sans). Behance link. Creative Market link. Graphicriver link. [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ | |
Yes Please
| Lee Schulz (Yes Please, Portland, OR) created these typefaces in 2012: Standard Shaded Sans (+Fill), Standard Shaded Slab (an octagonal set that could be used for athletic lettering), International (multiline, prismatic). In 2013, he added the baseball script typeface Delicious Pro. Workaday (2014) is Schulz's take on the classical American sans style. He writes: Inspired by the wildly varied history of early to mid 20th century American signage, aircraft markings and industrial shipping vernaculars, Workaday exudes a timeless, classic flavor packed with a personality perfect for graphic headlines, packaging, copy setting and much more! [Google] [MyFonts] [More] ⦿ |
Digital artist in Seoul, who created the multilined geometric prismatic art deco Latin typeface Facetype (2012). [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
German designer (b. 1983, Ulm) of the zebra-inspired rotor blade typeface Rotor (2009, Avoid Red Arrows). Klingspor link. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Polish codesigner with Lukasz Kulakowski of the free prismatic multiline typeface Orbits (2012). Typefaces from 2013 include Rhubarb Display Font (a condensed art deco sans caps family for Latin and Cyrillic done with Lukasz Kulakowski). Free download. [Google] [More] ⦿ | |
Zhangzhou, China-based designer of a prismatic Latin typeface in 2014. Behance link. [Google] [More] ⦿ |